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dising. As a medium for reaching
the people of Goderich and district
Interesting Series of Evening
Meetings Open to the
General Public
The Summer Scheel in connection
*lib the 'United Chnrch opened on
Monday evening of Oslo week. when the
Young People'e 84o•letlien of Vietorte
and Nerth .street ehurchee held
selaton' for the dotting St laden* A
pleasant program bad been arranged
with the object Of enabling the young
people to become acquainted at the
beginning of the school. During the
evening member% of the Waif of the
seistod %%ere ilarodlieed al..I Untie
brief addresses.
The school. Is undef -the ettlicient
tuanagement of the prealsient, Rev. W.
A. Bremner. of Brueefield. and he le
s.upperted hy 8 capable .taff of offleere
Niko. Maisel IlaIllie esecretery. The
*la0sos-4 are held In North mtreet
hurts lied weals are served At Vie -
tort* street.
The program provides instrnetion
and •tratning in young people'4 work
mei in the. psi...emery work of the
United Chureh. Eaet, mornineo work
begin. with sw wor.hip period in charge
of WV. 11. It. Johnsten, Fourtright.
who etilli-ts the young men and women
are helper. In the weviee. Then fol-
low• Bible study in groujs. led by
Mes.ro. Alp. Clarke. l'ununIng
•net Connor. the subjeet for study he -
log "Josetta Christ knil the Meaning of
Life." Twenty minutes of recreation
follow. then groups a,re agaiu formed
for the %Indy of "Fellowship and Wor-
whip," uuder R. S. R. Jelmelon.
"Forel/Il Misdone." under Mies hotel
MeIntorsh. of Honan. China. "Home
Miesione." with Rev. Dr. Oormie. of
.Maniteha. "titlaenehip." under Rev.
C. %V. De Mille, of Stratford. and
"Literary Work and Recreilion," with
Ref. S. .1. Bathers, of Gest°.
Atter the group 'Rudy the whole
body .1 slenderises spends an bour in
discuosion of "Young 'People's General
Meth/mi.." led by Kev. Dr. C. A. Myers.
.1 Toronto. A apesial claw. for Min
Liter, Is led by Rev. Prof. Davidson.
of Tpronto, gibe Is gIrIna "lent on
'Tbe Preaching Value of the Old Tee-
, bag planneel •
iserive of games and "bikes" to piece%
Intereet In the neighborhood. while
there are boating and bathing for
Hues vette prefer the water.
After -.tipper Prof. 1 111,141.4011 41M -
duets ot reaper /service on the lawn.
riving quiet devotional talk. with the
eharaeter of Je141114 as the topic.
The evening . meetings. which are
open to the tarblie. are addreaffed hy
/sneaker,' of oneganding ability who
it,. .petialiats in their own line. On
Tueeday ferenIng the message was de-
livered by Rev. C. A. Myer*. P.D.. of
Toronto, secretary of the Board of
Religions Educe lion. 111. subjeet.
'II* Young People'es Program." wee
bendiest in a meagerly way and was
full of inatruetion and inspiration for
Ili. youth of the church. The program
fer young people's meetings. the speak-
er said. should be. In the flrPt place.
worthy of the Vatted Chureb. and
Spatial Program fur Meeting et the
Summer Scheel
The Saturday evening meeting of
the Goderieh Summer Sebool, tit-Nerth
.otre Flitted chili -el.. will he of an un-
ueual character. Mee Ilona Walter
Agnew, of Cleveland. Ohio, will vre
sent an adaptation of Boieets m4
New Temple." a religious drama. This
will be preceded by an introduetem to
brilliant paliceantry.
Mrs. Agnew l ell known enamel
Goderich, being the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Waiter. of Carlow.
and for severel years she delighted
aselieeces In Gib, vicinity with her
elocutiobarw 44forts She is a grad-
uate ot the Margaret Eaton Scheel of
Expression In Toronto, and ha. been
giving 1311widerable iltile 10 drAillatle
work in the Church of the New Cov-
*quint. C10%141110, tits" In Other Amert-
ean tities. After A presentation of her
art at Ilse Y.W c.A., Akron, Ohio, the
edneational director made the follow-
ing comment :
"A keen 1111,1 oippre,laliVP
ding of ehararter makes her IMper-
sone thane especially Iler
delineation% of various 1 pe4 a char-
acter di.play a remarkable ver.atllity.
both in tIse twee of her voice. Which
beautifully modulated and adoptable.
and In the lira matt, quaffly her 11/•
Thiel meeting I- partiodari) recons-
mt.teleS t.. the general
- -
'The service- at Knits cluireh nest
Sunday will IOC PO114111114 hy the min-
ister. Rave It. C. 34.•Derneld. Serrices
nt 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sabbath sehool
at 10 a.tn.
Services' at 'the liatelet church next
Sunday SO follow.. Bible rehool at 10
Public worehiu at 11 a.m. and 7
pm. Rev. 1Vm. Itaithby. of Cenrral
Churrh, St. Tholes*. ell, ba#e charge
of the morning and evening services.
The aervice at Vlevoria street
United church next Sunday mensiug
will be in charge of Rev. Prof. David-
son, of Emmanuel College. Toronto,
The eongreention will unite with the
:C"rth street rongregation for the clos-
ing eters** of tbe Summer School in
the evening.
Special servicei will be held at
North street United church next Sun-
day in ceeDection witb Ilse Summer
School. The preacber at the morning
lamnirlyip2143114e. will be ROT
ertatendent of home mbielosa for Man-
itoba. In the strewing at 7 pee. the
(losing 'service of the Summer Scheel
will take place. Rev. W A. Bremner.
of Itrucefiekl, will be II, charge reel
ReT. PlrofilisArof Davidistql. of Emman-
uel College. Toronto. wel preach. Sun
day wheel as usual at 10 a m.
After an illnees -everal month'.
Mr.. Kenneth MacKenzie. Main)
.treet. palmed away at .11esstelre hes-
pital Smoday lent Ai her forty-
eighth year. The de...a.4.1. Whites
maiden name was Annie IteLetal. was
tern in 'Ripley. but 11/11i berill a treed-
ent of Godes-kb for twenty-one tears.
She leaves. Invade,. her hurstrand. a
family of two wona.flonald and Angus.
and five daughters. Mr- II. .1. Ham-
. ,
worth retitle for those interested. rt mer. 0 Detroit. and Isabelle. itrietbie.
Ahmed .he rich and retried: if rich 11 Rebeeca and Bertha, all at herne.
would he dells. if varied It would be Three brothent gnelethree si.teno 441140
brood. program idiould not be an survive: McLeod. 14 Iti1110Y:
P444 in itnelf, but should be one that Malcolm. of Tort bangles-. B.C.: John.
11 twee . 8.4'.; Mre 11. .1. Ma se-
em and Mrs. Jame" Ininean. of Van-
couver. B.C.. and Mr... Alory Gender-.
Am. of Kosasdale, H.P. Alelienzle
W4444 a measlier of the Preebyterlan
church and the funeral -4.eviet... on
Weelnersday afternoon, were conducted
by Rev R. C. Mellermi.l. minleter of
Knox church. The puillbearere were
Pour iiertheWa of the dr event. rionald.
Ma leolm and Leland lier Neon, of
Southampton. and Donald McLeod. of
Ripley. All tbe member. of the fam-
ily were home and I number cif rein
thee from Ripley *leo were here for
the funeral. l'he interment woe in
Maitland eemetery. The bereaved hue -
hand and ehildren bane the eempathY
ef many friends in their ead hereave-
In fniling health for a number of
wear/. 1Villiam Elliott Werke. paposetl'
peacefttilv away In hks seith yenr
Monday. July eth, at lik reoidence.
!lure's rend. Gullet-it:h. Bert. it. 1:11g•
lend. Mr. Weeks,. came to Canada (41
Id. boyhood and settles) It) Toronto.
Ile was connected with the Langmuir
Lenther Mfg. (et. for forty-six years
411*/ esreman and cutter. Emir yes'''. ego
he came to ilenieekh, owl for the past
two yearn and st-half lie nee employ-
edby the Dominion Road Machinery
Cetnpany. Ile leaves leo wife and sem
the Rev. R. M. Weeker f Killitlwaint.
to mourn the lofts of a loving husband
and father. Two brethers. James and
Thomas, and a Aster. Mrs. Fret%
Hawke. all of Toronto, aloe merrier.
The beantiftti and ineweesive funeral
terve* was held at his late residenee
Wtsinrada7. July 1041. and was eon-
discted by Rey. J. .11 rector
of fe. George's; Anglican church. The
pall-bearens were five brothers -In-law
and A nephew. Monate Wm. Lawrence,
Adam Gori. Reg. Prayer, John Merri.,
Get.ree and tHarry Ryoftinde. interment
took pine, at f'eribonse cemetery. There
were A large number of friends and
relative. at the ftmegel, thee* from a
diatams being decensed'm sinter. Mrs.
F. Hawke, 1110 nkoce, Ming E. Stoker.
both of Toronto: Mr. snii mr". W. A.
Holmes, noun Rte. Mar).; Mrs. W.
Boyle and eon, of Toronto. and Mr.
John Morrie. of Ramie. Many floral
tribute. hero testimony to the esteem
10 which Mr. Vegetal was held.
Where Snmnier School Is being held
wetild !empire action and ',mince I
grOwth. It Phould 1* a peogram of .
Jobe to le elores. of tasks to he tinder- I
taken. of cause. to be espoused owl;
worked for.
1/eve4ophig Northens Manitoba
()to iietinesday nigbt the aoldree'.,
Wee given by Rev. J. A. ("ormie,
superintendent of miesions for Mont -
tot*. Ile spoke oto "Going North.
Teeru ago tbe cry, he aaloi. was "Go
went," but a new day bee dawned anti
the (note 191 no*. "Go north." [Teeple of
Manitoba had tolked (or forty petrol
of a lloodenn lin; route anti lately
their di...1m had been realised. It lel
now pr-slhlr tn go from Winnlime% to
Tort 1 'hiire11111 ey rail reel Manitoba.
In the eentre Of the lenninien, es now
a maritime province with its town malt -
water port. a port steamer Liverpool
opened northern part of the Provitlefo
4* Wastrel le. And In the newly
there ho. been dieenvered a great ere*
of fine eopper ore which will aid emit-
) In the development of the country.
the church thin means (opportun-
ity. 'We owe, maid the meeker, a debt
we cosset repay to the frentiersawa
(Coatinued on page 5)
The News of the Town
Arrew Bowe New Operating
The motor louses now running he
Meet. 1,1tm1erle1i and Stratford bear the
trademark "Arrow," indicating that
the route Is contrtilled by the Central
Ontario Bus Idoes. which 11AVe taken
'11ver the Grey and Bruce Coaeh Lines.
for some time operated hy James V.
Miller.- Mr. Miller HII4I 111% renmin
in the employ of tie Central ...uspany.
the former befhg located at Owen
Sound. The Central company le quite
an eetensive eoneern.. operating on
varlows route.. which have an agave -
j gate milenge of 1/411. For the pregent
the etratforti-Goderich polio, I% being
operateol on the' old schedule. hut a
twa• tinse-talsle will be announeed In
the near future.
Retiring from Royal Bank
The litielries. community of Goder-
kit eel learn ith regret tlint 3tr. E.
10811:Iger of the local
f I • ft I 881,41. 1. shortly
to retire on vele-Om Mr. Weolleembe
heen manager here of the Royal
.111ank and Ito pretlece.sor the Unten
Bank for sixteen year's and recote
nixed AS one of the hest easse mana-
gers the ts.wn hag had In fl long
period. 1111 Villg the happy faculty of
accomm..lating the interest. of hi.
ettstomers while fully .ateguarding
the letereets of the Bank. Mr. Wooll-
roue* 64 just In the prime of life and
In the natural order of thing. has
maey years of activity before him, and
it i. gratifying to learn that 0 is
intention to remain 41 elliZen a G011-
..11441. We understand Isis retti.ement
from the eervieas of the Royal Bank
will take place In The near future.
Water Level .1411U Higher
The water level of Lake Ilurott. ap
recorded on the /teemed.. gauge at
this port. continuawa to in.:resew In
height. At present the water iss very
high. The record,' for the month of
June glee the tonere-Mg data:
water is .21 foot higher than in May.
1929: 113 feet higher than In June.
1928:1.45 feet lower than at the high
etase of June. 18811; 3.80 feet higher
than at the low 'stage of June. 1920:
2.34 feet higher than the average
stage of June for the last ten yenta:
.1111 font higher than the average 'tare
of June for the last eirte-twine your&
than the May level. and .10 font lower
than the July lpveI. During the last
sirty-nine years the June level bai
averaged .25 foot higher than the MaY
1 lerel and .12 font lower than the July
.4.ve1. 11* mean Nest keret of Lake
, Huron at Geolerich for Jame. 1929, iss
given at 582.19 feet.
Lawn Bowler; Are Active
Two tournament -t were held at the
local bowling Veen. oil Piefoll
' the ratiot week. Only one 'get 4i1'
wads riven out in lotet Friday monitor'.
1.finte.1. the winner, being %I'm
mond. and 1'. Bisset. On Moreley even-
ing firPt prize. were awerded 4., Dr.
Wesley Relit and W. F.. Maness end
iiiii I prison. to Get). Symoonole and
Geo. Mutohy.
Many of the Goderich bowlers have
been taking part in out-of-town con-
test. the past week. Last Friday even-
. ing foor rink. front Plan ba.41 part
, twilight tournament at Seaforth. The
, rink conspoeed of J. Bowman, P. (Eas-
ier. Jo.. Brophey and T. Glazier
(*kite eaptured first prises. winning
I all their gamest. •
At Stratford ye.terday iWeenee-
any,. the rink tepresentlog ftialerieh.
T. Edwards; E. Nlannees. F. Moser
rind W. J. Powell (Alpe captured PPS,
! prise. In a keenly eontreted tour-
' nnment. The prizes were waInnt.:
i tables. Two other rinks from town
I Hien 'ono part in the tournament. but
dill not svin any of the prices.
I A keel rink composed of 4'. Griffth.
J. Bowman, J. B. Swafbeld aiid T.
Glazier tvere winners in the associa-
Hon event at Winghom on Wedneselay.
Today. (Thurtelayl Messrs*. Fred
Hnnt, C. F. Chapman. Joe. prophey
end J. R. Swatted() are at Kineareline
defending the trophy won by a Gisler -
hi, rink la.t yenr at that plies..
Rer. W. P. Breelle7.
visited relatives' in town thie week.
1/r. A. L. Cole Iltleatio•I the Masonic
Grand Lodge at Ottatt,, this week.
Mrs. Reg. Tye 44.1441, hildren. of
PortC° re at ve. lo
Mr. fuel )Jr'. '11. &'. 1trg..,'.. l'o-
ronto, made a week -rad w 1.0 to frientla
Itt 1.4olerith.
Mk. Gertrude Wise 1.4 visiting at
Detroit, tbe pint 04 111-: Ellen Vile...
Madison Place.
Friends are pleased to SW. Mr.
Frank Shields, of atps•tedt. uround
again ter tug
Mrs. II. Peardon eon. Hairy. of
Witideor, are entail, du. f„run.r.,
mother, Mrs. Alexari LAwitun.
Bev. W. T. and M Bent will epend
the week -end at . go.wl with Mr..
Ittsueo slater. Mrs. Jibe Scott.
Mrs. R. b. Allen tad ita,ymotel,
of Detroit. are guts -fa...! 4..- former'0
mother. lire. Alt.xsuoler
Mee Kate Wild lo. remon.1 from
Nekomn. North Dsk....,where elle
.1.1.114 ..everal month. 'OH relative./
lira. Geo. A. Tilt end 11i.- ituth
Tilt. of Pre.ton, are 11e -1.1111J: 111 the
home of Mr. and Mt.. A I,. Maxwell.
Rev it. W. Poen:al+. Mr- Paton.,
of Arden, I nil,. tire Visiting at the home
.1 the Alper. pewit.). 11r. and lire
' Wallace.
MI.. Dinh Vlggin. :..rt te-terdo
to visit friends at latsdou for a- few
days and w111 oapend jia• renctInder
the vocation at ToraW.
,t Mr. Lloyd MODeasM, of Detroit, and •
. Mies Barbara Ada bie of Wineteser.,
, were week -end visitem at the home of
iMr. and Mr.. John McKenzie. Quebec •
Missies Jaeweie Ruth Mor-
' diem, Chkago. •rg Ili -Ulna friend.'
atel relative. in Mirk the gueetl. of
Mk. Anna 11. M119nnal.l. of Cale-
, donia Terrace. •
I Miss Ida Vanll has returned
i from a three week vialt with ber
' cousin, Mrs. M. matey. Detroit.
Mich.. bringing MM. eery with her
for a visit bere.
Mr. and Mrs. Hart
troit. accompanied r lain°f131t.
. M. J. •Ainslle and
Water and Light Commitaloa
At the regular meeting of the water
alol light einuilallalOn on Thursday
night bee tl* applivation of S. Wark
for elretre. reuse service to his dwel-
ling 011 1'4111141111e 10 met e te.
Adjustrueute were made of the vitalise*
against Charles, Copp ind Miss N.'rait
or eater rates. A entree o we
decided upon for electric eurreut for
Chautateput for five days. The eon/.
decided to proceed with the
rebilibling of the front of ilit. ls.t1t'r
room at the powerhouse. a large part
14 which wee torn out when the old
boilers were removed a few wie.k. ago,
.‘ttend Legion Convention
Messrs. W. E. Peachey and Jen*.
MileVicar. representing the local post
of the Cannollan Legion. attended the
Leerion cenvention !spiel at St. Thoesse
on Monday. _Tuesday and Wedoestlay
la.t week. In reply to a enhie of
sent fo 111* Roysl Iligitnews
rite l'rhiee of Wales by the enliven
tion. Mr. W. E Peachey. secretary of
the leseal lwraneh. 1. In reeelpt of the
following: "eitide reeelved today. C.
/I. Ackerman. President Canadian fee -
eon. ....11V 131 .111f
member, ef the (lotarlit Co inn) ti.
cordial thanks' for their mesruwge of
goodwill. which I heartily recipro-
ate. (Signed) Edward P."
Cemetery Insprovenseni Fund ,
T114. il.iilerlch W
having ..1.-crvt.,1 that .everal hundred I
plot. in Maitland cenieteri are linear- I
ed for -hi -sane instance. balite* of
the removal of the relative- fr ....1 ton
ani in other ear*. from a variety ,
rause.- Imo undertaken to tab* a fund
to be need in taking proper ...ire of
thew plot. anti tlius getting thl thaf
ittedgInly ilet. in the ivisiptery and
making our Good's Acre what it should
1 1 •. f I • he- 1 o t
The -ln.titute inetiling the fond
with 31 ronlribit11.111 $2:i. and invite.
contributense from ,,f 3*,". whether re-
sident% In town et- lining ele.where
The.e. eontrIlintion. may he sent to
, Mrs. J. H. Marshall. Kea ys reet .
Goderich. asecretaryd renewer of the
local Women's Institute, and will 1*
aokweenkotwoleewlgeeeket.in the loeal papers from
111""" PH= FRI
Ofit DIY
NO*, bow
The witqlhen' teats ...74
Ille 1100 the
iltiron.Perter BeeenelA leeitrue "for the
second half of ths-eeft=and a new Applications for Pensions Will
..neduit. hags been . up giving
each team throe tratiL717 home and
Now Be Received and
game of the two...trigs will lie itlayed '
three games out ..f town. The first Acted Upon
In Godericl. to...Borrow Ilerlday o even- .
lug. . Mitchell t.einit the visitors. The Ilk' wewl'er.-814"1".1 It5 the
galtoreted irlsts7elliellIfl:sr. n5,111:)larse.::%17(keMilattel:' Iv
Wm New Iiehedelie ....owl' toecousitirute the 1 Itirou Old -
July 23- Clinton at Mitchell. . age Pen.lons Board met here on Tues-
day tor organization. The menders
sit the Park to eto.ottrage the boys. ,
July 110- Mitchell ut Obslerith.
July 20-, i;osierseh at Clinton. ' ere W. J. Henderson. Iteeve of Morvli
July lto 1I.sicrl..h at Ilkohell. I ichioirman I : .1. W. Cosier. Deputy
.1tettseet 12 -Clinton at Goderich. 1 Reera. of GoderIch; Hole:I& Ketuiss1).
11004/V4.1 Of Tueleerenith: Robert Big -
July 27-- Mitchell ut Stratford.
Attenot 11-Cllistots at stratford.
.3033,33,a3 32 _stralt,..rd itt mweben. loin's. Reeve of ilenetiI, and George
Hubbard. (*laity Reeve of ilowkk. el.
Alogn-o 2 -Mitchell at Clinton.
Augle-t 10 - GoderIch at stratferd. sitiver.eit.1
ta.,711.. comitw vier.. Is Aeting as
Aligli,t 2!_..!4!!‘„Nod at uoderi..h. ii bolo) f".1.wa...: ,(14.4V.1.4•11:41s. tefin.'•Itliv In.11.:u41::::r ‘.'111Itla
Goderirh Blanked at Blaiger
Augtod 110- Stratford at 1 %mon.
Th.• I hoard tieing respereelblt. in 14 menoure
tou,e,,,,, jsuonku„,1 to Fluter, for informs.t foe regarding raii.itTllenr1:
on Thursday hest for 11 11 41%1/I IlltIOn I from 1.4.
gone. iii„I were taken Into *amp by tht.' nrr‘',Ing*%ii "' t'ill'iw1/4 41/4
dietrict. The... 410
11....iXihteir:i. (I::rtlia:,x.t.Iti.nre Boifide_' 1/unelan ' -r. 11":14".1/411"
fit.. lilt. Ile had One ell only hen. Ilene/nil, ela -.
. 1 411 r. Ke11111411'-
1..slaTI.,y 1,1 1, iii.d NT .4 imilmn. (.ur.!op..-.111sHett ._._iersil . ,s,,_...,... ,._,, ., i.
rick renewed for two loniku., tied Ton.: 3‘r. 4`rullw• - ' " ""uolio. """e"."
1.11,11. 0140 tiere mot I.,..ying in form.' and Aghticki' ' ''
4;,i. to% to.1111.. Goderieli kpordcorollernt
!icy (lid -lied the game.. Enron, by
aceittitistteiratt fieoreimiieseast of al-t'..esiti;114sitallfeel Mr. liender"" - YR .4 Wn il 3 4.4ah'
in a 1111 ron p,.rth 1.,.mine come suLwW41.1,4t.4),NiViuno::: eli.,:orrit. Illyth awl
Itestu)."•o'r'eolli Ma"offilloailiib;"itiollit scotrilee oifum1;1.tirtid '1'1 -Ir....I"' 11""ki. Tit" -
et. Stratford weed liaise piteheee, ,vom Pelligetlii Payable
Barrett. Martin awl hetk while 4ottil 1 18ivr •A Dolithtiott obi Age Pen -
Carrick pitched es sisivag tame fur .loes Act prostaloo 1. to ;op made for
Clinton threnahergaelailteg aight hat..! ‘.4ileni lowL,lueo). tit: .1.111wa.dgetibit..illoi,.; th,tovent-,erroyor....ri
. ter... ..
1 iommeneetnent of the ta.n.lon :
BA:FsI (al 114 a BrItlith sub)ect, ..r tieing *
,in..).16.a mIlrairtriloh.-se1:11..ieet,
(i/.) has attained the awe of seventy
fel WIN reshied 11, canatla‘..t.qr the
twenty yenri. Initnesliaiety versJoilltir
the date aforesaid;
Ili „
th NteKtit
Re.erve The
Sth, for the .
loo Hie Pavilion. •
lir. Clo.orles .
known that du
scare from towlo,
to -measure line
be taken teu hie
ton, revert tat
; will have
land will penes
(It, ieWlii,)
f ternoots. Anguet
1.ridge and leaguer
11 eieheo It made
bt aseporary al).
el -0 few hie (do had; reek/ea in the Prov11,.I. in
ewe 444ibiwg will ,whielo the application for timed/on ho
lf staple. made for the fire yeire Immediately
East eet. who precedine the saitl thee:
*mon (e14.. not nts Intllan•ae defined by
urea - the Indian Act:
23rd, the ( is not In receipt of en means
Mr. and Nfre. &tear* 1'. 4'ralg and
I little 11101A. Ilarry Edwin. were week -
'Lend rt./bora in twin. ono their return
they were aecomponied I,v Mhos Hen-
; Hetes curwett, who will visit in De -
I trolt.
! Miss F.Ilen Viltia. of Mount Isla Col-
. lege. Newton. Illa.s.. WM Ifilz.-1 Silli-
1 Ivan. Mr. Charles Vilea and Mr. lemer-
wen %Ales. of Detroit, vietted et the
home ..f Nfr. B. H. Evans over the
week -end. •
' Mr. and Streik...lire Tweedie and eons,
' George an.1 Reginald. motored up from
Throne. 1.ti !lowboy to spend the day
, with the lady's loother. Mr. $ydney
Love. and fanallw. of Iron Mountain.
Miehigan. who are %bolting friend. In
Ilre. ilor.. 1.. A Niaswell and 111...
' Dorothy -Maitivell. of Calgary. are
guests of Mr. and lfre. Allan Maxwell.
; Mee Mas‘Vk ell i‘.t. formerly MI..
Maude 'lilt, of ilii. town, and her
inany friende are delighted to ssee her
1 Mr. and NIre itertram o•umpt,441.
!of Shaunavon. Sa.4 visited relative.
In town the 410.4 34'('It• Mr°. l'an114°11
10 a ensighter of "Ir. H. W. Bali, of
Brandon. Man.. formerly of Goderieh.
They proceeded ea -t to vieit Mr. Camp-
hell'a people in New BrUnsvriek.
: Mies Dori. Wo..11)-oombe has been en-
gaged 31.. WO. list' .4 mathensatie. in
the /Alvan High scheol, eommencing In
, Septemher. Having ,eneheled her tertu
Ht the olutarlo. C...'llige of Education.
Toronto. Mio. llo.olicombe 1. spend-
ing the 441(1l 14.11 81 her home here.
Border ("Meg Star (Windsor): Mi..
Olive Alien. of thiderich. Mrs. lyesid-
prick Flohback. of Washington. 10.(''..
and Mr. Castile. MO'ornalek. ef Sinn -
vie. Indiana. sore the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. r ro.leti. k 44'. Warren, 40'
Mein Boulevard. for a few day", thle
Nfr. And Mr*. Allan Witrner and
slaughter. lieho. llr end Mr... Geerge
Baker. Mr. and Mce. Herry Mndriek
0111 daughter. Berlin.% of Briton City.
Mich., Mr. HMI 11 r' Laurence 1411111,
of I hit rot t. 111-1. , and Mc._ end Mee.
Ervin \%'I 3,,.',' :II 4 114013', ('ti-lina
Hobbs. of .Toront... eery Mildewy vi.1-
tor. at the bottle ef Mr. end Mrs II.
C. winnerlloron road.
The Border I'1tio0 titer has tbe fol-
lowing item• concerning the Windsor
mnstner mien"- in Goderich': Seven-
teen triember. of tl.• Winele.or 'colony
(summering at G.sierleh were enter-
taleed last Tue-)lai •1 the Maitland
ow cwt. with ,i liineheion and golf
competition by Mr- stuart Henry, in
honor of her 441e-1. Ma. Margaret
Murphy. of Sandoli h. The prise for
low 'wore wa44 w.... by Mks Wirt/1'y
end *second prise ow; taken 10 M r..
alarm.; Ba rnes. Mr'. 00r41111 1,1 4 t le
won the saulletl hole ampetItion. 1Lid-
er the oseiye
s re etitertalned at the
Summer home ..f coionel and Mr.. F.
ut, Laing frith a badminton contest,
whicb wan wen 1.3 Mime Bertha Flem-
ing. and a golf putleg competitien
won hy MAW Marcaret Murphy, nfter
which tea woo seery..1 by mow Nero
Bruee and M. Humphrey 011bert. • •
• Mrs. Gordon Li•Ite, Mrs. mtuart
Henry. Mrs. llaryei Barnes and Mi..
Margaret Murphy. of (be Muses (min-
ty Golf and ronntrw Clots. motored
frets GoeTerleh te Sarnia for the invi-
te/len tournametit leld last Thnoss
day at the Ramie Golf Cloth. • • •
Mini Moly& Beers. of Victoria esteem`,
Ia the emelt of her sister, Mrs. Victor
A. Coleenes. et her *Meier home et
'WW1 at the Harbor
Two steamers were in port thee week
with cargoes of gratin for the bto•al 1.10-
4'ots's.. The Anne C. Minels errivesi
from Fort William 011 Monday evening
44 1?). L.4111,0(10 hivelsel. of whent. oat.
and screenings, for the tioderieli eleva-
tor. 1141 1111 Wellnes11-1:1' nhett the
flrentWood arrived with 214.01* boob -
et. of whets( for the Weetern 4-41110411
Flour Milks elevator.
The eonatrinction work on the 11130
441,11.013r1.. making progress. The itein-
111/11,)11. and first -story .tritcture hive
liven completed and at prevent the
moving forms are being platted In pre-
monition for the pouring .4 celnent.
eitIch will get limier war within
weeks time. Thiring the mutt week the
new marine leg. which arrived recently
on three railway fere wee pieced in
peeetlen in "1- hon.* of the elevator
plant. Mr. W. Ferresres meow. were
feted lit toeing this mammoth Meet
.tritetstre of over ninety feet In length
etel weighing twenty tone along the
lake frnnt to the place where it etas
W. L. Forrest'* new dredge etonmen-
ced operations in the eaetern slip of
the hareor opposite flue new elevator
eetnieture on 'Fneerlay. The )ng Forrest
arrived back from collingwood at the
week -end and 1. aftehrting in the work
Bathing la a favorite paatime these
warm sennener day• ond the eonven-
iences provided at the beach are mneh
eppreclated. With the teteentIon of Hie
reconetruction work on the month pier
the botheni and other visitor. to the
harbor atm We
is eseastrocsed Pro-
asesede. ,
Big Maxon Meneeetung Park
Menesetung Park I. having a big
sea.on. Twenty-flve more voltage.,
enuld have leen rented If availitItio..
, The hotel 1 1, elmrge of 11 r. 5. .411111
Harris. tif the To004.1iing Olaf( a
CiI1101,10 r..110.z... Toronto. and 4,44-
. ',l .411 id till after the niiiitile ott An-
Anionk the 11110':
And Ifr.. II.....ler and .13tighter. 344
trolt Mr. and Ntro. litirriy and fain,
lily. Mr. and Mrs, Freest. Mr. 11.-Ieree.
l'oronfo; lir and Mr-. Stern- 111111
, party, St. ratherinee: Mr Correll and
party. Mr. and lir- Flo‘ii
, Mr. and Mr.. Peter llofTatt. Sir.
Mrs, ConvIrbell.Mtas I.. E .Invk.oti. Mr
lienderwon. Toronto; Ntr and 11r-
- Detroit : Mrs. and Mien Rueb-
i nnan. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Northrup
and family. Detrelt : 11r. I '814..r4 . 'r-
ondo: Mr. A D. Dickle. Montrenl:
Mrs IV ilaidete. Ilentiersbott.
. Mrs. Ay learol. Loodom: Sir. and Mr-
, Proev.eller and fondly. 'Niagara roll.:
Mr. end Mrs Itay.ley. London; Mr.
t and Afee. o. It %bleed. Mr.. 3, Kell-
ney. Mr. and 11r.. 11.-Desnahl .41..1 tarn
HY. ND. and Mr.. Carey 11 lid 1%11111 1%
Mr.. Mr.. and 511- looter,
71se Weekly Grist
Magistrate fteld lutol 111111111111'r l311s4
week. liquor rotel automolrile. lividtift:
responeibillty for tho) great fusel/sett
sill not la. hi hi. o4.
tice 4 ::•,t
141:41,1 /. 118 14 1,1 II Mod 1,'.'.,1,'.'.,1.4•yrt olici.• he oil. •iipoly
for .1 a fee week..
111,-. to, oI; 1 ilaughter.
IF,. i•raigic. of Termite. were
it the home of 411,"-.1.
Foe ic. 1.11ci o .1 w ;911111e,
Alr 41 141 1., ssr. Mns. Ott. 4
Sint and .loseph. of l'tet roil t ,
-Veil, a 03'1 ,LO
os w Deaf Week at the
1133111.• W.,. \V. 11.. 111111 1-r1)tik
- -
0181 Au:titian sill he /IAA .nt the
1111.1 a lir. Ilarry 1.. fialkold's I
Nene. Hayfield A ment Puller •
will be ..e.rved front :i.fi() to 7.3(0 0'04
;Two 4.• by a program.
I.y the Major "assert orchestra. of
to take In I II,
dollig. at the l'olottri. Fair to be '114.1/1
al .1?,' Pilriligo. oil ‘V.1.1111111,14.1) 1011011a
MAL 1111413' 1/11.1111.144.01 of Mal,14. Lear
4'er. 1 II Splendd o
ha -- been fOf 41:1 II lid
prize. Will los 40,11 for II.. 111.-1 1434.
11111.1... :11 ...wk. TIO•re OM be
.4 number of feature. disrleg
the c‘....Ing nt..1, altogether ',Vent
111.011114,'1' "fil• of the Mo.( ilissaiithlr
11 /111
101 .:11.311 Wive it.
transfer of proper y
of qualifying for a peneion
The maximum peewees. 1013 a ble 01111 11
$244) yearly. 44-1)3,'),AM]) he subject
to redurtiom by the amount of the 344
'o .1 the pensioner in wee.. of
$125 a year. T4114 .rtsenes.thnt if an
opplicant lin. already an Income 01
1200 a )ear 111.0 peneien will be $240
kee *75. or *eV, giving: him total
///3./3/11., ,,f $311.; )car
. flet :ore ,o
1.. triode Iti November next.
Intending. pplieanot .110111.1 rvotA
p4 -,'the solveke
rttiwoit .1 the Moron
Cotinti Itosr.1.... page Sereal
Mr- .% roelle Nil, 1106141' Ituffillo
111. week on 1113.11‘1114 el the gen.,* II,
110%. 14 1.1114.l'flt 11.
11r. Ja.•k Mellor ' 4. of gasp
Il.'. 11. 1. Atid 11r. '11,•Deruit.1
Goeriels. p)54'.11411 with fir -a -rill.: hot)
oro the ro. lint Toronto con.eriaiory
11.1.1.• examinetfon. In theory
NIr. Wm Young. l'i't.,,l'i't.,,. -tree?,
4.44),. we: at Whither Iwo worik
tending the ftmeral .1 her sister. the
Isle 11r.. NI iteltoo. with h took pima
Frillaiy aftermen. .1111; 12441. For
number of the late Mr. Itelto.n
nits... resident otf Colborne toe ndep.
IlloVing to WholPor abolit thirty
years age.
of estesee.
Several charge* ef speeding wwerc Description of the Big
Mill's New Power Plant
dealt with by a fine of $7. 011/4 1310/"..
M0.4 of the 4./Ises thi- heel
came from fielgrave, where there I-
111 particularly vigilant sons/11 %silo
I 10.1414WIlly Intended to entente thnt motor-
Ing within hi. itell.elletion «hall ta• ef
Ithe safe Mid e.:1114. variety. A ist-o. of
1 driving o It) a ti operator', permit
and two cases of driving without pro
tor marker. brotight 8 fine In 4P.11411
ca we of $10 and coats, In two cartes of
allowing a minor to operate /1 car A
fine of el and coasts was 'Tweed For
co rrw Mg an egee..'4 load the otTender
on. osseesed g10 and (ma.. Eor Imeti
Ins leer without a lieeine a line .if
17,0 and eredm wn. Ironwood under the
Federal Ate. Hosing iliplor In a vithth
phiee brought it fine ef ging and
and a jail .01.11i0.01el• of fiVii Month* WHO
' handee out for haring Honor for Mlle.
these tWo ease. beisass froth WI 110111 III
For allowing drunkentseee on hi. pre-
' misee the effender wa. tined ter; n111
mots. Magistrate Reel held conrt nt
Winghom yeeterday and Impesed a
tine of 82(19 awl costs oti si charge "r
tinving 14.1nor
The Itni..eles erenmerw i barged
under the Dairy Itelsi.try .1.1 0101
welling butter contnining 131 f.r -iy tlien '
per cent. water and legs then eighty
I51 cost. milk fret and 0/1", r111141 *10
And Mats.
A tonne man who had been enraged
In eativassing ter inagoziti- An-
.•hlrgeql with terrine under
fele, ',referees from a itemiser of Is',' -
4I Gederich and Hie
father. A Kent enunty farmer..anwe up
otei made reetitutloti and 'awed
the boy wonld In time be the oivner
01 hl. 211noteroi form If he cool)] bi•
permoded to stay on it. The magi.
I trete suspended eenteriee Oft the tin-
, denatanding that the young ,
would atiek to the farm.
, A yonng men from linliett wan/1111p.
who was herore the magl.trate thbe
niorning. h'*. peaelon for Motor cars.
and iss charged with obtaining one
under bine preteens* He was re -
mended for sentence.
/1,1• .11 1111' 1)00 11.11Wer
the 41‘.1••fo04 canoeist Flour_ 11311-
1'.t, :11 Ila• inirlaa- i well oat
The -0.1 cy'eci. on to thy. 1..IIer
ih ola••• and the riveting yyill la.
coalplertal 4.3 Joly 2tith. The 141111 rel..
fooindat:..i. for the first new holler lin.
teen and he em.tion ,t•
laiiler 4- tecy wider way. There Are
. .....ols•r of men at Work. Alid
oroillreso madt..
The to!i.o...t deseription ,1
444.11 43 The Sic
rat ibo- woe's, r Engineer .1
te Torsos.. ;111,1 hor 4(.100 0111 1111 14 111
116.,, ts.1)10110: 1'I14.
shii 11 i- 4a. feet by feet nt.,?
high. :- eteei empOrtietion.
..ipplied Anil cit. fed by tee boo,.
Stru.q..re see. eompany. of tendon.
One T4,3, 1..3(1114111V 00111 .111111111, J1114
0/41, 1311. f/111111,111.4 fttlei for the 110.41
0,0( 11{1.1 4114. 131441111` room. The wallas,
„r ipoo will he of brirk 4.
Iseigitt of twenty tone feet. th.. Itp
unrol u:1118 to be of tile and
the evterlor ..-.1141 fed. Tie. boil
cr sli1111eer1111/ room rolif.4
ill la. made i.f gypsum reinforced
.4,11, and coVer0.01 Wi;:ri, Barret t roof-
ing Ten 44 :11' 3,4 th section. .1
the 4'%4 ('4' hose.. and 1o43er-11.11...
blinding will be num 4411)1
.1e..1 tentllating .tesh gilled with
slear•wkion wired gleam Addition:pi
ventilation 44111 he Provided through
the reef II .teel louvera Anil skylights ,
The new holler room and 017011(17)14,Fir
will of two
water -tube 1..11-
er. of the four drum and 1..',,, tube
It ' Three boiler. are 41001'11M! 311.1
bnilt fer a working ptwillture of 2.1“1
lb. tier square and will he fit
tell with Elesco soperheeters stipple
Ing means at la tt.mperatnni of about
Non deg. The (trine teuippent will
eonsist of type E otekere autorrlied
the Combitetion Engineering Corp The
"biker. find holler eettlnyt are de.1gned
otper).io. the teller,. at 'JOU per vent
coot I ,,, ins) rating.. Tho. 11111(11111-1'3111fR
equipment will v0.110000 of tlao
114.n.alie n34v4pra44r.
h Marcum tertlen1 henvi, dotty tyre 4.11
gInes 11111331111144111 3 111311",14 of :141;) r.i.
and eontiected to the mill line .1111foslo
rope drive. l'Itt-re will be abio in -dallied •
ill the engine -room In., .mn Ilir ltellie
y. Marconi eititpled tion-conoefetioing ver -
field bilth.speed rectIV i'.,,-
7 ., k A:oo volt. dat eyrie,
W41.1111011.11.1' W1310.r3131r.
.-mil•lin11.1 414411,. 311 1/4311 13111-
04,t of 1111 41,1111414 141' V11114. 44111111 41 111
illacharpte on to) /I 1'13111.'4.r running
the lenitth the boiler room, 11.1.
er 4,111 .11-01,orge int.. three
Inverted pyramid old holus.rs
fiftt valet.. Agile+ vvill be
handled 1.) s AO), ejector .y.tem
to A WOO n.11 tank located in the 1.01-
cr room
W110.11 n5411i.11.41,1 the plant will be
modern.. In twery detail anti *113 3?)
4').' 44 s1frolio...1 power for any ftittire
E le..totrol A ;ton. Isoolon, hare the
,ontract for the 1.11er plant and
Jame. * I e•r
have the general. losibling‘ eotitract
1.11trie A -I-end. of %loll 11.11I. SIMMS
for. 1/a.110.11I- A Marcum company. 44111
.noply and oire.t the 131013'0 The
general 4)l4 4474 and .10.inesstiont ?et
Me ph 11 1 *sere got ollt lit the 141....terlI1
e'rintela Flour %ells Contently's engin-
eerine tir fkokri.i.
ins the .'r,'.? 4'.t imiriod Hie Contently
ha. etorsete.i the erviiew of Mr P. ft
MItehell,-,,pi'.ijlt Ing entrineer, of Tee
It Is .tatiel that the new plant will
, hr. aleoletely "smokeless in operettas,
I whleh will *yid greatly- to the inuortreei
trent of the immediate enrrosindbles.