The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-26, Page 5yn.neNicolon So, yea :picked conserva , your chin with razor and five and the Liberals get in. yoti vowed that the next time You stalked out your house your little brother deeided to and knocked on everyone's 'use.your best shoes as boats door. trying to find whO the in. the bathtub you: Would Tre son wastwIdo-voted'for-7-kinrcleinS head Pit • Mr. Trudeau: PeOple lOoked So, you trekkedUt to your 'at you as though you were • car in foot deep drifts and crazy and you vowed thatthe .when'yon finally got your. car, Jima. person who looked into started You found that the,. Our eyes and said they, four foot drifts were behind didn't know how the Liberals; the car too, You dug the car got in, was asking .to -get his% out, got back into your cat head knocked-off. and •Was already to go when So, your Clock :radio forgol the snowplow drove by and to,Walte you up at seven, and L.-deposited five feet of snow at . you, bad te eat burnt toast the bottoM of your driveway because the• toaster forgot to and you vowed that if you pop while you Were cutting „ever found out we invented '.Edit orial .•, . . • the subject simply because .I . No, there is really• no. felt that sufficient eoMments question at all, and now is° had already been made, and the time to, •prove our eofilt. because I really didn't know initinent to human ?beings. what my.feelingswere op the Now:is the time to open wide . subject. But now that stage is over:' and know Where I stand. This editorial is an at- tempt to voice this stand. The refugee problem is not simply a matter of Whether or not we will allow a - few thousand or even a few, million refugees' into our • country, It goes Much deeper: than that It probes right into ' our respect-for human life, our selfishneSs, and our vision of right 'and wrong. , We who haVe plenty are new being qiiestioned on our beliefs of 'fair play, and in these times, of .penny-pineh big,' we are finding it difficult to keep everything in the right perspective.• • To me, it is impossible go blindly On and ignore the plight-pf reftigeos in Kau,' puchea, Vietnam,. Thailand and elsewhere Without feel- ing Severe pangs of guilt. And since the Weekend', when 1---saw-- slides---from, camp . in Thailand taken by Sister Muriain Theresa Min- ter of the Medical Mission 'N•• Sisters while working with the refugees there, I have felt those twinges of guilt severely. The pictures of starving, sick children and the factual stories of ',people simply turning their heads to the wall and dying, bit deep into ine-. The reality 'of child- ren who knew, no songs other than the war rhymes that they had been taught by 4oldieis, and Men and wom- en who wokeupScreaming in the night from nightmares of such horror that we could never understand, hurts me, But most of all, the fact that ' people have Seen such im- measurable indeCency ainst human life that they can no longer• feel, eat or even speak) makes the pos. sibility of • there being •anY question at all, ridiculous. Hew can We who liVe in a so-called christian country, turn our backt oil our fellow man while we live in pros- perityl How can Ave, who are descended front refugees be so SelfiSh that we worry about refugees taking our jobs? Who 4re we to say that only we deserve 'a chance to live; to thrive? How can we allow logic "and practicality to even enter our minds when Don't be caught with no way to heat or cook again. Buy a woodburning stove now. We Catty e' Oldthner A!rtights le Curtner Dowediniters a icon.° Wiwi! Auxiliary Furnace C Nordic *ate( Furnace Ryder insulated Chimney PLUS Deltair Solar Panels lEntakii Biological rodeti Hardware and took Phone 3924118 Corner of sideroad gond the Ath contession Of Itittiett flZ4'wfig 1s°1suinitg. Sahlie dvoaYws inthaat citinfgacet.o" rinstteeatd attclif the next , person Who makes people feel it is time to stop any comment is asking to get moving, interest in life goet his head ,knocked off You -to in ultimate low and every- realize that this Mei-, another victim of the winter Doctors suggest that even, willies,' , a little exercise, like a walk You decide you can't go ,, around the block helps. the on. ThiS calls.- for evasive body and the mind to cope action. We must get' your with Winter. So the answer is spirits . up, up, ,upl not, hide but to stride But seriously folks, It has. been, felt by a few Doctors' claim that the - people that the winter dee- reason peqple get the tion , made the season a little er blahs is because they more bearable; "Perhaps," hibernate. "People," say the, . they suggested, eieffion professionals, "cut 'clown should be held every'winter. drastiaally pn r activity when "PersOnally, I think we Now Available Grass seed, seed 'grain, seed corn, cheirilcals, • fertilizer, spreader .chainO, water' bowls, farm gates, pig feeders, big, round and' square bale feeders, cattle mineral feeders, , cattle oilers, , animal health products, baler twine and binder twine.' Allan Miller R. R. 5 Lucknow 528-2299 During the month ot March, Ford of Canada will pay cash rebates o 7$3001`0-BUYERS-6F-NEW-FAIRIWYNTS-a-nd rebates 01-$500— : TO BUYERS OF, NEW' THUNDERBIRDS. S I Montgomery LUCKNOW PHON r E $28.3007 We Have Models in Stock For' Immediate Delivery EXTENDER SERVICE Motorstimited PUIN Ford 'Thunderbird Ford Fairmont The person leads you to the nearest department store. ,Look,:". the person saYs, gver since refugee 'we are talking abOut*hUman • our `arms.to the refUgees,, "your friendly departmeni erisfs:gutfaced, have refus-; life? These thPusands "over. both,in offering a new home store wants to make You feel :- edit; let.mysejf be drawn into there" ,are just like US; theyand sending :aid to their better by diSplaying their •- the isSue;haverefused to, let'. are pepple with fatuities, countiits, for if we turn away summer fashions." "Notice mYSelf write an editorial:on • with names'!! ' ' and leave the thousands of the bright cheerful colours," men,.women and children to 'the personsays. "Notice the ' , we care nothing better prioost,, you say, The perenr than a country of Alders and clears her 'throat, and leads AminS. , • you onward. "Perhaps a trip KATHY UNDERWOOD- to the..,Bahamas," She says. ' "Perhaps a trip to MacDon- alds would be cheaper, ' You say, '1,00k honey, the 'per- son says I didn't ask for this job, but it paid good money., Well let 'me tell you it's,• no weeks; You smile Weakly the first. sign of snow shows' shonld stick with ,Walking. e. Answer 1 clear snowplows. You, woUld per- "No, yo.n'll freeze to:death". Sonally 'meek his bead. off. You tried to tell .her you Sp, if you intend to be already were and she told grumpy for the rest of the you to•Stop complaining and winter and knock everypne's add a piece of furnitiire to the "-„head off because the ground firez7= hog saw his shadow you need ,Y60 hold your , head be not worry, you • are simply a tween your hands and. ask if victim of the "winter wil- -life must go on this way. You . li'es". Life seenis as thinigh it are about to end it all by is an endless blanket of• hyperventialting when, from • snow, an- eternal puddle of - seemingly nowhere;•,a person' shish and you don't think you wearing, a bathing suit jumps can wait tohear the first robin before your eYes. You watch sing. YOU asked your Mother in amazement as the person '• . last night if she....would_Con---.takes.4init hand and 'leads cider putting your body intcy„ you away. '"Do not wool:or!' cold storage until winter was, SayS'the Person, winter will over and she only answered,, ' only be here' for another