HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-02, Page 21 WETOFFER-FOR SALE,„ long estahlished general store, situated in an excellent farming district (St. Helens, sales ineretising yearly),, $2: storey aluminum, ."13 room, horne:stOre,' equipment all fixtures`', 'stock 'and 4 lots go with 'this fatally. 'project. Extra income from gat ontips- an& Huron ''County' Library outlet, Contact Jack Cummings 1, BILL CLIP- FORD REALTOR, Goderich, 524-8951 or 524-9624, —.14; 15ar 30. In memoriam'. JOHNSTON • In loving memory of a dear father, Allan Johnston, Who passed away six years ago, April '3rd. We cannot bring the old days' back, . His voice, We, cannot hear, But we still have his memor- ies;. Of the one we loved so dear. Lovingly remembered ,by Donna, Douglas and. Debr- ' ah. —14x ROBERT COLIN CAMPBELlL In ,memory. of Bob, who left Usin the springtime of life, to live forever upon the acres of. memory. —14 The Campbell Family 31. Cards of thanks tticlooif $clianolf -WocluesthiyiAPB 2, *98O— we* •!!!"1. !Pr" E. Farm sorvios:. 4".". NOTE DATE CHANGE All thenibers of Lucknow Legion are requested to at- tend the regular meeting Tuesday, April 22 at 8 p,m. --14ar COFFEE PARTY Wednesday, April 2, 1980, 10 - 11:30 a.m., 130 - 4 p.m. Everyone welcome for coffee and muffins. Held at %John- -stono-furniture. Siliier Col- lection. —13,14 BASEBALL RANCE At the Lucknow Community Celitre, April 5, 9 to 1. Music. Aby disc jockey. $4.00 per person, $7.00 a couple, lunch included. Sponsored' by Noisy. Ladies and Lucknow Intermediate Baseball teams. —13,14 • BELMORRMAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL In Belmere Community Cen- ' Saturday, April-12-, 11 .a.m. to 7 p.m. Adults $3.50, children under 12 $2, includ- es all, the hot pancakes, and 13elmore Maple Syrup you can eat, along with farmer's sausage, _homemade apple- sauce and beverage. Senior Citizen's Day April 10, 10 a.m. to 2:30 pan. Entertain- ' merit, sale of maple prod- ucts, farmer's sausage, handicrafts and homemade baking. —13,14 •••••••••4Y...0•••• Lucknow Legion Branch No. 309 April Dance (1 April 12 9:30 p.m. Ian 1Wilbee —13,14ar Orchestra 10111111111111010111.1011111111011MIS Attention Farmers A. For sale CLEANED RED CLOVER SEED. Douglas Miller, R. 1 Lucknow, phone 528-6844. —14x 2500 BALES OF STRAW, Phone 529.7634. —14,15,16 HAY FOR SALE. Also want- ed 18' or 20' of crowfoot land packer, 18" diameter - any condition. Phone 529'4174. —14,15x ONE SET 18.4 x 34 dual wheels. Phone 395-3303. -714x ,4„, SEED DRILL on steel 'wheels, 21 run. Phone 395- :S10. —13,14 WANTED TO. RENT .200 workable acres of well, drain- ed land. preferably with 2650 heat unit iange and up. Within 10 miles of -Kinloss. Call 395-5842. —13,14 D. Livestbek .101.• GOOD SELECTION . of hampshire; Yorkshire, Hamp x York and York x Landrace boars, ready for service. Prices reflect market condi- tions. Bob Robinson, R. R. 4 Walton, 345-2317. —13,14 HOLSTEIN .HE1FERS,. due soon. Prank, Van DiePen- beek,, R. R. 3, Lucknow. —12,13,14x AcOet:,- Bush -,otitoss(csi TOWNSHIP W. ',woke; REALTY LTD. • Rita Alievi'524-9131 Res. 324.8440 C. Wanted long term.stands 4'101(1 ! tolerance ti) bacterial 77711ticellentW1#.to hardbcss with 10•Ft regi:,?ith oral. Natant *,,itt, No, 1 tuanow. 528-6144 goosisissmoupssolosommmoitelisii 1., Cards of thanks' 32, Coining Events A,. For sale GRASS= SEED - Limited amount • of forage mixtures and straight seeds at last Slimmers prices. Available for immediate delivery, Also lawn grass mixtures. Call Eldon Bradley, 528-2214,, or Harvey Culbart, 529-7492; --1316 FORAM The family of the late Joe Foran wish to express sin- cere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many kind acts, Special thanks to the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral :Home, Lucknow, 'the pallbearers, Fathers Dentinger and Coughlin and the C.W.L. ladies of St. Augustine Par- ish.. Grateful acknowledge- ment of gifts, flowers, mas- ses Mid 'donations to the Ontariolleart Fund. • HALLAIVI 1' would` like to that' the Doctors from Litcknow. atid Dr. R. R. Shipperd from. London, while 1 was a patient in War MeMorial Children's Hotpital. Jonathan Hallam -14x 32. Coming events CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE Monday, May 5th, 1980 at1:30 pan. 400 head LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE' Phone 395-5230 or 528-9912 —14-18ar FIREMEN'S DANCE Firemen's dance on. April 12 atLucknow District Com- munity Centre. Music by ,Special Appointment. Tick- ets are available at John- ' stone Furniture, .Appliance Centre, C & M Transport, Hamilton Fuels, McDonagh Insurance Agency or any , fireman. $7.00 including lunch. —13,14 SHOOT PARTY Will be held at St. Helens. Institute Hall, on Thursday, - pill 3, ..at 1.30. —I4x Foll0 el•". .0!* SiflOT 24. Ilitisifloos opportunities FOR IMMEDIATE SALE - North eastern Alberta weekly newspaper showing excellent return. Apply' ,to Box 31‹, A-W,N.A., #213,11 Fairway Drive, Edmonton, Alberta T63 2W4. 14nc HAVENS I would nice to thank, every- one for the-cards,- gifts-and- visits I received while a patient in Wingham Hospit- al. All Was _very __much•-ap- predated. Alex Havens WHITNEY We would like to thank all those who sent cards, flow- ers, gifts and treats during our stay in Wingham and District Hospital and since returning home. Special- thanks to Drs. Corrin, Mc- Kim, Jolly an& Bradley, Medical Centre staff and nurses on 2nd floor,. Joanne and Ryan Whitney —14 • • MABEL 11/IcNALL Words cannot express our appreciation for the kindness we received from so many in the loss of a dear'daughter and sister, Mabel McNall.' Special thanks to friends and neighbours and relatives and all doctors and nurses at' Wingharn and District Hos- pital and London during Mabel's , lengthy illness. Many thanks for the floral tributes anti the food dona- tions and to the Cancer Society 'and to Rev. Wtn. Munshaw and the ladies of the Presbyterian Church who served lunch. Your kindness will always be remembered. Frank Johnston and Family —14 now CARD PARTY Tuesday, April 8th, 8 p.m., Legion Hall, Lucknow,, Priz- es, lunch. Admission $1.00, Sponsored by Ladies Auxili- ary Royal Canadian ,T,egion, Branch 309, 'mallow. Every- one welcome, —14 iiimYtIQN$111N.Go Will be held Wednesday, April 2, 1980 at 8 p.m. at the Township IIall,. 10.' regular gamea at' $1$.00; • Purple Ball of $50;.'4 corners jackpot on 5 calls, $45; one share. ;the- RUMMAGE SALE The Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital are IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Bruce. County Health Unit Infants, preschoolers, Adults 2nd Wednesday each month Next clinic April 9th Bruce COunty Health Unit 3 5.p.m. --14ar PLANT, spray and combine 48 acres of corn on 2nd of West Wawanosh. Phone 395- 5510. '-14,15 holding their spring rum- mage sale on Friday, April18 WANTED TO BUY reason- in the. Wingham Armouries. ably priced saddle horse. —14 1347-2623. —13,14x 1 . E. Farm services _ CROP INSURANCE For corn, Spring grains,. soy beans and white beans, new seeding. Deadline May 1, 1980. NIEL EDGAR Phone 357-2440, Whighaxn —13-17 BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling, Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. —40tfar LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. • TORONTO Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. ir5, LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On. Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL ' 528-3530 Home or 528.3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by ' 8:30 a'.m. for :prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE —39tfar CUSTOM COMBINING ° With Gleaner 145 rotary, wheat, mixed grain, beans, corn, etc. For further infor- mation phone 528-2072.• —11-14 WANTED SOMEONE TO tOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD, ' Amberley . PHONE 395-523.0 CLAY Silo • Unloaders, Feeders, Cleanera, Stabling,, ..Leg Elevators:, Liquid Man- ure Eluipment, Hog_Fonip7 meat.: . BUTLER Silo 'Unloaders, Feeders, ConVeyOrs. FARMATIC Mills, Angers, etc,: - • ACORN - Cleaners, Heated Waterers. *ESTEEL-ROSCO - Gran- -aries. B & L Hog Panelling. TOWER KING PRESSED STAVE Oxygen limiting silos• with bottom unloader. Liquid manure tanks. Phone Francis Boyle, 395-5088, --73tfar • F. For rent, PASTURE FOR RENT by the season. 'Phone 392-6269. —14,15. What can the' average farmer do about. the present high rate of interest and'high cost of production? A, lot, if you only knew. You, tho person most involved, has an obligation to do more than Just sit back and complain or Just - accept thirsituatIonlinfefeat. NlarkAiiill 8 et 8:30p.m. on your calendar and come and hear OFA first vice-pres., Ron White, explain about' the forthcoming protest by OFA to Ottawa on April 24. Come and see if you can be part of those • willing to do something to alleviate present pressures on the farmer. We can do nothing unless we have a strong organization and this means getting the Cuiross-Carrick Township Federation back on the active fist and possibly form a kinks., Township Federation. We need men like you who know the problems we are facing who can come up with the Ideas as to what direction we should take in meeting these problems'. REMEMBER APRIL 8 AT THE HILLCREST PUBLIC SCHOOL IN' TEES- WATER AT 8:30 p.m. This will be a meeting you will want to .attend because you • cannot afford to miss It. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY'YEARS WALKERTON. PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO A large stock of monuments at fair prices Availabit for evening appointinents • 14 wealth; 2 ,specials, $25; one jackpot of $650.00 on 57 calls; consola4ok game of $65.00; 5 door prizes. -44ar • HOVViCK LIONS BINGO Will be held on . Saturday, April:5th at 8:00 pan. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12. Regular the wealth; one $25.00 SpeC- ial; Jackpot $120.00 on 54 Calls; PurPle Bair $70;00; Dooicand Consolation prizes. --14ar EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES. Being held in the F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham commencing Wed- nesday, April 2, 1980 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. ' These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who is inter, ested please register by calling 1=800-265-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discussions, 1980 Fall Series will begin week of September 8, 1980. —14,15,16ar ANNUAL SPRING DANCE Dungannon Agricultural Soc- iety- is holding its annual spring dance, Saturday, Apl ril 5, with music by 'Country Kats. Lunch and prizes in- cluded. This is the last dance before Fall Fair time, so don't miss it. For tickets call 529.7956 or 529-7792. —13,14ar ' for $16 00. 2 Share games ,