HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-7-18, Page 7Captain Dancy to Speak Here on "Canadianization" Noted Canadian to Give In- spiring Vital Lecture at Chautauqua Tent Capt. Stanley Nelson Macey. noted Canadian author, editor and outstanding lecturer, comes to the Canadian Chautauqua on the lett afternoon with a vital, inspiring lecture, "Canadlanlzatlon." Captain Dancey at the age of twenty-one was editor of an im- portant city dally. He was one of the first Canadians to go to France at the outbreak of the World War. where he won the rank ot captain and gained distinction as a soldier. THE SIGNAL, County and District Ripley Express: kir. tt'm. Keluptou'4l was adjourned to July 21th. owing to foamy frieId9 are 04,144,1 to' greet him the illueea of one of the wltnesuee• on the .,taws. ugt11,, after his recent Dr. F. J. Burrows, of Seaforth, la lu serious Illness. 1 charge of the inquest as coroner. Benjamin Stafford, lifelong realdeit Sixty Years MarvIoi. of Maids township. I+ dead from the kir. and Mrs. Richard Welsh on efftact, of a iaralyti.• -'role. He is Sunday eelrbratetl the sixtieth soul- .urvltel by hi- 'tido„ ami three s•ersary o1 their wedding. Though baro sous. awl married in England. they have Mi.. EIix+ltseth Fear has resigned . leen residents of Ilensall for nearly fifty years. Of their fatally of twelve her position' Ls principal *4l 11 the Ethel 'hlldreu all are living, except one stn, public school and '.1 :e ,e(uel a D1101•' George, who was killed In action 1u tion sue the staff of flu• ilenullatupstutt' the Great War. puMic +•hoed• I Bentley Reunion. Mrs. \\'fniaw Jou:-bung. of wiy •rhe +wroth annual Iteutley rewliuu tu'an►shlr oras llruwll. passed l aero' was held July 1.1 at the honw of Mr. �uddeuly „u \\'w1u1.sLly. July 111th, lo and Mrs Earl Beetle). 7111 II11e of her sixty-sixth year s! a 1...0 wittsl Morris. There were about srcynty-fh'r by her l'tuthaud, cue• _•'n. (, andpresent. front St. Marys. Detroit, Tees- • dsughter, atm Jolty l•„letutens qu, ut water, $rlenee Hill, Formosa. Paisley, Loudon. Belgraye. Blyth and \Westfield. It A quiet 'stabling, took •J14' at St.• ,1 •Llel that tlw llxit► reunion sus ta .\uut's church. T"r"*i••. on �\'ednr;- . Is. July • e , .r ' Thacker, Formosa. 1' K 1 J I 't h al...„ Gertrude J Pur- should he held 41 the home of Mr. t 1-. "f Ethel. was married f u 8hinte's rehoal Reualaa. klullu•run of Part-, nils t'a $1.. t reunion held at Shine's school, S. reside at Mr. tool atm k(ullwron sill; S No. 1. tires, ..0 Tue,hsy, Jul- Ia11. r1. daughter of Itolw•rt J. Cooper and the fu% r slow ! 1te lir- 4,op•r. 1'. B. Grunt Love, den. Larrlsler.. of Sault Ste. Marie. third sun of Mr. and Mr-. Robert Love.' was chalrtuan for the formal proceed - of play too twilit.. was; ..mleltltllzrd by , lugs. and address4' were given by Ar - Rev. R. H. Connor at Ow Manse, Kip- cher dieing. rat-kl.l'.P.. iter. 1)r. Per - VII. MI N'ta11ws14Iy. July 10th. The. sir, (iea.rgI Stott"I, SIT.. Thomas Mc- ollIg couple will reside at lousing. Milian, NI..'., Judge W. B. Dickson, of Mich. 1 llakota, and others. William'I'.1ttai(e. a lifelong i'eident of tlw 14111 .oneesdon of (prey town- • ship. pa -..»l xNmy Tne.dny. July Itch, i I illy lug •uff.•r.yl a paralytic stroke tie', , previon' Sunday ('yeuiug, ale was ! fitly -tau year- of use. Beatdes his wife. alto ea- formerly Miss Mary 11 , Klnnllhall. of t%8wat*"slI, he leave. five young children. At the FlHnge•llcal church. Credtton.I' CAPTAIN DANCEY on Saturday. July toll. Miss Nola 1 Following the armistice he achlev- Kathleen. daughter of )Ir. ant Mrs.l -Iln''tell in mar -1 side at l'arI.. was well attended. the attendance he- ed wtaldl,g "t ll.u'y (lilts. .ddrst s tw at 2.(mtll, i mull MrFad- ed International fame as a speaker. it le. 11. t,xia•r. His series of lectures was heard by retie to Leland N'llkl.• M''F'yrll. of over a million soldiers and tom- I..lo tow,a•hlp, the et...en ity being mended the Praise and admlratlon *„•rhtrttled by iter. \\'. lel Slpp•11. Thr' of Marshal Joffre. As a cones- I.rlde was s sures-fol, ',miler i11 slue queues Captain Dance)• was per eonally cowmeny year.+ . Allied officials. 1 Th.• filled church mime. 111.11,011. wetly Dancey, although born was the ette of a %siding on :tapir - Ontario, hassince the War, con- day. joy .6th. %iwl, FI,.ren.•e Mary, dad b the highest rceel tobllc a1a•'4 for some tr ibu ted widely to the rapidly de- ,0,1, daghter.da1.d Mrs. \%Illtmu+ EXETER GODERICH, ONT. Fashion Fancies A. E. Breast -II. of 1,uekuow, has pur- [•lutwal the general store bu.Ine:A of 1 Moe. Ada 1r..-Dow•u. An 11*11N11111 ,ea•aSton w:/s The cele- bratlu11 on Saturday Judy tith. of the mlxty-fifth Iwulrersary of the wMlding of kir. and Mr-. Wm. Itagshaw. of eter. Mr. Bag1h•be u ny will ilna,' tw year. old on August l74t*, and airs. 'IIIl N' ware eight% -three on the 15tH 0f• June. lo.tl* were r.w(dents 0f Step- han township when they were Mar- ried July (kh. I*14. They cunrUnital to lice in that toan+hip for forty years. c tilt to. Exeter t elity•flye .year- agoThey had ek•vtet. children. of tyb',ut seven are living. loll' are enjoying good health. and kir. 111K -luny I111N :l flue garden and tales e"*aet:nit 1-111-4• ..f hies lawn 111141 boulevard. veloDing life of the West. The Wermer. of Phi-elhurel. became the, • f the East will enjoy this bolds ..f \\'illi * * ,•Id's son of Mrs. HL\4HAM people o :.,. breezy speaker who returns to hb K,le ati,t the late Tl. •.Ia9 101r. . • oflleiated. province with a message which is Klippen. iter. .\. site lair' of supreme national Importance. e. y.,,tmg couple will timid. on the native Dancey believes In his gnonu:e fano a' Kipp•„ I native land: Is acquainted with the problems that eonfront her• and Inquest Postponed. 1 has a message which will appeal to '11..• itopte 1n1' 1..'eathf`ra. ' all Canadians y`11Ij.1`w was' killed ureas I:n*cefiyLl on July 1"t, SHINGLES A car of Roofing and Rock Face Shingles just arrived 5s and 3x B. C. Shingles OA our prices b•f•,re r.0 buy I Robt. Standish 1 n -t 't IIneu. y' • I. nrh • NEURITIS? Sciatica? Rheumatism? T -R -C sere render/0 ler Neuritis. Mr. W. H. Davis of Grand Bend, Ont., bad this so badly that hr wife had to dress him. T -R -C. made him well. He says, "My wife also wed them for Arthritis. She wouldn't be ghee for (hem " T-R•C's are equally goodfor Rheumatism Neursl[w and Iumbago. Quick. Safe. No harmful drugs. 50e and=IAO at your druggist's. ta T -R -C'• RHEUMATIC 1•-J 6 gift of the old family residence, which was fitted up and now eervea the tommltnity mil au up-to-date hospital. Mayor Combe acted es master ot cere- monial. and speeches were given by a number of those present Mr. ilowsuu in replying to the toast 111 his honor maid the thing mow uu,al deeded at the hospital wan an elevator. mud he pro- mised to donate $1.000 toward the Cuss of one by tlw end of 111311 If the board would raise a life amount. A car of new wacliwery hats arrived for the new sltepheuwo•liarris Com- pauy factory, which 1s nearing .ofu- pletlou. F3E.tP ORTH Andrew Archibald has bold 1W coal business l0 \\'. Anima & Co. (vol. R. S. Ilay. and Mrs. Hain are w►iltug thin week on a two mouths' trip to Europe. \1'1111 uu Finlayson has r,c•gnyd his position as principal of Milverton pule lie school and has leen appointed re - preventative for this (Mario of the London Life Insurance Company. Dr. Ii. 11. Rust and daughter. Miss Ws vl irgaret. are away un a tail ,•rm t'uuadn. 1►r. Rus: sister.' MIN. harry. of Itrueefield. accuwla.it's' t hew. 11,.' death of lire. .\lexnndt•r 1.a• nt.1*1t uccurrr.t nt her 1"111*' ou ue+day, Jul- ltrh. after a laud 111- 114.*+. Itr4e'aiwl %Os fifty years of age. •R1*" leave+, lwsider_ her 1111+bgnd. 11wo Aims. Keith .'f l4*'* roil, 'and Tbunda7. July tet. 1029.-T Ds set be tempted by the pries ei Slump teas. Only line teas will give continued enjoyment LABA" TEA ... rsiMn Isom the garden$' 1.1%1Wl4 a •illors and road +uls•riu- teudeuts'are all co-operating. It must he reua•Iuls•nN that 11tH 4+ not a our -team 14r.lJect, iuur 11eighlor". and your ,o1n111allly ore dependent upon your 110.111111r71 lion., Every weed k111181 now ocelots beater, clearer crops next year. Farmers mint keep noxious weeds 111 check; they owe It to them- selves+; it H a debt to future genera- ; t1ns. Puzzle Problem once upon a time a ten richt gentle• I luau Iliad all only daaghlcr. II pen a lover calve suing for her hand. herr L•tthcr maid 1 to 1 ' "It you wh11 go int•• the orchard and pick a certain her o1 apples, and will Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FTNEK•tI• DIRECTORS .ANI) EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or night. PHONES: Store 120 Kee. 2l; Gt)1)EKI('ll k at home.cowing back through 1114' three gates Wary roar indeed Is melt a -• •ave a yo *hal of 31r. and Mrs. henry ..l'us't..• I and halt an apple o*..r half of the remain - of 1 who on Saturday. In the I der at the sr•ond gate. Unit hili an apple The se ea Frank. . * rtword an k halt urapp le et the first gate Useful •ilio (eat • 1 ort e. Silk eosin an tart ..f every w:u.l- midst ',f rrlatirr4 11114 friend.. vele• tha eir; rod hall hs *s that lett r, Mated the slxl y•fif11* lh auuh•ereary of I the thin! Blur ami hal( an apple os•e robe this summer. They have glolte rue their *stalling. 'The actual date of the I never cut 1111 apple. and parr one apple I placed the gta,rrette coat tb+t enjoy-" la . anulver+ary was Pebnu+rr sth, but 14ft to gi4e to my elaughti•r, you may ed such a vogue until 1hin ,e3,01,. .\u Ile, the fmwlly could not Int gathere.l I have her for y••nr wife." T.Iw• lover fol untrimmed *+cat of good eat and aim * 'ether `t that time tit• IelebraU[ut, filled t isle and Il17 many ilei Ise ply design con he went with „lass,* was postponed. 11r. anti Mrs. Metier- ap I 1' any lass.. and la correct 6•r every s'- 1n, who reside In Tu,kersulitl just out- leaVeat [each gats•"'. 0a>rlan*. Satin and faille are ulncl ta.ad side the town. were married Febnl-' for these 41r"swuker coats, ah. 1•404. at the brlekcs hour. G.el- Kid Mc*oy, who lu+s Ie'e* married The creat herewith depicted is of ;pry ,.rich. ll r. 314 -Gavin *I411* Is now eighty-six tincts. is now fire chief at San tur.pwls• blur tallle, wall yoke 8I 'It r, of m4,' au,' 31n+. M:4i1y1n 1s (lmemtln. Well, .Int 1141 .mainly snu1ild sari rods that fly *stay !nom els• eighty-three. lTheir e1Kh1 .hUdn•11, fist' know how to pat 010 the old Nona'". - yoke in hole It has tae jaunty littleeAnis and three dauglurr9, lire lis' 1letroil Nees. • • pockets.. and l4 a particularly striking 1*lye *ked all w[•ry preesent fur the cele- rxanlide of a coat that *':l d" ytanm1n brxtlon, Ile was .lug ole ,f a arwk of Itis sen fee for moot 11lllci'UI ...cash.... � atilomoldle and ell riled Into the near- , .3 brown hat and Lag '••'•''-111:n•tly complement It IslISNOt1 est 11•sr.rr',. uffbr•. • 1 31 i.- Edith Rush. alto coudu,lydmillitn lililli for al year. l*i spaned hand and heart swr11* years. has j Go. 11,'Ie. tlw well-known g++ragema* of Walkerton. the marriage' haying taken {dace at St. .\ugnstine 1(. C. church on July 1st. stili+bye of The *'has. A. Barber. i I'rtrgr•1e. at 4'hlldlweck. 11.1'., spent a few days here with his mother, 31rs. aha+. Barber. Mr. ltaliwr cattle vast Id attend Ole aanllal conyeotl„a of the 4'suadiau Weekly Newspapers' A$*.Mla- , tion, of which he 1s a director. k13s, Glenna Slatten, daughter of (;oorge SloUon, has taken a Itecretar- Inl position with He United Artist" f'orpyration, Ltd.. of Toronto. Rer. 1)r. David Perris.,. of R'inghanl. Ierator of tie Presbyterian Chur1.1* hl Puttnda. Is otw of four delegates who are to attend the l'rrslhyterbl11 General Assembly at Edinburgh. Scot- land. in th•tolwr next. The pe*r18' will 1 trait. 4'Iinadu dicot the Middle of • KEEP CHILDREN WELL REVOLUTIONARY IN 1924 -STILL MORE SO TODAY degree of "It was inevitable that Chrysler should attract a scientific interest accorded_no other car in the past fifteen years. ,- Engineers, naturally, ware first to appreciate that Chrysler, while adhering strictly to soundest principles of design, is a distinct departure from previous motor car practice and performance. They recognize in Chrysler an advance in automobile rr engineering as revolutionary as the development of the X-ray in medicine." April 19, 1924 4 HOW HAS CHRYSLER DONE IT? When an unknown motor car sets out- today gives in still greater measure - as Chrysler did -to grasp the leadership not only a finer grade of basic quality of a great industry, and with the speed but a higher order of performance, of a meteor, sweeps to a foremost posi- beauty, style, power, acceleration, safety. tion in popularity and sales, it must comfort -all at most reasooalile prices. possess extraordinary quality and ability. Such sweeping success must prove When the first. Chrysler car was placed inevitably to the buyer of a Chrysler car on exhibition five years ago, the whole today that he can count on the most industry looked in amazement at what advanced, the soundest, the safest and Walter P. Chrysler had accomplished. the most satisfying motor transportation Within four years, Chrysler had leaped his money can command. Let us prove to third place in the industry. these facts in a demonstration. CHRYSLER17i"-11-Eight Body l BoCHRYSLER y i yles.Al1Spt*ea - RIf. •. `b 460 - Sig Windier, Ontario, ieclvdies standard penny equipment (frtigbt sad taxer extra). How has Chrysler done it? What is the secret of this success? Simply that Chrysler gave in the beginning -each year since has given increasingly -and 3 0 3 RYSLE � * CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT J. W. McGEE HAMILTON STREET GODERICH 1 HE CANADIAN -BUILT CHRYSLER POR CANADIANS • ean'I do anything for this. num- ' Item' Slather" loss returned from -'11.1 lite d.s4.'r. "1 Pm a veterinary .11. u•rc plc• right w:11*. dear." re - the minnow u+ot napes. "1 ANS a a trip to 'Vancouver. - - stlrgM \W..1. 4leNall has sold Iser re ••y„ - ht town to Mre. Joseph Smith.. 10.81 DURINGHOT WEATHER .'f 1', ',;s. and luta Isinght the pro- jackass to think 1 rot that ma - William .1Iebb'k, a former ','''know boy t*Isn fought in the Great \\nr uud contracted hula trouble ass the resin, of tieing gaseas1 3v111r with the 1',411 111111111 fore" in Erato.... diel It Byron hospital July 7th. Tlw remains acre brought .to I•ucknow for interment It, Greenhill cemetery. a service peeing held in the Presbyterian cLnrrh. 1.tn•k*ow tieople :ire Interested it, the min uuucement of *1,,' marriage "1- 3!lo. Hanel M4lnl..+h. of o. I daughter of the late Peter Mel ato"l1, of iateknow•, to Torrance E. .4.tler"o11. of I)ltrult. only wen of Mr. and kir-. J. D. Andereod. of St. Valets. TLr (•eremutly took p1acr 111 111rhland fork Preahyterlau church. f)rtrolt. on .lnly •I Mb. Hr. and 111+. Anderson left after - 1 wards nn a mdr opor trip through North-, ern Ontario. They will make their . t Relatives and friepd were +hock,'.i Ill *Ism .141111.11umI*tujntal I4 Ro1el to a. the .1111114•11 11441111 of Erwin Freleri.• 1 McBride. t•,1* record at 11e recent high 941too1 of Mr. and Mrs. Jul,,, McBride. of ih,• trotter exsuuivatiotre, the, •si 1+ill t cud '. Itlimi Ihue, '11ar. which occurred nl, of t 'enty- • peeing Saturday. July 0th. at the London tw.elv.• taking honors. 311-" K. Ni i fancier of the entrance cin had 1 stat leen I. retehm*g eomeralnlaliou*. 111 se•'',' pre* .sr•nphel by Peter Met' all. chin.. Every mother know." 1..ov fatal the hot ,nautwr mouths are to small 0111- .iren. Cholera Infi11tum, diarrh"m, dy- sentery. wile and stomach+ troubles are rife It fid- Ilan. Intl 1ft.•1, a precious' little life 1+ lust lifter 11,18 •a few - 1 +' lilts,+- The water who ket•p•` Baby's' Own Tablets 1u the h•n*sa f.•s•1s sa(e. The (rea91oma1 ns.• of on. Tab- IenN itrevetlte stomach a11.1 hawed trouble,, or if trouble e'aue. suddenly -as It generally does -the' Tablet- will , bring the baby safely through. 'They are weld by *e(liclue .is.11ers or by moil at 2.; .rots a hog tram The Il•r• \\'llllama Medieine P.... TAtar'kvllIIK t lot. • J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and F:mllahucr All calls promptly attended to day or night Pill/NES Store 3:3.1 Residence 3o.w Ifamlltou Street, Goderich Transportation Service Long Dan ince Short D. stance Good* in Transportation Insured Furniture l'an•Inlly'Limited Efficient Itperait•.r. Charges rea- sonable. natishlRiou guaranteed. S. 1t. ltc ll ash, tad r34, Clinton Cen- tral.. en- tral.r Oliver I'.s"s•k, (I1.•rat.•r, tilelr42. t'lilt..n ('entre ZI'RI('1l 1oepltxl. at the age of eighteen y4nrs. 1%11111141. • Thl• *„Ilnyt mal 1:11 Igen .' ,citll /411'1.111%% aeta days preyus .I f ' and ,sur_ of teachingr• mlarge eutu*ce e•11s- , t1 a" taken to the hospital for trent- - vs. Miss Machoual.l ha. never hail 'tient. but little could be done for him. a fallnre. The list of the ta)...13 4.11 11(•+1114" Ids parents he perces one boo- canlidtlt,•s who wrote at the LI*,know *her and three sister.. and they ince centre 1s a4 follow-+; Honors Roy the symlmthy of the con,ninnity In their roily -pr. Ml:u• MteMahon. Dorothy Nix - raid 1099. Tile tnner111 t"o1 p)4(e to the on, ('hark Finlay -on. Robert T11.ilul,-,, lana'. Hemk'ro11. Harold Greer. Hayfield (enwtery. F:gbert Heideman ha- returned home from the sanitarl at tinelph and 1s much improved 1n, 11C:11111. A recent visitor In Zurich was Nor- man Kaerchrr. of the *(tate of Mon- tana. who had leen away for seventeen years. Mr. and Mrs. K'. 11. Smith and Mr. Myrtle Hnnliltou. Ethel itrown. 111a11- che Mcl%olgnll. •lock 1'ull.e•k. ThourtN Wilson. Veinal Scott. G.9.. Webster. Evel-11 Held. Hcleu Mel .ie el. .Lnta•s Me•Nnll. 'Ends (taker; *1199 ---Vs'. .\r11 - 'strong. If. Congrwn. K. ('emerun.nlnrt Carruthers. Phlllf+ ('o*t-los• 1144 W.O.11 1>onalda iho4L1s. Kathleen and Mrs. Fred Soul M. tt end children, F.cketlswlller. Veronica Gaynor. Anna of Ontario. California. here been vis- Graham. Leonard Irwin, ('lure .1ubn- Iting relative,. and Mende here. They sl.,lle• '\\'hn*lftu•d .lnhnstoue, Kethry11 made the trip by 111',*or llurrieen. 4'hristenn NL,rrlun. pmol:* aleeleuaghan. 1t11.•hrl plclhImUd. Dew fR1'i(F31':I' able kla(4'alium. Roselle Mullen. lG*r- __ j.rie Nicholson. Norval It1ch:Irls. 4.1'11 Ile suet Mrs. William Ill. MaundStim"„u. Fred Strwnrd. er" -_- announce the engagement of their CHASE THE WEEDS, OR 0nn11 g11ter, Margaret ne. t0 4'» '' Franklin Coate.. of Ilnvel(w•k. (int.. +0n of Mr,. Comes 1011 the late Hobert' • F. Pontes. of Walf..rth The marrisee I4 to take place earl% In Anoint. ! The tided Control Art which came The fourth animal .1"elan family re- into effect In 1•x27 lo something. n*.ion %n" held at the home of hole was probably never Thought of by the Jordan. its -sell. 1W1.'11r'•.,My- of last PI •n ..f agricnitnre In Ontario. .31 week. There were e111107 person-. pre-, flint time w.e,Is were out ...Hon. and sent. from Montreal. %L,mbstir, Guelph.' did not 1111111111P 1111r greatest Industry 1.4ra110rd. Mitchell. Clinton. Sebring- -- 014 lilt .\11 fa raters fear sye.ls. vine. I1•Igraye told other point+. Next 4Io+t farmer. attempt to eo*tr,1 then*. year'" renn*o„ IN to Is. held at Mit-' a few ,+raft t„ either disregard them 1.11e11. "r nr'ept then* n" a nwesetiry evil. len William Grahtl*n, formerly of Maxdttcuu yields are Intlo'"f111e it. Ilnlsssels. Bled •1111y IIsi at Toronto. we9*-polluted field.. S.,tne aced. if w•Iwr,' he hod 1N4.1 Ler Mnw c('y*4r'. p•nnit*ed d, Inness•' will 4.re1tna117 1►P.r'u"('t1 w -nee In hl" ninrty-flrst ear let+w•++sloe band, nuikl11g * rofltafil1. pro haying been born In Edinburgh. Sent.' duction h*,I _,•+ih1•, 'depress faro* lo*sill al *pd. Ili)43.a .1. Ile cme •0 ('*nada et 114.4 hr flfty p'r cent. or more and .p ell *r ago of twelve ye:n-. the family. rain *o the owner. setilhlg ow*r 4'11*ton Ilse nt*eudM1 • The majority who :ire ngl*tlng *11 - ti"derl,b o ir:unnu* r S I .• •1 and /0110- mew•'.• clg',ron-17 deserve ec"ry ern led mellelne 111 Toren'... Now York ,o*Ir:,gnc e•ttt 11 11.1 ns' l Hh*ncP In these end London. I4t* l:uel. :owl pI dnvs rnetl+s.of labor s'•, r'•ity :awl high pro hi+ profession it. Ia. ••Is for f1f- dnrtlon costs. Tho".• who aro Indiffer• ty retlr". The re'nln iu- were brought Put ❑eel eonstaht urging and n few r'• - here for Interment. attire 1..s'rodoo. This'lei n1. r('s+cry• but it hns.11oI been fonu.l -nl• Isfa•t.try to permit emit to "mind his • own hn+ine+e," because weeds do not THEY WILL CHASE YOU .1n event of howl. i . -e•9f was the stay- at Immo nn.l +ons• ilsm 11,11.' Ile wedd1ng of !lively"' 1?I "411. younger fenla' n mn1"anee to their neighbor- and laughter of Mr. and U J. G. Gib- a real Imlmdln.ent t.. better a¢rf •nl hlnke. of Milieu not .yip. t„ .1„1111 rare. -I"'r this ren+on tar Imre er'•I Leslie Tn+ken. ',f 1%•tr.0 .on of lir+,tsps+. - _. 1.. i.nw•.*o, of t'Ilnh•, n4 the late This is the tins. 1a +trik4. ftf1.hard Ti"ker. o1 St - "Y 9'hc erre- 1hm't let th['In ripen And 148•.* .loran Molly 1441+ performal the looter'', ►1e ground for another crop. If yon .*WPM United ehnrch .nrwlnage on have a field of &ether grille •h ,wing la be Monday. anil Jill) Mrs. Tastier 11,11 reside saf tor + t dollarsehea'I flunn�t• plyawl have e the Detroit. grw.dw111 of ”.*Ir neighbors by renting (h* M boy evening. •Indy MO. the It for hay Don't "tshd 1.y and sea• 't ('limos* ho+pltsl hoard 411'P a Iaingne't fL•1.1 of sow thbtle mature.'a•d, think , Ing flit ou et In ohn a 110%4' on.'of mit,r in -,, . utre4',1) 1', one pla1 nt *1*1" t'll eergIf 'it net llow•e.t to de end Major Malcolm 4.1.'Taggart. the vel.rp will he the permit of hnndred- fortper of whom mottle U pree.I*le to next rear. , o.rtwl b1 hnee an s -ant In the hoepltrl by n This weed emm�o4gn 1s rnp I enteron. gift toward *4 and the lot- Inde t harp your t w who trlen.II municipelPweed 1.I.•o ter of whom made It e0 alle'gttate a hosaital by the goner.nl+ services In this eleen-np. Wert., -D What Delco -Light means to women ELCO-LIGHT brings you clean electric light for working, sewing, reading. Running 4( water in the kitchen, laundry, and the bath- room, and for the stock. Beet of all, tireless_. electric r that supplants hard manual !thous:. ., se it to run the washing machine, the 4 rhnrni the ' Cutin cleaner. Use it for the caster, fan, electric iron. Let me tell you what 1 Delco -Light will do. I)l IL'0-1.1(.IIT S.t1.1•.a A SI K4 I( E (':unphell & Dutton Minx No. 1. 1Con10k71, Ont. W. G. COO.*, (AMERICO ROBERT WILSON the famous Fleury Plows, De Laval Cream Separators, Frost Fencing and Gates Lunden's Haying Took Gould, Shapley and Muir's Windmills and Cement Mixers. Tudhope Anderson's Wagons and Machines. Hamilton Street Goderich, Ontario GODERICH INN GARAGE • IFFICiAi. SERVICE STATIuN Ft Ili Durant, Hudson and Essex, General Motors Automobiles and Trucks Expert on 1 ectric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service 4.'•al can 1111111, folies 1 141'er11 11 when they are repaind by u - Automobile Supply, Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos in Stock a••, T„ anyone ale. viol .,ring a Alv,1e x.111.1 repair -127, HARRY BRADLEY PILONF.247 HAMILTON ST. *EIS 4qF `'' c r� ♦- ttttttttttt ••• ►owes t -,.-o.lettNIAQAtA Valk IS •N q o n -•- •'c. -A K 6 •„ ser • •h s .44. rte [ MO n t�l !ANGLE ' Enjoy a Restful Night on Lakc Eric on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada NETHER tnvebng by train or atom, motor' an all night's ode on be+unful Wyke tmr (*B1.i ne Steamer+are mann.h, rot 4MNmsbotel+,truhlarsecom• hatable natcn"+me. excellent dlneng room ten,'e end FE u,reo q no R��t`t Muac and lancing on the ire' ship • Aate;se. an a day (AB LAW way. Avosl mIles and radii conrere'l r Male sod &reltd Sta.kydadevelaae Div. Foch tray, exert night, leeriest it 9'00 pair 'swore, laming Port Sunler,4 00 p m anv'ng t w S. m , (ESTI D. m.worms (It-relent', 940. m • Mu 1sNovember 13th. June Yoth (I September 6e'..etlsaal assort rerosaar Pelee. Pet -16-Rif,Dsret. Veen wet sd 0a0...0 14.50 01113 war -111TFALO to C1.FVP.t.ANT) - 1+.70 rd. trip Nese flue Autos Carried 46.10 and u Facet .00 OM aLtR,�. 44.40 uvELAuRID 0.-Iy.00rd.te:D Writs J« dread, rue c&B Timmer Tem. THE et.RVlit AND ANn BUFFALO TRANSIT oO1MPAew YNy Port Stanley, Canada 1kisle ,,,,. 01111111•IIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllltll1,I,,,la•llll ,lam v,r w . v vets _.Inonnon,nlillllit*IIIIIIIIIIIhlll*I i'- +• •