HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-09, Page 15SEE US FOR THE FULL jou!
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Easter Monday with their•
daughter, Lynn Wall and
'children.: • ' -
Sympathy is eXtended to
the .Foran families, on the
accidental death. on Thurs-
day of ,a dear brother and'
tincle, Leo -FOraii in his 58th
year. The accident occurred
near Teeswater when the
tractor he was driving tipped
and 'pinned him underneath.
fun , ebngregatiort of
brated Easter Sunday at the
United Chureh inorning ser-
vice. Mr. Cowan spoke on
the topic, "All That r
The childreir's -storyWas a
continuation from last Sun-
day on the life of Jesus and
was entitled•, "He is Risen'±-:
The choir sang the beautiful
anthem, —Whispering
Hope''.. I -
The induction of three new
elders was held. The clerk of
session, Lome Hasty, intro-•
&aced Mrs. Olive Blake;
Mrs, Elsie Irwin and George
Errington and Mr. Cowan
formally inducted them as
elders. Then the other elders
on the session came forward
and offered each the hand of
fellowship, welcoming them
as elders.
The pre-Service hyrrin sing
will be discontinued for the
next while.,
son of Queensville visited on
REG. $22 PERM -
REG. $20 PERM -
REG. $18 PERM -
REG. $16 PERM -
REG. $14 PERM -
gir •
DUNGANNON 529-7949
er in Iliungannon on Easter Sunday
Uelinow Sentlatif WedielmillY1 Apra 9, 19644440 15
offfcers, Mrs.Errington;
thanked all for support given
to her as president for two
years': A, hearty applause'
expressed appreciation to
ber for her lead,ership.' Mrs.
Errington-presented-six -laik---
ies with a gift for perfect at-,
tendance. Collection and
Pennies for 'Friendship were
Officers for 1980 - 1981
include: past president, Mrs.
George Errington; 'president,
Mrs. Hugh McWbinney;
vice president, Mrs. Roy'
Robson; second vice presid-
ent, Mrs. VVinnitred .Girvin;-
secretary-treasurer, Mrs,
prahamMcNee; assistant
treasurer, Mrs. Elmer Black;
'district director. •Mrs.
George Errington; alternate
director, Mrs.- Elmer Black;
branch directors, Mrs. Alvin
Kerr. Mrs. W. Girvin, Mrs..
Anne Feagan, Mrs. E. Black;
public, relations officer, Mrs..
Wilmer Rutledge; • curator
and assistants, Mrs. Warren
Zinn, Miss . lya Carr, Mrs.
Flossie . lvers, Mrs, Greta
Stewart, Mrs. Olive Blake;
- . •
Eldon Culbert and second. The sacraments of haPtisin,
By.MARILE PARK high Man was, .John smith, and communion Will be •cele7
. • —• Art young Won the door brated next Sunday.: 'with
Dinner guests, .Penny prize, The bake, sale held Rev. Cecil Wittich 4E1130 as .
and Terry:H.94es and girIS following ' the card playing officiating 'minister. ,New
On Sunday were Steve and. was very successful. members are :'also.being
Lloyd and Doris Hodges of urn and. Miss Betty Marsh of DUNGANNON WI, •
the village, Valerie and ben- Burlington visited on Easter The annual
, meeting; of
nis Vanderburg, Vickie and Sunday. With Mel Jones-. Mr. Dungannon. Branch of WI,
Paula', Marsha: and Bruce .and:-' Mrs. George Bell of • was held at .the home of •Mrs,
•Silld74,: Lisa; and Michael, 'air- Kineardine visited with Mel Alvin. Kerr 'on Wednesday, ,
. Of .Nile, Annette and Gerrie ; on Tuesday of last week.. „ April 2. A delicious pot hick
Bere bf. Port Albert, and Tim •Mr,..and Mrs. Ben Mole dinner was enjoyed. '
Hodges and Wanda Pa& of visited on Easter"` Sunday The president. MrS.
DungannOn. with their daughter; Nancy; George Ellington, welcomed
Sympathy is extended to her husband Jack Phillips 13 members, three new
the . families. of. the late Ben and farnily-at Hensall, members, and- three -gnestsi
Caldwell who passed away Mr. and Mrs. :Roy Ashton ,She expressed. thanks to
suddenly on Thnrsday oven- of GOderich spent .51inday • -workers for the annual
'• ing in his 68th year. Ben and with their daughter': and .‘Brobkside.party... to the gull
his sister, Pearl Caldwell, Son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. ter's, and to'the hostess,. Mrs';
were returning home follow- Elmer Cook and I evin. Kerr. . `••
• ing a • winter holiday in Kevin" celebrated his 8th The roll call Was answered
Florida :when Ben suffered -a birthday.. • by the payment of fees,
heart seizure at MotirOe. Miss Pat Cainpbell of followed by . the: 'minutes,
Michigan on Wednesday.Cambridge spent the week treaSiirees :report and cor-
Company on Easter • Sun- end • with. Paul and Elaine • respondence read by Mrs. . • .
day with Mr. and Mrs. Dm*: O'Dennell on Sunday, Barb ,Winnifred Girvin Mis. War-
Logtenberg and family were and Cliff Liindrigan, Tracey, ten Zinn discussed the de-
Gerda and Doug Dam, Reinie Greg. and Jeff of Stratford sign and title for the history
and Gary of Guelph and. Fran visited the CeDarinells. book Which. is, beine P41?-•
and Jim Farrell Of RipleY, 'Mr. 'and Mrs, Toth 'Erner-' lished.•
M ss Irene. ogten rg and
Family Night
to 9 p.m.
Italian Food
Crispy Tossed
Green Salad
with a choice of
Delicious individual
I " •' I' 1,
With Your Choice
Of •
2 Toppings
Pepperoni, Ham,
Bacon, Green Pepper;
Onion Or Sausage
Additional Items
25c each
Childretimaider 12,
Italian Style.
With Rich & Spicy
Meat and •Tomato
Sauce-Topped with
Parmisan Cheese,
Garlic Bread and
Meaty and Tender
Style, Garlic Bread
& Butter
pianists,. Mrs, Gordon Fin-
nigan and Mrs. Sam Gibson;
nominating committee, Mrst
Alvin Kerr, Mrs. Jack Clem-
ents, WS. Clifford PurdOn,
Standing committee con-
' venerslAgriculture-and Can-. -
adian Industries, Mrs, Fred
Young. and Mrs.' George Er,
rington; Education and Cul-
Wral Activities, Mrs. Sam
Gibson and Mrs, "Russell
Alton; Fatigly and Consumer
Affairs, Mrs, Mary Errington
and Miss. Beth Weotinell;
Citizenship' and World Af-
fairs, Mrs. Alvin Kerr and
Mrs.. Clifford -PutdorenAirdi;.-
torS, Mrs. Mary Errington
and Mrs. Grace Black.
Mrs.. George Errington
concluded' the' meeting with
this poem:
Hear! Hear!. •
We. the unwilling, led II the
Are deing the, impossible for
the ungrateful;
And haVe done so much for
se long with so little
WO are now, qualified to• do
anything with- nothing.
Turn tit page 170
Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Stirl-
ing. Darlene and Harold of
ThanieSville visited' With Bet-
ty'si . mother, Mrs. Robert
Maylin and John Bere,
Karen and Da.vi,d, of London
..misitedlvIrs. Mary Bele" and
other Members of the family
on the weekend, •.;'
Randy Kerr reports •that
the Slo-pitch tournament will
be held this year on june 27.
28 and -29, instead Of the
August holiday because of
the Birthday celebrations.
Benson Shackleton return-
. ed home this past week, after
being a patient in VVinghant
and District Hospital.'
At the final euchre party
for 'the Agriculture Society
there were 1S:tables in play.
The high lady was Lula Shet-
ler and second high lady was
Alma. Black. High Man was
fiance, Joe West of Stratford,
spent the weekend. Mr..
Gerrit Logtenberg and wife,
Joanne of '.Clinton spent a.
couple of hours.' Mrs. Log-,
tenberg, liad• to • return to
hospital in . Clinton Where she
has: bees a patient since her
return from Florida laSt
Saturday. Mr. ,1:ostenbeig
arrived hoinelrom Florida on
'Thnrsday. Mr.-and Mrs. Tim
Rkuyink and Karen of Ash-
field and Mr. and Mrs, Mel
Arnold •and Carla' of Kincar:-
cline caflezl';xn the aft fit tiri<
. Mrs. Alice Porter. was intro-
duced by Mrs, A'. Kerr, and'
she. gave a detailed account'
• of her trips2:tO conventions
and :spoke of friendships
made. This year the emph,as-
- is is to be Women'a Institute
and its work and irriPOrtance. .
• Mrs. A. Kerr expressed al),
preciation to Porter and
gave her a gift.
The report of the 'Standing
Conveners were, given and
.showed a very active, year.
• Mrs. George .Errington
asked •iiir the report
nominating cominittee which
was read by Mrs; Clifford
Purdon.. Mrs.' Porter ;.conk -
ducted the instillation of
Ss k pecialguest s eap er,