HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-7-4, Page 67AMBUK
is the best remedy
known for sunburn,
heat rashes, eczema,
sore feet, stings and
blisters. A skin food!
wa'D,'aaeel Sete-SOa
of Your Patronage
Went .trt•-t, upstair- over
Tebbutt'. Hardware
For Appointment Phctne 2:l9
Open eve.ungs by arpo,n,m,nr only
The Leading
Men's Store
F•t'erytIting that s new In
Men's 'Wear
'land Tailoring and Special
Order to Your Mete-ure
Chas. Black
Goderich, tent.
44.us: only !mute that's given
Inter all t!.e mighty Ilea el..
\\'herrbc man, to s111 enslaved,
hurts 1141 fetters, and is sated.
.l'..tt• : Ilam,of ss,ndr u. hoe,
11111111144 naw.. of God above:
Pleading only this, we flew.
Ilcl1d. O 't4- Gal. t.. Theo.
--1Y. W. Ilow.
Lor.!: w. ls«er:h Thee. turrcih111
;Ir ogr prayers. am.1 .pale• all, Ib.
hu roans t!teir stns unto Thee; that
they. whose om.cincc,.. Ly sin ar"rt
eusesl. by Tb; iiwr'itul pardon may t
absolved: t!.rough t'hri.t our Lor.
. Selected ,.
s. S. LESSON II)K J1LI" Ilth. 192
Lraswt Tenn•-F:rckirh Trnette. 1'.'r
.orlal Kespea,ibility•
l ewwlu Palm...' -Ezekiel 3:1:1-114.
t:o14k•n Text -Kaman. I I:12.
l:rs•k:.•I Is ar.iII 4..m1o.--braid t•y
It. !waif )t.- u,e-mgt• dM- Jew&
11.' is atos'ITtdl t • Ila' effi.* of watch
ul:ora-"S„ thou ., ...0 of 1)41411. 1 Lay.
-.•t titer a twat...mall unto rite le.ns.
of Ismer:-the•r.....r,' tll.,n -.malt hear
the word at a.' month: 1141.1 wmr41
rllrni from me.'
Ezekiel is gel.• .corn simmer. that
the wages of dental. F11rther-
nN.re It• -i. sant „ kly tint.. Iheni. 'As
11ve..sith rbc Lord 4Jl4l, 1 havt' Ir.
1.1e:l-are hl til" .'euth of tier wicked:
1'441 tint! the lei. ,.' .I turn from 111. way
and lire: turn ye tort. ye. froth y.,nr
evil way.: for ••h' will yr .11... .41
L..it-e of Israel:.'
111 • tIN•-t' wort- we babe r.oth the
t..h* of warul1,,_ .:4n1 elloutlra4renlent
that Ezekiel W to give 1. the I144o-
4414.. The 14.0ea th, y were to learn from
the 11114“,l1 CA is ..•r ms,in our day as
well as for tn...sn4lent l ''I'I •. \{'r
• 4, re .sarl,et. a..- •!oy• •that our .g'4rit-
nal awl sVeet: -4.ag nlm.litiuu is it.
...uu• wystarisu. uaaura•r phcs'.I With -
11 our owe is....•r-that if w.• die.
spiritually god eternally, it will he
t.,Ir °Wn dott♦g, the con •l.piet * of our
..\via 114114)1 ggrosl11144.4ut. :incl tellerable
folic. Vain gad ..oast' than vain. 4• th"
notion width wt. all i . r,Eidily cherilll,
that ..nr andrItnal ..mdltbxs is not
within our et►tn. !.'•err and that the.
•Iludghty 4..111 d•. with 4144 as Ile
Please. withaat regard to our (tw•tl ex-
ertion•. Cerie111y 44.4 Will .1,, with ns
as Ile pleases, ..r. 1. the .11.wtle may.,
41114 444 1Ir. "A.•.online t.. the 44.1111 -
.lel of Ills own will." Rnt then - It. is
His irrev,.eable 44iil and' ....tinsel. that.!
without holiness. n. man shall ,be ad -
11111 14.41
d -11111t4411 10 lib beatific prcw'ww. Fie
has no pleasure in the .lelth of him
'list .144411• yet if men turn not from i
414e1r evil ways they most and will i
dig.; It 4- not (l,d',e choice but their
"II -for them•elt.-.. We have no al-
ternative them bug either to turn or
in 144.'..,• w-.1.- to lfaeki.I. sod Y4.
through kiln, there 1. nut only
.carting hn' encouragement nod eon-'
•'n 4., n.I humble au,! ••..ntrfte•
W. les• that. Idnfnt and linde-
u.g a- 'Ye are. ,m4 II.:ilei,:y
!her wet. .-- 070? us with the tit-
" -T fs'*1'i''.- •,•t►derne•s and anxiety.
iL• impre-..-...n oar hearts tin:,: who -
Iter tutu.. from buy evil way, any
wrong course, either of sit committed
or of duty ut'gkrted. ha. tuieuestion-
,.bly 414411',• hlresing on his:-4Camden-
amde'le-. 1 frau The Sermon Bible..
lir. Parker in preaching on Personal
1l.spson.ihiIIty says: Christianity has
a.ly Due porisse-,Hullrws:. It begins
in motive. but it ends in character.
We are to breathe Christ's spirit, re-
peat fid. deeds. follow his f,s,tatelle.
and represent him to mankind. Christ-
ianity has only nue test- Service; 44.
.tie for Christ. to work for /Christ. to
I,. always relenting Christ's, great wile
•lou to the world.
" Xptulers nee not always a fair
- test of MN„•... but it is surely hope-
nil that within 110• first h4uclrtvl years
of modern wl.n+ious, 11W nuwlwr of
1'11 ri.thl4. in the mi.siut. field wen. at
least twice as large as tine number of
4'hris1414II 4n the whole world at th.
end of the first century of the Chris
41144 era. The revues so graphically dew-
ew4n the New Teaameut are tieing
1. r.-enactei u❑ n Harr Sale thrutlgh..nr
the mission (fel ds u( the twentieth
4tlry."-- Internatlo,al Ite•view of Al
T1.1d is the tiler of year When one
appre:late. the hot dish that may be
prepared 441 a few minutes Here are
three for your attention:
DAS'1'Elt 1' L -A N T. WITH • FINE
1 bunch oyster plant
Juke 1 lemon
J tahle.11lsnl. Miner
1 teaspsotl chopped. jarary •
1, teal.. 11 Clapped chive+
Salt •
Wash and semis. ..ys.er Id:ort. Put
ut om.* 1114.. 4-4.4,4 water with the Wilmot
Jit:.,,a*d let .1:111.4 ten uliunres. Cut,.r....w i.e. pu ulleineh rli.s•s, an¢ (look
in boiling saltrd water...to cover, nodi
...ft ; .{ruin ; add thr.'t• tablesp..ous but-
ter. tool reheat. Sprinkle with iaarsley,
ch) 4'., ...dr and pepper, and serve.
('ItEAMEU MI'S14114N11MS
11'44.11 half 4..1111.1 mn.hns.m•• 14,•-
1ote .h•In•.. .crape• 1111d vitt 111 p.ia•:vr.
Melt a_ Iieides's.,.41- of kittit•r, 1,11.1
uul•llrow-, cos.►, 2 m1111114•• It. enter„I
.li-h, .g,rinkle 'wit), .•alit at 1,1 prtgrr.
dredge with flour, and add "4 cup
.•re1w. ('t1•k .l.'w'ly five Wiuute•- A.1.1
u .light grathag,,of nutuarg. pour Iter
-trip. ..f buttered -toast mud garnish
N'tlh t.e1-t polio!. 411,1 141reley
SCA 1.1-u1'F:4► ('I►RN AND ('ELEnY
2 .culls c..nl lean 181•41 4.r fresh rut ,
1 cup .*Ivry !finely chopped I
1.e•Ilp t.uttered dry bread 4•ruwt..
1 ten-I..ol saalt
1 stall II green pepper chopped
2 tablr.ts,ns butter
1 rap hot milk •
Arrat.4'e turn. proper/. celery mot
cruel.s in ton alternate layers h. a
buttered laking Binh. Add !.utter to
hot walk and pour over the vegetables. '
Cover wall buttered .'rumba and Nike
:ht to 444 minutes. Servs•. eight.
A sneeearful strawberry feRlval
under the aaltg.b•es of the Young
Ile's l.engue and Sunday w•h,ol of
Hollne•aville United 4hutr'h was belt
at the ehureh tlelnesday of last week.
I:hopper wae w•r%P41 in the basement
and, was followed by n concert in the
ehundl ,auditorium. T14' numbers on
the program -included aelec'tlan. i.y
Major'. conw'rt oieh.•.tra, a..rn*t woo.
Lt Alr-unlace, Fiettry. reading. by Mr.
Leitrim Ihu If orad Its Motor Cr S'Wink
Th is is the Sedan ouwillbu
y y,ifyou
Compare in the $1300Field
WE will not need to urge you to buy
the Nash "400" Standard Six
Sedan if you only compare it to other
Sedans in its field.
First of all, it is a Nash, built in the
traditional Nash manner, with pre.
cision workmanship in every pert.
And second, it is a Nash "400", and
that means something in today's line•
up of motor cars.
It means more powerful, more durable,
mole enjoyable motor performance.
The engine in this sedan is a new high
compression type with 7 hearings in-
stead of 3 or 4, with aluminum allot
(invar strut) pistons instead of cast
iron pistons, and with full pressure
lubrication to every single hearing
point. Even the connecting rods in
this Nash engine are rifle drilled, to
supply oil under pressure up to the
wrist pin bearings.
Other "400" features which this car
hrings to you are the world's easiest
steering -a luxury and refinement of
interior decoration far hcyond expec-
tation at its price -size and capacity
for five full grown passengers -riding
ease attained by alloy steel springs in-
dividually designed for its sire and
weight. plus outboard mounted, Love -
toy iydraulic shock absorbers.
And finally, no extra charge for bump-
ers, front and rear, Lovejoy hydraulic
.hock absorbers, spare tire lock and
tire cover. The factory price includes
everything except a spare tire -there's
none of these other items, cuckmarily
charged /or n5 "ex(re.s"at retail prices, to
pay for, when you buy the Nash "400"!
23 Nash "400" Models, including Touring, Roadster. Coupe, Cahriolet, Victoria.
and Sedm1 Models
Phone 83 H. C. Young
South Street, Goderich
Pve forgotten
I ever had any nerves
Your doctor will tell you bow the
act of chewing relaxes and soothes
strained nerves, and how the health.
1411 cleansing action of Wrigley'*
refreshes and tone, you up all
ted- Aida Digestion.
(..4 41
L. 1). Major, '.:,i i,'2,. and yova1
*doe by Mean- 1 t:n'id ('lose and
,111x. laird. of '. • :,•rich townahi4t
i'.1 It -t 414 rl'N'I
Mr.. Jas.
the week -end w.
Mr.. Fleming.
Ing with Airs.
Ur. and Mr
t•hildren, of Sur
tor. with Mr. it
Mr. and Mrr
4'revve, risked! 1
Mr.. Melvin Ray
Miss ()live TI.
is depending a f,
ter, Mr- WIII
Miss Msrrie .
days with her -
tltl. ..f 'Huron,
Mr: and Mr.
dren ..f neer 4.
days with frit -n.
Mr. (trill. d
-tetit the wfwk •
\1'..>j..t..'k and
a..•ompaniett by
rut. of Ripley-,
fcr last week 1.
twit• :.i - Mr. and
r. of Kimbro•. spent
:riend.. it. Tenon..
\1 inch..w, I• si1it-
I Irw111 for a fy.w
I,;h .Auder.ou au.!
were 'regent %A -4-
%1r.. Jacek !lender-
, ,I a.. Drennan. of
•. ugly with Mr. noel
.'!1110,011. ..r 11.4134.41.1.
.; tc. 514th her '.4•-
e;uitliu '44'14 11 few
• r, 'lr-. .Will .4;r11-.
• .14 Mole* 1444.! chit -
...nal, -dent a few 1
,rontd 15tnlmo,nt.
Alinnie Iti4lwnl.
with frieu.is At
...Ionia. Thr; erre
\;r: and Mr, Patter -
.1 w'rt•i 1 •
NILE, June L+, :lr. and Mrs. eloss
ter Rrown and 'Ir. Darren )14''un,,.
,of 1h -troll, visite.: at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Jtw. Al e'ann over the week-
end. (►n their return they were ac•tvtn-
4anie41 by Mrae '.4,4'81141. who will re -
13141 111,011 a visit revers! weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, I'.4Ifon1 Nixon visited
at the home of \fr. L Marwood, of
1na,Iybrok, 041 'itnday.
Mr.. H. Taylor .•f 4:o41er4'h, spent r
few dny+4 the part week at the home
of Mr..
Mr. and )Les. Stanley Snell. of ltrl-
grave, ci.lh with Mrs:- C. Segal... en
Girls' build -The 4:Irlw' 4;1141,1 tart
tut the twine of Mrs. Wlltwrt Johnston
en Tuesday of this week for their June
meeting., Tl.ere was a hood attendance
of both meashers and visitors. In the
absence of •he president, the via-pre-
Adent. Mr. Harry Watson, presider!.
The S.•rlptt,rs• reading was taken by
Mr.. Telford Nixon mud the study Is,.k
by Ali',. ,les:+i. 31.1'141141, Several mate
tors of busboy.- were discussed, after
which a dainty 1ur►ell was 4Prvs'.l Icy
the 110+res.ee•'1 of the day, Mrs. W.
foitie.m and Mrs. Rose Mel'llee. ant a
very enjoyable social hour leu- sis•nt.
4Ii4ei.ded for past week!•
Al B1'ItN. .Inde 26. -Mia,. Ida Stas- i'entland• Wilma Treleaven, .Anna
( Intended for last week).
CARLO'.V, June 26. -We regret to
report that Miele A. Reid hate resigned
her position as teacher in No. 1 school.
She Iles dune good work here for the
hast year and the romruunity will heel
the lees In more ways than one, 1a
wile has helped It. ehun'h and other
`e1eMrs.aMsI.art7 and two boy", Jnnio
and 'rum. of, who spent th,
last Werk with Mr. and Mrs. C. A
Robertson. len ..11 'rhur slay to apem.
u few .I ys with relatlses at Lucknow
Mr. and Mrs George. Paterson 4)114
daughters. of Toronto, are 4444 a visit
to their relatfve1 -here. Mr. and Mrs.
i'aterson will leave on Monday to at-
tend the Paterson picnic at Brantford.
Fls.reus' and Martha will romai44 here
for their holidays,
We learn with much regret of the
4l4.144g of '.ars. Robert A114•u. of
\Vingham. whose death took plat* at
T..tuns un Wednesday morning. Mrs.
-1I1.'n was the last remaining daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mr. John
Ila 111111. of \{'inrha111, who were well
old favorably known here. Much sym-
pathy Is extended to Mr. .Olen and
two sone. also to Mr. John Hanna,
the only remaining 'brother of the
We are pleased to be able to .:Iy-
that Mr. Sandy Toting Is again able
to he out after his severe plies.,.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Yuumg, '.Ills
Mary- Young and Nike A1ary Redmond
were in -Stratford ..n Monday on
ill.... and sl.a attended the circus.
The ...immunity plenie whleh war
,Innwul.Pd for June 214th ha. lawn
pest/sated to J1113- loth, 1t will be held
at M.'nesetung Park.
Preparatory service was held at
Sn41th'- Ilillr church- on Wednesday
erenllr. prior to communion ..n Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon young •attend -
the gradwitbm exercise, art the
Ontario Agrieultural 1'ollege, 1:04-14411,
on Friday and report a very etrjeynble
M1.a' Isobel Young wit./ able to at-
tend the l)..'. 4'J graduation after her
severe nine.. and a„simpanled her
parents. Mr. and '.Ire•. R. M. 1'011414..
and her sister. Mr. Lawson. home the
.:Imo might.- She Ile Raining her
srrnnrth graduaIly.
(intended for last week,.
DI'NUANNON. Juts. 24: -Mr.. Will
Crawford and daughter. Mims llelen,
of 1'ictoria. I1.('., are "felting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. ('rawford.
Mrs. Le Roy Rtingeol, of Toning,,, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jl.h►1 Savage.
Mr. a4Nl Alr. J. Pettiwm. of Wing -
ham. are vd..iting at 111e bottle of Mr.
and lir.. R. A. McKenzie,
Mr. nn41 Mrs. J ,-4Pr )utak end Mr.
and Mrs. 4'alvin McIntyre motored to,
Milverton on Sunday and event the
day with friends.
Mrs. Sam Swan is hiSiting friend* In
Guelph this week.
Mr. anti Met. Wm. Ee,ly, of M111 -
bank. are visiting their sem. Mr. Heb-
er Eedy. tine week.
Mr. and Mr.. Melville Seholtzlauer,
of Milverton, visited the lattrr'.. bro-
ther. Mr. H. F.ely, a .-..nple of day.
41.1. week.
- )Ir.. Rout, Imelda/tn. Mrs. J. J.
10411 II. Mr-. B. Roach. A1re•. R. Mrpom-
aid, Mr•4 C. C. Brown, Mrs. 1'. Flni-
g:111 aid Miss Elliott attended'. the die-
tri,t me'e'ting of the Women's institute
heli at leodh•slsor.. on Tuesday.
Mr. Melville 4'nlls'rt and his
mother, visited fried! at Guelph last
Sntit rday.,
1)r. Vokes meowed to Toronto on
Tuesday. He returned on _Thursday
aceonlu(Ide,l by Mr.. Vok,e atrcd baby.
We web -on,.. Mr.. Vokes to tour vii -
1:1 CP.
Examinations.--T11e eltr•tn a exatn-
ioat,..11s are being held this week. Mr. ,
4;eo. WI 111.1.4. Sanford. 1. the 44resid-
ia.� officer here. Mr. Frost i14tss b0 pre-
-:1111. at Klntatil. The following can-
!ldaare. from 1h111ga11non are writing ,
a, the mitran.* examination: ('padre
ker. of Lo1N.W1.oro school. spent .the
week -end at the home of her uncle,
AI r. 1tobert McGee.
quite ,r number attended the picnic
U.S.S. No. at Bayfield un T111.1 -
limy of til. week and report au ten-
jumble tint•.
The 4.444.4k of the Auburn rnntiuna-
tion s.•h,s.l revived word from their 't
reef -fit' 4.114 oma that they had all
The Myth land'. sacred conerr ler i 4
der the 11111444144 of the Orange Lodge.
drew a large crowd and was much
n pyre-i:rts,l.
1'r. Jane, {Milton, of Itranl44o11.
and hi. brother. Mr. William Wilson.
4.,f.. We.' W:a wannott, visited Dien/Ito
herr this week, a
Mies. 14.•la Hamilton. teacher .1 Ni.. f
1.4, F:test Wawan,46, has reslgnel her t
Mr. F,i g,-,,- 1lobie Is tone1Ad11g at e
the entrance examinatIons 114.1.1 1n tt
Wroxeter this week.
Allis Mary idlble. pupil of Ane.
{Velsh• i• trying the entrant,- t•ssmina-
I t.am at Itly-th HON week.
!teed. Marjory McWhinney. Alarjery
Mei1.na ld . a n44 Harvey Mole. The fol -
owing were 4ue*,wful In wPAW rnlbJeet.
tilt, bower eepl/w.l III Ia.l w'eek's ex- 1
amination: Wilfred Pentland. Helen
lnderw,n and Amr Young•
M.Y. J. A. Walker Bseapes: Serious
jejltry,-4.►n Thurs.iny last while at -
ending a born raising en the faun of
Mr. Jerry Cranston, .a.n-4'.Nion 6,
Nest Wnwanoah. Rev. J. A. Walker,
Dungannon, was standing a little
distant* from the hnlldlug when he
w•a. struck ..n the leg by a crowbar
thrown from the building by someone.
The reverence gentleman• while pail -
,fully hurt. was considered fortunate
to nave escaped very anions injury,
the heavy crowbar passed only a
ew inc'hoa from his head. ()Wing to
his a44ident the United church
deny, which WIle 444 11.f. hell on Stator.
lay afternoon w'as posrpsnle.l to sr 1117
rd. We are pleaw.l t.. rejort that Mr.
V•.lker 41 Improving satk.facterily.
`a)irtg Farewell. --At a meeting of
he f.adies' A1J held In the Isi.etnent
.f the United church Inst Friday af'
ernoon n presentation wits made to
OW. J. A. and Mrs. Walker. The fol.
owing addrew was read by Mrs. Bnr-
n11 lton,•h. and the pnaw'nh4rinn ..1' two'.
steamer rugs. n thermos bottle and s
purse of m..ney was mode by Mrs. .1.o•
andMr...1. .1. {Walker and
Our dear friend•,-.►'. yon arelimit to 1.",ve unr nddst, we feel that
yon shoehl not *inert without tour
taking the opportunity of exprp1,.Ing
unr al.pr.clatlnn of what you and your
family have 111Partt in no during these
past few years. We can hardly realize
What it has meant for you to resume
Ir,aet,l4d'for last week).
I,F:I:Ill RN. Jim* 20. -MI. e4- Edith
and El zalls•th Horton spent two or
three day. loot week with their bro-
ther. Mr. I1. A. Horton, on the fill
ants'yalon of Ashfield, and also at.;
telsi.d the garden party held Tne.11ay
"ening. the 1'.:I,, at Mr. Larsenhy'r.
of hr N.ALS. held their meeting on
',Thor -day lain: at the manse lit Nile.
Them was as good numis•r pt*w'nL Af-
ter the meeting a snapshot was taken
874,4 tin..• preach 11/4d a .calk among
the 1 nlitIf 111 flowers before Into ch Was -
.m4' Areal pert h, the extet olon ''1-
I") Sunday last Kr. Lewis., a layman
from Toronto, spoke on temperatice.
I4,k1n4 for his' sermon less../VII from the
' 1114' ..f Moises.
The 1111tlnal picnic of the three eon
aregatlons offn. Nile and fort
Albert will be held at fort .1ll.Prt ..n
Sahlyday afternoon. Theme will he base
ball 440*1, Pte., ohlrintr the afternann.
Every body come and Delp to Hake it
4141• Meal plenty we have had yet.
Two io►fdl. from 5.4+. No. 9 are try-
ing their PItrnn.e examinations and
• the P.S. having examination at
444s14.ri,h. We wish than .mien*s..
Those 011 the .e4ek list this week are
1•dith+forum and Harry Freeman. We
wl.h them a 11P dy recovery. i
Sciatica? Neuralgia?
can have relief. Mrs. T. K.
Sheehan of Wincksor, Ont., waefhelpless
with Inflammatory R eslmatarm• She
couldn't even move her eyes, and spent
nearly $1000 for treatments. She
writes: "Puree boxes of T -R -C's made
me .x>mpletely well". T-R-C'sareetped.
lyRood for Sciatica, Neuralgia, NwrrlMf
and Lumbago.Quick. Safe. No lhtsr�f•iiY�I
drugs. 50e$1 a1 year fist's. tel
elts00 TvereauatalAriThrg
the .Kingdom .of God in West China.
Kindly *cutlet there gifts me our means
of wlrbing you the finest trip poi -
.11.1e, fllied wltb'many unexpected and
Guppy lucldeuts. and the Meeting of
tunny Dirndls all along the way. The
words of Robert lend. Steverson to
jotlm G. I'atou as he nwtlwe,l his work
in the \ew Hebride, amu fitting Q. a
farewell: -t;o forward, the right wan
In tile right piece." F'lrwll�•, you may
le assured that our prayer.. and good
w'islaes will be with you 1n all your
noble endeavors.
Signed on behalf 4.1 the committer
Mrs Ge.. Harris, Mrs. Iturten !touch.
Mrs. Jnr. '1.'Wladnn'y.
Women are spying: '•Pinkham's
Compound keeps me fit to do my
work." "I was nervous and all run
down, Now I eat better and deep
better --", "It helped my thirteen
year old daughter," -"I took it be-
fore and atter my baby was born.••
-"I am gaining every day."
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
at ts41••
1yOt"1•E probably got one or two
old tires in the garage --old faith-
fuls --you know the kind, with ■
sane braise, perhaps.
Maybe there's still many thousands
of miles left in them if you let as do
a real repair job with Goodyear Re-.
pair Materials and put togetherby
Goodyear Factory Methods.
Bring your old tires to us. We'll
look them over and advise yen.
Vulcanising, eatbries, Brake Service
.ad Greasing
Goderich Phone 259w
Goodyear Tub. a.p.ir [iug sake
c.e. .f onora.ary Mer. w M.
not Gee may move you 4-b. price
. a.e, crime sad • 4.s of ars
sad armada. C. i. thrum .i..Foi low /Wow
Outing, Golf, Bowling
and Tennis Shoes
Sturdy practical Shoes for men, boys and youths. Th.
favorites for ladies, misses and children are the colored and
fancy fabr.,'m. They are here in the newest designs and
patterns. flay Shoes for children include a very large variety
of styles in Sandals and Outing Shoes. The holiday seeasor,
has started!. Buy now and choose from the best assortment at
the lowest pc.-sible price., quality considered.
►�! � Atz
Outside Walla
Attractive to look at.
Inexpensive. Easy to
pat on over old walls.
With building paper,
warm, dry, windproof.
Choice of Brick, Rock -face
and Clap -board patterns.
3Oae t)wot.0
add the touch of pros-
perity to stores; give
better light. Perman-
ent also for schools,
halls, kitchens and
bathrooms. Easy /
to put up overold
plaster. No dust
or litter• Emmy
to dean and
paint. Can-
not crack
or (all
End the fire hazard -
Put on over old roofs.
Easy to lay. Good
looking, permanent,
inexpenaive, Use NO
77114 peraam,.mt 'reproof
Mu1W a dha'
Just AReminder---
To our old and new patrons that Brophey Bros.,
the old reliable Furniture Dealers, have always
in stock for your inspection the fipest assort-
ment of
Bed Springs and ventilated
Spring Mattresses
Marshall, Fishman, Simmons and
Brantford Mattresses
They are the finest that may be seen in all the larger
cities. An inspection will convince you.
Furniture sold ---either from catalogue or a personal
visit to any factory showroom, at tockbottom prices.
Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers
West Street -