HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-27, Page 5of the west \\'ant-als*4h Mutual Eire
Iwsuranee Co. has been prepared:
1 ht December 30, 14475, the first
meeting was held to 1iw•ii .' the advl+-
abllity of organizing such a company.
The following minnttvant'that meeting
were recorded:
"West 1Vawauoe. Connell Hall. De-
cember 30. 167S. At a meeting held
ac,onling 10 ndwertiw•mrnt to consider
.ars• lieKenzie. It le expedient to organize a
Rev. Win. Mackintosh, Mrs. Mack- fire fusurame aompawy 1111011 the mu•
I11to-li, lonigla.s. t►sw'aht mud hobble. total principle. it was moved by John
of Milertou, motorel ftp Mmolny. I Bailie. wsrmtiel by Edwin Gaunt. that
Mrs. Mackintosh and 1b,bldt• sill re -'fhb. meeting is in favor of organising
lwain fur a few Iwyl( , a fire insurune tsimpauy 11 poll the
Mims Irene Woods. of . Kitchener, mutual principle. Peas 70. nays. 12.
tuotore.l home for the week -end, ac- "It was tucked by F.lw•Ill 14annt•
,olupnuiItil to Mr. and Mrs. Itubarher, secnluleI by Jame-, Ito*, that Janie,
)Ir. Lorne Itutaartoer. Miss Bessie Johnston, John 'Bailie, Charles Dnrn-
Newbury and )Ir. 4,114 Wright, all of in, E.tward Smith McLean. • itohert
Kit•I»iwr. Miss Irene Intends hiking Murray anti Ar•hflat'I All, ler. ul he a
la emirs. in merit -idols. at the O..%.('.. eommlttee with power to add to theft
Guelph. before coming Home for her number to take sults-Option,. from ow -
vacation. , nes, of property as to the amolttlta
Mrs. M. 1'u,Ierwls,d and daughter . they will insure as required by recta-
Muth, of Fnderw,a,l, Michigan. vi.4t- et statutes diaper 1411. sw•tlon 2 and
nth a ,tay rwwntly witl, their cousins, following sctlons." Carried.
)braces D. and F. T,sld. on January 17. 1x79. the following
ITlw Women's Institute meeting w-Iil � minutes of a meeting 01 the commit --
la held at the homy. of Mn. 4:e.1: 31t 'rye appointed at the prerlous sleeting
' Rotwrt+ on '1'l• • ley July 4th. at 2.:itt' am rwordwl. Committee tart lis 11011-
assisted by visiting officials of
the Bauk iu showing the large number
of callers through the vwrloue deport -
meats. Tea was served 111 the after-
noon, Mrs. Geo. Williams, who presld-
ed at this pleasaut fu-ietlon, being as-
sisted by Mrs. MacKay, Mrs. Alex.
Smith and Miss Edith Williams, and
by Mrs. Rice of Auburn. Each lady
visitor was presented with a rosy and
each gentleman with a boutounlere.
iu the evening a number of public
officials and representatives of the
a Industries of the town end district,
convenience of custom's; and staff with visiting Bank OMetals, sere
. e ,
Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead
Paris Green 45c lb.
Arsenate of Lead, in packages 45c Ib.
Arsenate of Lead, bulk 40c Ib.
Bordeaux Mixture
Transportation Service
Long Distance - Short Distance
Goods in Transportation Insured
Furniture Carefully Handled
Efficient Operator. Charges rem
,onrblr. Satiidactitei guaranteed.
S. 1t. McMath, t101r34, ClintonCen-
Oliver Por•.ck, Operator, 810x42,
Clinton (antral.
ST. lll')I.k::\a, J • 24 --Mr. T. Web-
ster, of Detroit, Is a visitor with his
slater, Mrs. Jas. I)urnln.
'Plw Slimes ['lark. of Guelph. ♦lapel
for a few clays with their canoeist the
Mc )I Kenzie
JUBILEE OF WEST WAWA- Canadian Bank of Commerce Has
NOIR INSURANCE CO. Handsome Quarters in Goderich
Punk ,Hold June 19th
at Klaear�ne
The picnic of the asst wawan(adn
Mutual Fire Lnsttrauce Co., held
\\'edltrs,lay of last week at Ktneerd-
ine brach, y4 -a••1 a very swwvw. tui event.
There was a large attendance. A pro-
gram of slants was carried out In the
afternoon and afterwards [here efts a
with mugs. of the handwottllest, most Im11veulent
season of speechmaking. etc. and [Hoot a►mmexltous 711 this part of
This was the fiftieth annitrrsery of the Province. Idghted from Ghtr sides,
the forming of the Company and the stew Quarter cut ,•,,k tlrnlahinge
the followlug sketch of the history of sued while walla and .',•flings present
the Company lies been prepared: very pleasing appearance, and the
The following sketett of the history
The local branch of rite c'awadiau
Bank of Csrwwerce t 11ow beguiled' in
the remodelled premise- at the corner
of (`otborne street am{ ttlw Square.
which for several month- had been In
process of alteration au'I renovation.
Skilful planning and g"od w'irkwnn-
shlp have converted the office. iutu nue
Just pop into Smith's Art
Store and race their new
English China
Wonderful colorings iu Crown
Ducal, Victorian Devon,
Coalport, etc.
Dainty Engli-h
complete for $5.50
Headquarters forgood Pictures
and Picture Framing
Smith's Art and Gift Store
East Street I'h.one I:e
Silrerwood's Ice Cream
for your protection
Call in, look around and b+
Where Cleanness is Paragoeet
Sparr's Grocery
The -t.,n• •.t �ate'Len"tt•.
Hamilton Street
Goderich Phone 146
\V I- i U;.IWF:I: IN Dm N
have been proytdedfor wort thoroughly. guests at a dinner at Hotel Sunse
�' • - SL'
De- x Hep Pres
\\ ESTE 1'171 I
W' Jurat• 215. -Mr,.. J. R.
Ellis' Was a Galt visitor a couple of
days last week. •
Mrs. Taylor, of Blyth. *pent over
Suuday with her.daughter, Mrs. Albert
Mr. D. E. Rodger, of %Vuo,latoeli:
was hose over the week-etytl,
Miss Evelyn McDonald spout a few •
days last• perk with. her cousin, Miss
Beatrice Bradford of Goderield •
Mr. Slwpaon 1s visiting to the home
lot Mr. ands Mrs. William Mcllowell.
MIs.. N. wells. of 111114n. returned
home on 4,t4tlyday after spending a
couple of weeks 44lth her sister. Mrs.
Marrs Armstrong.
)!lases Marjorie Campbell. Edythe
)hslowell and Florence Blair and Mas-
Itay. Vincent, Harry and Gra-
m McDowell were iu 4Goderieh later
eek writ lug their High School rxnwr•.'
\\5. 446,11 them success.
Mrs. James Woods. was 111 'suedes -
bore. on 'Tuesday attending the \Vow-
ell'a ImNitutte-convention.
M1Ks Mary Ellis Is s{erudilI :1 few
week.. in Toronto.
Mrs. W. 11. Cam{4ll 14 vi'ititig 1,c%r
daughter. Mrs. Wm. Crozier. of Crews
The Iueulla•rs of the Westfield play
w111 present their play at T -e clor's t'or
nevi+ on Jay 2nd and at \white hutch
on July --4th. •
Mr. and- Mrs. \\'nl 'r1, lir. of
Guelph. were visitors on Situlay 111
the homes. of Sir. and . Mrs. Melvin
Taylor and ' Mr. anti Mrs. Win. Ml. -
Mr. 4're,t J. ('.a.k and Mr FI•ed W.
('mak- weer Stratford vlsit•'r: on 51,41
The play. "Lena Rivers." pre.eut,• 1
by the Auburn people .at Mambo
1 night at \Vtvsttield, was enjo4.s1 b) all
l We are "trail to re{a.rl. 11,;11 1 G leuu
\1.11111-. soh of Mr. and \Ir, .►:nae-
tLrall. 1s in a. fair way to re.....
after haying a serious operation
• _ • I ua-told' at the Whit:h ull hospital.
UF:kll'll *,IFlCI. ,t1- TIII: I Mr. and Mrs. \Vt A. ('amp:'ell Wer•'
CR'N.t1t1AN BANK OF I'OMNIFIR '1•, IGodeek!' visitors on Tuesday.
o'clock Rnll call--SAlnd reel ,ps. I The rn itelg pupils ti of r u' l
1 ret \(nesse', office. • L eras' l '
The manager's office is now in the These pre,seut i11elieled Mr. J. P. hell• 13 are in Brlgreve this .-tock wriliu_
I f Health. In [rout ort of the building ,u n• or finlpiltont, manager in ohlef o[ Mel their entrance er•41111? inns
1 n 1 Itolto rt Murray. , p' 1 Hamilton ' dly ied.an .ef the 1'Anadiau
It dasrt I f u l
I •tet ut . u, !
Tlim tin,, Jut•
English China
Our import shipment of
English China has
lust arrived
111 111111 look aroou are und dat all tO our
nevi beautiful designs in Chin*
Prices are very moderate
a t1 ... i. till. - ',.•1 1..,
Oi f t (iooOs
to drool..• front at all priers
Cole's Book and
Gift Shoppe
w,nstrtulon by' Mrs. K. wrhb.,i:ubjert,.ext Charles fru ruts. John 'Bailie, At'-
"Fwslhtg the Fa mt > or ehllahl -trio arson and ' 'are tau relics'- cages, the second nil'
ehurtrr of Mrs. Gr■.. Stuart. Ila+te se.', 14 449+ mmeti by John Iiallie, swondwli or se plteu s fully nrydr 111 Ihwl of Cowwrrre: Mr. xtrplx•u+ of
Mtx T. It. Tit for and Mr+. 4k,r•the 1Y C. Ihrrwln, that •lohn 4.en. xddltlou to [br bulltilug i'rry fur "lor.rtnh,, h'rtlary, ns ;• al Thr Saltf(4 Hospital
will mtwt at the borne of
Irwin 'An luvitati 11 )Io all the, Hnrrtoaat and C1arIe Glrc�n I.e a fleet Iasr1 Morris .rat"rhnr.dac. J
nadir+ 1+ ex trnetwt. to this ,mmnlnt(. "and that alch arm• +! vault . 44,,. y ety de' wIt tel. 4l 44 4.4. of the rs. J. G. M:4 1 of I
iss uM t: -C111,in whih• the satrty de{a.sit 1 err C11u:oL,, au•l ?ir+sr+. J. G. )lulliu .d
' her x
td Cllr
rill. 7
1f Wass ed by ('• rionlit It m - 1s,xhnllfers err an excellent new fea-
el by Archibald Andersen, that mos tore.
.. elision lists be returned MI the On the opening day last week many
for the eleventh day of Felrnury at 1 oc'>'"'k people ln,pectel the new premises at
Victoria lined that cemmlt
\I 1 kl Irt f 41 4 \0 1 gra• receive +ub+criptlotl 14.0 steel et••
further protected by a
the young people an dating at Laky rI4'd private 'ro oms for the convenience of
Haran Saturday evening. .5 Julie I
tittle was
Iteserve Saturday. July flth.
'Imolai garden party of the
llonseand ftchool Club.
iw• meet In township the invitation of Manager A. J. Mac-
• •
Painter and Decorator
Residence No. 4, Bayfield Road
Telephone 35BJ
Painter Decorator
Estimates for painting, wail-paia•r-
ins. etc , cheerfully giy,'ll ••n re-
Residence. No. Bayfield Ro.d
'hall at that time. h,ny. ,ural +tis
.Another'. meeting 44x+ held by the -
ontudttee 1111 February 11. 1879. when
members of the committee reported
tavhlg receive,' sul.w•rilsions to the
..ua,n11t of $51.74)11. The committee
.,1.Yt to raw every- endeavor to In-
, reuse Ihr• la•r 'of snhea•rlla•rs and
-,esti In thelr.11sts to Robert 51 array
I,yt he -.r'ay' first t of )larch Ir'►
renewing minutes .-Lich were Wilfred Plante
--Week of July 1 to 6 --
Monday and Tut'sotty-
"Four Sons"
The gn•etest heart story ever toll. A
picture the whole family will enjoy With
Margaret Mann as the Mother,'.
June Collyer as the girl and
Francis X. Bushman Jr., James
Hall, George Meeker, Charles
Morton as the Four Sons
'tirrmg -Thrilling :ural Ilia u. the heart
or humanity.
Selected Fos ideal Comedy
M.STiNEF: 514 ND.AY AT :1 1' M.
Evenings -Adults 35c, Children 25e.--
Matinee -Adults 25c. Children 15e.
55 ednesday and Tl.r
Mitchell Lewis and Alice Day
prevent the strangest of ,bane, I.rc
Motile,. it w'iIl keep you on tine edge of
your seat from the first flash. „
"The Way of the Strong
"Charlie Chaplin Comedy"ay
Fridand Saturday -
William Powell, James Hall, Louise
Brooks and Jean Arthur
in an astounding nivstery play. Broad-
way's most beautiful show girl. Cold.calculating and brutally selfish. yet her
death stir' a great city.
"The Canary Murder Case"
Mermaid Comedy -"ONLY ME '
Matinees 51.nel:.)' and Satarday at :(p.nt.
•••.•••••S••• 1
Bathing House
and Refreshment Booth
located on the South 1 - r
Bathing Suits for Rent
-Idea: Bathing 14.-
De Soto Six
Safes and Service
Washing. Grease and Otis and
General Repairing
W. J. Clark
Hamilton Street
ff of the local offbe,who
41t•nf..rth, E. H. 3olms, of I4:1)10ld• -\
M. Itice of Amhara and 1'. F. ALra'.duu
.1 Dungannon. managers of the ►:cnk
of t etnwrr.w 'dawdles at thea• rr-Ia••
lire plate-. The chief :addnvc e•" of Um
eertifhg were giver by Mem-li.. Belt 11 Uri
rvc•ulIl, were given by SI1-"i.4. 0.•11 Hud
(Continued from pace 1+
Anna White '••t "t"' •71
Mabel Etue 69.3.7
James McMehen 69 3
Theo on April :. or the same gess' Harold Taylor
Jean Price
,-o.rde.l ata meeting in the township
Nancye Clarke
hurl. speak for themselves: Mllrgaret McLean
• kt a sleeting held this day. a(''
III Honors
• Deeding t. advertienrent and notbr• Christine Robertson 4sz with
Brut to rods autwrll►er, it was moc(•.I B. -Those prompted cotditiooallyiJeanOAiloelAlex. and Sylvia arSalkeld Bare
ray [• !Arida. aecondrd by .\lrcnndrr as mien,.lin tlx in»1-:dua1 Feports
sent to students and parents : worthy of mention, obtaining each:
Cameron, that (Orarfe.a C,In'In Le chair-•
man of the meeting. " (*tarried.. Hilliard Tremblay -It was moved by John Bailie. se- Greta Steel+
.•owdwl by Edwin 4:aunt. that Robert Joseph Taylor y
Murrbe ...screwy....screwy.y. Iy. tarried: It 1144" Henrietta 4ivaidl
Moved by .144111 Baltic. sns.wdel by Ed- Murray itetheringtnn
win(:aunt. that Ith{s company he Pearl Sandy
"The \\'
ealh•d "The \Vnwanieh Mutual Annie Linfield
Eire ImmatureImmature(*emptily.ly. Carried. Norval Anderson
-it was tooted by 4'hsrlw i)lrnin. John Pote
seconded by henry Holland. that tux• Graham McNee. •. • •-
heal Mlles' of the cotupnio he in Dim-EdI a Kmart
utuon. Carric,i. •
..11 W/1,11W/1,11 moved ed by John Washington. Madeline Acheson
standing :
Harriet 1. Taylor, 85.8': in Bkkp,
6; in Typing.
Charles K. Naftel. 86.3 in Bkkp.
Lillian B. Ferguson, 78.8 in Bkkp.
Mary J. Johnston, 78 in Bkkp.. 50 in
Eric B.' Gardner. 75 in, Bkkp.
Adamson Memorial Scholarships
The winner of the Lower School
lot Scholarship. value 825.00, is
Esther McIlwain, with 84.6'4. The
winner of the 2nd Scholarship, value
'2:30 p.w.
over ., .
65'4 The w •
inner of the Middle School
61.8 ist Scholarship, value 825.00, is 7-vc-
61.6, lyn Dean, w•ilh $2'; • while Margaret
rn,4! Groves is the winner of the 2nd, value
515.00. with 78.5';. Mary Ferguson
is worthy of mention,. obtaining 75'; .
r ,'.I by Charles '(teaart that sec- Margaret .Sanders .0
liret r+ be ele'tel for the cornet Evelyn Culbert •
,•-tr.(*tinfoil."4'(*tinfoil." rennlotiotn from Forts IA. (lit
. ni :1 ballot being taken the fo11u44 Commercial) to 2nd Year
lire,•tor+ were 11111elected ('ontmercial
ries I:IrcinIh
. l'harle"urn"II. Honor; :
i .,11;1+ E. Finlay. William,, Fnrgnlinr- Herbert Bridle...
.:. John Ca 11101111. Ed11ill 441111nt and Emily McClure....
1 .onus 11 Taylorimmediately after IIi. Honors :
t l meads • , h.s. it the Mrs -tors ort Edward Baechler
Reports are being sent nut to par -
58!1 ents and st,pdent+ by the Principal.
57.4 J. P. HI'MF..
56.!, Princip:J.
7 4"h
and hrnructed tlw secretary to get Marie Shields 64
4 45a1 npplicatioil-, reeelpts awl prem- Charlotte Linnington. 63.
111!11 note. printed. IL -Those promoted conditionally
on the 12111 ..f April the directors i as indicated it the individual reports I.
:net Heed 4.1w•1wl.tla' f,tilewing officers: sent to parent= and ,4ldents :
-'laid 68.7
l'i•esident. Chlorites 4:Irtb, : view-presl- Edith C,
• dent T E. Finlay: sw•retarydrea.nrer.,, Ida Carrick.
Rupert \Inrrny. � Clara Moore
I \I 1't• �'9 the lire,•tors net Pat Page
Ina °' Earl Elliott
�I fug to t!CS.VNI were ne,wptel and Twill-
clew nuuitening 71 granted. James Johnston... "
:V the end 1.1 Peat tilers were 4:571 2nd Vent ('irmmrrrial Awards
I {adbylndders with n total risk of $14.-
Imil.laal, t 11 this *3,177.'4419 pas added Diplomas are granted to those mak'
during the yenr 11924. there being an ing 75', in each of tine Bookkeeping . -e
,.Idittow of 2044) Iw,llcyholder'.. Thos in and Stenography gr'.ups and in the
the halfsrn4,1ry the risk carried by Typing, with i1 'honor -'for 80 to 84'
the eoulps ly -has owl -meted almost ono• and i Honors 65,,; chile Certificates
loulr•el and fifty -fold. - . are granted to- those ,obtaining 30',;
Iwirtng tlw fifty year,* life of the at (east in two of the three depart-
.•ntp:tny. there h1Mye lawn but four mends. tee standing of
_,-retanicss. Robert Manny fillet the The following i- K
.frbr• frog, ls79 to 1�S7. 44 hen J. ., the students entitl: d '.. diplomas, ar-
Itola•rts was appointed. He eowtlntie,l ranged in rank aceenl ng to average',
of "Mee until 1910. When, Thomas percentage of alt rap^r+ written and '
giving the per cent. in each group :
Allen wee ale owl, the latter retie- R
ins In February'. 1!r-'9. Tht• present •
-a-trtnt•y is G. Cecil Trcleonen. who
,I a+ npl.'i11h•d nl'o11 Mr. Allen'. re-'.
1 retro"'
The prurient .:,rector. are as follow..: President. a - -ar' teN
itilllam \A1,tMm: yfcr - ,resident. V. fi
1 F.I.ir Jt. Smith R8 --RR
• Tussle+ Benet,; secretary. Cell Tre-
re- M44r facet J. Eyppn+sT 44 R6.2 Ri
leaven: treasurer. Thoma. Rtothern; t.ucfllp 1.. . Evennll•'.' 448.2 87
mildness. Ihmall Mel.enn m1d .roh11 Gertrude E. I.umhy -'.6 880.4 75
t\'iIson 1tlne hitter hal4twg 44.ted as 811- Frank Roberton..., 84.6 '14
toot for forty -cane y-earst. Directors-- Ernest D. Crowe.. -•.1 75 75
in ,».lions to the tGr•.h?ont and vbr•- The folio ing Are tied to cern-'
1,n••p. 1t Tint Grtt`tin..11es. N1.. s"i'• fiestas granting the -':ending stated
w. t'. Itee.l. \\'Illi. l Md•lurllb,. Wit below in at least tae departments,
Imam J. Thotnl -oil, itola-rt Ih1yi✓;v'11 arranged also in i'si as to total
rad 11nrr3 I..' Salkeld. percentage •
- :1 y • . . 1e , Margaret Shephard •
I 1 i Ib•tuion+ for Inatrarnv amount '
Gladys Shore
at special prices
15 dozen boys• (Balbriggan
Shirts and Drawer-. sip,-
22 to 32
Special 29c and 39c
10 dozen bort Balbriggan
('nrl4binntion+ Size- 211 to :12.
Special 49c and 59c
ti., 44,.ii, l4!4H 41,
Phone :114
Exclusive Agent for Tip Top
59.3 .
Short and Long Distance
----- All loads insured -
Trucks driven by experienced drivers.
We move Furniture and Goods of every description
306W GODERiCH or 21r610 CLINTON
v.0 4
!r.ard of
Th • 'rat , ffilr•t•s Hud -•
31 r. AA"illtnm A4•111.44 141 I- bowl*• from
st. .\wdn•w.1 College And baser, nest
44.,•k tri Work with a +nrn•ying rift)
In. the 4mllavy ,lI+tela for the sum•
The son -lee in the jlap44.4 (botch i Mabel Brownlee. , •
11e\1 Sunday will he held at 7 11.111. iu Lionel ('lark
stead of 3 p.m.. The Ikotch Choir of l Helen page
Toronto will he In attendance and will ! Audrey 'wins
lest the slerrl(e,of wog. Marguerite MacDonald Al
The snnnal meeting of the plot- Elaine (Grass - 0 74.6
holders of BRIT. cemetery will he held The following students who were
,m the cemetery grnunds on Tuesday 'completing Middle or Upper School
evnin. July silb
{ lrt-hn ders are nrelne.te.1 tt 7 o l attend. 1 commercial work with to
withthe following I
a� d
Margaret Dobie. , .... 4,4 76.2
Dorothy Steep ,..ski 68.2
I.u!u •lewell 44.4
Al 69
\ns!11:1rI 1
\I, - IL•r
Spring Time Specials
New Mattresses from
$7 to $28
New Springs from
$6 to $12
New Beds and New
of ,'very description
\\'e. positisety save yOu t.oney
Furniture Exchange
"011 the trosartl 0! Goderich
Clearance of Summer Millinery
Three Big Special Groups at Sensational
Prices for
Friday and Saturday, June 28 and 29
A collection of Hats in many attractivest>Irs of sum-
mer color and trimming effects ate good.
Note the reductions.
5.00 to $2.75
ro $3.75
58.5057.50 to $10.00 to $5.75
100 are cordially invited to -inspect our stock.
Reduced from
Reduced from
Reduced from
CiiRYS) rR
$1 9 8 5
f o.h. U ,n✓,or, Oar.
litre uhvrb ..r.•
Notice who own CH RYS LE RS
- that alone means a /of
WHEN you
see the num.
her of Chryslersin the hands
of bankers, lawyers, doctors,
manufacturer., engineers,
chemists, ju(Ilr,ea and other
leaders throughout the
Dominion, you realize more
than ever that you travel in
the best of company when
you own and drive a Chrysler.
it means something deft•
nits when thousands of
people .who formerly owned
and drove far more expen-
sive cars are now driving
('hrvslcrs by preference.
Today .there is a general
recognition of the fact that
Chrysler has obsoleted long,
established standards.
By scientific distribution
of car weight, by new utili-
zation of fuel, by advanced
carburetion and correctly
applied thermo-dvnamics,
Chrysler engineering has
created a new performance.
A perfectly -balanced Chas.'
Gia, with buoyant vanadium
springs anchored in moulded
blocks of live rubber instead
of ordinary metal ,hackles,
supplemented by hydraulic
shock absorbers, means an
entirely new and delightful
comfort in ri(lin,g
Take a detnonstration.
Learn for yourself the dif-
ference bet ween Chrysler
performance and the others.
CIi8ABI.PR "73"-519441 to 830^0
lista god, Styles
CHRYSLER "65"-51321 to 51460
Sia Koch Style,
All ,••.., /...1. Wools*, ()Goan. rrrlrl,rtt
ILwra.d /.,Wry *grower, I tre.1A1 •.4
lair., arts.
IIRYSI.IR MOTORS .8.,171'4..1