The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-30, Page 15This Mother's Day give mom a dishwasher....
Make heriwork in, the kitchen easier
Limited Quantity
2" diameter tubular steel
4' to 16' — 2 ft. multiples
P,O. BOX 1405
GUY PIDDES Bus. (519) 482-7325
Vanastra Park Clinton, Ontario
Next to the factory outlet on highway no.4
bleknOW &MOM! Wednesday, April 30, '1980--Pager 33
itterest and loans
there were a' number 'Payments. and
of PfurPle Grovers at the repayment,
Federatien AgrieUlture The Federation is
meeting' held in the taking a:bus from here to
Ripley Legion Hell. on Ottawa on April *24. to .
April •,17. The meeting .present its requests to the
started .at 0 p,m. with. government, '
-"Tobli—eliVier—ag7the The' meeting f nisliecl
chairman', vhp two gueSt Off with coffee. 1'7,0re
speakers were, Frank were about .75 people in
Wall; a fruit, and attendance.
vegetable farmer, and
Jim Pai'son.,of the Royal
Bonk; Mr. Wait gave. an,
interesting talk. the '
farmers' Situation' and
Open markets vs quotas.
He seeind ts) be, in:favour
of the quOta-sYs,tern. Mr.
3Parson 'spike on interest
A plane earrying 50 area farmers left for Ottawa- ;last 'attended the meeting with'Engente Whelan In the Chateaa
Thursday to . protest the high interest rates' affecting Laurier ,
farmers, Over 850 federation' members .from across .Ontario " rm[Photo by S...G.byl. . . • •
ro4i fe :gr .9up.h4s'.qni*4oto*oeting.
'from page 8
right. group is involved in.
The question period ifterthe
film revealed that Birthright
is ' a very active group,.
helping.' ,.many distressed
omen during 'their preg
nancies, Mrs; Offen also told-
.of the usual difficulties of a
group such :as theirs, short:.
.age of volunteers and lack of
adequate funds. 'The group
has often a small start,'
expanded considerably and
.has gamed:, respect and rec-
ognition in' the community.
Betty 'O'Donnell thanked
Mrs. Offen, for her presenta..
tion and wished 'her confirm•
'ed. success.
Joan Van Den Assem read
the ' minutesof the annual
meeting of 1979. Cory De
Bruyn moved that the min-
utes be adopted as read,
seconded by Neil Murry.
In-her annual report) pres-
ident Sally. Campeau com-
mented on the success of the
-past year; the , highlight's
were edudation programs ,in
_ the county high schools,
inelpding films. Viand
radio openline 'programs. .
Varions beard members also
attended conferences and
con-venOons • Waikathon,:
garage, ssale and raffles etc.
kept our hudget in, the black
this Year, and not to forget .
the faithful' donations ' that
come in.
The financial 'report :was'
presented by treasurer Rich-
ard Campell. Joanne Kirk-
land reported for the nornin,'
ating committee:
The president Sally Camp-
eau then expressed het de-
light in the huge turnout. She
also welcomes members
from pro-life groups from
Goderich, Kincardine and
-Walkerton. III* Short ad-
dress Sally reminds us
pray daily for the unborn and
the family; She also urges:us.
to write our members of
parliament regarding .our
views re pro-abortion legis
Sally thanked Susan
- Wright, Janet „Sterrenberg
and Monica. Jolie for their
[FrepPlOcing] us To" SEED CLEANING
Elliott's Seed Mill
Luckno.w And Trucking'
faithful work over the years.
They are retiring from the
Joe. Sanders entertained us
on his harp.
Don Greidamus Moved
that we acijoptrn, seconded by
Maggie Sanders.