HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-02, Page 9a-. ,), Nola • ••• BOX OFFICE.OPENS 7:30 P.M. SHOWING AT 8:00 P.M, GODERICH SISSY SPACEK TOMMY F.F.f, JONES 30-THE. SQUARE PHONE.524.78'1 AIR CONDITIONED PROG • AM SUBJECT TOCHANGE WITH • UT NOTICE The Town and Country held an Irish Concert at the Legion Hall at 2 p.m. on March 19: Mrs: Pete Mac- Donald, president, opened with welcome and the club theme song was played by Mrs. Ethel Rutherford. Mrs. Jardine read a poem on the Blarney Stone. The Town and Country Rhythm Band entertained -with a couple of Irish tunes with pianist Mrs. Ethel Ruth- erford. Brother Carl Voll gave a couple of Irish Readings and Bill Johnston stepped danc- ed. Mrs. Raymond Teddy gave a couple of humorous read- ings which were enjoyed by all. Harry Lavis gave a mouth organ selection. Mrs. Anna JOhnstone gave a solo. A reading was given by Mrs. Susan McNaughton. Ed McQuillin gave a violin selec- tion accompanied by Mrs. Peter Cook. The Rhythm Band closed off the program with a couple more selec- tions. Mrs. Jardine thanked everyone who took part. The president then held a :short meeting and lunch was served, Mrs. Ethel Ruther- ford played piano selections. A very enjoyable afternoon was had by all present, Lucknow Community Centre SATURDAY, APRIL 26TH Recommended as ; ADULT ENTERTAINMENT s1,000 1N ORAWS. 1-$400 1 - $100 1- $200 6 . $50 FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY FOR YOUR ADDED PLEASURE * Free Lunch and Drinks * $25 per couple [Only 250 T1c1rs To Be Sold] SPONSORED BY TFIELUCKNOVV AND DISTRICT 'KINSMEN CLUI3 , Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 524.9981 hube lillOCEEps TO TENNIS COURTS . . Tickets Available Vrom Any Kinsmen Member Or At McDonagles Insurance Agency BY BELL illACKETT Sunday and church time will, change to 10 a.in. with The Lucknow Agricultural Sunday School to follow. Society held a card party at . True, and Allie lteurink Brookside School on March have just/ returned from a 27•7711'he'sViOetr 'Were, 7-tlif'de'w7eek holiday ni ,IT61:- eughre, high man, William land with his parents and Anclrew Sr.; high lady, Anna family and Mlle's two sisters Mae Hunter; low Man, John and their faMilies. They. Andrew; low lady, Dale Skil- 'repnFted • the weathOr len; shoot, high man, Hugh H011and was cold and wet. Todd; high ladY, Margaret ' Greg and' Maxine Alton Errington; low man, Pharis. and Jack and Donna Alton Mailers; low lady, Hazel, visited recently in Toronto Hackett; birthday closest to with Shelley Alton and with first day of *spring, Vera'.'Jack's aunt, Mrs. Grace. Al-' Purvis; 'lucky chair, Atina ton of Willowdale. Mae Hunter. Caryle and Keith Ridding, Sunday, March • 30 was Brenda and Cameron, Han- communion Sunday at Trin- over visited on Sunday with ity ChurCh. Rev. Miner had her parents, Hugh and Dolly • induction of the new elders, Menary. Keith's father, Mr. Bill Andrew Jr. and. Ken Hickling was with them. Alton. Mrs. *Larry Wilkins, Mr. arid Mri. Harry Mase Mrs Steven Andrew and car, Brampton, visited rec Mrs. Murray Irvin were re - ently, for the weekend, with ceived as members of Trinity their. cousins Cliff and Isabel United Church and-Welcorn- KilPatrick. ed. by Rev. Miner, the clerk Jack and Donna AltOn of session, Charlie Wilkins', spent the weekend with their the members of Session and aunt, Mrs. Olive McIntosh at the congregation, her home in Oshawa. The drama, "The Chat- • Visitors with Manfred and lenge of the Cross", is being Joan Dieroff and George, prepared to be presented over , the weekend were their Friday, April 4th at 8 p.m. at daughter, Vicky and Steven the church and all are - Piluke and Jamie and Chris- Welcome to this GOod Friday topher, New Toronto; also Joan's Mother, Mrs. Ethel Easter H0 00yy dGjoodaenri'cshbrother,_Art Jack and Nancy Cameron and Brent spent the winter 'break travelling to the Ot- tawa Valley visiting Cameron relatives there. Service. rste-xt Sunday is Town and Country chi have Irish concert FRI. & SAT, TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & Topits, ONE SHOWING smo ▪ paASE SHOYMPAS • Friday:Saturday „, - 7;00-9:00 p" El All Other Days E 8:00 p.rn:Vnlyl FARRAH FAWCETT ATURN KIRK 03HGLAS al.PIEDINOWEZEr7/611171111ED111 PI HARVEY KEITH.: 0 :z.....WAil:17:SatDity" "at 91;0"112. ACADEMY srst— .?t`t461411r Wad. to set Agil 9 to 14 oat Ska•ing FRtr.4:11finii:LSatak$0,v7;:2CjitiAL:::: II StP04011MACArriLisMs16, • , , • OmUUia 1111 On Saturn 3, the ultimate manmade robot possesses everything_ Violence, Evil, Lust. i! N., I I, • .\• Novu wouumoto I01$0H*M,00"111° niii1111111111011.4111 leldsaill 111131" et', Thursday Agri! 3rd' THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY APRIL 4-5-6