HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-20, Page 5THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH,,ONT.
It is ever sushi menteim to ehhavelr arrivedreast and purr stock ise newest in, o Goods. [Arg' P
ceptionally well assorted. i
Mt Paul
This is common sense ;
1f a man orders his coal in the -u
When most people have forgotten
that winter time is coming swain.
1f he takes advantage of the aback
season to get his coal delivered.
He gets the maximum service at the
minimum rate.
Now while it's on your mind, call the
Heat Folks' number Sri for our sum-
mer prices on coal.
roe Good Clean i-Oal
('.%LL THE
Painter and Decorator
l'Ailt1ates for painting, wall -paper-
ing, etc., clas'Iiullr .given on re-
Residease. Ne. 4. Rtay11.M Read
0•aatttlne of 69.1000
Muer Protected Farewell ee Rev. J.
Brow" ra.1 Ikon.- Ou NVeduestta)' eteu�
37 B
000 ABOUT MESE At'emir to week a meeting of th
IJOUNTRI� two Thousand t the United church
Except In toll or ewi w, Canada'.
Bolivia Is Eight Times the Slae of rapidly growing water" cow:aerre sel-
Pane/mil - (doth Countries Are dont gives even a paxxIng'thought to
leuelhreked--Dbiputed Terrltoy Is the eternal vigilance ut a silent ger-
vise which makes that , natmeree pos-
WIldernees of Swampy Lend. fable says the Boston Transcript.
The following brief facts regarding
Bolivia and Paraguay may be of some
Interest to r,adeis, writes Henry Klt-
trtdge Norton In the New York
Paraguay. without the Oran Chaco.
Is the smallest state to South Amer'
Ka. Its area is about 60.000 square
miles. It has nearly a million people.
the majority of whom are native In-
dians; the remainder are mestlso*,
with a small minority of whites.
Paraguay to almost surrounded by
Argentina and Brazil, the remainder
of the boundary g
Walker -
ug of last
congregate -ex
as held for tee
electing some
° ne new officers
pnrpose u r
and of hearing reports front the
treasurers of the different depart'
ments of church work, withll f a b b I
were in good standing
ince on hand. As the minister, Rev.'
t d• to
Only in time of trouble is attention Mr. Walker, is leaving, men
pald to the 11,162 Ind)tldual estab- return to China m the tall, having
Ilshmenta of the lighthouse serviceendeared himself so much P his con-
guarding the 62,100 fiery uI Go I rr ation, they ow tookthis
they regret
ad )'r coastline. I theif r expressing
After all business was'
From leaps Raga. at the esteems
seater% point of this continent, to finished the following address was
Queen Charlotte Island.. on :he Paci- read by Mee. Hort Treleaven and tSe
do Ocean, over 200 p• rtnu< are em , presentation was made bys fountain
ployed in guarding the paths ut trade,
!Sherwood, the gifts being
The lighthouse service M. whirh they. , pen and pencil to Mr. Weikel. and a
are engaged consists of 1,771 light- I tunchoon set to Mrs. Walker:
houses, 200 fog signal stations: •513 : To Rev. and Mrs. Walker :
gas and tlgnal buoys. six s,ibtaarine 1 Dear Friend and Pastor, -µe, the
bells. twelve lightships and ,1,470 up..-hmembere of Crewe congregathe, -
lighted buoys, bei"errs anti daY sire to acknowledge' our appreciation
of our services amongst us eluting
the Dalt ° marks.
In dispute with Bolivia. Access t0 Distribution of the tar,uus orders the past two years. Words e
the sea 1s by means of the Parana of lighth.tyses, acco,d 1 to regions, express what vwtatfeel
Rwhee n en we think
river, Asuncion. the capital, being is as follows: New Iraentswlck and of the kindly zeal and faithful
1.000 wiles fromthe Atlanti„n
c coast at Bay of Fundy (hot': a es), 1'{0: ample, the untiring
11,e point where the Pllcomayo river. I prince Edward Isla' : ,;nH of 6t. ministry, which has been evident
Argentina. Lawrence and Strai, '1 lie fist Isle. throughout your pastorate here. We'
the northern boundary of Arg our loos in your removal s
Jonas the !'inns from the west. Yarn_ 146; Nova Scotia, 'e Ise; Quebed c from our feel midst. but we appreciate 'Though liberty i a.,. „•s Linger -
oast and 1 at•e a It is the safest thin, ale have
Thutwday. June 30. 1920.- 5
Siherwood's Ice Cream
for your protch t.
fell in, look aroun,l awl 1.,
Where CleasliN$$ is Patamaunt
Sparr's Grocery
i•I,r -t o1 mat..
Hamilton Street
Goderich Phone 1.46
wt.. 1)F:L1VFat I\ I,,,t \
guar proper, the settled and d,•v, IOP c Cabe Ra, e. Q from h taken ou+
ed part of the country. Ilea wholly to I Lower St. Lawrence and Bay of Cha- ' very much the stand you
the. Pest of the Parana. icor, 290; Montreal', t. Yrterptt the great sacrifice you are Milking in got," -harry Emerson Fo-Jo- k.
Stretching away to the northwest, and upper 3t. f*w'' ' • `"; Parry leaving your nstiveble blessed, to which
--- - _
Theatre I area. 11 the Pl Gran C u and the Pa- I Sound and Lakes. Vi 1 1:• uses, 9; God has richly
Uae� rani, Iles the Chaco. a wilder- i ]faaltbDa, 16; Vlcb It ,' . 146: foreign field which holds out so few
Pa -
nese of swamp and grassland whtoh and Prince Rupert, 5" promises
and w'as far as e are conhinced that ittis!
_�� may have considerable value some [t is pointed out by .I ,: e, wh ail,
day, but which derives Ls chief in of the Department of Matins, who fa'the lFtt'h of (it'd a�tou`r.,I '. fortitude'
serest at presnt because there must In charge of the Bell ,n •• xerrlce. w/iuic as given and so
- - - be somewhere In its vast wsatea� -°o' that when 'clewed 1.-,:n a steamer. and prompted vu your action, I
WEEK OF Jt N 24 te 111E
I body knows where --a boundary Ilne
BETTY CARTER and between Paraguay and Bolivia..
STEW ART ROME Paraguay claims terrltorr in this
crime "region variously estimated at from
atostaned in the most thrilling _ 12.000 to 100,000 square miles. It
story ever screen. Mystery, ales bases Its claim upon the fact that this
pence, thrills and a climax that
sure is A arch was during Spanish tintes gov
shock in its sensational expo erned from Asuncion and le therefore
tense court room an Integral part of Paraguayan terrf-
lHE WARE CASE" tory. The Paraguayans have built a
(Moet mins the opening episode of '1 numberOlimpoof
thetoldest. having ben the en octet-
THE NEW COLLEGIANS" , pled by Paraguayan troops since
- 1792. The present Paraguayan occu•
WEDNESDAY andTHURSDAY Patton extends as tar south aa Puerto
Pacheo. From this line of settlements
CA RI. I•-\EMMLE along the Parana elver Paraguay rasa
presents a capable cast of popular, been working steadily westward 101?
Laughable bale of a son the Gran Chaco A number of local
favorites Ina
of Erin.
Shure there's a lot o fun and foreign inter••es hat'. obtained
an' a couple o' fouw foights in tate catalog
;concession in the Chaco for quebra-
forests are t.U,. Wa
. et attain some better day.
Please declot these small Rifts :r
"HOT OR COLD" terlal. These Interests Neth east- red i'arinr . the l 1- ,out leis ,
numerous roads and several Ilnr■ of I arqund, the Int• n•,: - ,•cfee ex- a token of our esteem and as a re -
ern parailway from the Intortor h1 the of yearendings from the a :'.t '.t law memhran•re from hest many friend
FRIDAY and SATURDAYern part of the Chaco to the banks of renes to the head of I..!1,.•�up.•rlor. Signed nn Fx•half of the rnngreR't
MAl'NAR1 and TARZAN the Parana river. West of the (coals is discontinued In 1)''•'m,'' 1 and re-ition-\urs• J. \lertary Manes S. Fi1
in the most unusual outdoor adven- and the ranches are the military out' I rts, by fumed In April and 111" rations s!- w, Mrs. B. Treleaven,
lure drama you've ever seen. Gor- Doata based uI,on dlminuuve dPlPndr I tending this eloslnx :o d onenln, of .pat rick.
train on 'tf Vt'+lker then made a short tr-
' genus seta striking 'costumes, a�CO
rodeo. lien's crowning effort.
"" eras lumbering and [ r
thee*. beacons of coni. : • 'ear seem wee nommen( .
small and trivial. .1 however' tlesciretto exprehe meourr�hve and weighs from fl'ce to :4Li Ions, Ira'' ashy to your partner -in -life. Mrs.
lantern is equipped w ' a D'fish'd p
cut -glass lens and fla :,tnc apparattr. µtalker. who has endearel herself ter
the whole costing at. ,,,; 1'I,u�10. Gas I so many friends. in this community'
buoys employed ou t' • „p„n seacoast Her kindly' disposition, her
vary In else up to ol: "•u ours, a•I h smile. her beautiful Christianirpirit
a total length of m 'c"• f'^'t. and example has been an insp in
Ca<De Race, one nr k•i:"h- tto tact.' ouall with ware Moth I she ha `inc a Ghost
stations In the woo d,sh- ho ate
light of 1,100,00e • •"i' n'N-"r• ' of friends behind who will suppli alt'
which has been Betel ., d, -:.cur••' ur the throne of grace fc ins+amur and that
seventy-six miles, ani attnttratlts .tion, comfort and happ
and enclosing lana•'• "''•I 1" you•may huve a rich reward for your
produce t hat result t, t t` -t v" lira ors. •
.tonsand cost $40.00,, , • ,ower sup- We walk tut e!her here Mlnw
porting It cost $t0.0 '�•• bog silt- Then once again apace;
nal has been heard • • • ;lye miles While each may take a ditirrrnt
and to achtevr that r - torts of road.
n the rate:
Coal n ye.%r are
Him who hast
n Pt;. . ,'rep 10-' } et both ares o, d time ' and
• light- And in God'= own R
t ca necessary pow' r
Bf)DY HERE SEEN KELLY . The quebracho for the t h y
keepers malntaln \\ cell me
Al. ST. JOHN COMEDY source of an Important tanniuc ma- Whits• trap srr'cIs At1an''c
I alt i 1 a
means of whicD Paraguay `, navlgatlon place a' .e at �. R r.
her claims Bolivia:
any unexpected i the lighthouse sereir,•, for to the In- ply in winch he said as the work was
assault from Bolivia. a for reefon 2,110 doattnR aids to
not so easy Tfl-China ae.here they aP-
raven of
so grate -
try the Oran Chaco is an integral part cal buoys and 2,500 unlighted kept
i I fol for wile ereainterest t
Matinee tial. at 3.00 p.m. of Paraguayan terrttoy, that her All aids to i vtgsltlou are kept Ln (work. HP could never pfeople here
legal title
has toren preserved intact are actually year: work with the peop /t_y saCO�jQ QOnsrrI, from the has
to the present day �h�eD° until t�l af_cr t"tc c'�:_
enjoyed go mesh.
�O�p�-- [ tY" v and that she has followed up this Mx of commercial navigation tin
The ladle! then Reeved lunch and
social hell' hour
ltOYAI, RIDER" t [
Paraguay's contention is that In navigation must be removed, i dnd- nrernted so much the p
CHRISTIE COMEDY the original districting of the coup- Ing eight lightships, 31 t gar and sig-
God's people here and tnithir futures
Week -end SPECIALS at
• Phone 98 - Csb I legal title by the occupation and the steamers and :lien nI the ltghthoua cntfpP and R
I development of the Chaco Itself. service mutt do Ow best they ran to %pant together, which all enjoyed
Bolivia. like Poing a Is all state,
! recover these Boating aids and p1aec den much.
t I a small state, t ready
Short and Long Distance \/
All Toads insured
Truck3 driven by experienced drivers•
We move Furniture and Goods of every description
--- FOR
the famous Fleury Plows.
and al Cream Separators.
Lunden's Haying Tools. Gould, Shapley and Muir's
\\ indmills and Cement Mixers.
Tudhope►�Anderson's Wagons and Machines.
lIarnilton Street
I e °g them In winter guar er'.•
ed ins Pad of )
Goderich. Ontario
Babbette GUi Shoppe
-Reasonably priced
All -linen Handkerchiefs from
All -linen Towels from
New lines in Pottery and China
Mrs. E -vans
Everyone cordially invited to inspect our gOO'1r•
15c to $1.50
25c to $ 1.50
Phone :d1i
Summer Footwear
We have a Targe variety in Sport Footwear
Running Shoes for the boys and girls.
Bowling Shoes, Golfing Shoes and Tennis S
Our Bowling Shoes are mode to git1 rnlrlf„rt nn,i ra
morning till night. They ha v.• t hat nog tilting
in the arch. Try theist
Our Golfing Shoe wtrte they areeespereacially
IlyGotof our
eR order
theS however, she ranks fourth 1n size on for the opening In spring. Tho Ira' '
the South Is51 can continent. Her moors an 1 nim of the .,t rvte' 1r,.
more than Her opal .• area teems weather co' ,linens.
Paraguay. Her population Is tnor•� record of, :',e
I 515 000 square
mit..a- d res work und-•i , x
total area s the ea of compelled to o + of liar vise
work of fan- Fellowmg are the date
NoPr'cfCe would be to 0 iii fair.; brie. he: i In Hnro
than 3,500.000. ( ad.'s lighthouse onntt this fair[: t
Instead of being slow -Icing ages- I complete w•Ithon'
ke aral:uay', • Ora e a /.0
Atlantic." hut a . h, owing to the 1 �P
•fllclency of the , ork done by the
Canadian ante .cit s. has become a I Sep
comparatively sal• area for navy-' :cep
gators. Qep
Sable Island, e'escent-+haPed. Ie I �'P
about eight?"n ni 'es In length and ate
situated in :he \tlantic about 200' fel
miles In an eastc•ly direc:lon from 1
Halifax. It &Insists wholly of as td, 1, Sep
In places 100 fort high. and mostly , tart
covered with a rank growth of vete- fleet
,tent Ln ,.f whit
v rd of !he � -
cultural country 11 P the
I et. it 12th
• was once called tl� Y
most Important part o
wealth -such as she has --wines
Fehledy from her mines, her chief ex-
port being tin. of which her mines
furnish nearly halt the world's
While the Bolivia wl,ch counts alts
astride the Andes, nearly two-thirds
of her territory Iles in the plain to the
Met of the mountains. This area ham
a fair agricultural production, tett so
difficult le the mountain barrier be-
tween It and the rest of the country
that the cost of transportation prate
ally prohibits the shipment of agrl-
tural products to the cities on the
plateau. So 'Melded are the two see-
Ilenienf the country by the hard facts
of Relltraphy tat economically they
are pr neatly two separate Mates.
It w loos a climate question from the lighthouses and watch tow -
among Bylaws as to whether the__en. When foe or ehtck weather de- ,
• country fa ed west or east -whether era. mounted men patrol every'
It was a Pa fie country or an Allan- estmile of the island's coast. and all ata
Tc country. h had Its slightadvoetar-es. clone are connected by telephone.
i I The Atlantic � hoot of thought ar- �...�__
sued the dP'cPlo cent of the aRrlcul- Va*t Work 1i Being Doone.
tura' plain and t building of a rail- ;h.. Electrical ('tub o[
road to the Atlan c coast to obtain Addrerslag
access to the mark a of Europe and Montreal the other dal, A. M. Narro-
the Eastern United tales. The Pa- , way. B.Sc., Dntr Ilex of aerial
•laic school insin:ed th t the mineral surveys, Department
wealth of the country as most Im- that
a sat work Isils bingnd>and
t.i 9th-•t;rami Bcu•
t, Iftth-Ct hsrnle tntcu+hi;.
t. lith-.t+hflehf tow•n+hi1'
,t. 14th ---St
. llelen s.
t. 19th -A eeteter,
t. 'filth-Hnw•iek tow/1.0111i
t. ':•'ird-Ethel.
ot. 24 t it-ellel grace.
t. 25th-Goderieh tow•neh:P
d. 27th -Blyth.
3rd-4('llnton rural
4th-•f'Iinton town.
tattoo.tattoo. •Sand bars ••,tend for severs! '
miles froth each enol of the island. In
addition to two fir -I -class lighthouses,
one at each end o1 the island, many
watch towers and life-saving .talion'
are malntaln..1 to 9Uateglc points.
In clear weath.'r the whole coastal le
of the island a tinder observation
hr -
Phone taw The stns, re
portant and that this m t necesrar-
Hy be shipped through Pa iflc ports. that Canada can claim a world prior"
1 , e s 1'Y In the matter of opening up new
Out in that borderland
are Boltvlap officials and
military outposis. While the
guayan occupation has been alon
Pdrana and 'eastward, the Boll
penetration has been along the
comayo`to the south. Bolivia has o
eupled tbls terrttoy as far as Port
Estero*, hardly 150 miles from Aaun-
ihward from there Bolivia. o
.rn s
ollvlan country by meanse1 the airplane. By
Para-' way of Comparison, Mr. NarrowaY
the pointed out that 'while deripg the
0 past forty years aur &Tea rel 240.0001
square miles had been mapped by
ground methods. the part aux years
has seen 250.0011 .quare miler men-
d by aerial surf- 's. He addled that
• only was th, r,ork done quicker
he air but w•. much letter done
A Imre Teak.
million hook.4 in the feet -
are 0, rn ; restored by on^
air,:"IY been at hie task
lhn p :,not It his present rale
bound to produce a clash. One day of progress is •••I:,iM/Pd by his nue"
last December a patrol of some 300 censors they ve complete the task'
Paraguayan troops cern, semis a to just 1,329 mot' Year, The daunt-
' number of Bolivians engaged In cos-• leer workman ton. hes the hooks one
structtng a new fort to which they by ono with a star ", with a deft and
had given the name Vanc;uardia. The gen le hand, res, ,ring their youth
Pas ahna,ans ordered them to desist with a magic sell„'Ion•
and move out of Paraguayan terra- Picture In •Jewel.
tory. The Bolivians refused. Some
- body fired and when th„ fray was A m.Rnlfleent black opal. 4t,wover
iv ,r a acorP of Bolivians hpd been el on the W.tko•tt Holds of New South
tilled. Weber, has beet valved at between
Shark Loather Strong. 12.000 and MS,n00. and christened
The tensile strength of leather "Light of tha World." The distlaet
from the common nurse shark is els outline of a worn; figure may be
to ten limps the strength of oxhide. nom is the middle oth• gem.
"Coal is nothing
like Paraguay, has established Its,out- ' via
posts and built Ili strbtutive forts
It would be beyond humeri nature,,und%hat
tbater IocalRoff date tai andces to army officers , Twent
would not make an effort now and bah Mnseu
again to penetrate still farther into man. He ha.
die uted area. Th..alp efforts were fourteen year.
(►1.1 age penslona will be paid after
Ni,vember 1. Are you able to anality?
Hamilton Herald.
"Ytovernmente tightiv liprivate nd more
on preeedent than a
need do." -'Herbert H. Lehman.
hut a reservoir ret
energy stored up by the sun ages ago."
TRoger W. Bahaon.
-We eau be lest astray quicker
through prosperity than through 10-
veretty,"-Charles M. Schwab.
1(1 -dozen men's l�thm •t 1'
Well ntade, 5 I'~
bottom- All sib.- It.•t;ula,
si t►•i �pu•rial
Men's Overalls. in plain Ili,.
plan or wipe. \ll -u' -
a,eeisl '
Men - %,Vark rh
kti'iki or chambray '
;n lot Clearing �,1' :r+
\len•- Work Shoes i1: hlaek
and brown. Vii, -
Agent for Tip Top Clothes
Millinery --
White Hats
Bathing House
and Refreshment Booth
hxatrd on the South Pier
Bathing Suits for Rent
-Ideal Battling Beach
For the Home of
Her Dreams
A bride's new home pet'd-
many excellent Pt('l'PItES
in our
Thee may be- found
store. ('harming 1Aching",
quaint color Prints dignified
reproductions from great mas-
Let as help yet. select the season's
Wedding Gifts
StitWs Art and Gift Store
Fast .treel Phone lief
Cleveland's Bread
is a tempting comp.h•nteul to any
nal- 1.1-1,. , in u"•Ii and lend-
ing most t . tflr rest of the menu.'
Your tinnily wilt demand twice
as notch of our Bread Arany other.
FncotiI' t" theta to do so, se it 1+
the 110.1 healthful and nourishing
1•,,,1 they can take'
1 \Vest • t
catch the approv-
ing eye for the
hot weather,
for a white Hat sets off almost
everysummer frock.
Soft new shades for the popular ensemble idea bring
the pastel shades into prominence.
011 ore cordially invited to inspect our stock.
Choice of WW1
�.. Lt
V!till' our showr,sonls and 'cc a re marl,
:dole display in motor cot t utor dr-len-
:► variety 'n Wile acs 10 Lt a ,dnlo.t to h% 0111.
tlisiint 1"4 , .eI l '' extra t o.t. It that nt'tt ttnlh'-
trial avitictcmc:'t'
Mord tarn 22S ,ltt1,•rcct color corninnoi',n.
011 5304 nt•t r:io'i11. lure delivered last month
h, th:• } h:,I' • \},.r r ('.Ir f'o '!'hoar is why,
211)4,I1ant i h.rx Ole 1'h:k-
I ,• ':•15 are In .ort It r1 there Is a
lin • satiety and individuality
at:',ut each car, instead of the
n:onoton.rus sameness expected ,n
hr„ 111Am-finn.
!it::caulk shock Absorbers and
new type d,nll,le-+c two 4 -wheel brakes *r•
standard-thrt do not vied one cent extra.
The Name tt Ith radiator shutters, air cleaner,
winplatedtteld brttihtttpart..sAll)salu hlecfeatutresf-
all features •,,,u want. :\dd up for yourself
the extras Esse. offers at no added cost and
you %sill see :dime $1414) in extra value in
those nem. alone.
.par Your present car will probably
g'gio the entire first
gament. The If. M. C.
Purchase Plan offers the
ANS s w•dnn'. lowest terms available on
tans.' easees the balance.
Baker &
Goderich Inn Garage
Telephone 106