HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-7-11, Page 6..,,,,,.,iii•
•---Thursday, July 11, 11+".I.
Felt 'Tired
and Miserable
Ali took Lydia E. Pink ham's
Vegetable Compound for mis-
erable and tired feelingsand
it gave me arrength to do ml
work. \1y nerves are better and
1 feel well and strong and have
a good appetite. 1 sleep well
and am in pretty good spirits
and able to work every day
now. 1 recommend the Vege-
table Compound and you
may use this letter as a testi-
monial." -Ants Deh'ena R'al-
Ltce, L'ninn Crr\•cr, North f eenn,
New Brunse.i.'k. •
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
►rib. WI a " 4t. a $ s
of Your Patronage
We -t -tre.t, up-tair- over
Tebhutt's Ilardwar'
For Appointment Phone 23:1
Open eten,ngt by apaeaamenl dol.
The Leading
Men's Store
Everything that's new in
Men's Wear
Hand Tailoring and Special
Order to Your 711••a -urs
Chas. Black
Phone 219 Uoderich
licalerisll. I ad.
1.4 114. :1 (11114 or 11441e 1• !..
T.. no a $oft i. given;
Ilia. shall 'he tribes of emit.
Him all the lt.wl• of 114.11142.n.
lli• pa•w•r increasing .1111 shall spread.
lli• reign no end rdulll knew: -
Ju•Il.e hull gmlyd Ills throne above.
AI„T r11'a.e aIM•Untl below.
John Morrison.
.vihiglltc' God. grant •1'4c blrs.hoR
u;••t, tl.r •t1141t of ilii, hv*••t.. r.. that
loony may realize a• never before.
t l , ....Ire to bop 111o• nhalildlllg of
hingdoru 111 our owl( late: 441111 it.
, All, h+ Ir•il- 111IIIe 1 e
1.1 stolen• •
'!1st. 1919.
% i.iun of
F:'SIIN FOR, •11 1.1
Lessen Topic-Farkiel'.
L.•.•on 1- '..44 .-F:rekirl 17:1-9.
(.olden Trvt-Isaiah 9: 7.
it,., \% Nlorlev a sermon
F:ze.,el•s vi -lou satyr:- We take the
Dolt 1ai.rd mruli.awl ht the s.k•rtion
t„ tie• the tiul.irta. .1f that woudrone
-. ., • of uwr.•y. perfected by -the
1...11t of Christ. made fits( by
1'•••r-pr.e11t' Spirt. and adal't••i
- '1atloil of the world.
\•,.r• the ...one of the water".
t',,.n. 1- said 1.. Hare -beet. a very
•; bac. '••iutali 011 the. w•.•t .1.1v .f
1. r.usl:elu. The prudent Ilezt•khlh,
•,..as•ilg that It. •1 Bute of .1.10t an
.•: 'qv might cut off its streams. tI li-
.n,tc.l them by a ,.era aqueduct into
; !.r .tit}. 1t may be. that there Wa.1
Ale aten�uthltr tfolnitaintltun1thought
itt' t .ism
.0.41.11 floated before the senses of
wide!. as there wen, a stream fr.-an.
•_..:un. fountain int. the 1441111411..11 1141
111 the foundations "t the toil 'mow,
hely water. .prang. Ile this as
• may. tlw truth - to slguifk•a1111y
,L1. that while through the temple
Ashes vanish
when alinard'a a r
hused For.
eadache rub the forehead
with Minard's in water. For
toothache bathe the face with
Minard's and place a piece
of cotton saturated w i t h
Minard's in the cavity.
Quick relief assured. u
Anatol Frikin and His Russians Here at Chautauqua
Anatol F'rikin•and Itis Russians in scenes from the Russian Life present one of the greatest pro-
grams of Russian art and music ever offered on an)+Chautauqua platform throughout the Dominion.
They will give their splendid program on the second night of the coming Canadian Chautauqua here.
Rich in the exotic splendor of colorful Russlan costumes and scenery, a thrilling glimpse Into
the heart of Old Russia Is given. The great Russian composers are ably Interpreted,,,by these sons
and daughters of the steppes, both Instrumentally -using the native Instrument, the balalaika, acetated
by violin and piano -and in their truly wonderful vocal music.
The company•includes such celebrities as Anatol Frikin, distinguished baritone, who will appear In
person with his company, and Alexander Bolshakoff, former ballet master with the Russian Opera
Strength for the Sultry Days
V1.110. t. 11. the tidings of air peace. China thea. •strange reason ill-! 10114101k...14011/ Ihr ,\.1'k end ,,,,,1 1.,,,11. bl.•Itself'does out orighlate deed!day at their cottage.cottage.there, butut i+ conveyed t.. it Crow :1 Robert alorri-.v; curl all hi..tt.vw+- Mhtrutfurl,Mrs.
s.nr.. Invl.ible and afar.- .ors, a nigh} array .of martyrs and of
I1. Notice the progress of the confessor., gave their thaw to China tr.ttage.
water., ?Mai flowing from the fo lar 111st because ••they did not approve •.1 I;IM e . V. 11. 1.u1 M.
1:111e. ND-,
drth-. ale and
tM14. -
HMIs of. the temple. In this passage 1.•- chime. and niched to .dhow her the I
ton. lis-tht• progress.. of these enters is secret kept, trout her for age. of how Wa, where a reunion was held. There
siiid1.,haveleen gradual and eon'rtaut. to become different. .tt what period were seven t•hlldreie with tlwlr hu--
\ud this i. Duly a des•ripUun a the "Inc.' Dan wit: Chhc1 any oro•ly that more ills grandchand il-
dren A ives over enjoyable �ltiler
p+rop.rts+'uf the Go.p.•1 0( Christ. Ther. of approval lin 11 unw'r 1411.. mpeuL
t no f l- hello ..r 14itlduddiug I
Mr. r. 1:. Y. llaulllt.n, of the Flank of 1
Commerce, smut :lie' work -trod and
holiday at Irueeels.
Mr. W. G. Rae. who loft leen prin-
.ip.11 of the ra•h(tiul herr t11ue sevens-
1.•r, has taken the position a' prin-
clp.al of Ibe rrht..l at 1Welh•sley and -
left on Saturday for his h.nw at,
Wroxeter. Mr. f 1. Kalbfleish, o•( Milltb
With all the bran
of the whole wheat
Mental buoyancy and physical alertness come from eating the
crisp Savory shreds of whole wheat with milk. Delicious foe
luncheon with berries.
are Ise. thoughts suggested by the gra. ground t
nal :11141 4,11.1 111,11 pri.■n•.• of tlw e:os- help.
pep. The first encourage. oar faith:, But Prep on them. group.'..+ 1'1111114
the .e.oaol reminds us .of our respell- heedtt your help. all.( io worthy of It as
abilitc. never before All her al pt -1 fps will
111 Notice the efflency of these pass as a bald dream and le rentene
waters. The placrt+ t.. w11i,14 they flow breed a. rhe ...liter of that ,•••tut1r•p
are striking. They did not .wind their sense for w! • 11 the nation is justly
course to .ped- that were ugly .Ilghr fA tm+tla
lv 'defective and easily healed. They N.. sane person approves of what son
lin. been engaged as priuci{al.
fl t 'h1 t. the dessert sort into the agitator. ha c,• doles In China. Well.. may; 1'1 fre. r an of- Wiudsa.r. •
oat} .l- 1
s•:,' _'.into 1lie .Iesert" amidst whose we are 11M Ifelpil.g theta, but are out rs, 1
e11dhva sand. 110 stream- had flowed to help the t.ltieiIL'groauiig masses/ of ".%pert Elliott and three o'h{Idr a are
before: "into the sea." tlw iteaol :4•a 1'hina t. be rid of these .kln.lons. II 111.011 : wI111 Ni ... Martha itTall1 .11 h
in whose relit alai -11114th-h waters n.- Friend. wtl., aithh.ldt.t thy gift.
thing which had breath Could live. wilt thou abandon these Inn.'''ut,' to the urea of ler aunt, airs. J. Fraser.
'rho• their 111 1.411011 w+Is Loth to tnpply the thieves and rater• alio are pluw1- Mr. 111141. Mrs. al•orley Hart. Charlie
trio and 1'. 11 then. .. ...rely? ,, and Retro Hart. Nina 1'r.•.'tor,o( To -
that which was lacking "1111 to cleanse g g rout.. spent the h"li.hly with Mr}. 1:. •
To -
that whi, h aa.. impar•. .tial that i• NCM .1x•1 A -arse make uultter+any I. 1
true .f the Gospel of 4'I,rlat. There is -better for you? Will uhf• not be dls-; King. Mr.. (tart and •-hildren err re-
,, .M4•rt'o1 w.rldlinrso which the tinctly worse' If yon would e'. per- I !paining for a vl.it.
4. •.pep causot tnrul' into A garden: w•veranee in 1.•';ing In tlw fate of 're- i Sunday, Jure :eIth. the ...•"1«I In
tlwre 1...n. i►t•ad Sea of error w•hic11 huffs. behold Innen,* .f the Brd-itsaine•ti.n with the eightieth 111111iter-
111f• I:n.peh canna purge of its j.ollu- fish Govrtrnm.•:ot during fhese recent I sary •,-rl.bn+tl.0 111 Trinity church,
Mayfield, witnrwr.i two large ,.nRrc-
ritlfr. .n. A1111.change into a receptacle of year+. She h:.- never given up'
Friend. In your lest moments will j 'rations In the church. At 11 a.m.. with
IV. Notice the size ••f the river. 1t is you not do (..r, /'Hina's people a+ the rector. there were present In the
ver riming, thus en'm1..li7Jug the work Mitch as you did before? RememberI •an•'tnary 111- f:race .n').1.ishop \CII•
and influence of the Hnly Spirit. It' that while we erre yet enemies Chrl1t, Ilam., of London. nod the Itev. r. 1:.
can ie wen in ever increasing forty dire) for tea if 1:od had dee11 with 11s Itircka• di. ofd Waterford.
y 't, Tlw'hh , 1 I'i''rr
frau the lac of the patriarchs, pro-+ts moms are now tempted to deal w'ith', presented. These were• a cretlenee table,'
phets, the ministry of Christ. on •the, Pharr. what chant* would we have? in memory of the lair Vr. and alts.
Day .( i'entecl..t and today in flit Tie Quarterly link.
John H. HPnrd, bat by their won..
silver t.ox to eontaln r?u bread for
.r+mmuni.n. given by Mr. A. Town-
shei l 111 menwory of 111.' wife. Hannah
Emily SrMchmer; brats atrrrw basin.
gift of air. John Turner and all.'
Siwie Westlake: two prayer 1.."ko pre-
e'ver•rishle tide of evangelism the
world over. ( B. Yl'•]LLD
V. Notke the servke of the rive.
• FIs r •th g ..hall live whither the river
• y n
.-nnwth." There is no department of
life where the river of the Gospel has
floats! that 11a. not been quickened
with 44,•144.•.. of life and richer
win- 1'F:.►SF.'I'tt HELP CHINA?"
Ile'•'a l:ri• tar do net approve of
Leads the World las .Motor ('ar Z'iralme
Delivered. Fully Equipped
$1224 to $1524
Delivered, Fully Equipped
COMPARE it to any car in its field, and you'll find the car
you would rather have is the Nash "400" Standard Six.
Comparison confirms its style superiority. Comparison of
this car with others at its price also brings out the fact that
the "400" high -compression motor is smoother in its
action, more dynamic in its power, ahead in engineering
excellence. Here are 7 bearings instead of 3 or 4, Bohnalite
invar strut pistons instead of the cast iron type, full pres-
sure lubrication for dependability and durability.
And at no extra cost, this car is _quipped with Lovejoy hy-
draulic shock absorbers, chromium nickeled bumpers,
spare tire, tire lock and tire cover; items customarily sold
as "extras."
P hone 83 H. C. Young
South Street, Goderich
41•.tendell for loot week).
1ATFIFId). July 3. -alis" Elva De-
war. of T..rotitu, .amt horror .n Friday 1 series) by alis Snowden : a silver palt-
to open,: 1..•r vacation at her borne. en.
ultra In Rev. F. H. Paull and
Yrr J. 1.. Dlzou and alis. Carrie 1.81111: hymn I..ard. gift of \fro. N. W.
I)Ix.n. of I;AIL err holi•1nctng with Woods; white 11/1 11g" for the gltat.
Mrs. F. 11 Paull nt 111e rectory. p,nlpit Ariel prayer desk Hlul whirr hook
ND*. and Mrs. 1). Knight. Mi.,. Elias i markers, given by the Indio.+' /:111141
llnpai- auJ ('harlot week -end
midi. of and Where. Ar.-trb1.hop illlntne
Torn o..; rut the week -Pod with Yrs, pr 'eked nu el..pn,11t arab torrent ser -
F. (;e iplb' nrdt. • mon from the text. "Lord. 1 have
RPI F.. RINI alio. itickard.'.1 Wet -1 love() the habitation of try boost. and
t k d no the I the plaee_wliere thy hou.ir dwrllrth."
gPrfnr• .s;eM t IP wee -Ptl
le•'t.• ..f Mies E. Cameron.
If'.alm Sul:�r. TiI. anlh.ln. "f t, 11"w
trv'4h..:,•,I• NNs111Iam•:, ..f 1.otalon,11 cel 1s /ton tan. spbudully stn
was 11 git•st on Sunday With Rey. and i o y -
Mrs. P..1I Paull tiered Ly the .heir, augmented by
i►r P. 1.•wts and Mrs. Lewis of To-! members of 1114. Varna .hot r. In the
htrlldAy guest. wit11 Mr.. evening at 7.30 the rw't"r {M..111.-.104...11
rout.. w. •• by the Rev. I' 11. Iti�•kard, Hilo preach-
\. NN'• -ds. fed from the test. "We have wren Hit
an. Niro. Percy Weston, of Kit• star In the east and are corps 1' tor-
(.hrr.•r: were week -enol gntwt.. with'; 41 IC whish 'ibjft•t wail
frost allay
Mr. :mud \Ira. H. Welton. ,denit with by the preacher. It was •
Mr ail.; Ys. .H
Yrs. H. Tn11tt, Mr. and fttth.g 111111111u'l.❑ to the oelrbretl.n
lir+. Iblll.h Pierson anti fnmily• "f foul the rules of sermons. A crowde4) 4
.yAI oak. Ylth.. are occupying Niro.ehnr.h welcomed the Arrhllahop at St.
1R':lel rid ti + cotlwlSe• I Jamr'' chnreh, Nliddlet••n, at 3 p.m.,
Mr 111.4 Mrs. (Merlon Kent ai,, Ruth; when the holy And apostolic rltoottr.n-
.ioy Kennedy, of Toronto, Mr. And Airs. firnm tion 1444' Adminlst"red 1 t tw•elyP
ilastintr. o:•lt, Yr. and slew .p. Fitz- (*wildfire,.fr.n/ the 1•
three cne-regA-
pren1ld. Land•.,don, are occupying cottages !tion« of the parish. Confirm -Nation
in (mese L. Park. , hymn. mns and anthems were ably render-
lirandMrr. \W
s. F. W. Evans, .f ill *41 1,y the choir.
This anniversary has hewn splendidly
nreelyed n 1.1 glpgr.rtwl lay the whole
earl..h BM, many others and has horn
An r.vasiol Hhi.h will 1.e remembered
long and gratefully by everyone 111 the
The '.11114+01 of this anniversary is
largely dne to the efforts of the ro-
tor. Rev. F. H. Paull, who for months
hao town preparing for this event.
The choir w'A. Ably HAll«te.I on both
Sundae by nlf+mt.er' of St. John's
choir. Vilma.
The slipper and ron.ert given on
Tuesday was n great •al(1*s«, and 011
U'ts. Myst I F T'hunariny a parish reception was Held
at the rectory, when n large nnmter of
.10%4.1 1.. Erose. the parishioners were present.
1 aif..es loris soul Muriel Gafford.
[Mary brevet, Evelyn Mal.on, of Tooron- Former w.rll'« chaml•lon ewlmmrr.
to. 4441' gneRia with Alma M.Kay .\el-, Norman Rrws, U.S.A., w1)1 be a prom -
the week -.slit and holiday. inent entrant for the fourth Wrigley
Iter. Chea. Mustard, air... •,ll rd Marathon swim at the Canadian Nn-
And frim((. of Toronto. enure on Mon-
t1.nA1 Exhibition.
day And :.re tenting on T. Mustard's
air. 1oatid Dewar, of ('halk River,
arrival home on Monday to .pend the
Mr. A11.. anti Miro Aust. of ]onion.
are summering In Mr. R. Heard'. CM-
tage on the rtl'er hank.
MI's lin Reid, who ..peen, the WI11-
ler at Detroit, 1' !mow for the '11411 -
airs, .N MrMRhen. Mrs. W. A. Jen-
kins and family lin. oornpying Dr.
K:,iy'. I:oddr. spent the
Mrs. (:o$*'.. .f Sea(orth,
w.ek'1'nd with her farrier. Mra. M. Fer-
1,1, and Yrs. M.orw. of London, Are
(Alalpyiolg one of Mr. R. 'Heart's e ot-
t 44 4e'.
afr. And Mrs. A. Furter. of North
(fay. arrl,ed on Monday M rlttt the
144tter't p$rlrlto. Mr. and Mrn. 4'.'. J.
Kt 11,4,4.
Nit. nod Yrs. Mars. of Loro,Mn. are
omnpying J. plerRon's eMtsge.
Mr. And kir'. ('nri.ett Arad f*xnily, .f
1..andon. are occupying Mr. 1F. KIIn-
F■.n's mttf�.
Mrs. Hart and sen, Ted Hart, of
1V44 _J
Snio,mg crests or snlohin9 chimneys.
Over one-half of all Canada's industries depend on wood
as a raw material. When the forests are destroyed mills
must c louse town, railway eam ings must suffer, trade must
stagnate and prosperity must vanish.
hawby wh
tw,t t ,.1
Hasosrabl ,o
Chks Stewart,
Mauve. et the Interior.
ken ills . 1 rr'. end Mrs. aback, of NN ind-
s.r: )Ir arid Mr«, Somerville. Mr. and
Mrs. W. 1' Clement. Betty Clement. Dr.
and Nir', I.vingst.n and family, Dr.
Shields and family. oQ Kit.hener, are
flrmmerit..g In Jowett's Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Mower and daughter.
of Kit'h.t.er, are (reenpying one of the
',hoc •.tau.4. Dr. nod Mrs. Alexander 1111.1 faro.
Aletander, of London. are at their
.nttHge for the swimmer.
Mr. and Mr.. J. McLear and daugh-
ter. of Windsor, are glimmering in Mn.
W. thaw'. cottage.
a's ie Armstrong and era
Carter of Clinton. are holidaying In
The School of Commerce
offers you a Practical Business Training that has made
it possible for our scores of students to obtain and hold
positions demanding a high standard of efficiency.
There is a position waiting for you
Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General
Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teacher's Course
and Special Courses arranged
Write today for information. Phone 198
B. F. WARD, B. A , Principal
M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance earviee at all
hour., day or sight.
PHONES: Store 120 Re. 217
All calls promptly attended to
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Dlretftor and
lay or night
PHONES MI5Residence Ebbw
Hamilton street, t�odsrlel
Evening Rates
Begin at 7 p.m.
Many user's of long distance overlook
the fact that reduced Evening Rates
now begin at 7 p.m.
These reduced rates (about 25 per cent
less than day rates) apply, of course, on
Station -to -Station calls.
After 8.30 p.m. the reduced rate is still
lower -about 60 per cent off the day
(The minimum reduced evening rate is
85c; and the minimum reduced night
rate 25 cents).
And an additional convenience -charges
on Station -to -Station calls may now be
reversed, where the rate is 25 cents or
Remember - evening rates begin now
at 7 p.m by your local time.