HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-03-19, Page 25• RALCO. BARN CLEANER. Contact Albert Miller,, R. 2 Lucknow, .1 mile east of St. Helens, first farm, north. —12,13x HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due • soon. Frank , Van Diepen- beek, R. R. 3, Ltieknow. •==.12,13,14x • CHECK THE PIONEER 520 Alfalfa long term stands exceptiontd yield tolerance to bacterial wilt excellent winter hardiness with fact regrowth Bruce Reyna R. R. No. 1 Lucknow 528.6144 POURED SILOS Seal and Open Top Contact'. • CLARENCE HEHN .145R. 3, Walk00D 881-2348 . • Lucknow‘ Sentinel, Wednesday, Morch 19, 1989Pap 25 Wanted f1.11 32. coming events IITOROPONICS PARTY The Lucknow Jr., Women's.' Institute invite you to a Hydroponics Party on Ties- day, April 1st at 8:30 p.m. in the baSeptent' .0f Lticknow Torn Hail. Guest 'speaker is Mrs; Carol Rhods of Kitchen-. er who will explain hydro-. ponies : (growing plants m water) •and have plants and pots for sale on a cash and carry basis. Everyone iS wel- come. —12,13 • RIBLEY LIONS IBNGO, Will be held on March 0 4 ,1980. at 8 p.m. at the Town- ship Hall; 10 regular• games at.S15.00; Purple Ball of $50; 4 corners jackpot on 5 calls; $35:00; one Share -the wealth; 2 specials, $25; one' jackpot of $625.00 on 57 calls; consolatiiin game of $62.50; 5' door prizes.. —12ar. SHOOT. PARTY' • . Will be held at •St. Helens Institute Hall; on Thursday, March 20. at 8:361p,in, • . . 110WICK,LIONS BINGO • Will he held on Friday, Match 21st at 8:00 p.m. . Wroxeter'. Contmunity Hall. Admission $1:00. 12 Regular ganies for $10.00; 2 . Share. the Wealth; one $25,.00 SPec.: ial; jackpot $120.00 on :54 calls; Purple Ball' $70..00, Door and Consolation —12ar KINDERGAR'TEN ORIBNTATION,, An orientation meeting for all, parents,' of children who, will be • attending .Lucknow Kindergarten. in September. 1980, will be held at 'Lucknow Public School on Thursday, March .27 at 8:00. itegiitra- tion will he April 3rd at 1:00, -7-12,13 TEEN DANCE In -Whitechurch Community - Hall, Thursday, March 20, 9 - Musie.by Circuit Sound System. Admission $2.00. Sponsored by Kinloss Rec- reation Committee. —12x ANNUAL SPRING DANCE Winghain-Armouries-rSatnrz- day, March 22, 9 p.m. $8 a couple including lunch. Mus- ic by Nite Lights. Sponsored by Wingham and District Snowmobile Assatiation., —12 ' CARD PARTY Euchre and Shoot at Brook- side ,School; Thuesday, March 27 at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by Lucknow Agri- cultural Society. Lunch prov- ided. —12ar AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING ,,Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold'their regular meet- ing„: Tuesday, March 25 at 8:30 in the Town Hall. Prize , list will be revised. —l2ar umwerommii.maia Notice If _your Lucknow Sentinel Label reads March 6514210 Your pibscriition is die atends siux ' Of .The balance of, the contently pf. TEESWATER 1101E HARDWARE STORE,, :Clinton Ptreet,, In Tenswator • Will beheld on • SATURHATI MARCH 22 Starting at 12;30 Bona CONTENTS: paint, paint colourings and mixers; driveway sealer; roofhtgiealer;, step ladders; electrical wiremilleaplastic; assortment of boltS, serewsvincl, snialretnery; tools; tool boxes; chain; lawn roller; lawn seedertsfertilizer spreader; platform scales; feed cart;' cart;' bolt. Cabinets and bolts; some plastic, pipe; copper .pipe;' barbecue; 2 , mini .grills; 'coffee maker; 'vacuum cleaner; large flower pots; lightlixtures; 2 Used refrigerators; stove pipes, Christmas' deaorations and wrapping paper; garbage pail; extension =cords; wheel barrinV; 4 hags Kentucky blue grass seed; electric fencer; lawn brooms; swede saws; quantity of rieW and Used skates; number of used bleycles; toys; pop corn paper; camp light.. • STORE FIXTURES; metal and wooden cupboards and display stands; metal, shelving; plywood shelving; pegboard display Panels, cash :register; adding machine; 'key 'making machine. . • , 1ERM CASILDAT OF SALE Owner and Auctioneers not responsible:for accidoots, uries, or;losses connected in any way.with .the sale ,,' • • AUCTIONEERS WaRace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6176 Grant McDonald, Ripley 395,5353 AUCTION SALE , Of Modern Farm MachinOry; 50 stockers, approx. 200 pigs and household itents will • ii;ShCellId1.TLf6iTZ ,- Lot 28, Con,475--EastWawanosh Twp. '— V; block west of Whititchirch, thOn I corner South on county rom1,22 or '5 corners east of Lucknow on 86 highway, then 1 corner south SATURDAY, MARCH 29 at 10:30 ' 50 crossbred- heifers and steers' • approx. 400-600 lb I.B.R. treated; beef cow open; cattle sell by lb,;..65 York, flamp 'and Crossbred sows include' 21 sows with litters or due,* sale rinse;; 20 sows bred 2 - 3• months, balance of sews with hog; large number of WearterS'; chttii:ks ups to :1501b.; HairtP hag--; York hog." John Deere,4020 tractor-with-cab- and-new-tires: -Allis Chalmers XT-19I) tractor-With, cab .and-new tires;-Allis- Chalthers D17 tractor with new motor; 3 furrow 12 inch plow; 10 ft., 3 Pt 11 cultivator; post hole auger; ,16 ft. ' chain • harrow; • International 550-5-14 trip bean); semi:1'11°mA plow; Int, 12- ft. Vibra shank 3 pt H cnitivator; Int. 57 baler; Allis ChalMers 'series .1200 161/2 ft. 'cultivator; Allis Chalmers series 2300 40 plate disc; Ferguson trail disc; New Holland 7 ft., haybine; Turnca 12 ft. land packer (2 yr. old); :Int. 18 run seed drill with graSs seeder (as new); Int series 400 cyclone :air corn.planter; New Idea trail hay rake; 3 wagons with 16' racks; wagon with 14'. rack; 20 ft. skeleton elevator; Smoker bale elevator on wheels; New Holland series 900.10 ft. swather; Allis Chalmers model K combine With cab, 3 row corn head, grain pick up and straw chopper; 21 ft. grain auger '(as new); hit. model 1150 mix mill; Farm King 42 ft. PTO grain auger on wheels; 2 Turnco 325 Liu. grain bins on.7 and 10 ton wagons; .3 of , .135 bu, grain bins on doublereach wagons; Int. forage bok (as new) on 7 ton Wagon; Case 4 16 trip beam semi mount plow; George White forage hox (as new) oir 10 ton Wagon; Case harvester with 1 row corn-head, hay; head, pick up and hay cutter head; New Holland forage blower with hood and pipes; NeW Idea 1 row corn picker; New Idea PTO manure spreader; corn and grain weed sprayer :with boom; McKee 3' pt H PTO snow' blower; Calso high pressure washer (as new); electric automatic heated water bowl never been used or installed; pig feeders; water bowls; cattle tagger; stone picker (as new); feed carts; mineral feeders: Solar 23 can milk.tank; forks; wheel bairmvs:- chain saw; chains; shovels; beams 48 x 8 x 8.and 48 x 10 x 10; ash plank; wood furnace; scrap iron; garden tiller; 1000 bales of hay; riding lawn 'mower. 2 Pc. chesterfield suite.; odd chairs; trunk; 4 shelf book case; black and white T.V.; lamp; flower stand; 2 end and coffee tables; fridge; china cabinet; chrome tables; clothes, hamper; antique cupboard; bathroom scale; gun 'rack; wringer washer; HotiverVasher; wardrobe; 3 piece bedroom suite; antique dresser; 'picnic table; dishes; quirt and pint, sealers; numerous small items. • FOR INFORMATION PHONE 519-357-1499 FARM SOLD - LUNCH BOOTH Household items sell at 10:'30 sharp then machinery and stock TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE Owner or auctioneer not responSible for accidents or losses George Powell Clerk Jim Stephenson BaciAckeeper BRIANRINTOUL - AUCTIONEER 12,13 WAYNE SNYDER :Lot 5, Con. 4, Aififlold township '1 Milos west ecoumolomoN on SA' at 1;00 P.M, TRACTORS: (2) David Browns' (1200) with, cabs; David Brown 990, andjoader: „y, • COMBINE: Ford'620 With grain head,' pickup and 3. row corn - head. MACHINERY: Az.0 3-furrow 'semi-mount ploW; Kongskilde with harrovis; Beareat hamatermill with .40". of pipes; Golden -Arrow 250 gal. sprayer with 18' bootr5; JD 494 corn planter; CockOhutt 10y2' wheel discs; Ili 15-run seed drill; Dion.blower with 50! pipes; Husky :C7210' manure pump; 1000 gat.„ liquid manure 'spreader; Shultz 110 bushel sPreader;, Bonn :10' riacker,-, Mohawk 5_," rotary .notower; 3 , wagOns 'with gravity boxes;. wagon with hay rack; Helm 12" post hote digger; Helm 21 scraper blade; dUal wheels foe DB , 1200; Shell,cattie oiler; 2 .Nelson heated water bowli; set of stone tattoo; tractor chains; cattle, dehornerS; Franklin calf puller, etc. MISC.., 23' Chest freezer; 125,000. .BTU gas furnace; pony saddle and' bridle; heat lamps; creep feeders; . large quantity-of scrap iron, etc. • FEED; Approximately 400 bales of hay; approx, 100 ton of ground high moisture, shelled corn in a AV silo. TERMS: CASH DAY OF SALE GORDON H. BRINDLEY: AUCTIONEER. For more information contact: • - WAYNE SNYDER 519-4294685. AUCTION SALE Of fatin machineryjeed and some household effects for 11ehey 1V1OnSma, Lot 2, Con. 9, Cuirass Twp.; 21/2 miles south of Formosa ori, County Rd. # 12.,..then 1' miles west. on Con, 8 on. MONDAY,: MARCH 31 Terms eashday ofsale. Farm. sold. • Owner or auctioneer not, responsible far any aecicl- •. ents or injuries on property day of sale. • Auctioneer -:Len Metcalfe Mildmay 367-2791' —12 AUCTION SALE, REMINDER • for. Bill Bogie, lot 5, conc. 2 Colborne Township . TUESDAY, MARCH 25 at 12 noon SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL LISTING AUCTION SALE REMINDER For Robert Jewell, S 'A lot 9, 'cone. 10, Colborne Township SATURDAY, MARCH 22 at 1 p.m. SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL LISTING- - —12ar Attention Farmers mom ••••• A. For sale DOUBLE CUT red clover seed. Contact Jack Alton. Phone 529-7247. —12 1000 BALES of good quality hay, mostly alfalfa. Phone 395;2/ 18. —12 , 206u BALES OF STRAW. Call 529-7890 or 529.7469. —8tf. • NEW HOLLAND baler, good condition. Phone 395-3239. —10,11,12 DOUBLE CUT Red CloVer seed, Contact Fred Craw- ford, R. R.. 3 Goderich. Phone 529-7134. —41,12 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of '3 Froctorst.Combfrto, Farm Equin,. etc. 4ANTED TO .0.4Y 40Isteitt hull calye$ and cross bred calves four days to four weeks. ;Call 395-3597. • —942 Farm ser • LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. , Ainlierley PHONE 395 5286 CLAY - Silo. UnioaderS,' Feeders, Cleaners, Stabling, Leg, Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment;, Hog Equip- ment. • BUTLER Silo Unloaders, eceders, Conveyors. , FARMATIC - Mills, Augers, etc. ACORN - Cleaners, Heated Waterers. VVESTEEL-ROSCO. Gran-. aries. B & L - Hog Panelling. —40tfar TOWER KING PRESSED STAVE. SILOS. Oxygen_ limiting silos with bottom'. unloader. Liquid manure tanks. Phone Francis Eloyle,;395-5088, -;:7-3t-far ONITEIi co-opvaNnvles OF•ONTA1110 LIVESTOCK DEPT. ;TORONTO Ship your livestock with — 0111,,TAYLOR R. R. #3 .1 WCKNOW On,Tnesdays .:Qr groups of 5 or more On morsdoys • , From Lticktio*Stockyards CALL 52E0539 ironic • Or 528.3119 Yards • . Tuesday Or Thursday 8:30 a.m., for prompt Service • ASK 'BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS oy REPLACEMENT.CATTLB, CUSTOM COMBINING With Gleaner N5 rotary, wheat, mixed grain, beans, corn, etc. For further infor- mation phone 528-2072. —11-14 A. For sale. QUANTITY OF FIRST-CUT 'conditioned hay. Highway 86 west of Lucknow. Duncan Farrish 524.2286 .L-11,12,13 • 140 BALES OF HAY And 105 bales of,sti — aw. Phone 395- 2444. 1,12x 80:Acres Bush ' GODERICH TOWNSHIP W. .1: Hughes • REALTY LTD. Rita A lien1247 9131 ,Res. $24-8480 11