HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-23, Page 5SUNDAY, APRIL 27
10:00 a.m. and 2:10 p.m.
'Listen to the
Back to 'God Hour
10:30 a.m: CKNX
rs, George Mencrief
welcomed ''everyone to the
'• Ashfield W.M.S. Easter
thankoffering ineeting held
in the churCh basement.
' Mrs. Moneriefread an ''Eas•
ter Story";followed by pray
er, The scripture and; the
meditation followed by pray-'
er ere given by Mrs, Grant
Farrish, Mrs. ihri MaCKen-
?ie: favoured with two ac-
cordian selections, ln the
Garden;-:and My Souls in
Your Hands.
Offertory Prayer was read
. by 'MrS, Gordon Finlayson.
Mrs. George Winerief in-
troduced Mr. and Mrs. Cam-
eron McAuley from Ripley as
guest speakers. Mr. M4Aul-
ey gave very iafermative
introduction to their slides of ..
• a trip to Cape Town, South
Africa and everyone enjoyed
them very much. The 'guests
'were thanked by Mrs. Ewan
Grace was sung and an
enjoyable evening was con-
cluded' with lunch and • a
social time.
Grey Bruce WI executtre
hold board meeting
at .1
home, of the area president,
Mrs. Ken Spence, Leith,
Mrs. Grant . Grieve record-
. ed the minutes of the meet-
ing. A lettet.was„ read from
Miss Molly McGhee, Dir-
ector of the Home Economics
Branch, Ministry of Agri-
culture and Food. Miss Mc-
Ghee stated that it is permis-
, able to hold a one and i half
day area convention, instead
of the usual two day one, The
cetivention will be one and a
half days this year. It will be
held Wednesday and Thurs-
day, Oetober 1 and 2,
d• 1
Grey-Bruce Women's In- Registration to begin
stitute executive held their p,m. on October 1.
Spring Board meeting at the
Rev. Win. Mutishaw
B.A. M. Div.
10 a.m. Sunday SchoOl
11 a.m, Morning Worship'
Everyone Weleoine
+Small Fruit Bushes
*Rose Bushes
•Gladiolus Bulbs
•Dahlia Bulbs
*Flower & Vegetable Seeds
*Onion Sets
•Seed Potatoes
•Grass Seed
*Apply Dormant Oil Spray
on Fruit Trees, Now
Order out of town flowers for
I th
•k(luiitin's Flowers & Gifts /OA
f re6 ,0,41.0 tuFtnowPir: 528-203i 4-410AINAlbd
ikvkly. jr vliz% L v, •
4.44;44.* .."!, tr.
7R71,...,' •
The Kinloas-Kairshea
Womotes:,Institute met' on
• Thursday; April 17 at the
home of Mrs. Harold Howald
The . Lucknow G.I.T.
girls entertained their moth-
ers; ,'adopted, grandmathers
and mYSterY .mothers at a
Tea . Party . at the United.
Cburch on Monday, evening.
The, tables . were decorated
With flowers made by :the
seniors as a Japanese paper
folding craft,'' •
The guests Were welcomed
by President Kay Morrison.
She told that receiving letters
from mystery motherS was
fun but the girls carrying out
part of the CGIT purpose of
serving others each-enjoyed
visiting an adopted grand-.
mother as well,
Leader Laura Lee -Cayley
• explained that the'purpese of
this project , was•one •of coin-
munication between the girlS
and•women of their. own con ,
Vice-president ' Brenda
Henderson thanked' the mys-'
all dealt with the correspond- MacintYre; assistant secret- Firide; branch directors, Mrs.
ence, ary, Mrs. Evan Keith; dist- Clarence Ritchie, Mrs, Frank
The ladies agreed that we rid director, Mrs, Evan. MacKenzie, Mrs. Hank Hare
.•should; •send a letter of , Keith; alternate, Mrs. Lloyd temink and Mrs, Roy
to the Her - Mad) ugall, public relations son-
rage Foundation( for the officer, Mrs. Clarence Rit-
bookletto be compilectenithechie; curator, Mrs...__Harveytatidingcommittee._
History of the Grey Ox. The. Houston; auditors, Mrs veners, Agriculture and
District by-laws were read, Donald MacKinnon and'Mrs. Canadian Industries' Mrs',
noting changes"to be voted Frank. MacKenzie; sunshine Harry Lavis* Education and
Steer thanked the ladies for
the max cards and letters
:received at the time of her
Mrs.. Evan Keith gave a
full, report of the District
Director's, meeting: beld in
TeesWater on March 25,
Kairshea , to set up an.
IndOor Gardening eXhibit at
the District Annual. Delegat
es to the DistrIct Annual are
Mrs. Allan MacDougall,
Mrs. Evan Keith, Mrs. Don -
aid Macintyre and Mrs.
Brian Doelinan. The roll call
was the payment of fees.
After lunch, Mrs. Leonard
'Clarke conducted a game.
The annual meeting saw , the
following officer's installed by
,;Mrs. `Harvey Hbisten, PreS-
ident, Mrs. Allan MacDoug-
all; 1st vice president, Mrs.
Harold Howald; 2nd vice,
Mrs. Leonard Clarke; secret-
ary treasurer— Mrs. Donald
at .II a.10. The president,
.Mrs. Allan MacDougall* op-
ened the meeting with a
Poetn,' Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug,
on at the District Annual to committee, Mrs.George Mc- Cultural Activities,
be held in May at FlerVit
- United Church. Mrs. Philip
tery mothers. Mrs., Wilfred
Drennan thanked the girls
for the visits and leaders, for
organizing the project.
The girls sang the CGIT
hymn and Reach - Out hi;
,Leve, accompanied by Kay
Morrison and Brenda' Hen-
derSon. ' Leaders ''Bernice
• ,Davies and Barbara Hentler-,
son were introduced,
Everyone was invited to'
the Spring Thinkoffering on
April 20. The girlS will Soon
be registering and preparing
for the All Ontario. Jamberee
weekend at .Wildwoocl- Park,.
A responsive:' 'meditation*.
Growing Together" In Christ,.
was read by Elaine Irwin and
Brenda Davies. SlideS made
by theinterinediateS accom-
panied a poem, Growing,
read by Donalda. Thompion.
With hands joined around
the tables everyone sang
Taps. -•
ow Cape Town
slides at tel
Lloyd MacDougalk Citizen-
, ship and World Affairs, Mrs.
Donald IVIacKinnon; Family
'and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. -
Hank Hartemink and Resolu-
tions; Mrs, Bill. HaldellbY.
M s. Clarence : Ritchie
presente Mrs. oy ac-
Dougall with a gift in honour
of her past six years • as
secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Farish Moffat gave the court-
esies thanking the hostess
and directors, Mrs: Gordon
Wall and Mrs. Parish Moffat •
for supplying the dessert' for
Shows s
t Easter
' The Evening Auxiliary of
the Presbyterian Church,
LaCknow, held their Easter
Thankoffering in the church
on April 15.
The W.M.S. ladies of this
church were guests along
with a number of ladies from
other churches.
The , president. Miss
Maudie Fisher; welcomed
the guests and read a poem.
Meditations were given by
Mrs. Bert Moffat, Mrs. Wm.
RosS, Mrs. Cyril Brown, and
Mrs. Bruce RaYnard. Miss
Margaret MacIntyre sang a
solo accompanied by her
Mrs. Frank Hawthorne in-
troduced the guest speakers,
Mrs. Kenneth Mowbray and
Mrs. Lorraine Baker. Mrs.
Mowbray and Mrs. Baker
showed slides and spoke on
theihfip to Sausse Tunisia in
Africa last fall., The ladies
'visited with Mrs, Mowhray's
brother=in-law, Dr. John
Mowbray and Mrs. Mowbray
and family, for three weeks.
Mrs. Ross Garnmie thank-
' ed ,all the ladies` who took
part m the Meeting and Mrs.
Mowbrayand Mrs. Baker for
sharing their slides and "ex
periences with us.
Rev. Dave Procter, repres-
enthtive from Hamilton Con-
ference. who is retiring this
Jury. was in attendance as
Bruce Presbytery. met in
Mildmay United Church,
Tuesday, April 15.
The chairman, Rev. Ron-
ald Pierce, opened with
meditation' and yrayer, fol-
lowed by" routine business::
Rev. Park welcomed every-
one to Mildmay united
Church. The nominating
committee's: report was giv-
en by Rev. James Stockton,
with vacancies to be filled
later in the day.
The four committees met
to re-convene when. part, of
the' report of Oversight of
Miss Ivlaudiefisher closed
the meeting with prayer. • A
social half hour with lunch
was enjoyed.
Pastoral Charges was given. •
Lloyd. Douglas Paul, of 'Kin-
cardine-'and . David Maxwell
of Chesley are two new
candidates for the ministry.
Rev. Pierce and Rev. Park
were in charge for the sacra-
ment , of Holy Communion.
After luncheon consider-
able time was spent On elect-
ing delegates, both ministers.
and lay people t attenc
General Council meeting ii
Halifax August 15 to 23.
Other reports were given
followed by discussions ano
announcements of the many
activities with which Pres-
bytery and its congregations
are concerned. .„
Rev. Walter Leeman gave
the courtesies for the day and
Rev. Proctor pronounced the
Rev. Doug Kaufman
10 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
Morning Worship
Nursery Provided
For Pre-School Children
Jr. Congregation for
5 - 8 Year Old Children
aus 'sia
ruce Presbytery