HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-04-02, Page 2Page 2-4aelinew Seetinelt Wednesday; April 209
RAMC 320
Huron County planner Gary Davidson authority to approve plans of subdivision,
Outlined the issues at slug front the draft condominium and eonsents, automatically
Planning "Act when Huron County Council upon request. (
met ThUrsday. The dract Act is the White In thiS regard as well the Minister has
.44,6t tb Ontario Ooverionelit .1),,a,s,.prkTiate.d...„ • „acquited*orp„aithority, Since for proposed legislatiOn folloWing `foitr year -requirements• are contained in the Appendiv
review of the planning process in the to the Act, they have no legal stains, This
prOvince. situation would allow the Minister tO niter
Davidson presented the response prepar- the criteria at his: discretion, providing.
ed by the Association of Municipilaties Of himself with another tool that could serve to
Ontario ,(AMO) to County • Council and undermine the municipal planning process.
pointed out AMO has a number . of ',One of the Most significant .changes
fundamental disagreements with the propos-• proposed by the draft planning Act is the
ed legislation. AMO finds the draft Act change in the status of the Ontario
unacceptable in its present form said David- Municipal - Board (OMB). AM() • does not
,-,son. • - -belieVe--- the Board - should----be----restricted --
One of AMO's chief concerns is that the merely to making recommendations to the,
, Act gives more authority tch.the Ministry of Minister of Housing in a case where a local
Housing at a time when the Minitry of planning decision is supposedly contraven-
Housing was proposing the new•Act would ing a. provincial interest.
give a stronger voice in decisions affecting According to AMO ,the Board decision
local planning matters to the local municip- should be final and binding and without topm, l ump alities., appeal except on points bf law. AMO
Regardless of whether or not a planning believes the OMB should determine whether F.
document has received local approval, the a provincial policy has been-contravened. In
Minister has been granted the authority to addition the Association belieVes the OMB is
modify or refuse official plan amendments, the appropriate body to arbitrate inter-muni-
zoning by-laws and plans of subdivision, if cipal planning disputes. . V1
he is of the oPinion that provincial interests Another issue raised by the draft Planning 5.. ii
are being threatened. Furthermore, the Act is the apparent contradiction concerning 7f;
Minister does not have to give his reasons public participation in planning, E 01
for the intervention said Davidson. There is Despite a recent statement by the. Et °'
no recourse for appeal by•the municipalities Minister of HoUSing Claude Bennett that 4
provided in the draft Act. "we are determined to get the decision- a.- -al
- • Davidson also expressed concern that making prodess closer to the souree,...close - •
under the new legislation, towns in, the to the people...and to make the system more ":
county would have to submit their planS to responsive", the' draft Act has inhibited a r-
the county for approval as the townships do., municipality's ability to plan and represents
One of the purposes of the Planning Act was a serious impediment to the deciaion-making
to speed up planning stated Davidson, but authnrity of elected officials- according to r,t) 5 ,r the proposed Act makes the process more AMO,
complicated with very detailed procedures
which will involve more time. Davidson cited
an, example where the approval of a plan
which now takes 30 days would take 60 days
under the new act.' .
At present the five towns in the county do
their own planning autonomously, said
Davidson arid the county has no veto power
over 'them.
"The towns do their planning well and the
relationship .between the county and the to notification, hearing and appeal proced--- -
towns- is 'harmonious;".--Davidson added: --tires.
The county would have to become more Davidson told county council, Huron has
involved in town planning if the new act been planning in, a similar process to the
becomes-law Davidson also pointed_aut.that__ draft2lanning Arlin thatinulities and
the ,county does not have the right to county are both preparing plans. If the
delegate planning authority to the towns. proposed Act becomes Iaw however, the
AMO is of the opinion municipalities who county would need to do a new plan because
satisfy criteria should be delegated the of the structural differences.
Public participation is a required element g-
said Davidson, but specific procedures to
Which municipalities must adhere will make
the systeM too rigid. There should be more
recognition of local differences by allowing
municipalities to provide for public involve-
ment in the way best suited to their 'needs,
resources and administrative • capabilities,
Municipalities should be given the authority
to establish their own guidelines pertaining
▪ F,..
F-a: -4 moved to' Kificardine in E- .,--. 'June. 1979 ' have two • Cr.,-. --
E.:. ,„.-,r, daUghters, •Laurie age ;six...G., -?...
t , 1t and Lea , Ann age three.
Brian enjoys Bowling,
.e' 4.
• golfing and playing sof- •
r= ift a tball in his spare:_time: He
▪ S"--
.._•,, .,.., _ is looking forward to'
W 1.' meeting and serving the
w, .-. people of Kincardine and
r ▪ ..... diStrict.
, , .. !Ili ,=
z . •
David Conklin, President
of Disconnt Dave's Koine
Centres, is pleaaed to an-
nounce the appointment of
Brian Douglas as manager
of the company's branch in
Kincardine. Mr. Douglas
has, been in the - luMber
business for 12 years and
has worked for Discount
Dave's for the past 4 years,
mainly dealing with
flOoring. Brian also has 'a
very good background
knowledge 'of' residential
and farm buildings. He and
his• wife. Bonnie. who
announces 'his. withdrawal ,from the firm of
Goodall, Campbell and' Brophy, effective
March 14, 1980.
in that he. will continue the Practice of law
under -the firm name_of. George J Y. Brophy,
Barrister and Solicitor, Lticknow,
his office, former Corrin and McKini Medical
Office on Outran) Street, Lucknow. Phone
528-2818 after March 31st.
specializing in.all types of
Cement Work
2', 4', 8' Walls
Pit Silos and Mamie Tanks
All Types of Carpentry
Phone. . Phone
Dong AlOx
524-8147 529-7714
Reye's death.
CLINTON - Tragedy has
struck 'a Clinton family
for the second time within
a year. On, March 22', Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth
Wildfong and Donald
Forrest lost their second
Their 1.5-year,-old.
daughter Donna Jane
Forrest, who had just
celebrated her birthday
on . February 20, died in
Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, after a week's illness
from the rare disease,
Reye's Syndrome.
Her death came about a
year after her younger
brother, Dennis, died
from leukemia.
Donna, a Grade 9
student at Central Huron
Secondary School, was
diagnosed as a victim of
the mysterious disease on
the weekend of March 15
and was transferred from
Clinton Public Hospital to
Dr. William Sibbald,
director of the critical
care trauma unit at
Victoria Hospital, said
that she came to the
hospital in a partial
coma. She was later
placed in a drug induced
full coma in an attempt to
Saire her life.
Nestled in Beruniller, Ont., just 7 km. east of
Goderich on Huron County Road 1, just off High-
way 8. Phone 524-2191.
2:30 to 4:30 7 DAYS A WEEK
Come, visit our unusual country resort for Tea today! '
We've'prepared buttered toast, freshly made scones,
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