HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-20, Page 2iet
2-Teartilay, Snot 20. Wia.
Matabltyhed 1S4S
Member o1 C Il News-
Ynbllahed s Association
y Thursday morning.
Subscription price 21.00 per
strictly in advance. \"ING lU LTD.
Tim SIGNAL �e T•derieh, Ont.
Telepbose S5
W. li. ltubertsuu. Editor and Manager
Thursday, June 211. 1929.
The •urutuer tourist reason is open-
ing 4i...terich haliw' to entertain
hitagettumhrr of yb.:ror' this year..
• • i
Mr. Bennett is afraid Canada is he
taming n., d..1 -II But upon the 1'u.
ed Statesa kiwi dor• independetice mew
that Ottawa twist lump every time
Woott ngto„ no/vete
• • •
Fcrint.ou now sly+ hie
elh.n,l rtr'rga n.zatlou plan will he op-
tional. 1f he had said that in the
first idiom, !us proposals would ha1P
been renewed with more sympathy.
• • .•
The London Advertiser ►loons that
dur'.ng the first nine months of the
last crop year "2,16.1,744- barrel+ of ,
Canadian flour were pnr•haese.l by
China. A• a market for our surplus,
pn*Int•, The. Advertiser observes,.
the i•':ir }East is ever looming larger:
• • •
and we believe that .we vas improve
that. I do not know that I should
d der -
ley the House ass longer. My
able friend has largely re -hashed the
debate which we had upon the bud-
get. When he you' ''t the luthertatione
and trade figure -
hours One would think theta person11
who represents elaeut y
irll the labor
element of file ew' u
[lief Whit .,f view, but Mr' }tb"n^- I Positively COMING to STRA'i'FORD in its ENTIRETY
worth, with tall Ilk" atitlity. dtprru
would take
and earnestness. ra'metimev barks up
tlw wrung tree And lo+e■s the effeettvr
leas le might utherwi,le have by chow
tries he was very •ul not to gu iu- 1
to details al tow • • he would ptop , lug things whk•II in the total scale of
trailing. unto • honorable friend! Nveut• are of relative unimportant*.
can be more deft: • .1". to his policy. l And Agin
it .renis to me ti , or might Very 1'he other day. swtlw criticism was
well proceed w-iti, 10,+luess of the made of the Government for It." *p-
i, 'louse and vote necessary Amply Iryu l tmrut of Mrs. Smith. of 1triti.h
r++ of this c..w1' l•u1t11111da, on one of Guise perennial
t, 4j l 1
1 N• ,�I '��,1' to , arry on the I.
try.^ conferences, In Geneva where intenm-
i' R II 1'1 Irea tional labor Ieginlat1uu is. diws
a•Iell. It
E Government ez
z�°'t t ex- eats point
ed out by the tpgalsitloul
I*•uditures fee a1n. Itul .....lr. .. flat .... `faith had deliyrrlrl some
1 slaw in charge of Iwept' rt'Dent waste wittiest .i eechel after her alpadnt-
.• l 111- 1►e,artmeut t _ .'% He is always •..1..111. 11 wail suggested that within
on the drive to ....-c hie field of the four walls of the House there was
,•'tally tlr1- car- a lady and that the 0aid lady knight,
�. \ \,•'i. ! i t • hies with and very well have been ',elected for the;
11f..: with it in oust. that tlw Goverumeu4 alight. Up- ..i. I If lig 5 corrupt. r mire. if they L
return to the '..0 that .nraslu11, have Kuur•outsblrthe
coufla then t' hounds of uarrow-partisan."hip and I'
country. thea . i . can e made.
Bid tier trouble i• �� .t in G.w•rnluwut finis have door itself and the conn-
adultniAration It - ,:iii•'s•ihle t" fol. thonor-and 1w• Mtiephail sat 1
thryere• And Bald nut a word.
low out the Work- n Welt of a' -
11I 111F1 1. FI.IIINe; }NTIII IAST: --stop: Dont ,ho.k.- the
ho -.king a fish'
--London I'a.a+ui. Sin o%
�,rv,l;;r .t':.• � .-
Then after a while. Ntr. Heenan 1
tu:,l results. Thr •r.• • Err widely c% Then.
teudrd and tliffi''-'•' 7 dy4girtnwnao got hp and hr 1v,ufNr,W1. ile rou(eel,rd
grow and expand '^'1t :sly' very dr- that the aIgotutuwut had been offered •
finite uP4slrtutlII uam
1.; an + ells. to Miss Mat•plall. but that )li-s Slae--'
1 k t lie+• This i+ iso, "Mail had refn.+e.l to a.•.wltt it.
a lea• O ex I.
a criticism, it M ', rel.) a .talwuwut • . (Continued on page 8)
..f facts. The name + true whichever
party Is in power lite acme will al -
way` be true. In •'.•• long run. the de-
finite result can I' ,••tiuwted ooh by
tlw general pro_:+-+ of the country.
If we are prosp.---ns. the public will
Ila satisfied; If ,re not. the t:or-
ernment will be •• to rattler.
Might -lour hays
Mr. WOocLw•or• .iulKWl tlw other
e Isv h ,•,grrde•I u• rl"'
i hew -
1 Neuritis ? Rheumatism? � MORE OF EVER YTHI
T-iR-Cersh••• N,urolgia gait k TWICE DAILY' 2 •
and safely. Nohartntuldi *- Mr. 8-P. Oa Orem,
Chariton, Springfield, Ont., vouches
for this. tie not only got renal him- Admission. $1.30 TO ALL.
self from T -R -C's, but mays: "when
my �wife was her
a oot Traay - -C's d
ralgia I gave her a dose of T KSa--tCs she got relief m 20 minutes." T- s
are equally good for Neuritis, Rheu-
matism, Lumbago Sciatica- 50e. and
$1.00 at your dr rgpst s. tut
6 ■
t„ "410-0.ART#419
A t.l•twa R•rs•• sa•x Tneha w s Y•r•Nle rem
-.mums; mosno.
1 I.. •N Naronin
Mors PEO - ' ors - biker ANIMALS -
A/.wa�..�. , . •t 7t . •L F SLA
basis ,•f B lthh constitutional lilhow
It i- from the United atatell
ever. that the smote -tion of the oboe!,
valor of dile .inniretwlry mem. 1••
ng t Burry 414tawa 14 Thr last days wf the produt•tlotl o• •..istry. �hfut from
• have come. M.14,1 Ciliate he reeoetl•r.
ppni' e• Joule
wl by }:ngtish-speak
day ill wont. tri' - h of the Govern -
THE WEEK AT OTTAWA ;pent for allawi. _ Ilan employed
at }bet C'hnrehi:. work more then
1ju 11w Pight-boar a Fundamentally.
Uo'achman thf0 country r.ttfi..r- ue.re from earn
who du not work all. and Yet re -
te14e In , 'me w ,• . large share of
-- • ,
Iuherit.Iu,w of the 0rwiou are not particularly In-
l'rrmi,•r Gardiner hear) decided to wile
men who are woe- .s u,•.rt• l ban rig it
re a+ t e teremiug. Thr 1k.n.e .Ii.a•us+e+ the
.\sad.'-Saxot.''a•w. and i+ a+ high- e•atim:uP.. }iaintlttr. Err not Imp1'r-
meet ;iu new Letrhelanurr' ll,.forr j;ic-1 tlw Stat.++ as 1
lug 014 the r.-iur. of otftr m Sa-kat-, Ic regarded In. the 1 uftWl 1.411 t.. 4he average mrtnlwr Mule+s ft
chewau. Ile claim- that aaa the leader''sLe.%lwre. An lhtlrta,ion111+'11 rn his Anwo'IMorlretltnVII'y. TLW1„tl. doe
Ba0 i11t .. interested. Ti " I+
of the lar*Ct5t party in the 11m1sr e•I..rta Day .4 ••' ,u trrly i 1 1' ti m •
he should not resign uulrs the deg- f„taur,l. with the .i., tared objet -.I., "lo from tlw nteott'iI tt t• 'Usually .In. rs. '
cot devtara•r lark of +• arc the olse•rv:uey ..r June }. -"n- __char I. to +a%. there are some
Mature by its C
him. lint to spend money wl're 1t ought to
• • • St,t.• (-amnia. Xrwf.rundlAlN1. rtlat mend It. Thi•u utherw come forward j
}:lection returns ,.f late seem t•, Itrl,lu Anil Ireland. Australia. New ,anvil alt TIrRArion that money Is
Have the habjt of twins indecisive, Zetland. South Afri•-I- awl to strength-, letng 1.171.11 w-bere it ought not t.. iw
Great Britain and Saskatchewan. ori- ••,� the ties wit:• i, 'oiud them to- spent. this• it g.es
from hour to
from a1 pule- hour. .b
titer of wbh•I, gate• any one party • .ether." Tahlc' a'•" Theis. the wrmlM•rs are* tory I- - t„
Ii.M44111 of the AI.... ,' Alt .1.10. 90.fliMf- do h.MNI work. .\ morning t sS,tined h
Dullo'rit hes tarn f 'wee.l by south 4:1 114 .1trs laws
Africa in similar (million. The early, People lire under '' laid -an afternoon .Ura+fon-thry meet :
d it're front of Mocha Charts., again at 4 o;a_l.wk-at 11 o'clock they ,
the ,ors / t tr wo • omoil
Ila eqq■,:ition. but biter results in.
these millions two politically. pn•s e. w.� small hour+ of the morning xnd
diente that Premier Bei -tang will have
hank upon no. l'o'ft -.:hew }:u_li.eb- Ia,s+1bIy at tlm5". for lark of 010+'1'.
N here majority.
',peaking millkms in mind and 'spirit money is spent.
• • • • and there is MH,wi suelf a 'power for Mr. Bennett Teaks
n � c/
1;o'.er,u"•tet are trying 1., make it al►I if 1+ being done more and more every
pea r Ihat,tt►• Sinclair to his recent roar i' the celelrrar,.n, of )lazua fliers
a general criticism of the t:ocernmeut
I for It,. failure to tai+r the tariff
"'"•e liquor queetbn1 ti. flay " I against the l'uited States.
+ present
% Trap Through Hares told --there is no particular esrawtoa
Clerk. 'iipls rritl-
No Inverter rural trip can Is• taken limn leech and will worth listening b.
int taw 'by the-Vergusoa' lit+retD• thmueh Il,uruu 411 a.i.le hilus own time.
1 I'a•etng slimly a personal opinion. 1
tttltttt as having little of the element Lnmi by the fonndauouhra suety that would ',ugliest that It wa0 by n' means
of eootrol. but 11e IOW) *fated that he perch and herring were biting at .;,,,i.
'rich, se hied ourselves thithero e- ,lay the hest that Mr. Bennett lin' de►iv-
wnuld give the ple.pdP an o11s'rtut'ity recently through the leafy lanes of Fluent Pre.' and woo probably fairly eloZe to
b} referendum of changing tM• Ln, with a party. "one of wbmet was Mr. Peter h1A Worst. There was too much whin -
There is u clear -But issue. Mr. 1•'.•r- Conk. the til-v.•ar-nkl fi"heru,an lad. Ti,o• tie And not enough worth. It was not
treat on'harde that abound in the lake e1o+ely reasoned; in ,'''ts it was die -
tool. Aly+ b0 sill have no more re- wen• a maam01 snowy bloom ant boated: tlIW ilhwtrntion alone will
frrpnlum•. Mr. Sinclair soya Ike will ',resented a beautiful, piet'rwrpx +i1ht. be auf i-ient.
1PuntUUPr. i4 saint little village on A •'• r++ bawd altanl the :v-,
tract a referendum and abide by the small and beautiful 0tream
tin illy
In common by the 1"nited !mint out that the Gorrrum41nt ie
confidetsw in
returns gi'. ':t lead to Gcu. f"' The metl of awaking and uniting auree ro suspend the early closing
t former. I'n•mtcr who sots' head. ;ole. N 1 ,l gong n 11ing the
�:cw.toper- wt.i.orting the tutu tie, Peace as the world Into not yet peen. lin going into .111,1 0. Mr. Bennett
delivered n s{ee. h. Hie speech was
__-- - This is the story that ha- oft Leen
- (]Yh t,a4 Suua I to repeat it here. Some Ita{ere ar
• serter1 that this was •'l wonderful
o has few _uncut that the Americas had hart
sed 1
will of the majority. Ilia. desire 1+ t.. ' ....r.nrb• in tb1 Province unless
one u. greatly when they nnpo. ;t IP,
talc the emotion out of party psrli• of then In Au1wrn, s few milwdiMtant. }Franey-Iloct.'hei• tariff. 'lfa wlle-
ties. Mr. Fergtnc'u would strep It in %stir' i" tt, l..i beautiful than "Sweet station was flat it deprived me n( a
olitiee. knowing that he can sso iw-eA.aile 1 I- 1I. PMt villa Il nt 41' ``chin," market of one hundred million dollars
1 g IIIAIiP fou • n• by Sally Gakisneitl' lis farts products. because bur exports
lerpret the i.atw as' a' get the "art" To pii uu• in the. scrods M the dam there of farm priainet+ fell off to that ex -
vote &due enough of the temperance o11 a balll. slimmer day. ore obtains a telll•
nn' leant 4 Mylcan beauty that recalls to Fx{r'rt+ are mrAMtred in dollars.
vutr to retain him in office.
mind harsh Ireland's charming picture. - • 141 1!1.1 pre es were l iii 1141 sold
of 'print:
been '•Ensu til.• meadow and the w•ashlaml wheat that year to the United NtatP�
-at 92.10 a year
toPthel.o in the following
1•rel den til the r u'g sparkling
ark)isowen grow-, , aPar At 91.12. ,
From the he tin t rmtnR ri%rr
1"'u'1' Where the tiny flaw. In 1!r2'2 prier., had drn4gse'1. not 1e-
crft• ('ount'•a song •,f joy and Nature
gladness. caller tie A ier.,ha tariff wooed.' lmis'+-
ed. but le••ati.e prices dro pn 1 from
gofut- And iyhi..*o. ,i and \afore sing
MAy oar h.exn+and vnitwe j•rin them the tplAt•war 111(12 "u down to n
ys it In the nu•I dy ..f eprinit.' • more normal peace -time 14.4"1. i
leral- N',- ha.) been welling .•atth• t.. the
( 1'ptee1
.1 nee iu 1!1^+1. Tlu• IAa six
I mouttse of that year we ,Dahl oyer >tlS.-
LIIM11-, I"NlfNwl worth. in the corresponding
The Sim..*• Reformer has
challenged 'by Anile of it+ LAI
trailers ns 4o it. .•lain of hole
core in polities. Having severely
lazed the recent post ufff.e a{
sour in y 1i..- . •. The Reformer as
haw been asked by local 1.i
"why it did not aittack the t'er
Government on the wore of par
Mllp 1u its appointments to Gavenl-
tlrent la++itlom' in Sintete." Ito reply
la .141 effete.. Melt for 'Federal' ape! of kindness oh the part 01 the Mi
to ill pose 'rut from
',ointments flare I. w (Atli SenhelTnliner that oo..• s1tyP.1 a elm:ttfou at rate %hien peerinm1? existed.
(l,mmieviou, while- I'rovttrctal /AP- Bpnmiller.
1 Had the market leen Open to a+-
'intments are made directly by the had :bile tariff not T.Wn imp'►•f i --we ,
fa It ono y"arn sues -otter mind Mrw l Rht har rwric:•d f..n int M1 for the ,
(iacrrnmeiit, which /West that good mall%: ..111i :1 :1 t"w will now recall It., ,•11tH..• fur which we actually receive.) I
party men get the {aaatimis. "at thl�'' There wn+ lit that time a thriving •ItietY•(MNI. That, would he such hlnR
reply only Is t+ the question. if non- !bins of Tenpsrau.w orga0[aatdon At the loss to the limit. li'e actually d1d1
partisan appointments under A civil not Lw n+ m14e'h a+ that. 4 he Px
P• I'Pn ••the Hollow." Nearly everybody worth n1R14Prn1 foci+ in presenting A story?
senvie commieerion are the right thing, while in or near the village belonged But the inter"sting felture wits not
In the Federal wl,bere, the some rule : 'H•
a brought m '
Moonlit hold in Provincial era Ins' nosier the :1hnl'i,•' of the 1o1g1 was t" It. 1!1.2'2 we P ',oriel to rlw 111fted
le held 141 the ( } rhvnh F.pdtrnfm .{tate' Rrssts 1' the %Ain f a"`►'
I •
Thr rami , .wit of )1Ier' L.,nlw' Period of the f•1llowinj year. .-,.'its
au"4(mh.1 to only $2.,ifin.n1N1. Thr
tariff. in the meantime. had been ln -
I I to it and 1 great +trawl rrr I 1 brought oat u, Mr, lir wits speech.
There Is within; no prevent the Pro -1
Butt and his +isterN with other mem-1,lntl. lit 1• yte1N•etyltnc Mar.
rIo'- a1 Government from 4111..14(11114 thel herr of the MPH Ormolu. Butt choir's 31., in., I..*1 *r}s t., that etmntrc I ..
Mame law as hall Iee11 41111(441 all thPl were• to fiiniii.l, ale m11 411 were rained tIYr1R.'/NhIMNt.IANI, The tit -1
j Alllln+t a1 the {A+t ,nntllent wnr.l till Increase in this pMertlod w'aM 2="r4• -
The ,.quos that tin. +Inger." '•onkel nut I"• n w itel.
Whatever 1 t he .MHP "- { exports to the United
2',4.r,1 statute book. fir
Itefornwr- and the other papers 'hall there. 1 shat,ver won. ? 1 I i (511
(Illi int:, Pxp
fake the wlhle nttitnde-hlr..r the re- body .1Peened to know, and It sirs the State• in this period increased more
peal of the 4'edernl 111w•?. The •Refor 'lay of the great affair. Mr David than Dorn exlonrts to the entire ISriti+h
Fisher, one of the fathers .,f the t.•m- }%m4,irn. .% market r■• 4nhn,hle ns that
mere p notion look+ like this • The 'termite e.nent del hired lw would d+ not a market to la• 41«Vi+pd, eyln
Fe.lera4 Goverment ba." taken the , g,•.
to town 1u,) not ?Pillet, wlthont 1 1)1. 111414 It may
at 111415• Ire difficult to
pledge to do the right thiuK and oc.' wnu real kvls file reliefenter.
Great isf whin oar ["1*1 The Bondi+hm of Mr. -!UMW.. reply
e11"Ianatly falls down. for which it friend !mii np In the eveningto Mr. Bennett ennui np the whole Mit-
I7, tel be attacked. The Provincial 1almoot at the 114+t moment with the tiutlon. lie +ald:-
Government makes no pretence of di,-, tw•n Micas+ Trliner. They br',ght a '•I will repeat what was sold at t11e
we.• ."lour. lerhnp4 MIAs Alice thin.- time 1114' ttltdg.1 ons delhr•I. 111111
Ing the right thing. and therefor'' is M1ners. I don't know -Intl she W11' in tile• IIRht of 54544,0 4441 w-111 1,1ke
not to he attacked. the ,porn of the 1wenlnR. Every girl rare of t'anndien trade in the future
s • • i In the hallo. wanted to rare for her 71. wl• hir"e burn taking care of 11 In
The Idea of ollwerving Mnwha char. i, white Mr t'Ider reefer" render5l A pen- the Iwo,. and w-1 will fax 011r tariff ,a
gram n( music and tuns that 11411141 ,,,lit r'Anadirns amt not to take care of .
tau iM)" 1. +"1"Ptb11,14 new. "lid prols,b-' the committer forget all their worries. Any other pert of the wnrl.). Slggnsltlg
ly s'.-ry little 11114'nti.n was paid Everybody 44:.. pleased. It was A my honorable friend were In nffiee.
great n)Rht what wore'', be Ili.. 1w.Iicy•: It is tree
bete and in 111' other pliers in 'lis' Ninny tomer 4:,"lerich ea have that he has promised he would have
tart,. to the prtalxma)),,n4 I. M' oleo +lulf m.•moriraof the Trainer fa m- •n eomorni1 contemner. with the pets
Ing the day. Every erlssdhoov knows. ilv. but 1 hake this 1rsteful meteors. of II cls of th4' ISrlti+h Empire. hot wile
of roar+r. that )i"Rua ('harts Ithe;11 delightful
evening'" entertainslsnti tor? . what did he 4a4 to 1hoee gin-
ftlrnl"hed by the Trainer wisteriaI Omen when he w,ae weleoming them
fire"r 14'harrer4 i+ the solemn rckuok4•i J(IA.Y PIMArtPT. bete to 04411w11? 111d he ems- to the
London. tint. 41004dp of Australia and NPw Zealand, 1
- I'We are ready to aril yon every -1
Tory candidate 1n ip"Wirh k10+1d 1 thing which you teed. hot we cannot
Part pretty kill in the eonatitnency. 1 troy anything from yon 't
John at Runnymede .. ill OP
l:dh. ill tonr"e Ile was rp. I' te.1. - St. I Ifs have had A favorable trade 1111-
1215, and which has during the sen- entharine• Standard. ante thronIh+wlt the British Empire ,
,.► •••s
Iedgnwnt and declaration of the
right" of the EnRlfwll people which
www wrwated by the nobler, from Klug
Expense no objet'- in Achieving Perfection
THE rear axle of the Ford car is of the three-quarter
floating type with spiral bevel gear. The pinion
hub is exceptionally heavy, and, as the pinion is carried
on double taper roller bearings, p:rfect alignment of
the gear is always assured. The rt.ar axle has a total of
four rod:er bearings which add consil_rably to the cost
of manufacture but are a protection for the owner
against wear.
Special care is taken to insure silence in the pinion and
ring gears. These are made up in sets and carefully
matched, each set being run in to eliminate all possi-
bility of noise in operation.
The differential side gears are forged integral on the
rear axle shafts and the teeth then cut This permits
of lighter and more simple construction. The shafts are
unusually strong. and, as the centre line of the wheel
comes over the bearings, there is no overhang of the
axle shaft, and it has no weight to support.
The use of malleable castings is eliminated in this new
axle housing which is made entirely of steeL Bell
forgings welded to steel tubing make up the shaft
housing which is bolted to an all steel differential
housing. The care and skill devoted to the manufacture
and assembly of rear axle parts is typical of the high
standards of Ford engineering.
• Drive it
Yourself -
there is no
\2_ Better Test
Ford Car
Choice of colour.
31 to 45 ,ni1es an hoar
404....0 power .*vis
Felt balloon the.
Fane enclosed sir -brake system
Hooded:* hvdrn*lit. sheets
10 to t0 *,it.e per gallon
of gasoline
Shatterproof glow windshield
Theft proof ignition fork
r1iab,ih9 and 1.,u. upl.eep
Arrange for your demonstration ride with the
nearest Ford dealer
Ford Sales and Service Phone 403
St. Andrew's St., Godericb