The Signal, 1929-7-18, Page 8z THE SIGNAL, CHRISTY BROS. FIVE - RING CIRCUS HERE ON MONDAY NEXT Two -wile -long Parade to Leave Show Grounds Promptly at Noon The ('briny Bra..' Big Five -011g t"i1d Anitual ('Imus w)IIrh will l4'• h,vc • nest Aluuday. Juty 22, tor two ler fnrumn'e•, ha• on it. 11-4 of stellar :14 t ractluu. IR,: ile. the giant Siberian tiger dile.' fruut the stems.. of that • ruel s atutrc and the ..uly w tool lint the Wittier'. ..1 tl:. • i, hurt 144'11 au:111e• 4...nl.lur. X..:. :. v killer. the na.a dreaded of all. No• drni>ser4s of Ube taenia ger le. tit,. a t • !embus,. give his cage u v.ide berth. The e118-I>;iy into:.' ('trru• 1- the intiy ' iargt• cir.u, in the world that •rill re- +inoi the, 'ennui.. feature or cies. day. and the 4' u-tuile-hi, 1111.4.111 1: reset p"age•aut will leo vi, the •14-44 :round. promptly ut noon. The .trent parade, for ntllrh r r chrtay circus is dle.tiugui•hed, ., .. ate the 'how ,round 4.ro1114d ••ty .m. There 1s a treuten't..u. tori., . feature.. est.ratagaur display. 11:. •vp.•riu,ire e"nditt,. ul pena.l.• :,i•.. •hints• in the 1 'bri-t4' 1`:r. -n. .44', bus brought this great • ••ntbitted at4iatal .bow and clrese 'au .• s " 1.1,4 bible prestige. ..1,1 the perforruer. ' nt:.t all'the (auciful h••r•e- partf.Qalt.•. ,ill the animal .a.4'. "re'I••I to 4iet.• nal :?TP-,•(.11tIer,.,li4 l'14'3444u1.. the tin m - 0i +.lmel0. tine• Ilcr.1 ..f reindeer. t1.• *di bands %ltt, 4'l:, 4r continual fanfare. au -.1 the [core, of fltftto- ..duo 41.. 11444• GODERICH, ONT. WILL DARE ATLANTIC IN ...:11.1 tion to the sa 11is 111,1% tn11 pro-' lite adventurer* !rum Brun •. OaMnn: theft to Europe fu this .t:fr,t ho Mlles tue•ungerie• this year t4'+ fur 1114 encuuute'r, n. will a. the risks It HOME-MADE ('LWT GETS ANOTHER YEAR AT $EEO TORY ----- Everett l,utsrblut Agates !'.ousted of 1'enWng peak STRATIO MCD, July ll _ prevent 1'ouugblut, ta'eu►ywue_yewt-uld Guder- r)lch youth, WKS released from the On - t4,, Htf rtlnnatory i tit (tk•!ph on June serving it term of twelve months for the theft of a motor ear. The fullowy11K dui, within 24 hours at - ter he walked out he came to this . t4' reformatory, atnry. 4u another aolell ' trot's away CARD OF THANES WE matt To, (XONVEY AN EX- -Ii4ltI $$}ON of our gratitude to the many frienula and ueIKhbore who have been rat very kind to tu► during the illness of our beloved wife out! mother; also for their sympathy and floral tribute* ill our Uwe of deep [ar- row and bereavement. -MR. K. Mc- KF)N7JE AND PA'1tILY of tl PUBLIC NOTICE elft tool 1 arrested here yesterday' hlne• to, ars QI►F►TfI I'RiYII,EGES VOR ('[i'IC he walk afternoon xw BOOTH walked down Dots '/fret. 111,141,' a eonft"'ion to the „pl city court this morning "'leaded and in the ty to the theft of the rl ga11- wee remanded local car He o J. A. Mektns towait by ..nee.Maglrats await aell(tiu<p. The arrc.) of the youth here yes- terday woe date to a -hunch" enter- tained by P. t'. Alfred )lay and Act- ing Detective ('e 41 Wright, who *pwt- 1e.1 the South on the street. Both of - fliers knew that 1'unn'blur had re- cently leen released from the Relor- nuttor, for the theft of a ear in God - ..rich and they thought he might 1w able to tell'•'wethln( about the theft of the ear here 11111 month, which oe- eurre,l .portly after he was released. Tolinghhlr, who 11.14, wInl a eonden- Ion at the time. was taken to la.11ce headquarter* hot hr dented that he had eter stolen a car In Stratford, ,after being grilled for it rime by the officer. the youth broke .Iowa xud made a confe..ion. He earn,•, a writ tea .411 frint•iat which WW1 preeentell son, Mich., Will attru,, this morning by in.prr•!or Churls. ,r, tur•mad 1 motor * wit from Toledo down to the int. Lawrrnl•e !fiver and ' 1'eeel . •t . The mru art fully swats of the h d ht t take iu auk' l g the .;..1, fro 4 trussin but are Brut in their resolutpo win ion carry Mut f aft pr,w•ntr stated that young- . mg the larp,t, owl moa .r,lnpd•'tt• out their pial... Left to right, 1,.p. are Kountd g F u g' anter! in 4.st•rieh .et of .:attire twat. ever netembied uu. Lower shirt is }teary �chnitlgeT, til,. ttnd? Bantle, .►4'l... �uwertl and Joseph lelgtkb, captain. on +hara4r. of honsrhrttking acrd der the• flapping , ,,? wall..,, a cls. theftThe '*r Ar wfulr here 1 .ret •n4'. pr m14rt14 .; nu . P b a :ay loll -�. nub and fur t ( l 1 1 res ,4 , t 3 I 1! u! t )i marl a, t•' •' •',Itvlo.i, Tu ,..l 71utn• Ilse work, no exltr•,,-c• If ever spared to ,stet•( l,llrche•., .14 1' la.'l. 41 nl' 1" 11' ':i, ..:.1.11.4 1:,. i ministers. 11 .torn lug. been ho -t 1x11•. and 111nd ', :1,1 there t this year, and ()Ivry arc 1:4''•: gr•.,t ,r of uo••o•y. :not a root ..11, n.•••4' am l 1 1 ! � ' ' e•.f or coati•• mon and young -ti•iIlcatlons for booth y,rltllege* nn ('1410 Holiday, Monday, August rob. at Agricultural Park, will be reoelved by the uuderslgneel up to Saturday e4'. euing. July tch booth with at 111wit of h1 i pfeet frrice u: vast: will Irl *15. I)R, W. F. (LARK, Seereinry of Ra.e Aaw,I,tiou- RI'dtON Ctil'N''ry O1.» -AGE P13I- slotN It44A RJ4 - 'I'hI. IA,arl Is emitter -v.1 of the f.,;. lowing tuetul.er, of Huron (.ail..•. ('null, -II, 1111,) they are 114'w' ready 111, ford rd xppllta4lotts to tlw 1.;••• en, meta. viz. Mi-iq'.. W. J. Henderson, Reeve, Mor- ris. tt'itte's:sm. Pep• • Kuhl. Higiinee, !trete, llerwtll-iile,4, 41 i' -u. ;,,j�tt)land ketmwly, /tore, Tlyk,rsmltic-J+ra. forth I'.I1. ; .1. W. ('ralttie, 1►ep. Reeve, e;oderlch- 4:oder:Wit P-44. ; Gen. Huh - hard, lte•p. Reeve. Itowiok-(YIRon1 P.u, Blank forme for a)1JMatton may be obtained from any of the -se, or Cron. the nulnlcipwl clerk, throu1M,nr the ,.,un1Y. or from the undersigned. nil Apidleants are urged carr �' file theft of- which h to ate very s�.��- h, herr the.. filled e"rrr-tly In t.• lar- E. Render Itlyth- r Jutsleh,_weB known1* nun Awaiting •tuft every ,articular. preferably by to Edwin Bender,. Mitts. to Aaheeld teat-, Joseph c tea. new re,e,re to 1 the Ilio- Tena F,u:,.•:on. Ittrtll. ng .r4' Outing n4' atsaut two wee. s " rr•ttrrrwt lilt 1 ' J dents. have been Vfritt h 1 1 i knwu It wa s a `1.l the 'met week.Kit k neo, alwude'ne I 1 ter 11 r. ('orisons cl ,y yak.tat .,r longi- women N.C. e ?r!• :., baby 1.aparl•• The per.. %fly. will. !•ear and 14'••.: the call at '.at a fah airs themwetv4's to the work of 'ma y rleplunat.ltot air- :ht,: andaChritiaepm•eoodfong i• to le addr•w•d hs )let. E. „e,•entl4 r' ' 1'o,Ing, of Modes centre troth mltnt•itel .ierk.a and to fnrnirh the set 1ar1111at.le ptra.f elf age. FLl) the Applies/lone hn dlt)dicat,•, and forward by pulse or nth.rw-foe, h, tar ut l;,slrrlch a. 0."111 ea tre•1hlr. head e•arefully the regulation.. ,.r gnlrP a. to who are goal/flat. term.• makiar apl,lleatlnn, (:P:O. 1V. T141l.M.V . Goslerlch• e'ourrty Ckr' .July lath. 1929. Intra - I Alt. and ern, J. Sallfvan and rem - 1) Mann, Asheville. 44y and Ads,' t`rsula (►'4'onnor, of Ike- .• troll. are holidaying at their respective, t 'err 1:1, th. - (Inuuet. k- tui.. 14. liaedrl. 14Pum111er, lValtcr Dalton.- of Itetrtlt, swum - lira G. W. $u I;.N1er1.11. •' ponied d by Mrs Joel .Cleary apd her p. IV faintly. of N'allaee}.urg, spent the, t Take Prue. at Wlaghaas week -,.11.) at Moroni, Dolton'.. , 'til 4'S,• 111,141 ({tou•• !••dg..., 1..(t 1.. No. Mase. Matwl .Dustin and Margaret atm Priv 11:1rt Lodge. No. 44:t, O'Loughlin, Means. Len and Al ,0'- i ism n t .1 Jetty celet.ra- Loughlin motored up from Detroit for ;II thou at Ninths,- I'rtueees., Mary the week -end. (hi their return they l4' I -..lie wolf the prize for the best- wore ae•oulpinierl by Mr. Joseph at dr,• --ed ladle,: ',slot. and the prize a't..lchlin. who ha• leen ra.ationing' M n- for the Lost nfe and drum fraud era. here awarded to the nays from (;n,iprfch. Mr and Mrs. Denis SutHran 4101 be There was a hog 'nrnout at Winghatn family, of heaver, (into„ are v1.it- i be 4'r and the oelettra: n `wadi ,arrled ant il,e relative-. here, •de terc •lo' 14 efyi11y Mr.. Michael Deane and daughter. Charlotte, of I)•tr+dt. are wending it A large fainih p:cftic he -id at Har-; feet I)14y. at Jerry O'Connor's. 1:'r )'ark on someday brought to airs -3 C. (►alma silent the week- grthrr member* ..� the Van Norman � ere,' a4' \lacers Fails, eh„ner. u Toungblttt woe '8n"'.,I mi Monelaj o a' year lu 4,10 Reformatory. "There 4.-..nt*lbittg that Is more int -trtant:than pr.wpa.rlh- for any enmi- ty. and that 1. .ntil."- I.ady Astor. � thatch: London. who will glva an �talre Rtati In -totted lector.. .v4 -Ireland and the t.. i he "•'• aeeldenfte and withdrawals l t 1 1. Iden ':uta cake rn,r• t.. le Irish," • nun .1 :lie chic labia;- m.et 1n ti""". The slow.? wits ,'nntiuue' daring tl . r!• 1+ tot- bee" change) ht 'n, "Pe" week and will conclude rith a unit race for 2.15 towers and lavers for a ylce in North strew church on Su 7h.• sato,- 'AMP of Xllaaa The Goiter- day evening. h•It Trotting As.,, ixttnu ha. gone the - - Registrations limit ht mad*, <;,anti at the.dl.p,set 1-'olho.lug are the regi -t uthurs fi f the tr,•tte'aa ;14..1 -pacers, air. too -.- lie summer school: Dotter- .hetaId n..ttfy the set-re'tary, lar. Mr.. lirun;lton. Thedf..rd, ''lark. at alive if they intend to start Mf.. Btlls.ru. Tltelfur.l, in this elan{, as he will have to be a[• Nib, Falconer. Union, 'oared of flee entries for this roost Jean W1•Isst.r. I: mon.).-O. Horstrr are areit,o_ daily at the race Rn.4.ie Putrick. Ettm'.nelville. trio* for the meet. The 2,;1s B1tte Mildred Wallace, E'gnondvllle. Water -sty ke eat, with twenty-two en- Helen Thomp...u, Etmondrille• tries. I. tate talk of horsemen through. Merle Gaunt. W-hitechtir»-) ...It Ontario, All Mat Ie required now Marie Grainger, Bayfield. the weather, and the Gotlerlch track � Niles Mary Robertson. t;uderith, 41) see the greatest test of speed 1111 Mary Johnson, Gelder/ch. hiMon-• Mattel A. Bailie. (h.der4ch, h'Llrenee Grainger, Ethel. Opening of Organ at 8t. George's Jean Sander.., Ethel, It is now definitely announced that Alatlwa Switzer, Kirkton. e official , ;,ening of the organ in 1 Dorothy Switzer, Kirkton, •b "t. L-Tbutaday, July- 1F, 1929 TAKE A BOOK with you on your vacation Read the new Book Ile Treasure House of Martin Hews" by E. Phillips Oppenheim This is a thrilling and tens. ' Story. We havea book suitable for ,everyone in the fam'?ly. An especially' good line kir tht children. COM)': iN AND SEF Ol'I, FINE (DISPLAY OF English China n ail the uses dr-iptt.• Cole's Book and Gift Shoppe Bathing House and Refreshment Booth 1ocxHci on the ?outh Pier NOW OPEN Bathing Suitffor Rent -1,iral Bathing Beach - Men s Work and Khaki Drill Pants at special prices 5 -dozen' to, khaki Pant., Made with t 5 pockets. muff kittoma and h,•it hoop;' Sizr- to 42. Spacial $1.29 and $1.45 Men cotton tweed !'ants Dark stripes. belt ]dopa and cuff bottout'. &izra 32 to 42. Special $1.45 +dozen m -n'.. moleskin Pant-. Goad for general wear and every -day work. Size's 34 to 3.14. Special $2.45 M. ROBINS Anent tor Tip Top Tailors "SPARR'S° FOR CHOICE GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUT- TER. EGGS. MEATS. FLOUR f.1111'iiIN.; TNF. RF: T Silrerwogd's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED for your protection Call in, look around and he eonviner'ei Where Cleanliness is Pirasim Sparr's Grocery The re • 1 Satisdacti, n" Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146 UELl1 I.i: I\ 1.,\1'N Georg/fee , imeeh will take place nn Joyce iluoh...worth. Brown'. Cor Sunday. Ancn..t 4th, with •I,rciai ser- nets. P.. to be ',•Rowed by an organ re- ..%anis naris. P.n,w'n"s Corner. Ital on Tuesday evetdng: August 6th. •1",e recital is to be given I ;y Mr. Reg. 11,:44,) 4;, (:eel.. organist and choir- •na•1•r of et, a:entre'. church, ..,0e1 ph. w1•• will he 41.4.IMtel by hob* Iwy- .:11) Mr. Fred 1lirham of (►wen.,:,, lir. Geen 1e the foun- der of the Vogt oboir of Guelph, LAW - honor Sn .•r the great ('aundion mnsb Ian. tl,r ,ate Dr. A. S. Vogt, and May s It, -::hide choir gore a 111 11.i• •• .1 f'•'tival h, conjunction with the _r'',7 Cxna,iia:. tenor. I►r Eda:Irl on: nh.•', brought highly faror- "mmentc from far and Clear. t work in ,.)nne'tinn With the e:•. _••;,y Insproten►0nt of St. (:Porte'+ nr,l 1, pr-.4ding very-mi.factor- 113 • Ii01FERJ(11 Si'MM4.R SCHOOL tt'o1..,nued from {tare 1' ,d the iso-;. We ran. however. make life ewwier for the front foremen of today and `,.r the women and tittles children.. Tl,' policy of the '•hnrch .le to get into ilea town. et the very be- ginning of tit4r history: Already a Putted, dolt. 11 ha• leen opened at ''hnrchill. In September' heat Os HHHHHIHHHUHHttulluuH IHiitttntutinmtntnt`tunnnmo1iun. __ FRIGIDAIRE_ -1- Sales and Seryjce - rhe public is invited to visit our store on the west side of the Square, next to the Bank of Commerce, and inspect the new FRIGIDAIRES on display. Frigidaireisinexpe11jy_ e FRIGIDAIRE users in selecting Frigidaire II II have purchased equipment that is of superior value, equipment that is of high quality and very costly to build. Yet they have pard a surprisingly low price for such equipment- They have taken advantage of the tremendous buying power of General Motors Corporation. This buying power, together with the skill and experience that Frigid- aire Corporation has gained through building hundreds of thousands of Frigidairea, make possi- ble a (duality product at low coat. And FRIGID.,111?E is Inexpensive to Operate The dine t -cooling fro., r..il, the heavily in.ulatrd eabin0t„ and the ps�werdul r ••n'prl.e,.r reduce the nae of elertrn current to a mini - Users 111. 4'sers testify that electricity consumed Lt Frigidaire coats con - less than oil. fortiori", paid Ler ic, Upkeep is negIible. FriRidain• i. .o sintpte in sty -1 1, that 111 ,4.- nothing th.t tpquims y reptice•ment or ad)indown4. Inn fir.? 4-07 and inw operating e,,.t place FRIGIDAIRE within the m,•an. nt.-very home and family. Targe or small. 1 Elva Hazelwood. Klrkton, • Rnwlind .►dam:nn, (;rantom, Helen Baker. Bowels. A )irlel Michel. itru-seld., 3Iargaret Downing. Brussel-. Thelon' Jordon, Rnta'el.• Sidle l'ter•e, Brussels. 4 %•o'rgt• Pierre, Brussel., •tnhu 4441fillul. Ktrkton- . Mle. Sharpe, Dashwood, .Uts•rta Richmond, Blyth. theta Watson. Blyth. ' Hilda Reid, Pine Ricer, Nary !towel), Gcolerk•h, Mie• J. Saunders. Gale:ich, Mlldred - fwnghertc. (;rrlerich. Hev. J. A. 4'nrmie. Winnipeg. 4%ra,•e Addison, Itrueefleld. F.'ina Bremner, Brut-et/cid Lnlen Rictard'on, Ftrnc•Pfieh), Rat. W. A. Bremner- Rntcefield, Flatcars Semi. Relgrare, Emu,* (butte•", Belgrate. Her. LeRoy Shire. Liimcil.le- Marjorie Delh.rldee, E:Imvltip, Florence Hyrdman. Fllmrt!le, Lena Pyn.. Elimville, Ern.r 14'.'.1!4' 1417th. • Audrey Bryant. -Blyth. Esther Harding. Nook, Het C. F. Clarke, G'slerich, Iter, S. 3; Mather., t;erste►, Alberta Smell, i.nndeedr,r0', (iladyk Mountain.-i.ondeeboro. :Herta Moon. Lnn,lreed4oro. Lot. Fain.. Port'vt Rm.. 1'. .1. Myer., Toronto. Mies Nitwit.. M'-Into'h, Ilona ('hie, Myrtle MI11)1,, fhu,gannon. Lsnref ta 4'4'llire. Inman non. '/lire W'+-thr',ke. t:.s!'ri,-b. AIinn 11,,11 ell, Rev. IL It. Cumming. Benmiller. }atilt 14 i•hnnghprty, r;,slerich. Uorothc 1'oppl'••t"t.• Itlyth, Anne Dewar. ltxyfield ll•ruf'r• Fallot: Hayfield. Eveli'4 Cooper. C.nh•rh•h, Helen, ltowden. (;nderich, Delight Alnl••h..:,.ierieh, Bert Lott, Remodels. Rec. 4tn)+ley .1'I.tnroc. Lnnd•.n. Laura itttttrlgp. ,4hhurn, 1lernu4.f 1foganh. tioderlr)r, Ret. .1• )J..gg. canton. Helen NerURPr, (1111 1011. 4i4'r+'• Jb'lIynr. Clinton. Kathleen Cameron. Cltntnr,, W'i)helluina Tres artha, ('itnton, Imre V'11 (4'.». Clinton F:fizebeth Mills. Myth, Louie* 14411.. 1111 it.. [:race Afa.nn, t;ndrrlcb, Mabel 'trots 1 4' c. (%,alerich. Rev. 4'. 1V ("•)Mlle. Stratford. Ret. II. 11.T,n 4'') Exeter, Red, R. R. c'mnnr. Kipper). Rec. R. 44 .111,, Anbtrrn, t. Ltut.-hart Guelph. Dorothy *Vatter. Rcnmiller, Eva l'4'ttmao. Itenmittr. Violet Parker. Itlyth. Mew R. .V. Neaman. 1d•enwe1, Stella Johnston, Port Albert. Minnie 1►trka,n, Port Atttert, Dorothy I(1n,Fer.on, (ioderteh. Marjorie Henderson, (1nrlerich. Lane* Graham. Port Alpert, Mark Ryan, linde:kb. Mete Mh,ardown, Gal4'r)eh Rev. E. F. Arm.rrong, fA.t0wel, MrR. Armstrong, TAstnwei. Dorothy ArmstMng, Listowel. Dorothy T eDoita)d, !.1atowel. "AR\rER.--Ix t:,rderk•h town4h11 i A1.•rdar, 1 If efiENZ!E. -111 Geskrieh, tot onnday. I. 14th. Annie McLeod, be - .rd wife of Mr. Kegneth McK.u- . in her 48th year. -111 +:(deri •h, Weelne.elay, 17th.'+'lar '�j,i wife of William y. Mair. The funeral will take place 1 'bay I3th, S on amici R'arn0r. 7'HO AI (TIONIIBRLNiO 4'1 a * SFlfh year. NAS G1'NDRY, GODERiOH K`R AND GEINaRf A I'CTif1NEER Telephone No. 119. July a Bike, beloved the familyr .0 residency, Britannia fwd. riday. July 19th, at 230 pm, to- ne cemetery. Service at the some at 2 o'clock. family and mn, - •,•,h... including re- I Mt As Marguerite Still/wan fres re- :Taw) )'rte.en1Atiye'. tt• , lhu,r;atuu.rl. An- turf 1 I • luta,. W mgba•u , •• ' .'r ('..•-trio pint- a.,d a t. '. • • -r ;; ,. other palace„ 1, , _ t.. ,n_ t: 1:1 VI' were Yr, u - ,!' J;rt,:,,;•. and their danght. .1..,.e. a I Alt. and Mr-. iter nreento, all of resgin1 w, Mi. It The Mesar- Rrydgen are fora,.' rre.tlent, of Qra1.7Mh and old friends I,rre• w.rf g)Fi lis me+.t tb.m ataln, • Among recent ddtoru in town waw lir. H. M. Strad/an, of Cleveland. 0..' with Mrs, strauMan and their -on, I►onald. I r. strat+Mtn Is the .on of Mr, 11 tilfam Srrae4ln, of town Tho-,• who follow :he aviation record- 33 i!: • to, Inter•+tel at learning' that It i. "err of T)r. s••,tcMaa's duties tie a U. `4. Gurenruer,' radial to enmine fly- ers a• to the- • physical condition he - fore they on important flight,. He ,.endue•te: e examination of New- WAIYT6D n4' to h'tr,it after two weeks( vit- en tlon under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs !'at Met 'artily and •'4'Pof Detroit, spent a tow days rnu, . - Mende here. yb' It ' • f4a4ton 1* vacatIoolttg \{ ..,..loo. •k. LOS? AND !FOUND n i) W It IST VVAT*'H. (►t4T.-A ..44)1 Hier !rine M s'arthy is :visiting her p. rents for the w•e.•k. Cenrratulatlon" n, our Rlal))sbrldle nor. for their victory over tate Amber - ler baseball team,. Mie'. 'Frances and Master Jack (1% ''onnor, of iktrolt, are hoHMaying here. Mr. Tom Joy made a flying trip from Detroit ever the weekend. A number from thf IoeaMty at- tended the funeral of Yr. Meagher, of e'lep.tnwe. The bereaved widow he a •i.t,•r of ...kr respected resident. Mr.. 4711 rr,.- • e omega f.4oS, leather twee and WIMP printed Insole caw'. Valued as kery sake. Finder please hate at Signal °Sea. r y1* SALC NIAGARA atl'ER-SOLCBLE LAND lime; also high-grade fertilisers always In M'"'Jt. Prompt delivery , mer.')o when required. R.' R. BAER, R.R. No. ,i. God••ri,it, Ont, Telephone Carlow 2A21. If and \I hell, the two Cleveland ' awi:uor. who -entry made, an attempt r.. t*'tr. the - ,stained flight reword. "$ehlnti nor chase. riot Aod crime lies the fnn41.r tel kindlitm•.. 4.1 the human soul.•'- DI1R Durant. BEN�MILLER BENMILLFR, July 17. -Mr. David Dewar. of R:,� Held, slant Sunday et Mr. Cloven.* W44111rd. - Miss Gertrude GhrlhlII, who line y4•nt threei an•1 a -half years in Alter- Ili , has rPturn.d borne again. Mr". Jonathan Miller is .taring I , with NMs Louie Racist at present. I Frank Berry has returned hone f again. Mire Dori. Gill, who is now employ - eel ins a steno_: spier In a bond 011ie Ill Toronto. 444i.' a short 4,1.it to her 1 FATAL ACCIDENT DEAR WHITECHURCH /Arvin darvta. of West Wawanorh, Moe Vietha W'ING+HAM, July 12. -Edwin ,lar - %Lt aged eighty-four, who iive,I in tVtoo Wawan,a.h, near Lucknow. was fatally injured is a motor smash is the I.ncknow-iV7ngham highs. ay, a few mites weelt of W4nrha m, at 4,.:'41 t.,n lght. Mr 'Arvin. wbn was returning hong after particlprttng In the Orange cele• hratlen bere, died *1 midnight, a few' hours after he had been admitted to W1ngham hospital. The ear, driven by Samuel Reid, YT. larvae won -)n -law ,turned turtle In the ditch after a tire had blown nut, VA 114. 1144' driver to 1m control- Reid 'suffered minor flits sod hrulsrs, while four other twenpen731 In the maehtne ,':caped unhurt. tome At the xeek-end. Mr Jarvis, who had liver! in tide Mn.'. Way :aid Gladys. of Seafr,rth, dtetrict many years. w•a4 born 1n F.ng- were 8nn'1a1 visitors- land, corning here when a young man. Abs wife died a number of year. ago. Rnrvivtng are three daltghtena. Mra. W. G. Sherwood, of Wilkie. Su.k. ; Mrs, Samuel Redd. of Ashfleid, and Mrs. W. R. Ferrier„ of West WAwiin. ,. Miers Lind, Long has been succe.rw fol in trl..in: her Normal Sehnol ex - It' amination. a• Stratford. (:ongratnla- tIon. and mooted! 1 The toach,.r, for R.B. No. 2 (itpnmtl- ler, h:trp n„,, been engages!. Miss E.ina itetd, ..f WaMnn, 15111 1e princi- pal and teacher of the senior room, and else Rlnn••h,. Cnnnincrham, of Rel- °Tar4'. wilt L. teacher of the junior room. Wt. wi„ extend a hearty eel- , "Me to rllPm next September: mean- while we H. , enjoy the holidays without, thon>;1 u of school. SPy,•rnl fro � Benmliter have been .Attenrlintr the �nmm,r School at God. 'rich ,luring t',e .reek, /to.. P(Hn,,,,er ha,' charge of tie! 1•'lntt P.... . service on Sunday evening. ` nley Snyder re..,d the HURONS WIN HONORS AT LONDON CAMP Gederieh Boys Show t p Strongly Sports ()ay The mIUN, camp held at ('arllng' Height., London, for twPl.P da broke up on Saturday and the (:ode k•h contingent o1 thirty mftn arrive( home well pealed with the noting. Huron Rrglrnent carried off nowt the honors of the ramp, and the 1say from Goderfch took their full share M 4• r- ! Sale0 attended to anywhere gnu errry effort made to give aatisfsrtton Farmers' sale notes diarounted. WESLEY W. FIBBER. Auctioneer, win conduct Mlles abywbere. yy terms are reasonable and 1 will ee- daaror to give wtlafiction. Pbone Carlow 1314. or address R. R. 4, God. erkL DRUGLCI911 rRACTITIONsm f'HI13O1'RAc1t)R AND 1KkUOIZRt3 vv THERAPIST • .t/odes-kb, Phone 84t Equipped with electro -magnetic baths. Electronic electric treatments and cblropraetle. Chronic organic and nervon, didwaaes. Lady in attendance - Office hours 2 to IS, and 7 to 9 pm.. exe.epHng Monday and Thurrdsv and fry appointment A. N. ATKiNSON Residence and othee --('orale•- of South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FEATHERS - 1,t, CAN HAVE FRANK P. G1BBS, CHARTERED your teethe, teal made into a Rani- Accountant, 102 Ontario 'street, tory roll mattr.-+s or down comforter. Stratford. )'hone 1850. Rest 1380J. Highest price ,411,1 for feathers- Drop a card to DJ,11fIN/ON FEATHER' ANi► MATTiEF:s4 Co., Goderlch, and! (our aet' t will •.til• tf 1 ;DR, F. J. R. VORSTER, EYE, FEAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House ,Surgeon New York Up'r- Ft' R N I B it E D APARTMENT TO tt*imlc and Amra1 Hoopltal, awdetant SKINT, before!Square Eye Hoapltal and Golden MIEN JOSiE S Sept.fit1st- Apply Throat Hospital. London, Eng, AL:S-DERN, Nelson 88 •Waterloo S. 8., Stratford. Tel - street. 'ephnne 287. TO RENT.--BT1►RE SCITA•BLE FOR :evenintg Hotel Bedford, Goderfch, on the is g of third Monday of each grocery or Mike. immediate pos.' month till the following day, Tueoday, session given. Apply to CHAS. K. at 1 pm. Next vielit is 8eptemher. EACNDI R8, Goderlch, i TO Jsi14hT MEDICAL TENDERS WANTED '.ORAL TIONDER8 FOR PAINTING AND Clk\irlAT Y UDE. I►ECtORATINl1, Son Tenders addre.,wd to the undersign- i ed win he received by the Goderlcb Public School Board up to 8 o'clock p.m. On MONDA for painting a Centro l School. The lowest 0 s11r1Iy necep(ed, $I.•^lflcntlon. F. R. Miller', T. JULY 22N'ID, tot decorating at the r any tender not meow may Me awn at - and at Jnn. (`Ittt's Chairman, Grsl,rk•h. or L. 1.. KNOX, Secretary, (:o,krteb, AUCTION RALE .1 s Ai'('TN)N SALE (►F r-ITTLF Pte:B, A at Lot 1)2. Huron road, 2 miles north of Hnlmrrllle. on TIWRSDAT, .i1'LT 23th, at 1,30 p.m.. the following: IIORAP)s - (taw mare. R yPnrs nld. welehi le* ill. CATTLE-utioisteln cow. 4 4'o r, aM, fresh: part /*Tort heifer, freest): (take Holstein mw, 4 year old. due in Oct.: Rutstein caw. 4 yearn Old. dap in Sept.: Holstein mw. 7 yearo o14. Otte in January: Durham cow, 7 year. old, sloe 1n November : Itereford caw, sine time of 01410: Toirhnm caw, eine tine of sale: T14rrhom cow, dna In Angus': Durham heifer. milking. due thke fall: Durham heifer. milking well: .3 cow. with (elven at foot :Polled Anglia hull ; 0 calves; 2:. Ontario amekcr heifer" PIGS --Five lomat .nw. - 40 point NPT.F.MPINTS--41ne (Aft. hinder: 8 horsepower international engine, mounted nn trtte'k.. mrtmA-Acv month.' credit on nl* proved hankahlo p*tsr or ale per ream, per ennom dlor"tnnt for care. F,RNP)AT TOR VAT11t)ND, Prnpwktor. GEO. P1a.10TT, Anetlenoer, 111111 lesson. Rev 1: a. ('nmmeng1 sok on The Armstrong cop. given each year ••Neeorors•r }:,anttelism in chino.- by Gen. C. J. Armstrong. D.O.C,. for Mr. (:crag.. Oke, of Toronto, to the Haft keeping its liner 1n bet order , •}wading }Roomy, with has grand - during camp, was awarded to the flnr- mnth0r. Mete iia A. Oke, of Tt)nmfller, one. The ,hard mounting eonteat was and other frlcnebt. won •by the Renee Regiment, with the Mr. Rud Al r.. 41'.. W'. oke. of IIP, Huron iteglment third. /tilt• with their two little lions. Ken- in the big track and field meet held nrth awl iMru,ld, spent the week end In r•onnPMlnn with the romp the Hnr- with rhe tnrmer'0 mother. Mr' Ida A. ons won the champinnelhfp cup by an hke. of )(ghfiilllT. - easy margin, taking 35 paints, while Mir - their nearest competitors, 141. Welling- -- KiNGBBRiI F. Inn 441fl4's. hnd 2ft (lnder141) )r.r< had the lion's .hare In winning this scent. Morrison and Ian MacKay starred In KIN(;SRRI1•(JP. Jelly 17 - e ng,Rt• the running events; Victor Elliott moored In the pole vault end ..shot pot. and Douglas Nairn in the hlgb jump. The relay rare was wan by the ilnr ons, tho.tea4n teeing composted of M Mi. -Kay, -Elliott and NRIrn, of c:'*I erich, and Conk. of Clinton. The throne ,Gn took the chamPf.n ship clip in the 4nfthall series. The Huron Regiment war 4n com- mend of Lt -('nt. W. J. Beaman. of 4r010r. Major A. F Rtotd was in com- mand of "A" may, , ons Neat T• F. Carey bad charge of the elation• to our entrance envoi Marel- • 1A O'Connor, (hther4ne• Bogen. Rita Fo1P.. Fowl r ourtnev end Wilbwert 1 hand, ail pett.,'4, RP.',afh*r John Hlt*n celebrated the hi mope )Mrs on 5nnday idea', other John (4441)11.' la fleeting frlend+i la Of. Inrstitr n).'. Father Raat)lvwo motored to Kong•hridap the peat 140.4 lion ?SOW W Deem, of Port tomb. ton with ith water, Mini A4P1)a, has !teen visiting 1414541,00 her, A Antertey of the Ahferw of et. Barrister and Solicitor Life Building. Adelaide sod Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DUDLEY E. HOLMID9, Barrister, Etc. Ofl4.e--Hamilton street, Ood.Mh. Phone 27. ld' R. DARR(►W, BARRIS'T'ER, 16"T(3 Yneceasor to J. L. Etlloran. Phone 97. ORI.,• --p ,. i441/11re. (Dodertdt. Piave & *tape RARR,RI•aRit, FTs, R.C.HAYS--RC RAYS tn.. R A. Hamilton St.. Gesterien IN8URANCR. LOANS, ETC, IeRILLOir Mi1TIIAT. FIRE iN- St1R.ANCR OO. -'Farm and leo- Iated town property fttwmre,l. OMe•er4 --,Toa, Connolly, Pres., God. 'rich P. 0.; Jas. Wane. Vke�pr.,., Bea'hwnod P. O.; D. F. McGregor, See.-Trea,„ Seaforth P. 0. R. No xR. Seaaffo A ; John G. Grievve, No. 4, Walton; William Mtn, R. R. 1V1a, 2. • Sesforth ; John Bennewles, Rrod- hagen : Geo, McCartney, R. R. No. 3. Sea forth ; Robert Ferris, Harinck : Murray Glhann, Rnu•Meld ; James nestle, Beechwood ; James Connolly. Goderlch. Agents J. W. Yeo, Goderieh : Al.'.. Leitch, R. R No. 1. Clinton: John Murray. SPaforih; 14' HlnehMr, 9leaforth, Faller -holders can make sit 1M7mente and get t4etr card* receipt. ed at R. J. Morrlih's Clothing Store, Clifton: Calvin entre Grocery, King- ston street, Goderleb, or J. H. Re(d'. Herrera] store, Aeyfleld.