The Signal, 1929-7-11, Page 44. --Thursday, July 11. 1910.
Special prices in light-colored
tweed and worsted Suits
° at $19,50 and $24.50
"The Store tetth the Sr,n iz
Goderich, Ontario
Men's and Boys' Wear
xx•1th a full line of
Fresh Fruits and
Kingston St Phone 116
Summer School
JULY 15-22
North Street United Church
- i.-1.••akert_Rev. A I.
\I \ . r- l l..D , Toronto
\\ ,,1*w ,lay -Rev. J. A. U.
n►ir, I)•.th , Winnipeg. Mat
t,,ba. '
"Ireland and til,.
Irl -h iu f.antern Slide and
Story.'' Rev E. W. Young.
M. . . 11 I) , London.
Friday - Ali--ionary Pageant
by students of theySchool.
dire,•,..1 1-v Mies Isobel Mr-
litt 11 -,an. Chinn.
The Public Cordially Invited
Services at 8 o'clock p.m.
Just A Reminder
our old and new patrons that Brophey Bros .
the old reliable Furniture Dealers, have always
in stock for your inspection the finest assort-
ment of
Bed Springs and ventilated
Spring Mattresses
Marshall, Fishman, Simmons and
Brantford Mattresses
They are the finest that may be seen in all the larger
cities. An inspection will convince you.
Furniture sold ---either from catalogue or a personal
visit to any factory showroom. at tockbottom prices.
Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers
(, merle h
V est Street -
wtuday In Ka»r cid •ung tare late William hong. Ashfield, enun teredo
1 uuvrut 1,0111
thanks to God for the restoration to
health of 411a tlradoits Maje"'ty Klug
PARANICi N"1'. July 11. --Miss Annie t,,strytr \.
Intel... of Arthur. is renewing anplaln• laagt k Ne•eting
4t. Josep 1'+ t' 110
lat.prelrtrrtury' t' joining the Order of
the St+tar+ of St. J,•n•ph.
Mr,. M,•N. .M,•Kenzie and Sir..
Ntteic- y .teltt•,I tit NI r.
\\'uwru'v lu»fife(♦ Oct at )lrlieat. It, (leaves, °" last week.
.1 rt+, on Th it being a lovely YeCarth>' ,• ppp,(!)rt
Mil with ifred lu our alrg.
Mlh+ \\'fai[twi N-rlw+trr. who wps K� ,,, ntty*,
• d:utcw. Thr lt[. and yrs. Joh
a rick
Monte for . b vacation. hat returned to i1r,, there wa,. r soot( art. n with friend* in lYK iWll on
Toronto. • r,,I ,all "e.. •�$rtr•t�.. 'rhe (ucrl�' ri/It it
Mr las Cog, of Kincardine, spent, fruit saW aupplled .y Nlr•. IILcKeu tsaY''lK.•Is•r1 Yarru•ititrult. Iw cleft•
!„t vrw•k•Pa,t with 'Sir.
and Nin. Mte:I zie \Vrbb w,ts well butte,
a11td P oun-
,s.,l g,0a1 In the ladle•- .� was title with his b[uther. Mr. 1' orae,
Gill. lie and ••(lose friend- ,u the !M11 tills
Miss J. 1'hrs1
t111 w,ts su.s-,se rt In „one 11y Mus' Greta \\ rid,. 'Take 1
h:nfue har cin++ pas in the re, *III Hume Attain, Kathleen" A paper aa- week
entraus. euuuivati.'ii- i'ougrantl:,' ..Item be Mr.. /leurgr .clef on "Feed. Mr. and N1r- Jack (Vitally. Mls-
tfits. lug a 1'311111Y- fur 11. II.- and wit- bane gild 1'iit� a Mt•1'ar`tI.v Hay vel b,troitt
)Ir and . rt' Itoy NIHr1/1111li11. of much appreciated. A u it It.Is mud* -pent hotel..
'{'orol.b.. acre recent visitors tinter the and curried that the , ,�•ooufe.?- picnic {termite. Mr. :u,.l Mr-. Nin. Me;('.ir-
parental asci. Le held on JltIy 24tJ Klurardhle. thy.
Parutnumt !tad :u, excellent id lie• 1,11' was served by hostess. Yrs. alis• Ido M,.4 Iioid. Susie .r VIilt.e1luhl[
T. I: '1'ncl". vvaatliegme-t .1f Miss
on Friday 114.1. There nen.' bathinc ratty wed- over the its' I •td.
and apart•. :old a splrudW luu.'11 l;tn141111 J)ur7in--.t it
br,ught a delightful da}'. Jorgea r1o*r. din;; t••,.i, place at the :.••i,ry. tuck- )Irl. 11. t'vumfort. of at.
)!r. %Phi), i" �ie ,beta a JIntro. now. o, 10 •'ekwk nn-I'!nuwlay last. i, vI-itiag her nether.
wlwta Ml,s )lacy Ih1r:, ^•Ir .Itulglt- Itlake.- this week.
t.. Yrp!a,w the ,fur de,trnvd by tin' witeif Mr. anal Yrs. J Intrniu. St. \l r. au.l Mrs. Ik,.hl M. \\'hlwMy
!uMi-- the sprint months.
N111ri the
1 is a* ,r to Mr %i -ctrl their daughter, Mrs. Earl
Mi-- Isals•Ila -Helens. acne united 111 - I•ameron itlake• (Tinton, on Sunday last.
-f.N t- Nlr. Page during the holidays. .toil, .':us•r,u• .toil )Irv. Hutch Rutherford. Least. , 1•.
Nli-s I.Httra Weleoer is visiting and :he lata willlxtu , \V.• -t
friend- at Clinton and Ray field.
\\'.4 .iiiush. The '•carr • was per. the Burst .of her daughter. .'Ir•. John
Itetinett, tills week.
.1• Inputs" NI '1'...,1114. Itich;a r.Isou, wlto ped ++eed
.M11111110:1- serf' on July ltd at the home of his
.n.. hone•.. -011, Mr. Thomas Kirk artlAin. Mill
-.'11 attend- roti. Tukhrrsnil111. was it uativr of
• :.,y. at 1st•- England. where he was born )larch
t.•rrance, to 1+11,. Ila cause to Canada at the
Toronto, `Nitta h Ia brotge of her,e years. Ile the late William Iib
mid ,d Nin:.
,9lardson, a few mouths and than 1wr
hared a farm un the :tad oolleO.1.401t of
\-hfirld, near fort Allier(. tai which
t't Uta rluli/.
.,nng couple lett by
Mn' 11. J.
(..rated by Rev. H. t 1Paw*.rr. The \ Md Resident Pa*. -
to Niagara district
Thr ,onlnaluity ext. .
time. and :t hearty .t.
%I r. 11114 Mrs. hoe . \
rd the marriage on s
troll. of their only too.
Mi.." Hazel Melillo
,iin_hter of the late
Peter \i.•Int.tslt. of T.u• •
f the
un serF'1- heard rdin ,all1et
dire.11teti*tl ar
a vs.
\I r. Hud Mea. -James McIntyre and
ou, Itus-e'1. yi+(tad with relatives 111
1 t* troit during the lar,. week.
Mi. and Mrs. Orval Fre' were gtw+ta
it the hotne. of \Irs. 1.e age Glen All
Sginday. - I)UNGANNON
•N number from here attended an he
...petit nearly half-a-,-,utun of ilia.
anentary .erieno at Carlow United Ila was (wire married(. un 1l,.P1111r•r
hutch oil last. Ill-NGAN1NIIX. Jul; to - Mrs. Jas. 11111. 1s70. he married Miss Elizabeth
Visitors at the home .1 Mr. ate! )lel:Hchren and two children, of Lon- ('ilei+(hta, of Colltnrne township, who
Mrs. ,, .. t - we on S' NIr. and don. are rcislting her parrots. Mr. and diel er'trtitivieyears ago. Ti' this un-
\loudac of this w'ewk wear Jlr.\i\ °�_ M •Keanfe. ion sane i..rn ads soaa amt three
Mise Christen* Roe-. ••f Winnipeg. tlemisters:Thomas J.. of Tneker.aut t
I- vi=icing her uncle and ,tint. Nit'. and William. .•f Listowel; John. of Du-
luth: Krtdwu, of Timmins: Rrnjamin.
haler and )!r. Sydney Brown. of
miller: Mrs. Was. Nixon and M
}'rule Plowman. of Ilwuyfir.nk, au,
11 r... lead Ross. of Saskatchewan: Nllau. .hs -,n,••1:
Mr. and Nita Jack Daniel and two Nils* Eft Gardiner Nls•nt fled• wa•k-
••onto. n, F'lorem-, and Gonion. of To- . .11 her home to A+hfleld. -• Nlr+. Philip Potter. Hultur+v'Ille: Mrs.
rontu. - - 1 N . and' Mrs. Eedy x11.1 handl)' slant Harry Ktw'eshaw. Toronto: Mrs. Wed►
Nliss it free N- It.'rgh. of i-.l:tr w'. �nti.ttlr at Rostock. - Icy Echlin. Nile. dwrawitt. There :try
:attest '•u friends herr ou 'rine-.I:a' of Nli- .\mlwr McKenzie Moe returned fifteen grandchildren. Its February.
this w•e•k. r.. suet r.•y after epi ' :_ iter '14.14. 11,11i. he w,- married to Niles EmilyNlrs. J,ea. N[ra renlntigl l,ou„• uu *ion with 'ter parents! II. and Mrs. Warman. of Somerset. England. edit.,
Friday -after a pleasant two weeks't It. .\. M,zle. was hl+ devoted compuu,lo,1 during hi.+
Heber 1 .„1 faun• drrlining year- Inuring his long car
Militia! , .n We nes. ewe as (saner. Jowl... m.0a and thresh
:now•n and bight.
isit In lk•thdt. She waq ats•olnpnde" Nlr, and Y(
',rl her return 1.r Mr. Jud. Yrs. Chester IIs, t•• :111,•.1 1
Brown and Miss Pe:ail 1i••t'raoket. of erg he was r its
Detroit. . •lav to :attend (tale ttdd••i, wedding an- • , .r, fedi for his sterling ynnlltlrs of
Nle Reg. NI.l'ann, o! 1.'•s Ant" las. nirrrary of Yr. b j • parent.. I
calif,r,ia. motored to the., tome of • MP.. J. !tell. o Lu smlat visited urutlnesl. Hr intrslu,wd the first
ills Iwr•nta. Mr. and Yrs. Jas. Me, toga brother. Yr. F ,I 14••ss r few trorHol, englate to Aeltni'td. For toe!,
hays (ilii week. rears Iw and til+ son. were engage)
i'auu. arriving on S.ntr•I:ay. end iu• %ire Rot \\'111be sod`... thtyr. Nli.s the httulwitrg bnslnew h, Parry tibout
week -end dlstri. l ill religion he w is x Iffehmg
- _ 1,t~until`ttlwattending intirmitl•-• .1 na,e, event
t Mi•s '\t eighty-five ° he tear, was
of acct hev.dfro e
oto, to. motor car with all the pleasure of
1, youth. -Urntt eight montlw ago he i••11.1
hi+ tarot- and equipment nint he and
Mrs. itich:tr.lson went to r•-411 with
Ir. T J. Itirhardo.n. from whose
,.• flue f east wvs hehl on July
to inman:mon .-,meter'. Iter. N.,.
.'inner. of ilmeefleld. offielated
'serviceat the hoose. A large
of fon.wr urlthMlr+ ,ti ,l
tn.+••t•,I the •trice at the
wl.lih edea+ to charge of
.nod. Nile. - Taw pall -
roe eons. Thoma... \VII-
Richardtern. and Ilar-
m•tu•law. The twiny
row' bore their mete
to the bereave
ung them were
craw of the
ten•I, remaining for a few p:etl. •.' entit,
,i -it: 11e 4x -a. noe.i tpauie.l from Tse'- at tnil.• h,. It4' tof J!sr•tpin v
1 by his .4 -ter. ill-- (Ott' NI'•':tt.n. NI►. aka \Ir"+. 14. J. 1'r
ttl l ,'n.:nn.s. Harrell
Smith Mt.' \Ir. arrll \4.1111.1 11.1- returned b• •
Refit is r••mehl
tinc for - •• ti
NIntvre :.111.1 daughter.
•}.afir.•\tIlsr tho.w.lp'NM.rr..-'Th-v 5itNrtkw•uh,mofe il,ars.iv.
ttrccSt.wu.uIl1rn'. • teSr. Ir+hC. t• 1 ,indT.o
\V,..0 \\'aw:111641.• KaA pr..a•Qtiutr at /'he•
. Me -ea•- 1.+t Verne An •neon fent-
. BENMILLER 'i:nt.l..•t ik• Speen .• week -end 11
at the home of their I,- •. Nlr. nod Ar,
DEANlll.ti:R. July lu. - •rile j..Iut AIN. It• P•entllntyr+r bones• otter at titSoma( s .'r 1'l :r role of Smtth'a Hill number
:111.1 IN•umi1i:•w held on We,liosil.ay risiting friends In Lon.' Nlene-etnng Park: .N large Nlr Thom.* Invert :11.1.• to he friends
minder enjoyed the outing. .nithnngli ''lit again after being e. '.red to ted graye.te.
daring 111 1',i•1 week. Rrr. R. A-
hering interfered It..l, o. keep quite t nom-
Is'r tat+c its hones: they will eat their Quite 111 unudwr fad>m -re nttru:,.,p hearers were
11w barn -raising at 3•• n ltsnnelt'o. Ilam and •
oi.-uic inter. - , ry Ktowe aw. a
Ali of the tatpplt wird vy:ltte the been
Port Albert.
Hrhnstatnyidayi I'trl; r,-tt. of Wel- beautiful floral 1
,•ut eotr1. T' Together
have toewn 4latrl. are visiting Or- parents, Mr. wig.. of sympath
+nedwMfnl. T'.grrher ,with their teach -)wife an family.
er... they are to he rttpgratulated. 1 and Nlr". David Glens.
s rag+ awl
the !woe
The young p..J ie of the cce dur{p- 1 Ir. , -tt..tted at
th • tt1-.mekoft Mr. of lan•I steamer Peter Reiss,
aare enjoying.oftlelll prnrtlre dnriut' illow front•Mr. and Mrs'. 111•11 -
the warm etenhigs. with the ,rid water I Mrs. David Glenn re•••ntlr. ilnlwth.
melon thr'nvn in after the game. Mr. G. 1. Parana.. -rodent of !form,
Nlr. Gus Vau-tote' ha- leen sof- 1'ol1••ce, London. ha- been Nage.' In
tering from asthma recently. - har_e of the An_li.,n pori=h of Dun- Nlpmlterw ••t I'srliaunut :1'-c'•'""'
Anun'g til,• otipy visitor- rat the pi•• -i _tuu,.11 and !'art .\l-s•rt for the sum- are m er,. that tate people of.f'an
nig• .there n...• ,+esu NI r-. liter., Wal -.1 nr•r ntont114. ads are unite prepared .to" furnC
dos. \bre• with her two ••bildren.'r1.'t 1 `New' I'aalsr Iadterlrtl.-Tied induce edittir•ro quite
visitfront Alberta. Nit.' Hon of the new ;.:,s ,r of 1Wilt, "nou
NI t.' i� : r-on:ore' 111 rtledr• new
li+' C.1K•tine. was h..!d •Tbar•tlay .ren- 1 "Yen who 1r:ty,'t a trent '1e.1 +.•1
s nese is•r,ua it r nom new chal'ge' ' say- an explorer. in
in tin• 1•rm•e litre. i•i.11isI Ili, mace with
nc na hg.rdllla- ••n. nee. Iter. �ILtt•It. • o�therm mword+. a rolling atone tither.
.v.+ }turf (tis► Ntr.•s. This I. real mis-
-i'.p:.n-w'tlrk. Mr. \ eels•'•*- to pec cottoning. of T••aru here Rev. W. R.- no 1x�•.---(lttnwa Journal.
:1 visit Jenne In Sept her. Ili-. artily .4.11'.' of-.\aburn. 1114 Iter•. it. A. Lnn-
friend,. will ie glad to :1•r bim again. I. of Nile. wee. pr• -.•tit and grime in
IteV. R. 11.. 4'umnlhut prea.lw•I at inspiring whirrs...-.
ltreefi'•l•1 last aitel'iy in the pnlldt1 sureesofu! mildew.. --- 1►nngonnon
••f .1;-- \V. .\. Bremner. who took the -. hoot bas been . r-q,r-,ssfuI in the
pry ser.b-.w at Smith's Hill. high -.Med enc, taminattots. gill
t1 -milli tun! •t:►ughter !tare 111-0' 11..',• s,•nt lip 1 ' 1 • •.rinellial ha*itI.
Ra11 pmt on the Maitland for p a -asst. mane!! ,':..Imo Treleaven.
=n uoner..4.'loatls•r of friends from Marjorie NI:, •1• 1 Marjorie NI''
• .itvent 13s1 week ill the cot- Whitntey'. *'iii • 1-, - :11141 and .4.1211:1
\ars. Smith Is an limit of Rrr. 1 Reed.
!�.n Trott. of N'..tori:l -an,' rutted' F'ollowitttt tr. .,. bone. In the
h, fio'lerl'•b.
-odor room :
,\Irs. F' 11. \\-alter, and Harold in.. . crook sr. 111 Jr. 1V. -Agnea
t'.r•••1 to Toronto 1,1•11 Friday 1'•anng.•I iMtchl Nivh'
ibhM, ih•ot.n. •,Ii ,1 11.'' A. \P. Ib•rt \\'hyar4. '1' -a I'.lr. .Uma
Itroau. of 'rhort'tale. Is working wird Nirin+. Carman 1t , •-s, Gertrude Fin -
\\'ill El+hey for the 'mm�r'r. nlgau. .
Nt:,ry- cottoning ;rel Nt:lia'l It:ler hod iIE1'*,Kl' 111' .1.1 \ l"It 1(114 iNt. 1 .S.s" ■
operation., for 11.. removal of their N"• s. .\�-Ill tNt1.1►
tout- thiy wek. 14dh ar,' nuking From Jr. 111. 1., sr 111. (total 11:x1. ■
'Peed). recoveries. Dr.. 4tartin :and honors 1G7. ,ns- :::a•- --Verna .\(nice
'Whitely -,err the •nrgl•.'ns. .'S end ltetl{ Par., .l1 Moot. 'Myrtle 1�
Mr. and Nlr-. Ri,.},nr.I NIt'rrl+h, of l'aldiptl 4't:.. 1.n --i11.• Emily 440. .dim /
-4111.-ago. a forger resident runt (.•x'•11- N111111111 421. ,1 a. 1, 1'ar., 40(1. Mello Vow-
er. called on friet,ta in i)w vicinity. bar .4411. Willie 11...! :1.l. Melville 4'111- 111/
lir. Albert it.ds'rr`N.0 and sons, of Is•rt :t71.
Ayr. rca+lte•I friend. here I n•It week. From Sr. 11 • • I. 111. (t.l ni.1, n�s l. ■
Kenneth and Ralph R'ib.m and honor- .42I. p .a,- ::.::d. ■
Nlnt•fe Ihtr+„ns• .f Toronto. are staying • and Ia•ie Tr'•lea..•t 1:01 (ties.. Viola
;, fra- ,I-tts,y91, \Ir. and 4Irs. .Inunw Noting :bilk Bertha .1 -.nes SRO. Harold j ■
Iewell. Fin niton 5.... -
Mr. and Nlrs !tarry 4 -life awl two Jr. 11. (total i::t.• --Richard fork
children ore ri-1111([ aJ11,- 'Tr. and Kr. .\1111:1 .4.11 .-r-••n '_75, Donald Wel- , .
Nlrs. Wm. Strauch;ln for a few days. ker 24.. Violet 1:rri1_ton 21s. ltiltie.
Mr.. Parry Walter. and Floyd are 1 :Iesar 1117. !toroth) Rohl) 141. Made
-1 1111
ci:'iting dnrlli the 11,11.1 nye with her (eine ('a.•sar IT:t. Irvine F•wiy 11111. ■
daughter. Mrs. E.111.1 iery 1. •4 Gilder• Feria- Att.n. 17,N. .Nl .art Rltett 1:A{.
1011 t'iw•nshlp. Dori- soon 11:•. .Vvin Rew1 1141. MAI- 1
t-oltn MrKeliZie lir.. I:illi. Stet hire 1V .
Sr. i'timer I t,tal :.101. -- Harvey ■
1rouser( S'". Ikaull'1 1:.i. --.
;,Y 14(1.
.1r. 1'riliwr. Il'ntl Ai01. (dnyfun
4T. IIFiLEN$. Jul, s. - hr. (parry-\nth,•rr'u Y'a. Vera it;tett 2110. .
1,:n, 111,1 Nirr Day I f,rnr•rly .\unit' `•A" 1'11-'. .11111 t'rrtntlttnn. .Nucha
1Rutherford'• and thiblr'n..l:nk..1''' ,' Stewart. JVlrudfretl swan. Allen Tre- 1
and .loan, of i{ocenrllle. 414-k.. motor- Ienye.,. \elle Haines. I ernldlne itirett- .
'fid to Mr. Hay'. ohs holm. in Waltham.
Franklin F:osl. F:Iwin Flnnfgnn, T•uu
and were 11x• guest. of Nlr+. 1t. K. Mil- yonnc. Viola Nlttns 1:.Is'en5I. l�
ler here nn Friday. They tile„ e1?11e.1 on Number on roll. l7. average Well' a
other old friend- while here. amt ;'w1.^1. 1
Mea Stuart. ♦r.. 1s making a lisp N( \I 1)1.1;\IN. Te•nrher.
N, friend. at L,1rnn too Nlltehelt
Clerk. ,f (:IMlph, w:l+ the gne-t
JULY ......
The Newest a
Big Show In Ail
The World
5 Continent Menagerie
1250 People - 500 Horses -- 50 Cages Animals
30 Lions -- 2 Cars of Elephants and Camels
S Bands - 2 Calliopes- 2 Complete Electric
Light Systems - 30 Double Length Steel Cars
6 -Pole Big Top - 5 Mammoch Rit' ;'e -
2 Steel Arenas - Wild -Beast Iii -eater( :-\e
1000 Character Bible
Noah and the Ark
ica�,aatgast Costliest and
Mapdfleent Does Das
Me Street Parade at
1 dd O'CMsR Hama Dally
Shoe Polish
gives a brilliant lasting
shine with a minimum
of effort. Use it daily
on your shoes, not only
fur appearance's sake
but also because it
preserves the leather.
Farmers' Sons, Attention
Any Huron county boy contem-
plating attending the Ontario Agri-
culturallollege for either the as-
sociate or degree course is eligibl,•
to compete for the combined Huron
County and Massey Fund Scholar-
Particulars .tf scholarship May be found
elsewhere in this paper.
Applications should be addressed to the
Department of Agriculture,
Clinton, Ont,
Canadian National Exhibition, To-
ronto, will open Friday, August '2trd,
and eouthute to Saturday. '.•pte hher
We carry a god stock of
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc(.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
Fetimate„ given on application
Frank McArthur
Telephone 82 West Street
Outing, Golf, Bowling
and Tennis Shoes
-turdv practical Shoe- *nen, lays and youth, The
favorite- for ladies, misses and children are the colored and
fancy fabrics They are here in the newest designs and
patterns. Play Shoe- for children include a very large variety
of styles in Sandals and Outing Shoes. The holiday '*.'aeon
bag started. Bu�lnoWicw*I Id!1 choose fry om tin: best assortment at
the lowest pr, { 1
are here . n a handingf Alta a revue t tali- t 'nlMlye+ Rev. f
Delco -Light builds
profits and cuts expense
OVER 325,000 successful farmers havie
found that Delco -Light, the dependable
farm electric plant, saves time and labour
that means money .... actual doUars and
cents profits.
What Delco - Light is doing for other
farmers it will do for you. Let me give you
a demonstration.
DELI 1)-1.1(.HT 1 %LF:i . SEM% ICE
l amptwll a Hutton
Ito♦ No. 1. Komoka. Ont
VI. 4.. (IN►k. 1.111)F:KI 111
■ /■/�'-■■/■■/�li�■■ti■■■
Special Week -end Showing
2 St1OWS DAILY. 2in`i8 [?M
hf Ntit- A. Melx''n►.le er.d Jlr. MtKen- , Welilr lest week.
The St. ltelek. 1».cling Brun Ia lu .\AItFIFT.11. .Iul. n. --Mrs. W. 44.
tar -l -t -Inas shape. The .•Jnh Int11e+ Gray, Port All'ert. has as gvleste dor-
new niemtMr.. Int vacation. her sI -i. r, Ml.. Tena F.
Ntt'.'t"s •1:4111•1ys and Caroline Webb, Hawkins. of it,. Th..tnaa end Niles
Of Fort William. are home for thelrl Margaret llnwkins. n niece. of Forrest,
mention. They 1.11ns by- haat to Port (hit. sod re
where they were met by Mr. Mr. 1{oy \11,117.P 1s enlarging
end Mn. Gen. *Velih with their motor modelling ills I sr. The cement work
ear. allt be completed this week"
operations have commenced on the Mrs. (*evil I:riRln and won. Teddy
new «•hoot buIldIng In A. et. No. 12. Gr1Tln. of Detroit, who attende.l t11e
The first sod was turned by Mr. John Mdlntyre wedding aanlreresti 410
Webster. - June :an h. dished A+hteld
St. Helen. United eltttteh joined As a notice NIYr. \1al'waret Lunt.
tMts,• throughout the F.mptre who on only dot titter of Mrs, 4,ront an.l the
• ".\rine WIIERI 1"nf' 41:E IVI'ITF:n To stn,''
5 ▪ Ladies' and Men's Wear West Side of Square Phone 418. Goderich, Ont.
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of Women's and Misses'
We have just received a shipment of Dresses
in a rich assortment of new styles, colors and
materials. Stunning styles for every summe
occasion. We invite you to visit our store and
see these new Dresses. These are sure to
plerise you.
Special for the Week -end
Sleeveless Dresses in tricoshene, dainty $495
patterns, several different shades. Special for •
Tricoshene Dresses with long sleeves at $8.95
the special price of
Summer Hats
Various shades in the latest of the sea-
son's styles. Special clearing price
A new shipment of Felt Hats just received
season's newest shapes. Moderate
in the
Full line of Men's Wear in season's latest materials and styles.
Moderate prices prevail on all lines
• ■
• •/