HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-27, Page 1BUY AT HOME
What are you doing for the comm nity
that is doing so much for you? Y • can
help some by buying everything 70need
in our own home town. Read •e ad-
vertisements in The Signal and eh• • where
you are invited to shop.
Sueceasful business men today .are
building their business on a basis of truth-
ful but aggressive advertising. It makes new
customers:and keeps old customers satisfied.
KIl1HTY-S11CoND YEAR \(1. 18.
COST OVER $10,000
Quesion of Ajlowing Rifle
Range at Lake Shore
Still Hung Up
All the members except Councillor
t;ould, who l4 away on his wedding
trip. were tersetlt at the meeting of
the town council on Friday evening.
A"lydlcations for buildlug permits, as
follows. were referred to the fire com-
altlas: A. L. Maxwell, gurage. Nelson
street; F. H. Martin, two-story brick -
veneer dwelling, Brltauntu road; John
Fell, re -reefing part of dwelling. Cam-
bria road; R. Morrison. improve-
nlPnt' to dwteliug, t'nleduula Ternsee:
Geo. Stewart„ new walls for green-
houroe, tlrnce street; A. N. Atkinson.
re -roofing kitchen. South street; James
Buchanan, garage, Wright street;
B. C. Munnings, re•hingling and re-
pairs to dwelling. Nelson street ; Al -
1(4•11 J. Wilkins. shingling kitcheu,
t:i •ester Terrace; W. 1. McLean,
Weeping porch at dwelling. Elgin
Estimated Cost of Sidewalks
A report trete Sydney M. Johnson.
engineer Ili sidewalks for which 'tett-
tieing have been received this Year
gave a inial estimated coat of $10.223.-
105, of which property -owners would to
ame.eed for $41,374.20. leaving $3,831.-
3,831:dd as the town's share of the cost.
Mr. Johnson reported also upon a
petition for a walk on the 'south side
of Napier street, from Victoria to
Cumbria. He found some difficulties
In the construction of this walk and
advised one on the north side, with a
crossing to the hospital. Referred to
public works e•ommlttee.
Two more petitions for cement side-
walks --ole on Quebec street, north
side, from Wellington to Flutex street,
and one on the northeast aide of To-
ronto street. between Elgin and Brit-
annia -were referred to the public
works committee.
Ap application, from MIA,. icily Fer-
guson for perrulasion to place two
elgns for tourist/. on Victoria street
Paris green and arsenate of lead at
close prices. Campbell's Drug Store.
Phone 90.
A. N. Atkinson, chiropractor, will
be out of town from July let to 22nd,
Cutler the auspdeee of Maple Leaf
(llapter, 1.O.D.E.. a Country Fair will
he held at the Pavillon on Wedaesdav,
July 24. ieot( for further alnuq,nee-
hien t.
Entranee Etarllinatlolra This Week
Eighty-four pupils are writlmg on
the High School entrance examina-
tions,. which are taking place at the
Goderlch Collegiate Institute this week.
Principals J. 1'. Hume and I. E. Shar-
man are the presiding officers.
Mason* at North Street united
Thea 1.church parade of Mait-
land Lodge. No. ;;:i. A.F. & A. M., was
11e141 Inst Munduty levenlnh, ,.'ben a
large number of the members of the
Order [parched' In H 1oo1,7 to North
street United church to attend divine
service. NVunddpful Iirotlle•r Hev. C.
F. Clarke, pastor of the -church, was
in charge of the ewrvlee and preached
a foreful end Inspiring ,.e•rmont, bas-
ing hie (tisk/purse on the building of
S.detpen's temple.'
The choir under 1be direction of the
°reunite. Mr. I)ougbl4 Campdell, ren-
dered 11* enliven'. •'O Come to My
'Heart, lord Jesus." Mr. R. Fisher tak-,
lug the solo part. Miss L. Proctor, of
Brussels, sang 'The Silent Voice."
and Mr. George Belcher "Rock of
Many ('ase, in Magistrate's Court
Yeslerlay two Itlalrerine canvassere
from out of town were before Magis-
trate Held on n charge of obtaining
motley ancien fallow pretences. There
were two eases. a wtlimnn being the
victim In each case. 1t seena4 that the
canvassers would approach a prospect
and lend her to Ielieve that for Sul•
she would receive a took book and a
magazine for three months. The cook
book was left with her and she sign-
et! a dovment, which later turned out
to be a promise to lay nee dollar a
month for three months, or !63.06 fu
conviction wee registered in eaedt
4 ss•1 the offenders paid cows of $0.25
each, and the agreement wan clue/died.
It ,was a busy week In the Marie -
watt left In the hands of the public tratdu court. there bring abut* a
work, committee. aeons u cid qi) ta record. The great
A letter front the Ontario Motor
majority of tletib were from out -of-
properly placed, waw rent to the espec-
ial committee.
Railway Tracks at the Beaeh
A communication was received from
the ('.P.R agent In reply to (he coun-
cil's request that the railway shorten
its track+ at the freight shed. next
the teach at the freight ah41 next
veaij it would cost considerable to make
thli change. 'The only reason why we
are requested) to do this 1s that we
have allowed the town to ume part of
our shed we. n' bathing -horse stare the
removal of the Md house some years
ago. continued Mr. Connor, who
v4tggeeted that the purpose would he
served just as well by keeping cars
one car -length from' the end of the
tracks for the next two months so as
to allow access from the leach to the
ha tbing-houae.
In reply to this the clerk wrote
rotating that "If these tracks are in u%P,
they are being used for purlsees other
than what they were allowed on Ods
street for. These track,. are there for
hauling freight to and from your flour
shed and should not be used for ant
other purpose." The council quite ell-
p.reetate the privilege of uotng part of
your shed as a bathing -bourse, but on
the other Hand your Company should
also appreciate that. In view of the use
or non -ase of this Shed and track"'
they have no right on thio strmt 111-
)( ance."
The matter was left with the har-
bor committee to paw that the request
of the cnnnoll I' carried nut.
Acommunlcatlnn received from Rev.
Canon Hill $ngge'fed that the council
Lave St. George's Crescent oiled again
his year without a new petition.
The pahlk works committee was em-
wered to get Ia the matter.
The Proposed Rifle Range
A ('ommnnleation from Chas. Neale
eyed A protest against the placing
t a rifle range on the property Ad -
Joint: hip at the lake hank.
There w•es quite A long discussion
ver this matter. The Department of
atioual Defence has asked several
new for the emincll'44 decision As to
H•ther it will allow the rnnge, and
retantly written 0114* mere.
Some of the councillors were 111 fav-
or granting the request of the De-
finent. but finally the public works
mtttee w•A,. asked to submit a re-
t on the matter at the next meet -
Committee Report%
1e f(nnnee committee recommend -
that the t'ollerlate institute board
paid n further sum of e2.0110 reel!
pdblle library board a further sum'
$.1011 on their grant.
medic works eommlttee recom- 1
al that MavFwan & Tehbutt he
ed to furnish a hand of Inrlemnity'
connection with placing n gasoline
k on Victoria street in front of',
r garage. A err of rotor it tens be -
applied on the streets. Bell Bros.
tk'llvered 24'1 yards of 'oreenwl
and more wile reunirfdI. and it
reenmmended that the ehntrmnn
eommittee be empowered to par-
more (hind. Petitions for roan(
ad been pre4Pnted as follows:
k street -Cambria to Alpert.
,.gate street -Cambria to Albert.
gin itones-Viet aria to WAterinn.
o•k street -Victoria to Cambria.
Ann street -Victoria t0 (7amhrta.
son street -Cambria to Albert.
Bourg street-Llghthouu. 10 hke
rk street-iieter% to Cambria.
(OontlatlN se par 8)
three cases, a fine of $10 and eeab
'ring Imposed in each.
Having liquor in a eolith.' place cost
two offenders 6100 and coots each.
On it conviction of hawing Ilgnor+lar
sale the offender WAS went to jail for
two months, with an additional month
1n prospect In case of default In pay-
ruent of cents, .
For driving n ear while intoxicated
the sentence wak ten days in jail.
Three vagrants were brought before
the m$gi4tnte and were ordered to
leave town.
There were three /speeding charges.
111 ton cases *5 and (.oats being asses-
sed, and In the ether. which was a
second offence. 210 and costs.
Allowing another permit to use his
permit cost the offender $2.1 and costs.
in two c8m(4ro from Forth ch the
charge was laid under the Federal Act
requiring the Trundle se of eggs by grade.
In One came the fine was g:e0 and io.sts:
1u the other, *22" And Poets
A Perils county man .ons assessed
225 and ergots for peddling without a
I I4en*e.
There were two rases of neglee•tIng
to provide for wife And ?Mildly. a6d 1n
each e*' the husband was ordered to
pay a certain amount weekly.
Doings at the Water Front
Splendid proves, is teeing made on
the comstrnctinn.work of the new mil-
iku,-bushel eleya044' at the parlor. (1n
Wednesrtley twelve huge six -lent con-
crete eolmmns were laid and there
are twenty-four more to Ie built. The
laying of reinforced steel for the sec-
ond floor slab 1s now under way end
the touring of cement will likely e•om-
men'e on Friday.
The steamer Georgian is discharg-
ing a cargo of 110.000 Mlrotlel. of
wheat and 27.000 hnebele of oats at
the God*Mch elevator t*dny IThurs-
tiny 1. This cargo eras from the bend
of the lakes and was the only arrival
this week.
Several pleasure yields .sailed nt
this port the papa week. Among the
larger craft which put in here was
the Anone. In charge of Capt. Malcolm
McDonald. Jr., of GoolerIch.
The Forrest drill 'Mow has com-
pleted operations 141 the eastern slip
of the harbor and nn Wednesday It
eommeneed work In the outer channel
between the breakwater and the piers.
This latter work Is A eontinuation of
the eontreet let to Messrs. Kilmer &
Barter last reason.
The Government Inspection boat
Wnnketa wow In the harbor this week
with ('ol. Lemh, nupervieing engineer
of Ontario for the Federal Department
of'Public Works. on hoard. The ('nt-
nnel, who las on a tour of inspeetl(m.
ermined the consernetlon work now
under way on the north and month
piers. The Wnnketa cleared from this
bort for IK!netrdine.
A number of men fire fid work fill-
ing In in eonerete the gap in the wall
between the present contract work nn'
the south pier and the C.P.R. freight
shed. Th1s work le being done by the
Federal Department of Pwhlic Works. i
Work i' preeeding on the Insteps-'
[ton of the now power equipment lit
the lx•a1 plant of the Western Canada
Flour Mills. Next week we expect to
1(411811811 "In detail the many improve-
ments to be made in thin plant.
Mr. J. W. Rnnghner, of London. ass
sistnnt dMfrfct engineer for the Fed-
eral Department of Public Work', was
In town thl, week taking aoundlIngs
at the harbor.
RSI)AY, JUNE 27, 1929
The News
Flower Show Open
A ver ,redirlblc display of flowers
l4, to be seen today azul tomorrow in
the store at the corner of the Squirm
and Colborne street. The exhibition
wax arranged by the Goierieh Horti-
cultural Society and w•111 he open to
the public until 9 oeloek Friday even-
ing. There Is a amslderable variety of
bloom. but rose^ psonles 114141 41e11eh1n-
1nm make the beet displays,
Miss M. M. Campbell Gets Appointment
Miss M. M. Campbell, daughter of
Mr. Wm. Campbell, of town, has leen
apponited teacher of the ('. mmer-
4.1n1 department at the Golerlch Colle-
giate IIStltitte. sueeeediug Mia' E. M.
'Itarler. who recently resigned to take
a poeitton on the staff of the Oakville
Collegiate. For the 'past nine years
Miss Campbell had been at the head
of the commercial detainment of the
North itay 4(K•atlunal school. -
Another vaears•y has been created on
the hint Collegiate staff by the reatg-
nation of Mie. N1. D. 1'amldell, i1. A -
and the board ie advertising fora ntic-
ces+or to take lower w-hmd work And
physical culture training.
Goderkh Blaekaox Defeat Staffs
In an exhibition game of baseball
idavenl at Agricultural Park on Wed-
nesday afternoon the t:o erich Black -
Aix defeated Staffs ley the more of
The third lnuiug4 proved disas-
trous for Stafte, Goderieh scoring six
nine. which put them well In the lead.
M. Fritzley pitched a steady game for
the heals and the -
the locals and wax given letter Mils
port than In the previous gain('.
The line-up:
Staffs -Horton e, Coward p. Reid
1b, Elliott 2h, ('rlsley ss. Hoggarth 3b,
Barber If. Marling et, Warden rf.
Goderieb-0. McCluskey c. Al. Fritz -
ley iK C. Rhearinwn 16. M. (taker 21i.
C. Archer ss, Trlstian 31,, G. Tunnev
If. M. McKey cf. J. Kneeehaw, rf.
Score by innings:
Staffa 300 110 010`6
6004vrk•h .. 000 002 00x-8
ederieh lawn Bowlers Active
Two bunt tograameta were held at
the Pictoa - •) ,OwB1g greens the
Glazier an R. G. Reynolds; 2nd, H.
T. Edwards and R. Johnston. In Mon-
day evening's tournament (1f doubles
Fred 'Hunt and Jam. Mat -Vicar won
first prizes and R. Johnston and A.1
Maxwell ,erond prizes.
(1n Wednesday two local rinks took
part in a tournament at New Hann-
burg. but neither rink figured among
the lu'Ize-winners. The rinks were
composed of A. L. Maxwell, Jiff. Mac-
Vfear. Jos. Rrophey. T. (:lazier (skit,)
and .1 B. Swaffkeld. IR. Johnston.
A. Taylor, F. Hunt (skip)•
Mee-'rs. W. Symonds and A. Gold-
thorpe. members of the Goderleh Bow-
ling Club, took part In a tournament
of Scoteh doubles at Sarnia on Wed-
nesday. but did not take env prizes.
On Wednesday of last week two lo -
sal rinks' took part in tournaments at
St. Marys and Blyth and both return-
ed with prizes. At St. Marys R. John-
ston. C. F. Chapman J. B. Swaffield
and Fred Hunt (skill won second
place end at Blyth Jas. MacVicar. F.
Took, W. J. Powell and J. Beopbey
(shier also raptured the second prizee.
the Town
Rev. John yo gf(< 01 .4 rathro
11ed at his for "• at 'Aral
peat week.
• • • •
Mr. aid Mrs. Q,'R1ante ;Ire on a two' M
weeks' motor trip:. Quotas and Mrv-
1 'ladles Bowling ('pub
I At a meeting o ,1 ouwl•er of ladies
via. I held at the I'foton met Cowling club
house on Tuesday -ening a ladle.
lawn bowling club formed with
olffic•eM as follows: P Went. Mrs.
Pert Je 1nston ; lot v pr eldent,
Litt, err. ; 2nd vkr-prey nt. Mrs.
Hall; secretary-treiiau r. Mrs.
lunar. The ladioa utend
bowling ti Tuelslay and 'dumb
'flings and \the• ladle•,. of town n-
terestedl in 1ow11ug on the goer are
rifts' to join this newly-foruledl (organ-
tsation. The meloteiship to date 1s
slant twenty.
• r. • C. F.
Mr. and Mrs d:ll,l s. of
Midland, were • nr!co,iu townGibbthe
past week. T+
• '•
Mr Robt. Htar�er, of Royal
Rank staff. Tillaopburg, •eclatthe several
days le town the'jfast week.
• • •
Mrs. Jos. Jeffret'wN daughter 1'11y-
Ilvs arrived ho :sat week after
spending a month In 111ndsor and 1)e-
trol t.
• i •
Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Conitllor-t hare
returned home afar pending a feir
days with rekative and friend,. nt To-
Mr. ]. C. of Detroit. noter-
eel oyer tl t a couple of days
with his parser. Mr. and Mr-. J. Wella.
ton, Bennett ataaM-
• • •
lira. McCarthy ,tad daughter Ilelen
and Som. Rer. ThoNtl' Itet'arrhy. 44K•nt
the past week with Her Father
Shaw near Bultalliu X.Y.
• 't •
Mr. and Mrs. Cby. Garnow nod 1811)-
11V, of Toronto. hate taken up their re -
1 .dden(•e for the ausamer at tlwir form-
er home on North street.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. M,irrtly, of
Bey'fIetd, and Tigre. Wal. ltirilie•, of
e:oderich. motored to 'Andel' and
Woodstock on Sunday and elected with
'St. Simon's church, Toronto, was
(11e scene of a pretty wedding 0
Sau1rday Aftertes.n. .11111e 15(Ii
when isdlel dentures. daughter
of Mr. anti Mrs. itegln0ld
R. lemkhsrt• grtto, %se mar-
ried to p.:ret Middleton Lee, Leon of
Mr. and Mrs. _Charley C. Lep, Goder-
leh. Rer. S. 1!. Brewin foul Rer.
N. ('hirke Wnllaie were the offlrint-
Ing clergymen. The bride. who was
given away by her father, looked
charming In her wedding dress od'tr-
oer% satin and exquisite old lace. The
skirt. fashioned in lung lines. was
C11111111 t at girdle with brilliant hmrkle.
Indienting the long (-Hist line. The
pow train i.f,s,ltin hanging (rout the
shoulders was lintel with white chif-
fon. and the lovely heirloom tare veil
was arranged on the head with wrench
of orange hlowtms. She carried a
mower lodquef 0f 4' (44 ,• lily of tit!.
valley and orchids. The matron of
honor. Mrs. Clarke 1Vdlber. sister of
OW '.ride. wore ,1 (-harming drew,. of
grey georgette. fashioned with a long
skirt and a short .oat. Sher wore a
green mehalr lull with slippers to
match. And rnrried H bouquet of vas -
legated swept peas. The brides nieces.
Mlle Grace ('rooks and Nibs Nlarloe
1.t','. sister of the groom. wore 811111 -
lar frocks of pench georgette. They
wore hats and slippers fn match their
drefInea and carried) bouquets of I -Ar -
legated sweet pens. The brides 'where
1)18na and Johnnne Lockhart. netedl as
flower girls., and wore frocks of white
organdy with band,* of ribbon on their
hair They carried eolonlal hongnete nt
pansies. cornflowers. illy of the vnlley
and rosebuds. The hest man wart Mr.
JAW'. (:arrow, and the tethers were
Mr. ('herpes 1). Stewart, Mr. Crawford
Merlin And Mr. Donglae Lockhart,
brother of the bride. After the e,re-
mnnv a reception wee held at the
home of the bride's( parents, where
Mrs. ioekhart received in a gown of
Mack and white chiffon with a Ilnek
hat and a lontiuet of Premier rows.
Mrs. Lee wore A blue dream with a
black hat and A bouquet of Briarcliff
roses. inter the bride and groom left
by motor for Quebec, the Ieride Oared.
liner in a frock M bine and fawn spot-
ted crepe with a fawn coat trlmmed
with brown 1110le and a hat to Hatch.
On their return they will restide In
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. D. Devlin and Mr.
and Mn. T.Q u
lab with their els fatal-
lies, of Stratfoadk -.,peat Sendai at
the home of Yrs. Jas. Young. Col-
borne township.
• • •
Miss L. E. Ilnni46. tea
Francais, Ont., eie aper,
Pnwentationa to Depart Teacher
I Victoria school Waif011 fe TtlPsday
afternoon, when the (4141)1!: Hnti�fearh-
ereawenddtdl to do hurler to Nils. Wat-
18014. Mims Hamilton and tHss No
I who have resigned from the echo
1 teaching staff. The 114411 was gaily de-
; (prated with ()flume blossoms and
I pantile+. After several musical 4a•lec-
tione. 111,+ Waren' 441144 11111141 to the
I front, where Philip ('litter rend nn
address expreeei•e of the high esteem
In -which Mks Walwea Is Held is 1110
sa hoop. lull wishing her much happl-
1,1110101 In her new sphere of life. Margar-
et Taylor puede the presentation es•nation of a
ehel•t of silver, end little I',urii1e Johti-
ston presented a beautiful bouquet of
i pevmje4.
Miss R'ufs,n was. token completely
shy 'surprise, and in n fes- words ex -
Pressed her A',previathr s of the thought
fulness of the pupils.
I ' Mie. Nalirm and hiss Handlton'were
!then presented with gifts'end flowers.
tokens of lore and epq.rerlutlun le
their classes, Catherine Barton. Edrteu-
ne Juhestun and Peggy Cooler minis
the presentaMons to Mils Nairn, and
Grace Maxon, IMiheld,t McManus and
(Shirley Nevins to MI,. Hamilton. All
I kilned In singing -Icor they are jolly
I gond fellow''." anti -Auld 1.141144 Sylle."
on Thursday uftern.'nl the mem-
bers of the Victoria Hume mei Seined
Clnl, made Mir•. Watson the recipient
of a delightful /shower of linen. Mrs.
Taylor read the address and Mrs. herr -
Awo d made t1P pts
-. responded
for their
, an 1 care., on Monday next on
a two months' trip to Europe.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seeger. of King-
ston, ■rHyed fu rows this a.pk and
Rill spend a couple of months here.
They arc occupeing' Mr. 4Vm. T. John-
ston'm brick cuttelie on Lighthouse
• • • -
lir Paltridge. alto lntende lensing
in a few weeks for Cali [gin, has
sold !ler home on Elwin a enue to Mr.
Howard M('Nee. who hast bold -his re-
sidence on Wellington .'street to lir.
'RoIs•rt Tait
• • //
Air. and Mrs. Ill Hamilton and
two children an Mrs. Samuel Mc-
Guire, 01 Leckniy%. and Mrs. and Miss
Morrism tulcl MIA' Ellis, of Ilen4alI,
were week -end visitors at the home ,lf
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mew, McIMnald
• •, • •
N1r. and Mrs. TLomae Sower1.P, of
Gederich township. nnnollnee the en-
gngentent of their "inn/rest daughter,
Elizabeth Naomi, to Mr. David (1M-
*aYl t 0• ets•niff r nd son t K t
0 Q r. ane
Mts. N. .1. Sitter, of Thedford, (►nt.,
the marriage to tike place shortly.
n • • •
Mr. John A. Richardunn, of 1212
};est 0th street Duluth, Minnesota, M
visiting his father in Seaforth, who Is
very 111 and i, not expected to the
more thrill n few days. He 174 also vis-
iting friends around Gederich and at
fort Albert, where he Ina torn and
• • •
Visitors over the Week -end at the
home of Mr. and Mltve. M. J. Bowler
were Mr .and Mr-. !'at Bowler, their
two daughters. Mr -
eon and Mrs. Johns..
dale. North Dakot*.
dog hada delightful
the way and e8111ng
en to Det 1t FI
Their return trip 1-'1
I • •
((11 Friday Mr.
Johne•Inn motored l,;.
compnniell by Mr. F
Johnston rind sun I
lllektnan. I'entnek
Earl Johnston', fir••
find he reminrki•d tb:,
fler town In his tray
The vl'itors went tee
gore' Ian". Mn* N(
n (laughter of Mr..,
ler, Angle4ea Street
Smith and little
11. all from Ellin -
They report hnr-
trip. motoring all
,n friends at ('hi-
nt and Snginnw.
c wry of Nlag-Ira
nd Mlr+. Nit -Kee
from Detroit. le,.
,r1 Johnston. Nth..
tobert En rI from
This Was Mr.
'14410 to Canada
he sit* nd pref-
•!s than Gederieh.
k by way of Niw-
i:ee Johnntnn Is
Mrs. M..1. how -
First Ram
The Goderieh 'n-
first medic appeeran,
Sunday evening next
render it program
Square. it we. the
(411141 to play this 0'!
hot on account of tl •
eoneert M mestIone.
The program for Sunday evening will
be aa follows:
"'the Maple Leaf Foro,er" .1. Stetter
(a) Nnrembega Marl R. R. Hall
(b) Albanian, MMarch R. B. Hall
'Selection, "Little Wonder" Chennett,
Match Militaire F. Schubert
Se'leetion, Bine Dann). Joh. St ran*
Overture, "Spiek and seen" F. Jewell
March, "Silver Trump -ti." W. Rho►ppard
Pnnthern Air, March Al. 1. Hayes
March, lhtniop Commends,' R. R. Hall
Evening Hymn, "Abide with Me"
.0OD SAVE 711E 1111501
1 Concert
I will mnke Its
e fifths YPtI40/, on
when the'f will
,f music on the
Intention of the
urs'ny 1 evening.
wet werlifier the
to Smoley even -
TOIL: SII;NAL PRINTING CO. 1,1]1ITIID, l•uhllsiere.
The monthly meetleg 61 the W.M.S.
auxiliary of North street Cubed promotion Lista, ;'wards of Dipbsnaa
church 1011 I* held •' 1 '1'e. ss In
*and ('trtlfleates
stead ('1 Monday next week'' I
Service.. in Knox club-,, '-i_I Pruwutions from Form IB. and 1(1.
A. -Their passing In every aul>
bath will be in charge •.f til r.' jcvt,
Subjet is of sermon*: 1 J ' . lt• : I. F onors
Ing Up Our Minds;" 7 p.u,., "The In -1 Eticen O'Br,�
visible Presence." Suldeuth school and I Henrietta Cu
_ , , , ,, , , , , , , 77.2
Bible classes at 10 os'Iock. Madeline Naftel 75.Y
The service. at the Baptist. church 11. Honors :
next Sunday will be contacted by the Lucille Gnat 71.8
pastor. Rev. 1V. T. Bt unsub- Irene Stoll 74.8
Pets: 11 a.m., ••Why we should gine Ruth Caldwell 74.3
the Gospel to e 6F retich IBo man Path -
Middleton ! , ..1u.3
Mies In Quelle••;" 7 p.m. •'A .FourfoldRuby Errington... 70.6
Wonder." The Ilible -ch,sd will mew Roy Errington 70.6
at a. R.Ya'.1'. assts Moi lay Jack Mt•Mehen t 70.1
cul10mgs.mat S p.m. Marion Porter 68.2
The , 11eMices at Victoria street Bessie Bore 68.8
1'18 ell church neatI3uudu> will be to Robert Grove,. 68.2
charge of the pastor. iter. M. C. Parr, rifle Jewell 66.8
Beatrice Campbell 66.3
pastorate here: The Armen subject,' 111. Honors :
Jean Hunter
Harry Babb
Dorothy Horsey
Joe Priddle
Mabel Edward
Harry Cook
('ora ("ulbrrt 63.1
B. --Those promoted conditionally
at North 'rout United
xt Sunday n,. follow -'sr 10 dividualoreportss indicated
se tto thein students
Club, Mission Brod Mel and parents : • - -
Tileub 10184111.•1 hit:.
fIos• "r,ll.cIteus,lnplu8ou Mary Me•'Kinnon:....
r 'Ea tliers." 'Dig-
helite with the con
er Sunday eer-
- aervie
.plc nature
x1141 the pastor will take a his tier -
nom subject "A 'Happy People.'
' On Monday evening 11144811 rt"
members of the Y.'P.s,, from Mlle II
motored to North street church. wher
they were entertained by the Gosierich
society, The program for thl eveeibg
was given by the Mil, hell young 1N4i
pie and eOnlabIlted of a May. "More% Bert
atld Mud," ,ever,' al nIl•ggi�
'trnmerttal numbers
*1111 a 11y,crw'lfatandkonIs- ('.--Theo,
After a short eing-..i,: the happy tion with. the
group of ahout seventy young people Albert Webb
sat down to a deliclons hunch. The
room and table, were .i.d.eratel with
colo Bahia pink s1.
reel g tr and p k p rtes A
most asjoyable evening was brought to
dosis by the "ats�ing of -Meet Be the
Tle that BInd11."
and will he the closing eerviees of his
w111 be: 11 a.m., "The Approprilltlun of
Christ:" 7 p.m., 'Th. Victory of
Righte.otw,ess." The Futlday school
will [unite with the , olgregetlou at
he nwrulog *t'rvice I,, the evening
t local ()range lodges will attend in
a y.
a.m., •Niro .
Plass meeti1
in the Mien's
tit• Iknefits of
Sunday school will
gregatlon for the FIu
niece at 11 a.m. The e
will he of a specially pu
Fred Bisset 611
James Reddttt 60.1
Marjoirie Darr 60
Harold Yeo 58.8
Ilelenn McCreath 58.2
Thomas Page • 57.4
Myrtle Young 57.1
Ralph Walters 56.4
Marion Holmes 56.2
Phil Bisset 562
Howard Wilkins 56.1
Raymond Drennan 56
illiam Thomas • 55.9
Mildred Wilson 55
m McCreath 54.2
Castle 64.7
under further considers -
rents :
ikeorale! Perorate!
1104)41) Day .elebrwt1011 COm•4
n he evening the toucher. of cen-
tral and Victoria eeh ols were enter-
tained at the home of Miss Wiggins.
Present4tiens wore made to Nliss
s01. Alive ilamilten Ho.l Alis. Nairn.
,Regret was exprese•f1l nt the 'evenun e
of the pleaxnnt ridsi1on-b11os which
hare exteted. sand wee! wishes Were
extended for the 014111.-.
Audrey Weiland 53.2
Arthur Freemen' 52.9
James Murphy..... 52.2
James Sheardown 5211 -
Earl Mero 62.2
DoraAtkinson 52
I a
Ruth Worrell \ 52
Promotion to Form 1118.
A.-71teae passing in ever sg
a„ •e' •
decorate he r n. news ccs an re. er •McElwain
silences for the celebration of Monday Aulcen Litt
Next. Alex. MaeVicar...,,.,. 79.5
Alma Howell... I' ,....78.1:
u 78.1
N'Theo,n's•lunsrtlnfwestingwietl tIhee 4 i
hetl.dri.l1, Reyelni:IAMS:dcIlke-lo,
Mucl(a,r 11111 on Thurselay. .1 1110.41h. 1i. Honors*
tat a µm. There %%III Is• It denwostrt,. .ressie McCann 733 d '
tion of reaves.
(Continued on
page 5)
Semi -Pro Champions, of Buffalo, Western New York and Canada, having
defeated General Tires, of Buffalo; Osiers, of Toronto; Cuban Giants, of
Rochester, N. Y.; Mohawks, of Bradford, Pa., and other outstanding teams.
Champion Colored Team of the State of Michigan. This team puts up a
very fast game and it is a real treat to see them in action,