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Tmelt now Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3411, :1980 Page
• counc ounty . hold 4 planning. .designatiou.
'Westcott Aid not appeal
the Usborne Township ,Plan
to the Ontario Municipal
Board (OM), but waited
until the Official. Plan Review
future the land use' on the
area farms could change.
Fanners could deeide to stop
cash croPping their land and
enter int,eriaive animatoperw•
tions. 'Ownership could
change in the future as well,
.said Davidson; Which might.
lead to a change from cash
, crop to- animal , operations. - •
"You cannot negate the
fact that the future land use
Could. thange,':' he said.'
• Gederich's • deputy-reeve
Bob Allen fold county, council
he was: -happy to see the'
planning board taking
`stand. He said he • believes
COunty Council upheld, a
recommendation from. the
county planning board: to
designate the Eketer Golf
Course and adjacent land
• agricultural; Allan Westcottf
Course had applied 'to the said Wesicott wants the iota Mendation and voted against : ' • • • •
planning board to amend ;the zoned residential so the" ,on what. she termed a
• County Plan and buffer' zone be estab- matter . of principle,
have, the land redesignated :lisped and this will Infringe . ReeVe Eileen Painier'otold
golf course and the .39' lots on all these farms • ' -the county planner 'alie 'could
adjacent to the golf, course Davidson told council, that not reconcile herself with the
•• redesignated residential.:', , planning board wants the.Many inconsistencies in. the
'Planning BOard in their " golf coarse to. continue with- planning department's deal-..
recommendation pointed out out imposing; further restric7. pigs, with Mr. Westeott.
that the agricultural designa- tions on the nearby farms.,` According to Mr. Pear- ••
tion does not restrict the M. .-A; .Sanderson whO son's, brief; the 39 lots
operation of the existing golf Presented a.brief •to council; adjacent to .the golf course'
course; Usborne,. Township prepared by conanhing .Plaw were designated in ..a .preva-
cotincil' and the' Huron Plan- ner, Norman Peraaon, of lent pattern of checicerboard- •
cling DepartMent do 'not : London', on Mr, Westcott's ing, under 'separate owner-
' oppose the continued opera- behalf, told council only four ship on April 1970; prior to
• tion of the golf.,coiliae. farms. will really be affected the ;change in :the Planning ;
';The recOMmendatiOn by the encroachment factor if Act to protect the possibility
cording to the planning', bo- the land were designated of a, residential subdivision
`ard does attempt to prevent residential. The remaining' adjacent to the golf coarse. •
the proposed strip residential farms are already restricted a _The 'golf course was recog-
development from Occurring. or are cash crop operations. ' nized in the original: County
and to prevent an increase in Davidson noted.that in the Plan .as an existing land use'
the restrictions on the sur-
rounding agricultnral land.
Connty. plariner. Gary Dav-
idson 'told council, to deSig
nate the': land surrounding
the golf course as residential,
wcild..seriouSly - restrict the
agricaltiital Amid use. in' the.
area. The eneroa,clunent fac .
tor; of the land is deaignated
agricultural WOuld be 1,000
feet from' the golf course. if
the jand is designated golf
course and residential, • the
encroachment factor will 'in-
crease to.2,000 feet and *move
onto the Surrounding farm',
land. .
Murray Dawson; deputy-
reeve of ;Usborne, to:lol.coun-
cil if the land were desig-
nated residential; It would
infringe on i6 farms because
of the buffer zone which
.-would- lie ereated,.._Dawson
the townships.are for agricul-
tural land use and develop-
ment of facilities such as the
golf course should be done in'
the towns,
Goderich's reevei however,
-did -not-sapport-r•-the—recom -
at that time. The Exeter Golf
Course was designated as
greenbelt on the land use
plane and Clearly distingiiiSh
ed by': the :letters G. C. for•
When the Secondary Plan
protess was underway, Mr.
Weste6tt took his lawyer to
the 'township meeting before
the. Secondary Plan which
designated the land agricul-
tuial was passed,. . He voiced
his objection and was told
would, get subsequent hear ,
ing before the county plan...
ming board.
Two letters _informed him
there would be an appeal to
the county and advised him
whett,the county would con-,
sider the. Usborne Plan, A
third letter adviSed Wesicott •
there had been an error and
directly appeal the Township
Secondary Plan at the county
By that time the Usborne
plan Was adopted by the
county without any:aPpeal by
WeStecitt-Tethe county,
which was rectitired Within
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