HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-02, Page 16Wes• and family now
iNe'and the next one
south is, the farm of Mr.
and. Mrs, Sohn
MacKenzie and faintly.
Mrs. MacKenzie. is the
former Terry Walpole,
daiteliter of Mr. and hfrs.
Elmer • Walpole,-of the
South Line in Kincardine
township and now retired
into. Kincardine. Terry,
along with her twin
sister, Sherry, now. Mrs. •
Atkin of Kincardine,
.operated '• the Twinette
Hair Dressing. Shop in
Well along j the south
side of the Calico School
there, is a road running
west towards Lake
Huron. Always we
thought it was the shifted
west end of Concession 10
in Ashfield township but
we see in accounts this
past week it is called the
Horizon View Road. Mrs.
Terry 1VIacKenzie "says
that . during- this past
winter she has used it to'
do her cross country
skiing but has doubts
about her future use of it.
All winter it .has been
blocked with snow. Only
on Friday, March 21 was
it opened up. Her
husband John MacKenzie
keeps horses away at the
west end of his farm down
towards the lake and
travelled from his home
buildings on the Highway
west on his own farm.
The recent spring thaw
made this route im-
passable. So he had
Remember back to the
first week, in Augnst last
summer and that tornado
which swept the Wood-
stock area here in
Southern Ontario, Well
cott brothers Om of
the `12th 'Concession of
Huron tOwnship,• two •
blecks north of Ripley,
Marvin. and Doug Scott of
Ashfielcl, Frank and
Donnie Scott of Colborne
township and nephew
Rick *McQuillin of Ash-
field township haye not
forgotten and last
Saturday they made a.
worthwhile contribution
to help two farmers down
there. Two of the group
were downright after the
disaster and helped with
farm clean up. Jim
reports that this work will
goon for years to come.
Last SaturdaYjim took ••
his big tractor trailer
truck down to Rick
McQuillin's farm on the
10th of Ashfield, two
blocks south of Lochalsh
and just east of the
Kintail sideroad. Here
they filled the big truck,
° with baled hay Which
they had stored • last
summer for this purpose.
When the truck was
loaded Jim, Arlene, and
Marvin got bn the cab and
they drove down to New
Durham, which is south
of Woodstock. .Here they
delivered the hay to
Philip Burtis and a , Mr.
The Scott, brothers
helped Philip last stun-
iner, and while there they
learned of the tragedy at
the Ryksun farm. Here
the father and children
were in the barn,
presumably in the stable
at the time when the
tornado struck. When,;
;they returned to. the
• house they :found it
demolished and Mrs.
Ryksun dead. Also they
had 30 head of cattle
killed. So thanks goes to
the Scott brothers and
Rick McQuillin for their
concern and generosity in ,
making this donation of
hay, to feed stock on 'two
devastate'd farms.
The writer knows that
people of this area join
with those twoiarmers at
New Durham in thanking
Jim Scott, Rick
McQuillin, Marvin Scott,
Donnie Scott, Frank
Scott, and Doug Scott.
Jim Scott and Harold
Courtney are the
operators of the Ripley
Grain Elevator along
with the help of Ralph
Travelling south from
Amberley along the
Bluewater Highway
Number 21 some four
miles or so, and a block
north of .Kintail stands 'a
one room brick
schoolhouse of former
years.. It is on the west
side of the road rid in
recent /ears called "The
Calico School". This
schoolhouse and its shed
are on the corner of the
farm owned by Bill
ColltrisOn who lives in
Kintall. The next farms
on the west side of the
highway travelling.
towards Kintail are the
original Mackenzie farm
where Mr. and Mrs. Earl
stump of an overturned American states. The
body. The Goderich black and white cruisers
'the remains, was formerly of Kincardine
news on the Wingham had just arrived agreed.
station last Wednesday Next question was "How
25' John MacKenzie calling for help, in regard
driving his truck by the to missing persons in
bush towards. the west Ontario, Michigan, and
end saw what he thought Ohio since , many of the
on his way. back for a prior to last Tuesday's
MacKenzie of Inverhuron
and Ab Wyids of Ripley in
their beekeeping rounds
have travelled this road.
When the late television
recognized the spot just Turn to page 17.
was a black calf thrown cottage owners are
just off the road by-the residents of these two
evergreen 'tree. Stopping , remains were not seen
closer look he made the sighting by John
gruesome discovery of a MacKenzie. All week the
partly . burned human area has been busy with -
Ontario Provincial Police coming and . going,
were called. They, in passing ' through
turn, called in more Kingsbridge, Kintail, and
police from Mount Forest Atnberley.
Two officers came from week a few men from this
Toronto. The quiet road area drop in to George ,
on' their investigations. sit in the front of the.
fire intended to destroy MacLeod, of Ripley and
times in the past sum- year? Johnny Smith and
evenings-. showed -- the _many weeks in a ye4r?"
location of the discovery Answer was 52 weeks..
That was up till last week comes so close to home.
whenti on Tuesday; March • At present the 410,..P.P: are -
and other area centres. Each morning of the
was blocked off from and Joy McLean's 'store
public use as they carried for a chat. Generally they
The body was sent 'to harness shop on the east
was a woman age 20 to 45, discuss the current news.
hair in a ponytail, rings On arrival on Tuesday
on her fingers, and dental morning of last week ,
fillings. Apparently it March 25 this writer 'I
was 'thrown there. The found that Orland
reported to have set the township had raised. the stump smoldering. Many question "How long is a
mere Morrison
this writer instantly Everyone seemed to
started using the opened. "
horse barn. This -Calico Bill Collinson's bush lot.
was tilliast week, a quiet, the end- of , Man's
lonely, peaceful road. inhumanity to man
London for an autopsy. It side of 'the hallway and
School road is, or at least It makes one think when
township road and west of the small cement
walking south over the bridge and across the
first farm to get to his road from the gate into
this year 1980 is a leap
year and so' it would be
366 days. Everyone in-
cluding Ab Wylds' who
that it was 365 days. Well
John C. MacDonald said
These LucknoW area farmers took a tractor trailer load of
hay to Woodstock area farmers whose hay crop was lost in
last summer's, tornado. The local farmers had been down to
the Woodstock area to help out with the cleanup "after the
tornado struck and intended to take the load of hay down
some time through the winter. They made the trip on
Saturday. They are hoping more farmers will remember the
plight of the Woodstock farmers. Many have repaired or
rebuilt their farm buildifiga; but they. Will not have anything
to fill their barns to feed.their livestock until after thts year's
harvest. Froth the • left are Douglas, Scott,' Ashfield; Rick
• MeQuillin, Ashfield; Donald Scott, . Colborne',rim SOU,
Huron; Frank .Scott, Huron. Marvin Scott; Ashfield, •was:
absent. Jim • donated the use of the truck and the rest •
contributed the hay. [Sentinel.Staff Photo]
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