The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-30, Page 23•OkrAei.
1200 Head
Henson livestock Sales Ltd.
Saturday, May 10,1980
at 1:00 p.m.
Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and naives
Victor Hargreaves [519] 4824511 Clinton
Barry Miller [519] 23512717 greter or
229.6205 Kirkton
Doug Carruthers 237.3734 bashwooti
Greg Ilargreaves 262`2831 fletnnill
Auctioneer: Larry 'Gardiner Ontario
LOcknow Sentine4 Wednesday, 30, 1980-41fte 23
e dirnination
The top prize of $400 in. the
Lucknow District Kinsmen
eliminatiOn draw on.Saturday
went to Gerald Murray of
This~:Week in.
the $100 prize winner rvas
Karen Wolfe.of Windsor,
;The six. $50 winners were
Bob_ MacGillivray of St.
and he .came Up -lucky win-
ning the $2.00 cash prize.
Jinn Thornicroftrequested
that $25 of, his prize, go
towards the fight against
cyaicKbTosis. Barry John,
ston, Ross McDonagh and
Gerald Murray turned back
$25 ;each to . the Lucknow
The Lucknovv District Kin-
smen ,wish—
who supported this fund
,raising project.'
Linden:, ... Point 'Clark; Jeff Austin, ting on Saturday, April 19, , The groom's 4est man was
Clark won the' 200 prize and Kinloss; . Ross - McDonagh, Marjorie Anne'Cainpbell and : Fairweather of Salem. IJsft- Ottawa and Claude Leinire of , Richard John McQuillin. The , ering 'the guests were Ross
Point Clark. bride is the youngest daughz. Campbell of :Guelph, brother
Mr, Lemire forfeited his • ter of .Mr:, and Mrs: Orval of the bride and Eric Tipelt of cash prize, to allow his ticket
. in be returned to the drum, drum,
Campbell, Elora and the London, friend of the groom.
CRANSTON - Mr. and Mrs. -g is the youngest son of .
Wayne Cranston of 1,nekilow ' '' ' . . • . Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Mc- . Upon return from a honey-
are happy to. announce .the,,,.....,: . . :. Quinn", SaleM. ___,,_mponin..AriZona; the young
arrival, of, Michael's • baby KINLOSiMitED LEAGUE • 010,7i„qerittain:v: at0 theiai d Shantz"Ceren i . C ° UpPuirein
: t 1 Ireersiedceepintiol: laltdtohne ^
sister, Xxisti'lLYnn, 7 lbs. 13 High •mari. was, Jim Lavis.
and Chian RObti',Hulse. ,flora• Community Centre, oz., on rAPril, 25, 1980,: in ' with: a single of 255 •and a
Wingliarn andDistrictOs- triple of 590. The 'bridec who' wore her
Ladies' high single went to great . grandmether's Wed- pita'. . .
Linda Stanley with 216 and ding dress,: was attended by
her friend, Robin Skidmore, PHILLIPS - Grant and kimi : , high triple, to Angie Parrish
R. R. 6 Goderichi are Pleased with $84. ' ' . ' : of London, 'as — maid of
Shannon's wee sister, Kelly ings: Snows 4, '25; Kings 5,
Team points ' and "stand:. honour; hononr; and ,her . sisters,
• to announce the arrival' of
Ann, weighing 7 lb. 10% oz., . 21; Macs 3,.20; Pippins 4, 15; '
on April 22, 1980 at Alex- Wealthys 2, 12 Spys 3, 12.
andra Marine and General Congratglations to the
Hospital,: -Goderich, Proud : Kingslfor winning the play,.
grandparents are Mr. and 'offs,
Mrs. Doug, Haidenby and
Mr. and ,Mrs. Tom. Phillips, MEN'S BOWLING
'all of Lucknow. High siiigle went:o Jim Bain
with 301. High triple went to' .
KOLENBRANDER-;Bill and Gerry Ross with a 762. ,.... .., ,,
Peggy Kolenbrarider of Ter- Games over 225: Jim Bain
onto are happy to, announce 361' Gerry Rdss 300' 240,
the arrival of their daughter, Bob Greer 293, Clarence ..
Emily may. Louise, weighing Greer 262, Ron Olson 258,
7-lbs. 0',-Oz., on April 22, 1980 Ron Stanley 250, 236, Ken
at North York General Hos- Miami 243, Ron Elliott 236,
pita. A granddaughter for Orville 'Elliott 230. _
Mrs. Bob'. MacDonald; Luck- Team standings: Oldsrho-
now. biles 141/4, 41%; Fords 10,
43; .:Mustangs 81/4, 401/2 ;
Attend Dodges 9, 42; Pontiaei 12,
441/4 ; Buicks .9, 401/4 .
Grand Lode.
Kinloss and Dave Evans of Helens- Jim Thornicroft, • Church, Elora, was the set
St. „John's Anglican Eileen of Toronto and Carol.
of Kitchener.
Claude Lemke of Point Dungannon; Barry Johnston, 1980, for the wedding of his brother-in-law, Ralph
the groom's grandparents;
Mr. and Mrs. .Herb McQuil-
lin, formerly of LUCkilOW,
were presented with a cake
,in honour 'of their 60th
wedding anniversary.
Brother§ James A. Camp' High for the ladies was
bell, Deputy County Master taken by Anna Johnstone
Keith Kerslake,. and Arthur with a . single of 207 and
McCormick of West Bruce double of 400.
County L.0 L;,'-attended. the' Jim McNaughton bowled
121st annual session of the high for the men with a
Grand Orange. Lodge of .single of 205 and double of
.Ontario West held in Parry 342.
Sound, April 24 - 26. Team standings for the
Ele6ted Grand Master was final game of the playoffs:
Right Worshipful Brother Orapges 20, Violets 18, Yel-
Rev. William Milligan of loWs 13, Blues 12; Reds 8,
Oakville, . Green 4.
Grand Lodge will be held winning team in o
in Guelph in 1981. was the Oranges.
waavesirmirmierwammoragmrimrs iwaralamitrisairrialv
Because some things could never be
,'replaceth. Documents, securities, cash,
JOWellerY and, other keepsakes,.
Savings with Safety
'00 Kirgtton St. 524-1381
Safety Deposit :Oozes for, nt
Open a new Savinge or Chequing
Account between April 21 and May 10
and get a Safety Deposit Box for the
rest of the year at 1/2 price.
, help raise
s standard of lo
Show than how much you care.. Hug them. Take
them to the park. Enjoy them. Take more time for them.
Have a nice talk and listen a lot. Call "them up..
If you ,start in May, you can reap tbe benefit all
year long. And so will your family.
May is, F Unity Month in Ontario.
Margaret Birch,
PrOvincial Secretary
for Socialtle-velopmerit -
William Davis, Premier