HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-7-18, Page 66 -Thursday, July 18, 1929.
Woman Strengthened by
Taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Port Colborne, Ont. -"After having
an operation, 1 was very miserable,
reek, nervous and
ery near unfit to
ork. I .ser Lydia
. I'inkharn's Veg-
able Compound
dvertised and
ried it and believe
t helped me won-
erfully.-1 have no
wear: spells any
more, the pains
have left me and
nervei are much
better. 1 feel safe
in saying Lydia E. Finkham's medi-
cines have helped me wonderfully." -
Mits. W11.11. Brtx-Hr6LLE1(, Box 143,
Port Colborne, Ont.
The Leading
Men's Store
Et4'. thing That's, nen' :n
.lien's li.ear
1!. t:.l •l., , ring .' gip• r :1.
,into • Pone 'i Isar,
Chas. Black
Go after that cold with
Minaret's Liniment. Put
Min•rd's on chest and
throat. Take a half
teaspoonful mixed with
ayrup. Also heat and
inhale Minard's. No
cold can stand that
Y o
ands le excellent for
• . aript><.inauenza.bronchit .
asthma and all similar a::•sa
teha Great White Uninwnz
By L -ABEL 11A1111:1•
tialerich, (hut.
'Prue -hearted. whulc-hrynrt,.!
:tud loyal,
King of our the*,
we will be!
I oder 'illy standard ,•v..:••:
Strotig in Thy strength, 4%•' , 1s1'.
battle for Thee.
'fent-hc,irte.l. .w11ole-hr:arted : fuGes:
a llrglam'r
Yiehlilig henceforth n. oar ,l..ri.•ri
Valiant elielreivor and 1.,vinc ole,li.:, e
Awl Je.)otwll non wouLl Ar
F. It. lievrrg:,l. •
\1'e• praise 'inlets. 4 i;..1, Lor those,
„I• nL•itr 0r•at exlr•rie•uw•44 were able
•::cud fa -4 and. oyereoluilig. gale.
Mi., al! the glory. 11r!p us, to be
„If., iwun.v:rhlr, slue}• a',tnu,•:-
ir t i . 'Lv work 1/t the I.,•I.!. .\rw•:,
•.•. Ll:S,M►\ EOM .11 1.1 :'Sun. 11429
1.r•s•un 1'opir-Tlw Mur' oT Daniel
1 «-..on I'a..ages-'huts I :1-1. 19. 11:
bidden 'rest -Ilan. 12:3.
1 fi,. ,:r•ti%e I:r:. %•
tit• :1:-:
I•a14ic1. ., noun 41414!. Whit hon:
uvftlay r:* 41.11 .
and war deeply
-.v• of hi. ,Int\ .•, 1:,•,1. flu the
of 41,• ,•Vit,•• :It 11:1:,c1"n the
ane iu,'.•';t pr•un-hue; :he
Wen' ap.rrt. air!) a view
Ir tweet%nig to the polio -wench
n nu,. n•uinir _ :n, the leaving
:n.d t,•114'11e ,,f the 4'Lal•b•u,• as might
?f% digit for furnrtl 0101.1"Fm1•14t
service of ilio court lir of the
1••iniel :eel three trienl' were
h , -, I,"•ted .and to accor,l:imr with
;n of •1N• tinies't1,e were t:iv••
e:, Le••% . Attlee 1,11 ,.lel enters -41 nl•n+ his
our•. Iotstra.'tion fully det•rtultled
no k.•••••• : i, soul Undefiled from the,
cation• 'empteeti.u0s which. to such a
pl e, -e•, he would 111•. -tire t0 meet. 11,'
vis r1e•n, •'d the truth that "1:...1 is '11
'pat master IVs red -that 4:1/11
hand br'•n.ht 1'auiel into favor and
tender love with the prince of the
einao•h• Thus 1w -sniped for' himself
and 144. ,•ompu.:ious certain conces-
-ion.; in regard to their nosie of life
%chile pursuing their studies. When
the time. for tie training and probe.'
:ion of the yur,. _ Ilebrew. had,ic4s•-
ell. "the kink uwlue•I w'Ith thew.'.
and' among them all was found noun
Ifke It:u,ie)
and his threw friends. •
Thr)- were cher• ` a",elgne,l a place
Am"net the wig. . , n ,f Bahyloi..
`Smilin' Through" Coming Here at Canadian Chautauqua
"The sweetest story ever told on the stags" was the comment of a great metropolitan critic when
he first attended a performance of "Smllla' Through," Allan I.angdon Martin's beautiful romantic
drama. which is to be presented on the fourth night of the coming Canadian Chautauqua here. You
must see "Smtlln' Through." it cannot be described. 1ts wealth of emotional appeal, its human
comedy situations and delightful love story, its fascinating, whimsical sentiment that tugs at the
heartstrings, make this great play a true classic of the modern stage.
"Stnitin' Through" will he presented here by the famous Martin Erwin Players, featuring Martin
Frain in person -4
t 4'hable:u,." '1'hiv , lI em,,i the king t0 father came bona. ac,l h.• h.,p{.ened HINTS FOR THE
Ir• very angry and 114 comuceitdt.l t.. to arrive on the 54u1,la' tufa ru'e'Ii
I,• -trot 4414 t1a. wi•e•utt•n of itaiii Ion. The first thing h., ,lid w'a. Ili inquire
That order inrludaW i..w Daniel and feu hot son. They :;.1d I4)tu lye gas out
bi- three companions. .\t olive Daniel with the other Inas, but they did not
sought an :111.11euce with the kits:. know just wher,• •I,;c had gone.
!'his was granted and hr asked. for The fallen •%.,• rather vexed at
•rule. pmwi4in0-1JIat 41; drwand would chi.. 1111,1 wben the• I'.y .aloe 141 an
tort. hour litter ht• j„y ., see'htg 1441 father
Thr four consulted together a11,1 an. •omew4444 , . 1s4 1. 14411g askt.1
e thew-riyf*r over to prayer. owl sharply where 1.. bad been. hung
'.1 bbeard,them. tut, revealed the Shat knew that '.,the•r an. opprs
.% :role matter to Daniel in ee night vis-, ,•.1 t• the new re _ -11 th.4f the Infects•
• . Mau missionaries ...Id iutr.slurt•'I but
\Viten I►nuir! war taken Into the .till he. answer,.. rnthfnlly nth t, he
king's (,r'seuee ie took °erasion to had been at the,,•I 'nuday 'hp").lice all the L•ttsor No his Cosichow ':slug what w,�r .,'thrre'•"
he ever -trove t.. ultpy. So. when the The boy ansi,.• , :hat bead been
asks Mill askif be is able to make learning the ten, of tbe,1'hristlan
kuow'1 the dream and .ts lnterpreut- religions and • he believed 1n
tion. he reminds bpm that there had Christ, and ha,. • • Hal t.. he...me Ills
been no {mover ill flu• god; the di%iu• follower.
errs .er4Vd to enable thetu to do thio: " -Learning w'L • t.•achlnpt': It.• ou.1
"bunt theft' 1. a 11"1 in heaven that re H:- follower' \•.0 tare/t.., youig 4..
rCIlrt1, ...'ret-, and make•th k1ow11 111 know- what It •moos t.. he a Ch rialan.
the king Nefln•hadnezzar what shalt 'What has Christ r.. t , with .oris a
be in this hatter days." Ile. n..rils• 01411,1,asi you are'r Ilei/ileies11'4 want -to
.•verythlug W chi; 1:011. w'honl hr tarry- sant• you: Wait tilt' you becomeNbecome11
et -the dreamitself -- the interpret t- wan before you legit,,to think of -mill
tion -the existence. and power of the things" t
Babylonian empire and all the 14istorl- The fatter then/produced all ,ler ars
gal developaue•ut. whirl' 'he vision pre- gtlntents he knew,'againsi Chrlaiauitl'.
figured. This he 'utrereled in itn(we"'. ho{dug be Wild' per -made his son to
Mg with such fore on the king's mint forget what be -h td Leen learning.
a- at the elo.e. to ,;nt.r him to et4y:
"4tf n truth It is that 'one (:q,l !s a
G.sI •.f g•.Is, and a Lord of wine, -
.1 Bright Bol
Rev. J. 4;. 4; I.•:npa+, ('haugte.'
.,bon! thea '::,,r the king had a Yung Khan. which uteatus "Everlasst-
dream of grew -it:uifi'ance and inter-'. ing Mountains." lived tame the rings
est lav %hick had passed from his et though he did'not attend tlw Hai--
nlind s% I:• :, he . •.•'„ke. lie vainly soughtSion school. ile went to the Govern-
!. tweo•, r the iream and. failing. he l ment day *eland during the week, but
called I mrgi•i.u14 and else astrol-Ion Sunday afternoon, along with some
otters and :he sorcerers and the Chal. acquaintances who belonged to Chris-
tian families, he went to, the Sunday
school in the cha'bel. His father. ale
woes a business man, was away fratn
home most of . the time; • 441141e itis
mother and the, rest of the family
never ti"ok the trouble to ask where
the troy spent his Sunday afternoon-.
Towards the Burd of 'he• ).-,r the
an. to ,slew- him his dream. They
lid i( h,• would tell the dream they i
w„nld 4heft' the interpretation of it.
•1'4..,.answered him. "There is not a
l0 mattePthereforeearth /an thereeis the
g's r
kir: r. lord. nor ruler. that asked such
't it _s ret -a13 magician. or astrologer,
NAH '40
Leads the Nbrld in .'Motor tar $yhlac'
1111I"41draneeet Sit 1.I9oor.Sedma
Tully Equipped,
Xwthint More to Bay
I)elireretl. Fully Equipped
Prices o/'•Y3 •• 100" .11o(lels,
$1224 to $3356
including Touring, Road-
ster, Coupe. ('sai.riolet,
Victoria and Sedan Models
C(J,SIDER the delivered, /silty
e puipped price of this charming
Nash "400" Sedan, and you'll see
immediately it is a car you certainly
should consider, when you get ready
to buy.
For here, at a delivered, fully equipped
price much lower than you would
expect to pay for a car of its sire and
'character, is an Advanced Six "400"
Sedan with the Twin ignition. high
compression, valve -in -head, "hearing
motor -with the beauty and style that
have made the "400" a heavy favorite
among all the year's new cars -and
with a host of other costly•car fea-
tures never available before in this
price field.
Such features, for instance, as Rijur
Centralized Chassis Lubrication which
oils 29 chassis points at the pressure
of s pedal. And alloy steel springs in-
dividually designed for its size and
weight, correlated with Houdaille,
dorble-action, outboard -roamed. hyy-
draulic shock absorbers. And the
"world's easiest steering"!
These are only a few of the features of
this Nash "400", but they give you aft
idea of its greater value and the ex-
traordinarily fine performance you
may expect from it.
The delivered, fully egaipped price on
this, and on aU"400" models is lower,
for the simple reason that all this
equipment Bijur Centralized (Chassis
Lubrication, Houdaille hydraulic
shock absorbers, bumpers. spare tiro
lock, and tire cover -is installed at the
factory and included in the factory
price. Some dealers charge as much as
150 to $60 extra for bumpers alone.'
Phone 83 H. C. Young South Street, Goderich
(Iatende'.l for laitt week)
ST. AUOUWF1\E. July 11. -Mr. eu.1
Mr, Will Ilegky and family, of Lcem-
tugton, and Mr- it. Park, of Aehtle'ld,
were the gusto of Mr. and Mr*. Mason
aleAllister the Litter part of last
Mr. and Mr- McAllister visited
with .tiberfoyle. '.alt and Ayr friends
th.• earlier part .if last week.
The regular a.00thly meeting of the
Women's loetitute was held at the
home of \Ir.t J. let Thompson Wedoe-..
day aft•rneon of last week. Mins Elva
Iheierney p e the report of the district
11tta,l1al m'••!ing awl itis. Margaret
JcReraun R..v.• an excellent Iutler on
"('anadlan Writers."
Mr. and ,llts. Fred Augustine. of
Port (olbxori, Mrs, W. Matzo, of St.
laml.ert'.., (; . and Mr. and Mn. reoo.
Cowan. of I: oth, called on friends
herr on Tn. • Ay of this week.
Mr. Mohr and Miss Mary A.
!trophy left -t week for a trip to the
Nurse 4; .teffer.i.rn. of the Wood-
stock hosts. ' is t1 .1idaying at her , possibly corn. but the seed should be
home Imre soaked overnight to hasten germinn-
\Ir.lhn'1 Mr. Gordon McCI)ncbey and thin and growlt� fist be hurriwl by
family• of t:.,•t Wawannsh,sand Mr. remanent (initiation And plenty of
,and Mr-. Sid Mc('Iinchey. of Hallett. water.
11 Betty Barclay)
110 ' "u gate heed the {greetings .4 a
little sou or daughter and turuieh a
00IIng drink In the 'nitwit- of the at -
How to Weft a Wife
A Swig: Havant states that If a wan
wishes 1'. learn the character of the
girl he wants to marry be should
watch her peeling. cleaning and cobk-
lug potatoes. If she peels the Itotat..tw,
cutting thick rinds, ahs Is extrava*ant.
If site leaver; the eyes slag lee lazy. It
trru,s•u'' 11 Iwsy Iw 41 lemonade, an .411e uses a great deal of fat while eook-
orau0evule. a fruit punch ,au eggnog. a Ing the vegetable air Is greedy. and
glue, r al.• paueh, a mint Julep, 411 any if „ler allows It to 'burn saw 1s ie'gll-
oue of dozens of famous summer let- gent.
entges. 4'110'1"41 'nue their favuriteA On the other hand, the savant de-
but almost any (.,ding 4ITI111 w111 tier•,. If the girl avoids these rclh'eal-
bring •. u )ter• 11 nupas e 1ata1shu
;01,1 p8,tulh*' 4. es4 4(slylt dufuering 41hea.yt r•14clineu- fwhgetheitfr sllhethla rk•I1s 411ould Iss,rt, 11441arry1•her or
01444. hot day- of vacation. pretty, for she will prove a goad friend
'There i. 10414 more of real value to and wife, and bring h)u1 presgierlty
a liiltit• Ir,, of this ►1ud than many aced happiness.woe hr l'` a pprt.'la te. muu• fruit tint( In
the dri1,k Tarnishes Hauch that 1.4 lieu-land
eftela1 1n the line of minerals and
mallet The liquid Itself takes the {laces
of that lust through perspiration. The'
sugar. used us a sweetening ,,gent,
gives greatest zest to tete fruits used, ,
and Iowans.. It 14 u 1110111' ctIMentrat- 1
.d ,:soiree of human energy it help
to provider 1Le vim. vigor and vltalit%
thus Irul kr elilleireu the bright -e3 4•
roma rl,•e•ked 11111e beings they sire.
N.. furut-h the kiddl•s with plenty
.•f cooling drinks. rhi. mummer - 41,.r
tllb•,I with ite.btet liasletl w. that the,
%%Ill he relished -- and furnish the
adults with the suint or utore vial. -
orate leverages.. H. yon sew f11. Thik1
1,g pie•s-r,. of toe fit tome appropriately
GARDEN into the adult drink, for adult. are
Were prone to trip their to -tit•. nine 11
For chlld•re•u. it is u'ualh aril to sea
the leverage a.hte W e••e.t "1 hr, ri
the•r theta to serve it with ler.
Serou,l Bloom May lie Obtainer) Ry
(nutting Rork
Two pest. are, liable t.. 1e particu-
larly active among the bush fruits just
now., ("meant', especially II,.w of the
r..1 variety. are often anther defoliat-
ed 114 some quarters by the currant
e•orm. To control. spray .'1411 one
on144 ,' of hellrtslre t0 11 gallon of cols•
ter. Adding a Intl.• .14,11. L. th,• sent,'r
will help make me ee.lutiun stick. If , chii.t la•t'.•r.rgc; lime• Is n telt that
one bas 11414 a sprayer. dust the belle- *ill prim,. 4rIlcularly pleasing:
%Tore' .In In ia•w'der form while the dew fresh Orangeade
1s on the (dant. or 41(rer a light water- i , cup "o_ar
Inc. This toison, which most le fresh. ...lc cu{," water
%Fill akar control the encs+ wlrl•h eat :cul.• "r:,uge rub.•
the leave. of rose.. Examine the r,-I�
:: frisks{- .0- kw.,,, jui. e
Leery hu -h.. 1414,1 if the 'IP- 'of th'' t'mt,.l ! r .l 1 .'neige•
tn'W (•al1*" are 44lltBtg 41M'' t•nn Te 11.11 'ug:, water and .'rang,' rind
quite mire- that cane -borers are at. toge•thrr 4.. '• minute- 1'1.111. a.:.; fru ,
work. These grubs mike ring" around jni.r,au.1 •• rte.
the tip of the cane an '_limo down .at
Linger Al. Wnwil
stele. tout .44 the tip well below the\
lowest ting and burn these reit off \leeup hot tea infra•L.I
paortion', 1Pup sugar
T. Get Seemed B1. ti cup or.u,ge Jule
Moat perennials can be made to '3 cup lemon Juice
bl.som again if the firer stet nf'flowers' 1 plot ginger are
is removes! when about 4w11 -t1111'4 of 1 pint et1im•ntl or are water
them are past their heat. In doing 1111•. I•'ew "1hap1',range
it is lmpmtrtaut. particularly with the Pour tea 'over sugar. e.,.i and 0.11
delphinium lir perennial larkspur. to fruit juices. Turn Into large pinieh
cat tack all growth supporting the 1s.wl over bl.c'k. of I.r Just before
bloom. This may mean the removal of wring add ginger ale. mineral or he
all Mocks. but one neurally finds when water ntal '.rancor x114,
the first blossom of the 4eawm is never (rape Jule, Lemonade
Its end that seem.] growth is wellphlox. remove the old bloom with a 4 I1•
started from the bottom. With the 101Hl{••,ant• water
1 pint grape juice \
In the ear. et the plead, grould.
while hiking or when on a eanapiug
trip. fruit drink., ars very desirable
e'• re
Thar les carries) from 44.In
t•,trI111pa 1",I'1,'. or made un the .11.1
Prot Wed ou'• bosun. the water be Isle
When well sweetened, ttwy sere as en-
ergising f.s.l. as well He thirst -,pen
pair 0f eh ears. the remota) of the
,Steles not being neressnr. Columbine
1. usually cut right dawn. leaving onlc
the second growth whie•h comets ftp.,
from the root". Atter uhfa pruning. it
is well to dream the soil about the ,
plants with some R..csl fertiliser and
to cultivate well
Titin vegetables
Too often the mistake im made of
not thinning all the resembles'. Many
people think -that because they can ns.•
very mall Mets -and t•nrrnt• it is not
nece•smary to give them Any room. In11
beep will not develop even to the
greens stage 111n1*w evenly rinsed. it
is only uect'swtry to give an inch and
a half each way. And a little less for
earrota. As a rssult of this light thin-
ning. the vegetables will grow t li okly,
and quk•kly +crown, %ere -bade.. are al-
ways the most terider. it le not too
rote yet to pow- it few- beets. leans. and
were the get. -•i of )Lr, and Mrs. J. ('.
Robinson o%•.• the weekend.
i Mr. and Mrr,. J. Shanahan. .lass .\r,-
' net Shanahan std Master Gerald Shan-
ahan. rof Ifni ••tt, were the guests of
Mr. find Mrs J. W. Boyle nn Sunday.
51is. It It„ le 1s holidaying at the
home of hes grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs .1. Shanahan, Hallett.
Mr. .1. ('hamaey and his mother He-
rtel with (Mh:,w* friends last week.
Miss Mary tlreavea visited with
.,slerl.•li fret 4s taut week.
Mr. and MM. 3, C. Robinson eallel
on Zurich-irl'nds the early part of
this seek.
Don't Ile Discouraged
..•rhe •rt.;5 ,,,.man a mal ran trivet
his nioth,•r' remarked A jilted sw'nin
re ently:
Renien air. 144, your mother wee I
else a ,flep+{s r trnetM he your
atul thyre ore rmany future "n..ther%' I
iin.'augl,t h, ' matrlmoniol set who
will giro .nes
•.•4t. 1n1r.• ne•
o h.P oh14ndriv1
1 er
Try again.
\ Man Buy'.
A j•air of d.,l.,•r snit, lire eleven.ltight.
.4 p'oman Buys.
(4''.4 44''nt) 4 .4.1'.1 like to look at arose•
stockings. bless Why chiffon, 1 gums.
lest rue .se. 1 tl,ink I'd like a pair of tan
one 'What's that? Nude". No, that's Pio
light. Snnbnro' Isn't ti at a peciilii r
shade? Rather , . yellotry•lcoeking, if ton
know *hat 1 ,•,• an. Oh, the size? Why,
*load a nine, say, although that
maj M• n•I trifle short: • th Prime
makes a nine is identy large enough, hut.
What's that e•,I •r on the rack" \lay i
seethe!' t don '• like a aware heel very
nude. Haven't .oil that Phials' in a point-
ed heel? Isn't it a perfect Phase, that's
j'u't 1111' "bade 1 wanted! \lo• ng ow. Oh
yon'velomet it? ,fir, yes. It is rather thin,
throng(, isn't it"'phis is chiffon? Perhaps
1 shonla gest-.,,trethiltg a little heavier.
Mr. ('rouse is always saying he should
think I would frame in each cobwebby
stockings. lint mAtare mel funny, don't
you think" sire aloe mo * nglow? Well,
you might lel tn. look atsome of the other
slimily'. Tarp weal dawn .,raw' ..bsigt
eventi.le "tn,s -I ..... honethdew dust
paw chem \„
match my til, slippers very awl . would
maybe 1 have ,ough tan stocking at
lance, and 1 an, sore to Ret soars far
Christmas. Yon may sive me a pair of
Alan ones, i as,
reRed pimps yetn 'd
Netter give.rne A dig ten, and will you
charge them pi.•aaa.-M.O.d• In New
York World.
I I don't ink the
Timely Flower Work
If one wants a enntinnal supply of
flowers and a trim appestat(-. In the
garden generally. all (8414,0 1,1n4.119 41111)
any snggestton rof seed should be re-
esmoved. The prr.liretion of "04.11 nits the
vitality of any plant and it will not
p3Mhlre flowers and meld tro,. Alyssum
and similar plants which prodm'e a
profts.li n of short -stemmed .hlrw,m may
snipped with a pair of shears when
rhe flowers start giving place to seed
1,1141 they will send tel, a fresh supply of 1
growth In about a week. After eieh
rainfall, one must remember t" loosen
up the soil to entwprre the moisture'
and let the air in. .1n -t before the
gladiolus start to blcsom. It i- advisable
to sprinkle a little lime around the
plants, . ' This will give more depth of I
etolor to the sowers apd will ale,
the troll. I)yl!tg nal' bls.m', ,,n1
h nim on shy eiplrea, syringe. and orh,'r
s nibs should be eat off so that all
n urlshmen( will go into the planta
and proluee growth for next year',
flowering. it 1e now time to Pass no
on eultiratl.n around( fruit trees,
ehrnhbeey and woody vires, ea growth
on these must he hardened no that It
w111 not kill hack next winter. it 1s
a good flan to tranaplwnt' a few Well -
grown annual flowers around the rose
bashes And ehrrbler%1 to cheek the
growth. whlle A corer erop of oats or
retell, or even weed.. may he usrrl for
the same purpose among the fruit
trees and bn'hee.
Former IAteknew Man Hurt
•IAPNIN4N. July 13. -- Lloyd Robb,
thirty-eight years. old. suffered merlons
Injuries when run over by a truck ]ytats
terday at Glanworth. i11s eonol111on
waw reported by Attending physician*
last night to be fair only.
Robb wan employed by the Tnwland
('onstrne•tkm company as a truck drly•
er. Tetrteeday afternoon about 3:30
o'clock ler attempted to leap on the
hack M the. moving trite*. which at
the time wag hying drfcen by 'someone
else. Ile fell under the v,hlele. suffer-
ing a broken left ankle. many deep
eratIons and Internal inJnrtrs. fly
lege brought to victoria hospital end
attended by 1)r"itpenre and George.
Mr. Robb. whose home le at Lock
now. Onterlo. came here this spring.
and h4Ateen remitting with W. J Blair
of 251 Wortley mad.
"The achievements of .eienrs in the
past century give um the right to Af-
firm that absolutely nothing may hes
eonsldered ImpinsmlhlP."- iron Petro-
dltch Pavlov.
1 cup wiser.
Mix lee•ri4n Juice with oche inane.
lents. T.. n Into {Steller half filled
with i.r aid stir thoroughly. Let ad
ten minute. before serving.
Do you take
pleasure In
" NOW go about my daily
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Buy a box of Dr. Williams
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Drllli'ltnn S
10114 COUN11,1,1e
at the'ube(d1►
EXPO s • N
i., Mdhoa Dk
r AW..e the itue'.dnfg
to ('9jjr ieealir opened
a part o!`t1e lnepl►1k
Tear ('eirManon.
The 1929 Canadian National
Exhibition . . . the fifty-first
, . celebrates Empire Year, and
the brilliance of the entire two
weeks' presentation will provide
a magnificent, inspiring and long -
to -be -remembered spectacle for
the more than two million visi-
Low lata by rad 4,4 boat. AmpG
dst(are. Send pa nitrated.witietb, dun(btsg
entire Ennper, Tear (k4bration.
H. +2v,rs.
I .Has«.
£i 1hts"
.nh Wngln Marathon SM.,•r\.
n ewo events (Piet, Aug. :1
for went+. sed Wes., Aug. 214.
for peen and a'Ietneri ej erne',',
race) 'n the world chompvi•,
sop .0.1;30,000 pu.sc Out yea
rn mternstiensl ,pet tpzracle.
(:otmpntwe Dhoplari of Agr'ul
toe mall ,t, Branchri •
Trott end pace, featuring
Standard ketol Snotty Pun.nty
International Outboard Motor
float Regatta and Tacit Race,.
Government Czhikes from p.ac-
totaly every Country In the World.
Gaal Stand Mata? and Naoal
Pageant, "Britannias Mete'
by I S(xt performers on ell Wali z
l srge,t Stage.
Pen Show(�19.10 Mases
Car Models.
1jstio al Aircre t Show, a.d
8143 of chs Siy.
4 Concerti} by 2006 Voice &
hibtlon Chores.
The School of Commerce
offers you a Practical Business Training that has made
it possible For our scores of students to obtain and hold
positions demanding a high standard of efficiency.
--There is a position waiting for you
Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General
Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teacher's Course
and Special Courses arranged
Write today for information. Phone 198
B. F. WARD, B. A., Principal
M. A. STONE. Cor. Specialist, Vice -Principal