HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-20, Page 8..r.Iit, v'x+elaa•'^t .J......
��.- t.3Aflac,au,..aa•.4
sur 21I, 1tr�I.
I meat of educational facilities for the ' rural child does not have. In • urban Master Malcolm hi •'� Monday tor
[r EDUCA• rural child. Elmer C. Beacom..1. P. schcwls there is definite provision Tarauty, when r h.'' '• 11 t+lr I4 their
TIONAL RALLY spoke on the made for 'Lc htakh a the children holidays.
S. for West Huron, alae
subject of grants to public iscoddrespl. pre -School 'through
uechool isnuuk1t after ..0 as has beep al:;etotrd al coutuls►luuee fo
kers of Trusteed: snd Ratepayer.' Mr. Morris in °penilK t have dcltect t remedied hofs tr corp- i fpr taking of •®11xniM.
At(atrciation and 4/there hiscuss
Educational Changes taken in Me training problems of nits tai chmcs, rye ali.ntcs,
• th • p' and instrumento: at Port Alberis Sat
in the Parish Hall, Dungannon, of the for the tin- town:•, which educational systems :are helms singly rural school boards.
•y,ut tduuday wit •r,ends at l.uck-
ships es amu ratejta►yers of the rues- roved, and the first step in this dirt by so„
ships of Ashfield, Colborne. and West p f one's job and of learning to do Nn. vi Yui f R,aa•ak. Mr.
ection is taken by educating public He spoke of education as the know-
referred' to the jern f tereyouth,uf mowing school. He spoke for thetleth' The United churches of Ihungantwn
of the musical WWI: Vend Crewe arebiotin: x union pleats'
our land to face et t u Saturday. June 22.
as being one of the greatest things itis• both for vocal r. acrd a r*. S tarry. and Mr.
The gathering on Friday afternoon nation. la :+11 countries, the'work, which they have in cities aro
,,n‘1„, ]firs. JaekiK >I• Itridr, of ('below.
twnwtK be tvorke;d out
Wawanoxh, though not largt to num- Opinion u no ref,ernis senor., ,n ad-
here proved to be of much educational repines of public. ()Onion. (ne of the
value to those present, and much in- ur ses cf the ima,tine of
ferreting and intelligent discussion , Purposes
is to mould publiit old
gave the audience a clearer insight . means of discussion
into matters w'hic'h should be of in- ion, and by
terest to all. J. B. Young. of Dun- drawing up resolutons, which
gannon, occupied the chair. The presented to the minister of i.
principal speakers were W. M. Morris tits?. a means is established
of Toronto. and Rev. H. W. Snell. of senting the mind and desire
Stratford, seeretary and president re• people to the government.
Th speaker nest dealt
with success what we have to do. Hod Mrs. WIII Ni • 'lei family. of
ile referred to the many advantages S[ratfonl, Mr. and t1,' .\If. Ilensteett
- time country has over the city, for and family and Yi I d. Gaul, of Mil-
d •Ybringing
ild•Ybringing bp children and if to these vrrton, emelt Sun.. the home of
le could be added the edtcatiotai tacili- Mr. aai Mrs. Mel.. 1:.'dy.
uca- t ties enjoyed•. by the urban children. I Mr. G. S. Abrn of Port Elgin,
pre- ruse! life would-be well nigh perfect• le relkrtog• mana,• it the Rank of
of the It is becsuee of centralization .and commerce during tl alk•Kenale's ah-
grouping tint city schools . can be '41 I4c,e.
mh the made what they are and he was a horn -To Mr. a tyro 1,loyd MV -
�tron adcexate of a larger -unit. oif 1Whiuuey, on Sae t .lune 16th, li
CAMPBELL -1n Stanley towus}tlp,
9n June 7th, to )jr. *hit Moa (tol-
in Campbell, a sun (Jotun MacKel1
ALLIN-In toeing mentor.) of Ent
John Alliu, who passed away one
year ago, June 13th, 1921s.
"You bade uo one * last farewell,
You bald good-bye to tame,
The heaveuly gator they opeued wide,
A lovIng voice 41d. Colne."
--Sadly wiyswl by her daughter anti
1 grocery or office. Immediate poa-
salon given. Apply to (HA8. K.
UNDi?liS, Uoderlch.
TAININt; lady's wearing apparel.
Finder please retsttrryy itf• CItA1GIF:
Blt(1S.' STORE. GodetFleh. 1t
o r apes e
e ilei.) of the trustees' and rate- u tw K, la LOST. - SUM, OF MONEY UN
pest' minister's proMtaal• �" t1 • p
}epees' department of the Ontario years u%tiversity tree in some +of the attmims:ratiun for rural schools also. r mo meeting uf't11e North tmfrw•t. the Repmrr or au
Educational Association. Each out. collegiate institntes . d that tw^+ He believed that t
lined his ideas with regard to the tears of high slut.. w p 1 training available for every \\omns institute he hehd at the FlaeoO wtrrrt on Tuesday aftern,'nn
ting war the (hold home of Mata }, i at R
Premier's proposals tot the better ad for iniall the . tune school. An child for in
- alternative to this proposal was the what he is nest adapted for and bas Thursday, Jnne 2;' 3 u'cla•k. The Finder !yeses kava at SI(:N.V, tat*
establishment of junior high schools. the pleasure of developing hi. mat- m is In eh. of \Iia Altus. Fit'}:. Reward.
t Nos l�lnlgan not
English China
Our import shipment tot
English China has
just arrived
l�.'0 arc w'-lc,n1 P to eOmt•
in and look around at 'all? our
I , w &simi fnl dertgn- in China
Prices are very moderate
\Vc', !ii't n tttoiol• rful-.l„tiut,.
aft (/0,0Zs
do clt.,.. ii,.tt, ,it y r,• -
Cole's Book and
Gift Shoppe
the entrance work and two yea's of • r
• hi h school work would be intreduc- with a plea for the rural ch was given
- I(.t.n.
CI It 1. \'A\TDD.-FY)R l%ENEItAL
!Rol' WORK ; good wage... Ap-
ply MISS J. DOY1.E, Wert Street.
\l.\cN. good took; no washing:
aunt sleep at home. Apply evening..
to MRS. 1►1-111.EY 114)I.M1)8. SR.
W anther And radial drill hands.
men $eetterout d to heavy marine eta -
gine work. Apply stating age, expper- SALE -SILVER HULL. Bl'4'1�-
ienee and warms required to Box 70,'
1114.XAI, OFFICE oderlAT. R. J. OLEN, R.R. No.
Ik Goderich, Telephone Goderich Stn -
1 6 14
Tenders addressed to the under-
signed will he received by the Town
Council up to July let, 1929, fur the
building au the Vltte.n lot, 1041 11 S.,
on Wilson street.
The budding was formerly oecul�ted
as ■ dwelling and has been toe -ant
twine time 00 account of being pirt!al-
ly destroyed by fire.
Building and all material to be re-
moved at oewe and grounds left clean
and in good order.
No offer ue .saucily accepted.
1.. 1.. 'KNOX, Town (Tera.
Goderi, • li.
" for Augu4-Large. ts,uafortable, i
airy Iwsl-sitting room ' to lrrlvatp I
' bone. uldow•u Write deaorlp t lou. lata- ,
tion end terms to IUIV. R. H. ROB- ;
1NS(sN. 14 Duffer's' Ave., Chatham.
child and by ti. \ Y.t'..\. of Wit. ;Ont. • ettunhria'and Trafalgar strtx•te.
be• sure we are doing I;w,rytee. ehurvb, rich, h, theeN'l:It'1'Y
P111 c4A14:. - 414N►7) ("ARBA';:
■gs l I.AN 1'$. both early and late
kinds; also a lot of different kinks of
flower !Sante. JIIIIN I"Il.1.. corner
4r �gF\4.rF.T1 NC 1 AR
1'1 t
and where a c„urse.,d training. , w,,.i best
we can. He thought it a parish hall, last I evening, eta (1WNFRS
more adapted to meet tit• nrc14 of the twat
the rural pupils and +n.,.lern life would heAl•M .inn that t
be Riven.
Mr. Morris outlined theme carious
plans. not so much a- an advocate of
them. but so as to acquaint the aud-
ience with the- rat•, 4l. 41s and by
means of discussing them. find the
feeling of the pe•or'.e with regard to
them. Following- -is address came
' some interested and intelligent dis-
.cuseion. vrhich sen-r.l to sh,e.v that
the' majority of th,se present favor-
- ed the idea of rural high schools in
preference in the- er°pesal of intro-
ducing two years of -high school' wook
into every rural s,lo.. which migh'•
have a tendency to detract the atten-
tion and time of teachers from the
junior tirades. -'
Rev. H. W. Snell ref Strvtfiord. fol-
lowed with a prarti••rt adilre's upon
the subject of p larger unit of admin-
istration for rural -drools. He was
•plensed to hear the discussion upon
the subjeecin Introduced by Mr. Mor-
ris as .by this means mill come the
solution of rural . r d chis. He re-
tie trate. ot,ertunities an -
force to
Toyed by the urht" ti which- the
Outing, Golf, Bowling
and Tennis Shoes
Sturdv practical hoes for men. boys anti s ..1: - 111'
I �
favorite- for ladire, misses and children are t . °,•al(,red and
fancy fabric-. They are here in the newest designs and
pattt•rne. Play Shoe- for .children include a very largo varlets
of styles in Sandal- and Outing Shoes. The holiday' season
hag :-carte(]. Buy now and choose from the beat assortment at
the lowest possible priers, quality eoneidered.
Another Double -Header
Championship Baseball Match
for a Purse of $750 at
Goderich, Dominion Day
JULY 1ST, i 929
EASTER BRANDS of Buffalo, 1928 Champions of
New York State and Ontario
T1 I • u. ' L . -;..r t:. .'.alb)
Michigan's Greatest Colored Ball Team, of Detroit
. All t'ies'rs of National R,:p,tt•
This is the one and only annual Baseball Treat
in this district
Fir -1 Rano• called at '2 p n,
Three -Mile Marathon
(Open to County) to be run between the ball games
Tug -o' -War Competition
for Huron Old Boys' Cup and Prizes, to he pulled im-
mediately after the Ball Games
The above Program will be at Agricultural Park
ADMISSION -Adults 50c; Children 25c.
The Morning Program
will start at 10 a. m., with a
Monster Parade Headed by the
Goderich Band
followed by Children's Games, Bicycle Races,
Athletic Events, including Pole Vault on
the Square
Horseshoe Competition
at Victoria Park. Pick 'em tip ( „t, .t .44 7 p• m.
on the Square in the evenlnq
Something New---Orthophonic Concerts
on tine Square frog! I 1 a. m. to I P. tn. and
from 5 to 7 p. m.
Good Picnic Grounds, Bathing Beach,
Tourist Camp, with every convenience
Goderich on the Lake
Mayor H. J. A. MacEwan, S. D. Croft, '
Chairman of Commit,. Secretary
ru$tees arta rate- t)rll rw•elved. ;> large ernw'l
layer: nee meeting to dise•uss educa- etas In atfttadant meiderin2 the
tional matters and was very tptiheel 1.0-c deme et
tic for the future of the rural wheel TAP sumht•ewr ''s !'•'I'1 in'
and its possibilities. F:nkitae 1'restatrytrri ur.'h last Sun-, 1. -Take notice that the Town' ip
Beacom in his opening remarks ,Ito weer largely.sI ...th after' of Colbert*
intends to further h.•r Im•
dins -11y oil
and - Was interested to hear the dis- T,.rdbk sermons. hair wog as' mime e
eusaiien along lines of improtomr}{e ol;ted by the mai. tetras of Luck- j the work and upon the land. tw•.ettt-
in which he heartily concurrci. nett Prrwytertan , •'t. erns!+tin¢ of I two by the work.
then gave an explanation of the basis Moran. 1;. W . Dun_ \Icy eel, Johu- 2.-Tt*v z arn:moos' , n tfn1,. fn . he -
upon. who -h .)?rants to public schools ,roll. Horatw Aip•lo i d 'flees. \Vat• 'hag alM 7
were Rican and stated that in the Non. and Oen by 1" -• Ws -won. Mrs. to be laid to one year.
't-1'PrNnns intPntling to appeal
Inert the work must do SO before
more sparsely settled dttlrient. The 1 w. The macre.: s+ 2.0. a gest- July 3r 1, 1929.
r J
'spree uttte
trostPes' and ratepayers ase«taUon- ' B A . of Fbrn,w, two bbl• wool y
I tl lands abutting
'ark roods and
sed his appre s o the luteal t0 alripets the set. the reef
F11t1•:: FIRE: 1 NOW 1S THE
1 time t.. tiro out your rag.. and 541
kin.M of junk. Itighrst cash ].rice Nib!
for everything. A. honest deal. I►rop
la carol to S. iIALSTE.\1►, Box Iter:.
tG,alrrieh I'4) 1 will pay for the cnnl
Iw•1441 1 call mann you. 21
pP +,
enation of the neon and evening. .. • .\, G. ltintonh prove the hleneeaenua¢ i
your feather heed made Into a
sanitary roll mattress or down com-
forter. Highest trice paid for tea-
tbene Drop a card to IIOMINION I
Goderieh, and our agent will call.
Id be made
near future a change alto iti•w. Mies J. p'r Mr. Harvey
which would be in the favor of ,he \Ict;re. of Auburn. .-t two ringing aga
department of education a ereises al.,•roes offering. ana. _ to.S1..o. r J. HF:THERINe:T4)N,
most paternal care in the distribut- lallaa (ias,iera Porn. -Tri !'nitert Township Clerk
ins of grants. He was much inter- churebew of Denim sod I'rewe will not 322. Goderich. Ont. 2t
tested in the teaching of mope In hotel a union garde' • r'n on the lalrto (,LiN)ItN)E 'Pt1R"�$lill'.
schools and outlined the liberal ern- of Dungannon L'n..,'-. • hnn•h nn Fel- C
t•i•ion made for the teaching of tau- day ...num June Tho program
The couneiI of Colborne low.+hip
lshere four a rat, ' will be provided 1 r star,
this instrgctinn. He would tc pleas- of I•ondon. A hat; ..11 game is hello notify the ratep.ayen of the muni,?•
lit that
ed •n render assistance along iii* line arranged between "•.. I.s•al trmnit if yew y +a
Mr. Wm. Ntra'tette n ha*
to any hoards who might be inter -'the weather is ttu' 'e•rabir rte rcpnt been appointed Weed Inspe•tor and
ested. He also emphasized the need will l bend ?.Son .- Adiulaab.it -- o(k fuetruetwl to carry out a+ fully as pts
for bet tpr.libraries in the' s('t,ols and ' and 25c_ t f the Weed
flim the grants for this purpose.' 11 ace with the re
The chairman ca upon e
lime; also high-grade fertiliser.
always. in stock. Prompt delivery
service when required. 11. R. BAER,
R.R. No. 5. Godertth, Out. Tele,ehoue
('arlow 2x21. tf
ic, schools ,combine for U• Fuer
Wt,NTF71►-T\VO TFAI'IfBR$ 11'19►-
TF:ST.tN'r. for-ftenmhlh.r aehtael:
experien•sd. N Ith flrel.•Inm. ,wrtifl-
catoa,. ntte t,. teach senior third to an.l
including fifth else's. 11w other to
teach from primary to and Inoluding
spnlor third. Salary 11(100 per annum.
Dntlew to eo.arienee In September. Ad-
dress J. W. ,;1,nothI .l.. Sec.-Treas.
R It. 4, (:•wk•rieh. It
be over. Better get yours
before It 1s too late. May 30th hatch
-Barred Rocks are 17c, S. C. \t' Leg-
horn, 15c.' After June 5th Barred
Rocks are 15e, 8. C. W. Leghorn+ 13'•.
Starred Rocks are pore O.A.C. strain;
cockerel..direct from 0.A. College are
mated to selected breeders. All Leg -
'horn chicks are from yearling end
two -year -did hens.
Hatching eggs 5c each.
Amit ttto see our line of Royal feelers
and water founts. -C. (l. CAMPBELL,
R. R. No. 2. Auburn, Ont. Phone
Blyth 1041.
bible the rtquirertxeu a o AI C'RON SALES 1 THOMAS GUNDRY. GODERIOH,
Act, and lu compliant* i,IVIC STOCK AND (RIOH. • -
lied th reeve' NILE- quest of the Department of Agrie•nl-IAi'CTI- STIO OF sTAND1NU
and deputy reeve of Ashfield. Messrs. tore would elicit the hearty cw►{pera-
J 4 McKenzie and Thomas Ander-
' tion of the ratepayers .0 rid the muni•', HAY' sale* attended to anywhere and,•eery
Telephone No. 119.
effort made to give eati.ftssot
.on. Mr. Mole, reeve of West Wawa- . NILE, JUNE 1'-' -Mr. and Mrs.cil,ality of aortous weewL ally give
nosh• J. M_ Reed, vice-president of I John Snell and ;ren. spent the tta•ve,-tor every aatAstaiNw In carrying
'the Xshffeld township association of week -end at the hu:i a of Mr. and 'firs. out the regulation'. A copy of the'
trustees and tatepayers and some Telford Nixon. tet may be teen In the clerk's Mikes
others to speak. after whitish the , Miaa Jean and Mr. Ernest Glen Keays street, Goderkb.
meeting closed with the singin¢ of visited at the hon of Mr. and Mrs.
P numr con ..rouAnd Lie not kw that after the Ant
the National Anthem. Orval Free, on Su .:ay. vi of the Inspector. If another visit'
beEnd here are I is moo -eery the cost will be charged
GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH tak,ng in the We \Vawarwsh Fire against the residents of the lands
COMING TO STRATFORD Insurance Co. picn:e today 1\i'ednes- visited.
day r at Kincardine G. J. HETHERi:NhTON,
Mr and Mn. N ,rman Moffat, of "Township l'krk:
Shod ag Sr*. and Bement A Bailey Ant'aster, and Mr and Mrs. Cecil June lith. 1!129. 2t
(Teles •a Monday Nest Sloan. of St. Thomas, were guests of .
After all there ie 1.111 (MP great Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pentland on Sun- AUCTION SAES OF I101'1SP11TO1tD
civils. And now t'••meo the annmm- da Some alit! farmers in this vicinity
n mPnt that '''.**Ringing teras, and gar are bus haul? ravel for the road,
mem ." Bailey'''. **Greatest Show on , t rte : I We are Instructed by
' h toughing for buck-
w t1h •11 its myriad of •f dere. allies I wheat Wesley ''F.ehhn is leaving this I Il by public bustle
Will sell by public auction at weld
halt of lot S. conreerton 6. Maiden!
township. on
SATt'•RD.\Y. JUNE 2'J. 1929,
commencing at 2 o'clock:
. Eighty stereo of hay to he 4•.111 in
lots to suit pirchasei.
TERMS -Flee months' credit will
be given on furnishing approved joint
notes; • discount allowed for cash.
Proprleior .tn,tioneer.
})arta," will alta visit thin vicinity, while others are p .ou tog MRB. GEORGE DREW
onto wPc n at her home.
It exhibits, in 9tratfoN an Mnnelay, r oauctio on n •
ervous diseases. Ley In etten4en,w.
(Friday for ' ie West. His sister, Bayfield road. G Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 pm.,
June 24th. Mr.. Clarke. f To,rontq�will accom_ THURSDAY. JI\^E 27th.
excepting fn.
The advance advertising Par herald- I n him. TENDERS F41R DRIT►4;INr, ,,,mment•ing at 1.30 o'clock, all the eon- t R Mond c and Thnrwlac and
'Hs the-appw-aramw of _this wonder of Pa Y by nppAntmPdf.
The Late Mr,. Rotltelie�After a tents of the'housP, inchmdlsg A. N. ATICiNNON '
-tender., is now in this territory longand'illness Mrs. Geo. Rutledge pass- SFALF.D trudrrx addn•ww•d to rte Mahogany parlor suite. 3 owe,:
it. gaily rnlotwl lithctaTapM !Sewn a+ nnder*iSnrd an.l endorsed "Ten- Ing chairs; 1 mantle clock: 1 new' Resldrn,e and omte-[7orner of
1th stree't and Britannia road.
oath rhrouRhuut t11e trnrmtryeide rd away June her home xt Nile, oi, alarm chwlt; janlinere stand; 1 pair
('omni' on 1110 double -length rail- Friday, nth, in her fifty-eighth err tar dre'dRinR• Port 'ttanlry..Ont.." .
in Colbarne will iP received until 12 dc
Farmers' sale elutes dismounted.
WESLEY W. 118 Elf.
t" t • Auctioneer.
(will conduct sales any where . My
terms are reasonable and I wit: ep-
da.cor to give satisfaction. Phone
Carlow 1314, or address It. R. 4. God-
'rich -
C 111d►PIIA4"frau .tNi' irltl' :T.F:sr
Goderich. Mhos. 341
Equipped with e, ctro-magnet's
bathe. Etectrnnlc eleetrk treatments
and chiropractic. Chronic organic and
leak ,'on11areh curtains: 1 nig. 12x1.; several
.vas c.irr-..searrying its entire comply- year. Deceased was born tansy booked room; 1 large oak sl1P
?tent of Tow' p.•rsutt.anll 14010 au1inwl+. and spent most of her girlhood days 'daylight Iaicui¢ a, Fri.'s' June -`I,
hr I.i¢ -Low ..111 exhibit epu'h sur. Ms in that township. She was twice mar- 1922Sl• bmanl; 1 large oak extension table; 5I
ried. her first husband being Thomas Tende•n will not for considers d inn dining chairs; 1 pleec linoleum.,
%:achinni. The Homan Projectile."
Marquie. Moving to Niagara, she 14"! made on the forms supplied by 12,15; 3 compleN• twrlrcwm molten.,
Stool lewdly.) from the five -ten
of a can- 'Tent fifteen yeas there, until the the Department and in accordance
mattre+se. and epringw: 1 bedroom I
non: •IFolhth. the five -eon eta elf' death of her husband. She then mov- with the conditions met forth therein. rug . 2 c„n¢oleum rag. ; 1 Royal Qat
;.hnut : the comhit0esl \\alyn•ln•Rwllmnt toed Goderich. where she spent five Combined 'smith -igloo and form of -
her 'range; 1 Quebec heater and Open:
Troupe.. daring nrtinr ..f thy high until het marriage to her now trader can be obtained on application 1 coal oil store; 6 i•hnlrt
: 1 fan les'
wire; \flys Lillian I••itrel. most years.had G K Rutledge to the undersigned, also at the office labii 4 glow lamps,; 1 ladder; 1 step
be husband Geo
rtnrew, roller.). R est
famwl of .11 ferAle xyrislittts: Tine IMO 4eceutewn years, she spent of the District Engineer. 1.`tMtutrtw ladder. dishes. picture..
!1.P Flying Codnnae, led by tine In- in the vicinity of Nile. Besides her Itnilding, London. Ont.ware: garden enols, and other ankle..'
ofori ' .n tts; t Maxine'. the fnnuiext hu+band, air leaves one inn. Wilmer, Tegders must InelpdP the towing of Everything will ho stele, as •Mew.
of wire 4101*: tele of emiiaehs and Er- at hams, one daughter. Jennie Alar- the plant m snd (mw the wort.
rt4-mei.. 2rPnte t wptrgtriane, and quis, and a stepson, Calvin Rutledge. The drdve% and other plant which TflR.IA -earth
many' others from thr-r Mail foreign who has been sailing on the Great are Intended to he used- on the work
*hares Lakes and arrived home two days be -'shall hare been duly regMterwl in Can- t
Tlwrt- are more new foreign art*, fore her death. Eight sisters alto � ads at the time of the filing of 11*
than toes before with the big show and survive: Mrs. Iwvi Snyder and Mra. tenoler with the Department, or shall' ACCP10*N SALE. OF RESIDFT' CE
performanows dazzling with splendor 0. R. Forster, of Colborne; Mr_. John have teen built In Canada after the • ,Ni) }}(»•vgw►T,o ii`I'RNI-
and magntfiPMue are !rt•t.entwl twice K,hwanz and Mrs. H. Hillier. of Torr• filing of the tender. TIRE.
(la r. nP n inR- arsum c s I er o must he accompanied by
the „alt .!?cels ng siren• in the wand. I obi • Mrs T Rimers, of London; I sn accepted cheque on a
r n1rP
Drew Is leaving Goderleh.
\ .-ea
ll, TI Ri til B circus onto Mrs C Oke of Goder town- F ach tender mu
i'ri,wo (Admitting to circus, mesas-iJtlra.Sam Schw•anz and Mrs. A. Walk-
erlr end Rental admfwdon "eats) -� er, of Rocanville, Seek. Mrs. Rut -
adult. 75e, thlldren under twelve h .dge had many friends and was of a
hank, payable to the order o
Minister of Public Worts for 5 per
met of the contract price. but no
cheque to be for lees* than flee hun-
dred deAlarw. Bonds of the Domin-
ion of Canada or lends M the Cann -
nn -
dean National Railway Company
be accepted as ce•curlty, or bond* and
a cheque if required to make rap an
laid amount.
By Order,
Department of Pnblie Work.,
I Ottawa. Jnne 15. 1929.
i'(h• (and stand sesta inchuling friendly disposition, and bore her long
attune/eon. 11.50 to all. (Advo.) 1eutering with great patience and
thoughtfulness for those who waited
on her. She was a member of the
United Church. The funeral took
place to the Co -Shortie cemetery on
DUNGANNON. June 19.- Mr. and
Mee. harry Anderwon, of Lis -know. Sunday, and was very largely attend-
( spent Sundny at the home of Mr. and ed. The services were conducted by
Mrs. Rurton Remeh, Rev. R. A. Lundy and the pallbearers
Mr. Orville Ryan. of Toronrn. 14 cis- were six brothers-in-law, Thos. Fil-
Iting his grandmother. Milk J. Ryan. Mme. C. Oke.(0. 11e and Forster,
o , J. Taylor.
Mr aril Mr. (l. M. McKenzie and
Major 71 n 1) Seegracse, tipper left. Bride awed demon. holder of the world'a ante eat record
aid winner over Gar Wood. t'nited State.' premier motorboat racer. with We new *p
w rpwwltoat, 'Miss Al-
a, rity." upper right, In which be heat Herr Ras,. lower right, Germany'* racing ace. who drove the
'llnnnrd Ord." lower left, to a test of .lww.l and nerve.
.'11l sell by public auction at the
premises, Huron road. Goderich, on
commencing at 120 sharp: ,of a well -
The property. n
built frame house containing eight
rooms with electric lights and toilet.
Town water elnk In kitchen. Good
cellar and an extra gond garden, two
At the tame time all the contents of
ithe hose. Including licdng-room. din-
ing -room. bedroom and kitchen furni-
ture. garden tools And chattels. will
be sold.
There will be nothing resegved, as
Mrs. Thiff Is leaving Goderich.
TERMS. --On the property. 10 pe
1 cant. of purchase peke to he paid at
time of *ale. halenee In thirty day..
or easy terms of payment ran be ar-
ranged. Term. on household fnrni-
A uct loner*.
7(•e are inrtieted.t by
MAp•tublicair•tinn let k
to selllI by P herhome.
Elgin avenue• ,wlerleon
FRiISAY.el.I VNh.F. 2!+th.
commencing at 1.30 o'clock, all the
contents of the hoist., including:
(Ine upright Heintsman piano and
bench: 1 vletrnla rad re o r s;llrack' 2
1 eom-
plete living -room
hall chair.: 1 floor lamp: fancy table*:
emirs: 1 writing desk ; 3 complete
bedroom Mite.' with mattrew and
springs; 2 chiffonier.: 1 electric
was; 1 nr: lt
Pr; rat*: rap•refrlg: i4)11atnr015: gnilta:mnw-
tah►hers: pkture+: kltehen 1 fnarniyn.hlnt[w;
&whe.: giant/ware: 2 lnridor.; 1 3
Mtrinor trner casae oil stnrrrtk: 2 ovein•. and
,�. other a1Pta
ItissaPi'altrk*' ha* mold the preperty
and Is giving ptlawdwdon at once. This
M a er•'e-iot'1 lot of fnrn(tore to firwt-
clam *hsps.
Tilt M(4. -Cash.
T. GI1NIDRY f((1(•:
Accountant. 1(42 Ontario street. -
tford. Phone 1550. Rea IISOJ
Late House (sturgeon New York Oph-
thalmic and Aural Hospital, as.iatant
at Moorefield Eye Hnepital and Gulden
Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng.
5m Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tel-
ephone 267.
At Hertel Redford, Goderich, on the
evening of third Monday of each
month t111 the following day, Tuesday.
at 1 pm.
Barrleter and Solicitor
Sun Life Building. Adelaide and
Victoria street., Toronto 2.
Telephone Elgin 5301.
Barrister, Etc.
Once --Hamilton street, Goderich.
Phone 27.
Successor to .1. L Hllloran.
Pbone 97.
Office -The 8qu.re. Goderich.
Maps a *laps
BAaatwraa., Fire.
R. C. HAYS-R.C.HAYS te.. B.A
Hamilton St., Oodericn
S1'RANCE CO. -Farm and Iso-
lated town property matted.
Of sere--Ja.. Connolly, Pre... God-
erich P. 0.; Jas. Sian.. Vlee-Tee...
1NN•ehwond P. 0.; D. F. McGregor,
Sec. -Trees.. Seaforth P. O.
}etre etnrw--A. Broadfoot, R. R.
No. 3. Seaforth; John G. Grieve. No.
4, Walton; William RInn, R. R. No.
2. Seeforth ; John Ilennewles, Brod-
hngcn : (leo. McCartney, R. R. No. S,
Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Hariock
Murray Gaston, Brueetleld ; 'James
Foran*. Beechwood; James Connolly.
Agents --.i. W. Ynnj (Snderieh :
I Alex. Leitch, 11. R. No. 1, Clinton:
John Murray. Seaforth; E. I11nchley.
Seaforth. Pettey -holders can make all
pigment. end get their card. reeit►t-
ed at R. J. Morrl.h's Clothing Store.
Mates; Calvin Cmtt'. Grocery, King -
titan street, lnd.rlch, or J. 11. Rehd'w
General Store, Beyfie11.