HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-7-11, Page 7I.HE nerves are ted by
tthe blood. Poor blood
means starved nerve tis-
sue, itaorruiia, irritability
and depression.
Dr. Williaau' Pink Pills
will enrich your blood
stream and rebuild your
over-worked nerves. Miss
Josephine M. Martin, of
Kitchener, Ontario, testi-
fies to this :
"i suffered from a nervous
breakdown," she writes. "I
had terrible .ick headaches,
dixainass; felt very weak and
could not sleep; had no appe-
tite. 1 felt always as if some-
thing terrible were going to
happen- After taking other
treatment without success, on
my sister's advice, I tried Dr.
Williami Pink I and now
all them symptaare gone,
and 1 am .trolrg ant happy
Buy Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills sow at your druggist's
or any dealer in medicine or
by mail, SO cents, postpaid,
from the Dr. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ontario.
N •. co UNTauae
County. and ,District
Mm Elide Bl84khall. who taught
whorl south of Crediton for three
pears, has n•'Iguei the position and
taken a sell of near Varna.
Miss Edna tiilklu+uu blas resigned
her tawltlun as teacher In S. S. No. 4.1
Mullett. and %lit t'ai'l+ the coming
rear in S. S. N.. 1+. ('olla,rne.
Tlw tru.tei of S. S. No. 3. Grey.
have eugaget Mims .Annie theta. of
Howlek, as rusher for the ensuing
year, Nurerihllug MI as AdelItw Burn-
ett. /
Rev. 17. Conner+, 11dtustt•r of Knox
church, /Ripley. Inas received and ae-
cepA4e1 /a call to Rodney and !yew'
illasgjaw. Nr will lirwlelt bis farewell
ser a at Ripley twit Sunday.
About Milo' member...if the Bern
fa illy held a reunion In l'alsorue
t emu -hip Weiluie.lay of Inst week. Be-
r*-cntativeo of taw family were pee -
sent from I:xetrr. Lockwood. Omsk.,
T,.o.nn' leaol.iti 411.1 F1.,r1110.
Mb-- Gllkitnutt. of \\Ingham Iia*
'wen engaged to 1e.d1 las 1. S. S. No.
S. Millen. MIM Estella \lan►nls, wim
afternoon was, given by Feeeles J. Gutt,
M.P. for South F)s.ex. The following
offleer% were ele•tt•.j : President, Col,
H. B. ('owls; 1st v11w-president, Una
V1'm. l'uusltt. .Hrisall ; 2nl viee•p.re-
sltlrut, John Hannah, 4'rtlorue; 31'41
%Ice -president. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, e
Clinton; sect•etary, Bobo. Higgins,
Hrn.all: 4reasnrer. George l'. 1'etly,
Heis•a 11.
Niruek bl Stray Bullet.
Somri8ody's rarde.slle'. might hare
resulted iu a fatality one evening re-
cently, when Earl (:Ingerlch, sun of
Mr. and \Drs. S 1. (:iugrrirh, of the
Goshen Ile. near Zurlet'. wars struck
by a stray bullet. Hr was driving the
horses atm -heel to le eilltiyator on \\'m.
Koehler's harm when he heard a rifle
crack and a bullet from a _"S val. enter-
ed hL+ baud and followed the Index
finger about halfway down. 1►r. A. J.
MacKinnon attended to the wound.
The identity of 11e Terson who die-
Toe will derive far more
eatielaetlon from SALADA
than Set will Item cheap tea
611,411b Iron tbe gardens.
ereslyterian siert iced in I:lyth and
Auburn sell! lw a Meted In Rev. 11.
B. Gracie. of Clinton, In his
.(1,.•11, 9.
Sir. and Yrs. Corn. T. Itolertsou, of
\\'luglwm. announce the ruga.•Itwn!
of their daughter. Margaret Isohel. to
e11un•h. 011 Saturday, J • :"•4411. Rev.
A. K. M.'Imren ta•rforuied the Marriage
rt•remony uniting Ethel l'hrlst•na,
1 1
of Mr A. Y. Hetderaou on Saturday
afternoon. Not all the member. were
present, but a very interesting tneet-
Ing was held tuft plans were di.emoied
for a sa4a1 evening in the near [a-
ttire. Particulars Lt ter.
(Intended for Iasi Neek 1.
1\'l1ITFA'HI'R('fl. ,duly - -
(:tit.*' Lockhart has hem' re-engaged to
leae11 at F11rilyce. 4.1ie.. lona Hackett
at No. 14. 1111.1 Miss 4.Vluntfrwl Furrier
at Cedar Valley.
Maw- 1horuthy Pollock awl Nils.
8rho' .teat lust week with
,Mr.. John
Mr. and Mrs. John ('.Liner owl \Ir
and Mrs. Dobbin motored from 11.-11
Mer. • 'V.V.. to visit Coulter relat4.es
Mh.• \LartenreI 1thUonl tint friend.'
of Toroll41. '-4.e11t the week-en1 with
her parent. at Forth'.w.
Mr. Curti*. t\'a.116ur, \lis* Addle
daughter of Mrs. MacLean x111 the Moss 1111.1 Mr. Nlnl,rduu IFoss, of Torun-
late Edward S. Maclean. Kincardine. t o, spent tit Nw 1
ide at Stratford.
t Tlw poppy couple will Mr.. )lar. 13.1x..
rr.idr Stratford.
The success of the tattoo held net :old 1114.' nud Mr- . S.rm NriJ. 11(
Lurkuuw 1111 the evening of 1►,omiui,ni 1,hnrld, spill Suud4y
with Nlr. and
Thursday, July 11, 1929 - T
Da •k -rte, will, Mr. 1,11.1
11r. and Mrs. W. 1t. Farrier and (ar
Me -
charge,' 1
twrgrd the g,mt 4. not kuuwu. Ir'. R '1'. tllbIllpa ..f K.t.l strw•t. Go-.
Sydney Audlry Julawot. •'f Tonna,,, lily w•Mt marred by the nary raw
Nig Itrvelottret►1 Project. only sou of Jnr awl Mew Felwiu Joh,,. whloh fell and wnttend part of the I 1
l►nr of I 1'
I 1.• .1
, err I.
go,. I piews of detel1)11- •,f I'xbrldgr, F:nglaud, crowd. NI r. Sul Sir. . Jos Itrigh:uu and stow.
has heel' lv,udncl{ng the seho 1, in- son, d
tient work aloug Lake Huruu in Some A quiet wedding took plan. at taw John Joynt Ira9 returned from n 114 Myth. uta \Ir taro. Wight ..f
tends entering the Clinton hospital h, vean is announced with taw e.wplry bu•luess trip to New York State a11d
take „ nursing roan'. tion of a deal for the pur'1iase of 4,(Mu► United church pe nonage on sziorda 1 Westfield. spent Snud:,r Nilh Mr. and i
aftrruom, June `29th, whim tura, fit• Nlaritlwr I'nnlu.rs' Wes tela•. pent seal.
Isrllw Glanville. the seven-year-old a.'rr.letw'eln Port Frank. 1uul Grand The death of \lis.. hellbent. It. Ve-
daught.'r of Mr. and Nine i,.•ker (:1x11- daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert 1►Ick• Mr. nud )IIx Acthar Nrwulatt ,111'1
• Bend by Joseph And Raymund MMrrn-I Some \1'Inghuw, became t11r 1'ridr 1141 Ijuaig orurnyp at taw huullc 1 \ •I n. Fred Newman nu,l Iaila, of Haul
rill', of 1'slaorur. was kw N•kwl down tette. 11[ tow Marantettr Itwilty ('om-G11cktwa, 1111 Saturday. July uta. after
by an autowublle at grand Brad 011 tette of Windsor. etre et .newer1 J.
Harold Nloffan, sou of Mr. and lima;Illus, returned with NI r. It. S. Nay'
J- J. Moffatt, 14 line. Rev. S. Davipa,n an Dineen of several months. Deceits,:
aur from Hamilton 1111Tue.tlny Inst
officiated. The young ro ut& will re- rd was the elder daughter of the late and Ma•ut the ws•L herr.
Mr. and Mr.. Align. M'tlnalg. Slw
stele near \VF11gI1aw. Mr.. 'thug Gsrult aU1d Merle. \ars.
Aeeonllug to The Aetc:tt..'- 'IuNv. I .lent r 11mutter 114 years in ('1t1ea1R•,' 1. Grain. Mr•..1. 4.. GIII.-pie and Mrs.
WInghan1 Is suffering from a house with fur of her sisters I Mewled flee \\',ruwti s
the evruileg of July len /ilia sustained Iwwr. will le built In the territory. Ar-
a cuwlltmet fracture 1.4 orae of tier rttgentelo. 4avII1R been cosuplrted,
legs. work Is expected to start nil* seusOn,
Mrs. .lowph Nhurruy. :dh 4.1m,w..{"11 with the development pridro ready for
of McKillop. was badly burn's when I taw nest tu11rist set.on.
' ,idle p.otrel some •vett oil into the stove. The stretch of land extends In whit
• to start a fine. The can rxldudel and Is known A• 'The 1'finerc" for six and
the blazing content. went all over Ifni. „-111114 111114' and 14,e. one Mita a -half
Murray. S1w was taken to the hospital miles from the lake.a4de. Summer
at Seafnrth for treatment. huws, large In size and of 1111 t',111'11'
Martha I' lizabeth Tompklu., widow rice type. will he erected.
of the late \\'illh1ul Space. former Promoters of the development are
postmaster of t48' village ..f F:t1w1 tin.l t.ituucimg on the added truiemortatlotl
A 'ear of 1t. N,tltg .i:,.I R. N'k'
ince Shingles just ar rll,vl
5* Iliad 31 B. C. Shiba
Get oar priori before you buy
Robt. Standish
Fiat St. 1•teoe a'i:. : i .I'•rich
Where ado. w [ •, r ' J. 1►. 'BwN•rotl 1
nm ter wit. In the storming profession. Five
.1+urn 411+I btu' brothrn survive.
to supply the demand. i T'ulralay last. wIN•u the s •r sietl'•
f I -there are not enough lioa.e'1
Institute we•ti 11: lis Lnckuua• 11111
er. Miss Smith. was prr'.•111 and n,
NEAwont BKt•ssisi. t
dressed the Meeting n.1 the Hltterlami
Int • 141118 took plit.w al 11w Mr iti \I r. W +►',haul. of Itrant-
of Ontario.
,1 bland' of the ('anadia,. le•giou \ 'pi
has been formed 111 S•aturth. ('4pt. b.nnw o4 ter brldegr,ont 111 Itemise's 401
Wallace Arehiluild is the temporary Saturday evening. .1111*' 2:4411. when!,
Ih•v, i; - F. Fowler nu{ted lis marriage
NIiw. G. 1'. Vernon. 11f K110 11111. 111111
Ki11,onou. .1:Mullen. and 1:. A. !bead- i
min. a well-kuow'in citizen of Itne..els. ;
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. 1►11•kson and
Miss Agnes, of INe kitl.ou, X.I►., arrll'-
ei Inst week on a '.M{t t.. (devil- in
Brussel.., Thr visitors err formei' rls+i-
dwus of Itnusse.ks. when. the former
prra4.tIsed law' Ireton going to the
I)r. Ill. E. Bryon.. .1111 of Mrs.
Bryan. and the late A10%. Itryau., 114'
St. SIMry s ; (►. It. . ranch'..] aright, Rens • I. 441•.1 soddenly :It 'r,rotato 1111
,•leek' of the tow's9hip .of tarry. diel fnrllltlr•s t1' In.• offerer b, the hlterna-
•udlh.udy at bre lona*' 1,1 Ethel 1Vwl- 11011111 bridge w•11telt SIAM 1s 10 1v,rtmeet I
10,118) of Ia-t awl,. She was 111nuost 1'.,rt 11urint with Sarnia. The replant!
eight) -seven year. of rage. Fou'"bungle' .hound mean M good' deal to the (Ha-'
ter.+ nud late son 'survive. tract and sl • Id mean large •hots. of
-.\n Interesting event t,i1.k place at ruoney- 1eing tepent nu this .Ids of flu.
the ThBnN•' It•utd 1'11tled rhumb lmr- St. ('lair] Inver.
...nage on Saturday. Jour _'94441. when F:aglow'. have recently been in the
4.11-- GI+ulvs I:Ifle.It 1►n11cnn, longi- territory exnml11{mg the feasibility- ..f
ter ..f J„111 11. Uun'•nn. tuns Mat" iu' a, proposal to dr#IKe the Aux Sande,
nlarrl1ge to .1..1111 4:arle, H,.ggarth. River, 40 provide additional w'ate'r
The iwremuaU' wag performed 4.y ]rev.. frontage. ft I. believed that this w•l11
Jas. -\nthoni'. The happy couple will M, found i1,'.' h1r.
resile at 1'rotllartc.
The home of 11r. aural 11r.. Alexan-
der McKay. AtwoNl. wa. the Horne of
w'w1a11114 '111 SittnnIAy, June 2lkh,
when their daughter. Ruby Annie. 11e-
1•nwl• the bride of ferry 1.atgtun Stele'
hrusuu, y•ntig,"t von of Mr. and. Mra.l
John Stephen.11m. of Ethel.* The 'mere-
motel wry. •ierformed by Bev. P. M.
I:Iw-t. of Ethel. The young 41)ttple left
on a trip 10 Niagara and other pint.
before settling in their hnnn' at Ethel.
South Huron ('onaerra*I t'L
The un11,1111 meeting of South Horton
('.user% dyes was hrLl at Heiman on
Jt,ne _'+Nh. Thr chief uddree. of the
president. 1t is e.tituated there are
about sixty ex -service Men it S,'eforth
and vicinity 911Ri1de for macro enhip.
The death ocurrwl pi.!.k'tdy on I
Thorwlax evening. June 27th..1 Mr..
Htgtn Fronds. at her home Iwre. De-
1ea.eh with lire 110411•1 nil, had utoied
to Sea forth fool 1'slworue• town -hip
only +1 few wewlw ago. Saw w'W• •1•ta•Il
ty-six erars of age and lea+.•, lesid'.'
her lnsb11nd. our daughter, Ilse. liar
01,1 1.1, w ren.w, N1eK flop. and threw
\ 1, Frntt•l, dairy' i,v .-'-t.r,
i July .tri. 1,1nr1 forty-eight year.
anal It. NI. 'Fraud:, of Exeter.
MIs. F.aitl• G11vrnlo•k. danshter of Another veru r•,l.hltu avail of a for-
n{led liter res{aeil of Itrn.sel. was that of
1 ifs r
at the
Z3 i
ford. were yisitlug her sister, Mrs. i MHE World's Annual Expo.
(''AIR• tar.. seal her Lrothrr. Mr. Will'1 2itio0--- a colossal achieve-
. '
Mr. and Mr. Itlag.Ien and Mr. and', ment where products aqi: ex -
Mrs. Griffin. of Waterdown .4It..lien( two, hibited from the four corners
.lu,.s last %eels with Mr. and Mrs.
\\,,,. Harbour.1 of the earth; here, the greatest
The N'.NLS. 114 DIN• 1'uited churchinternational sports program,
boa nds.i.... Mas on Tur.dity til
the hone. 11r \ire. ,1.e Tiffin. Mrs. Job' featuring the .
11111risu Mr.. Wm. Purim'. I FOURTH WRIGLEY
s M\Irle•I \\'aNIr.rtt ZUNI . Arthur
Watt. of Long
mi. Branch. and 441.. isiBh•
VcClrual*inn, 114 itrlRrAce, visited
with Mr. and Mrs.Will. Itirlaatr 101
„w„p„y I..in two events (Friday, August
Nlis. NInIN•I Juhuslou has limn. n'-) 23 for t'o'ntine mid Wednesday,
.•uga14,'4 to teach at Elora.
Sir. 1,1441 Mrs, 11oy Mln)nil11111 and August 28 for enol and price
family. of Toronto. are vistli14 ha+ Rennets of U'Orrlell'S race) for -
mnMlr, Mr. -Ali. M.+ymill,n. h1 and
Mr.. Iter) hi•riuely awl fondly. oworld championship the p p
Toronto. are clslslig her sister. Jars. $so. purse.
l +n,re• Gralu. The Goldman and other famed
Bands will be beard; four concerts by
4:nudi(s rubhsl a lnn•h-room the the 2,000 Voice Exhibition Chorus;
' N Ills life to the fait that he mss the first showing of 1930 Motor Cars
\Valtet Oster received .erlous in-
juries Weellierl$y of last week when
he ran Into taw side 444 a ear, 1111 the
street. Itie was kn'n•kwl down and ren -
dere) uneinlsdous for a ti r.
J. S. N1arKerclwr, of M:,xvlllr. has
hewn appoint's' principal of Iilyth pub-
Inc school.
(:e.. (a1N.11. of Indian Head, Sask.
ha. 11eel• renewing aelnalntanees herr
after an absence of forty-one years.
•'. tit neon o.
Mr. and \Int. J. M• I.ovenl.N•k. s.
om .0111e 2911, from Quebec for I:nrola'. i
► r being driven on the higllw'aS
Jennie McArt.r, wife ..f Professor S
I,1 s
It. 41 rera r. Toronto. and dlrluhter of
near Srolforth by 1t..1. McMullan was the late N1r. Mut Mr.. Jane. \11•.\Mer.
struck by a ear driven by a ''maul of Brussels. N1r..4'n•rsrdied at Toronto
' man and turned over in the ditch. The .uu Thntsully Iasi. A- reunion of t11'' Mc -
i err was a rerkra .411,1 Mk. McIntosh.' .\rte•r fancily which was to take tame
who w'M• driving with Mr M-'M{Ilau. this week, 11as been indefinitely lN.st-
wad seriously- injnrwl.
At the South Kldl,sg l'rrslnleriau
Ri•c. T. t\'. /:ao.Iw111 I. having 1t the 1 • of 11r. and Mr-. J. K.
i month hl 11da, T t Tlw t\ isr. I
•L_ \\\\\\\\\\1111111111,,, ,.,,,,,...,,,,r,,,,,,,,,,,...„):
850. Nie.ial equipment extra
THE RoA1laTctt (with r„►m b mor), E
TTHE full-size Chrysler -guilt
Plymouth is just a year old --
and what a' phenomenal year of suc-
ce_si'tt+as had!
All this week we are celebrating
the first Plymouth anniversary by
holding a gala showing of the /newly -
refined and improved models which
make today's Plymouth stillmore
outstanding in the low-priced field.
When a car in its first year be-
comes the giant Plymouth is -when
it wins the popularity that Plymouth
enjoys -when thousands
upon thousands of owners
sing its praises and exhibit
it to their friends with gen-
uine pride -that car certainly must
have merits that no other car in
its class possesses.
That, in essence, is the story of
the Chrysler -built Plymouth.
Plymouth is the only fall-Jize
motor car at anywhere near the price
-the only low-priced car with the
individuality and style of Chrysler
designing -the only low-priced car
with the smooth, flexible, quiet live-
liness so typical of Chrysler engi-
neering -the only low-priced car with
the safety of Chrysler -famed
four-wheel hydraulic brakes,
internal -expanding, weather-
proof, positive, noiseless.
You are cordially invited to visit
the anniversary showing being held
at our display room in honor of the
Plymouth's first birthday - July 6
until July 13.
Comm $82O; Rooditrr (faith ramb/S liar),
$8•jo; 2 -Doer Sedan, $86o, Teerisr, $870,
De Lwxt Cow (with nimbi, nit), $870;
4 -Doer Sad 11, $890. A11 petrel j. I. A.
Winker, Oetsrt,, int/.ding rtondsrd ferrety
egarpmeat (freight Jed taxis extra).
1' 1. 1. til / F (• A R
of Improved Plymouth
July 6 - July 13
1' 'intim. on Sat nnlu y 4.1('1411114
..Ther any. t ie of the lustrous sny
protected by it bullet-proof steatk. - in ,the new Million -dollar Auto -
New York Evening Sun. motive Budding; $125,000 Agricul•
tural Prise List; Trots and -Paces
featuring Standard Bred Society Putunty.
lavish military and naval grandatanJ pageant,
"Britannia's Muster" National Aircraft
Show and Sky Carnival. International Out-
board Motor Boat Rxa, and two weeks of
never -to • be .forgotten enjoyment at the
Empire Year celebration of the Canadnan
National Exhibition. Aug 23 to Sept. 7.
June 29t11. their 014y daughter. Viola.)
Was united in marriage to Joseph Clif-
ton Proctor, .011 ..f N1r. and \1r- Lewis
- Proctor. HoInestville. The t•erenl,nty or Summer Asthma, this year, if
WA.. performed Ivy Iter. A. A. ilolum.. you'll start taking RAZ -MAH
air. and Mr.. lean -tar wdlI r,'-1.41• III CAPSULES before your attack is
Clinton. due. Relief guaranteed from one
1►hrtug Jnly nod Aug"( the c1111t11` 51 lox or money bark. No amok,'',,
ation of Ontario street ('11114,1 church
Absolutely NO
spray., !mutt or serums. .No harm-
qnd the Pres ivferia ti 1hirtrr .1111 ful or habit-forming drugs. RAZ -
will hold Inion dirtier•. 1olring .1 111 MAH has stopped Ilay Fever
the services will be In the Presbyter- where people had it 20 years.
Ian church. with Iter. 11r. Bongs n in
LAlas: and in A111(1i"t the serriee•. ++111 DON'T,TART THAT HAY
Alamo: sv
le In the 4lntari. street church will[
Mr. In 1118' ee RAZ MAH
(►n Thunnsiwd11ay, Jnr'at IL the tiat+
range bark place 4t4 Vera. di m:liter of
11r. and Mrs. 11. W. Gould. of Clinton.
and Ernest Crich. 70111 of 11r. and Nlrs.
C,ifford Crich. of Tnck,'rsud141. The•
. er,'nlony Was 4wr formed by lt,'v. A.
.1. 111.4ne- at the old \*V.s11•v pnlr.,nl-
1 age. The young" iv.lpl' will n'rdile In
I Tnckrnnndth.
Mr. and Nlrs. W. •1. Crooks. of Vaul-
t 1.4.11..r. were recant vl.itor. here.
Extens{re repair. and Iugoruy,'menl.
are being -ntndr lis Inrtnr14,street 1'tdt-
••1 church.
I Intended for lust week).
('AR1,4)SV. July 3. --Mr. 1►. 4.o'k•
hurt, of Anlnlru. and Mr. 11. M,'lil, of
the honnd'Iry line. lost a nnwlwr ..f
cnit10 on Fri,lay' morning during 1111
rlv•trie a11r111. Thr rattle were stand-
ing underneath it large bnsswoNl one,•
widen was struck b1 lightning. with
the result that twenty -t w',, nnlmal•
were killed. When Mr. Medd went t^
.Alt ItI. cattle he lonnl them all ,lead
int three. Fortunately the stork wets
Nils,. Reid left 11t1 Vo11.1lty for her
home in tendon. She Its. serurel -,
w•h,N11 not ftir from her -home and r.
will not retort' 111 S•ptentIN•r-
\miss Nh,rthn 1':aen•e'n, .4 Tor'ito
IS spending her holidays with her ci n
sins. Dorothy and ('lir4.tine Robert -
'von. •
11r. \VIII Voting len. the ditcher on
Ms new fern, nal I• pnttin14 Ili sit-
cries which will greatly improve his
land. Ile I. also 14j%in'g 111• orchard
the Inez spraying .4err the season.
'Mr. and Mr.. it t'r',wfnril anal tire•'
ehllareI, motored over from 1-111t.
Mich.. 1111 Saturday. 011 Snndnv tIi,'
left for Nti+koka, accompanied lo Nlrs.
t'r,wforl's itnretlts. Mr. mud Mn'. .\I-
lett Wilson. and will spent their holi-
day then.. -
Nlr. .11 11, Foreman, of Flint. Nlich
and NII'. Annie Jone., of near .\n
Intro. were quietly married on S•1 lot
,tile, 114.1r. A. Shone. 11f Itlylh. official
Mg. The young p'.a'de of .\,,hurl find
rlrlllh met nr the bride's home the
evening ',teflon. nud presented her
with a hnn,l+m,' w,•t.l;ng gift 11
and Mn+. Forenron Is•ft ..n
sal afMrnsn, 1111 their honcynl+s 11, \Ve cc -
tend hearty good wishes for n hoop,
wedded life.
Mr. And Nlr+. George 1'ateron left
for their home In Toronto on. Sarnr
Mr., jams.. (:Ira awl; dna/liter'
Edith. ..f Toronto, ,••,II,,I on serum,• of
their relative. said ;friend. here 1114
A number from here attended the
fnneral of the lite Mrs. 'Robert Allen.
of WIngham. 11n Friday.
ilr. Moir, of Hensnll. visited with
Nur. Oandv Yorini 01 Thwn+lay eCen•
The ('.(1:1.T. els*. met at the home
Seri for leanp.'.t p.u.u1
General Manager
- -- FOR -----
the famous Fleury Plows. De Laval Cream Separators.
Frost Fencing and Gates
Lunden's Having Took Gould. Shapley and Muir's
Windmills and Cement Mixers.
Tudhope Anderson's Wagons and Machines.
Hamilton stent liollcrich, Ontario
nl'I'I('IAI,.4.I:1'I1'E `,1\1'I"\ I''I'
Durant, Hellas sad Essex, General Motors Automobiles and Trucks
Expert on Electric Trouble We Specialize on Brake Service
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Automobile Supply. Electrical Parts for All Make. of Autos in Stock
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' Enjoya Restful Night on Lake Eric
on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada
\H/}IFFHER traveling by train or surd, men an all ni``h.V rile on Muoifid
W Woe Fne. (.AB Line %teamerute mann'h, rat aoannehotele, wn' Mee coca.
hatable atamrrx+ml, ticdlent dining niom .erne tad C... anal, attendance.
Mu.ic and D.nona oo the fro. ship SFEANDBFF-
Ami•aday (AB L way. dand of.^eroadway.
Ml_ awl Clevel lWiPt.
Fuh .i ht. V1N1tt 9'00 Daily 'manne.leavmt P011 Staaney,4
S. m erri.ma 1 105,10.. IE S T 7 p. m. arn.,nss (leveland 9 to p. m..
May I t m November 1714. June )0th to Septlml.e. SM.
rMnaedano atOevaled ser n.Mie Point. Put -le -gar, 0.11114. 091.091..."...4 r.att•.wt
54. S0 ono way - IIIITTALO to C1.RV!SLAND - 5s. SO rd. yip
Neu. Lew Atom Carried 56.10 end u
Ferree 153.00 owe wsy-P Autos
A NeLI Y •,470.ELAND-113.00 ed.trip
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/cite/ir'drasibsgChsThames 'Tory yy
Port Stanley. (Anode
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