HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-7-18, Page 44. --Thursday, July 18. 1929.
Clearing Sale of
Straw Hats
Regular $2.50 for
PANAM a HATS. regular
$3.00 for
Men's Suits
All Tight colored Suits
Clearing at greatly reduced
W. C. Pridham & Son
Phone 57
wiJlrtx.o until. Jule 1:,• -- Mr -
Wesley Leasatt had the wi;fortiow to
fall from a Load of hay in hi. hart
to the floor oat friday Id•I. lie wa•
pulling the sling -rope and( the knot
.,.we wahine.
air. Elliott FPll.hn. 'barn 1w•T.r nto,sti
for the part two week,. taking a elm" tl
ial course in Boy Scout work.
M1•. 1,111.40 Lot :roan. of W1ud'wr.'
and Nurse 11'altet.. of Torotit.,. A 14041
over tlw we'kw 4 at .t hr home of 11r.
:tad %1r-. .thhert Walters.
earna good ,•lock Of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds,
-[mime. goo en on application j
Frank MCArthui
Telephone 82 V)/est Street
with a full line of
Fresh Fruits and
Kingston St. Phone 116
►1'Itl'ItX..tpic Mr. p 11aKah-
rte. who had teen v1.41Iii hien
ter. lu Toronto (..r ;he last worth. re
tur4e,1 011 Mond:1y •amaulandel by
I4i. son -in -haw. 11r. Walker. and hie
wife and daugltar. Vora. 101,.. are
A:.iting relati%.. In the yl.•inity
We .•oma:Itul ie' 11I* 11ary lo,t.te
on her .,1 • 4lte r�..111 . nr mane
ec,nuitlatiun. -
MI a .tteta H;'u Than IuI• INwu e1
:aged to t. a. h : j. N... :t. i'„11ti,n4
for the .•utaln4 year. { ar 'l'holAa•.iF
Reg. Wm,
RituUby. ,,,
rnpie4 the 1 i!ptt the' liapat•l.,
!lurch II. Snit:,,> '
.Mrs. 11o!tzhanrr. of l'reao4.
formerly \Ia•vg I:die Knox- of Auburu.
was calling 044 old friend- are early ,
pat of the week.
gnus Pre.byteriat Kuu.4ty >r•h.N.l
will picnic -with Ithth Prr•l.vueri:ut•
at Hayfield next friday.
11r. and Mrs. A. C. Jackson, of
G,Nlerlch. were gnt•-t• of 11r. and Mrs.
W. B. Patten.** on Monday. .
The crops in thio vicinity are
looking splendid port now and liar•
lug uperatioua arc general.
Mr. Harold Bogie expect* to slot
down his chopper JIM. week for two
wleko. h1 order to w he repair,.
here •e.•n receivi1:.a wreath (roan. '17101101. Fahey, which 'eta- to be droppeg
roma the `'Pathfinder" over the .431.44 where the -Old Glory' flight cadet tat
glly?achilr atnewpting a -Bailor trip.
of Iuitentel, and 'lir. and Mr*. Henry` Three children. of cfy•.:al City. Man
1l••rri+1, and three :1ll41ren. •4flatT" o IaU 3,lr,•t.an.J r- oleuri 1h. {(.late
Mr. and Mr.. Froth T:uuldy 0 and with 11r. and Mrs i den Alliu last[
kw4 children and 1l3.. Mary nimbly -1i. - Thursday. .
,.{ I nuh.+IN'4' .lett Sunday at the We are sorry y, rr!N,1? that 111•
f 11r..u,.1 11 r. Bert. Pentland. Margaret Jeffers**. 101,..' Into 140 .n4•
(fore DiaOu. wbo hare .been visiting
at the rectory, returned to Galt on
Mrs. J. (itngerlch and two Love, of
Bad Ase. Mteh„ are- vI thug her par-
ent,+. Mr. and Mrs. ,S. (leave.
Mises Ruble Fisher. of Kitchener. t.
the Fue.t of her aunt, Mrs.' P. Ed-
ward*. ,
tont (i. W. fieddes and family'. of
London. are •M'eupying the McMillan
MMe 111ua Proctor.\ who /went iter
vacation with her aunt. Mrs. (1. King,
returned to Toronto uu Monday.
Mi.. Houghton. of 1.01141011. ha. pure
ehased ,old 1, now occupying the cot -
Jet*. formerly owned by Mrs. ('thio.
elf i.ondon.
Mr. nod Mr- .1. .1. Stevens. Elinor
And Lathe Stet elm.. relllrued to Toron-
to on Friday after .mending a few
w"rke at their cottage.
11r. Win. 1.. I'amepm returuel to
3h'trolt of Sunday. having visited with
hi. fatter and .tiler for ten day..
Mr. at.1 Mr'. Ivn Meltae. of Strath-
r.o s3 'nt tlw week -end with the lat-
ter'. auto. Mix J. Fraser.
Mr. and Mr.. ('haw. W. Logan and
...laughter. of. Trout Lake. Mich.: were
aura. MA week whit the f.rner'e Aba-
ter. Mr.. S. ('leave.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Trethewey and
.,IhIrei returned to tlwir home 14 De-
troit on Thursday loot. having- vi-itel
the former'. -doter. Mr.. A. J. ('arw•er.
Mr.. A. Spark. and two children. of
k lamdon,
are vIating her father. John
1 t. Wood*
1 Mr. and Mrs. O'Meara 1111.1 family.
. , 4f 1.4114100. are staying at "Merrytime
The metdt.er. of tie girl.' hr.st,•b
' of the W. A. of Trinity church spent
' an enjoyable afternoon at the home of
y MI.. Edna Sanderson on Thursday
1 baaafternoon. Thr afternoon nes .pent In
,.i, tit
he lawn. efurleaving served
ing the girl*t W11•4
A presented Mi.* gander,..,, with a Kat- of ether.
14.1%1014.1%10Y1u,.ry ,4William*. .1 Rogeritoger Willias. New York to Roane f lien as they L1..
off Prow 01.101.1I orchard. Me.. on a frau+.tt lautic dight to Italy. They tor,.
honer ••
LANES 11i+•. Tittablyu I. rrwainiig for a few ce efully taught school- at S: S. No. c A .p)eud(d preseutatl..0 .!f ole coulee
we•1. ri•it.
for tour ,rears. has re.ii iced her 11..•1- 1v. ••111 Explain Everything." 1.a• gir-
-t C,1 The tiirl.'-taild held their Monthly t' . P)1 in the town hall un Wednesday of
1•.1X1:.. July 13.-.U' ind,•l.'It•,t -'' • ee,ii. on Tar+day of tide week at The W.M.S. of 'to;th'1 11ill •iwbl • last wrrk 1.c tote Drnswtlr 19ub of
vier 1.-:i- Geld 1, Il,. kelt'. •-111.:,..e-1, 1::'+' .l1« mow of MIX. Jennie Margaba their u4uKhly mretin. at the home of Trinity churl h. halt. The Inlayer•
Tile -44v a ening to introit„P.ltgg. 11 r. There 1.a• n good attendance. The 110. John Young, rine thio., w..rtin' took their parte exceptionally .5r I1,
Tsveruor :,• his mea 4ot:rrinatlot- ••t tweeting 1.a• lel 14,c the pr'sideut. 4f 'Perini mention aa- the pte•.'nta•, and hehl the attention of the large llm-
II,,,•krtt'.. /ion nd . Itlnkr•. 77ir 11r I.e.lie Pentland. The Scripture tion of a gold pun M". John •t. ! diem*. Mn: F. IL Paull 1ac4' several
ys•akery fear the ,..1.4.1, 1, were Iter. S. ,,Nu1tl,g 1.a+ raker by . M0..• •Lena Walter in honor cat her fiftieth a id.''I,tuno .ole,. And. Miss 'LucypWa.d. a
firerm and tlw study I...k by Miss yet...try. Mrs A. 'Be der.o0 read the c.N•al •,,lo The [.lay watt given noon
Noted Woman Speaker
Coming at Chautauqua
[Whitfield. •'f At. Geier*. 1tev. Jt. A. lnwlia Mello -alit A uu10ler of him -
!midi, of Nile, an l Rer1. J. Scobk. of iI ' matter. were thru dlsclt.wel.
lte•lgravr. after which the nt•ethlg *44. ..1.....1
1:pworrl. 1•..11(1 .-ale held ..0 Thur+- .ith prayer'by 11 r.. 'Lundy. .4, dein-
the .1,..r ,•,•.•rim. Iritl: 4,1. new IIe.A'r to tv labels 1.n+ served h' the h+aes•c-
rh, i .:r I.rpic .•:,• 3441'0 a l0 111g ,.f the .Iag...Mi•' .1 4.111114. M1arqui..4.4.1
ll.t .Lehr.-• en A. a ,tort by mairle 11t•••J4wih M,-1'144111.
Ino M.•1, I,gne was nni.'I' 4 t Bunchy. July 2i -o.. the Nile
alga.. i:..•,1 •
11 r. L:,n,l Rio' !.44+ :fyta nl. hi. 1 nISIirl rhur.i, will bold re -opening
1..ation it. the --.re here and has '.'r,I.r. 44r lh -a.iu. 6411,3 7 µnn. Rrr.
taken Hp :1 Loath' -w of his own la finery RuvI . of itelton. 4)114:. g*tll Ie
I ln• prw•'hrr for The day. $3**4n1
,;.ierich. '-r 1.i -I, hlw •neve.•. will 1e.roudened.
tore. S. Fermis.: and Donald hare - -
returned to their -an. In 1411(411 at- ST. HELENS
ter 'pending a •'•rk with Mr. and
lir.. T. Ferguson.
Inn ('a111104U 1• -rending part of S7'. HELENS. Jul, 1:..---It••v. 11,,1;.
the hnllelar. pith 1.. r grandfather at \1'hirflehl and Mr.. Whitfield are
1.411% illy thio week Ly motor for their
Whole .1'4 4113'):, Lane .pent !Li IrJ1.111 The pulpit test Sunday will
ww•k wftl, •1Nk saw. Mr.. iAyhorn, I Le occupied by Bor. Ure Stewart. of
of Itivergle.y Guelph. -
11r :caul Mop G,.'lane went to Mr.. Taylor anal .on. Eric. of I'rt-
FIe-1w•rtou lana 4wu,lay to attend the erborough. are vl•itorswith her .1.-
fu1rA1 of a crash. Miss -Mildred Om' ter at the (Misner.
well.w•' 111•w .Untie Clark. of' Si.klarNm. I1.
.pending ler vacation at Rowe with
I her mother. Nit,. 1'. Clark.
Mr,. Cho.. Purtin. .r.. h a visitor
with her daughter. 1Ir.& M.All1+ter. at
ad.ir. r, and Mrs. •Ld,n: Young pre-
sented the girl Mr-. .[.new-. of 41ey.•-
1aud. gore an Intervening talk on lwr
weak in /hat city. after Willett a dain-
ty- lunch was serve) by the li,*te•.•'
TN.. .11111ghter1.. 311,•e+ 11 1,111y and
itNeel. ,
11r Leonard Wa!:l,r. an,l .3.thr.
%Ire. A. lh-Maun.. and her sou. of
Stehar'he'wan. and 11r.. Aglow au.l
Mt. daughters, Mat_:fret and itilly. of
Cleveland. 44hio• are l,.'re h• ri.I1 tlwir
parent.. Mr. and 1tr- J. A. Waiter.
and take part in ' celebration of
-their fiftieth w..1.1:... :Innhrr.nry.
Mr and. llrw D:a. an. of Toronto.
'kited at the hum.• ..f lir. and Min.
Paul 11',elel over he w-e'k-coal.
Dr. Newton. of 1'••rroit. vi.itcd with.
Mr. anal 11r* Petal 11 i'••!rl on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. S. 4heardown and
frailly. of Godericl yisltel at the:
home of Mr. and 3I. -. John Treble on j
14 lay. II
I Mt.• Hilda Hardy is vielthtg nnder
. the parental roar.
Mr.. Har.'.d Hiekaau and two chil-
dren. of Tomtit... are visiting with
her sister. Mr-. Hooted Baer. and
the au.gd.e. ..f the Jnnlor (Tall( .4'f ,
Trinity ehureh. for whlch-a nice sum
Wa• 1101 fell.
Mins Maloney. of Toronto. who
.petit the pw•t two week. with Mlm.
E. Dewar. returned on Sunday.
Hiss .Ann Dewar i.. visiting friend..
in Gottfried:
iIPN1MIX. 1141,4 17. -Mrs. A11ell
rt The itipl4y.
burn. called On .
$11.4 t1.,. cb11.1ren. of Tlsroulo: are: Mrs. Ed. Thom and daughter. Jexu, lit xt.l 1(ew
.,solo: at .'.e --••-. - are- vl•Inu In I,rtroll• unity recently.
rNareu t•+. Mr. acd-Mrs. A. 1111eDermld• Tlw St. Ileletw. \Woinet... Institute
1G•• Mary I1,..le spent• the week-; wild holt their eemmnnity picnic it /'brace 4t5.end with friend. In Ooderleh town-( e. H.rwere
ICit. r11m• trach en \Wwlue�day• July „Dine...
Mr. 1014 11r•. John 11'rbapr end 11a+ter I:w.tg.
1" ,IAllgta,PM, 111.,es Tl,.r.thy- and Thar- ed with Mr. 11,
cue. are on a motor trip to St. Path- iar h fnr the h
aria.•. Niagara. Buffalo. Guelph awl The new hen
It...,It..., I
Mr. and lir.. .1,1*. i,glae endAgrehit imptry11nrend.1
other point*
ther relatives
It,.r: -nn, 4atnrday. July 13th. to
31r. slid mite. 1.144! Johnw'n. a non.
Wi.lter+ at the home of Mr. and
Mr.. Juo. Tubb .!tiring the Not week
were; 11r. and 11r.. Richard M„rrieh.
..f chi.•ngo. Mr :and Mr.. lack Sew-
I.•r. of Itenerk•{•. Mrs. \1'10. 1►nndas,
JULY ......
:jo.c'5 RING
The Newest
Mg Show In All
The World
5 Continent Menagerie
1250 People - 500 Horses -- 50 Cages Animals
30 Lions - 2 Cars of Elephants rind Camels
5 Bands - 2 Calliopes - 2 Complete Electric
Light Systems - -30 Double Length Steel Cars
6 -Pole Big Top - 5 fllammech Rings -
2 Steel Arenas - Wild -Beast f Iinpnc:roine
• 1/
1000 Character Bible
Nosh and the Ark
Geo. A. Bean. of An -
.31 friends la dila'vle-
e;riorge drTtefra Deg
1'eagan sports r Ford
daughter. Wanda. of Mitchell. were •
recent yidtore with Mr. i,n.l 11r•..
John 1'aneroli.
111i., 3....1.. lle•n4rrwm. of d.nekir..w. -_.
ie+ holidaying at 11r.. J. It. itntlwr• 1tAVVIEI•I telt' IT. -Mr. and Xrs.
ord +. f.. it. snout vu.l win returned to their ■ •
Jlr..and Mrs. 1G Lean. .d St. (nth -lone in f fmd,m .ire ha.. atter riessummer dale o� es ii:Trite.. milled ••h Mr.. Clark recently.' loin_ 1t r. mat 1(r.. ('has. Parket
Mr. and Mr-. Fret Hyde and Month- miss tenth. ,,,,t,t„k charge of the ■
ter. of i)i,hOsiry-. Altai. and 11r. and nu.'tlug of the toting people** depart- 111
Mr.. .treble I'o1LN i. of KiftFarvllne' talent- ".f St. Andrew's. United church :
laver. arid'. • with 11 r. :end Mr.. Jo.. „n Thurwlay. July 11th. Mb* Cecil ■ •
Hyde uhf, week. 11e1•Nnl give 11 very interesting And apd 1SSeS Dresses
1i r. Gregor Stuart and lnnghter' In•tnutire•prper•.n missions in('htna. ■ill
Marjorie. of Chicago. affixed on Mon- much otunittme,,1 she Othering as M s ■
' f the women In ■
anion Crepes, Printed Crepes, Satin _faced
• IA 114...1114.. 1. 44011.1.1y-
••• FAR :AIt. near A,1-
•liday month..
+ being built L; 11.
ir. R. 11. Voting are in
-,nypietion and make n
•nr M tlwir
Cleveland's Bread
ib a tempting complement to any
meal -delicious in itself and lend-
ing zeet to the rest of the menu.
Your family will demand twice
as moth of our Bread ae any other.
Encourage tIwm to do iso, -aa it is
the ma41 healthful and nourishing
lord tlwy can take.
Phone 114 . West St.
311tt+. D. I'IRIE BEl'k t
The experiences of Mrs. D. Flrle
Beyea. whose stimulating lecture
'Education or Catastrophe" is one
of the inter...tlug features of the
cooling Canadian Chautauqua here.
have been altogether unique. A
grand -daughter of sir George Ala -
bury, she was presented t the
court of Queen\'ictOrta when
little child and educated to move
ln arletocra(Ic British circles, only
ater to be forced to earn her own
living In an American department
store. Trained as a nurse. she en-
tered the World War at the very
start and saw service with the Brit-
ish, Canadian and French armies.
with the Hoover Relief Commis-
sion and the Army of Occupation
In Germany. Mrs. Beyea has trav-
elled and lived in twenty foreign
countries. She has lectured In all
parts of the United States and
Canada. and has just returned
from an exten.Ive lecture tour In
.Australia. New Zealand and Tast
Mrs. Ileyea is a tremendously
able and magnetic speaker, and she
handles her vital subject with con-
viction and authority.
of Your Patronage
We -it .tr••••t, upstairs Over
T...•hut'!s Hardware
For Ap, .ir,tnrnt Phone 2.9
Open s. .-,.ng. by .ppo.nerxent only
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by EEJectricity
Wail by Electricity
Iron by El.ctricity
We guarantee our Hydro lamps
for 1500 hours use.
Wand .id. of Square Ged.rick
-Week of July 22 to 27 ---
Monday and Tuesday -
Milton Sills and Maria Corda
bring darkest Africa and n, .leen. 1"muive
to you with a urn type romance 111 10
old world setting. Powerful characters-
sation and a gripping story.
"Love and the evil"
lie,rge Lewis in "TIIF: CO1•LE'3IAN. '
Wednesday and Thursday -
Neil Hamilton. and Harrison Fiord
present a Mory by
• (N,uta early and get a good real
The captivating madcap of the screen
hlta a lot of new high spots in this ro',•
licking comic drama-
"Three Week -Ends"
Lu,.ino 14411.' Comedy - "-?I.11 M ER SA 1'-"
Friday and Saturday-
-"After the Storm
a tense scti,.n picture pr..dttc.d Ly ('•don. •
bia Corporation and guaranteed enter-
tainhng to everyone. The appeal of bia•
honing seas lashed by furious nature ie
faithfully portrayed in this thriller.
Mermaid Comedy -" PICK E I) OUT'
Matinee/Saturday at 3 p. m.
(',,n.in,1-"'il11THER KNOWS RE$T" -
, ••ere•••••••••
I Outing, Golf, Bowling
Tennis Shoes
Sturdy prs-tical Shoes
favorites for lading. mi
fancy fabric••. They
patterns. flay Sheep
of styled in 'sndab. a
has started Buy
the lowest r•:.+sible
r men, boys ami youth. Th••
and children are the colored and
e here in the newest .lesign• and
r children include a very' lard.- vvriety
Outing Shot's.' The holiday season
and ebonite from the best a.w)rtment at
ice.. quality considered.
■m■-A■■■■■■w■i■aina■■■ai■■■>•mass■•■■mais i•
• ! ■
Bing At 1.nr•*A. .ammonip,u,l'Nl them china. It w0+••d•rlded that the nest a
hone. They will he the gore of 1h. meeting take the format A Picnic to
and lite.. Geo. Brnet' he had in .lone ''s Grove M UPwhe+ • Georgettes,
Mrs. W. E. I;orMn. 111..+•• 'sootily day. 'My 24t1. .vh.f0 Rapper wIfl t1.
and Dolma. Miller.Are taking their „•red 110.11 o'clockJand will he follow- :
In111i,'• 1It (;.NII•rl.-l. TNI t•1- :on evening of f'gn Crepe
tla.nt fifty ladle. 'of St. iieMe:• and 1t r.. ,4, B *Bride and MIs.' Nora
11'hiterhnrt•), mio.ion,,rr, $o-letlee en- IIcltrldr ..f \Won rlon. and Mme, A. J.
joyel A teal treat sit the ....Int meet•, smith, of Toror-n, are tw'cnp'ing R-. , Celanese, I�a}'<lljs Tei�eta, etc. li.
Mg held in the Ceit•NI church here on MtJ11et•m'.. cottde. ■ ■
11'r.lno•.•l:ag l::„t. wln••r1 111,. Clara Ni.. . „tlPnil«i the ill
Goa v,. of 'Myth. wit* the .ia•.Ikcr. It1 T1s b1. nl (rnn4.e T.ndRe
a most lutere,tina and hifornml talk '"'11• ":"9..n In'1i,inghAm 00
•h,• ? lt't.l the• ball•• with ler 11r. F. I;••n,cu,hard received word ■
'34,.through the Moly Lllinl, whlclt .hi• OA 1n•1 week that or daughter. F.rPlyn• ■ Coat Ensembles, Sleeveless and with Sleeves, for Sports of Afternoon Wear. All on ■
itr.I Inst Fear. Later ,+i1. �hnw- '. n '. ho nnlerwent , a sllgh( n1w rn?irin in■
.lewi•l......rnlne awl other s,,il,en1r..
4x4344 .4 q:1. making. s.,tisfaetnry'I ■ sale at Special Prices. We cannot give quotations in detail 1
The meetitla W'., h1 chars.. .f the Lrogr•, toward, v. 1:4n11..0":“"
Atl,ite•hir'3* ln.1h•.. 11t•. it+'.. preside lies mud 1r, ::m...
I) And
m41. A 0,dn b' mi... (:ergo Martin oral fnnllly hare• n•tn:tednn.hn andn .dnrr In- the 1 k,. ('oniric were Ito thefil•••,.of\in.. Buy yoursel f a Hat to Match
1t . noel 1fr..:IL T. Orr And f11mlly.
notch enj...4. .1t the •bra n 1i1111+Ant „1 atr,ufnM, ar.- to th.Ir e,Ntale 0n
-.N•t.il lame 1.n+ .)*I1 114.1 hnleh 1.a, tow TPrr11.e. ■
-or'..•.l by the St. Helen. ladle., (;u••.I• r.•al.te ed at fisc Rlta hotel ■
s'.marntnlntlou• to 4411,31*. 4.14141• during the 344.4 week were: J: F.
-Ah.. r'.entlr 1114w/44 their ,•tltrame ex- ■
Inlln11tion•a.-►.e-Hrv.a'n11.. It,1..k',•rd. 111.: Jas. R. M•'
Flat Crepes, Washable Crepes, Tricoshene,•
The 1•eeigeet Costliest sod
Moot 3(aageltleent Open Den
hes Street Parade et
1 ala O'CS. Noon Deilty
Come in and see our values ■
- - Gregor. 11r. an.: Met. H. Ts Sommer- 111(:O�'NF
• a g T llORTn� SIIiP lee. Mr. and Sir, L. ill. atradtey. Moir- INjorie 1ira,ley. 110 and firs. W. Heons-
ley. II:Ir:ares :,nd Dorothy Honeley. •
IvILBI RN -I: T41WN Ill'. Jill' tri, lir. nod 11ne. It 41. rbiiiira and dough -
Mr. Thom.. 1\411•.., I, wearing ter. Gorrle lt..rd. Detroit: )Ir. and 1�
I,i: .mile thaw da • n• a bah' boyMr.. Earl l'or...n*. Windw,r: W. P.
hA• corse• L. .t ay,Motler and ha by "r..wnl.N•. InKe•r.oll: Archie McPhail. ■
41 r•• expected home from li•Nlerk'h %les. Mcfhall. itotrn$t 3 0arf4t 'Bailin. um
ho.plal on Friday ,.f thin. week.'t',.,- ‘110144:14.11:11. It Gavin. Londn
o: Jas.so
gratr1111Nnn.. Jamjl,on 1111.1 %Aire, t.ertdt: 11r. and .
J. L;Rocque and family have lire• $annel•n+. r,oderle'h.
gone 'to tlwIr +nn)nler ,,,tinge in (hod- Mh. llarvdd King Anil little 11"roid I�
erhrh for A couple of month,.
Sa„-nla. are v1-.1 ling 11r. a
Mr. anti 11rtr. 1leaek'ford. of l'Ir- and Mr.. I'hn.. Parker.
hove recently been en• Mr. and Mrs. t're'y Parker and fame ■
joying the breve. of Lake heron. the 117. of Nakmna N. TMk.. ore gnests
gleet. of the. former'. older. Mr.. J. w'Itk.the forme. 41 brother. lir. 1'brt..
leyRfoque. - ratter.
111•,1 .ttma field and friend. 111s.' Mn. fialhraith and fa,nllr. of Ilam•
1'hnp.nlan. 4f I'nrkhlll. came up for Iltrm. are aprndlog the weekend at Mr. ■
the Benmlller and Smith'. 11111 Son- and Mr.. Rob? iieard'. entree..
day ..ho'Hl Idem•, which wart held la.t Mow. F. 1',"., and 4.4nw, of 1$'trnit, 1
Wed 114,1.1.11 a4 Men..ening Perk. Are visiting her parent.. lir. and Met .
31 I.* Annie Baxter• who teaches. Rk•bard IFe.ton
1 M'11/N11 near tarter. 1. holidaying with', Rev. and Mn+ J, (Innld and f-.mlly. It
ler parent.. Mr. and Mr. Gen. pester.' of Pt. T11on,a•. ,re o,rnpying a cottage In .101.10.1'. (;r„re.
Mr. and Nr.. (lark Smiley and i Mt. and Mr- 3. 1.. taxon and 31J.0
Various shades in the season's latest styles, Straws, Felts, Sport and Dress Hata.
1t33t •,.r;
w G+P
Silk Underwear.
Silk Maybelle Underwear. The best value in Bloomer and Bobbettes for $1.00
Moderate prices prevail on all lines
"S1/GP WHERE yo .I //l: /.1"1'/7'En To .SHOP"
Ladies and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418 Goderich, Ont.