HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-20, Page 6S. -Thursday. June 20, 1V10. r • Ie• ot of N op qr/o NEVER `i. --_ FORGET Yos are sure to n ed looms bandy dy remedy Sunburn, Insect Stings. Thorn Scratches. bre Places. Zam-Bok hT� ted to be the best. with you. Sar i.., .t i)•.rs rs est So.a► ZIXM-BUK Solicitous of Your Patronage CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOPPE \\'e-1 .tri/t. up-la.t- ••�• t Tebbutt'e Hardware For Appointment Piton. '' Open evenings by appo'ntment en!, Have Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed .it il. ftp-l0-d:rt. .tc:ly FIRST.CI..ASS SERVICE 'foods called for and delivered Fake. of Gelds' Fernisbiags W. C. SNAZEL Ilalenlaslrrutd pry Cleaner West Street Phone 339 Sunday Afternoon By ISA -BEL HAMILTON, lioderich, Ont. THE SIGNAL, worthiness. He was given a further vision inwhich Later in the was called to the office of V Phe lesson he is seen warning first the na- tion and then the king. April- Ilth-Hezekiah Leads His People Back To God. -.2 Citron. 30:1-9. 23-27. J Chron. 30:9. Hezekiah was a second_ David in his lore for God's word and God's house. Immediately on ascending the thtxme he set to work to -demolish The hosts'ot Gld encamp around idol worship and restore that' of Je- The dwellings of the just : hovab. To this end he sent out a Deliverance He aff,rds to al! call to all the tribes to come to Jer- Who on His succor trust. usalem and observe again the pass - Fur God preleryes she souls of those (ever feast. Those who responded Who on His trots+ depend. praised the Lord and rejoiced greatly To them and their posterity and went to :heir homes greatly His blessing stein c'"tern 1. 'blessed Tea ani Brady. %pril 21st. -Comfort for God's People -Isaiah 10:1.11. S. S. LESSON FOR HINE 30th. 1929 -Isaiah 66:13. Lesson Topic -Reties: Prophets In these verses the prophet giver and Kings of Judah's Decline. expression to the.desire on God's part (:olden Text -Jen mish 31 :3, to comfort his people in their (-aptly- April 7th -Thr Ministr> of I.aiAh. ity with the knowledge that He is -Isa. 6:1-8: 20:1. 2; 3S:1,-."!/_. **bout to release them from bondage -hu. 6:8.. and bring then' bock to their own In the same year that King (zziah hued.' Tia- prophet ie led to h•ok on .!:ed Isaiah had a vision of his hea- down through.the years and sees their only King, the courtiers and Choirs.' release from the bondage of sin by The sight affected him deeply and the coming of the Messiah -the Good .r.l t.• a eoufesai,,i, guilt atoll no.- Shepherd. April 2hth-The Suffering Servant of Jehovah.' -Isaiah 53:1-12. I4saiah 53:5. The prophet described in this chat ter the person and ministry of the Messiah jest as accurately as though he had been an eye -witness. lie told :hat his lowly birth would be spoken against and that his miraculous The \ewes( Wrinkle in Kerchiefs works would not prevent his being Froni France cow',, the latest no - rejected of men. His sufferings. Felty to be taken ::p avid!)' by chic death and exaltation were fully fore- Americaoat It is a ,.ttse handkerchief, told. sites(• used are uscatelt for wear 'May 5th -That Hilkiah Found hi The with sports tugs. Temple. Of linen, they a..' :t- iaily .at least ''iron. 31.11-16. 29-33. tw'eutyduur ink's•- •+itere and are .�f Spring Time Specials New Mattresses from $7 to $28 New Springs from $6 to $12 New Beds and .Ver Furniture of cy,•rt • 1dlon SEE 1 - HEST We positively' -ay. poi money BLACKSTONE 'S Furniture Exchange Os tae host■n of Geier cI 1 1 41400:1 VIII! c•Js lc M De.? .ww P` ;'N q D 51a� pkjeatu i R t.� yji w1A6ARA FALL, s..... A , 1 a K L . •Yr • s.� • sae1 CO MOi SEL, 1- IANGLE • Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Erie on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada \V 1H ETHER tn•ehne by train of moo, elk", an all n gbe's Ude on braids/ W Lke Erie. CAB Low Steamers an maamhc no Rowing hotels, with arse coin• forrable anterooms, excellent dm on room service and courteous moments. Mons and Danc,na oo the treat ah,p 5EEANDBEE•• A utoists, save a day Cab Lae way. Avoid males and miles of contested roadway. It'Bljt�ali and at,dad niritiss R , Ca, • a�rtnlatd At. ," y. every night, Ieavina at 9:00 bail service. tenting Poo Suniey. <:00 r m . unv.na' t0 a. m , (E 5.T) p. m. atomo.� Cleveland 9 SO P. m., May 1st to November 1 Soh. ;lura )0m to September nth. Connections at Cleveland for Cedar Paat, Pit-le•B.y. Datselt. pond ea.t ..d awthwst 64.50 one way - BUFFALO to CLEVELAND - $$.50 rd. u'p Neu, Lou, Autos Carried $6.90 and up Fares 63.00 one way -VE. osACN LEYried ioin..OEV .ND-$5.o0rd.triP anal up Ramp /., details .e C&5 Trieenie T.er THE CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY Port Stanley.Canada Buffalo, New York ('B 1j1 huunnnNlllllllllllllllllllllllllNuuemti� • Tn1nI1NN1111NiMNllllllluuuuwm�rl GODERICH, ONT. Fashion Fancies T$/NN/NO 18 NiCEBSARY ling more and store critical. It he even THE BEST TfESULTS probable that there is a revival of In- FORleers( in pdkital homes, oe more pos- sibly In Iran• Ii* ws, and au the mem- Hoene MAN on Hardening for her of the Hoose of ()Minolta will }lowers and Vegetable. I have lot•t of work to do while he la :fellow are weather and soil sou• hour botww•rt ttteeduus. ditione au perfect that mune re-plaut- I ill not l a .a This Is But. If there la work for Ilii mem- bers. there 1e also Mork for the con - ng w no a ue s ry. s stltueutet The only eafrguard for de- thr time 10 Ju it rod It is b)' uo mot -racy Is an intelligent electorate and menus rix' late to get r good crop of uulrs. you. g.•ntk• readers, to whom I vegetable.' and dowers from these vee have emit theta• remarks over the past planting.. (Irte should go bver the sreduu, are willlug 111 .tad)' the pub- roww of carrot.( beaus. corn. etc., anti }it• issues. tx•liecr me, gaxl l:overn- 011 in. not only to make the garden I meets' will Ix• luiIasetible. Iutelll- nx're uuifnrm but to get the grerteet I genre Is the peke of pn.greew end an use from the land ex•t'uld& Their Js I Unintelligent electorate wit never send sti11, pdeflty of tl to plant motet of', to the House of ''ominous men who the tw 0 type,. o 'vegetables, with' will be of �t'Ital worth 1n the direction the ref a p«'ssibly of early let o(_ urtIonaI afhlrs. Au revoir. tort,. unions from .eel end raJ the dower garden (leve � TOWNSHIP "OUNCIL - ty(I x , a gaol deal of work .s•feening on any gaps in the herrn- vial led where there may hat -c Iter i ltOii13OR1E winter casualties, with quick -growing Council of l'okxonw wet .lune• Ilth annuals. and trimming off those per- i ct" 'a court of recision Several ap- grow n teytud this peals estere dealt with. The result of 1Nuundo of safety. Now 1. the time to; the de•.aefous low .rel the tuu11 n,sa,a1- get twrevuthel +eels started, as tide I. tueltt on the land by s-t:as. removed the ideal mouth for the pnrpN'.e. two doge. from the roll and railed one: Thinning , also added two Dew name: as voter,. - obtainable in all T. ..er +hddt-. The) -Psalm 119:1 . Some eighteen years after Josiah way -he worn as 1, :.suds fur truuid and fuliaRP remove'. Vegetable,. al- cent. ascended the throne of Judah he re- or the beach, sot •- kkerdillers, ole+ so require proper ,level) t t. That On motion of ('onneillore Willem paired the temple. Wh'Ie this was in' waits• kerchiefs or .t: as gay avow- ,.ort .ro'o'd to thione( to uls,nr tires land ].nag the clink was tmotrocted to progress Hilkiah theprint • found tooled to float out pockets.or four stalks 1111 a hill. ,and the hills prepare a .bylaw and wend ant 11.' t..ere the "book of the law',' It was require at least eighteen inetws each l notice. to Park owners re the local given to, the king who had it read sacrifices were not ucceptabltt to God way. 1801:o regni*e thew 't.. .fonr ialpnnrmeoit work xt Mruesetatlg, aloud to him. Tlie resu!; was thatPark. he called together the elders. the because their lives sere • living con- inch.. between plants In the row' and . Weed lnst'P,anr Wm. Rtranrham was hi. a and the eopth and e1 observedrteadiction of the moral law, and that pen' at.ont the sarin'. 1 pts and oar Preset end re psKleel eta the niceties at Gud desired obedunce rachet than net0 shtthld he viten n'os'e An Inch '• i'linton in ..bile -tion with Whet Act the paasol+ver as described in a ti a sacrifice. each way to start with and later on Pufor worn( -book" found; thus signifying his Nay 26th -.God's 1 A. In The, 'leave. s,t ry other plant removes f'r t11P willingness to have himself and his-6eremiah 31 ::n-34; John 11" . 0 C. utie Ik r F. Wilma waw instructed people counted among the servants of fleet sod incidentally the nol'st render � to have the e6 coneys on tow township -Ps*. 119:11. crop for the trhip. ,\ few week. Int- hall tell/tired ns 0105 as ptmsiblp. Jehovah The children of 1•:at1 were still in 625 \la ' 121h -The Ear Ministry of rrt+take out every .tier beet and ear- Trrs.urrr repose' reeteiylnR ycaptivity and in these verses Jere- int again. and one can keep this up; from the clerk for sale of cemeteryJeremiah. min "tells them that God will enter In eight in- I lots. -Jeremiah 1:6.10; 26:8-15. into a new covenant with them. The until there is. from tela ..._.. .d...r. which is the pen- I 'Tow clerk was instructed to -ha e a Thinning lo aleetlntely essential if'aud took our erg the mn• ui.'ipx11 list. the peewit haring sold his property: one is to havevigorous and uniform The court war siege.( on "notion of dowers aid vegetahlri. Most of the I (uuuvillur- Luong awl Tia nt. fiowerlug planta require about as Regular meeting watt owned ly the much room each way ass their height i reading of the minutes of last meet - and If they do not get thaw they are; log. which were atopted as read. Refined to grow s_pindiy and weak. a! Road snperinteutient'w pay .herts prey to the first heavy wind or rain were etanlhtt.l and passel. nmouutblg that comes aloes. Do not be afraid to es-ei-17. and signed by lt,atr and . of being draatk is these thinning op- Tret-urcr• enttione. aa the apace. which look M The report on the equalization of 'serve hi Jnne will be well final. by the uni•ut 0•11.,..10 waw given. TIto ler cent- each nowlleldp has to pry to time rill Jnly when growth Is At Its max- union ..•hoofs sera .'hanged +lightly Imam. 9tnrdy planta Anel large per- , aunt 0. follows • No. 3--Col- union fret bloom. will tense geeitlt (*Oise" bone, 7o par cent.: nest %Nawatloek. there 4 aboaer of reterm for level- 1:4) per e.enr.: F. R. 1i. Xo. 1 4 Nilel- opmrut. .%fretndtnhlnulnL thorough cul- c ollx,rae 31. .t-Ii1hld "l. W.-1 Wawa tivatlon Is•neeessgry, and 1t 1. a good ia'sh :'v; No. Ii 114heppriniton4-t'ol- 1/ltn to chop rip and dig IH the pt:utte. 1,.rnr :tel per .ent., Ashtkld 01 per -Acts 3:29. Jeremiah was called and prepared for the work of a prophet but for many years no notable incident was recorded of his ministry. Then God gave him a special message to deliver calling the people to turn from their evil way's to new obedience. Ile faithfully performed the command and s:irred up enmity that endanger- ed his life. Being tried by the prin- ces of Judah he stood by all he had said and warned them if they took his !ifs they would be shedding innocent blood. This would in no wise prevent his prophecy from being fulfilled. .,May 18th-Jere.dah Calls To Obed- ience. -Jeremiah 7:1-11, 21-23. Jeremiah 7:23. Jeremiah was told by God to go and preach to the people assembled in the temple at the time of a special sacrifice on behalf of the nation. His first utterance startled them' for he told them to amend their ways or Gal would destroy both the temple and the city. ' He told them their NAB H '40 Lead-9 the World in .Motor ('ar Mint 4-DooR 3 SEDANS STANDARD SiX Delivered, I ull, Fgsopped SPECIAL SIX Delivered, billy Egsipped Tv ADVA'CEI) SIX Delivered, Fully Equipped $1314 $1942 $2241 Lower, Delivered, Co npletely Equipped Rices THROtiGHO1T the automobile in- dustry Nash engineering enjoys a reputation for enviable excellence. A clear example is the Standard Six "400" 4 -Door Sedan -a big, fw115-pas- unger car -the leader of its field in quality, and performance, and value. DRIVE it! Note the exceptional power, gpeed, and acceleration of its Nash - designed, high -compression. "-hear- ing motor, with Bohn.+tire pi stunt, and torsional vibration damper. Chief among the attractions of the larger Special Six and Advanced Six 4 -Door Sedans is the great Twin - Ignition motor. Nasb-Bijur centralized chassis lubri- cation is another invaluable asset of these larger "400's". ALL Nash "400" models are fully fac- tory equipped with front and rear hampers, hydraulic shock absorbers, and spare tire lock and tire cover -at no extra charge. Ninth also offers three 2 -floor Sedans at respectively lower prices. DeHx►ed. Fully f ymrpfrd, Price Range of 23 Nash "400" Models, $1224 to $3421 including T"1,.rrg, Roadster, Coupe, CoMokt, Victoria and Sedan Models HURON MOTOR SALES South Street, Goderich Phone 83 H. C. Young law that was giver by Moses would ' h be fulfilled in the person of Jesus per niece for full development by late Christ who would goo to every one fall. Aw one can twe.'these two urge -i that would believe. grace and truth, table. from rhe time they are an inch taking possession .: and dwelling in in diameter lip. and can also nose the the heart by the in -dwelling Spirit. t. pyo of Mets for greens. one long row. June 2nd -Later Experiences of Jere• or. ie•tter still. Iwo medium length miah. roam of ten rarietire will s+lfilee for .Jeremiah 33:1.13- the averse. family. using the thin- -Matthew 5:11. rings A° the first crop.. in the Tege• Jeremiah had been cast into a dun- rable garden it is not too late t„ pot geon and there seemed no way of In �� of tier gniok growing en'I1 - for. Some one thought of and n e nP (Gets. .hard. kale, and •lint felt him in h:= trouble and ap- pealed to the king on his behalf. The Lr Planta to h1.P t, i.l li1.P API mu 1' king gave him nifty helpers and i Tha! will provide an ahundanrw t they drew up Jerttai•h. Help often ; material for the melee neeopted And I comes from no -t unexpected quarters I will make a welcome change from the and by the use of seemingly worn-out ordinary ran of common vegetable... methods. ('utNng ll�tw'ns June 9th -The Story of The Recha- cure sti"'tl�l i,t eterei P.l in .retire bites. Ilion, �inrim¢ hot weather. "It -Jeremiah 33:5-11. moor unwise to cot the groes ton dos. -Jeremiah 35:6. at this time. as burning hitnre to, The Rechahites, true to the tradi- r f1t, place.(• warns prof...emir A. H. tion of their fathers, refuted to drink Tomlinson. of the Ontario .%gtlrnit- wine when it was set before them by ❑sal tnsonge. Ther.Ohotld 1t, nt least Jeremiah who, as the servant of God. „lee --trait inch of •grass, 1f not more, had been instructed by Him to make ILP .ace. after cretins To give the an object lesson of them in order to effect of a rich cutting. (•.rest when' teach the men of Judah that .bed- trod npnn. an Inch of growth i. neees- fence lRt better than eacrifice. miry. In the early part of the Ra - June 16th -Judah Taken Caprice. st,it when there Is plenty of rain and; -2 o erbZ 2.1 -12. -Proverb. 14.34. the arn.rn i. making its most rapid' When the .king of Babylon carried growth and amain in the cool weath- off King Jehoiaehtm of .!udah captive er during the fall n weakly Pntttng to his own land he appointed Zede- may bit neeemsor7. hilt when tf1• hot kiah 'to 'reign as his deputy at .Ter- weather starts a light trimming 1s all 'modem., do--tjme he rebelled and that 1• regiiITPd. Do not wait Until brought ruin'ur' n himself. his family the eras•' ham grown three or fonr and the city. Ii sons were put to im b it high. hawever. ow the cut mA- death in his presence and then his tt,rlat h then liatdt to smother the sight was destroyed. He too was taken grower. grass• int trim regularly end i+ a 'aprico r.. T1.th ton and the tiff least, the trimmintns on the lawn, matte t for situation. with its (nag- which net a. a milch, construing rebel li temple, Godbecanme a heap of whisfnre and protecting the snots reins and all because of the sin of from the burning ane• rebellion 23 arsine' Cod and man. gIniuIWv Mgna*h Sone 23rdlm Ps.1.1 of Praise. 'Slimmer sgnaeh and vegetable mnr- -Psalm 103:1.13. row. are two rPRPtabl.w which could -Psalm 103:1. .rooted 74ii. p=Ulm 1= one of recollection 1't, '.vine's Ptfenrled Innen. t lPr t more and of thanksgiving; recollection of and they will ht, when pPnP . dile'.(. lwnefits rwPiyrrl and thanksgiving for familiar with their fm Grd , loving -kindness and tender TrUP, thrrt' is a Rooti '1PAirItt the1 ookthe- mercy to those who sincerely desire ing, no when careleoelf prepared to praise and sr•nc Him. 1 are Belt's to be tactiles. and wstPrf. ' lilt with the improral varieties at A WARNING TO MOT RS era' dinowl 1. And doith the more gen- * 1 /tal{Lizt(R►S7 erii knowledge of domestic 'science. there 19 nn reform why they should not be grown and enjoyed by R11. notice regar,larg weed entting pet 1 the l,. -a1 pa lyre. The followu,¢ Mlle wilt, paid: Board ..f health. halt yearly a ': Oliver ('••ok, work for .et inspector. 01 ; T. H. Willson. refries.. et... 5105; Mundcipm1 17c; clerk, part salary. 67.. Next meeting July 9th At 2 p.m. G. .1. HsTHERI To Ip Clerk. Watch theHealth f Your Little Thew.' plants are M tropical origin b mild 1 at. 11 ry tory, nrld. therefore, ea O ort,, not he sown Ones at All Times ttuu O1 rhe w'il it geillP warmof and there 1. no more danger of frost. Thee No iII4-' • can expert that her prefer warm. light. ea ally work.d soil viii will tins - All the film to which And picnfy d.f fPit1117RT. The !elfin oh 1Alyhoo.l Ilrid raht111uble are The moth I Ari' Ii°linllm hAkhtl for Ahtilt twenty but she can do innch to lessen the! inntP. And waned A. n yPRPt+IhiP, or m- way prority of these tumbles. ailment" or 1 ershould he ronrt11tly on her gnard . to septan( childhood allmentlti or if they r•omt on snddenlyt a0 they i10na1- l rP thndmothersato they may also he timed In pies. w• THF. WEEK AT o rrAtil A c litiet'P. tisn(Continued from Page 2) them. hale TthehrintueanepndaMa hafound Baby* Own Tahiprw the felt that if she took the job and nftPi- Ideal remedy for little owls -thou- wards upon some occrutlnn vote) for sands of mother. always keep the 1 the Governmie'vfn she weomould have return Tablet. in the honait Am a tmfetruard �arensed of paying .ht, deckled agalnwt the sadden Hine.. of their' for favors received, and a he rnr. '(telt, ones. h The ronfdPNi11n ltahy't O fl Tatk•tw art, a meld but thoronell laxative. They rrgliiate the TN.wPf. ; .a'PPtr'n tIM .i ntut 'h and thl,m banish constipation sad indigoes thin: hrt'ak up co'r'e end simple fey•I All things romp to An end. The Pr mud make fl* ent111 g 11f troth I Ifmt•P break. up.me 1 eit merntrrs e ira.et•. ThP TADppt• are AhsolntPly o hack to their homers. glad of course. to gltarAntPPd free from injnrinu. dnlgt ,wart, for Altho1Rh 1'ArlIAm4rrtiry life And. may he glom to the youngest ilio iia pteasnret ttMtP A1P other 1 rhlld with perfect .afety. They are thing. that are not so plealwnt, and .old by nttitilne dealers or by mail nt the end of the mreelon the stercus at 211r. a l'At from the Dr. W'illIAms' member Is glad to le rid of the tick ldallrine Co. Rrnekv111e, Oat. for a Mme - akin, of mane. glad of the opportunity to rete n. political fences 'The man is rare who tellm his wife inning 11* Interim. rx Prprrlhing that herlpPnPd before he will be mender'. The members will telt,( her -gilds Grit: iTeak to their eonmtitnentc. The con.tltlwnts w111 ask them questdnns Nations are beginning to PPP A *'1a• 'There will he more of that work done tiro' l 1p t*Ptwv,en keen moral .Pn.0I atter th1. ,rtva•lon than for *conn time end keen common .vase :Kingston in the poet. An rlertlon to apps R'Dig Standard. ch - Ing. The Olins ia, if possible, bPr•um- e woll far Metre repr'ae world have come mesh Metter from Mi.. Marphell, had it come before it was revealed -heMr.'Heenan. End A Apply Minard's at once. it Wilts the pain and stops inflam- mation. Removes all poison from cuts and sores. Keep a bottle on the shelf. N IIINARD' s "KM OF PAIN" LINIMENT Now she is no longer anaemic ARE you worried about your daughter ? 1s she growing too fast for her strength ? Is she pale, thin, anaemic ? You can build up her blood supply with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They contain the vital, life-giving nourishment which anaemic blood cries out for. "I do not think' that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills base an equal for building up the system." writes Mrs. Aubert Powers of Piston, Ont "1 gave them to my eldest girl when she wet anaemic, pale and thin and had no appetite. They restored her to health and later whorl my youngest daughter was rundown after diphthena, I again brought Mom into use. My daughter wee thin, pale and extrem.ty nervrwt but the pill aeon set her right" Start your daughter on obia pe/peep traatmant now. , Williams' Pink Pis druggist's or any in ns.4 case or by 1, SO cents, postpaid. from Dr. W illus. Medicine Deockvifli, Ont II 4s NNILIPILLS -•A YOUSLYOID MArr tit $4 COuuratas Transportation Service Long Di.tsnce - Short Drsauce Fur Engagements Phone E. R. McMath, Holnleevflle, ODIr31. Clinton Central. Oliver Pocock, Operator, 610r4O. Clinton Central. The Leading Men's Store Everything that's new in Men's Wear Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure Chas. Black i'hone 219 i;..Marr h For 1929 mo ori con�iti 1/�"'" DOMINION ROYAL CORD Here Is the 1929 tire for the 1929 cu. New in design and conttrnctiou. Extra thick tread has deep -cut blocks to give greater non-skid mileage. Rugged carcass is built with web cord. It has strength where 1929 motoring con- ditions demand it. Side-walls are strongly buttressed to reels( rut and curl wear. For safety and long mileage, for the job your 1929 car has to do, the new Royal Cord la the one tire for you. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT GODERICH H. J. FISHER