The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-05-14, Page 6•
•"The Soria)! Town" • Established 1873 ,
On the Huxon.Bruce 13on.ndary: Publ!she!! Wednesday •
ElOsineSs and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2$22
Maing Mdre-scP.V.-134401rtirekTfdyv;,ls,;10G2HO
Second class mail registration number :0847
• CNAmtmetP SHARON J. OIETi • Editor
ANTHONY N. JOHNSTONE • Advertising• and
General Manager
PAT LIVINGSTON - Office Manager
MERLE ELLIOTT - Typesetter
MARY McMLIRRAY - Ad Composition
Subscription rate, $12 per yetti In advance
• Senior Citizens rate, $10 per xear in advance
1LS,A, and Foreign, S21.50 per year in 'advance
Sr: CIL U.S A. atidForeign, $19.50 ner year in -advance
The Lucknow School Concert , Band . be . excused, Their popular .sengs were
presented their 1980 band concert at the enjoyed and they are evidence of their
Community Centre before a full honse• director's ability as instructor; Already
Was a fine performance which has • they show signs of quality musical
became the, tradition of this hand, ;and' training which leads to excellent
their musicianship is outstanding, fans,
Perhapi no better judge of .the hand's The senior band. will he ping on tour to
performance -iSL-the eritiealLappraisal-ottawn anti' we wis1L the rit success., No_
their own band ,leader, Gordon CaYieY, doubt they Will represent Lucknow and, do
whO pointed out during the concert -that
he had included three classical pieees in
the evening's repertoire and two of them,
Ainparito Roca and The Bandmaster, had
never been played by the band in public
before. Mr. Cayley has directed the band,
for more than 10 years and this is, the first—,
time be felt, the band could perform these
two . Selections well enough to include .
them in their concert. Mr. Cayley's
standards are higher than most and his
excellent musicianship and training
shoWs in his band members. Each band
meniber hecOmes a musician in his. own
right for having had experience in- the
band. taken the time and effort he has, through
The Lucicnow Public School s band also the years, to. spend with the band. Our
• performed and`white they are beginning young people benefit from the excellent
band meMbers, some have just learned to musical training they receive from. his
play their instruments since September, direction and the experience of belonging
noallowances had to be made, There to such a fine organization as the band.
were no sour notes or off-key sections to Thank you, Mr: Cayley.
us pro
Mr. Cayley Mentioned. during Friday
evening's concert he wished Lucknow
was closer to his 'home town so he could
go home more often for visits without the
long drive. But he observed, if he were
living in a town closer to his hometown,
he would want to take -all the young
people from Lucknow who have been in
the band through the years, so he would
still have had the experience of knowing
-them. Lucknow has some fine young
people and we should be proud of them.
Lucknow is also fortunate, that Mr.
Cayley chose to come to our town and has
eaders can contribute
Clayton Alton has. created a quiet sanctuary for his ducks and geese along the river which
runs through his property on the-ninth concession_of Ashfield Township. A Canada goose
and Mallard duck are nesting near the river and a gull duck has built a nest in the arms of a
tree growitig on the river's edge. The Canada goose is shown In the upper left picture. The
bottom 'picture short the nest of the gull duck lined with down holding Its five •iiggs.
[Sentinel Staff Photo]
The Editor,
Lucknow Sentinel,
Dear Madam,
The "Continued Relationship" refer-
red to in your recent billing is one in
-- which-4- have -much -reservation in.
accepting. I have been very disappointed
in, the news value of the Sentinel to
___presentLucknow_subscribers or to those
former residents who look forward to
regular news of "home". Those whom I
meet from tithe to time always• seem to
have the same opinion as I. ,
You do well at advertising - all
twenty-six of twenty-eight, pages of it, for
which the owner is 'worthy of, the prize
received. But the reader's problem is that
you break up any news into little bits and
pieces and bury them among the ads to
make the search more difficult.
One of the many papers I receive here
is an eighty-page "This Week" which,
like yours, is a prize winner. It has about
the same percentage as the •Sentinel of
news and advertising.- but it is delivered
to the door free. •
However hope springs eternal and
sometimes brings results. This week's
edition had two pictures of persons I have
been associated with, each of whom is
deserving of greater space than a line or
two under a -picture A biographical
sketch on Charlie Webster, who has done
much, through the years, for the village
of Lucknow;' or one on Gordie Irwin, who
was one of the best hard-ball pitchers in
the 'county of Bruce over 'a period of
twenty years. It was privilege for me to
be associated with each.
Albeit I am enclosing $10.00 for
another year of hoping.
There are few things in this ddy and
age whiCh will be delivered to your door
for 23 cents a week, which is what it costs
a subsCriber for the Sentinel at a sub
scription rate of $12 a year. We offer the
Sentinel to our senior citizen Stibstribers
at a reduced rate of $10 a year so their
Sentinel costs them 19 cents each week.
Subscribers receive their. Sentinel each
week for less than it costs for, a cup. of
Advertising is necessary to cover
publishing costs or our subscription rates
would be much higher, Should. a subscri-
bee pay the. cost of his own paper each
week it would be a gOod deal more 'than
23 cents a week.
.As a weekly community newspaper,
_the. Sentinellias_ano_bligatioato_proK__KCA_
service to its advertising public as well as
its readers. -Advertising not only covers
publishing costs but provides a service to
the community's business
We have tried in vain to hire a Lucknow
reporter. We contacted all of the local
women's groups such as chtirch groups
and institutes, suggesting they divide the
village among them and phone people, to
gather news for a:Lucknow column. We
suggested it could be dene as a volunteer
service and the money paid by the
Sentinel could be put towards the group's
service projects: This method worked
successfully for the Kingsbridge column
fora time and is still being done by the
Purple Grove correspondents.
We were unsuccessful in finding any
group which would take on the job and
indeed many did not even reply to our
The job of phoning everyone in the
village to gather news for a Lucknow
column, is too time consuming for our
editor who also Works as reporter and
photographer It is therefore the respon-
sbility of the people of Lucknow who wish
to see an active interesting. Luclmow
column to contribute their news.
Our readers complain there is no
Lucknow news in the paper and they
regret the space given 'to other columns.
May we suggest that since very few
people phone or contribute news -items,
perhaps very few people want to see such
a column in our paper. Perhaps we are
only hearing from the few who want such
a column and we do not hear from the
vast majority who do not want such 'a
There is space each week on the back
page for news items from the people of
Lucknow to appear under the title,. This
Week in Lticknowl We are prepared to
give as much or as little, space to this
column as we have news to print in 'it.
Because of the reasons already mention-
Turn to page 74
The following letter to the editor was
received at the Sentinel this week and
outlines various comments- and com-
plaints heard time and again from our
readers and subscribers.
17 Concession St. W.1
• Dowmanville, Ont.
Yours very truly,
Andrew M. Thompson.
P.S. - I still think you could afford a
reporter for the village. I. dislike seeing
Kingsbridge and Ripley with greater
Mr. Thompson has made several points
which we would like to answer.