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MODEL 1279
Eureka peluxe Power
Team with 2 motor power
• Powerful upright carpet cleaning, action with
canister VerSatility. •
• Roto-Matic0 powerhead with motorized Vibra-
Groomer@ beater bar brush roll thoroughly
deep-cleans carpet like an upright.
• Brilliant headlight , and cleaning tools included.
• Roto-Mti,b® Povverhead with'all-metal
Greer T.V.ilt Electric
Phone 52813112'
0ntario Le
,. • ,
By MURRAY GAUNT capability, .for industrial pa,*, communityu protects. Employers' will be reminded. 'medical communication Sys;
_ poses, • . Certain small claims courts of their present obligation to terns to alio*: doctors from
The fourth Session of the,. Other points in the sPeecti will be designated fqr biling- pay Men and womenequally , small centres to consult'
31st Parliament began this were; • . ,nattrials and development of , for work involving substant- experts at regional;referral
':week with lier ffulloar, Lieu- ThP province will promote French-language Court .serv-- " fall y the same Skill, training hospitals.
tenant-Governor Pauline Mc- Previnee'widP energy-Von- ices, , . and responsibility.
Gibbon, reading,the Speech servation programs ranging The Federal Government _ant Hcaoz.aorrddainuastinegoiltoarinaiunp- . the the.,throne„itesaibing- froni-car-and_van toelineto_will be urged to yursue a
the '
lovernment's ' over all . the inclusion el commercial . mare indPPendeut policy on will be created to expand
financial hurden nn families. ' storage, environmental -ef-
'research into the, transport, Pregram• ' .energy conservation stand.: interest rates, to relieve the
in general there :were no ards in the. Ontario Building major new p mg r anis , hi. Code. ' • ', wishing to',Purehase homes feets' and posSihle health
,businesses, hazards . of .:: .cOntaminants stead,,ii was, k shopping list Oreatef 'reliance' ' will be and on small ,businesses,
Five million dollara will be transported on land, water or of carefully targeted practical , ..placed on natural gas and.
spent frOm the EtnployMent • in the air,' . , ' : MPasuresrnone of them° in- electricity as substitutes ,for spent
Fund to boost A stritegy proposal will be • •volving large public expendi- petroleum.._ products. i
tures. , Manufacturers of autokno- t PI 37 P d
biles ,:in the prpvinco will, be training program for :skilled Essentially the program
tikes aimat .reducing '' Ont- ' encouraged to redesign-..and workmen needed by indps.
ario's dependence on. , oil, improve models to make the tries , which now often import
o f gasoline „tradesmen froth abroad.
A working group of1Gev- stimulating certain sections most efficient use .
Of the economy, and imprOv7; and oil, • enin-lent L and , business nig health and social services. A major feasibility study Legislation will ,be intro-
to, those in 'greatest need. will look at the possibility of ' perts on computer-chip. and (Weed , to provide' for :the
electrifying 'GO Transit and: 2 micro-electronic technology monitoi.ing:
I • .
put before, the federal gov-
ernment to establish a-•North •
,American- agreement,- arid.:-.•
'abatement prograM with the
United States to deal with
acid' rain) •
ed anuclear energy strategy
and industrial exports.
The Ontario Government
plans to, make better use of
energy produced at, the
Briice nuclear. power deVel-
. opment as a ..measure to
improve Ontario'S security Of
energy 'supply- Other:-,tneas-
tires to be initiated', include
energy from.waste, synthetic
liquid fuel, : co-generation,
upgrading of heavy'fuel, oil,
small hydroelectric deVelop,
Ments, and the full develo- ,
=tit of our unciear power
will be establiShed to encour- ship Of
of foreign owner-
"1 The speech also emphasiz-
Other rail lines. agricultural land.
CorrectiOrial ',institutions
will be , asked to achieve
greater self-sufficiency by
having prisoners work On
Management :and ein, -age technological advances An - Agricultural Energy .
ployee groups will'he helped in a field where Ontarians Management Resource 'Cen-
through the Ontario DevelOp-
nient Corporation W. purchl
ase"the Canadian operations
of foreign-oWned firms-
Other provinces will :be,,,
asked to co-operate in. Pur
chasing practices that put
domestically preduced geods
hOpe. to.' excel. ' .
A new Onta to .Export
DeveloPment Corporation is
to be established to promote
export markets for Ontario
environmental treatment
systems;- urban transit and
ele'ctrleal generating -capati': •
ilitY• :
An affirmative action pro-
gram for women 'employees
of the provincial government
to improve; job opportunities.
tre_will be established 'to re-
search for increased agricul
tural prodnetivitY,
An additional 600 nursing
home beds, , and special
efforts to. extend -Chronic
horne-care services over the
ueit two years.'
A new • jet air-ambulance
and helicopter • ambulance
service will be established 'in'
Northeastern and Northwest-
ern Ontarie, and jelevised
Area, school boards will be
Made responsihle for the pro-
vision .of special education
for students With• learning
problems; over the next five
All Types of Carpentry . ,
Phone Phone.
529-7714 5 21)4 13111g4 7
•. ,,r,u~Iw6wh~~ghuWduilutlu~L~~,;(y,('w~IuLy~Jil~jfil~idlltl 'id1i11ridiul~id«rfitruF
• "Last October-, 1 had .the urge to see the Old' farm • to survive?, Was 1 so ignorant of the real reason' for
again .before the' urban. sprawl engtilfS :it in • brick and living, when I first set foot on this place and looked
• concretes'.-1n-‘'ak-rn-cr-thist St4-terrien,
Is almost like watching a continuous movie show and With bush and inhabited by creatures of the wild.
arriving" at. the point when you say,
: "This is :where I Creaturet' who, .by instinct . alone, 'exist only' toy.
came in There is a profound difference, of courte; reproduce their kind and prey upon other creatures in•
The continuous drama'. cf :lite is unpredictable and , :cruel desperation..The strong. survive and the weak
Hover ret W O tr.6(aPirtSrt*-$aMO r Pattern:, So 'what —Oerish;-perish;--T-h-isl-qhe law-of-the wi ld.,-ISeptakidableLpLot_Prily
Was the purpose of •My pligrirnagel Did I expect to see ;tO,animals but to nations!. • • • - -
again th e flower of my manhood still . 0owing strOng, ' ' I learned many truths whilst I lived in the world of
PPon the rolling land? There was. little left upon the Angus. SiMple lessons, so basic that they tend:to be
Hungry Hundred except the ghosts of Hie pioneers. I Overlooked. • 'verything has a price,?' he said, "and.
saw futility in an old broken and rusting horsedreVin • what we.sow, we shall reap." The harvest will only
plow. Once it, had shone.with abrasion but now it lay remain in our granary as long as we are prepared to •
forgotten amongst a pile of stones and . scrap - . a defend it against those who seek, to take it frOm us,
monument to '`a lost cause. :. We cannot forever close our eyes to the truth or
I flicked My-way through the long grass, thistles and pretend to ignore the dawn of tomorrow .-- there is no_
burdoCks. It was hard tto- believe that where I trod had escape from temorroW 1 Nothing can be taken for
Once beena.driveway! Instinctively I was drawn to the granted because *nothing i's certain excePt death and.
last resting place of the MacCrimmons, but even this , change.
hallowed? ground haO been changed in the name of.. These philotophiet belcinged to Angus, and right or
progress. The tombstones of those who had, carved a . wrorighe lived by them. The words are mine because
fern-Tout of the bush, had been crowded together in a"--he would not have spoken them in that way, but the
Small enclosure, It was at if they Were 'begrCidged the gut root meaning is, clear. : , • ` ' .
very earth they had won from the wilderness. . The sun,had already disappeared as I 'made my way
As I stood: gazing upon the scene, I heard the happy back .to where I had parked my car. When I had almost
voices of children carried on thetoft autumn breeZe., It reached the concession road, I turned and took along
,.,•Might have been,the laughter of my own familyeXcept last look at the Hungry Hundred. My eyes moved
that they too had changed, grown up and, raised their a away from the new housing development where lights
own ,families in far away places, either by design or were beginning to appear, and looked to the north and
sheer neceSsity. The children 'I heard were living• in west towards the - yet unspoilt beauty of the
repeating the Words with which I began this series; It. It was only yesterClay that this land. was covered'
the new houses to the south*'rows of brick boxes, countryside. -:
built clOse together'and devoid of individuality. Anew The rail fenCes; scarcely touched since the first
generation would raise these Children to expect and MacCrimmons came to the crown grant, were a
indeed demand more of the material things of life, so silhouetted pattern on the skyline,. In the valley
necessary tO an affluent society. beyond, the creek which I could not see at that
Suddenlf I realized why I had returned to look upon - Moment, would be snaking its way through the
the earth where I. had found" a place to plant my first Undulating terrain. The creek at least, would always-f,
tender roots. I had come back to re-affirm my belief in flow across the acres of memory!
the tried, and
thi s
principles which , had founded Never look back they say, but Most of the road is
and built this great young country; in this atmo- behind me and, there is so little left up ahead, ft is fall
sphere, I would reach deep into memory, hear again and my maple leaves are coloured with a lifetime of
that gruff but sincere voice which spoke , to me across what has'been, The exciting green years:belong to the
the years and lobk' once more upon the, rugged but young who look eagerly forward to tread that ribbon of
dear fade of my old friend. highWay which disappears into the far distant horizon.
A quarter'of a century is, just a raindrop in a barrel But I stared upon the' threshold of winter, never again
'of time Wat it, so long ago that the knarled .hands of \--to feel the warmth I sharedwith Angus in the summer
Angus touched-4E11s s'an'dy 8011 and his rheumatic body of my life,
' struggled against nature In his dogged determination ' THE END