The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-23, Page 21()talcum Rooster Written by Kathryn MacKay Illustrated by, Lesley Fairfield To make hand shadows all you need'is a hand, a light, and a blank Wall, The closer you put your hand to the light the bigger the . shadow will be. If Your.shadow furry around. the edgCs, move your hand "a little bit closer to the wall, E4poximent until you can make a shadow that looks like something you want it to, below are some, ideas for making shadows on Walls —;see is you can do them, A. little twist of your wrist can make a p'6rl . ectly.titMe creat ure into!ta monster. If.you' get scared putyour hand in your. pocket. Ilinosaur. - - " 4,2 rz ,z 6 0,5 3. 6 4, e' eSS P'P `°5 c . 0 el) fi.? eV), E.P ear We will bwoffering the same service iniguron and Bruce Counties that has kept us foremost in Perth County sin- ce1948 CALL US NOW' FOR A FREE ESTIMATE'• 395-5838 656-2618 Roth Drainage Limited R.R. 1 Gadshill, Ontario .NOK 1J0 STOCKER SALE 1200 Head Henson Livestock Sales Ltd. Sat., April 26, 1980 1 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers- and Calves Victor Hargreaves [5191482.7511 Clinton or Barry Miller [5193235;2717 Exeter or • 229.6205 Kirktott Doug Carruthers 237,3734 Dasirwood Greg Hargreaves 2.41.2831 Auttioneen Larry Gardiner inflation and rising costs have hit us tool BUY NO VV AND SAVE $2.01) Current price per case is $4.00 plus deposit THIS PRICE IS IN EFFECT ONLY UNTIL MAY 1st, 1980 Beginning May 2, price per case• will be 1.99 plus deposit BUYING BY THE CASE IS STILL CHEAPER a ipley students compete in shorthandcontest without advertising you could lose your-shirt! By ElizabethSfiteltzer Corey Catyler; Richard Lamb and Shirley Feterbaugh Ruth 'Van Rooyen and other students helped raise money, kir: • a Jamaican orphanage by starting a Talent Show. They raised $20.25 for the Sam 0min:children; ' MIME PRBSEISITATION Myles Caskie and eight of 'his. mime troupe from Owen Sound Caine after school on. April. 9 and performed for .Grade 3. They _were. really good! Afterwards, all the • students Participated in an excellent WorkShop. Before they went' horhe, ever&body enjoyed a deliciouS snack which the -parents had already provided. • On Thursday, April 2, John Everinghiin brought the Grade 11 Dramatic Arts class to the gym and' they presented'several . en- tertaining mime 'skits that they had prepared in their course. "Everyone.. enjoyed the performance. / It was very goodi' A NEWCOME • Binh `Thuy La, came the classroom froiriNorth:., Vietnam. She ..attends. classes in English,*t the Presbyterian arch froM • 9 until 1'0:30:'a and comes the classroom for the rest of. the day. She is 'trying' hard • to adjust . to Canadian ways and customs. She 'joini with the rest of the children in, activities very willingly. Everyone is trying to make her feel weltome. By Nitn0 MacDonald andMiebele MacTavish On April 11' Mrs. McCourt and seven of her students travelled to Walkerton District Secondary School to compete in a typing and shorthand contest, Competitors in the typing contest were 'Cathy Fluclder, Darlene Coiling, Debbie Lowry, Mancy MacDonald and Peggy Elliott. Michele MacTavish and Lori Peterbaugh were in the shorthand Contest. On April 18 Debbie Lowry and Margaret Nugent went over to Walkerton District Secondary School with their , teacher, Mr. Coultes, to participate in an accounting contest. Margaret placed second in the. contest. Congratulation's! There will be a Professional Activity. Day • at R..D.S. this Friday; 'April 25. The students will be able to enjoy a day off. • A reminder goes out to everyone that theY are' invited, to Ripley_DiStrict School's annual variety concert on. May 1 and. May 2, ELEMENTARY NEWS, By Wit Murray and • Tabitha Middellaunp On Friday, April 18 the girls' elementary basketball team went to a basketball tournament at Huron Heights. F ive teams including Lucknow, Elgin Market, -Huron Heights, W.E. Thompson and Ripley, ,played. The winning team was Huron Heights. Nice try, Ripley! At the basketball tourney for elementary boys in the Ripley District School gym on Friday, April 18, - six teams competed:. They were W.E. ThmpsOn, Huron Heights, Lucknow, Elgin Market, Holyrood and Ripley. Elgin Market came: out the winner, It was a good tournament!