HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-7-4, Page 7Famous Chinese Statesman Coming Here at Chautauqua Dr. Tehyi Hsieh Will Be Heart' in His Notable Lecture "Awakening China" The blood of China's ancient aristocracy and the spirit of mod tin democracY mingle In the per ton of Dr. Teyhl Hsieh, noted Chinese diplomat and statesman, who will deliver hie stimulating lecture "Awakening China" at the coming Canadian Chautauqua here. That Canadians may gain a truer view of China and her prob- lem' le Doctor Hsieh's mission In coming to the Dominlon-and China could not have found an emissary better suited for the task Doctor Hsieh is a brilliant orator, $ master of the English language nd a keen student of Internatlon- DB. T1111Y1 HSIEH affairs. It has been said of him t be is the national interpreter Chinese aspiration, philosophy d hopes. An editorial In the Toronto obe speaks of Doctor Hsieh as lows: ' "One of the most cultured' :+ 1 as wittiest visitors Toronto hart d In many a day is Dr. Tehyl leh of China, guest of Board of ade. Doctor Hsieh, In addition to ch Oriental lore, knows the Oc- ent better than most of us. He a graduate of Cambridge and had wide diplomatic experience both sides of the Atlantic. He typical of Young China. which is rapidly taking over all that htly belongs to China from the ebled hands of the Old Regime. all might learn a good deal this brilliant representative bins." jilh52-orvid" EO. STEWART Fi ••l:1�7 THE SIGNAL, 1 County and District The uu.rriagr .,f Marie Albin*, 1 daughter of Mr- l'aplheau and the late Jo't•Id1 't'apiueu u, of Flt. Jesteltll, to George Itetzt•I. of Ie•troit, w'aa 401' etoxited ill the 1/rye:ale U.C. church on \buds}'. .1 • 24th. Mr. and urs. Mewl will reside in 1h•rolt. Me. and Mos. John V,»Lien, Maple .'rest t}'uriu, Ililllett tewnwlap, on June Pith orIt•braUel the 11(144la annlver- wiry of their ularriuge. Four of their six ?outlying children were present, With la uumler of friend... and Mr. and Mrs. Vooklen were pn•a•uled with 11 144,.4• of gold 111111 other gifts. .\ gathering of the sielih,•11M11 fam- ily. to tie 'mother 4.r rd', took 1411144' Juke 1!1111. ,t 1he hots• of '111r. aur Mrs. %lent. It. SlepheH...i. Parr line, Stanley 111wu hip. Member- were pre-; went from Inud••h.1V11g1tam. Chubut and Denson. and a large How- ler front Stanley. where alw StepheI- r.e.s settled In the early 414,.,_ The ,loath ....urns( in Staatey town- ,-I,ii. on June :aid of .\w, Forsythe. widow of \1u14o1111 McEirell, ng..1 eighty-five tear-. Deceased is surviv- ed by a fluidly of six: Mr.. A. Stew - :1't Iwd Mr.. .1. \I:e'farI: t..•. 4)1 :411111 - Rev. John \I4l:wen, of 1`llurehill. %VIII. 4n apo• homestead in Stuulev. Mrs. it. V. M,'l.areu, of Hensel!. 441141 M r.. \\111 Slr,r. of High.: or. SEAFORTH T11e Sea for111 11..rwv.le•r 1'1111. 1111. 11.1144 4.41 n nue trophy fr.nH It. ,l. Gibb, to le' u..eI as to ,halleuge J11 111/1.e. NlxoH. for thirty 'ears a re - Mem of Se,tforth. died .Ito. 'Sit' in his eighty-ninth year. lie ":.. tern ret sea while his tomtits, , wer• making 11e c,.yatgt• front Ireland U4' rain.ola. Tint fam114 ..•I1I.rl Hear Terutt.., and when a yonu� 111811 1 h 41w'.s1v0.I nu,•el to \111.11.11. where he rwuoi1.•,' for many yslr... lie , 1- survived ,• his wife, three solei_ Inld the dttipzl:ers: Mrw. 'Smith anor%II»- 11iuu1r �i,.a., of -RPS• forth: Mrs. Whetter. of S .•:.pennon: %Ir., John•Spelin. of Galt : Mrs. I:. A. '',.Hatable. of 41..hawn: 11' I :u. of T.. J. AI.. 10.r I4'rroit. Hale. of forth. ISXEWER 1)1 ring n hill gs11w 1s-tw.-en-taw niarrlel and rhe single men at the 1.1611 gronud.. IE,•c. Taylor hail 1H,th 1,1,11.4 of his lefr leg (ri. Itireci.bel41w' the knee. • ,;orlon Koch. lt..A . Strnlforit, has Ie'•H eugagwl as velem• leacher at Ext -ter Hig(. Seh.ol and \lies 1lilrcar- it I:rnitam, ILA.. of 'tampion. imo leen eHgaanel 1414 teacher of k:ngl{sdi.. 'Mrs. 4'1141r4•s Christer ptosse.l away i I,1 F:xeter 4n June 24th. In b4'r eighty- sts-'.1111 year. Sht• 111141 her 1.0,4.11n11 morel twenty-five years hg„ to Exe- ter frotu Sti•1J1en township, 44'1101e they termed for tunny yeah. 111r. 1 I.rk.tie died eight year. 11114'. (41)4• Ston 111111111e1laughter.urv-Irr: 1:. 11. ('Dris- tie. of lltepbetw mad Mrs. Ili'Cenitls. 4.1 Exeter. • • BRUSSELS The pulH.- w'h"ol hoard hale engag- ed .Fred E. Alierta4'of Elmwood. to. :Dv .'..tent for the 4onthmntlon sehoo1. Rev. F. 1:. itit•kerd, I, Th.. of Water- ford, has. been Appointed mor of the Anall'n It parish of Rrmaels and Wel- ton and take's 41111,414' Auglr.t 1st. A pretty welding took place In ce St. Telephone 105 Goderich I:rnssrIs ou Stltnrdilv. when Florence I'Ilzulwth. only daughter of Air. and Mrs. Johnatliver. became the 'wide of of Cinetou, tiled at Port Arthur on June 21st, and the funeral took plate In Clinton on the 24th. George Cook •Ls laid up with a broken leg and .1. Mahatfy has a brok- er arm. The 1001e14it1g std .10411.11 14411 of 1 I1 reletilt \Vestry -\\'illi. United church talk place 4414 Sum:it lied. and the ser- vices of the day were attru'i,',I be 'treat Congregation.. Rev. )lurolo•h M/'K111111.11, 11.1).. of Turmtto, waw the spacial preacher and wag aw.isl.el try Rev. A. A. 'Hohnevc, Kee. J. 'E. Furl 111111 the minister of the church. 1te•e'. .1. E. Hogg. The rebuilding lull fur - Welling of the church cult about $13. - Mao. . received 111- IaMI, 5.111.• �� 4 H► N'l+ ill .urians• on the old building and of the remainder !.f the cost all but sheet )L3.11011 ha+ alres'i' been raised in cusp or si,tit riptiens. MADE HER BABY PLUMP AND WELL Nothing make- :1 mother more grateful than a Ienefit ,.,II1,•rn•d upon her child. 11otlerseverywlwre Who have I1eee1 iBatby's 11 An 'Caller.. for their chil- dren eleak lu wuhush4stie• terns of ttwui. For instate*, Mr.. %a•pher'i La- voie. Threw lttrer', (4114'., writes: - "Ruby's (twit 'Calrlet41 are a wonderful neslielow 1..r little outs. They never fail Lo reguhlte the bele'. .1,n111r11 and Navels and slake Mtn plump 111111 %%MI. I always keep ,1 IMrx .,1 the Till. less In the house and would :Wyk.. all mothers to do. likewise." Most of 1114'1 ordinary ailments of ehildli',l arise! In the sa'nd'al 111111 I.,w'ele, x1141 con elf alufekh Icullwhed I. Baby's own Tale lets. These Tablet. roll.•,!• constipation and Iudlir.tlnn, break rep 4411.. end simple fevers, expel Worm.. ells? teething pains and promote healthful 'deep. Tlwy are guar:Mi't't to lie free from itjuriou. drags 411.1 are.snf4 even for the y at'++t uu.l meg dell' -t4' child. T't• Tablets are sold by Medi- cine ,lechers or by mall at 2:H• it box front The 1)r. Willblti, Medicine 1'n. Itro•kvhle. that. Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANii ERR.%I HERB Ambulance service at all hours, day or eight. 1.111)N Fs : Stale 1211 Rew. 217 Ill►UERICH J. R. Wheeler Funeral I Iiret3or and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day or night PHONES More 33, Residence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderich a Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg) 1 can supply your watnt. In any of the atm'. fuel. Prompt -.•rvice and reni'onnhle prices. La FLICK Telephone 17$j liollcrich ('1114rI.'' Graham M.i:114in. Men ..f 11r. and 111 r.. 11'illlam 1141;.l iii, of 11,4i11 - lop township. Rev. F'. (I. Fowler, pas- tor of the i'rehy'eri441 church, per - rimmed the r t I v after a short GODERICH, ONT. •ALADA has the finest flavour in the world and it costs only one-quarter of a cent a cup \ORANGE/ P(PEKOE BLEND I TLA VFresh from the gardens' sad %%Inghaul. who hall Well It 1... \1'itg11anI all her life. daughter of the tate lir. and M., Allen, of Windham. Rom' tan, az., Mrs. Allen sustained a broken 141; frit falling on the sidewalk, fr"w 44111ci, she teeeovt'iri1, alai W14' able 1,. 114• around with the aha of erillell e. h,It the alrhletlt left her IH IH»•r hral!h. `4ur'I'Iug are her husband and 14., ons. J011144'.1 North 11ay. and 4 'oIge, of eineinon11 11'144; also 01n• t'rother, John, of Wingham. • - Old A THRIFTY PEOPLI:. lbuntry People Have .wvw1 ' t 1.200.UUO.000. While unemployment mei under- employment have been rife darn. the past year, 11 Is amazing to learn that the friendly societies of the old Country have actually inertia -ed both their funds and membership People In the Old Country don't, as a rule, get credit for thrift. and it is not realized how great th, 4,1iuna of small savings really Is. \Ir. Wil- ; Ilam Graham. M.F..: has • stixu'ed that the deposits in trustee :•stn, L's banks the Poet Ornee Sark '• It • k • and building soel•tI444, .'1. amount Invested in Nations: "•, Gertlfirates, total up to the , . figure of nearly L1,300.000,0 By far the greater. part r'' ' . 1 clur*A, belongs to people of ,.'y Iced means. And as quite number of small Nays s hat . . small quantlth•s of War Loa: :, :, !- clpal loans, or the neeurltlea W1NGHAM • permit. local concerns, alae 1..1 al wealth of our small eaplt:,1'.t probably considerably great • Mr. Graham's h::hre. I►r. 1rlum Iru'4'rty flax left for ------- %'au,ru1ver. Where ...lie 111t4.1141% to pear- 1 ear• I _ alt*. J11:5:' LIKE HIS DA... pat. \'and'. .1ugdltxi .'lural\ was tire, wene of an Interesting event when the' reet.r. Hey. F. W. Sehnffter, united in tell.»'k Alarm, ret Jane ('14111064.1 I. daughter of Mrs. Sidney 4'11mplH•I1. of l'ulr'sa, n1141 I:oorgv' Hawthorne.. ..1 Winghnm. The h 1pgry coapt.• will re - skis• 114 WInglinm. 11:1115 sh 4'. pane,, wife 1.f 1'.11114' Wal- ker. .tied .1ut14' 24t.h In her fifty'flret year. Survlvhlg are ler linsbmId. this.' daughters :11111 4,111• sm. .\ .ollgregntioual melting of St. anilrew''s l'rwbyterl,tit church WIC held of the evening of Jute 211th to (nark llpprr•tatfuu of 11,.'. honor be- stowed upon the congregation Iry the eleetl4n of their minister. Iter. 1►r. Perrlr, naw molerntor of the Preshy- terlrin Church in 4:,,toda. 1)r. t',rrie ens pr".4'Itsl with 11 Knox 1'4114''4' hoHl 441HI x pure of gold. and %Its. 1'.'rriesrweired :t lea11tffol IH.ugnet of roster. ,addresses were :fret' by p.ronr dent na•u11.,•rs of the roogreitati''1. :and 1)r. Ferric made a fitting r'';.I emitter -tine bleed I»'IMmling n f4',. Ilv" ago. l'llzisiieth !'harl4'I$ wlf4' of .Irdmu Walters. Whitebait'. died morning. She wine slaty -111111. ”11 1.. of MD'. and hod leen n reeldetlt 4f oh'. locality all her life. She was horn in the township 4f Klnlurs. There dist very smidenly hl T..1,61114 en \Vebwwlay. Jou.• 2441). Mart ler della ITenna, wife of Ilole•rt .Vert, ha, £aOther Slur) 1t. 1'•.:J by vl 11:51 SIV live: 1,..1771:111‘1:.;.Loud ot'• 1.'04 the full ,,.1:,_ : The sailor son of an Arbroat'1 ba' ber had brought home with. I: large, hairy, and particularly 1 monkey, which he. prese,uted to father. T;1 • harber trained tb•• ••, key to asst: elm to jh.• kis customers' chins. much to :1. Ir aausement. One day a stranger drlpp•'d into the shop.. .1 '...,! « .. 1,,..4' 0' n, monkey sitting in a far nor: •r scar- ing intolllgen ly at a c ie pap'',, 1; and by the barber was called to the door to answer some query or othor. and In his absence the moek••v seiz- ed the Lathering brush and proceed- ed to work dliieently on th, rust0m er's face. Afterwards he crabbed a razor and eta"ted to scrota it with equal diligence, but In a grossly care- less manner Then he •l44n,br-red up on the sr u or the chair a•ei made as It to begin shaving the alarmed customer. "Na, na. ma wee mannle." said the MOSLEMS REVEREJF:It1 . %is %LEM. Ranks Seminal In Sacredness. only to The city of Jerusalem ranks second In macre/domes only to Mecca. In the eyes of the true MoIlem, Slydah Ikbal Alt Shah writes: Thee pedple orii ,faith.:,ft.•r per- for)ning their religious 4.• .no,.les at Mecca year to year, make pilgrimages to the Holy City of Jerusalem. Ac- cording to our belief, the Prophet Mohammed "flew on his whl'e charg- er to meet Uod" from a red stone of this city. That alai) is entombed here in the Dome of the Rock ' And here, too, Jesus (`heist, Whom we look upon as one ret our great prophets. preached the sacred Word, now contained In the Gospel which Is as saered to ua a4' the Koran, to the world. His mother, •Mary, too, has a great 'reverence shown to her in our belief*. It Is, therefore, sacrilegious In the eyes of Islam t0 term Jeruaa tem as anything but holy. Standing lust near the Chapel 1. Aecensiou on.th.. 11 ,,,it of Olives, noticed how true 1t Is to call Jeru velum "a city on a hill." TH1e'.IH t I. %lA1. Ti(i 1 '.'tt'. • • Odd IA'rtt d% Hell Or 11111-0f- ti •-\\'av Ltirtiertk01 01d country. Pante a small map of England on . lrardboard, then eut It ou y':114 a r' •'rf scissors, and mote is Oben' •n ' . point of a pin until 11 balan • - 1 1• point of balance will he ton its the town of Meriden. in t. shire, which can thus ,•I:It:n geographical centre or hub ! 1 laud. The villa•:,• of Flash. on • of Staffordshire and D ' ' which Is 1.500 feet above I, is said to be the highest in 1 red. Alston, a place of moire 111 n 111 people, has the steepest, n w••et street to b" found In the e' '.' try Talking of streets, Kirkr.i•dy. Ia }9f'•shir.•, Is known asp "Lan.: Tote." front the fact that the main theyllaee sties':►;les to a I.ng:,. if f .'r miles. So many places claim 1. he rba smallest village or parish In Ent - land that It is difficult to u1.!ke a 1 choice, hut N,rlhholme, n'•ar R'atn- fleet. with an area of only twenty five acres and 'wen y porches. and a Do!►n- latlon of about 200, must a! mast he the most pupil out) foY its !I'.•. s•rr By contract. the tattiest parist. WM11P•y, In iaucrees ' ods ►t'Pr 101,000 acres, heir' ashlthirty nul.•s long STATUE OI'' 1';I.1ZAII :TH 1111'. sE IF .Altl\Il R.ANTAMs. 'by fifteen wide. Lydford, 111 Devon - Shire, was second with 10.0no acre. until, a few years at,). It was split into two. The coldest town In the British Isles Is Braemar. which has an aver- age yearly temperature onit 11.3 de- grees above freezing. It is the only town where February temperature averages below nes ng -Ire In England, Ronson, Oxfnrdehlre, holds the record for heat, and - Rounds. t'ambeldg.•ehlre, for Fold: while Holyhead and Pendennis, near t Falmouth, hold a Joint record as the 1 two windiest plans In the country. In 1920.Holyhead had thirty days' high wind. eight being full cil.., dar- t th • 11 f J nua Erected to the Ate y of Women Prison Itefurmer. The stain" of Elizabeth Fry. :he prison reformer, in the main upatalrs ball of the new Old Bailey, Is reputed to be the only to.•morial of the kind erected to a woman within the pre- cincts of an English i•eurt of justice. Mr. A. Drury, It.A., the sculptor. took for his 1441 Gibson's well- known portrait in which the philan- thropic Quakerest Is d.•pir '•d stand - Ing placid .and erect its her plain grey cloak and Monnet. The statue (, rather more than Lf. - slze. On the 1 •ut of the po•d.'atal Ir Inscribed an apt quota fon from ung of Robert Browning's poem and on either side are bronze has reit. fa re- presenting Mrs. Fry at work amongst the wotm•n inmates of New'gal:• Goal.\ praying with them, and ministering c to their needs. Arietoe ata of Pardons. Some of the dog exhibits at the recent dog show at the Crystal Pal- ace, London, were a:tend,d by their personal maids. Their prices ranged from 31,000 to 15,500 each. The ant - Cl+l.f Engineer Has Bred Mx Genet. aliens on Board S. R. flue,,.. The 4414'4',' of the eteamslaipa 1nr- Fey.are•proud of their eeafarin. ban- (ams--als gen,•ratlons of whir', I.pv been hatched, on hoard Itbe resew! "Bill" Is the Ia.est d his (Inc and is petted by ,'very • In the .hid•• complement."Rill•" Is the leather of.a onintette who have undlsput•'d perml..!•'n to roam All decks and 0••14 h on a" ,•'n ,•..vers. But the 1.111 1 not at ; h the eablt 'i.f 1'hi. f i:n••Ine,,, lock. Ma itlak'•l.,'1 tae br lam (owls ever s1'1, •• he )011 i Smrrey. It her haw,..os tar be l • a hap xt •aflern,ion 1•.4 ime, • mo'1n)s the nearby. gangway lustily. knowing full well Mtn. all or mom.- ot1,••r nic:rsel , comes his way al that Ante. H. "Billy" and his len PaIPPI,' k lroaches the 1 r.sst.'4l' delicacy way of fond. The slaps' raffle, serI that the h,tntems are as k after the Ineecls 14.iterrter ar•• f •r rata, That Is why e.H•krmach.•s an kept at a minimum • 1' t! "urr.•y. male lay In state on silk croshions ori,. on eiderdowns. and their basket, re- sembled beauty parlor'. Some were In wicker haskets with windows of vita -glass so that they .night enjoy the benefits of the sun's rays. Oast . Pekingese lunched off grapes and had a dainty portion of chicken put In his mouth with a alive' fork; while this tiniest animal at the show, a black and tan terrier, wei::hing only , one and a quarter rounds, was priced at -over 1500. latter, Jumping to his Ieet and push- 511 It.q 4 to 4Isit„r) -'hove yeti Mg the monkey aside. "1t.' na ob- ,,,, *,11','? Jections to ye soapin' me. an' yer Visitor --No, wanly, 1 hovel t." ,stroppla' may be a' richt, but Far Small Ito., --Then who iel�s you tatsr'll has to do the ehavin'l" 1 what to (111' Thursday, July 4. 1026-T S YOUR APPETITE POOR ? PERHAPS by distitog sr other rens, you have been treating the .ymptoata, rather than the cause. 1.4344 of appetite, heartburn, sear atemach, are symptome that the blood i. impure. This ea plata. the seacc.esf ui use of 0,. W illiami Ptak Pills in all each cases. Hees o • .ypiaal example: - "I began to fed easily tired," writ. Mir Margaret Whit., of Parry Sound, "and when I set down to a meal I fah 1 did riot wast to rt A doctor sold ow 1 was anaemic but 1 mads little program with bis meiraoe. Wham 1 . earned taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1 soon noticed that th appetite was improving. tbae the headaches came lees ftegaaently and that I woo mg so ea.* tired. Now my weight has increased, say climate are rosy and every ache and pain has yam Start today to inspesrs year appetite. Bay Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pi1h from your drugppa'a or by mail, post- paid, at w cent a bee from The I)r. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. Send for free book -"What to Bat and How to DrvYillitams• PINK PILLS -A HOUSEHOLD MAYA 1N 4'4 COUNT/HES•' GODERICH INN GARAGE 11:11C1.1 I. SRRVII'F -TAT 1 • Durant, Hudson and Essex, General Meters Automobiles and Trucks f .pert on Electro Trouble We Specialise on Brake Service 1 „11 can nivIle I'"i.r.• InsIHe'tioe 4(1,.•14 .tr)' an• repalr„I hy 4' Automobile Supply. Electrical Parts for All Makes of Autos is Stock To:1yone'wle. esti bung.\ ear w.• .'suet repair -4.2A HARRY BRADLEY HAMILTON ST PHONE 247 4,rnIe, IP 4'w rl"1,. hoeyIli.H't Mr. and Alr.. Charlet: 114.. -- lanVlu will reside en their Perm in Mr- Kill4p. I,1'\'KNOW one .1 1.1114i 1/1/W.. ,Meet nes!. ,1•111t. away oh Smola). 2.1el. in the person .'f Mrs. 1V. 11. Smith. w, o.4' 11.4101 4o.c1 rrtel at the 11,nue of her ..,11 111.111 w 11111 dl mghter, Dr. nnil AI r'. 1;. A. Newton, In 'her eighty-fifth year. The late Mrs. Smith woos twice m:1' - Heti. her first husband being }'rank Ro,k1141sv'. Mrs. Gres. A. Mi.11*ll. of town is the only _surviving 'hill of • title 10411.1. Later deceased mirrie,l W. 11. Smith, and by this union there were hyo Mule and 1w'„ .Iamght.•rs George Smith, Airs. G. A. Newton tn1.! Alr.. T. S. held, all of imeknuw. :uh•I John Smith. of'4Vn.hingtun. Mr. smith predeceased his wife thirty-four years. At Toronto on Ratnrlav, .1nne 2.111,. !r•IIl'. daughter of the 1114' NIr. :Ind Mrs. l'eter 11.'I1,tes.l1, 4f iau'kno►v, was milted hl nurrringe to .Runes 1'•11- t••rsmi GoIIHdd. The ,ere•tnony sic performed by 114'%. 11..1. i'rifcluitl, a-- slsted by Rey. it. 4:. $tew'art. tin their rct1r1 from a honey n0Hn1- trip by 1114- t.y'. Mr,. and Ili". God?H.l,l will rirsi'lr in Toronto. ('IIN'Tl)N F:In'•r l'nlsI.•y' 44111 spend the x11111 mer month. lecturing on forestry- 10 .1,. In ' and girls slimmer camps throughumt 4411111tH. Mts. It. F. 1\'nrd end Miss A. 1.. Stone, of the 4Tinton Scioto"' of Com - mere. left hi»t ,vrk on a trip..;"wn 11,e St. 1,anreme. 'i.ater 1116ss Heard goes t.. her li..nie in Maryland for 41 holiday. w pile Ails.. Slone will spet•l the lava1lott ret E..e's. .1.11,14 Stephenson. n fornwr resident ' ROBERT NVILSON ----- FOR ----- the famous Fleury Plows, De Laval Cream Separators. Frost Fencing and Gates Lunden's Haying Tools. Gould, Shapley and Mur', Windmills and Cement Mixers. Tudhope Anderson's Wagons and Machines. Hamilton Street ' t:oflorieh, Ontario EMPIRE'S TIL(NKS1:IVI\'. tasty To Ill .I('t.1' illi e The people of ('nnsdx will unite eltI the llotherL•tol mid .,11 'curt- of the Itrlrl.-'11 EMI. rr 11. service of th,nk'glcing f.0' the nese-pry of 111' Maje'4ty the Klug. "n 5111,1 n, .Imp 7. '1n 11,•0 'y tai Ala)rsty 1►111 go 04 %Vestmin'ter 31daPy to john in the great ...nice .4.1H'Ve Is nn exeellt•nr pi, tete of -Ica Kang and n view of Phe .'hair of Westminster Alloy. where the 'Thanksgiving serviip will he hell Delco -Light banishes (lark corners DEi,CO-f 1t 11T gives you electric light for the (louse and outbuildings. It runs your 1►r(•••tlrt' water pump. It permits the u.(' of all manner of electrical appliances for %our convenience and comfort. i.(•t illy give you a demonstration. No 44I►1ivation. 1 11 1 1 t LIGHT 164.ALF:% A SI:R\ 11 1. I ampbell .t• Hutton f:,,, No. 1. Komeka, Ilnl. 11 4. 1'IHIK, Ii1FI►F:Itl( 11 Z_S •_ 1 ♦ ,• c,'b llllll ,B G Vt - ▪ ate so jor, r-� P • t �R 1 Li 4'5.4..1 eta P,,p e** ,OvQ J Enjoy a Rcstful Night on Lakc Eric on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada \V JIII11111 tr..,Imo i.v 40) of sutn, 1011,.4 .II ni4ht 1tr iron hesunfnl 1•V 7,krtnc t&hl.ne errarietIre mcamh,tnt$osnneh.•rrtt,wirh lueecum' 6 aei,le .utaMomc apI 1)10 tmenon th11111 re "teat ship ' .4 1 ,4 NI 1141 1 attendant'. Autnisn,aveaalar(-1'BLmcway. Avoid macs and n,,' 1u(cossettedmadwtr. Saida red Qelelrl Diiriliw R. Stalky. Cm. sod Myeloid Dir. rah w.y, every nicht. inv.)" at 900 Daly art.,. r, leav,n,,1 Pnn Stanleys (n) p m , arnems • (41 .. m , 11 • T.) D m. unvm`` (kerland 9 ,o r. m.. May 1st to November 1U 111. lune 31h1n to Septeml'er 4',h. f .een,MgstrAnsl.nd Neewar Palet. a 'Ye-1•-aq, thereat, pints wet and mot h.wst 1e.50 one wn -- III rPFALO m CLFVFIAND - Ie to rd. trip New Rett) Autrn f erried fd t0 .red repp farm SS.00One war -PT'. STANLEYIoLLEVFLAIpD-$3.001d.triP AutM 34.90 and up Rifler Ise brook 111 C6e fe Taff THE CLEVELAND ANI) BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY I Pon Stealer, Gaud. Buffalo, Now Y0ek ' lin„tonnmmlllIIIIIIIllllllIlIIIMIIM' ' ( li:un!11111111111111111illllllhlltllunwmunni