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CD1 r"'"'" SUCCESS;
Induction of New Pastor al \ irtoria
Street Church This Eve •
Rev. 11. C. Parr gave the chasing
The Day's Program Carried Out 1O Victoria
of 111s two rens' iur..11 ,i
of \'Icluria street I'nitel (inane! on
Successfully with Large I Sunday last. Large euugreg,ttoti. were -
prevent. He pr•fatel hIN mertiiug ter -
Crowds in Attendance mon with a brief i'nrteaell talk. in
which he exprt••rtel his sleep aptotecilt-
Goderlch'e Dominion Day programtton of the khtttneaA and (v nsidenr
tion w•Itl whit ! he and Mrs. 1 are hod
was carried out With gratltyIng sue - ben treatel ly the oth•biI ioardl soar
ekes,. The wrather for most of the dui by the ct•ugreg:ttlon as a whole during
a 'a. ideal fur out-of-doors events, and his tend here it was not easy to
hunk the happy rrhlt!on$ltip that had
although rant i tq a damper on the ext.tal, he rill !. and hP won id now tic
evening proceeding. the day ae :: t•raciuns (e11..wahlpa that rad been
whole a:.4 thoroughly enjoyed by the forntel duriu: his pastorate to Vic-
toria and hundreds of visitors. t"ria street. Iia had been ea.e Islay
gratified) Ito ws•Ing mute who had been
The pnsertlings of the day coni- lukewarm in their religious life qulek-
mrma'1 with the )parade at 10 o'clock emit Into'det"tluu and activity. lie
:u the morning. While it mai+ nkrA. Paid a warn: tribute to.ltev. I:oelon
iwI Ittg ars
s in►e that Galerich a. 1
.week, the Nitride had some creditable.. t"rate. and bespoke for hint the same
features alt was witneMd by a large
'''"nlhal snpt.•rt and co-operation Heta
crewel ..ngregated un the Stputrc. The had It i n vetch to him.
fire brigade with Its equipment made! The wermou •nDJ.at was TLP .t .rot-
a trots) ampelnlmr and great amn.e_ prlatfon of Ch -int." am] the text : "Put
tett. w•bo sot -ceetb• him in the i I
went wawcreated the turnouts In created by ace oa the t',:• Jesus 4'tori t" (ie.uan•
the calithutm an class. Prizes were l 1314.. Ther• were those who wrote,
aearhv) ,a. follows:• of "the lini'.I,..rae of Christ." tont het-
lle'trated hit•yl-lehs-1st Miss Edith liter atilt w,1- appropriate Hint 111e
Lumbo. 21t4 W. Hunt, 3rtt Betty Little. goodness. Ili- wisdom. Weiner '3, I11,
4th Walter Little. 'nhetifieat10i Hilt ndemptboo. With-
('talitltrwpiau+-lot Miss Mary I'ar- "Int Him itt ir.1llti.s'Ivold not Ire'folly
wins. 21141 Mit•. Harney. eel 11. McGee. 1,14 ted. ..
S es -nal prima were awarded to the At the Pv••t..ufswprl•lts hie elle„arse
1 1' was addtes.-4 tai ,w• 11y to the mem. ruwlauv. Hud. Johnston (Dentin- 1 �
Sun Road Machinery Con', and Harry hovers of the bs-al Orange lodge.. who
a tee waw
al-e'reath. Arterial in body. His ill J t
!Etter the parade the pregranl ,f' "-flap \-beton of Rlgllteotemess." the
children's sports e1•eupd.ai attention text belle: 1',•taa Judge, 0:10--"I Will
until the nail hour. The prize-wfnuel)e' loe`wit11 thee." and labor. being drawn
were rr,,m the .4 iii of.(adeon. and the Mid-
('hlldren'a Rates Ianflea. 1 sting referenda• was made
•BOYS' EVENT abs, to the 1atIona1 anniversary width
440 -yard nee. under 8 years-.larrr w'aa to 11e r.•Ietratel the following' 1111r.
Promo.. Billie Wilson. Tom Cowan,. 'fhe fndnetinn of the new ialatar.
Haroht Icer. Rev. Gordon Mutt, who comeshere
d R more. 1 from" Tui, ervIlle, take; pbte thin/,.
Ste•yard race, un er years -.or ec
Bloomfield Italy mond Costello 'Inroad fThunalar' evening.
Motoring. Kenneth Aitken.
OD -yard race, tinder 10 yearn -Albert Ferner Reaiitat 01114110 °Howe
Bitadley. Ttenwn Pronae. Arthur Word has • 1w'eg swivel ..t the
Bradley. death at Ottawa tMlt; (Thurt-'l it 1 of
75yard race. under 12 year's-40lin M. Rotlertwnn. wkbw of the late
Prom*. Jon.. d)'Rr►en. Clifford Sturdy. William Robertson. of Galerieh. The
100 -yard race. under 15 year --Ray- body will ie brought here for Marisa.
mond Dean, Earl Metro. (9lttord Stn? 'the funeral to take place from the C.
dv. N.R. station nn. the a?TIra1 of the nein
Sock race. under 15 sears -Earl train on Saturday.
Meru. ('are Bloomfield, Clifford Stur- •l�Ilm--d437
dT A Merl moist .wadttiing took place at
JoCke MINA yader ltk lea -1 I M
The News of the Town
G. L Parsons is President
At a meeting of the directors of the
(iutteribh Elevator and Transit (*im-
peril., Limited. helil at 'reroute on
Wednesday 4.1 last week, Mr.- 1:. L.
I'nrstas. of Gaterlelr, was elected pre-
sldent of the Company, sueceediug the
late ,Iola I. A. T1tui1 ..f 1.4.114141n. Mt.
M. MdAttgblhl, of Toronto, was elect -
el %Ice -president. su rr.al utg Mr. Par -
eons, who held this office. The vacau-
e% on tate hard of dins -ion. will loot
1w filled at pre-cut
G.C.I. ?rather: to Real Papers
Nix member, of the teaehlte! staff of
the I:alerich Collegiate Institute have
Ictit .•+1114,1 to read iepartne•ntal ex-
amination palterer at Toroutt.. Mem
Towed. will read I trier . S•'h.s,1 Eng -
list. literature: Mass Shepley. a1'd,ile
School !Atha; Mise McNaughton. Low-
er School physiology : A. M. Robertson.
1'pt.er S.•h.. 1 trigonometry : 11 -s \I.
11. 4 ttwpbw•it. Middle School English
tns,.ition. Prim -Used .1. 1'. Hume will
preside, as ehaa
1rwn of the stetlon in
Upper School botany.
Mr. Wilkinson to Go to Owen Sound
Last week Mr. C. A. 11. \Vilkius..u. F.
T. full M., received -the aptoiuttuent
no organist of St. Gelrge:4 church.
Owen St I. and he has tuhwittel his
resignation as organist of St. •George'.'
blurt•!. I:o(Lerich. to take effect Sep-
tember 1st. The t"w,agie..le In gen-
e•ralawtll regret to learn of Mr. 1Vilkiu
son's lttsle
etl departure from (oder-
Icb. For the past sax retire he has
leen' organist of St. George's rhuril
I here an4I Hila is his third searasa nn
1 cuud'tur of the 4islerich Idol. The
1 new apga•iutent, which Clime to him
meant-lieIn a splendid adva n eulent
for Mr. Wilkinson. '
MISS WK.*. -•rel•,;; is !..iiia lnnr
Kingsville for ,•••yar:tion.
• •
• \ire. Swatlmonlea% t.•'tireed house af-
ter :In extend+.t ti+,
Mr. and Mr., A 1
wlek-entt,at• ILau.lit•.,
Bowling on the Green
The int% haul bowling tournament
at the Pecten street greens the past
acek was the 011* held on Welueelay
ev.v.tng. 'Phe first prize. were won toy
Fred Hunt and Gel. MacVitalr And the
second prizes by Robt. Johnston and
Geo. Mnmhy.
Last Friday - e•euing'e tournament
was called off at the eud of the ttrrt
round, on account of art wetttber, soil
there were no contests Ott MultIity,
uwing 10 the bolida7.
Mrs. W. F. ,•..
from a visit to ,•
Mr. and Mrs
were among the ho
tt.� Walkervlllt.
Cole spent the
Ind Port Plover\
haw returned
.I :ledMontreal.
Iloeye of Toronto.
.tae" vt"itl'rs In
Mr. and Mr-. .1
from Toronto . . ,
Mrs. 11. It. 1 '1
trait. spent the w'•v
of aloe Jane Lyna• s
Mrs. F. E. Parker
spent the holklaa r
-aster. bre. 1i .1 .
stir -e. Ly'd1t
rout.. were AON•r'i '
in town. Mire 1 y.1
Ile:ale were 1110
a eek -end and
11,1 .on. of 114'-
k • i. 1 at the hone
for a month. • .
,:•f Wallaeelwrg.
:he house of het
Ella Beek. of To-
• ;tullday visitors
remaining here
Mee, (i. (o' President
At a resent meeting of the A.T.P.A.
of St. (:etrt;e's church the folliwiug of-
flters wen• elected for tate emoting
year; Honorary pre,ldert. Rev. J. N.
H. Mills; toast president. A. 11. Sturdy:.
president. 1114(1 d:. Ginn: 'vice -Keel -1
dent. O. W. Sturdy; se'retnr, Miss'
4:. Shore: press werretary, Maw Laurel
Italkeld; treasurer. Miss F:tta eaytlta.'
Committees are to he appointed at the
fleet meeting in the autumn. Ott
Tweeter, August 21,111. a 1.011e11 party
will be held at -Satre Water Beach.
A quiet but pretty gelding was so)-
emnizel in St. George. ehureli on N:ti-
unhay morutue !tet. w114•11 Miss Vesta
W is"u was united in tmtrriage to Mr.
Charles Norman. Ret•. J. N. 11. M111r
officiating. The i•humh w'at tastefully
dei•nrafed kith orange ll..n..i,m+ and
peonies. The Wide war daintily at-
tired in white nod carried it bouquet of
ophella rose, and white Mather. She
was nttentleal be her sister, MIml illau-
ehe Watson. with _wore floweret ger-
' vette with hat to match. The groom
was attendee' by M'r. C.' .'. \'; ilkfnstnl.
After the eeronloliy the bridal roup1 ,.1 eeenr+
left by motor for a trip to Toronto.,{.miiw1.•.
)Juutreatl anti other easteru latlnts.
Mr. It. A. fli.ithe t. :not grandee/1h,:
Rupert Stentoe. of l•ctr"It, are guest*,
of the former'% -i i-0. airs. Aiesander
IA Noon.
• • •
Mr. and Al
resit..• and d►
V a neon ver. ti
over the week
Mr. and
Harry Martin. of To-,
ghtcr. Mrs. Philp. of
relative* in town I
• 1f. F. Fleming attd
fancily, of O$twud. %leited at the;
home of her parent^ Mr. and Sirs.l
'Healey, the pallat week.
s• • •
Series e►f 1
Two /oat
pot. .,,.ei11,m,,,, t.. �T GEORGE'c CHURCH
1. smut..
11ar.ugh," u If 11 114; , artuuu. ---
l�. t,ur
popular Arch de a c o n Fotherir.gham
and •'The F
Broadway •"
noted (\Pince
Anatol Fr1k:n
Seems from t
sp reta.-ttlar
' r. '1'.:.11 Hsieh.
.10a•,t n Iw etter :
it His I:Ias-i+t11e It.
Beglau Life. a truly
1ci ;•rudurtl.•u. are
anon;; the in. features of the
forth..out'ing 0 u ('bautauqua
here. which open, A relay. July 23th,
and Iva.tluue• wr M ,'rowdel, event-
ful days.
The t•Irautatignag.11 he opened an
the fire •Ita4t bD elf of the trued ta.
obit ttl-.,tdwtor c41114dy .wnvrwe, of
rea•ut year,- telly 1'pr.tair.."
Here 1.. Aa 111.011 Ry . umrdy-Ilrama
based Main t1s 1d heartaela•t of
a twastfetht'gc • ylilkmih' conte.,• /w
Til.. Hay
br flee
(e the
L'irie Ito yo:.
totter Anil a
has Ne
oatiba or
Addresses Ria Former Congre-
gation in the Morning
Its §iie.lay Meriting Ten• 1r:!tack- -
dun 1,1 It, tI uth'rIlt tam. M a.. et
Brutal ford, oeeupdel the 1!,? of St.
Ge,rgrs• eburlt an.rpreneht-1 a fere.-
ful and Insetting •'•anon atyoroprlate
♦o 1>,•tulutun inky The \r•inleaeuu L
to former rector of st 1,1. -:e't chain h'
rind hie Gaut fry.-u,t. it. . • 0Augtr4(-
Ibu were plea-e•I to 1. , .• •he • '•i••
hutit of gnrt'fe; I.uu'n '•*rte. •
11e t.s.k . as lots text 1:usk c. •
••w«.t kat tajJ ,M•w..ame-wee of %kiln.
Mit .eldest daughter. ,taut•; upon thy hast. ,u •I ,•
w111 he pres•utel unt.. Ilse•." Erekiel t1 - 1411:11.
v Martin I:twin ...enmity mei the ,pee; 41, • , I -real ,• •
j• a rets•Iliour" nvth n. '1'1 th.•
rioset Mrs.. 1). exile,. They were led • . else.
hod Brlllilt lee. Dome. bat Anse- in t!. : ,',t•..
i flt-r, will dlellrer tog thing.. (o4 ..ant E. ,. • al to • leen '
n la'ture "lean- with the me.aage to re, •. , :e -' ,•'•.
Preceding Mrs.
'ow- Artists, it
latuteinu tait.l•
Ms tinted:m..1n
Ian Life, star'
the weviid night.
test programs of
sac ever offered
,Kora. The pro -
brim Mensal each
..scenery and cute
ng llmpae into the
� s
1 bol and
beautiful Itns-
,.s1p lntert•retet
£*ralbtu t iu•
rioted pfnn-
er,(,g1ser ..f life
1,')bitstelugn:l eu
in a comer: that
tie artistry nud
lar by the en-
ai Mr. Patton
Clinic for Crippled ('hildren �_� .01 any
The (Mule for crippled children (lar'
grant to
at Rtntfarth
411kFriday loaf reyet
order the naatdtt.e ;If the Rofatr.•('Jntas
of Stratford and St. Marra wile n very I 111011e1 of
,ts'cesdnl event And will no doubt 11181011 1111
have far-reaching hits of bottrflti'�II tt)lr•te
fu mtuo ehiktren of Perth and ilnron Ernt•At
e.u11ti. •. who attended. Of. the 10411 II11 sad
.i,ihlrell who were e>oamine4 (baring.'Mt. (',1111
the day about fifty were hop alta I ail 1h1maM
county. Amt nine 4.1 that*• were Emla t
I eriittrl.
(kslerirll The retort was e. n11WY,'I by l made
Dr. 1) E. Robertson. Chief Surgeon of tertalni
the Hospital for Sick CbiLdr'ea. Toron-
to, Aud•.nwlating phyalelanw. rare. le on rhe,
J. 1t. Forster and G. H. inglloant .p cert by
Stratford. had ebarge of eye. ear: nee Flake!.
and throat eases. The ehildtrett wr ' man.
examined by the physicians. and stelae- 1 flit
1 kralihic 'motel male of the variot
COW, a the parent 1111 be
• Mr. C. Gm c the lose] staff of,
the Royal I.,< ;.one to Norwich
to relieve on r -•: ff of dig brown
at that place f(ur two mon
• • .' 4
Mr. Liar.' - .\ \ ,•tiolwon sad Hr*
Buckman ti •t•Iisbfe
Brockville. arse Visa
of Mr. and M
Io tag a con-
' Dr. Tehyl
upon their fret and stol. _ 'oe,•!I. ,_ it
the ilii•?. That is what ,• • :..N'
today. de tared the wen
make •a sac.,•..
nln•r learn to sIa114I ninon
1:.(e Itf.•'- 1.rold.ats. Jews- 1'1
to fa„• I.e. Its failures a16.
nese. ile did wt and espial ,• •
liondi ion of Camelot was t •
tlui . , • •.,•awn of .Hedy 1
Oen • ' b'h.ly estate into a •• ••r,
tract, for b -tante. and cetyl'' :;e
hardellllel of life. Today the
Lathe alts loading the wosi.: ,ut
oay- ,1 :Iln.hl'w till ore •eels •11
Iter eitiVAOts.'an•l the •i.e..kcl f: -
tug urge) the 11010141. •0 6P in
, Jesus ('treI and leiri, 1.. •til .1 •
1riKhu.nlwnt.+. -
('onflrtmttlan y4('yke
.\t the evening semi.. iffy (Ira.... the
ArehhWlup .of IIItn.0 was pnw•nt to
',reform the rte of atntiemstb.ti.
twenty -tour e:talidates having been
preiarw1 by the rector. Hev. .1. N. 11
Mills, for thio •e'asion.There were n
large number present it. the char'it t•.
witness Oil. Ieautif,d and solemn Is-.
-vivo. For t1.• tett of lc. sermon .ire!
'As :dialling Mahon. Williams ret.'rrid 01 the Irina
fOHune I ,chapter of St Matthew the YGttta veras••
to Imrtur• i -What .'dtail it Itr'efit a auto if 110 gain
• Thi.' the whole auAd,sodimeilla own wnnl'r"
dust.e Our load, be Mad, was focal et
at 12
and 'Harland Tremblay.
Rabbit race. under 10 year►-Bru.e
Rlaimfleld, Arthur Bradley, Benton
Itabhit rare. moiler 13 yearn-Clif-
forl Sturdy. Art Hlttertson, John
lilt>cle race, tw•i,•c• around the
Square, ruder 12 year. - Melville
('rgigle. Audrey Smith. John lineklns.
IR. -vele raft., twice around the
Square. under 16 years -Arnold Doak, t
Earl Mero. BIII Lnmhy.
Special--'Rrd.rrt WILon.
40•yard race. under 6 rears --Reda 1
Costello. Ruhy Wilil.. Mildred Reach.
5(1 -yard race, under R year -Evelyn
Protttw. Evelyn Doak. Verna Plante.
f10 -yard rare. under 10 veers-Mar-
rgar•t Jnmew. Isabelle Brown. Gerald-
ine Sounder:.
75, -yard root.. nnder 12 years -Mary
AttMwlrn. Father I.ee, Marie Le Roehe.
100 -card rate. tinder 15 years-Mttr-
garet Elliott. Marjory Inner Etta
Handkerchief raee. under 14 year.'-
It"Mena St•hram. F. Blomfield. Mar-
jory Lumhy.
Bicycle race, once around ti.e
Square, 14 years -Grace Mason, Mar -
corer Griffith. Madeline Pressor.
er of Mt. and r-. R. Hey..
•sane the bride of Mr WIMnn Stnnrt
Mills. Ann of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel
111111. "t Lorslt•n. nut. The eeremonv
was performed by the rector. Rev: J.
N. H. MIII.'. In the pre.ence of reh-
ires of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. 141111
t •
ill re-Ithe at Montt -mei.
Itiarbmr Notes
The ('onalhaven •trritsl [rete Tolelo
.slay ITltifeldayt aith n cargo of
2.50o ton` of foal for the Western
'abedn Flour MIII•. piv)t. The pack -
me freighter Sault Ste. Marie ani to
sort on Monday with aft' Wig. of .ug-
nr for' lots) dletrihutlon. :u1,1 1, fore
leaning Hoek on a cargo of loot. t••t•tw
of cannel [ash• tt the lawn freight
sheds. The (•atlne'1 g•wwt. were hr.nght
here fritut the P„miui"n ('Anter, fne-
ton at Exeter.
The tug Forrest is preiaring to leave
for ('ell in gwtok► with the drill PeotW
a• fate As ere.1'lser etnelitlllnt ere
Nose• and tae race. tinder 13 year's -
Margaret Elliott. F. Bloomfield. Ieilhl
The (outstanding feature of the due
ware of course. the baseball double-
header at Agriknitnral Park in the af-
ternoon. The games were witnessed In
a large crowd, and the general vended
memo. to be that they were the best'
games ern here .In(. Galerleh went
In *,r Semi -pro tastl.alt exhibitions.'
The Enter Brand. of Buffalo are a '
fact aggregation. but the (adored team 1
from iMtrtlt showed up still )tetter'
and put such "peps' him their play
that they won the nnmi..u,kal•le favor
of the crowd. They Wiin (kohl game,.
and wvon. them on their merits. But
both team, were grow.:Ir11 there mer"
sone apeetn •nlar plays on both side.
which rooted the crowd to enthusiastic
a i iislA 1t.e.
Atter two acorele,. Inning. in the
first galls. the Kasper 1trnitd. got the
ehre m1 their "pglunen1, by get ring a
man around 1n the third frame. 1r.
their half nt the fourth innings the•
'Walter. and Bellmen event tithe wore.
int the F:a-ter Braids came hack with
one mere In the fifth. in their ll!`
of the fifth 11,e Plate men got the
lases full with nobody out and
they wire retire) they hall tent's] fair
onus in this litanies 'Hughey smoothed'
out a home rim. wending the boll over
to the rare track. There was no more
. scoring in till• galore. which ended 5-2
in favor of the men from Detroit,
in the se'md game W. and 11. stori-
ed the scoring in the fourth inning.
And were never headed. the game end.
tag (L2 In their favor. Two more home
nms, both hr mends -rt. of the •adoral
team. were among the wrww'taenlar fel-
farmy. of this Rami.
The umpire, for both gaol,. acre
W. 11. Legg. of linden, at ale plate.
and .I 1;ray. of 1Anden, nn !aces.
Other Events
4Itber events of the afternoon were a
lode vault. a three-mile road rale and
w tngot-war. These were all carried
out ,rni -. folly.
The pole vault was won by Victor
(Continned on page S)
favorable. '
511dqe have beet. elate) on the loath-
ing )araeh for the children and the ver-
andah at.elle w•1•-' cud of the 1'P.11.
freight ,toed. Is •,•ady. There were a
Neve number of bather/4 er. at the lake-
side on 1k.mini0n 1'ay.
The Intl; rectors on the aolth pier
job will he through) with their contract
In about n week .•r ten day.. A num-
ber of mash are of n•iunk making repairs
to the Wooden strlw(l,re of the w.,nth
14.'t Jttst weal of ahem the t-nlerete
work 14 under way.
Mr. And Mr.. 11 R. Johnston and
children. of Eteles. spw•nt **Prod dao14
vlslting Mrs. Johnston's parents, Mr.
lint) Mr- it. 4'lnrk. On their re-
turn on Weitne..kty they were nevem-
ponied by 1111w Evelyn ('hark and
Miss Margaret Wilson ss far a, 'Lon-
don. wheos they spent the dry.
, F.
ale. A. I.. Maxwell. Robt Jobpaton
and Filed Must, took part in a rinks
Innrnnmettt at Cheiley on Monday. but
none of them figured among the prize-
Next Wednesday afternoon
erieh Alb *111 hold another
all• ,:Hol -
ipso rink.
touruano•nt. flay a•i11 e. nutsen.•e at
1.:0' "'clack xud there will be fonr
game.. of entinatoms piny for tour. seta
of prize*
St George', Attgl14111. ehnrelt 54.11* i
the setas of a pretty wedding "tt Satur-
day. .Ione 211th. at 9 o'clock, when
Elizabeth Naomi. youngest daughter
of Mr. and MIs Thoma. Sowerl.y,
Galerh-h 0iwushll.. was united in
marriage• to Parvid leswald. eee'nd son
and Mrs. N..1. Sitter. of Thd-
ford, Ont. Rev. .1. 11. N. Mi1M. rector
of St. George's church. lwrtortned the
eerem0ny. The bride was bev•naingly
attired in a sleeveless peach georgette
gown with ianatratting satin trfmndngs
and wore hat and shoes of harmoniz-
ing tints. She earriel a beautiful bou-
quet of Ophelta rows and milidvnbnir
fern. The bride was the recipient of
many beautiful preesentw. Mr. and Sirs.
Sitter left by motor on a trip to 1N-
troit, where the honeymoon will be
spent. the bride travelling in a eltesa
of 'Fretted] blue georgette with navy
bnadcloth .sat. un their return they
will Iw'Ul 1 • to their frteuda after
Jul. _'0th at Tlledforl, (Int,
l\'ii.i,1AM CAMI•REL1.,
G,elerioh'a (;r1n,l told Mon.
Mr. William 1•ampttel. n'h" aa.
learn .Inly 1st• 11434. Syn, op
town with the crowd en II..nrinion
Ilay And re. el yell ii tt grritnlailona ..n
all hands on having reached hit. nine-
ty-fifth birthQay. Mr Compere k• atilt
vlgttroua of tided and Ismer and the
whole town wishes hits "alai} 1i tppy
Palmer -Aunt
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized Stitnnlny afternoon. June 211. at
the home of Rey. and Mrs. W. T. Built
of Galterirh. when their daughter. ,Tex -
de Gertrude, was given in marriage
to (hiffortl~Adana, sun of Mr. and Mrs.
Thoraco S. Palmer of ilahaws. The
bride entered the room on the Arm of
her brother, Mr. Gordan Runt. of
4)shawa, to the retrain, of the wel-
ding march rendered by Miss Esther
Bunt. sister of the bride. Rev. W. T.
1!ttrt. father of the -bride. perforated
the ceremony. The bridal ;,arty ,t.s,d
ender an arch of gold and white em-
banked with palms and ferns, Tae
bride was dre.,el to n charming ....-
num omea'uhle of Avory French ental•
trammel with Persian ctirh.l ell1 with
ill Attractive pletnre hat. kid AMPS,.
44.e And glove's. to nate!. She carried
lovely Iongntt of roes nnd, Illy of
he -cat %ley. MIs. Ruth Bunt, of (:alct
1. II. .Isl.r of the bride. noted o.
'ridewnlaid, wearing a heanling gown
1 green georgette and beige with hat
mate!. and eTirr•ing n hrtngm4 of
satetleart. rues. Mr. Harry lee Imer.
f 4)thnwn, brother of the gr.som, Act•
-.1 A. heat man and Mb.. Marian Pal-
mer. me* of the groan. [Unite A poet-
, tittle flower girl In M•r attractive
;.•sen of deeps peach crepe noel cart-
ing it pretty hnwket of mixed floater.
:after the terfnoay a dainty buffet
tllttette.al w'As .elh'e1I At wall/•! Sire.
\\'m. Smart. of Toronto. and 'Slim
Flom -nee linnt. sk.ter o1 the bridle,
rtrP.'hbd. The tall.) And Innt•heon
room were dt'eorwtel With pink and
1 white garden Lt.woms. After the rP-
ceit{nn the happy couple lett for New
. York ('Ity and other platast. the bride
travelling In a .mart bhek tailored
atilt and small het tf hied: and white.
Mbe worn w hw•tintlfnl eAlver fox for,
the gift of the grwtm 1 toot their re-
turn the '•nealy•arsh." will reside a1
I Mia woe, Ont_
Diek end Or. and 'Mrs. Davies„ of
Windenr. were \fattens the last week
at the 1)0104 of Mrs .las. Hamilton.
• • •
Mbar Evelyn Clark. aha has been
tetehing the last year in C. S. S. No.
13, Ilnr. Mee t..en engngel to teach in
the ('entralln *rind the coming term.
• • •
Mr. amt Mrs. Fetter, slim Retry and
Master Edward Platter and Nine Har-
wood. of 11eIMIt, are arnpying a rot-
tagteat 1. ghthonse Mint for the sum-
• • •
Pr. W.• -!i- Ro141 and Mrs. Read
have aerie., from Detroit and with
their ehildr.. will occupy theft home
lot St. Geerg, s engem,t for the sem-
• •. •
111-. F'. %%hien. of London. Eng -1
lamb and at -- P. (le Reeder. sof in-
dlanapolis, 1,1d, are the ghee:* or air.
and Mr. G.-' 119111amw. St. Vincent
!Mr. •toll air+. ltnl.Prt .t..ln1•ton and
daughter Myrtle and Mr and Mrs.
};. ('. Robert -Ai and daughter Kath-
leen ha_ don tnjorable trip to Niagara
Falls over the holiday.
• • •
•,.• •
The a1i•.e- Mand. Margaret and
.meet.. Gtili"w. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Galles. and •••u, of Toronto. were the
muter. of ht W. F. and Mrs. Galina
"n Snud:n . ' I Monday.
• • •
Mr. 11. 1' Strang. o1 Ter,',to, 1.
belting nt home of hl. mother.
111.' nephela. led'Hewson. of Newmar-
ket. actvnnp: .Iva him to town and will
.pend Itis 1,. i :ala het..
Sir,. .4
Young itoi \!.
rent... are -
at da it 141 , Point. Mr. Mat'Vlenr nn1
Mr. •Erne•' 1 torr spent the acek-aril
• • •
Ma4-Viear, 111es Lily
w Petty :comig. ot. To-
Merlug Ili their cottage
• • •
11r tool 41 MarryTuffnrdsant -1 if-
dr•n. of '1'„I . r.. spent the week -end
and holiday •. 'h Mr. Tuff"rd'' parent.
here. They •(' recently remeived 10
Toronto fro New• York City. where
.they had '1 fon some rl•ar.
1141111•44. of the 11.,est(on. The atferatton (of afroham. . ('he• •ter .110hu-ton. Mc Mud ND..
the Deno,.Deno,. of 'fib eeinrtbnMty to rel. (;riffith. air. and Mr•. Jelinolin (:rte
M•. \h' A
, poetfnllt drtnn se to thearticles, and Mrs. FMnrr.'st ('dsererr. M1(r. ari11111. l Mr- Genrd til-miasnrt
eerneat enndd•'ratIOtt hs asked of Mel Batter. Miss TAda Church. Mb. Mar- rase token
1 at0hnwalJeeek. they will present from week) IAret Griffith, Mrs. rite% , Clarke. leton Peres
Miw, iwtler. inhnston. Mier Maty John- v.II; ls%.•
. -• tttMlt' g .
this district. and ate•.. -r �. pt d'rof'
and C. K. S+:under- aa.i+'el in trate-
porting the children and their p.tr•nts'
to Stratford.
A 'pretty June gelding w'aw held
en Friday. JUMP 214th. at 4 o'clock: at
11.• home of the brol.•'s putlents. Nee
and air-. Edwhi R. Ilintee, corner of
Net -tai. and .11bl•rt .Haat*.. eslerleh.
nth.•. their elde.:t ditughler. Miss Lulu "itmllit
Mae Horts'y. an, united in tnnirltige Is•antifnl
In Mr. Julius 41 Lowe. -ea et Mrs. Me- pres•ute.'
nn IA.we. Itf 1k•tn.It. The cer.•mony Mvtin Er
was Iterfnrnetl by Re 1'. F. Clarke. wondered
visitor of North inner United church. , thio
The w'Inw.tne bride lurked lovely fn
while satin ,Irak,. with tong titrla
shirred iwell.e. with Icing points 111
t.A-k emelolug the heels. of her aide
satin pomp, Witt. rhinestone buckles.
Anel hose to match. • She carrle.l a
templet (of Brit•n•Iiffe news and My-
er -the -valley. The bride entered the
parlor on the arm of her father to
the statins of the welding iml ret.
phtyel by Miss Ruby Carter. ph•ni.t.
at .\Iibllrll. The bride NMI groom ares)
under an aryl) banked with fens. tool
flowers with a large white welling
bell stleptenderl from the centre. The
bride w'a. attended by her sister. Mos-
i orothy Ifonl.•y. who was attired fu
a "peach taffeta dress with tight fit
lag Isslite. trimmed with shirred
tulle. longer at the bark. with how• to
notch. and !lock patent pnmde. sold
Carrie) a is'ngn4t of pink ea rim tlone
and fern.. The grinm *•n, eetlende,l I..
Mr. Thiele] 010er. of Detroit. Dainty
Misr. Fdrirun Julurstou was flower
1 girl, dressed In white .•.rem d•'
chine. 1rItnine•�1 with I.'•l.•It :111,1
greet) rilden.*h!r" Lose and block •111.
peri. She carried a (there alley betn
kat of roses. Illy -of -the -valley, •w..••
1 pwea* and hahv hsl►ath. The arid.
grront'.. gift to the LMde wit. a Id rel
• nloritco travelling hag: to the bride••
maid a e"mtfn;ton %triug of crtr':1i
aril Teen rh Trends; to the gr....It.•noni :,
• !1114 111,1: to the flower girt a ei_i,.•'
1 t'4
1 (e err h a ". .ata, •_ � h� ••- r n (• ptosaent
ing hupnw-len to all.
Tlie f„nrth afternM..al will has dev,.t way eat leadin/. There ser.• onl. 15',
ed to the .•hihheep. when Herb l'Arl"r. `say' of IlsIng 1u flies w'urhl•--yIN'e bn 114,1f•,
tomos. tllatnidy-Dltmpt1' (105511. ' will. list for yourself der yon n v '
islet' hill sway nn ler the lig ) town 1:.a1 - yon may lice for th. Hose.
('tntadlan Chantangm, tent Flerb Tay y0ll %nay lige for Ilii' w,nl: The doi11
Mr r• a prime of ail entertainer for ••f Gu,lr. wail would alarny• hoar ' 1
the )'.mttater, 11i' toogrnm i• ni•a, right of any. Falch,p•rson nowt decide
clean. [tool). wholesome and uunstinl , for Mint. if whether he 1= to el/.wt
1it Is ;a 5v',1ri1uqul.t, Juggler And matt letter or the worse.
iciatt. A. evil as tete 'ever -tend,- .dean 11'urk i• 11 gr•:at ,r'-,'r1r•r
'ynfhl " m1t• o-nt'i i1
Ir1'fnntnasiarae 11rlttf.n,1114 1111 Is• 1 I t I
tle•foarth night Icy 11,'
Wan player', of Parkin. 'Phis
1.107 blow literally arae•
a. tbHlling lore-Intere,'.
,.\, ' :e%eter'.411.1 thitte Al a
111: '1:' menet qu011ta that .(•r, i,
a1,,,1' ••':•tPget?7 of it. oa•n.'.
d'.I;r bey NPlrn'Ikto.t%. well
kn•,.; '\, ,dl:ro antler, .alitor :ae,
41(dfkir his pope .:
-Ir,':,Iieudl !.•''111M '•('Itttadl+r
,,I. I'1.• tilt i, afternoon. '.
1'bo .1....-•,i. Jublle• Siug1•r. 5%511
bring the I!r"' Chaulnugn;l 1.. ;t rbu.
w nth 'herr d;rant Joy Night Concrr'
col rbeJa-; night. These' negro singer,
are :n!ur r;.h y fitted tenii••r•tneetall
to to:erlact the negro spiritual. Mid
n.lhcku,g 1trk7 nwl.alle't %%Weli Ar•
puse'um.! epi their progrnnw 1.fll1.
ti 44 ti rl.f'. Versatile nine..•tir-01.1
iv,Itnv! 'eq entertainer. is featured
The J.,. teen: Singers will sir., Itpryenr
ort )lee lace ttftern(wtn. prt.•elilrg
lilt: I'. • ' lecture.
alis I,iu lC�ehlon I;ngag•'d
'1',, •••heel Iwtard n'1• '-1: Ili
I - nud again on
.'11•r,i;l_ . on/Oiled the no, of on.
-...i1:. ' . ,toff of te•:I,•hl•r- for !In.
...:1 I - •• ,' 111s• Loire.. \t,',-- 11. "1
14115 eftgltael alt a solar5 '
f sew., •IMeeir Mies Hamilton a• .11p'i11tISIBrP ‘..\•11.1,1.\\Is
1;,.-1.. • _I••. iy. tool Sr. If. elnree.•
----- T ... -- _.----
bony .1115 flt.'11Ity trial is nut put
Ito' 111 Iit11• t,i,,,ii.M 44114. .11.•, 1- I,•
bw'Ittllty. [laid the wtul.'thr bluer earl "(
nein. must ha %t• exeren,r' The mall
Who ark• hi• own s111 h the tot•.»•
' una•Ifish now. for. he carrot anve t.1.
1, Ntith a large milder
ars of Goderleh The
,1e,. this week the pith -
ire 2) of a Buy-a•t•Hotne
!Wattles,. (:ulde. Tide
t.. pre.Pnt t" the pee -
Pie of this. 1•, „1 Dud district the el afuw
of the hem. rtwrchatt to their tot -
remise In 1• ,•fcrenee to mail-nrtle•r
honey. and • er out-of-town 'motet -to
that do not) g towardt ba11ding tit
tit• enmmnl.f' . Emelt week there all
ring. and to the pitintat se • enq•a• • TI e.
!rids', mother woos n *tress of 1.:a. k
satin with coral trimming.... alta n.
.•"swage o[ swaet nese and. lily -of -the
s-alll•r. The groom's mother wa- g• �5li
el in brown satin. tritium.] with trv'nni
ht i' with a eer.age of imaet male a e
Illy -of -the -valley. .after the ceremony
A buffet hunches wns sensed to. heti
guests. Mr. and Mr.. Lowe left citta
Ater lunt•hen on •I mirth's honey
Hoon' 1". Yelltwstine National Para..
\fyoming. the bride travailing in a
hien,• et1.44m11b•, With Ital. Mee and
Aiwa to match. 4)n their return tete%
will redone in Detroit. Tio• "nt-.it•
roan gn.•t.' were Mr Men , bre•.
Alive Lowe. Mr. 1•ati f ')liter.
Mis. Ella Homey. Mr. and air- 1b1g1,
Mc(:I".kin. all of 1N'trolt : \1 r- .1. T
Wallace. of ('owan, Teuul•.•e • air
' and Mrs. P. Hamilton. \tr at.•!
Mrs•. Gorden Tarter. air •, Mr-
.' Yoe ('arter. alas, \'dols Ilnntil ,•,,. \lie:
limn Hamilton. MIs. Brie 1';trrer. ,Ilei
of Anbnni air. and Mr. 1t. 1U'Alll
of pnouenet 1n mnnts'tt(m worm tree ter. 111s. Evelyn Ili•Allister, of a;.44.,
arae! loanship The town gut -to mer.• . 4
.q W. �PI•"II Iltla
rs' experience ns a teach soul without healing these nie•nr 11
.1 bud alwruf otic- lon,.irwi If men will pot into 1•t•a. t1 ' a!' the,
fo. this 1.tMtlou know about .le• -u, !b•. will Is• •',I,.•
• r- of I11•t sear i,15 111 like Into Pr/1411414 1.111: ' e •'r-•. I
.9v1 .•t1,•,I 11,4,.4 1 .1,1, 41011.'rl•11• for111 I. 1111' _,•"ti ,- I ..
• t't t. the to,. •, • in thr"ugh'whied. , 1,11:1, o
,i a1:- Nolo•.•• , \I - •10111 will area a- 11 i• _ •
\, 1 !II s1l'Arr% , 1',llowing ore tale n:1n•
\11-. 11 Hartwell, wl,•. air' li,l'.tos •it a,iltll' arc. • ,
Victoria s1 h..„1 \I... - ,i he tlsel'ed •.tet 1', 1 ' 41 10.
1. 1!• win take. Illy \• . 1' g..,tt' .4,+o. at•len:lld. \I.,.. \I • • ne
on the Coo tri' -• 1 1 I':rt-•,n+ Norte! l.1,. 1' - %I , 1 .,%-
r. ,t•ilr. t',t0, .\rnlrey I , •• \\ . ' \I • .,n
51: f ra•I'w' wen• 'pl:l...; ••' .t 1'I:t'•., 1\'fllf.tn. • I; \t t'..: l.ltr-
,et•I1er.'. en in panrri,"n \I,1_a,,, \ i .• Itrad-
\ a,..• • a64Isteseal Pitt, o,wet i,._ • , It 111•3 111'4ie1 1..,,. - 4 "I r.- • t:rare
heir,.1 • (each w•batl to 4.11 - , \I \I •Nall. It:1%ltt tt I F••leisn) lits-
.ilppt. • ,•r for net longer treat- •• 11,•ri1'rt 11a•r2• 1111.10.. 1'harlew
h.)", !Ie. , , 1' onse. John lactortl't il'Hon
I', heo• •'1. tl,ael4t .Intek.
• i • \\ I1 t,wlie Wel.
11, 1- . 1'a-.otl 114.
week If relnirv!
e', pal t.. sIslt not! - -
r come of the s...! •
t+,mmittoo 14 -
re .p erlflintiene
!'..r elecoratititt
- all ('repeal ••..'
,•rat of $.4r. -.Aa, 4
tgoleted ht \•:go-•• 1:0it
herd 'IYM $toy,).• :t 111ec
np1ef1•il an Mahlr,;.ly „r
l ItHeh, i.1,1?. abi•--. ;1f
and (l o', -10,k 41,1,t,11 -
II •
\I \. , 1 1 ....el I'ar.ons.
\Ir Malone; \1.
1.., , \\ tot lt:tinr••. Mt.
\• . I• It „f Is..t.,,i,
f'1 c ' • , •-. 1,1 re ,.n - Ititine 1ht•:tling"
iMre•forr. nr: trtlele presenting some Mr. and Mr.. henry Ilontey. Mr load ler4t.ti Icier og. .Taly tett!, at v 0.tak.
air •
kntan •h:,
♦•her frau.
i emit, 'Mr. Reg. artier: anal ail. 1.
-• Nnrmwl•4- f1 tete•
ming hlan. temhis,rnn1n nh-
•,t u, orders for ht- made,
M.. of mets 7 (%thing w• it
Ili, behalf by Btu $tai.•
tailor, Meet stored. alto
.*tmplete tine it *ample,
•ra,nally take measures.
.1 gr. 1,d keruti-• under the ntw•id.a'.
or !tt 1'.•ter',t clttn ti will 1* held In
the skilhur retie. on weakteselay seal
Thltln4nt5 aflene"'1 - i1.1 ey.•li,,tarr.
July lith ati,l lath. It:ttcing aitl take.
plate In the Preening Supper will he
se/red Maar $ 1o'9 o'cte't.
' Ir