HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-27, Page 22--Tbursdal• June 27• 11120_
1 it i1i-hrd 1348
l;pDiSlill'li : CANA')A
Member of t'arwdia+t Weekly News
papers Association
Pubtlahtd every Thursday morning
Bulwcriptlou price 82.00 per year
strictly lu adyantr.
Telephone 35 : GodesI a
W• 11. ltota•rt-on., Editor awl Tanager
Thursday, Juue _i. lx,+.
. lu ):eN of the tread of Liberal i.ui-
icy over Many ;'ears, tad of the re-
cent utierauce• of LiIre'rtl party lead-
ers, it spews not unlikely... hat the re-
action of the Burkenzie Ing Gov-
ernment to the new tariff Iegua4uu
at Washington will he -au extension
of the principle of the BritI t' los
fereuer. 't'ht• pr11leipte Wil. 11nt
ewlnslisrl lie -
in Canadian tariff -legit/-
- the we -tern farnw•n the very le
11 W S. Nr. Slwtttuu in the lion -e Of Com Ids � l'nlw• \r:iierucr
Vote for thew nod 1f rlla r t
Fielding a. a nta•tu1N•r •' ' higher tariffs; but wlwu - •
t ..t the •pis• general tarn( won: a al
,ncr thirty year. 71' baro the ut wr • •non, •, , .
Cabinet. If -i•. -i \Tina
though .s•.:.-Louttly attacked from the �INuton Inas not •a won! nL iMPte'at tract i- LNtkiu_ into the matter ,.1 file aruwra none
1' tIN• hal N• of 1118k111 t''N' dully r.4 all
Nr •ids,.( t f 1 1 1 rl¢ht. of tw•rs,nt- kg. roa:tilt:►,: for rgl:•+ tire prtN. If noes, with
ty,ti-, 1,ut
esti, tt 1....• I,•• ata•• au
titre Ii of 1•'li' )' States, nitml 1 r
we nrr'Alongside
t11at country Into Canada 14110‘1141 F i' ut happened » .
IN SASKATCHEWAN FIOH'}< fiTlll minutes after -ilytert. o•u rise Sar- he 1'anslstent.
1 tee k. C ea. Ilq pt.inLthHvl with New York. t Kivu
rs 1 sf :71Mta Are Huron l aunty wormy rad at the LNais in •pro. says uu Pxpert
. •' cote � n s
e .L•-usu••h fflwt of RP•' is ubr :p••i•;.•ut •iropoloo a c1 ' Ing Post.
1•eutrr• than with I,,.u•Iou, \lane nese ! lefts#
tied a calf
t Uu
and ,il:•-�"~-t'i.trut l ir.tu our ••tet _111 t.mh 1 .Inc after the 1'rocluciill
by lir broad .Uiauti,•.-A'-urrt1 eleetiotur -f.•r •:iallat hew'a,1111171'10°
th:u day defendant
eel` shore. If and nnpl»•-e.l that l Lai been;
the 1•uhuvl State.:an it able wt- it- 4iint.4:
uttxr t f lt. iu 1 \t l later date- -u..r) us N111n iu •trutt a lo❑ ). trnl •ul(• IN..jy o \)a• N
11 .k•.n�lu•wnd+ • w a, . its birth r e.,ow
Thr Owner It,
.d Ow Labor 1'
1•N. expect-4%e:-
nod 41..1 •
• ••,
Ia•a+ling in the %%i uu.•r 1 tt: organizer
llu.•1htt.tl. t., ,• . .y:'I:nr It• .:r•..,
Ila glad thi- - not to lie run a:afn. Arthur: We
• Nen. of the World.
1't* arewrst- , levant, the fol-
lowbug arae Q,u' The CuUutry
1:uhir: - I
We Idle) t 1' +'iUhl Ile to th/•
I.t i luterewta of the ,•::. pnatttwnt and
these fanners of 11* yrairlea generafly to
withdraw the appb,..t..n for an in.
«rea.4d motion). dtlt) ,••• eggs mo\v I»+ -
(ore the Tariff laagr•1 The aphllt•ittfau
;i.ka that the duty '••' raised frau
three to nine roots iar dozen. au in-
crease of 200 pier Pe: • 'rhe purpose Is
to Ittn��,r� t e is, of Toronto.
\loutre,N- u t cities pay
A higher price for rads to imC�ier
on the lir'alr-
�, l,r make egg {I I,llh'.
utote pnyfi�ble
. u, tali; .,ter ::.,'
i1 - . the apllIf-
't'h'-r'- is little eh. ,
ration being stietoact IIt-,u•p.rIs of
,eggs into l'tuada :1 r \. ver'
stirlll item utNi t11e 1.lttHti esti
wl lauhtrdly he op*. I.!;4114 t ua
'1 Inn G •11 of Agri. ire Lu the in
i.;. 1 / of the farrow,- Canada gen
era Ily.
But the very a Itiotl tussis
with it a menace I •• :Igrirultura
And ter Shifting Gears
llAnxiu Advertiser)
The Montreal Gazette says modern
num rides so such that he has lust in•
tereot to his lege. However, legs are
uaetul for getting lu and tort pt cars.
F•rgS4tea Relies
(Petrone Advertiser -Toped
How• gines do change' .\ few Tears
ago every town and hamlet In the
Country `1tr•• :'lIutttring for ca lit ured
German gutter. uwchlue gun. or other
trophies of the Great 'Vttr. atm( few
were o•.erl.oled in the distribution.
In ntuuy towns where these relive were
prominently pintail at the time It is
now impossible to locate thetu. Petro-
Ifa yeceived a German "whiz-bang'
fleldt'guu and two ••aching guns. The
i tick! gun was placed on a eonerele
tut'M lit a prominent Nage alongside
! the` t0•11 hall. We venIUre to say that
!few INvq.1e know ••herr the tuaehine
guns now repose. For the benefit of
those Interested we give out the tutor-
' matlou that these ore now in the
iuduatry on the pea ' • - 4rutu g
fug trod .•ntilr rais11u o1114I id.hw lt• the 'Way. what has 1»'rout.• of the
.lu itrotr••t1ou. y �`
cease otrr h h lomgr Awl Ih,w'
(Thing, and
erose -.oil pus. es'f 11111". .10111 MI
weigh scale shed, at tlte' rear of the
town hall and if tiny use is to le
grade of tltent step+ had better he tak
1'en right away before they are cow-
. pletely\.t'gotien.
trig. run never prof
Ilur only trop•• Itt a
.lueliou. laud a low •
.tint Int pin•" -
tpeople • t'11na.la. L•,I1
latlou M the tale Hon. mon- ...salami. he N•.uhl not v. N•
[ 411 • Laurier \Ir I11•uurrr i, ('toyed em- tariffs. .\ aliglu rear.• p the
t the pruiri.•
awl ul i toy set n .r (uuntyr f t ties )a111r f 1
he Ilouse.' tum• • ion, it will
r+taldfahrd tett' :1.:1111.4[ his leader'. campaign for n 1 for
�! thry seek p' '
�itatatrd as greased prote.•tiva. Ha+ he changed his
.It 1'tl 11:1, Il i;a 11 . • ,.1.• i»1 t
the United - notion rwrutly tried anttyNo[ Middle- tariff in the only olio
on the
r.rtatlou fro•• t-1 i i Court of the the ngr1. a oil l
it t country
that •lull more ONTARIO rx: tariff
1 and it be - " ... it must
hr MANY SONS 0 i ,l' ,444 fort'• p
nus o
•;lt i•tA of thefollow-iug "itPhi 1 lefore the
lu.lgut.•t•t" ill \Irl.rv'd
all weaken their Nhol.
1 rtrh 1►ic- people and Irxrllvnta•o' ••f Canada. 1
Iargr: itu»Ire., relat ors' L• u '
d, ••111.11 'i.. sit- i. •vl h) h: s' I:uld it ftrlluPutl
1 j trigs 1 tilted .tat 4yrtra In h fl un•j i stat is Np11tneh.
Tilt* '14'.1"1";"..pf testi am-
tines � uyr
1' It ••:1- uu'Ibl.• to find
g.l 1*•t rot and
I t r Old 110)
he t:. , lie found the
Thep. t..... „f „ 1 i httara' u, • .1 .torn :
ti.- 1 ra ''''.'"I•1m- .lie,[
• + •e'ttgl and '1.. Premier. t Itllutsla:nriv oft..'
row liu:11. an.• such e- 11 r. Garliuer• lord , n., ,.
pro,;nr•► int:rrlt Lh�.t„I. hm lion..•tl 1•atta. fornwrly wa• richt yeer- o:,l 1
itli r. ':bat.un• not ,`, Inst. So was lion..
of I,•t,•lon,
was ,' t, .\I».nm- :;p1 put. on Ih•t.ot.lt 11th.
again[.. Tltrrr M no -cur's in railing 4, tl 11umIlton
rnlr I:ar... tmps.rr.- - f,,, \I 'Gardiner. N;.., p(eyaile.{ in a t.•t•1• 111 I,t.trneted tai- 1Nn nt•ill,t•I\--
tituh,a; lel fourteen mei eleoma re_t'. 1ivel>'.•
I,e Ne c,u pt'
tl •
• n North
1 l� to orj)w lila ..A • hi+ holt• fn,'
1hr.,.. •ornrtr,l' fisl'1' ,onnrc, ural ir,
)• sI:•. hails from 11 di -taus ulNnlr nv.. mil•yt• ea -t, aL
)ere r)
otoar tluir fI I.•r t i,.nl \ (artist. They
tont country than t•1 -.•abet.•.' Ur. Ir•r .Ira, u.+lr Fxwti•r' !
Il. ii maw Lat.. •m
I••: tw-111:1I1y Ile- their years.
IIl.nal 1.1.•."11••1,•
w 1'nited S:atr• a n _
cure the urlrl.•a wt• ue.j more rail) ,o t''411.'1""
. - n' rlr r„:u ...ung 1•nunyl, u „ rise �'n•IU:1 r.:ot IL..-�• L•ye I
rise •c ln• \)1411
i .1. y
411'41 mal utlwr 4'.rnlh•rcatiy,• -j»oak.:r- 1 u1 , . '
t J
wore yU.ckl}- std otos ),..al n I\t�tl•''" rh.. ti
utii Ii of hi• uuhe•I :,r i:,
a.l t., Ia• I•r:_•:,t .an1 int. Il_rnt for
make mifrir ase of the ftup.,ri tante.
• n•, taught u, IAtr,n ...out-
y 8111•'u• any
'sits IN.) • d r•.\ e i i.a• ,
ties) hutn•h thrid ,'1 r"_ em-
1 lir i;lttt. who tis u•
I Aim ill i �q; uri•i16h• h•i.
:, Wil. .It'd. .1 -
f 1
- *try Nhi.•h trim- t•• p11rrha-,. u- ul.
1'rogn'..Irr. •ween, the cow :unl ties trnrll,t ro,t..
't Mil l. ' • .I ,' � - ,
suite), I, '. );y-th'rlr. and vl +,ir:rr .yf \Inn 114 It•• :ra•i4 ,Iu the north side • the._
uit.f a -k u+ to -' .!;,. 4::Irdi!ter
.d t'auatdiuu puska-es front n ^ it i, I}:al Affairo f+ road. -- •our _I»it aalkwj i.r-
,',,,ler man. a hind thio eu••, the other sit' the rids he-
ft can frval, 1'ana,ln. tI Itt•Ittc11 H,at 4'. M: 111., •,. :• 4' •f ..)carp moh.r,am- 1 i1dAttf[ .anN
.• • he say+ 1114 nree.l
the i auudu-,1'nit,vp State.. tea l.• bu 'flg!tt !u \CPrhurn Ns• tweuty',flve to thirty mlh+ an
,.L.1: 111= friend- among the tuanufar• 11ou ;. 11. t'hr' b \lin'•irr • ! 1'nb- 1 1 em- 1 t 11.11¢114-
1m- I I"PHtri, who It:,- •-••'arlird fu Ra.4 face ..r fru titn.;14 Lr. hen tttt
nlrrrs would hr the tiro to object i-- 1• ant- I»'rn In 1-••rtuut.a. Ht• v'1''
plaintiff w.• 1 1
he were to p rq»r,. to Alp 41 tori . V11 ean•1111 a rlv.
• neawi1 them. wii:,-
Mid •tot 1"t r' -e \Chit.' -hnrrh. lint • .•nut•• out lthte •, then tits p
if nt nem J t»•Nrr +tot2h
1 f u 1 1 of lu 1. ,a•r'.-- in -t uloug golute west
It.•tir : he bud ttvn.'. +nt t
cure. \\
1 rix wl signs. oche Otiose. thwl
1 1
^,vw mulls :i 'hidden move into the
NIA material.. ••inept they import front.. 11„u. N'. (i. Robiu••:II• fonu.•r, Sla•ak t'nveIted Wldtun of the rad, dr+.ltitr
f ► 1 1 a Per fry t l 4'a t her off •rte
ales 1'Pt'tvl states. .\+ a matter of asci, Pr of tlw' 11.744••. w -t+ wit en by
-buy" a ►st o t ;lie
i ra in ( tl boys at the
plalutif( .lid not ,1•P to »
heavy importations fruit
1'rtltedl'an•N»M w'tF�r+►ne'tkpont pHPra tl lly MI11 hi" it of the road nor the cow until sl1e,�
Nitres tan. :1 . ..i tudex to pro
-Iw•rlty ,
1 1 1 In 114th and Gr.y •onniles• $
appeared sndd4nly coming luta the
1 f for when dross are g 11•, \) •+ e•ut Lid at 1,1 t tnl\e llwl portion
note a. - owrl acts uwrn r .4 the nisi_ from the
lucre nn.l iu,•iatri.'-rhrr mrti\e the .aonu•I. acts Ufa wife ri.mM fern -\t '
north: Is' thinks the row- was about
matitf.t -hirer- rinks .acre -)-,t.1 ,ety ran. t••n feet fn.ni !Mu when he. fust tatty
"'I ho.ma.4 H. Garr'-,• the only lt•gi-ill- It. The row ' apparently rill into the
Iwsry tttlrv•hN,r- of raw material and i.,; -.-111
..r In rhes' i'royiu,-i• win 10.
Ii1•rn ....n- II.I. of the plaintiff'- ,m r, brritking the
lardy mtutuf.,.tur.vi toss!. for 1184 in ttu11oua server. ',Ilse the 144n- ive-waw fru.l.•r• rte. ' Tb•• 14:1;so11utff' rrloJr-
...an hint a%4.N). Th.• cow w11e1 not 11nrt.
tins factories. When times Are dull In formed in, Pal1.•ttr t1.defeated
md •St•1'ti1P• -o the defendant sac)-. The boys erul.1
. - fall off. S•, 1 . r. ,»t wd nt,•t as :. nt ti for he toys'+ m1 -
o the right :
very' t Kioren Hoorn (stultify., that she .was frightened b) plaints
f M ion tlw i
(.4111}1411i Imnder t , n ad. het. d. h It 1+ 1 k , not •Lives any n
• Bennett finder that importation. (rola trlgwly. 11 r. tarry w•.1+ I...nt nt 1�'._ d.t move t 1 tt it 4118) K»•
the Tritest `hetes only reached w a ik,rtniti 11. Flulacwm, a ruby' ••f - lights. "it 1" toleraily clear 11:31
high Range 141 i+ only {minting to ties i•rtntttl. 1?Igin •-onnty, esu+ ag3lt .•i!+,- where 1,..1 ii 'writes are u1N'u-the' high-
fillet that to:nmfa,•InNug In ('arses I' ,lidatr for .laekfi+11 Lake, a fes north• ! way',' wll4•re ,'ti -b of them hns'tt right '
11, ity tit+tltm•m-t' he has repro -cited to 1.4 •and one of them i- injured 1n
f). 1'.11 �.• 1 . tit
goods whitgt +:muni;( Might jsn•••h.-e ca,,!t�Ijitw in 'h.. ttttnpttiin. No r•11ir'' maintain hi- action. sIto•• that the.
mor- l,tr¢wly- from Great Britain (Ire 1•:.I•' Yves ,,,n,.•from 114+ rldln¢. nrr-tat+- wet. twit¢ to the u4•tligem,• I
Fiend .if troth that T-tlted Sia'.-'' If Twu forin.'r W,l.tern 4hdaro then of the other er of tut.. .wr':mt. 11 t-
:‘.!:11,"! down n' •lc(MIt it \(ones• •1-t of . len r' that ••Len at man is inj11r-
11tP British I.n•ferenre were Inert -,•'1' William r. Baker. ale ort) 1.3- i•,1 by a tier'-.' or yiciona animal 1.4. -
!mrenped pirt•ba•4•- from the 1»a eundldati, and- really al sup;N.rtcr • lougi11g to fierce
•r. printn feeh: to n' -
Mother +vomitory a,mld naturally len n 4' of Ghe
a high level of prnsja'r • . ort e
of !•-" More th•1n a tieette.e. Ile i+ w•vetty he tr1•.p:r- of .:ul_atnitil I»•Inuging
'nt.re are. 11owey.•n ri•roe lite +.,.• tad wit- tit o1lt_t ,, ottt r, hr -t: in
order I"
II 1 f tl Liberal 11 I'orernntt•nt 1a n 1t 1 tt it ,•nn 1,4. 1 rontdtt ••!dont 1 14N. t yam-
•tIye of i hilt Monod. W•+,. 11' h the owner of the animal k
fidlnwrvl by in -renew.' stile of /'anndlnn who sat last a- Liberal 1110111-mtlscL{leyt„n- tI I.•udei.,u-Ie7-
. "nettlrtt y-.
pro;ln.•tr Lt itritnln. For many year! Iyer for Noon• ,law ('Inc, hallo fr.m 1\'arvo 1: U 1
the l'rttgr,-"iye party has had as a f..mdon. - Thi. ease N'1- m11' -b .-rltl•di••,1•nt the
plank in Its platform the _rn.itul re -
•1 hh \I Parer again elertil R lino• ser limit' iib .',lit on t.
.: Inn
MItI,1 en.n..t., -11)44 that the .!est -cot i„
Tillett t-. Kurd is not firmly
4 Sew Ingham. .\ufut.11 p. 2v.
So the plaintiff in order to -n,• ee,l
in Gila n.-titn m
ntt prose that the ':e
bu•- negligence ••u- the et11s•• of
the iitjnry to hi- ear.'
The town -hip t, Ian Iu1.4 to il•:trin_
!woe the ease. `
The 111W N.1- not at large: there ;-
' un eyi,'et,o• that -he a;++ cieinn.4 or
nnrnly : certainly tar ev-tdettr that the
member for 'I'.om•h;, l: and n sn pp,r in Strut ca, Craig iv. I1. 1,. It. 324.
auction of tlittiea on itnp'r•ts from tel' ofthe r,
mat 'NM Tann•
it -liner
adntjni,trttion. fa
Great Britain until 11lt.ohite fur triode ', t;utce ..f 11'.iford inti i
with the N(other I :reached ty'
1l t» lr•rhatw alone this line that the 11o. twy, aa•mh.•r+ webs In,t r+-6141 rrle
King Government pr.gose. tri more r,-.a•nled i1. ttti city noel ••I1- n
f'atlndian• ••this like 10 1.11) more-itiinelt-np!•••r'•i r of the t:•trtlnen td-
largely frim (:rent Britain ratites than. tnDlietrution, bnj wb,r \y.a- defruted
y4stenlay. waw f•orn at Walkerton nod
the t'mitwl Staiea• esleelnlly to view lair family was wept known at f:otler-{
of the tntfririttll) legislation that is ieh.
t•.h.-r1• 1' fl • • I who
1'onnir• ..4 ?Clic tM .
tionald \.' 11rSlre•u, K.1', tote of
naw prop.std' nt W'•4+hington. To make
n general Im re:Ise of Import dntle.'on
i'ttite,l State. :good+ wouid hamper
Canadian iu,tu-try and Increase
In¢ tees-ts it! this eonntry: lilt to re-.
dope the emit'. on liritl.1 zoos•. would
improve f nnn.!tan trade with ottr hest
•+ . 1 1144 ,»fl. 1, n ry .
repri•1u•nted ,nm. or the 'Sa41.tl,4.1t ,lefend:11d had any reason to'-op»1-'•
seal.. lout ft -ailed il.+ I',,hw•Acallye „1'- that there omit.'laany .1Ifflectlt) In
.o*en .• ::',it p.m. 111111 41;:s' 1.111. N
on •••
tat I.,aitte s. - - lith o+ 1h•to+1
lier. ''11•_ ,itfrmd:n•t lin.
II. F 16•I:regnr, 111titt wlw•te,l n. :t I nen•1, 1 the ,ilrlluntb'u to take m-';1-e.r,- '
I,IIernl for r,racellnar¢. comes fromaideoble rare". 4Strn yr. Craig. -opI.
\Iliton. ::.2-... 1 .1o'not think 11 WA. maim-ot-
Itn¢h K 11111er. hirtut-r Liberalal,te,ln 'i
the .renntet:tn'•es to give theitm•itui. l for I.any!en. who give. 44n1y iso 1,11,141 thy 'in -k ,if firkins,: lite -•.I)
h' :t I'„twari alive, spent his youth at 10 ilii• horny farm. nor is titers 1111) Pt" -
.11.11.1. 11.11 t •• •' a,
f.oilent' )eater•L•iy. cora•+ froth 1lntmil- ,Irwin_ her on aha road in'que-tion IN••
ton ami Na- fornl.•rlc In the, uewa-
rnsj•'mi•r4 nn,l '114/111•1nor 1e n Ii11rdt'n
maim the ,.•n•nm!ng tNll.}i•' to til+
- 1ii I't were nt•gllgett
)tnle11..1. Gor.lim. 011044.41 a. !Ahern] I to the , teertliou of thus 'to -I\. Ii wn-
member for Lbo),Imhiater for a thielnot ti -gal or neNarsrry In tLi• sir tm-
EDITORIAL NOTES tune. da- h•.1„ :,.t Nallrn. ,ttivas to put n halter on the animal.
;Among the former 4hatarioatt+ Mem- 1 tsar Tlliett \.. 1i'artl. •lpra.1 i•:VIM
r e,1 by -„1,13•-i 11. 11 forces !r fir. .1 T.. M. , 1f the .ort on the .wt•nslai In /1144.441101114...• 4;,11• Itoutiuton 1)4y. itIt the-'.\n,h'ra•)n. sa•kit to,et t'on.+•rvntive.I had Ism, lit ,-targe ''f two hihllts. I
crowd in G.slerleh." who woo. born and Mtntmted at To.' doubt if rh.y wotl1d hit•• ove•u' aIle to
• • • roar. Ise 1• i,.tt-et•otiye lender In the ,•11M•k the t,•w'.4 am.hlen jump Into floe
1'rochn a trn-elletl road. nod into the. "Ise of the
Heron la a tem•slue.• ,,,nut). nn,l Its. liegf t:, l•1 Sti(»•,
one of the lend- -1111 iff'a ear.
runtr mars 3e met ort. -inn•. The nu-� tag I'rogr•-•ite- of the Province and It think 11 1V3.4 1111 a,•t•Ideni, 11ke the
thvrlties should keep a• sharp cyP on 1nalni •r for Hanley. I• a Motive of 141- /1•1 'steer's
i11M1~inttfhf , Ie hard citwa re it Mot
P4'nn tr'. i',.yh,i datle and itotli-.ny.
the operations at the luirlpttr.
• ' • •
The Story Hour
The FIrrt of July- I. one .jay nn -so 4ilyyit- l• 1asy1'3 higb'ny at or after flask .null !t
wltitit all Canadians tour tllite. Let ••yeah, he's a, 1,4h4'.1 rather )4••' -1+'111- to mm- that 1,4* wiit of •1114'.
-as eelehrnte the oearty-,(••tolyl miniver. ten to a /whim,. story than tort the drive. 11 ttnaor -am- on highway. a'
dial" I thhly miles in hints const take 10.
chance of fhn;ing animal. In ehnrg.• of
True 11»'3a. Rill 'd frightening them 1'y the
Ludy : -You're the oldest tihnhitant 1 bola• std Ilahtr so 11.11 they rah into
th.• tar.
the nt : -1. Intl .. 111 .11" NI ”.• 1.a_t9
.lnelent : "C,•a I 1»•, nonit, Ifni mind The ea-•• sus
eo,r-' g11It4' Uinta; for fanner. nit ,
furm•r-' Iso... t.. •!rhe animal- along
Dory of ('onfederatbm - with lo) al en' - -
• • •
Tit. Mtacee itefo'rnter says. In ,lees
nr the reception Mr. Ferguson's ed11rn
tl4tnal pmrptatals latye had. that the
unh.me w•111 a/'rr be lint Into effect
••14144)114 a warm cattle. But Mr. Fer-
guson lass nn notion of putting up
l.aftl• ua the gtleaflot ; le ray. that
adnpll•a or his plaint -Ms will the ni►
of 1
11-utlw•d• bar Wt.
y••• i ain't nlwn)s item" 14.1,4+ ntlow•4v1 to the defendant.
,+►pelted knoutMh(e _ .. _ --
Tenrher- .\u nnonyntnn, per.ons 1t Fancy n Frenchman learning the
One w -he thrite 1111, wish to lee Aomori Fittlisi Itltl¢IIalI' Iu•Ing tall that al-
t'Mi s that l:ln¢hlna In the close? resit,- M all right hat that alright 1.
Wolof. -- .\n anotvmnut+ )tenon. ail wrong. 4'hristlan !kismet. Moni•
• nn -I in•
\,• t \'ark E\ru-
Fneting *boat
Or Summer Asthma? Stop fret -
tine. Stop the Hay Fever. Take
RAZ -MAH CAPSULES .before •'
the attack is due. We know peo"
who had Hay Fever 20 years who
stopped it with RAZ -MAIL, You
either get relief from one $1 box
or your money back. No sprays,
snuff, smokes or serums. No
harmful or habit-forming drugs.
Here'• Stoma'- Eaeil oy For
Light, Flavory, Y
With all the bran
of the whole wheat
When fussy appetites are hard to please, these crisp, oven.
baked, flavory shreds of whole wheat give whole tht to ele and
and energy for work or play.
Delicious fruits.
Save the paper inserts for the youngsters.
Summer Footwear
We have a large variety in Sport Footwear.
Running Shoes for the boys and girls.
Bowling Shoes. Golfing Shoes and Tennis Shoes.
Our Bowling `hoes are Mads to give comfort and eu.'-.• from
morning till night. am- it y halm th
Trthat snug fitting .
OurGolfing Shoes were made especially to nur order and be-
lieve mm- they are-rt'aLUulf Ape!,
Phone 1...1
� Y
'f' I Close up view showing
how Ford Specified
Tire fits into drop cen-
tre nm.
Greater Strength and Durability
THE Ford Steel Spoke (Drop Centre)
wheel is an advanced step in engineer-
ing and the result of exhaustive experimental
tests. It is smart in appearance, extra strong,
having a lasting finish, easy to clean and
pf"ovides a simple method for mounting and
demounting the tire without tools and in a
fraction of the time previously required.
The steel rods or spokes, 1/4' in diameter, are elec-
trically welded to rim and hub shelle The es
enamel baked on steel. Possessing great
and being one solid
by any tier typ have a
sturdiness not approached
The Ford wheel eliminates loose, squeaking spokes
and rims, pinched tubes, chipped or peeling finish,
necessity of tire flap. misalignment of tires nue to
carelessly mounted rims, and a host of other vheel
and tire ills formerly encountered. It permits of
easy steering and no drumming sound is created
by the wind.
There is an enormous amount of careful work -
necessary to build strength and service into the
Ford Steel Spoke wheel, and the results justify the
engineering study and skill devoted to this feature
of the Ford car.
Drive it
Yourself -
there is no
Better Test
Ford Car
°wits of colours
55 to 85 +Wiles an hoar
4o4071111 P.11.0r engiwe
FWt harbor tofu
Fatly .,tcloe.d nr-broke System
{ Ifordeals hvd,arlie stock
in to PI mil.s res eottngt
0, gasoline
Shatt.iiroof glias wiwdehield
The I? proof igniting, luck
RehabiIity and low ..rk.ct•
Arrange for your demonstration ride with the
nearest Ford dealer
Ford Sales and Service Phone 403
St. Andrew's St., Coderich