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and you let your business run
on momentum, and momentum
is a gradual move toward a dead
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The Clubbing Rate
for The Signal and The Toronto
Globe is $6.50.
You save 50 cents
:\ -huller saving on other daily papers
That the combined business of the Can-
adian Bank of Commerce and the Stand-
ard Bank, Goderich, is now being con-
ducted in our remodelled premises, cor-
ner of Colborne street and the Square.
The public is cordially invited to call and
inspect our new quarters.
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate as&lasuraace
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
the foliowing recommend, .ions: Ile
motion of Mesons 'Hubbard ao,t ii.,Nno,
COUNCIL COMMITTEES that liability is nuance. to prot'e t the
- county against all aw•'detr. Ucit may
The following cuwmiltee reports happen on the county roar,.. Is. takelll
were received and adopted at the June -that this platter he de.''1,11diIr4 elle'
meeting of the county council: 4.outlydl a. it whole Ire :infilrii of
sufficiently large to meet the varied
taster of the church.
Farewell was Pahl to the following
ministers who are lemming the Preohy-
tlry for other PrtWsytertew:- Rev. M.
C. Pair, Gotlerich,- who is moving to
Lc,ndnu'; Iter. 1)unean (luta, who 10
leevIng Ethel for Arkona ; and Rev.
House of Refuge Committee I aera+rs. 1te•atne an, R. itis Barnby, Blyth, who Is moving
oowlnittee re- tusuraucr fund to e►ti1..ii.h.d sNnn• to f.nndon. I11 c( nw•tfon with the re -
Thr house of rrfugte rev it rid a ; ert 4Ii. I .d \le ra. tirement of Dr. 1 rnhy the following
ported having made the usual quartIRader and Backer, that .rfforls le
eel visite to the h"use and found 1 , reanhttlon was brot ht In and adopt.
yd inrrease,l In the destr•uct o'c of wises ed unanimously and carol%:
err thing in epleud•id order au a' „u the .coon% roads, It no scan t r s e ret that we
real credit to ladle• of the county to keep down the ( It an with. g
are doing a f l ndt l work and keep cartel. a Aa !KIWI tide bol if
Ur. and aur•. Jacob, who II ell'1 : far
ins the Hine and county farm its ex- anyone see
s any lafit "" d'•11u
. mulmg
,client ►hate. There were eighty-six attention. if nutter Is ne''•iv'emit ae-
tuuwteyl its the Lowe and all seemed 1
1 011 wil1 le taken as'Ii•eded: re m4.-
contented and well fed and well looked
after. Two more were recentle added 11011 of Messrs. -►dem- :ol•I Si;.lkrr, from the Ontario hospital. They have that 3000 fest of shove frn.e• be pder-
wt on (retain .e• t.......1111110.11.1t.......1111110.11.1t.......1111110.11.1prOVed to be 130 detriwent, and easy I tdat this 1.4.I 'r,n nada
dud.. i i t1. o anemia,
of control. \'sudors s of repair l found ne.'4', ary; re motion of
and Improvement had been attended to j140
a(as.rs. ,4 nd Ada 11'4 thou flus
from time to time, adding comfort i a)utl tuwITuldhl.' ofaLinens L• designated
and eOlrrrnlrnee to the Home. , as a eouslt4 road? we recommend that
Legislative Committee
no (teflon Ire taken at present. but at
The legislative "ciilmmtttee recon- tbP 'time .hat the road easterly from
mended adoption of the motion ofI Walton {s completed Is. , .f'1hin
Mev.MeleesMcKibbon and Milne, that the 'tide, road should to a •.. 1.,,,,!.
amount of liner for traffic violations; It M a portion of the r. ( Hour:, TV
on county roads within a town or vii- ,eimmunieatlon from ti... ,. ri; ..f the
lage be refunded by the county to said township of 4 alerlch. • oto.oei:11g an
town 4,r tillage when the information accounting of and payee'', leer _raced
Is laid by' a cuu+cable or official of taken from pit on the Remo '.•r read.
(said ulun'k•tlallit y. The committee the 40mntirsion 19 11141 .•1,1 r., .. cittio-
also recommended adoption of the ma fled that the grated 11. , I.v.riop le -
tion by Messrs. Hill and Itallantyne
longe to tlw tow-Ilehlp. n.,.i - mat-
terhas been submitted t I e•part-
,asking for an increase of the Govern
-Coal >a thing but a reservoir of meat grant on lown4hip roads to fitly
Yue nn
energy stored up by the sun ages ag(t•" per rent.. and the granting of the fore
!power to deal with `the rale of land. quest from the town `' •"11 {1
for ttzes. Having of the main mfr.. • .1, is e
County Property Committee , county road. we have - ••,,•.1 the,
The county property committee re- rltllatIoll. and 1n -r1ew present i
p.,rted haying visited the various eons -1 condition of the road, Ilse . vr'I„ linuree l
ty building; and found all in good, formerly made in Clint... .11' the re-
' condition. A filing system was recom- gnlrements of other con., t 1 ".•ds. we
led f the treasurer's office, in, recommend n° action : n l (notion ard-
mens of Highway for r am'
WV rerotnmend that act . I.t'.-rre•'
-Roger W. Bahson. %newt of the township frill .14145 ophl{op is
-We cats be lel astray - qudcicer
I through prosperity than through ad-
verstty."-(�harles M Schwab.
LIFE L'NS('RANCE (Sun We 0w)
Some real bargains offering just now to
quick buyers of houses and farms. I_
\eery cheap property. Good 11.2 story
house. Fine location, good condition,
immediate poseeesinn. Has furnace,
Iighte, bathronu, water, garage' etc.
r red
Price 91200. Two or three h
balance on easy terns to reliable party.
Good 2 -story house. Modern te u�b
close to Square. „Price 9700.
1 1-2 story house, part brick, dome to
Sinew. Nerds (some repairs, has bath-
room, and lights and cellar. Big bar-
gain at 1''iei.
Fine 9 -room house, besides pantries;
All well arranged for heating, con-
venience and comfort. Finely decorated,
excellent condition. Electric lighted,
`planned for hot and cold water service.
Full modern equipped bathroom, and 2 large
cellar. chicken' houw, y
lots. Fine location, immediate p ese•esion.
Price 111100. Goad terms if desired.
Red brick cottage. Modern equipped,
2lots. Garage. 9�. •
1 1.2 story red brick house. Mot rn
equipped, 2 lots. 92500.
Brick houses, $3000, 93100, 93200,
$.3((X1, 940(4) and 9.50(10, etc.
Large runnier of good frame homes
Chicken farm. 44 acres. close to C. N.
R. (dation, G,derich, with fowl houses.
dll'rice 915001. Big chancealm, out building, 2 lrad niakiiing money
to live man.
inrge number fine farms listed for Nle.
For all particulars see or write
Real Estate Agent
Boz 89 Square Goderieb
Confederation Life
of Caeada
NEW Bl'.1NEs. IN AI•RI1.
Fir" and Autoinebl1,• Insurance
Csodoricle Phone 382 or 142
men, a or
auditor* report af4wsr Henderson and ..... nett
accotdatee with the au( s
at an estimated cost of gen; also ti, re- i lug 1/Ibe Peairie then road wt^ 4 iirl:done we
built typewriter.
Education Committee 'there are any funds ay:r,lnbl.•: re tnn-
The a duvution committee recom- , tion of Messrs. Turner ala e'raigie re -
1 wended that the high 'school levies. as i Periling expenditure of .nlrphke aro
,foliews, be paid when verified. together 'Calabria 1411141. we reeetilawnti that tills
with tie "additional grant or refund ' he done. I,I)t it 1r 1101 •" ;*• '.•d Ihal
per sec 35chap. 326. R.Q.O. 1927:Ithere will. be any. fnrpin- ..,..ilxble.
15:; Seaforth, $8,925.25; W Ingham, 96,- ! CEMETERY I>1LPROVEMEItT
3'4.4'1 ; Exeter, ; also the ru�
levies for attendance of--Hufon county 1
pupils at high schools outside the j . i;,slcrich Women • inetitnte.
county • Listowel. 91117.84; Parkhill, I baring observed that .e..iral hnudred
Goderich $7,0$1.- 1
W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, Insurance
and Real Estate
Car, Life and Fire Insurance
Nal -on Street, Goth rich
Phone 29.!P. 0; Box 438
Geo. Williams
Dealer In
Pira Accident. Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Office, next to Bank of ('eu,nlerce
Phone 53 (iodericll
92'1592• Stratford, $103.(51; Ilarrlston, plata In Maitland cemetery sere un -
eared for -in tame hear -ars lae•nuse
of the removal of the {elativ-ea from
town. and in other casae from a tar -
complete their egainess early in i1ef December, to enable school hoards to lety of carets ham undertaken to
cemtx•r. With regard to the matter of
completrale a fund t . be used In taking pro -'I
a grant to the Western i'nivereity. the per care of these plate and thus get -
committee's recommendation was that
finances, at present care fee) that we ting rid of the unsightly twits in the
• na lne to the conof our 1 cemetery- and making our (kal'.. .\ere
are unable to give a grant. but that What it should he-- a place of be
the platter tray he given favorable throughout.
consideration In the future. \%e Nlsn _The in,'t3tutP is heeding the loud
suggest that as a matter of relief span- with_a contribution "f 925, and in-
radjustmeut be made in the fees pay-
able by students in certain depart- rites '•eentribntbo • frrmt °there
$205.06; St. Marys, 9375.12. The
committee further recommended that
Iall high school and continuation school
'grants be paid on or before the 1st of
EXPERIENCED travellers use Travel-
lers' Cheques. They are as good as
cash anywhere, and far safer.
Before going away, buy Travellers'
Cheques at The Royal Bank of Canada
and avoid worry while travelling.
The Roya 1 Bank
of Canada
Goderich Branch - = F. Woollcombe, Manager
111C1110 •
Children's %better Coodtteee
' The Children's Shelter committee
retorted that they' had visited the
Shelter regularly and found it in firet-
''laa' condition. Necessary repairs had
leen attended to. At present there
were seven chfldren in the Shelter,
ret.Aing in age from trn monthlto nine
years. and four of them were going to
wheel. The necessary help hall lewd
secured as assistance for the matron,
who deserved great credit for the way
she looked after the children.
whether residents town or llving
elsewhere. These 4,011: ributione may i.e
sent to Alm .7. 11. Marshall. Keays
street. Goderdch, secretary -treasurer of
the !oral R'umen's Institute, and will
he acknowledge) it, the local papers
from week to week.
Women's lnstitnte. 1:odrrlch ..923.00
Finance Committee
The finance committee recommended
concurrence In the motion of Messrs.
Beattie and Adams advising that the
county road cnmmieslon at the De-
cember meeting bring in a report and
budget 'showing the work they think
should to carried out the following
year. (ether recommendat lone were
a.' follows: That a committee tie ap-
pointed to, confer with the county
solicitor as to the high cost of crimi-
nal justlee termite and that the re-
port of this committee be sent to the
Attorney-(eneral; that ways and
mean.' he devised at this seesinn to
take rare of our Indebtedness and that
this matter tag left to the whole conn-
ed; that expenditure be curtailed by
all official. -Intl committee. as far as
County Read Commission
The (-minty rondo commission, 1re-
widee reviewing road conditions in the
county. and detailing the work that
Owned be undertaken this yen r. 10911e
Telephone 230
4fasonie Tel 1ple Building
Retirement of I)r. Hamby is Subject
of Resolution
The Presbytery of Enron. the T'nit-
ed 'hnreh of ('nnnda. met Inst Thurs-
day in Knoe United church. Auhnrn.
Rev. R. i1. Barnby. R.T.P.. Blyth.
chairman of Presbytery. „presided at
the npeeing. Rev. .1. W. Flown. n Pal}
ernnnnnted minister living In Exeter
and tranefcrring from the stay of
Qulnte Conference. w:IN welcomei as
a member of Presbytery.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing veer Chairman. Ttev.
James 5001,1e. Eel era v4: exe•retary.
Rev. W R. Alp, Auburn : traanrer.
Mr. W. G Medd, M.1'1'. Exeter. Var-
ious etnnding eommitte•es were ap-
pointed for the year. Rev. W. A.
Bremner. Brneefiell. watt ronppointed
chairman of the missionary end mnln-',
tPI/ CP (41141 (Y/mmittee.
An interesting ilkanasion PH. held
regarding the diep'sa1 of the former
Metho ll0t ehnr•h nt Tlayfleld. it wnw
decided to erratic to the request of the
I Rnyfleld congregation . and sell the
chnreh to the Rnyfleld (ommnnity
Clnh subject to certain proviwlnns.
Rev. C. J. Moorhonse. Exeter. con-
vener of the foreign miswinnw commit-
tee. hrnnght In a eery interesting re-
tort which set forth a nnmher °f
plans fer bringing en Increasing
knnwlodee of the elnlreh's miwdonnry
work to lie membership of the ehurch.
The draft of the new hymnnry came
In for some discnr.olon and certain re-
cnmmendntl4es were forwarded to the
committee in Toronto The dewire of
the Presbytery 1s for n book that will
contain familiar hymns and tnnee and
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Assurance in Force
Assets -- -
Dividends to Policyholders increased for the ninth .uceesave
year in addition to a speeial maturity dividend bonus
District Agent
Office 118
Residence 549
I 1'.111 \ -I'4'-l' 11'.tlt \"
as a Presbytery received- the request
of our ehalrman, Rev. R 11 1t:lrnhy.
B.T.D.. to be relieved of 11'11 charge
and placed on the pettelnu („1„1 of
e church We accede to r atest reluctance atalt^
with the g n
doing Po we desire to pla•'e on record
our appreciation of the life and ser -
Dr. Barnby. As a chrism',
gentleman he has met the testa of life
In the splrit of the Masti't rind ee
world pay thankful trtbnte to the
fine influence or hos life In our midst.•
As a minister of the church his thnr-
NI 1'ar A':, .
ough scholarship and true devotion In
the North* nt our Lord lune prndnced
a mintetry of the highest order and of
uninterrupted entreat. As an offi-
cer of the Pm*" tery h.• has served
with fidelity and distinction. We are
glad to know that his gifts and ex-
perience are still to he made nor. of
by the church. Our prayer la that to
the new relation upon wheh he 1s to
enter, fie may continue lei enjoy every
Milne Mewing and support."
Presbytery adjourned to meet In the
early autumn at Centralia.
National Hosiery Mills, Limited
Convertible Preference Stock
Fully paid and Non -.\11•' s,al'lr'
Incorporated Under the Laws of the PI -seines of Ontario
Preference Stock convertible share for
('t and L'' eti trwi.rt any time on or lefore July I. !1,:13
NATIONAI. TRI'ST (5 MI'AN\, 1.1511"1'FIt. Toronto, ('anaelr
Upon Completion of Thi. Financing
Convertible Preference Stock 1 No Par Value)
Common Stock 1No Par Value)
•50.000 .hares remain in the Treasury f
History and Business
Naw,u,„ Il,,.a•ry Mills, 131,11ted,
was organized by letters patent un-
4er 11.e laws of the Province of
a Ontario, July 25, lir2S, to sequin•
all of the meets and busines, of
the Real Silk Nueiery 'dills 1,1
Canada, Limited, which was organ -
17A11 OP a private corporation In
July, IIr25. 11141ng acquired th.•
exclusive Canadian Franchise for
oenlSilk Moiety ddistriMtingIh
fthe Real1111..
Inc., of lndianap'lis, Ind. Start-
ing in a Brinell way, importing ell
of its igerehandiee from this In-
dianapolis company, the Real
S k H"siery Mills of Canada.
Limited, has .ince eatabli9hrd 1'
branch offices throughout Canada.
employing more than 2,l0
men, 1111. ae installed its own manu-
facturing equipment and is new
producing its own Real -4115 pro-
ducts in ('anada.
company twilit he pesluct.
direct to the consnnrr through it.
sales organization of more than 2,41
trained men, conducting a house -
to -hens. ,.ertic•1' under the super-
vi11ien of 9I branch managers and
field executives. Starting with
four people. the had office nee
has a *toff of 3'S employees.
• !Nardi
111eout1oo41 for the bufines. as all
that could be' desired, as the
growth in sales has, almost (non
''he outset, 5ene forward mere
rapidly than the gr'.wth in output.
The duublin9p of 110 output, to la
trade p,.eible by the extension
program now under way, will be
rapidly aber'rI''l by a doubting of
the average wci•kly rode- vol
through the npe•nitlg of more
branch ratites and the employment
of an enlarged salts force. train-
ed men are now bring added at the
rate of approximately 311 per,
month. The c puny now •lias Ills
excess of 1('0.00(1 n• esit order
cuetonlerf threughnut Canada au!
the number is rapidly increasing.
con•ertiatt of Preference Stock.
The following is ills' r' -' dug as
being the- market 'Apo -rimer
of the stock of teal Silk
Hosiery Company of . the
United - *tater of wit h flit'
('antidian Company is I out.
This stock is listed on t .e
New fork Stock Exehan
and is quoted daily. -
"The experience of an investor
who purchav d 100 shares of stock
approximately eigbt years age" -
100 shan't ten dollar tar value,
stock purchased for 910(x'.
At pn•sent market prices
9)10 per ,hare... . s e1000.00
33 ,hams .tock dividend
bonus at present prier tg4(o.usl
Craig di, Wolof paid to date It105.44,
Total 912245.
Les. original imestnlent 10(4 (4
Net profit to inv••I'.r .... 11124•x.1''
Thi. c•"ttip:ilhc bas Mu million
.hares 1 .11111 par value steak
or eapilpillration tsen1y
millibe National Hosiery
'Mills, limited. bre.' a total rash
capItalizeti.ar '•1 fifty thnnsan 1
shire. no �'nr tabu• stock fold at
eleven dollars, er approximately
half a million. „The population ,4
the United `lades Is (441(7 19e•144
tint•. float •4 CHIABN. Thai, call
talizatiou of 11.1- A,erican com-
pany is forty' times that of the
Canadian in ea -h or twenty 1111n•.
,I, c•(mmon stuck when all the coi,.
,,,on is is•Iwvl. The difference ben
-h„nkl da• obvi(4o•.
Shares Convertible and
The issue of Couyertihle I'retcreitce
Steck now being °tiered for the
financing e1 plant construction and
rxpuaon operations may be C011-
v.'rbsl into co ai stock at the
option of the liokle•r, en a share for
Alan' Iasis, any time and up to
and including July 1st, 1'433, after
which date the company hex the
right m rethem all er any tart of
the ontatandin5R Preference Shares
at 917.50 per share.
Dividends -
Th Directora of the Company ez-
lee to inaugurate dividends on
the 13 ferencv slier 1140 yearly
rate payable.
quarter an la nnina IIwrtng
The o,anagviut ,t of the business
will remain in e hands of •th'•
Inert responsible (4r i1P 1r.•s•nt
growth toad sec.:ear.
Purpose of ue
I'r. n•ede derive) from 111 ' .ale of
this issue of Cony ,'rtible 1' ferenre
Sock are lein5 used to tint' t ' the
building of a new mill am dye
111'11sr. to purrhae' addiu nal
machinery, to finance the Ken 1.1
xpanaion id the bn.inese and
,1st Ns working capital. No portio
of the funds coming into the com-
pany's treasury through the ole of
these shares will go to any mem-
ber of the present management of
the Real Silk H.eiery Mills of
Canada, Limited. ■• all of the
physical assets and good will of
that company have been acquired
through the issuance of common
stock of National Hosiery Mills.
An Idea Three Years Ago A Successful Business Today
The Story of "Real Silk" in Canada
FROM a "etoff" of 1o011 people and a •i11gie small „lficc-no Illatlnfaotor111g fa('llits s, and a mere handful of mer-
chandising stock -three years ago. to a 210sman Pales organisation. 15 branch offices in charge ef 21 branch
manager,' and field executives. ahead otter with n statf of :12 people and with factory equiptui'nt rimming 24 hours
a day. ,
There you have a hastily drawn word picture of this successful manufacturing anal marketing e•nterprie that
was an ilea just tine years ago and that, today. gives prones' "f 4404 Ppedilt taking a front rank pswition among
the Puccessht commercial enterprise of the 15,. inion.
*Duplicating a World -Renowned Success in Specialized Manufacturing and
Marketing -What "Real Silk" has done in the States, National Hosiery Mills,
•' Limited, is Doing, on a Pro Rata Basis, in Canada
To fillt apl.nriatt'tile elm,"a 1imitle'.s p's•ibilities for this enterprise in Canada, it iii only n4ce'seary to onsi'd'e the
peat acleicvementr' and the well•f"andel antieiboti'.n. ;u
of the originating orgnsation, the grad Reidsilk 11"eiery
Mills of irldiannl' lis, Ind. Perhaps %I' can i1'4 vi.nalir.' 1114' amazing growth of that extraordinarily "'meowed
enterprise by qts"ting from a trent"IG•al 74i1k - Irsok5'1 : • -
"I.ess then eight years nee, the first Real ea ..vr.ie• Han, representing an unknown company and:me untried
idea, called at nn American home ' For the lira time in 1it'tnry,.*n American 91111111 was given the opp'rnmite to
buy tine silk hosiery in her own horm at a .inose.
"At that time our pr'slnction came from a little one-sI"ry building and this 'mollusk, wit, don, with P°nN• fifty
rrpn•fi'ntat i 4FP."• -
T,alay, the i1 .klet further states. thR
e 'al SOSI•.tahld•hment is "the world's larpeot silk 5 .oiery shills -a )loineas
the sales 4,1 441,1(11 atnnlltlt 1° "ver 921,(#X',(551 a year one "1 the outstanding mercantile .nre.sscs of all time.
Real Silk, in the 1'nited States, Hoa lies a linea sales staff of ,.mle 10,110(1 men and simuen marketing the out-
put of those immense Real Silk mills direct to the wearer. in every action wh
aI >€ndN111Icorneras1,"1 00(Ith. Te i'hnit.1 State•.kn", awnd wthhate
organisation now has before it, 99 its definite ril, a yearly odea volume O'sr o
the organization has done in thee past eight years, with the trying pioneering !enol to weather, have little doubt
shout that gee' being reacha'd and paoa5l.
H. offer o/d r,outwit rid Orr 1'Paw ,54.l, l'5•irr.l,•rslwtrf4of National11„.,,r
nr r.,ntfift ting a 141'( •fesirvrhfr mrvztrnrnl. •
Mills. Limited..
Immediate Price, $1 1.00 Per Share
.411 bort details refiling 1.' 4.s r uldn r,.e "f Miff l'•v,ferf net Murk Arun beryl pm+rd .,..m Ory /.ro.gr, lfirrkley It
.Ilnr'N7f k. (if 114011on. IlMnno, for ph, (l.ry.nntem, .,,d ,/n%n 11. Slue, Ere VPH )'.., t . du, for th.
Huron Investments Limited
Royal Bank Building
Phones: 430 - 445
Goderich Ontario