HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-09, Page 14ANNOUN041N.T... THE THERESE C. PFRIMMER CLINIC FOR DEEP MUSCLE THERAPY R. R. 2, BAYFIELD, ONTARIO • is now under the direction of 'Mrs. Mary Kish D.M T, Residenhherapist - Mrs. M. Lawrence D.P4.T. For: appOintinents please,call 519-482-9335 f. We Invite You to. See Our Line.. Social invitations and announce- ments; business cards and sta- tionery. We can handle any. job! Rubber _ Stamps Made Sepoy Stationery & Printing (hien six days a week Lueknow spent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Paul Greenwood, Jean-Paul; Jack.and 'Toy- Ellen of Ripley. • Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Farrell ' were IVIr. and Mrs. Fred -W-ri-glit,-"Tudy-and -Trevor of DOwnsview; Guests for. Easter dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Elliott were. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Elliott of Kincardine, Mr'. and Mrs. Paul Green- • wood, Jean-Paul, Joel and Joy-Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Judy and Mrs., of Downsviaw. Trevor Mr. and Mrs. ' John Farrell, Teresa Tania and Tobi. Birthday greetings go to Paul Greenwood, who celebrated his birthday • t las Friday. Teresa Farrell Recent ": visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins were and. Mrs. Clarence McGillivray of Sonthanipton. " Eileen .*Emmerton• of B-011411- ha s spent the past winter. months with her mother Mrs, • Herb " Farrell in : Eugene and Ann Bourgeois of Inverhuron visited with Mr. and Mrs, :John. Farrell on Wed- , nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stanley• family dinner on 8unday,., Those :present were Mr, and Mrs. Morley Scott, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Doupe of Kincardine; Mr. and 1VIrs. Art Helni and family from Tiverton, Mr. and Mrs. HOWard Peter from Wiarton, and Mrs,. BlUe: from, Wiarton. IVIrs. Blue will be visiting a few days longer with her dAughter Isabel•Stariley. Mr. arid Mts. Don Reid, Btian, gandra and Larry enjoyed Easter dinner! with Mr. and Mrs., 1.:arolct. Grant of Lucknow Weekend •visitors, with Jack' and 'Janet Farrell were Susan.ana Courtney from. London:- • . Mr, and Mrs. Burton Collins .enjoyed .Easter- `dinner with: Sandra and Ed :McGillivary, Kelly, and Kristy of Ripley, Margie and Dave Lockhead of Kincardine, and Gordon and Ruth Patter Son, Billy and On Saturday Mrs. Burton Collins, Mrs. Ed McGillivary, Mrs. David Lockhead • and Marion Em inersort _attended .. a, Shower for Chris Bell of Arnberley. Weekend visitors With Mr, . and Mrs; Donald Roberfidif Were Mr. and Mrs. George. Harris Of West' Hill, near Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robertson also spent an evening last week with - Mrs. Burt Moffat of Luckluiw. On. Friday,. Marion Emmerson enjoyed the cotnpariy of Mrs. Francis Emmerson, Frank and Sue of Gocierieh. A family gathering was held at the hoMe of Mr. And Mrs.- Roy. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Green of • Peter Howell, and Stephen of Toronto, Mr. ' and Mrs. John, Howell, Sammy, Veronica; and Jimmy of Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Hill; Christy and Jason of OWen Sound, Mr. and 'Mrs, Bill Carroll,.: and Bobby of Waterloo; and -also 'Mr:Tand Mrs. Earl Hutchinson, Sainantha and Darcy of Kincardine. Best birthday wishes go out to Marg.. Van ,Roozen who Celebrated her birth- day last Friday, Apr. 4. Mr., and Mrs. Hank Stassen • of 'Willowdale helped , celebrate With the Bill Van :R.boyen' family on Friday. Alice . Rhodely Originally of ThUnder - Bay, but now attending Waterloo University came home with Heather Boyle fore the Easter, •. weekend. at the home of Mr. and Mrs,' Francis Boyle... Kerry • Boyle of Toronto and'Bennie Boyle Londonvere also home for the holiday. Birthday -wishes-go-out -to--Heather. Boyle who Celebrated her 21 birthday last week. Mr. and MrS, Cecil Sutton, Rodney and Tammy went to . Teeswater to the home of Mr. and Mrs: Lyman' Sutton for. an • Easter- dinner. Friday evening visitors with Mr. and MrS. Don Dore were Cathy Dore, and Keith Terry-of-Kincardine ' Vicky Dore and Ken Holland of Kincardine spent Sunday _with, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dore and Frank, •Mr. and Mrs. Paul. Greenwood had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stanley and family of the 12th Con- cession, Kinloss-township . on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cannel and baby Jessica of Thamesford were Monday, and TuesdaysTuesda With Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibbson, Julie and Dan were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cillies. Other --visitors- with the Gillies on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Bierns, Doug, Randya and Dennis of Stafford.. , Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cawley had supper on. Easter Sunday with their daughter and, son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Barry Johnston, Lynda, Andre* and Shelly.. Mr. and Mrs. . Cliff" Johnston were also supper'guests. Mr. and Mrs: Harvie Thompson, Ray Thom- pson, Done .. Thompson, Annetta Dore, all of Purj3le Grove 'and. Meryl '" Stewart of Lucknow 1144:— Easter 'supper • with Mr, and Mrs, Bill.. Mcirmia and family at TeesWater. Annetta Dore spent 1VIon day • with her' daukhter Mrs, Gerald With all these ex- changes of dinfier and supper engagements with the: Purple Grove folks, we can, assume, all were well fed during the Easter season. May the blessings of this Easter seasmr-coirre to all read this paper. 'furl to page 17, Surface.application • Shallow incorporation Lasso" herbicide by Monsanto is usually surface applied before the crop emerges. Some fanner* however, prefer to incorporate their herbicides, and Lasso fits the bill., "Shallovv" is the key word.. Lasso should be shallowly incorpo- rated, prior to planting corn or soybeans. First, broadcast Lasso; then thoroughly incorporate it into the top two inches of soil. To make sure the incorporation is shaIloVv, set your disc or.harrow to work the soil to a maximum depth of four inches. Shallow:incorporation of Lasso plus atrazine suppresses yellow nutsedge in corn. ' To suppres's yelloWnutsedge for six to' eight vveeks, shallowly incorporate Lasso plus atrazine (mixed at riew labelled rates) before planting. Suppressing, yellow nutsedge with Lasso plus atrazine gives your corn the chance to loecothe established without nutsedge competition that can hurt your yield.. Whether you surface apply or shallowly incorporate, you get outstanding grass 'control with LassO. • LaSso consistently controls annual grasses in corn and soybeans. With excellent crop safety. And no carryover. AndYou can sti-rface apply Lasso or Shallowly incorporate it. Because it's your choice, with LaSso. Monsanto Canada Inc, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regiria, Calgary, VanCouver. Always read and follow the label directiensfOrtasso. • Lasso •9', is a registered ttademarlt of Monsanto Company, • OlVionsanto CoMpany,,1980, • LIVIDI.4/00 •