The Signal, 1929-7-25, Page 1by the Statio
that can
Taste is.t
I)AY JULY 25, 19'_'9
Aggressive Advertising
is the key to success in merchan-
dising. As a medium for reaching
the people of Goderich and district
THE SIGNAL is unsurpassed.
e Notes on Addresses Given
at Evening Meetings
During the Week
1*4 W'eek's Kten1 t oiler .ttu pleea of
St. Peter's l'hureb
The graud Kerte-+ belt at tbe
Went street rliik Welne,day and
Thursday of lest w14e1. by the lndieb of
ful`ecent. nulla n>,
"Kertnees," is a wool that tome. tri tt
1 ds of Europe. "I[uifyl7g
Gasoline Igttdfti . tR PE
itt. Peter's ehurrh ;a mart stur*"$-
I the 141111.1if $latae. The tire brigade -wA summtoned to
John«ton'' enrage( Kiupatou atreete en Mlre Do
Saturday night abort 9 o'eb.k, when it 1. Il as D
was thought a ear was in danger of Mr
being dectroye(i by ,ire. The tank of a a filo._
Ford ear was being:filled with gado- NI"a K
line when a n1An 'e) se by lighted a vaMisa as"
match and the rubies tis same ignited.Dr. ' W. Ir.
he Town
• the Netber an p
a'al`(or fair. erighially bell en a
religfuu' 9I*h, ver.:u'y. It cumblues the
Bummer School of 1929 closed Ideate of a carnival 94,•1 a bazaar, and
..laden on $u111Iay evening 1a"t• in the prevent ih"taa,e memo n jro«I
the congregations of both United time for "the crowsi as 1 a busy time
es met with the school to the for the ladies whn,uxjtttnlsed and pr- The brigade made, k quick run, but Create Circuit
reef church. 'rbroughout the reel it through. \ the Armes were . seIt
. butore th)s trek.
meetings ha.L conttanded with they arrived and'fbelr services were
The table. at Mibi••h e Irat nleealx •
Wrest. Tbe jegltttratlon were served were in eta of 'Mrs- tuft required. Miss Mar we8ka' bol
d the ieaderlfof the study P. (Graf. Mex. Standtrh and Mrs.. W. Toronto and
y night
:eiwit=nrl trine( spent 41140ng McLean, anointed by Mrs. Mc ' rthy, .fit Examiastfeos Messrs. IaV
u ` Mrs. Young. Mrs. John Chisholm. rs. Results of the recent Toronto Con- laud: of "vireo
eta • • an illustrated Barrow. Miss Madeline Jeffrey. servatory• of Mimic local examinations at theft home
141 ',Ireland and Abe Irian.' ("outdone*. *lirs, ileal• Mr" \I'rn have just arrived, and tbe a+
'let of sue- Mr . Mrs.
given by Rev. Es W. Young, of healer Mow O'Rourke. Mi"• W1141. 4,44111 candidates entered by Mr. of hrtn,lt. are
• who with picture and legend Mrs. Brennan, Mrs. Jas.ChItholm, Mrs. 'hinging. ('nmpbell, organist and cbo r- Mr. and Mea
Flory traced the development of jaw. Jeffrey. Mr". Frank Jeffrey. Niro. master of North street } church.
Island from prehistoric days. FredoCraigle. Mrs. Plante. Moo Mc -
Friday evening the student^ un- lntorb. Mrs. J. O;acelle, Mr.. Ann
. of .Detroit,
Po1 rolls, was
.l.en4it+g her
T.. rotto.
41tending the
g at Detroit
Mr" lieslt
fullow$i l>
Rtlerta JuhnOtou, Jean Bob- Ijmal' aadok
eerier, Spiels Atkinson. Ralph ilea-
-vh;1ted friends in t
demon. Mete_ Shearsdown. Ituth Wor- • mooJean Ba
D. Q Brien, n' 1 sell, Fran- rhinklater. Marjorie Hen- int the paw w •
Graf. The Altar Society booth demon. Gertrude Wheeler. This. win-ber.eodsia• Mise
Wes in chnrge,of Mrs. Jas, Foley. Mrs. the largest examination entry in God- M'r,sand meg;
I \Ilea Doran. Mtn. Wm.. erieh and we are pleased to leans tbAt Miss Anne Good
- - 1' tfho tried-\tt'efe sneseRetnl. the w•d•kend with
1 d'net jl t try the ' { 1 f lore. Mrs. at. H. Marti
. • light to °there. The second part chow-' .lamps Young, Mlas Evelyn Dean and flsrber Nolen of Ottevca, are cls
oolrd the reepotye when from all conn Nike Eileen O'Brien: while Me -"r". D. The creamer Sault Sae: Marie of the mother. Mrs. 3•
etOes, and ail elation', there gime \I. O'Brien. F..l. Lynn. P. J. Farr, Algoma* Steamship Line* via to fort IRieet.
tl.11110 a4elthlt God. • 'ie oil, and flay 1..•rne Bowler sod W. Barrow looker on' Monday with u ' argn of 1. Mr. and Mrs. H.
soft g. the teacher sod the student the after the refreshment booth. the bag" of .agar front Wallace.mrg. for maim.. "pent a few•
iilppy end carefree and the sad and-conntrr torr" was In eb4rge of Mr*. ken' dl*trlbutinn. The onager Mises Mrs. Tho*, E. Gash,,
weir'. of all nation* and tribe cone W J. Young. Mew Anna M .ser. MIs. placed In the town freight shed*. Tble i to their borne.
*eekint the Light of the Wend. Helen Ilaechler, Miss Josephine ChM "teimer has been In Pert a number of ]tri John Hareta::.
After tate pageant a play, "The Color holm and Mrs. Herb Lampbreo • the
i111e," #sscim'ssrt.ted in a ver! unique '('sanely booth of Miss Anna McDonald.
fashion. A group of young tolls* udder Mise Helen Me('erthc. Nits" Mary Tott-
en Instruetor were supp)eed,• to 1* /n and Mises Helen Rae•hler; the 41101,
reading a i,laa•'preplara(ory to rriteirs. e)ty table of jel"o Marguerite Harney.
int it for presentation .and the and- Mit*. Iiteljt.,Haruey a191 Mfr. Renee
Isle*. "listening in" to the reeditsFox;Yhei.Yottag 'Adler.' Sodality booth
,beard the story of the drama. it wb1r of MtasF 1Cej Griffin, Miss Tena ,Tit'•
1 striking isr•"eotatton of the Way Ehnen, Melts Emily Griffin, M1a1 Mar-
in whleh. unintentionally, Christians tins Hammy end Nis* Mary.Hucey.
hinder the spread of finely religion by Dancing was a popular am+me'meM.
their Michrlstian attitude towards musts being fnrniehpd by-tbe DrWv4r
those of a different race or color. on h atra. end M4sars. Gpromette`. Ana -
()n Satasday nlgbt ,Mrs. Mona Wal- tin Joe.Jeffrey Artbar Jeffrey
ter Agnew, of'(leveland, gave a drama -
Mfr• tlou nt Inial Isabel Mc In- pia'•, bier• Mrs F Rr„,,Mrs
e IM,nan. rhhla. presented n 'g Ie
Mary page(nt in two tiara The
/T fepae*rotM the, Prs f
the i' fe.s•Iriug, tli=f t• a n mus. :Ba
♦s the zioype1 tltempej • then ' Doyle and Miss Jessie McDonald The al
rel a all1 ono' o I flnw'('r 1'('o11 *'4IN in r targe (.
tie leading et "The New Temple." the
story of the evolution of the soul nt a
Neri lad! Vas. Agnew charmed
qts kmee. nat. anti_ by her tltriflI.1
but el*e hostEeir
the Inn *Drat. era wits On straining
for effect ; the reader's keel apprecia-
ppreclation of her wort'. and her power of
exprtsrdng that appreciation In the
too,* of her volee trade her reading
lime" this Penson find her cargo on
Monday wee the largest she has MI-
1411•de(1 here to date.
The Construction, Company
1s making fairly good progre"+ on the
cnoseenetion jobs at the west Aide of
the harbor. The law mooring crib ROA
launcher' on Monday. and on the north
pier work the pouring of concrete 1e
under way.
, A, number of men re at work re-
pairing t to wharf iu front of
the (1 *tor plant.
(ln Tuesday Torre* launch -
and H Mero being in charge. ed a new Mow, wkleh will be put la
visit'itg, Ser friend,
ltaudlt•orl street,
Gouley. Rolfe st
Mr. and Ura
three children, of
risitIng the fe
Oovtrr. Bruce .
Miss Aileen
training at St. M
roatm. 1. *pendia*
of ber parents:.
Mooching, •
The Chaitauqua Program
I• iltir diriali" rte' t .,medy ' The Family L(patairs' • . .
Royal Bank's New Manager % 1 • - Martin Erwin Players
Mr. I. D. Eastman, late of Drayton, • •
hap been appointed Manager of the lo- • •
(;11 branch of the Royal 1I.11koonteMod-
hie Mr. 1. Woolk'ombe, w11baaerrettr• .
ed on pension. )jr. Eain
etaadk tooven
til. duties. here fhb'. week aid will concert
4bortly move his talully.•to'flolirlh.
s !w
(:owl Hss*eet PrsapM/
The liegilmlAg • dt harvest time in
i. spending this district finer the faretiers enjoying
the prospect of 41('d crop. 1n almost
h hrlends at nil lime Haying O. praetbvtlly over
vwn I'e,'t- and an ablmdent crop las been take,'
o• Werk-ru.t . off. Cutting of hill wheat has cowmen -
cell andIt (o:•Jo ok. like a splendid
'a• crop. (hits anti aerie) are 'outing along
,•(Gregor, wtlis,brain ell. There beeu sufficient rato
r t e home of keep pastures in rssd (s+udition, and
Kenzie- w'itit a COIItinuanee of favorable wee-
\ir. and Mrs. tier It 'wend.... to 1r• a 1414(.0444113 of
iodide, Mich.. plenty 1u 11,i. part of the country.
!tis, N Vali.
St, ^ [,,
r„Min visiting! Getting IRe*d3. for ('tmnittg
1 elle. 1 - ' At ull meet offs of t he Huron Can-
ning and F..,aI. n r". hound the
a.„.,'(and and +iMONDAY, JULY 29
dla•lrnft• xp.M! manager. Mr Irl making
tic= Iu town. 1',relo nation. for ria, lab."
•. AFTER.' (lON r
ark and Janet,, tlC11`on. The pa. k t is year s,• his '
)Ir.. Martin'o+principall corn. awl Mr Cher a'" kala Performance for the ('hild eu ..Herb Taylor, Famous Mows
I,,to ll, AVMt 4 be bel. n ,'le* to? of core' contracted • of Admission '25c .
I'twl it d. ginning along In 4'4,41 1- I EVENING) . .p
ley, of Weld, tion. Stone tomato'- al-,, will he n'
sith Mr. ard nwl. It will lie tabour r1. rut \ t Grea• t Rmuautie Drama-"Smiliu' Thrbugh"..)[artin *firth Playeef•
SPpfem1N•r before canning will nett , Admission $1.00 • .
Nbr.• returning i . .
r iYnamence. In the me title. the
w(tol* uek. yI la being pat in rentlinew for operas Or. ri 4•4. TUESDAY, 'j°jJF,$DAY, JIILY 30
x. Wm. ,Blrnte, I 4r A1"PF,RNn()\
Tnl, Mrs. T.iter Ae,Ideal en Blur Water H wJ0 Jackson Jubilee SWOTS
A car •driven 'by n. 'A. Tounn, •etej Popular ('Aneert ....., n
r;nci.ton rush Rtnttonl. .her Mia* aeeomlie,nled ,4J j, athre--''f anadi .tion' Capt. Stanley Nelson Dancey
.tlta., are John McCully, of the Sane city, state Admission 75'
Imes I to grief on Saturday nIgtil when 1f 1 1•
• the bridge Hiked two milts title We
of B'ayfleht all the itlue'•Water High -
and went into the deep ravine at
Italy for the tress that
re would likely
U.was the
Admission $1.00
Moscow Artiste
Lecture -''Education or l'atastrophe'' Mrs. D Pirie Beyea
• Admission 75e
Notable Mut.i'al Pr(nildetion-Scenes from the Life
Anatol Frikin and His Russiantc
Admission $1.00
Grand (' Ernest Toy and Lowell Patton
. 1• Admission 7'
Coneert Ernest Toy and Lowell Patton
beet ure-"Awnkeninff china • Dr. Tehyi Hsieh
Admiration 7:1.•
Cri►n(1 4 ofi Jackson Jubilee Singers
Admission 75c
jeAs Yiun Mtildren 25e to all program.
A fternoonailltOgraniseklonidience at 3.15 o'clock and evening pro•'
at 8.15. til • • • .
Tbe hoot' . for', t¢o.saie of reli- ollerat on shortly- the berate
orlon+ Reticles was 15 charge of Mise • Men. 11. I.
Sullivan (w'ho is here visiting het ' Lawn IlawYng Notes . Ma'. and
sisters k( `R. J. V sten). Miss Crowe In Monday even) swart" . twin. (Maher.
end 'Miss Margaret McLean. while
send»' ' ' ' • - '''ma7
aasfated et the tib au the
poems ' gado vo wp s In ebart>;e
of 3eakflo. Lawren&llleerimette. Wtl-
fret' Smitb. 1"adore Mee and Terence
Hussey - r
a pleasure to all who lt.tenel. MTM• i rheic Miers Aon t e: Mede.•
Agnew Wag aeeon1el a veru hearty re-i,el. W. H. Ronpp, Paeyn strteetG
seption by the sodience. among which fruit dish. Mrs. 11'. A. C '5lthnrst : RS
P46.4_, -
were numbered l many who hod ka• owu gold piece. Mr. O'Brien (lamlaehie;
1.r In former dace. 14Ala(1 14ew1. Nts. Hanniilf Wean : plc-
, titre tin• ,IrN•P of 11* recital. the dean tnre. I .\. Bell itelerave: hnndlellnt-
of the *9110 01. Rev. R. B. Cumming.
1lpnmiller. {'t("entel certificates to '"l cake plate, Miss Quirk. Stratford;
hug of m,gar. %'sine Claremont :limb. in howling and m1 R'edd
rlesay two
the s.fin .n had pawed *Uel,_ John Ilussey : comforter, Mrs. John rinks from town took part in a tourna-
i.aldNlrt. London: pllllwcae4F. Mrs. ment at Ln(•knnw. The rink.' were eom-
Wm. Doyle : fancy quilt. Mrs. P. M. Slat- posed of Mrs. F. Glazier. Mrs. Ruhr.
cloth.; honey 4pre4d. io,rne Kenny. DP- .1ohnsten. 'Mrs. A. Goldthorpe and Mrs.
Gorfertr•h. which find .eat the largest trott : 41011. Mary Stapleton. Britannia 11. T. Edward' (µkip, ; Mrs. W. Pat-
delegatfon to the Reboot. Tbe Contin- road; rooster and hen, Harry Rabb:' ton. Mrs. .1. Murdo'k, Miss Eileen
gent from women;wap the largest, hen. Lorne Tremley. ,Detrdt : hand- Stowe and Mrs. T Glazier (Ado).
end (hey were called forward to rp. ('nr1M cane. T. H. Mitchell.
(rive the prize. Brnnsele won the The organization for the Kennet's, young Birds Fly from Stratford
prize In 1)26 atom, and intends to cap- was under the able presidency of Mrs. The first of a 110r10.4 of pigeon fligbta
tore It as1In next year. Mr. Albert M. 3- Bowler• for young birds under the an*pteen of
pardon' Lott received the Tennant and. nn be- The panand members of St. the Goleri(-la Homing Pigeon Club took
half of tbe 'Brussels Mand of young Peter's church wish to express their place on Sstnrdny. The flight was from
mmR gretefmI thanks to citizens of all Stntfo ol. a distance of about forty-five
miles from Coderich. The birds were re-
ksisel at 7 p.m. and the first bird. own-
ed by Percy Johnston. Arrived home The • 8.26 o'clock. e time for the first
ten herds repNorteal home was ON fol-
Owner Band No. Time
1. I'. John4tnw 10644152 6.38
2 W. Pithlado• 1040-677 627
3 J. E. Mut.* 1184722 6.26
4 $. G. McKay... 1151-012 6.295(1
5 S. O. McKay , , 1147-706 8.30
6 S. G. McKay , , 1186 758 A.32
7 Jas. MaeVicar 1224-733 6.4854
A W. •Pltirlado 10441-4107 6.34
9 P. Johnston 1003-4120 6.74%
10 P. Johnston .:1.340-628 6.
The next flight will take place this
week -end from Kitchener. in the old
rpt and Warns
G. Pattemion second prizes. Only one
.rt of prizes war given out in Wel-.
nesday afternoon's contest, the prize-
winners l*fng Georges Symonds and
Feel Cra1[Ie.
A local rink composed of Jas. Mac-
Yk•ar. W. J. Powell. JAs. Bowman end
Fred Hunt (skip) participated in •a
tournament at St. Marco on W eines•
day, but 4141 not figure among the
prize-winner.. They were In fourth
plat*. hot there were only three prizes.
The Indies are taking an active port
full, the teem .et by their instructors
in the 94.11(1. Then the president. Rev.
W. A. Bremner. prpwntet the pennant
eon by the community. ° Meide of
folkei expressed Giants' for the honor rlennminotlnrw for their generous'lona•
The school had a paper, 'Fyn and,
Fancy." whore piker, Mr. 7astt, *lei • thins to the Kern... especially tiro -
the as*1'f;nae ad•s('e(apa1le staff, pre -1 phy Brost. Smith's Art Store, Mr. C.
rooted several edition. ddrieg tris i 1*. Humber, 'Mr. E. C. Rob*rteon, Mr.
west.. kdding thereby to the fun nod' J. R. Wheeler and Mr. Wm. Forrest
tlse.i6terest of the 'students. i for prize.: to Mr. Campbell for the
dlr. Delwin. Campbell. organist of use of the Ortbophonlc and to Mitre
North Meet church. added greatly to 11. Raines for taking charge of 1t : to
His Worship Mayor Ma(Ewan, the
prem, Mr. Dick R1. k for the use of
hi. beantlfnl flag*. to Mrs. McDonald,
who Rent so many away happy: to the
Masonte Lodge for the line of tables,
china and sliver: to Mr. Wesley
Moore. Mr. Percy Ratne.. Masters Vic-
kers' anti Graf. for drawing of tickets:
K l f D t It ide 1 the choir of to one and all who a ontrfboted by
the enjoyment of the meetings. Not
eery did he preside nt the organ each
evening. but he arranged for spe•lal
iitate Mronellmet the week. Anlo9 were
given by Rev. 0. W. Butt. Mrs. (Rev.) Sow. ow. Mies E. Tye. during the
wlMi .and,pn lirnday MI** A. Clarke.
London. A fi.
1 N Hazel Belcher
e n l' r. n
North 'f church. their presence nod eat -operation to
marriage to ingnwt lett. tea bier,, have tern nwarded.
7di. and Mrs. R. Inman. M1ae MI** Maty Clare. of A. S. No. 9: Ash-
(Gertmde AMllman. M i7ertnuie field township. with a total of 61ts
Whittaker and -Mr. F.dw rd ttlllman.I mark^. was' haghe+t for the G(.lerleh
of Brantford. were week guests at i-entrt•e .11111 MiR"•Norma FInkb•Iner, of
the home of Mr: and Mea. ' lake Cheer. S. S. No. 2. Stephen township, with a
Mr. anti MSM' Win. B •phey left total of 574 mark-, took the hip -heat
loot Saturday 1QP•('ktveian on • vielt market at tbe Exeter (entre". The prize
to their son. Fred.'. it 1+ . and Sirs. In each e*se'1s.a b.«.k, to the former
Brophey'' flft,jietb wtrddl niver"ary "Gol4en Leave., from the Rrltlsh
and they will be ay1•Ay for couple of Poetw," and to the hitter- "Minha Von
trek'. • '- Bornholm.' by Got1ho141 F:. IA'.*4li,c.
Mr. and Mrs. 'j{, .d>>lti,i Osbesley. of Teachers end puptis will he Mea".sl
Weld, Maine. who verifiers. on their to know that Mr. Tim exp.' -t" 10 re -
wedding trip and il*Ited friend" And , peat these prize" for the ungraded
relatives to and around Galerich. re- s-tu, 1, ..f Weot Ilunin Ili 191)I.
turned to their home tbe;l'eginuing oil . in the Magietrale's ('ourt {u rh. u , w
t1* week• i family they *pent K j'
M4nw Evelyn Clam. Margntet Wil- Two coup" of febe pretences wee( s eery happy and n nrmnn,ble easy, the g
son and Margaret •k/ddltt 'wive re-' before Mngi"trate Retd the palet week. a ver family yin and
of hoar *.'ata and The s(•rcicPs at North street United
turned from a visit (0 Mie: Clarke in one row good.. were olIn 11.,l film hoar ilan[llterw: \Teener N'. \Taller, shorn next Sunday at 11 e.m. and 7
relatives at Ew.x add int'Vindwo and the store fit Carlow'. and In the other,, i f roll«,r. town"hip: MIs. .tune A. p.m. *111 1N' In charge 0111 5. pastor.
other points in Eons sedanty. Mian I rare 11 N•a• a horsy deal. olio, inCol-
i ,•r at hump: ate.. 1T: .\. M, ilea'. C. F. rinrke. On Sunday. .Inmost
grMr.n Aden As.nt a week In Toronto.Iborne township. Thi offender. made Marnls and Tes.rlArvl 1. Walter. (ICI Ilii. the pnrygt will he or 111.hal by
Mr. and Mrs. J. Grace sad Mr. and reetltutlon and were allowed to R•' ._
I NPyrontN•, Bask : Mr.." ,Wm. .11n1.•w. of liter. it. Lorne M(+11avWt, It .1., i(
Mr. Hafold Cooper 0iotiorel up front' on slwpendel sentence. .
For owing Honor in A pnbli,•• Mace• elerelnrxl. Ohlo; Mow A. ('. M.'4 irvl. i of $arkato,n. Dr. IicTavtsh 1a the
$filo) and m*t4 were mllpcfel from a of Edrnonton. .tlls•rk.. and Aubrey .1 president of the Saskafbewan Confer-
man. Tel dollars and cores Sud Tlnrold 11. at imine. :111 WPM e1.* of 11* I'nite,I ('hurts and 1s one
Was the tine in a rase of reckless
Arlo -I Pr,w•nt for fire nnrrirrrwry 4eletrtntlon of free out etaalfng minisMn In Weat•
(ng. and the .elms floe Min^ hnpi'wsl k1 hurt Mr" M,(lugan T'he family din • rl, / anada.
a charge of WIMP 1ntton. I.r w'n• seryel nt noon. Mr. J. hl •ihtrtng Re,. B. C. Me+l3er•mld's ab
ProvinrMl '1HRilway Tr.l01 Ofikrr 11. Mamie nod Mies 1. H. Walter, of settee on holidays the pulp of Knox
IMI(1-rand hap been et.cktng lip motor- i:e•lerirh..M•Ing 1hP only testi, g1•(•.t" • M,rrh for the donthr of Angelo .111
1st* who travel without their reser .rc.cnt who were also pxeaent Af the lr• o,(tltle) by the following minls- J:
tor's permits. and three nt them. all eoddfnc fifty years ago.
to August 4th, Iter. Beverley Ker-
frnm SpWforth. paid Poch $2 an.p.Crwts (v i r I,r oer0l nitwltl in of Q patient - i hen.
(n; D.D. AAIUN of `;bh'tBev. t elir rcF.
• ch rge-of Caron 'Hl and A
On Ther(tn! Ina*. July- 18th. Mo, Jo s.Itateman,
and Mrs. .lolsn A. Wn)ter,' bf Maple Nev. W. T. Mint will condnet tbe
Point. Farm. ('olts'rne. eelebratel. tl}r service, at tt.Ital'tls! 41rer, next Su,n-
fiftlelh annirerxery nt their mar- day. Sermon subje•ts :Morning."How to
rings. it Min. nn .lone 12th. 1870. Keep Young;" evening, "An AIAtming
that .Mr. John A Wolter mad Wow ('n(•1." ttlble 3111001 at to 4.m
1r• tltM AfMRntrl erre Married at the rhe oervb,es et 'Knox church next
bride'" home on the old MPMan.s tinndn w Ud toe held 1* usual at 11
farm on the Twke Shore road. Col- i 11.111 n ld 7 p iu . A11 14 the mintpter,
bane. the o ielatinc elergymnn b•Ing Itov. 1t. 4'. \1•'lh•ruA 11 to charge. Net.
Rev. Mr. Mason. 'lien pastor of Zion With xch«d and Itibl.. cls*wa1 wt U/
char. h. It 'ae nate (souyenMnp fur the a.m.
family to 1«' together In June. and the
(l'w•rvnnCC of Ithe nnnlyersnry w^," At ,"l'kday thstfeetfornllcv, I!orbm
therefore postponed for n few weeks. 1 mot
Mr. rind Mrs. Welter are both h' itntt. .111 occupy the 19111.i1 41141 w111
good health. and surrounded by the 'well men twit words'. In the mono
member.. of their am y 1 ct "111 be "Yet" a04 ;n
rI'rniu "1'11t11."
Detroit and *pent tl4 ek-end at the
home of Mr. and Mr^ A. 3. cooper,
Hamilton .Tref. Mr and Mr'. Hamid
Cooper are remaining for tete week.'
Mr. and Mew. George Roes are] 0011,
Mr. Chas. D. Roe. formerly of God-
erich. hare renamed to Detroit after
spending a very 'Piaioyable vacation
with 1plath'es here Mrs. Cin*. 1).
Ross and children a,-elremaining for MAgi"trate Rel4 held rvonrt ut Ford ,
a longer visit. " of tion' nate tnpe(.x[Ps of eaagiatulatlon M'Kentle, of the Prewtryterlan Time.
Nr. and Ns. ? f*lr lt,'f4)r eT and Toch n. Erving and beard charge
II o daughters. ut called
on 1<o Monday
y of re.i a driving .ouagainst n eonneliam rtion War- not only tin tth townnhl aof which they 1144.4- W. W. 61oldartris f (boner ((llIurC),
Holland. Man.. Called on . Davidson. on *1111 end ant C. Tarter 1n
his MI and mat*in. Urs. Daviwith tl. antmmohIn of :lune fit(nh sin I many' frIend raln IaPgnalntar«a•nm,ler 1 le. Kerrnll u(n\'Ietorlat ctintth `ofot-
and MIs" Annie. Colborne street. Tfiey point on the evening of J t„'
intend coming bark tater to look up whfeh Wwrnok's Infant girl Mies •
On Tuesdayof thln.Week Mr. \\'.1G -
the rest of their r(41/11 1V01/1. Mr. Robert- killed. Boo, delvers were Sound guilty ter Iyer withis inn. ieaMr \ to
eon *aa here with hie mother when nrel their driver'. permits 'were ono. -{rend the winter In the West. )Ire.
only .1x years of Rp;9 celled for a year. Wolter will follow early to .Int n -t
1 very pleasant week -end trip waR C, h Takes This (lame am, her daughter, Mrs. McMann•.
reef P Illre
Sunday Services • make the Kermess 11 ewlosso&
enjoyed by 111«" Jes";'' idnklater. Mr*.
Dints competition whit+ was cmmpetPd Rawson' mini daughter. Alice, Mrs. H• The first game if the new Huron '.e.• { of the BAltfsorl
On Anndn
Worm, y morning Rer. Prof. Dav-
onn, of Toronto, preached 1n Victoria
street eltur411 from tl* tett. "Jenne be-
gan to pre1(41 and to say. Repent. for
the kingdom of Moven la at hand"
(Matt. 4:171. Johp the Baptist p emeh-
ed repentance. 'alit the speaker, Jest*I•rrnrhe,l repentance. and tile faithful
.errant" ever .Iyer have (lone *n. it 1s
„Id-faehloned, hot still ne*•pnry.
There are three standards. he weld, in
our Iife.41t. the law of the land:
second. the 't4rulard elf the man of
high moral character. and third. the
standard of Jells Chrl.t. When we no-
(s'pt the third standard we get a new
view of sin, and we tarn from stn
11/1141 (Gel. which 1. repentance.
At North street church, In the morn-
ing. Rev. Dr. Cormle, of Winnipeg.
preached from the tett: ^Whether one
member 'offer all the members, suffer
with It" 11 Cor. 12:26). 111111 topic was
the home mission work of the United
Church In Western Canada. Dr. Cor -
mi.. In a forceful *peeper. And an an-
ihority on work among the new Can/1-
(1W* Ile 'Rid 1. FAA glad of an op-
portatnity to thank the people of On-
tario who cat Wrongly .npportel the
work in the Wept and to thank. Ale•'.
trimmer/ohm that never felted in it.
ohltg411o, to this Important part of 'w
church work 11e r►mmed. too, the
npportnnity M ripest on the work and
en the expenditure of the money 1-
4W1 ?Pd. To the trltlei•m of ern. people.
at elr•
the, too lnrte a petttatp of t1.
dun dw *ns
,1 KO:tweed ned the wnr& of a foreign mie-
Monary "The light that reacher' far -
11.04 eailne" brightest nearer home"
Of the immigrants rraPbine remade
(Costtnned on peg' A)
Making Good Pregreaae-M
1n cnnnon with a neem recount
of the Ttenders.g family's mnsdcal Ach-
ievement. in the West. It 10 to bre
noted that the G,44' itch trent a of the
family also iiV"dolntssed . joyle
Hen,er"on. with lesunds for /
■ year and a -bale, h4R
And -velar Oonapr i
tfit►•age of twelve iibt'
stilet A 1 frets`
MO W honors. eon tffittlhns ore
One thew young p t' moon well no
their teacbeA.• >'mplsell. and 1la((1 r
mother. 'MM. g ilemierson,
street. •
*h. for t
In the
rerwntly Percy Johnston was at the RRrker and her grandam, Reymond. Perth tlnw•INlll League ,chf'Twle 11..1 14 freerng
head of am
list, vs -twain the e1 e: i Mr. Fred .itarker. to IlAeon'{Aeon's'Head. played here l'.t Friday. Mitelltll b I1.•-pl?Rl Anxlllary w111 be held nt the
James M/11141'ear'was wend RtNI S. :• Moor i'eriln.'nln ,Sto•^' were made nt toe visitors. 1t *n" an biters -Mug Irmo'. of Mrs Wm. Jewell On Thur*l,'
McKa+ bini. Sonthnnit.ton And Wi:,rton. and the re- game from shirt to tlnioh And deserved .4.4:1-1 1s?, at 2.3Q'P.m.
turn trip wens by- way dt Owen 1.4'11111. n much larger attendance of illie•tat
Surety itl Garden Part)' The ''onery *44.' macniieent And alto- tars. Tnoncy for Goderich and Porter -
IC 414111al garden pr'rtc ander the
14e1 !ler it wen" n 111'7"' lletjnyabie trio field for M1h9.11 troth Welted good
ars of the Goderich Township St. Mars" •lournal'Argue: Mrs. ball. VIP s.•ore .eP"nw•el until G(wler-
tal Auxi1tnr}' wars held on the , 1•PV.1 .darner. 'Hamitnn,. of Ih took a definite 1ooeI In the ♦;lath
rys•nt a few days Inst week with old Innings. and 11. final R0•ore *A0 1(4-0
f Mr. 1{, L. S4lkebl's fine home,
road. nn Tuesday evening. it friends at Motherwell and Avonbank. In favor of the home team. The ono
proced a great 'Mees. And was sltten(1- Mr". Hamilton. who i secretary (r1 np was: \I r. W H. }'arrow, of town, fee'1rea1, M%III N.•fntyrp Resent Sunday *11*
1 cal by a Fargo crowd. .1 splendbl Imp' the Acorsto'nk Pi.,nAiw' Memoortal Mlt(-hell- MrCloklin. h: Snwycr wor,I Mi. trek of the death 01f II1M •Mr. and Mrs. Thew. Tllckson, of Wee?
per Mins 0.01,P41 by the ladies from F,1, 1. "tate.' that the n'elborlal scheme as; Blowy...,e; Ile•kmnn. rf : 11111,41. I,r.,tls t. Benjnmin FArinW. of ('hP+- ITewon•e"h.
I 6.30 o'clock and this was followed has snowed 4n Pncnu r:+glntt interest. In .1: Pe'aree. 1+; GAteuhc, 2b; Porter- w0o1 tRware, w-hieb o4'iwrel ^" 80th .ervicer held in the rotted
a program of music - Dr. J. R. former Avontoank pe.,p1( 'tom Mast to field. p: Elliot. 1t. .an, 3ulc 20th. church beery on Sunday were well at-
tended Rev. 11. Royle. of tieltOn.
unveiling of the memorial on !Aber
gh; Hadden. 15; WoolR. 2t': Archer. Mr. Norman Lever. tate of ollanel- prrva.4.d two very Impvrpwhe sermons
Tiny. •9; Butler. lb; Si.Ardown. c; Snnz'I.', ton. ha" been egt4tel a" traffic, ofik*r ,tar. R.,y?P was accomptriied from Rel-
i'tRitors at the Bine Bird Tea Shop: rt p Tnnhpy. P for Huron county. Nr te•ver 1.4'k ncer ton by his daughter, Mise Amy Royle
ntists Ltnrt'nra Wilson. Gra(. Pry, iRxtMsr i5xpeeted here hf" nPw duties tl. peer w,'ek. 1(e Rud I Mr And Mrs. Cbc*ter Rrown, of Tk-
Alrilntth4m. Mich.; N. BFrkptt. Mrs. The Alack.nx piny At (linter Fry• hl" family re*ntly moved from ilatdl- i trait. "prof the w(e!k-end with Mrt
David Weller*, Dr May Tom, Mrs ,144 of this week and at Mitchell on ton to Clinton to eerie'. Brown's pnrcnt*. Mr. and' Mr.. Jon
Frank Evans, Torontol• _Mr.. F. Il nowlay next Thorp I. n..'Frhslnled Wrenn. Mr. Dnresil Melton, who has
114Wat lic...arke►1 ilei. W. J. me herr lint 11 the 121), of Angled.
Mrs. 1•n11PIIP Wells. Mr. and r". iNrn holidaying meter the pratFtttal
Innen. ttwwa ; Mery 'Wien Ingram, t r may be here for an exit Wm Missed nate 11111* children. the roof for Peters! week*, returned to
Mrs. Jake iwiMtt. Bi- Miewlexldon; t,M{nnn 41411 game on Fri41Ay of next seek. Mere.. antes. And Beatrice Well. and, iietmlt on Nnnday with Mr. and lora
Mime AtPIM Nichola. q•adwlch, Ont Trophy for Huron -Perth LeagueMr. Elmer Wells, all of iJetroit. Are• Drown.
STRATFORD .1ul' 24 '.At n meet- *pending two *peke to fatten, vielMnt • lir unit Mrs. David Cook. or Toron-
of fl. Rotary (r,,- it was deckled )1 r. Harry \Tells. to. vl•itM at the home of Mr. Dian
fn offer to the !baron -Perth htl*'haR ; McPhee the past week. 'Mr. rook re-
ItRglu•, her c(-nrl competltlon the • Two floderb'h old bore *OTT among turned to Toronto on Mondry. Ant
fertiarydonate c 0114'yc trophy This trophy. three chosen fur high honor by the, Mrs. Co45 will remain for a month's
donated ,eros year" nano has not leen
a o r " 4Ae) for comp'tlt14n for the last year Ottawa last anenie nwPrkielftfghtaw e Rev. Af'n1sMr^Fran 8chtrents d cfrhildren, l4iends At
t,raadng that Kr. 11.,ith1 Wa1NT it or two And the newly forme I(ego . 1lpager, et• Kingston, Bishop M the 'tletrolt, nr' visiting at the hump of
ktirdrIbroaden•fin[ (late, t rune embracing town^ within the Hain
(Teat(1on Fur PtAp f1 1 to t.ttt Trart, beingtiler-without a tm-nm wite for n^And Ontario, r PPrcy 1..Tye.lof Mil, Mr.
Mks,1Fcren•ne *Ig. I" is bnlldnying at
rev ell rM(1dM fillet they might •rotvertlle,,'1,
as de1sity 1 ler slimmer Pottage at Port Althert,
the well- Bili Perp The teams at 1're.Put In the Sunday with Yrs. (Rev 1 R. A.
& Co, Aar'osoPerth icegnp are Stretford. grind ttibglor Bier tbeglietriM of !ninth "'pent J
!lite+ell. Clinton and GAMt k:• .;
'}Gums. o Lundy at the pars0nalte.
4 a
VILE. July 21. Mrs. Nellie Potter
and wen. Lee, of Detroit. spent the
week end nt the home of Mr. sod Mrs.
inns.. McIntyre.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Thompoon and
. L.Idrr•n, of G(rkirich. vl.itcd at the
Noire of Mr.. E. Segnss on Sunday..
1(rKnvvet Nsftel won tie-1.1nyd II r. and Mrs. Harvey Trelerven, At
Maitland Goll meow. de Dnncnnnnno were g114"t. tit the horny
n atof Mr. Samuel Sheppard on Sundry.
f,, k Nun, ('iatric' Neftel. in the'lIr and Mee. Orval Free visited at '
Thr ploy oft took pia.p the the home of Mr. and Niro. Telford Nix -
all mat Sunday.
MIs. Jlinnle Dick/son. R.N.. Will MIPS
n. Aug1141
Nitre and 1.Araar
lir meeting of the !owlet -4.h
Tnntitute will he hell in Mee -
Hell on Thnreday. Angllet 1st.
re will to a demonstration of prim-
mer &sesertl.
Mr. Wm Belle ha. been nein(•"tial
1.1 the Department of Atrfetillllre to
t judge of standing field enlist
mon of the evenings entertainment
and in hi. opening remark. "poke' of
the excellent work the Golerih 'nem-
shlp Auxiliary was doing towarda sA-
alrting to the upkeep of the Alexandra
howpit41. The Anxtllary had made a
number of contributions of a{nfpan4nt
to the hoaplital which were very
mneh npprvclated by the hoard,
the nurse% And the doetnrs.
The program included n num-
ber of selertin. by Major's seven- MIR 1 ernk'ks'hank. Maisie ; )4r.t (1.
'tee contort nreh(r'tr4 of (Goderich.nlingan. salmon Arm. R.C.; Mise Wel-
A, ns
, readings by Mrs. D. D. Major. a nafnet.'ilYim. Cllntnfl; Mr•. CMin .Readies,
Rt ChP"ley and Llon'e Blend tido eel- nolo by Mr. Robert Henry. Tolyl w011(rr Brooklyn. N.Y.; )ter Witt Innen, De
P.M by Mr. Fenwick, of Haiptlton, and a emit. •
Mr C. A R. WIIkin*nn. orgnniat violin Aoki by Mrs. ilfaitlnd Driver.
(tee k•h fnwnshlp. r.
Mayor, earl-
eholrmenter of St. (,Purge* of G r o httrr(vv/p4 h'
rlslrch. and the (-holt boy* are spend- dir'tor of the orchestra, wan out of Raclin fn *111
ing several day. at Bogie'. leach. .Ix town And Mier. Fra Somerville. of God -
miles north of (lnderirh on the 'Ake ,'rich. took his place at the Manu. The
phone. this week. This M an event that AnxIllAry.maimed a goodly rum from
is looked forwent to with interred by the garden party and the members are
the boy* amen year and Mr. Wilkin very gratefel to tint. who „salted in
n take* a keen Interest In condi.Ming making the event a 1111.444,111111. The re.
Oil. annual outing. . "Pitt. wire $176.
A'e11.b. Ile giver /t
and market giclftttl
known Arm of MeV
RA2 fund •taint.
• 1411.