HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-27, Page 8THE SIGNAL, Dominion Day IN Goderich Monday, July 1st, 1929 Big All -Day Programme Parade from Victoria Park starting at 9.30 a.m. -Prizes as follows - Decorated Automobiles: lst, $10.00; 2nd, $6.00: 3rd, $4 00 Floats: 1st. $10.00; 2nd, $6.00; 3rd, $4.00 ' • Calithumpians: 1st, $5.00; 2nd. $3.00; 3rd, $2.00 Decorated Bicycles: 1st, $4.00; 2nd, $3.00; 3rd, $2.00,; 4th, $1.00 '1'i 1 onrotittet may award s u ia1 prizes for features in the parade loot entered itl ally If the- Nbnve elas.e- Children's Sports on the Square Immediately after the parade BOYS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 40 -yard race. under 6 years $ .25 15 10 .10 50 -yard race. under 8 years . . .25 .15 10 .10 '60 -yard race. under 10 years .30 .25 .15 75,yard race, under 12 years .50 .35 .25 100-yatd race, under 15 years . .75 .50 .25 Sack race, under 15 years... .75 .50 .25 F.choir hie'' I•rinl• a small s. •k -a lare.',nne te'ill not he allowed) . Jockey race. under 15 years .80 .60 .40 Rabbit race. under 10 years... 25 .15 10 Rabbit race, under 13 years..:. 25 .15 .10 Bicycle race, twice around the Sclare, _.t 12 years and under ... 75 .50 .25 Bicycle race. twice around the Square, 16 years and under.. 75 .50 25 GIRLS 40 -yard race, under 6 years .. S 25 .15 .10 .14 50 -yard race, under 8 years 25 .15 .10 10 60 -yard race, under 10 years . .30 .25 .15 75 -yard race, under 10 years.. .50 .35 .25 100 -yard race, under 15 years .75 .50 .25 Handkerchief race, under 14 years 25 .15 .10 Handkerchief race, under 8 years .25 .15 .10 'Each ent1re•ra1t i- to briny; an ordinary handkerchief) Nose and Toe race, under 13 years .30 .25 , .20 Bicycle race, under 14 years, once around the Square .75 .50 .25 • Event. may be conceit(' l. or crass events added, a• committee may deckle. ) Horseshoe -pitching Contest at Victoria Park 10 a. m.- Doubles 7 p. m. -Singles Suitable prizes for these events are offerer! by Dr. J. A. Graham, Mr. D. M. 0 Brien and MayMacEwan. Open to all. Afternoon Program at Agricultural Park commenting at 1.30 o'clock POLE VAULT lst prize, gold medal; 2nd •prize, silver medal. THREE-MILE MARATHON ---For Silver Cup to be held for one year. Winner to receive miniature cup, also silver medal. 2hd prize, bronze medal. These events open to the County of Huron TUG-OF-WAR COMPETITION for Silver Trophy donate,' by the Hurot li i 1: - Aspoeiath•e, of Toronto 14:14,- of ..•Ven men front any tioilo..pality iti Huron Coutlty may eoitprte. 4 11, to be h. 1.1 l,y winning t.at.. for one year Winning team to receive $3 a man; Znd team, 82 a man; 3rd and 4th teams, 81 a man. BASEBALL DOUBLEHEADER Easter Brands, of Buffalo 'IA NII'I( F \I \\ Y(lIK \IF..\\li(l\T.\l;l' ---vs Michigan's Champion Colored Team, of Detroit for a purse of $750 First game called at 2 o'clock 1 hi, will be the b• -t ria-- „f ball to he -o. n 111 W. -tort Ontario thio reason Admission to Park Adults 50c, Children 25c Orthophouic Concerts on the Square Frei, i I i nn ft. I It , ate' frntu ., ho.T i• 1,, Pick -'em -up Contest at 7 p. m. -EVENING BAN VENINGBAND CONCERT ON THE SQUARE H. J. A. MacEWAN, S. D. CROFT, Chairman of Crmmitte. Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING! XXX rAnrrtt/rr>r'kt C rW►a/rxx'efv XXXdhNYsrls GODERICH, ONT. 'OBITUARY RJDV. JtlS• 1)DACON Rev, JOaeph ikaetl, a retired Me• thither t Juleur „ell, kuowu to Goiter H IT, died oil Monaay• June ltkh, at hlr hose 1a RWgeh••ca•' in his eighty-eec- 13 flexr CI N11(s horn 111 1.ou• dun, England, e. aliag w l'a11ada with his parents at '!ie age of ten year: Ile was ordained as at minister at 'l'o- rvutu in 1874 u: ,. •; 1rtug 11 lung min- istry held sarlor ',argot i11 Weewtern ()uteric. •He !o t..I by his wife. formerly Was 1 lett*, of Galer- ic8, and one , .-''tt•r by a former utarringe, Mrs. o r Diller, of loon- crepe, with a long vett of Brussels net doss, 44nt. The . •al took plate at and lacy. ,-aught aith orange hioainitne. Loudon on Them .: fruit' the t1ome of She ,vrried a shower bouyu t of yellow M r. Henry Hai . brother -ht -law of orchids and sweNfTieas ',score the the deceased, wi• •erweut In Mount elf, .1 the grainy. a rope f, piearls. • Pleasant ismer*• The funeral ser- The bridestualds. were •Mlas` IlertIW ties were coati: be Rev. J.- E. J. Fleming of Wlndaor, and Miro 011 Milliard and th, :hearers were six .ellen. of Golerich, who wore frocks of lergytnen. green moire with hats 5114 shoes to match. and carried 1lphelta roses and MRS. 11 I I IIE:A'p;LL orehkt sweet peas. Mrs. Headlee ..f New York. (sister of the bride, was matron The Budden d• Niro. R. 11: Re- 1 ..f honor and was in peach lace with 0111 'ear. „. Mlkbell-Galt A pretty June wedding took place in Knox church on Saturday. June 22ud, at 3 o'clock. when Helen Marlon, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Galt, of Goderieh, became the bride of Douglas .Armstrong Mitchell, of Stratford. win of Mrs. Mitchell find the late John Mitchell, of Guelph. The cervu0uy was performed by ltev. R. C. McDermid. Mr. D. D. Major ea,: et tine ,rga1,. The church was beautifully decorated with peonies and .yringa, Slid the guest pews were marked with bu,uIits of while parades. The bride, who was given 1n mar- riage by her father. looked charming in her wedding costume of egtddaell veil, which ueet. - 1;alerlch towusli shock not only • to many friends by whom the d, i11 high regard. t: in her sixty -thin • havl11g prevlou-', She was born at 11 service took plc home In Goderl• • ouducted by Re 1Ilyth. In the „ • ah1)ermid, min - at the General t Iearers were 11. It. J. Megaw, 11. .l y. Ed. Sowerb; The remains tr✓t\ Retro! . where adf- dace from the x' V. Blaln, broth, se yell, and the Ito • Elmwood *sent. 1►etrolt were a' X .Adams, Mr. It, • tt,> \V,odstock, and XI'earee, and f. Mich.• and Mr.:. x ..t Walkervllle, era 1, and three Lam and A. (;r ter. Miss Alice rX Ind.. and ano' f1 t ; ra c. of ('Mora. x at her botue in hat and shoe* of the same allude. ant June Sth.' ons a carried a bouquet of c)I t,'i 8 roses and •• e household but ' orchid sweet peas. The lest man was gown and county. Mr. John R. Mitchell, of Guelph. tiro- -• 1 lady was meld Cher of the groom. The ushers were ltetell, who was col. .A. Ae' Ileaeo11, M.C.. of Strstf,rd.l .r: had been a re- and Lient.-Col. W. K. Ball. ..f Woo.14:434 vitt Awe Prat • 'stock. ed at Detroit. .\ r•ceptio11 was. afterwards held at ;ton. The huteral the Intoe of the bride's parents. Nel- tnue loth at- the sou street, which was decorated Milli .itnshili sod w'as pink roses and Iridal wreath. The t W. Goodwill ,of bride revived with her attendants tool of !Gov. It, 4', tin. sod Mrs. Galt and airs. Mitchell. , h'�Itox church, The bride's mother was lti dark bin,• . >. T1s 14111- g1Yergette trimmed with hiese. and the J A[acKay. gra.n,'s mother wore a ;tow!' of grey privilege at the baudstaud on the Square was referred to the cemetery and larks committee. It was stated that Wilfred floggerch would like to get the isms snlou. This concluded the buslitsca of the weetiug. GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER Tuesday. July 2. -Auction rile 110 terve of standing bay, property Wm. Meeerthy, lot 3, commis/eon Arhtleld. Wednesday, July 3.-Auctlou wire of 32 acres of barley and 11) acres of mixed hay. property of Robert God, seluttrifitt11�s{ �f put , concession 13. Mait- land, . Frhley, Jet, , d.-)4ale of 195 acres 'of at d1negg,'1K foe Ed. Dalton at his taeltingsrldge. . •Tu y, July 9.-Auctloss sole of aleT;ut feel -acres of (sta114Htig I1/a3. b3. Jos. 1' Ihult n, Kltgsbridge. of of 6, UDEN a1.4RTIN-4)u Jour 17th, at Alezatdra Hospital. Goderlch. to lar. end Mrs. Martin, of (ioderlch, a daughter 'Clara Jane). LOST AND FOUND lll'N1). - A LADY'S 4;4)1.1) WAT4'11. on the grounds of the United church. fort Alpert, on the evening of the garden party 'on June 21st. -Apply to .ANDREW MARTIN Kingsbridge. prone ,claim and pry for TO RINT ROOMS TO RENT. FOR FARM1 . 1.ARS apply at 81G.VAIL OanlicE. Til 1t1'JNT.-STORE SUITAR'LE F4 PIC •a grocery or office. Immediate Dos - 'carton given. Apply to 011AS. K SAI'ND RS, Goderlch. TENDERS WANTED B1:7/'DING 1'4.0It SALE BY 11. 111.)1t. Tenders addressed to the under- signed will be received by the Town ('ouncll up to July 1st, 1929, for the building un the %%dean lot, 108 H. A., on Wilson street. The building was formerly ocettyie,l as a d *Ming and has been var-nnt some ti amount of being par ,•` ly destroyed by are. Buildlug and all material to he r.• moved at once and ground* left c., and in goose order. No offer neseswarily accepted I.. 1.. KN4)R, Town Clerk G,s1er- PUBLIC NOTICE Roo►TIi PRIVILEGES FOR DOMIN- 1ON DAY. .\ppllcations for booths privileges on 1tntoluton Day at Agrk'nitora4 Park! or on the $quer. should be Minded at once to I.. t.. K\Y►N. Chairman Ceti - cessions Committer, at the Town Hall. this n.l \};SF.TI'N(: "PARK I'ROl'l»rpt In OWNERS. • FOR SALE I lop, Fred t3tiu• lace' Ft 411 S.ALE:. laal E'iItS'I'-CI.ASS Reg. Johrtltur- Many telegranee of congratulation a Canlifluwer plants. .I.AME$ LAY - n. i. conveyed to and good washes receive.' hy,the bride ERY, El•lon street. funeral tookand groom were read by Rev. R. 4'. o .• ..f Mr. A. M, 11.•rmld. after which a nuutls'r • ( lit SALE.--SH.A'ER 111'14. BU('K- t i Th toast t the �, WHEAT. R. J. GLEN. R.R. No. 41. Gcslerich. Telephone Gcalerlch Ru - rat 16r14. 1 ..f Un. Re- toasts were proposed. e oat o was made in brlde. proposed by Her. R. C. McDer- 17,• eeervlees itt add. brought a happy response from "...1 I. Iter. Dr. the gros.m, snit that to the brides- I.Keith. of maids. proposed by the groom. was responded to by the best man. The oi_I,t.•r. Mr.. Roy :room. Id. mother and the hridps •. ref 4'oluntt.11K i,;trento were honored in a toast pro - \Ira. Frei Cooper. iase,l by the groomsman, Mr. Celt !ere for the fent- r.•sIsm.li11g. ' •her-. John. Wit- Later Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell left •f 14etr,lt. .A tis -i by motor for New fork. the bri.le . of Ilnntington.I-travelling in a grey tweed ensemble l.rotber. Robert with bine hat and slues. 413 their re- ,lso 'survive. turn they w111 reside in Stratford. The out -4d -town guests Included air. and Mrs. T. P. Galt. Mrs. Frank Kort - right. Mr. and Mrs. Luke, MrsMe- Millan. Mrs. !;arrow. Mr. James Gar - row. Miss E. ,Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. H. RoSe, Mlsw E.Rose, Miss ttelen Kidd, Mr. Terence Kidd. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell. Mise Louise (',oke. of To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. ('..Ulan. Mr. and Mrs. D. Crowe, Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Raker. Mr. S. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Dunbar. Mr. A. Dunbar. Mn. J. .1. Drew. Major George Drew. Mise E. Drew. Miss 0. Robert... Mr. K. Wal- ker. Mr. Geen of Guelph :Judge and Mrs J. 1.. Killoran. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Mac- pherson. ac- phers on. Mr. Spencer Macpherson. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Strudley, Lt. -Col. and Mrs. Trow, Col. Deacon and Mrs. Del- eon, Stratford; 'Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers, of Detroit; Mrs. Wilson. Mims 011041e Wilson. Dr. and Mrs. Iran Wil- son. Mr. and Mrs. 11 .4. ltayley. Mr►. A. Beeeher, of London; Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Ball. of AVosslno k : Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Strlckler. of New- York Mr. and Mrs. Ball, Col. Hatch, Col. W. K. Bali. Mr. Raise Ball, ,,f W4awl- stnck. I'rint to the wedding a number of miscellaneous shower were given 1n X JH (ILDREN'• , 1.1 11 HOUSE. X Iih4and Ship Chlidcen's Hewfquwrte•r•s KIsan Old Ftnilt-Trade Clipper. After fifty year,' aetise service In the fruit trade, an old clipper has been fitted up as a children's club house. Moored eff Charing Cross pier on the Thamea. the Aid ship has been fitted for lectures and entertain - 1 ments, and should prove one of the most delightful meeting places for children in the world. says an Old Country paper. It is the headquar- ters of the Friend Ship Children's Or- ganization, which has been formed to promote friendship between young fwwtpta ni allfdNs�� atad taw t0 aid , fn maintaiT.a$ptt t15e pear. of the ilI world. A some' - at similar idea is behind the varto .- movements tor encourag- ' ing young -eery of different nasions to X'correspond with one another and to 0 spend holidays abroad. The school - boys' Empire and round -the -world I tours is another development of the same kind. NIAGARA St-I'ER-SOLI'IciLE LAND lime; also high-grade fertilisers altcays In stock. Prompt delivery Norrie* when required. 11. R. BAER. It.R. No. 5, Goderleh, Ont. Telephone • honor of the bride. .Ancient Viking Padlock. SiDEW.ALKS ASKED FOR X What is believed to be a padlock Xused by the ancient Viking was r.-- XGently found during excavations in what used to be the city ditch, at 9t. Bartholomew's Hospital. London, England. The lock, 6'4 inches long is of the type known as the "barrel" lock. It I was in eohamon use among the Ro- tnans, though the principle must have come from Egypt and rho East This .':ample Is thought to he early Norman or of the Danish period. The movable end of the barrel has ,.veral attachments rather 11ke the rihs of a partly open umbrella Inside. It ran be pulled off only when a 157 ' pushed to compresses the elba. (Continued from page 1) Essex mad Lighthonae street Lesley to Norfolk. ()OOP?. street---Wate•rloe to ton. Trafalgar street - Cnmbr torte. " Elgin avent►e-Waterloo i Ireland's Farmyard (bins. All acc.•.•d forms of coin are brokenptdown by the new d.stgaah Isi Free State rnlnagP. ileing an agricultural country, It was decided to symbolise her main industry, and on the half-crown there Is a horse; on the shilling. a bull; • the atIpenee, a wolfhound; the threes pcnn3'-plr•tei, :, hare; the penny, a hen with checks; the halfpenny, a sow w-Ith Utter; ltd the farthing, a wood- work. An Irish harp figures on the re- v,•rse aide of the coins. which were d.411gnt•4 be a Yorkshireman. Why 'Seto(" Silk. "Shot" silk Is so called because thread .f one color In the web U shuttl••d, or •hot, through warp of another •color. This gives the etteet of different calors being visible from different angles Cities With 100,000 'Phones. xThirty •one Titles In the world have more than 1(.0.000 telephones. Lon - X don is eke only city IA the British Dc tales among them. x IA4NVON'S CHURCH BEAUTIFUL. 'X! The Moat ()mete Church In London HIs St. tIichsel's. ('ornhlll. What Is considered the most or- nate aburch in London is St. Mi- chael's, Cornhlll, re -erected by ('hrls- 1 lopher Wren In 1672. ltinoratlon was entrusted in the middle .4)i the last century to Sir Gil- bert Scot, who designed the Albert Memorial. He was given a free hand, 11 tetrardless of .•:pen's*, and AP a result something of the somewhat flamboy- ant style 0f treatment which char- acterlses tha much-discussed monu- ment Nev.•rthsless, though erltles May sneer 'fie effect Is certainly striking, .nil Mareven he termed m.gntfl(Pnt The 1ps, ptnnacled tower. 1110 feet high, was built by Wren In 1711 the year before his death. Excel) that It 1s 1 5 feat lower, It le praetl catty a replica of Magdalen Tower at Oxford ton. Waterloo setreet-LIg gin. Brute street-Vlet4 - Nelson street-4A'le oris to North. risen on furnishing approved 1 South street -4E1 n to Britannia. nMes. A dlseonnt allowed far iamb. Wellington et l to El- ! W M. M,•('ART1ine. T. Gi'VDRY ea SON, gin. I • Proprieto one ers. NOTICE 1. -Take notice that the Town.l,:p of Colborne intend* to further Im- prove the Meneeetung Park rad .itel they intend to amens the cysts thereof -upon the lands abutting dlrs•tl. . n the work sial upon the lands ia•1,.•` r. ted by the work. 2. -The estimated 'v,st Is $.',,Ors. !*- Ing approximately rte a font frontage.. to be prki In one year. 3.-Pertnn. Intending to appeal against the work must do no before July 3rd, 1929. • G. J. 11ETHERIN4:TON. TowniiIp Clerk. Box 322, Goderlch. Ont. 2t larlow 2R2I. tf Atl(TIONRERiNO F1'11 BALE.-+B.ABY CHICKS-4►NI.Y TW() MORE HATCHES. Jute 2%111 --Barred Rock's; 13e, S.C.W. Leg - horns. 1:Ic each, July 518 Latch -Rocks 13e, Leghorn. 11c. This. is your lent chatue for this ,Paton t4) secure chicks from our choler breeding pens. 1'. 0. CAMPBELL. R. R. No. 2. Au- burn.' O Pt Blyth 1041 2t THOMAS GI'NDRY, GODERiCH. LIVE STOCK AND 010Ni6R • ' AI CTIONEER Telephone No. 119 {lake.. attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. 'Farmers' sale notes discounted. r 1. fir one. y 1WESLET W. FISHER. AUCTION SALES - Auctioneer. will conduct sales anywhere. My terms are reasonable and I will en- deavor to give satisfaction. Moons Carlow 1314, or address R. R. 4, God- erkd AUCTION KALE 4W 111.7 ACRES 4)1 STANDING RAY. for MR 171►. DALTON at his farm at KIng,tl.rldge...n FRIDAY. JiLY nth. at 4 o'clock p.m. This 1s a lot of good bay and will to -old ! . lots to suit Terga --live months' credit on fur- slebing approved note*. " T. GT'NDRY & SON. A net loners. A" \ RALE 4.)5' 32 ACRES OF BARLEY .AND -16 ACRFS OF MINIM HAY to to sold In iota at S. 1-2 lot 9. con. 13, Asltland Black. Mullett, on WEDNESDAY. JULY 3, t 3 - o'clock. DRUOLEt� PRACTITIONER /1TTTitOPRACT( ►R .L\D DRUG t.r.'5 VV THERM' MIT floderich. Phone 341 Equipped with electro-magnetie baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic and nervous diseases. Lady In attendamr. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m, excepting Monday and Thurday and by appointment. A. N. ATKiNSON Residence and nek'e•--Cerner ,of South street and Rrltannia road. Terms --Four months credit on fur- nishing approved joint notes. .4 count allowed for rapt. No reserve. ROBERT 00011, T. Gn:NDRY & `40N• ',RANK P. GIBB1), CHARTERED Proprietor. Auctioneers f Accountant. 102 Ontario street. AT'(TION SAi.E: OF tat NORF.M OF Stretford. Phone 1680. Ree. 1330.1 ening. 111ng STA\"T)ING HAY . MR. WM. McCARTIIY MEDICAL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ,a to lie- will well by )tabby anetlon at tot conce.'lon 6. Ashfield. on to Welllig- I TT'ESDAY. Jt -LY 2nd. 1 commencing at 4 ,.clock p.m.. 110 acres house to F.1- 1 o f good Hay. to be .old in lone to ..mit parch -ser.. a to Cembos. Terms -Five months' credit will 1* e meed olnt Proprietor. Al WANTED 4'nbonrg street --(West to Wellesley, ' , Norfolk street -Elgin to Brltannln. i Elgin avenue --Norfolk to east of lot 191. Colborne, street -Church to Water- loo. Newgate street- Cambria to Ham- ilton. Trafalgar street-Victorla to !torch. Pietro) street -Waterloo to South. St.. Vinent etr'et - Waterloo to North. Gloucester Terrace - .Victoria to North. -Llhhthouse street -Montreal to Wet- itngton. Caledonia Terrace -North to Water- loo. Waterloo street-('alalnnie Terrace to Nelson. Alpert street--Nelaon to Eatt. South street-•Britannla to eolith of lot 1222. lighthouse street- Wellington to Wellesley. in addition to these. the committee recommended that the following streets he treated: East. North, Montreal, West. %%aferho. Wellington. Welles* ley, Ilritasrrla road, Nelson .treet from North to Waterloo. •Cnlaurg street from Wellesley to LIglithon.e, Bruce street from Victoria to North.' The fire committee reported: in the matter of the re4Ptest of 11* imperial 4)11 Co. for permission to erecta SIM' line storage tank at the harbor with pipe line to the dock, we recommend that lending Nettie,. eonsld4'rattnn the town e'lieltor draft en agreement to be approved by 1hie committee and to be submitted to the Company. Tide was referreed beck for a joint retort by the fire end harbor commit- tees. The cemetery and parks committee reported that they Iced received n price of its etch for n combination table nod Peat for nee at Harbor Park end the motor 4.a181. groom!, and re•- ,ommended that the matter of pot eheaing theme table. to left in the hands of the ,'halrmen of the com- mittee. with power to set. The treasnrer was Instructed to sr - t range for the payment of 51000 to Bell Wow nn their 1929 eldewalk con - WANTED-E!il'ERIENCED A Tit T.ANT COOK for HOTEIi. FORD, Goderich. • WANTED - TEACHER FOR $ehcol Section No. 3, Colborne. Apply stating gnalifleation rad 'glary. Ai.EX. WATSON. See.-Treaanter. Sheppardlton, R.R. 1. RIP- .1) - TEACHER WANTED FOR I'. S. 3. l No. 1. Colborne (Nile), with a permanent floe -clan's 4ertifieate. Sal- ary 11,000. Apply to G. C. FE.OAN. R. R. No. 3, Auhhrn. Secretary of Board. It f'ODERiCII P T 91 L 1 C SCHOOL am IIMAIII) requires a teacher for Jr. Fourth -Sr. Fourth eh*PePS In vie - torts 'school; duties commencing Sept. Ard. .Aptly at onee. L. T.. R\Y►!1, Necretery, Galerkh, Ontario- TFJACiIER AVANTED. -QUA LIE'IED, 3, S. No. 4. Colborne. Salary !1.000. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. Apply stating etperfenoeand qualifies- tlgps. to R. F. - MiTCHELL. See. - Tress.. R. R. 4. Orad erlch. Ont. 31 Protestant teneher for ample (:rave DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT tate House Surgeon New York Opa- tbalmte and Antal Hospital, assistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford, C.odeTlch, op the evening of third Monday of each month till the following day, Tuemlay. at 1 p.m. LEGAL ERNBST M. LEE. - Barrister and Solicitor San Life Building. Adeletde and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 7'301. DUDLEY E. 11f 1.MEr, Barrister, Etc. Office -Hamilton street, Goderi••h Phone 27. R. DARR(i'W, BARRISTER, HTC. linccemor to J. I.. Killoran. Phone 97. office -The /ignore. Goderlcb, Nape & *taps BARRIPTZSP, ETC. R.C.HAYS-R.G\.HAYS in.. B.A • Hamilton St., todericn WANTED -- LATHE. PLANER. Blotter and radial drill hands.. Men accustomed to heavy marine en- gine work. Apply stating age, pxper- oe and wage* requital to Rax 70, SiON:\L OFFICE. 31 F1RE! ?IRE' 1 NOW 13 T'1TE Gnu. to fire out ymlr rage and all kinds of Junk. Highest cash price paid for everything. An honest deal. Drop a card to A. ITAT.STPIAD, Arra Me, GMlerleh P.O. 1 will pay ier the earl Mien 1 call upon yon. 2t L'1 ATIIF)RS - YOIJ CAN HAVE roar feather bed made Into a seniter. • /•:1 msttresee fir down com- forter. Highest price paid for fea- ther.. 1)rnp a earl to DOMINION R AND MATTit'ESS Of) trac . t FFIATITF. • The matter of a refreshment stand 0alerlch, and our agent will call. MCKIIAAIIP MUTUAL FiRE iN- Sl'RANCE OO. -'Farm and Iso- lated town property Insured. Officer" -Jag. Connolly, Pres., nod- erleh P. 0.; Jae. grana, VicosPrea., Beeehwnnd P. O, ; D. F. McGregor. $m.-Trpas., Scaforth P. 0. Dirctnrn--A. Broadtoot, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, No. 4. Walton; William,Rtnn, R. R. No. 2. Seeforth ; John tlennewlee, Brod- hngen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seefnrth: Robert Ferris. IlarloCk ; Murray (!Ibsen, itrucrtleld ; James Frans Beechwood ; James Connolly, Goderleb. Agents --1. W. Yen, (ioderieh ; !Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton: John Murray. Seaforth; E. Hlnehley ISeaforth. Polley holders can make all payments end get their cards receipt - ed at R. J. Morrish'* Clothing Store, 'Clinton; (lalvin (Mtt'a Grocery. King- ston inept. Gnderleh, or J. H. Reed'• General Store, 13ayeeld.