The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-23, Page 12Page 12-4aekeow Sentinel,:Wednesday, kr;11. 23, 1980
give donations to ith
• the_April_meeting of the
U.C.W. was held on Tuesday
evening, April 15 at the
home of Mrs, Cowan;
Mrs. Tinie Logteitherg, op-
ened the °Meeting with a
poem, Bethlehem and Cal-
vary. She alto read the medi-
tation, a reading, An Easter
Theme. Mrs, Olive Blake
read the scripture. Mrs.
BesSie McNee led in a series
of readings, 'A message on
the Church, in, which parts
were, read by Beth McCon-
nell, Mrs..Elsie Irvin, Mrs,
Amy Wiggins and. Mrs. Tinie
supper at
St. Helens
Logtenberg, Mrs. McNee
Closed the devotional part of
the meeting with prayer,.
Mrs. McNee read a pOem,
answered roll 'call which was
giving a gift for the. cancer
fund, to be used for a child
who had leukemia. A niption
was passed to make a
donation to the Cancer SOc.
iety froni the U.C.W. as well.
The minntes and corres-
pondence, were read by- Mrs,
Tinie Logtenberg. An invita-
tion was received from Luck
now U.C;W, to attend their
Thankoffering meeting on
Sunday, April 20. There is: a
Resource Fair in Wingham
on the .evenings of April 25
and 26. A letter 'was read
from Church ' and Society
with more ideas why 'not to
buy Nestle's and Libby's
products because of • their
nefarious sales practiceS
Third Werld countries,
The treasurer's report was
read by Mrs. Helen Dawson,
„The church plates have
ed, and are, now availablefor'
A discussion was held on
carpeting for the 'church, •cost
of which the ladies are to .pay
a part, Mrs-Olive Blake read
two poems • for the ;feature,
one being called, Footprints,
The meeting was adjourned.
Mrs. Joe. Marks of Wind-
sor visited on Saturday even-
ing with Mel Janes.
Visitors on the weekend
with MrS. Mary Bere were
Mrs. Ruth Austin of Toronto.,
Miss Larissa.; Aldham. of In-
glewpod and Mr. TornMac-
Ivoy from Detroit. They
accompanied Mrs. Bere to a
family gathering in the form
of a, pot hick dinner and
shower in Reid's Corners hall -
on Sunday afternoon
Mr. 'and Mrs. Graham
McNee,. -affd---iVIrs-rErie---
..McNee and family and. Mr,.
and Mrs, Jim Hayden and
fandly also attended the
gathering mentioned above;
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Lonnie Fairbairn
(nee Patsy Brodie) on the
birth . of a new daughter;
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs, • Terry Olson of
Listowelr the birth, of a new
son, Douglas ..William, on
Wednesday,' April 9th.
Theladies of the Christian
FelloWship Church and com-
munity Bible, Study group
met on Wednesday of the
last week at the borne of
Kenneth and Alice 'Wagler,
to honour the. 90th- birthday
pf Ken's mother, Mrs. Barb,'
ara Wager.
Mrs; Wagler-rOceived the
group in her own apartment,
Rex dranddauguter, Susan'
WagIer, served, tea. and cake
-Which had been made and
decorated by Mrs, Noah
Frey, Mrs. Wagler lost her
husband, Christian, In 1951,
living at that time near
'Shakespeare, Ontario,
She has one son, Ken, and
two daughters, Miss Alice
Wagler of Kitchener, and.
Lorette, Mrs. Louis Lichti of.
She has 15 grandchildren
and six great grandchildren.
The ladies presented her
with a pot of mums,
' A graup of 40 young
people from Breslan, Moore-.
field, *Berea and Dungannen
Mennonite Churches.. came •
rtogether at Dangannon for
weekend ,retreat;
The visitors•arrived Friday
evening and: were` billeted in
the various homes.
Saturday morning was
spent in a study and disenS--
sion group on the topic of
Vacations for Young People. •
This .was directed by Pastor
H. Lawrence: •
A time of roller skating
was enjoyed in the afternoon,
after which a supper meal
followed, prepared and serv-
ed by the ladieS*-2. of the
The evening was spent in
recreation in the gym of the
Brookside SPhool• . •
At a Special service 'Sun
day Morning, each group
participated in song or Word.
/ •
Michael Cete and Steven
L`ere returned ; home after
ipending a few days with
heir, grandparents, Mr. and
qrs. Joseph Cere of Pert
Misty Humphrey enjoyed
spending several days, visit-
ing' with her aunt, Susan
Smit of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Maclntyre of Ri(hmond Hill
were recent visitors with
Isobel Miller and Helen
Mr. arid Mrs. Angus Mac-
-Donald-enjoyed the company,
of their, grandchildren, Chris,
Paul and Patricia MacDonald
of Auburn; during the week-__
About 30 people attended
the. pot luck supper held at
the church on Friday even-
ing. After the delicious sup-
per, the children and adults
joined in an "egg on the
spoon - relay race and drop-
ping clothes • pins in the
bottle. Following the games
a short worship, service was
held accompanied by slides.
Bonnie Huniphrey was
showered with gifts, to hon
our her upcoming marriage,
on Tuesday, April 15, 1980.
Prior to opening her gifts,
she and approximately 70
shower guests were enter-
tained by a piano solo by
Celia Chandler, and Ann
Pritchard. Beth Aitchison, on
the piano, and Elaine Erring-
ton then led in a revised
version of Home on the
Range, which was altered to
Heine for the Bride.
Bonnie 'was assisted . in
opening her gifts by Ramona
Humphrey of Clinton and
Karen Bowman of Kitchener.'
After lunch everyone was
given a chance to give
Bonniea, little marital advise
which was most entertaining,
The , regular school patty
hosted 11 'tables. Winners
this week were Marg Erring-
ton and Kathryn Todd for the
women and Todd Park and
Ross Ellington for the men,
Mike Austin won the most
Shoots and Rosalea Cameron
won in a lucky draw. Next
card party there will be a pie
counter. 7
Our grand prize consists of Briiish
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is deposit $100.00 in a new, or your existing, Standard
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ballot . . $200,00 gets you two ballots, and so on.
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Telephone: 357-2022 • 4
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