HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-20, Page 7THE SIGNAL, IICounty and District "1 think Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful! 1 have had s,a children of which four are living and my youngest is a bon, nie baby boy now eight months old who weighs 21 touods. I have taken your medicine before each of them was born and have certainly re- cetved great benefit from it. I urge my friends to take it as l am sure they will receive the same help I did." -Mrs. Muton McMullen, V,triessu. ( ).liana. Lydia E. Piukilaui's Vezetable Compound C, t,,. M,•, Y t o0 c. c,• ,• JUNE 144,11111 Chiron Conserved/reit will waif Florence' Calling, was fortrierl7 bold their atnu11aI, meeting In the Mrs. R. E. Bell. She le burvived by 1'1" 11a11. itrIls1111. OU Wednerd*Y., her husband and a soon and daughter June •J8. i by her former marriage. W. J. Bell of The death .ernrred on Friday lustlToronto and Mri•. Carl Hoar of Allan - Of Mrs. John J. t:orsaMts, a well- dale. known resident of tarry township, in The reopening of I/Vie ley-W1Illis I and tortuous land that no many think her fifty-seventh year. l'u'te}churi•Il will take place ou ,IniacIlt, writes Maurice Hinduslin Ads At North It.ty o❑ June Ttlt Annie 80th. -Rev. M. McKinnon, of Toronto, Magazine atter making a tour of, the Marion. daughter of Apr. and Mre.lien- will le the preacher of the day. ry ,Strang of 1•demo.. was united in marriage 10 Allan W:Ifred Perteval, tun of Mr -and Mr., Alex. Perceval. of Cobden. tint The hippy couple will GODERICH, ONT. A VISIT TO SIBERIA ON TILE WHl�lli�lli A II.At'K% .AHD 00I RY. Malt alt Dttl.erlhea roue of T1rV VMI 1,,,,„4.--h'ver)llal.g In N1- beetle But seen and Low. aprtnl-Fhrid Prices uw. Siberia is not a1:oit•ther the bleak 'Fire Clinton students graduated country. 1 std sit un - with the B•.A. degree at the recent eilllyta•Ation of the 1'yicer+ity' of To- n rupia. They were. Elsner Paisley and re<nle at ltonctl• 110'• i Mlsww foaled Fraser. Esther Trewar- 1p, $ituay rd. Jim.. I.t: at the horse ilia. Ethel Hogg and Corn Jervis lof the brhle'. pare',.-. Ella Mar}'. 'Hr B. ('heat. for the lout eighteen daughter o%l f r. ❑l, , ?Ire.Atdain %ear,. +nlwrinteudt'nt of Clinton'. p ole Spree.. of Ford,' wis. d ails. united In lie utilities on Monday in blo marriage to %Villi:uu Eugene Simpeou. .ear "f Mr. :mol SI r• '('howes• Siam - 1 roll ..f •Itallautrae. TIP; tereWunY was performed by 'lei. it. S. Jones of 1:orrie. Mr. aid Mr.. '.iwyea a will re - i side in Ihalluutrat'. At, iutt•rtatiue t'%,•nt took plater at1 the honw of Mr. and SIM. W. J. how -1111 ou. t:udu•u lou•. Si:w!.•y, u,1 Saturdaj uptruiug, June .414%then their daugh- ter. Veen llarit•. N.t- united in mar- riage 1u 1444111:11..1F. Talbot, Alia of lir. and Mr.. W. 11 Talbot, also of 1 Stanley. The ceremony was perfurm- rd by Ifo'. J. 1'rur..•c of Yarns.' The happy runple left n" .1 motor trip to Niagara Falls and other Ontario points , mud ou their remelt will reside nn Ila• I;r.M.us'.. fares oil the Blew Water seven(,'-fir+t year. after an 'lineae 1 several months. "the month of Weddings" W4can furnish the finest arrangement ia,all styles of Wedding Flowers for the bride .GEO. STEEWART iiy.nrrI•,r ice $t. Tels�.uu 18S Goderich SHINGLES' A car of Rooting and Rock Fact. Shingles just arrived 51 and 3x B. C. Shingles ;'•t our priers before you buy Robt. Standish 1 suet -t 1'h"n.• :1819 . ;, elerich THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List • CLINTON The deatltt,M•curn',t en June 12th of .In& ('ha.. Mock. In her fiftieth year: 'rhe deceased. who.'• maiden name The Signal and The Toronto Globe ,._..._. snso Tb. Sig..I nod The Teresa, g 50 Deily Mar Tb. Signa) and The Leaden s.SO Advertiser The Siegal mad The Lil• 6.50 Free Press Th. Signal and The '.euuIe s s0 Mail and Empire The Signal and Tose Fannon'3 2!t Sul The Signal tai The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3.00 The Signal cid Saturday S SO Night The Signal sad Ilse Naw 3.90 Outlook The Signal sed Caseate 4 65 Homes and Gardens The Signal aid Th. Catholic 3.75 Record Th. Signal s Magazine irises 3.711 Th. Signal ad M.streatrei t Wit- ness ................. tow ...... 3.50 Th. Signe) a n d rwW4d 4.25 Wide new ......385 The Signal .ad Youth's3 g0 Companion The Signal and The TereMs{ T` Star Weekly The signal and Rd sad 3.is Gun ^ The Signal and The Caa.Jiu2 f6 Countryman Clubbing Rates With Other Peri- odicals May Be Had on Application %iNGHAM The Siberian coup ry folded itself to our cY'•s through the ZL'RICH Following are the date- c %ar- windo Siberiwa of the swiftally .01104ls trans- Oh14r, of IFMIrri1ttus school (alts to be h.•'.I u. ilururt Bibertan of aces was and ver, to sun- ,. r. and receMrstnt M. cunt this Year: II and fragrance :0111 v.•rdure. It kit. were rareut iedt r -- the vol- I tY lace. •� a ..........000.0 ..r-00+,00•^ a butcher beetaess ber'e'untll notified; of his appointment to the postottke.1 Mrs. Carrie Dunbar, who" ha+ been the deputy for several yeast. bags resigned and will be replat•ei for the present by Niles Pickett. tit Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter How 'left lard week .{o spend a few weeks at their cottage on bake Huron. Mrs. rob e, assistantulrl'f iBrru `sels r,tr K. 1 UnuadoA :a•huol, herr tendered their re+iguntioni. Mfrs l'eufobl return,. to 'Guelph anti Mr. lw,bie liars neeepted the principalship of the Fordw•Ich con- tinuation school. Nike. Hark of I'erk- •hill. who bas leen teaching ort Plans - has been engaged to take Miss ' Peufebre place - .tf 'r.,r,nt": of Lucknow ; Dr• J. Hugh. in Brattish Columbia : Waiter ou the old homestead; Misr Jean, of To- ronto, ntyi Miss 'Elizabeth of New York. 1� MINI Telephone Telephone service bet*t•eu Melba UM - and Albury, Australia, stlddeuly stopped recently anti it was found that 4 magpie was the cauMe of the triable, The bird hat built a nest on the hip „f a pie, and being intent on making it durable and wilid, snipped off several pie... of sire ' which had been left un the gr un.1 1•y n•- letir oleo. tine of the pieces Has 1. ;,•tit a,.1 with two of the Wire* "1 the ,i,• , c:wsiug a short circuit, OL DATES SOHO visitors • Thursday. June si. Itr2•1 ? Sept. 11th- Hettsall. ally bore nowhere a frac, ..f £aything The Au1P i I held n r gruesome or even se‘, ; 11 was & at St. Ruulfa.'P Il 1'. Omni' nn plc urn of rugged Sri lovable day afternoon. .Tone 9111. There War After we had passed T>umrn, splendor. a large attendant* tr all tapeta of there was station the di-trlet. atter station where the Kee Dump,. :uta of mr. and Sept. 12th -'Lu rlcb. Sept. 131h -d: rand 1t.:. Sept. 16th --Colborne tnwn•h,L. Sept. "1Tth-Ashfield township. Sept. lith -St. Helens. Sept. 10th -Wroxeter. Sept. 20th-Howlck t.lwu.'. Sept. 23rd -Ethel. Sept. 2.t t h--Belgra vt. Sept. RSth-Goderlch tow';+chip. Sept. 27th-BlYth, Graf persons to greet paaengels as Mrs. t:tWttl'd Latah. of Zurich. who Mr. and Mrs. Robert T)L•kroe. of they came off for an alrine were flow- w•As ordained recently to the tuiniertry R'iugham. anta1uilts the engagement I er-vendors, principally boys and gists. of the Lutheran church, will east's Th would crowd round us and ' shortly for T1tatM,ro, where he still of their cool Je11n, to John g win ,1f Mr. and lir.. J. J. Moffatt. any I had ever seen, wild Hiles, but- I the marriage to take platy this i tercups, primroses, pansies-- gorg- , tnnutb• eons bouquets at the puce of from to three lop their itthlic lo haft picnic, hoe teed was at n At every station ..le ori for rale 1 the but -Id 1 wao to be held wolnosday of baskets of tt et the most we widow of the late would tempt the app, The ,(reef+ of Zurich have been, re•ontly In Stomps dyspeptic or the most`, snrtleted peer- treated with calcium chloride :i- a I IIYIPr. cheese, her- youngest* daughter. Ruby a>' take charge of the Lutheran emigre- 1 Hxruld Moffatt. eldpet thrust their bouquets into our very es- dalsles with hods tar or tbalt etinn The QPAtIi tr .Tune 7th, ,1f (:II eighty-first year. time a farmer 11 funeral telt pia •ettrred on }ridgy kopecks Parh. 1 it hunts here. herr Forgie. in his one .' ieh. t P trio . ne 1 at f+ , 7nriett sto ed, the foods alt• t t this the h, le DD bowl week, was called off ou account of r fu the HiIIPrA1P tete• In the booths a*t o eQ In the the peat hawkers 1 weather. R - Mr. and Mr.. \Cil}hnu t'. Calfa. and daughter. F.I ia. who stent the winter ....mhe. at Landon. have returned to cemetery. Janet Telltale)" 1+sae Cole. died township, h. her r •Iehtr-fifth year. }•,.r eon. Eggs, honey, b dust, p r ries, sausages, whole rusted chick- The fishermen of St. J"+epit'e Imre, n number of year, Atte and ler hint- . 11 ' biscuits, ca I 1 1 reel tel in town lint nftt r the ens and geese and little gags treads. had welt better hick of late. death of Nit'. ('HIP three years ago. Not even in the rich Volga Maeln had .1 M• r went to '. i with her daft. daughter. I ever seen a greeter ahnndanc.• and sirs Ce'. hey. of tpp township. (Cllr- aartety of food or food at prices no Itering are two amps and three g Ugh- low. A whole roasted chteken, hot (errs: Frani•, of a cele: George. In from the lire, 25 cents: a whole goose �et ie Ia . Gil Sirs. Robert lice and or Intl...pig. Si, and sometimes even ' .V^• Jath f:flson ..f AA'iuehlm, nal batter 10 and l:i rants a In one e � .r les, everything but fruit. haul they had about three to1M an' few day. later : Philip Itaellw.rrl• and Sit smith At Make. 1toree•ha• tasters r r+ttitiv't took 'deep I'm never too tired to sleep now Ram nerves make all the difference Your doctor will tell you how chewing relieves nervous tension, bow the healthful cleansingmourn action of Wrigley's and tones von up. - Wrigley's does much -costs little. WRIGLEY'S after el 1t earry a good - „ k of Electrical Appliances Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of All Kinds 1'-tot,at1- .11 illi ..t', .n Frank McArthur SIr less' Gel, hay. of Sforris" pound • eggs less than .'_ tents each. itself two ton+. pl,ht. it -moth, m trey. the hlitck- the 'hatnpien • Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FltNERAL DIRECTORS AND 1:MB.ALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or night PHONES: Store 121' 1:''. 217 GUDERI('II i are .1 this dlttrlct. The recently in'Znri with the shove result. • The tarthe: we Kot l:,t•, Sfl,.•ria, the 1 Id'l'1[NON greats -- founding the lower the price. ppila•rl I{are is back aenfq in the ell A' fire in the ltiutk" morning Hardly a Russian i Ile t but ou 'lam, e'nttw•ite iA • b being ag amt of it 0 Iatlhliug herr ou Ietit ne'ncing did learning that I was bu ..1 t :r -Sib' ria on - .•se de .,f works. It was thought that The tae to tui• extent 1 n'M,nt P'.1100, besought me to visit Neve albfrek, li , In:ls disgnilliflr,l Ia. nlwe id it that a'he blase broke oaf in -the apartment , formerly Nova visit Nyovak. The 11,- t with the coun•i►, lint on further Ity ite the total and I1 tIt. *-howar world w111 hear of 11 more and. more. i 1ril et with the it wets tomtit that tin-, by the teller.04.'!'Mr. Elliott who was It 1s the new capital of Siberia and'I war our s". In the meantime be had knatekel over by the ;titre And smoke as such will no doubt I,e•rnm.• not only the loading city in,Siberia fent "no of ' nv.ieuel, s,t :, ora election was tie+- i.'sering from the bathroom dace when of mimeo -1 In +arc. Whe:u the nomllueti„1, we•tfu_ It afire I, Iade+tJnd Hard work by the chief centres w;r• bald last ' " Slr. Rae wits t''' lthe, fire ittrt'.IP and 'ItlsPtts Prevent Asia. All the new building- are of a ' turn", by nc,lauuatityt. Ied the 'spread of the ere icor tion. communal nature, and there Is an lm- l.,;r the young daughter of SI r. fuel The offlre+ dowtrtxln w'Prn not dam.. slug array of them in the business.. Mrs. WP1lfugtoro cHender'on. t\t:''- 1 aged, except by nater which soaked section of the town. the m"-' ImP^e I kt1.M key) dawn by an " 11al bili il, thtvmgh the telling. ing act o1 new buildings, I', any city'. tow rtr•et and had a\'cry narrow e- Ail old resident of tui+ ennuunnity• to Russia. Stoics. banks. :u\IPt Cf. Ica le from serious injury ur death. For n the person of tlWfl Sweet. of the Gces of dull hetet or shining granite, ' 'tttS t lc the car a'il.a moving slowly T.mdon road. Stephen tnwnalrlp• lases rise like mighty giants above the and. wn• gmirhly brought tun stop :u„I e1 away June 9th. In his ninetieth nrroundlnR clusters of Inc striae- the little girl was extricated from bar ‘ear. The deceased was Cairn on the tares. The Lenin Definite with Its 1jtn' little Beneath ter cqr. rnrm smith of Exeter now owned by massive columns of glistening dark ` henry S[teatli i+ awn)'' "m a trip ago.lila Snell. His wife died thee' y,igli- granite and the PA' -e-• of Ts''^e Ito enryuucer• lie.. where h.e is vds+it ago. and flee wens and three danRli- ,headquarters of tk.' trade unions. I lug 1140 brothers ,• are ern snrvlye with its coat of while print and the Mrs. I'. }.. Jamier n and two chit - f i[ t M is tin+ h the roof, eclipse if all f (• Igary Alta' are rioting the been tuppeinted to the public EIMER r was the protuann of food and Telephone 82 West Street Coal and Wood Moss W Frain. " ri Gothic touches the other ".!!11"...11 '" hPnn y, It ^^(. trey lotrente. Mr. and Sltr. it. D. staff. suc,eelfng lire. Goodspeed. who' MM. i'xwrcuQ. There b evPryth111x in 3lbehla but Peter 'H. Shtekeuyk•• formerly ileac '..m nu,n • for lone. resigned. .men and capital. her of the Horo.' of R1.1'1'H I And yet, on the whole, Siberia is a I South Itricr, riled "n Ttmr+day In To' • barkwa[d land. Trotsky nor caned rtif.', wIen.' he had live) the 1:r1 SI r. limo. 1:04 of iontinn, bans a.- ' + It the accentgatlnn of Rus:"1 is Lark three years. He was eighty-four years I hrenel the a IbinnWIl1 of the I.s•:11 It the 'Asa, and Cher" Is no 1- 1s bre C of age. Boni near Guelph. of Sr•ottish hranrh of "flu• Ke nk of ('mm�ter.'r these words. It is still only a vast parents. he 4.:1 1114. as el young mon 011 , sinlimy,' Taylor. son of C. K. Taylor. wilderness. hut bet one rap-rotr1 cot Ili'.. district :end ten; up :n targe (aunt. ,1f town. who t.M.k the Carrutber- ting across Its lower zone with fe•a 111, teas et'. tel to Parliament in lee►; scholarship to mining et Queen'• 1'ni- and poor highways, with hardly afY I and s.rrn',I for tato term-. Ills aef. reneeli is now employed with the factories and with few cltbe+. Thorp i diel teaue, rens age• and font softs l Consdidate.l Mitring Co.. with h'•a,l_'f tit not a ,thy In 3ltlerfa with drain cud two elnughters rsnrrire: Robert.' 1 Winnipeg.age with water power, with smooth ,•n s even on th Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocobontas (2 by 4 egg) i can Ripply your want:' in any of the above fue1. Prompt eerviee and reasonable pricee. L. FLICK J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer i .Al:' calls promptly a'teuded to dky or night PHONES ' store 333 ltesidence Hamilton street. t:,sterech lice itt e Carl 'Serintgeonr liar sold hes bar" sidewalks or pavements her levelness to F.Iwin ('artwrlght, of main avenues. Ieondtehoro. ('pearly Sib r:a a no place for the Miss ter ty-Sllilw ha• A'etnnrel I.omfort-Ioving 1r:i' Ile-r.nBut [ItrIs a, Lone after rslwndtnR .Pcern1 nlonthetn' haven. and an allnrinR •l.urniltn• man with a spirit of adventure. The A large gethorhta of Mason. tank country's backwardness has the ap- plAte In Myth on June Tth, when Rt. ai of somsthing fierce and exotic. Win. lir o. R. R. i)argArel of Toronto. ' Dere are only 122 million people IIv- Dewey grand \faster of 4bitario, and ing there, 10 a lard larger than the It lssian Europe and Int. W or. 'Bro. W. Si. 'Tngnn, of 11am- I{ton. (:rend whole of non : Sert'tnry. attended a Amelias plat together. What wild , hamper held In Memorial Hall. Rep- regions it has: 1u the n'irth spread rMPftAtit'P+ were preee'nt from (:,iter- - the tundras, the treeless stoops.* that • k•h. Stratford. Clinton, Seaforth. Car- 1 freeze to a d.pill of a score or more p low-. Kfncerdtut. T.neknngh ow. Wiam, meters and that thaw only a few feet ltreseelr. PaIinerstonl. Listowel midi on the surface during the brief sum- - other plates. niers. Yet these tundras are not en - Sire. t'hi, hell fell from a chair on I th•ely barren. Since the Moen and shut rhe 0'11,, •,t:uldinC and broke her grass that grow there fn summer left arm. I make excellent fodder for reindeer, IF. Ilog,•r'.'u. lineman fur the aboriginal tribes wander about with Rlcth telephone +y-te011. w,ts 11p n p"li' herds of these animals. Indeed, the one any lest week when the pole Soviet Government, perhaps taking broke Am IP I 1 fell to the hard gravel the clue from Vllhjalmur Stefansson, Telephone 1 7fij Goderich IN\ 111th Ithth NM& NEM, NM 'Sink Let Delco -Light do your work SEPARATING, churning, pumping, washing -these are just a few of the things you ran do electrically with Delco -Light, the dependable, individual electric plant. And, in addition, you ran have bright electric lights wherever you want them in the home or outbuildings. Let me demonstrate Delco -Light for you. UEIfio-LI(0`enwbeli iHT SALES It5tnEK'. Bea No. 1. Kontoka. Ont. W. G. COOK. IN11IER1('H MEM 'Seek. seen atm link 'MOIL INN\ '611111 fl#I l 9 ,1k.tntice of nbont twenty forthas had a eomnlletlon tnveatlgatln[ .. I were broken. but he re.eivel the region wttl. a view to cultivating ' Nu Ism) the reindeer industry as a new Bourse a held ethakine up. SEAFORTH .- ! few non -natives v••nIone to go there. . Nikes 11. isulwl Graham left 'net and those few return will tales that week to attend tow triennial sleeting would thrill the 8001' of a Jack of the ('nnndinn \Votn4ll's lisle ('poli London. there in bold adventure. lit at. John. N.B.. and the animalto his desperation. meeting of the Canadian Authors' As Thee Is is certhatain ohisAlberta. In the odd si,clr. an at r' Ilam Dr. and Nit' twt'nt rn .t June 1th days hunting f& prrnit'as oft tnd mines �+ me an a eeebrnte,l the twenty -With nuntnter partsaton ot thecountry. Gorhaeheetv^, sn1) at their wedding. D. M. Beattie. 11.S..A., tem of Mr. a word used originally to deelKnate and Mrs. .1,11111 Beattie of SeafoI•tll, the search atfel escaped convicts, who 1111.' leen in the employ of the came finally to he assoelated with Dwarf° flovernmwnt for the pa -it three this' form of man -hunting. Kennet - years asll Iille dtor And issl5(411 p soy, one of exiles, builderre °Wit. living former of parks and museums. the id all Belleville district. has been Ali i.sii til a msnt of mire the . with insnarrated enough,nof several "sport" Inn Department of olitt r. i with . The hunter would ...arch for the man 1111net r it at Toronto. Sg.' .keno.- returning with the precious metal will act with the ati stmid tssifi s - +ion In the examination noel 1'I11-a+lflea- from some Klondike and would shoot tion of butter mei elle.-e for home hint with than ore It heatwseea and amitit. j eon+nmptiou and for export trade. D I A serious motor accident oceurrerl 1 prif' If has bred despera ton In I on the highway, (wo And a-hnlf miles west of Seaforth, 051 SA'edrlwNIay even. I man. ted enterprise inculcated There never eciulV hail itte of loft Hoek. S.it and Mas. .' E. been "cherry orchards" or "nests of ..nnthet iii "t S ltlep-lI hail ,'^mt- gentlefolk" '-1th men and women! fiery "n the d ',set hone- y. ho lived In ease and futility and. I dant And timed east ee the UIt' to a•hrn n Ford cars Ittedw h%• two having into that atmos( head men. r14' ldeil with thenr trsgic decay 'of which Tnrgen.v and tt 310 bHenderson The acre Durant ear Chekhov have written with such bit - "l Sly eli1, wits both oecost coni- tng grief. Siberia always despised I were cloudy hp Hari IMrh renderso•• the mere Idler and aristocrat, their Wer • rs,11). c l0' hurt \I r. Renders d, 'their manners their Nei wags. f ..,.1 I1S 4 ant nitwit of food for R114.41.l and the outel • world. The winters are so severe, that the Seiforrt!h ills. 9el'som And a'ns talon to the Idtel, while Mee. I[enretwin was tak- en to the office of 111' AA'. f'. Sproat. whore +hr wile given nodical Atten- tion htfnre being removed to her home. The other car was Also badly wrecked. hot it is riot known how sere t were Minted Ae IIIBL S`1E114 W. It. (tell. ltrinePIA tow p(1.3 n134 ter. took over hi. new• duties last k. we W S. Scott had been .'ting postmas- ter Intl.l l' Ito occupants ter +Int'P the dpIt r,af ie father ito 111 p. A e eing ear took them Not i ou to Scott, y aldior. ..ai,lnt t,• tinerith shortis- after the accident. who is a returned i':"ssi ,tat GALVANIZED SHINGLES (or The Rad Handsome,oval aoo .�tmanent. old Id r roofs - Get the Leta. Act yotR ties zetb or csxpsntee. Now don't forget to bring me Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I am feeling so much better I don't want to muss a single dose." ,• Dr.ChasesNerve food Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity We guarantee ,:r 11y,1ro '.am far 1'itt hour. use HYDRO STORE West side of 5 tuare Cedes -ids SHEET STEEL CEILINGS atop f.fl.ntrlester: end mnghuy cracked ceil- ings. Easy to put up sodasor1te stay. rosy to clean or pain&� IL.a.Z'u7Y'fi• !�'rS.l�h ''ser' ' r GETTHE FACTS AND SAVE YOUR MONEY Yoe will never regret the purchase of a Sham Steel Ceding. BEAUTIFUL - FIRE -PROOF Sheet Steel Ceilings Q� iell.y resMd brightness to hely. churches, Dales. stores, achorle, kitchens bathrooms. get sUo nothing t r cid Mil WartiMiar'' 4' t GALVANIZE!) SIDING tsr Cassatp.W 'three attractive Dat- ums. With buidtng paper are num. dn. windproof. Easy to pat on and patent. SEE YOUR LOCAL TINSMITH CARPENTER well-groomed and capa aristocrat CHRYSLER "75" 'LOYAL SEDAN 1985 .. ). Windsor, (Nat. THE Chrysler "75 Royal.. Sedan is a welLgroomed car. The moment you look at it you get the impressionofpersonality, refinement and capability. The very first mile you drive it or ride in it confirms the impression that its appearance gives. You find its performance all that the name Chrysler im- plies in flexible power, eager speed and easy control. You find its riding qualities well beyond any previous ex, perience or expectation. And, probably you will find the low price -$1985 f. o. b. factory - the climax of all the surprises that this remarkable car has in store for you. A demonstration will con- vince you that Chrysler per- formance cannot be had in any other car at any price. 284 SOME DISTINCTIVE FEATURES or THE ROYAL SEDAN interior appointments in formal good taste ++ Broadcloth or fine mohair upholstery, in har- ,mony with exterior color combinations, optional without extra cost +4- intterior fittings of artistic pattern, richly finished . ► Padded armrests and a broad, carpeted foot rail, both ornamental and comfortable .. Deep, soft cushion springs, --insuring complete relaxation. coats .sR "65"-11 521 (:IIRYSLrR "7i" -$19N3 re $1460 Six Body Sryln to $3050 POI Body Styln All priers f o. b. Windsor, Oohf .d'g.tJndarJ factory I9P %t 1. rood CH IPY S L E "75" nCHRYSI•RR MOTORS PRODUCT J. W: McGEE HAMILTON STRELT GODERICK