The Signal, 1929-7-25, Page 6l Watch your growing children 1 WATCH the health of your growing children.' Sae that they have the health and e n e r g y necessary for their "school work and play. Por growing children-par- ticularly hildren--parocularly girle-4 rich apply of red blood is essential. Languor, nervousness, de- pression, fickle appedta or pallor indicate anaemia. Dr. Willlami Pink Pills enrich the blood, prevent anaemia and build health, bone and Pawnee Thousanda of mothers haus proved tela "My twelve -year-old gird," wriest Mrs. Robert Devitt of Brougham. Ontario, "became 1D pale, w ill and nervous that we had to take her out of school. I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for her and sae gained in weight and strength. She is now the pic- ture of hrahh." Buy a box of Dr. Willlaroa Pink Pitts at all druggists and dealers .n medicine or, pow pa.d, I.4 mail at 30 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., ljBrockville, Ontario. s 2l it'. EL% Oir*�filliams PINK PILLS 1 • •,O1aeMOLD E •• acar s OUNrre • 1 Sunday Afternoon By ISABELHA111LT(•�, Uoderich, Ont. . strengthen we. 11181 w1111. 1 eland nt tau the- rock. :41"1 wrong in Thee. 1 nuts 1.l retch out s 1.o lug had To wren -tiers with the troubled sen. .4 toach me, Lord. 11184 1 may teach The precious things Th.... jwrt ; 5' .: wing my word.. that they: Imo r.At b The hidden 1h'pths, of many Al heart. F. it. 1144 err 1. MASER t.4 mato he. 4, ).Ar,L 44i*, t• 111- ,14.:-;I,g *We of 'ITiy 111.0e-4) 11717 ride- 11x'4,7, :hat we wnl-' w:III, 1 f"re T c I do Thy 5 ret. • .4. 1.1;•. . t /R, .%l (e'lth. 1919. Lr• -on, telae•-Rrf.liazzar's Fra.t. Lcssxu I'as44llgr-I1anirl 3:1i I.uldt•n Text--Epltewians S:IS. '1't..• 1.:r1•rative told . lel thea chapter 1. o- t• tete last nlgtlt of Rrl,.htrz- rAl :1,c 4.8114•*' at 11n1.y1.). The o• snot. t1• • •.riling to tradition, ea- Si ii4 dead. f4. -tical. It Indy pace ).',n ''.r s:.: -.try cat some glorious .,.n• Na. under the protection of Its gats, By 1111. 11uie 1he 'darkness Of night had •'4't iti. and the-uruptnotas caudle - Mirk• had leen Ile to 11hlWllle the- elrtrplu. banqueting ball. It way while they were drinking out of the sacred ,...L+ and slltgeng w+tags 1.1 prolge to Ilse g,.Is of I1)abybnl, "the go.le of gold .:41 of silver. 1f bras., „f iron, of ‘,.osis and of stone." !hitt there ;acme forth fhe finger,. of ., tnan'• hala& and wrote user aguiust the eaudkvrtlek neon tlw'• plaster of the wall of the kiutta !plias." The .+trauge Might .truck the hllarlous klieg with t nest abject terror. The supernatural otntu awoke his .aluwberiug 1t,nstien,t• and filled hllu with gla•my fnrel'nl- jug, of d'sa-ter. In his terror and perplexity rplexit• tete king cried aloud to bring fu t1)e enehan- Jerx, tar 1'haldr.ue., and the sts.th.ay- ers. 'On their appesaring Belshazzar 1 saki to Iheln: "1,11ase.e4rr shall reel tld. writing. and phew ttw• the inter-' ) retatlun thereof. -hall be deified with purple. enol area chain of gold ;debut his ua•, k, ami shall lie the third its the kingdom." But the waw I11en "cosh! 11.41 read the writing for make kn, to the kilt{ the interpret tion." Now." w.. real ha the truth v4. "the quer'u I. reu.ou of the words the king tuhl hi. lord,. ,i:u ' into )8184,84 tllollwe..' .1u41 1.0 entering. royal mother 4e11.+• addressed her w "11 kine. Ilse for .e'er: let not 41yypp•'ht, tr4.ut.e- tlww. nor 141 •' IItfenaace ,.r r•tfangevl." .liter t courtly saiutatiuu at!! told Iron tit was a Hutu In Jiir.•ittigthim who w Ade to explain the mysterious writ 011 the wall. She urge, that•1. ah •he now mention•..I at nam.. should sent for At .duw the king fullouel 1 •1.•n rear. of ti* the .rt thy thy. Itis I ,re a- lu_ •.114 1,• ter ��,�.�++ i1 were 111x01441 8 thou-8n.l ' •4118- • .g men in the army 41114 e. The number W in keeping au m tgnitic,'une and the y`tent king* 1t u..•, 41 44:4+ tasting the 11 i7e'. nor) by 1t. that In li I profa1/14. he :rase or- e• him the got.lW: 811.1 + • +•e�. which Neltox•aa•1)a•u. r 1 the temple cat darn -:1 - tired lip In the house it Ties• profane • aa• rel ttrw•is of the da drinking cups would 1. only a .11pr,'It.e con- " •4..c:;-• : r :it Ad cat 1-n,•l. hat a -ea - 1.i .r .h:,tr the city. though k tl.sle4 and 1'ers:at:k„ 1 :1* , alt,. pent for 14aPir1. 1411 tae pn.pdiet Ir'lrtk Veneta ls•f. cin. 4'h ;de s:ald:".trt tlyni lest 1►a ho ant:+•.. ''4 genet... .*kirt of printed' GODERICH, ONT. Fancies I8ALAD8 AND 8Ul[> R DESSERTS i The 11 rap • Around ,and - Tie dirt fhe w•repyn•uud-atal-tiv sports •re- skirt. a• shown here. ha- found r n• +pug 14.4:4. In the heart of ter athb•ri.• �l►erta fel. tc)II, art of the children cat t x144111' 1 .1udah. whom the king I ..Ther brought out of Judah? a )at Ii•:.r.1 of naw. that the .).tilt. of 1 'd, j..44 the'. and that light and 11 .•r-1:414.1,:_ and 4.U:di•nt wlwlo11 01111.1 i4. 4l's " The dg then mo lite rix -•nmr offer t rwwsrd a. ad made i.. the wj-s• Wren. In hi. It 1 *, 1,•4 legan by .!e•Ilnirl_ the p4 - r .d try •ilk 4re)e provides Joyous freedom t-.. tot active play. }:xertjng its wiles to he lwrvme a summer favorlie. the skirt 44- ptew114e1 1Uaelf 1• a novel garment t.. slip atlroltly oyer ••144th swiruming suit. Tenni.* and Mgt ,ntlnnIn.ts have tie he domed It arakagy. es. ' The ski4i. is 1-ir••nhar. and titte"l to the Idle on s mk.•. tyllltt at one .1de t((i-)iiiiR Let me give you the Delco -Light facts , , j t 4) W TROP in next time you're in town and I'll ll demonstrate Delco -Light for you., You'll be highly interested in learning the real facts about Delco -Light. You'll probably get a surprise when 'on hear the money and work it saves, how little it costa, and how easy General ]t�,rsiz rt•'e'mg t'Re psiyment terms. BEI,('O-LIGHT S.tLES t SF,R% 1( 1: (amphell 8 . Hutton Box No. 1. Htnhoka,' (Int, W. (.. (044K. (DUEiu( H• IIESSIIEX the �Chq//en9er has the right jo dare r Challenging Variety at our Co1orShow' -• •i gift.. Ile said: -Let thy gifts 1 • thy pelt. and give thy reward- 1.. a thee-: uecerth,•le.• 1 11111 road r wririnc muni the king. .and ata n.•w11 4.. Milt the 4nterj.r('tsltiou S+11:x1)! stare 1.1 tnjnd 111 dee/111111g. h :era was akin to that of Efl4ha woo• h.. retro -rd the gift. ,.f N1111 81811 f.. Im11ijteg lam '.4 hi- leprosy 1;;; kin 5:1,; . Ile would !red the n:iudl•,f t1) king away from hfulwlf to i;'-1, a+ t1) v 100 to whop, Its would le-• 1n.1.4.te,1 14. i the 'interpretation. Before. however. h Icer.•- tlw promise,! etplana fl.•n ••f 1tB taryaetinns :riting. he faithfully re prove. ttct.4.:vzear f.•r 1114-hattwfu mieimprLrrwrut of the -i.nal Jndg- • meat which had befallen Nel.ta•hadtles i zee- f.. 1)k pride. Ile- further reproves him for addling r1. 'this rafngl..rb,n• pride prufa44!ty in n -Ing the -acrel re..el. et the NI..st Diehl ibel t.. give o senee les Idols the glory which was gine to Him alone. This daring p•rofan• . Its had lel t . tie snperlatural writ- ing on the 'wadi which be then read au.) interpr.tr,l ren.: "(lot! hath num- t•Pjrd shy kfl.gdom and Snlahel it. Thou art weighed in lbs balsaspp, sad Melded. s to a•aexaserr•en the Meths anti Per+dans." Bel -hamar. in•tewd of rearm ine the refia,a1 of hi• gifts. the reproof of h1+ pride and profanity and the l.rnnolin- cemenl of hl. Impend/fig dni.m• 114rrfe,l out els prowl-.. to irnuiel to ter very letter. Then we ren.!: "1n that night was Ik'lehazza( the king of the 4'hnl- detans, aaln." This wins the end of the r, with a floppy best mi"I, from the belt end•. Tela s�4),'l 41.14 i 44)44'', 811.1 1144141 II ' • t•F'l't' 1* .ri,nph• )rr.ra1.14 wha•u w -Ora k„ over * light bin.; 1414.41, woven tent!!- it • with for the take .▪ .f .taring; money for r the nt1++1ol. But there was aornethhne tn. seri 114114+41441 in the pregert4e. Du the e olgr..ite Word neat. of an oh? Chinese ,• woman who did not know Pastor r (:nub!'- honorabb• wife. She mast r -ctrl,- harp 1•,'en.:t new arrival from • ,'h)11a, or nom quite a different part of t the ...ranter. flow • - ! have called the attention of the ear o 444) on herself by ars .v •lamatiun of pair- a • prise when -he heard 44 white w•ntn:tn. i talkl4g ('hlne•e•" She 1144- g18d r.. learn thing.. how- d ever. *nil had a fine lion r'4 aysryv,•r.-a tion. Front the other 1.c 144wnts of rhe $4olt. ...he fount) mat that tla- Chl►ww 4w.v :caul girl were not llrs. Gambrel Roll nnd'dangbter. AI•r.. •h. trao told that there past}edar foreigner- ..mull speak ('1)Inea► far better than valet the Jap- anese could. ,Tram %fr Gault.] her,.e)f. tend to -a ',lase surrounded b the abe Testred t ',he.apfntb three longi wild baautr of the northern woods, yet • w. �w.s..et Mwtng the e.n.enArnt rwrmrina rrwar to chit -rise tarda and girl,: 81141, more- 'comfortable ,ornmmr"la1Ion of Ute r itv over. that 1hK who not dont- for money. I bone. I hot -imply 1'..- the love (7 (Inlet. Ni)dgon Bungalow (,amp. situated ..r. ".111:" Mi.; the woman : "then you 11he eget shore of 'Lance [fele!) 1n t i. are one of :la,i foreign people who I Nipigon River district. Is easily rra..h are clever cat tnnklbg money:" ' ed by Canadian Pacific Railway ..r Great w•jw the scorn of the old man Great bakes, eraeatnere. :.••tons the way as he haally removed; 'French hirer Bungalow Camp. !ocat- hf. tunny long pipe and replied: ed on the beautiful French Inver a "No. of course she 1g not. 4411. 4.1.. Isere 4..40 Mlle. from 'Portant.... it alae t it)• Itchy Dania) ) American huusaa'wlvtw are becoming more and more enthuse! over French 1,•.king, 81111 diebei once r,tisyed uuly at hole* 0e- ehtb8 ht which statue fans• 1.114. I'ar sten chef reigned supreme are auw Mp)s'aring un the t.bl of oar tl y flat )rosely=lr/preciatlng .'.meri- r���i women. 194. French housewife Ix thrifty ; she •rldum 1Wrs Out-uf-•,•aWa1 44.11'11414.: ' "he- makes use cat left -over.; and she ha. learned the secret of Savor. She • has learned that sealants alwuld be err - veil when tlw Ingredient• are fresh and crisp; that cold. tit-telial desserts St Into sutuwwrtlnte as snugly as a }'teuelt habit Sts a Varietal/ model: and that a Hale Putter In the dressing oddsd to the vegetable ingredient.' "f 11 1.811141 111)114' cooking accentuate.. the fiavim*. 'try tine, or a1l of threw :French , dn.he-. You will rind them among the moa ls.pulitr dish,w nn your table Inlet sutanner: Elwes Tomato Salad Peel and cart into fairly swell )dww.+ two cups of ripe tuwatone Add tw,, 4L.1--.44+. t110 lai.perr.ru•. 1 w 1aal,le- s.u. stager, our teaxjsw.n 0811, one - qua rter teaspoon celery.sa)t, one slic- ed onion, 14 few groin, of )tod'd'y. HMI 1 tN.. e861.y jw.ou• vinegar. Boll for tete minutes, theta Prese through a sieve. rre•ye t.. a nu,h. Rent a half cup of 4rewm until stiff and odd to ter push. Then 'olullrle fre.ahig, seise• int er1+p, thoroughly drfe) let 11141' 1e,tce• with 1.:t } 1.111111 !.*..I ressl ng. Vrsetable Salad Melange (*oak .one cup of shredded string been+ until tender In idling. .4.Ilted water. with nne-ha If teas■.114 of-ng41r. ' Du the same 11111 our rep of shelled pear. Mix the !sat- and hears with one cup t•f shredder) einmin)s•r end one- half cup, of thinly '11,,rt rutl-M•-. .1dd french drerejng' and let stand a' l►o11 hour Meanwhile. hardes.H .1x eggs. 11:714e them. ail vitt .elf the 'mils w• Heat they will stand upright .trn,nr. the harvest of the egg. ,"..4.11nd (l:• - Arrauge veins !elitist. !eaten ares: each egg half, and place +..4,w of t1., 4eget8ble mixture on the le.ne. Scn. .try c.d.) with mayounat,e. s Ei'eneh (`arame) ('a.tard Four egg+, six tebl.rgsstum sugar one ••41) milk mud a little water, make thi. ,.ill. tastedul Atwater dessert Sep- arate the egg-whites and yolk.. and beat the white. moil Owl are Arm. Add four 4.44.)e.;.4.I.4 of -agar to tate yolks. (romaine the while. and yolks and add the milk, stirring the *Mature sheivly. Make a caramel. usitng two ta).eap.unas sugar and ole -hal( 1144 eater. Pour thus into a tin aro) d and heti add the costar,). I'lace the mold n a pan of 'refer' thud fake in a 1)0 4 vela for twenty -Ave minute.. -04 until knife blade Mill come out rlenn N'Iwn the ,•n+card 1• cold. turn it 1111 •4e- a platter and serve it with or with - '411 a Mot Y. el.e won .1 a 1.onwn ) Come see the beauty and variety which Eaae7t'� offers at no extra cost. In ev( ry chher to proof Essex has proved its right dare. t challenges the performance, the style, the luxuld' ous comfort of any car at-itny price, NW -other' gives you back so much for every dollar you put in. A Big, adult -size "Six." Fine to Zook at. Roomy andcomfortable. ASUPER- SiX motor -challenging up to 70 miles an hour. 144draultc shock absorbent, 4 -wheel brakes, radiator shutters and air cleaner are standard A ND UP Arid up yourself ?hr 11N) in "extras" AHS' oetre,- h. Windsor, that Essex provi(1r.. 114 to. extra cost. tater *arra. Your present • sr w i11 probably cover the entire first psynsent. 775* • if At ( Purchase Plan offer., the barest terms available on rho balance. A Wlde Choice of Calor AT NO EXTRA ('OST R8 0 BAKER & DJJRNIN Goderich inn Garage - - Telephone 166 Rahylnnian empire. . condensed from Denied the Pro- phet. ;ay Kirk!. WORN) MISSIONS In a Third ('lain (roach of a Slow Tf<sin By Lien' Popular opinion 1• by no swan. a relhoble gtrk)e as to the good ors• is d, jug. or as r" the eni,'1,•n,-; of one's miss -ion. Minch Its- let 11 4'o Is suppw''d rhe! the tuiswinnarle- depend upon •hat very thck. mellum for rommen- ..tien of tlwfr labors. lent 1e-.. et.mpll- meat*, of whh•h the following f. an sample. lire very gratefully ret'ivel: 1111r e44'nior beds 011.ri"nary. Mr.. ::1nll. 1.a• rr?nriiing 111 11es *low train , from Tamslrl Tern' 4*a. nothing tin- u-tt44) in that. 11..1' An tht..fact that she wap In the thir.l,•lar. e4rrfa4,•. }•„r Ira -telling lb that way le ono of the herd-hi).s w 1)!••b .he has long pat up St/ME (:(Oi) ADVICE I('E Take a 4ecation that will benefit all the family alike a lase, where there are no annollns little chorea; or the evi'rha.eiug housekeeping routine 10114• !!eves in helping people to t4• better." •+•rued ht• the Canadian Pacific -Wenn' Tilh.g. From Afar. in these enmps one enjoys the Priv- ary of a cozy bungalow, comfortably "I souk! lin. 411 hour an ory hestra a1., furnished and ,•le•trieally 111uminnted. big thaC 1 wouldn't want any more In 111411 188141 .•ervtce to take care of de- big flit, I ouldn't t 'Boxy") tail.. Charge. which are very re8twrn- aerie are "American plan," and ale le 4 • Te$eiter's Ignorant" .laws° 1::. waked by the teecher nn the wide. wereeneil. 4.sl ventilate. 1" rive the first letter of the name of Mail eft 111)8/ her. every fat'llity for a Clower, and .he would (vmplete 1t. ouuhw.r tedrentlon, e,wb es tealnie, sane lalpfl -..141 "R." aewimmine. hosting. and biking. nigh - The teacher g4essel "R1. -e" eurrect- ing, for which thele camper are famoue. ly i.. perhaps the moat papular patti�me. Several others followed, 111th the French Riser also (boasts nn excellent -atm' twilit. welt on,• girl sold "O." nine -hole golf eo,trae, The teacher messed. but all In vain.' For further Information enquire Atter trying several names she gave- from an). Canadian Peeitk agent. lie It up. and asked the author of the pxw• will he glad to help you. 4'r what flower .be had In mind. Ver; proudly the ingenious -.choler "A man ran do better work under rose to her feet and glanced w•at,Ing• i the spur of encouragement than under 1y at the ignortat teacher. the lash of criticism.- v'harle. '4 "1 means 10/1 It!' ah. trial. j ficbtrsb are +erred in the big dining -room of the elute hoose. or In hot weather out • • 7 o'clock is A Convenient Hour Users of "long distance" find 7 o'clock in the evening a moat convenient hour to,teleph ie. Reduced evening rates begin now at 7 -- local time. • They mean a reduction of about 25 pet cent from day rates. At 8.30 p.m. night rates begin with about 50 peOcent off day rates. (The minimum reduced evening rate is $5c; and the minimum reduced night rate 25 cents). These reductions apply on Station -to - Station calls - where you say to the • operator, "Anyone at that number will do." -w TETE: BELL, TELEPHONE COMPANY O:' CANADA k The School of Commerce CLINTON - ONTARIO offers you, a Practical Business Training that has made it possible for OUT scores of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high standard of efficiency. -There ira position waiting for you -- --COURSES- Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teacher's Course and Special Courses arranged YOU CANNOT ATTEND A BETi-ER SCHOOL WHY NOT ATTEND THIS SCHOOL ' OkENS SEPT. 3rd, 1929 Write today for information. Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B. A., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal f4' • Nott the wide lap on the close-up. Rib - Roll is widely but unaumras_ fully imitated, GALWAN, IlZiE 1 is ut Po rscTs AGAINST L ICIIITIV INIG awl FIRS C91d y fires caused by flying embers and light - Rib -Roll banishin wooden roofs in favor of metal. Rib•Roll Roofing has a dozen feature. found in no other roofing. Properly grounded according to the fire marshal's instructions it defies light Wig: it stands, up against every weather,and climatic condition. Handsome, easy to lay on new roofs or over old ones. Secure for it lifetime. Sheets fit weathertight; there are seven ribs to nail iflto, lving greater .ecurity than 111 any other roofing. Ideal for Barna, Sheds, Summer Cottages. I'I.ANE ESTA1114R11144 tr,'!(I)('RAN('E 11,0,014,I) W1711 214 1101 RW StR AINEJ) FLIGHT I'Ik lIsejh Ahnc' is the "Angel,nn" )Ping refn.ip) ,.,r 4'olrer City, ('sl., when R. f). Reinhart and 1.. W.11(m) A dP11 bllAroke the IImo,, a recent ji.rir rrfnelllng endnrsrr.orl nimiest 4'r, rd by 'staying sift for 2443 s emirs. )t t,k ern A htgtrier Ayto ea(ehthe new 4'i, • • Put it or with PRB91111N IF1t-HIM NAILS The only nada to nee with metel rooans.41,, lead on the bead t.er- f-rtly seeds the nail bole Waterproof: .t4,.instea el umay waahens. No mores -threading". Their ease and *peed of handling make thea worth many times th.i, roar. 224 per Ib. 1'RF.F• ample gladly went OP rpue*t. PRESTON Ventilatidll Prevents Spontaneous Combustion To our knowledge not a single Preston Ventilated Barn has ever been burned because of spontaneous combustion. Warm, moist air in an improperly ventilated barn produces condi- tions conducive to spontaneous ignition. Preston Ventilators for the roof, adjustable side-wall windows end spacious dairin protect otanthe barn circulation.mfire They dare ers built to keeppthe the elements out, Write for full particulars. PRESTON STEEL -TRUSS BARNS A /K .. barn hunt with rugged Steel Trusses. *very angle of the structure is hared against wind - pressure. Th. framework is romport, .i .ng away with n.mheraome emits beams. Welt ventilated and wren lighted ,the easiestbarn to wart in. Wo caw your the hers. Over 1000 Ontario farmers have etxdi..l all makoa and chosen the Preston Afoot 'hues narn. Their satiefaetion is row annag st et the beta about Una beta riot hock AA�ttS a " our Mg Ower Ia`aree - Het sr ins seam% eishere. Barn Door Tracks and Hanger Prwetnn hot-galyenired four, wheel Hangers and Aird proof Vern Door Track are the hest hardware made for heavy been door*. The Hanger le adjustable up and down. and M and out. This make, erection an •may that hundnMe of builders will nee no other type. Eastern ted Pxuductc 10 Guelph Street PRESTON, ONTARIO Tewaeea ,ler 1► • - .•e , • a- 1. w