HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-20, Page 1•. -,e.. weep wearetees
What are you doing for the oowmuntty
that is doing so much for you ? You can
help some by buying everything you need
in your own home town. Read the ad-
vertisements in The Signal and shop where
you are invited to shop.
$uceessful buaineee men today are
building their business on a basis of truth-
fte lot eggreasive advertising. It malars new
customers and keeps old eustotners satii,ied
f1i.IITY-SE(X1N1) \EAR NO. 25.
mg to Resume His Work As a
Mtaalorrrry in l'hlna
The pulpit of North street United
ourch was occupied on Sunday morn-
ing by Rev. John A. Walker, B.A., of
Dungannon. Ten years ago Mr. Wal-
lier was ordained In North street
Morel). lie had offered himself for
the foreign mrsd.iy field and eras
sent to West China. Returning on fur -
'tough four years ago, and finding
that. owing to the disturbed state of
Ohms. he would not be permitted to
yNun, to Ide fiekl fur some time.
Se twked for pastoral work here andIrau'a Magazhle as a prize in one
Was stationed at Dungannon, where.
tf the word - otcits ti rducted by that
Field Secretary A. E. Padden, O!
London, vented the local troop of Roy
Semite this week.
Reserve Saturday, July lith, for the
annual garden party of the Victoria
Home and School Club.
The regular meeting of Central
Home and School Club will be held at
the school on Tuesday. June •25th, at
4.15 p.m.
The town council is t•,nducting nego-
tiations with some out-of-town !Artie,.
who propose• to purchase and operste
the Artcraft plant.
Mrs. Ellen Herald, "i town. has re-
ceived a substantial cls -:rue from Mac -
he has given fine ,a•r ice and leader
Mr. Walker has kept lu close touch
with affairs in China ■ud Is peeper- a steeesarfnl bazaar and tea In the lee -
to return there in the near future ; ture room of Knox church last gat-
- theme on Sunday morning was: 1 urday afternoon. It was exceptionally
1t )
sum of �
fur patronized and
e still a
s there
was realised.
l'hrl>ltluii misslouary?" His
its taken from II. Cor. 5: 14, "The 41. Clemente, .It(I 1 ' Itt rico, %du.
ve of Christ coriatraineth us." Ire hail an experietsr of several years sus
viened the changeo that have taken a paipter 9thd decorator at Toronto,
are in ('htna during the past few 1s eugagink in the some business here
ars. and said that it now appeared and low a card 1n the atleertising cro-
w the country had, at last, a cen- tiitiit` 'ilk week.
al government, which. thought its apt- I The Collegiate Institute rlore,h 00
,rite woulrlirotably to questional Friday tart for the long vacation.
tiros*. would, 1e believed, weather sties.. Itttrtwr and llillebrand. of the
II storms and give to ('hlua tbe stab- training seat. having resiartwl their
1- and the urrlou tt ha.. lacked, pos1141118 will not teeurh in September.
ears ago, the preacher said, the Principal Hume and 11r. Itel.ertsou
rend of things had la•Pn vudoned be are prtultHug this week at the depart- Reamed from lite Harbor
he tui.esiouarles and pluus had been no'tttal examination,' et Exeter. $' Mr. G. Itrielellaw, of i tt11. met with
Matte to tranefer. /gradually. the Curr Prat members of the staff will read ex- alt accident at the harbor ou Wetlnes-
and re.gt.twlbility of the church to thel:mile:ttion Napery, 1t Toh.utt next day evening. ,+but P e'rhs-k. when he
shoulder- of the Chinese pastory I w .ot6. areldeutally fell into the eater. Unload -
lint owing to the extremely rapid Ing'- ienatintw had just been . ontplet-
Moie Bxatafaaliea Reaulta•
march of events the changer!, that ell ort the meaner itricoldo,• and Mr.
were to have been made In ten yearn. Itteolts of 1'11iveneit, of Toronto ex- ilradshuw. one of the reeleriih edere-
w re forced in ten day- and the u1.- amllniti"Iw published this week contain
The Slael;iilvray„Miwlon Itand held
II. The News of the Town
Preparing for (,rand Ker,niee
Elaborate preparation. are 'wing
made for a grand Kermisa to le hell
at the West street skating rind: in the
afternoon and evening of 1t'arineselay
anti Thor -day. July 17th and 18th. 1n
aid of St. Peter's church. There will
IN. +lime grand prim-- and 1t is expect-
ed to be the tamest e\;ent of the sea-
son. Everybody will 1e welt•orle and
there will he entertainment for all.
Please bear the dates in mind.
PERSONAL MENTION Autumn feud SHtlnss
The autumn aitt4nga of the High
l'uurt annoutiecd Nomber 5j is
Mr. alit' Mre. 1' .1. -we
the dateare nn which jury andrenon-jury
day with frlelsle at Mt. cermet.sittings will be held 1n tiederlrh.
Mr. and Mrs. Kit- Mete ltthliu. of A Youthful Muijao
Lgntdon, erre weekend , i.,itob to The Sasl.atiein Star-I'hoeulx of re -
town. Irul date has a picture of Mervin Sny-
• • •
Miss Grace Strata
f 4;144-1/41uane for tJjaelf 1n ,„ der, a young musician who is snaking
testate Institute, is e4 'er louse here ■ inSaskatchewan.
Mervin Is the son of Mr. and Mrs
for the holidays.
Leri Snyder of Radium), flask.. and a
•• • E nephew of Mas. R. lilendenion of town.
Flower Display Neat Week Mrs. Archie Tom *d -Ai. Stanley, I
The I;t1.lenoh IiorUculutrad w,cirtJ of Toronto, are vial ,g at the home Although not yet eleven year,. ..t site.
,Mervin entered a piano iomletltion
will Mere a display of .flowers to 11*
old Itauk of ilamilton building, corner
of Square and l'olM,rne streets. next
Thnrebty and Friday. Jane 27 and 'Jt.
Every member 1,. Invited to bring
w,me flowers. They will be placed
Thurwlay morning between 9 sad 12
o'clock. No prizes will to awarded. but
if every member will bring some
flw,•rw there will 1e a ereilltxble cite.
play. -
The exhibit w111 be open to the pub -1
Ile from 1.311 iielcek on Thursday to
9 o'clock Friday evening. There will
to nu charge for admiwdnn.
five Ia•Rurs and teachers hid found the name. of two sl, lerlch student*
resting upon them heavy turdet.,. of I..th in their first year in arts. Mims
responsibility. Further. though none Margaret Redditt bite, taken third-class
of them had been called to lay down h"q't'r- in the modern lauguage course.
their live, for their belief. there were Itt the chiseler. honor lust Percy Sliest,
long months wben they never knew down e•tands third with fleet -class
en what day that sacrifice might be honors.
required of thew. and they had fated Imntgia.s Clarke t,t•k tlrwt-chess lou
beth duty and dagger unfalteringly. or in hie seised year ht forestry .en-
i•nder thews changed conditions the gineering, and Moms Mary Clarke was
ruisemiariee are returning to -their uueceswtut In the l nlsersity•s social
•tatlou-. and it is net -vary to ask servis counts.
them.rtves what . their work Is to be, I)'uglae Nairn was stacwdnl ht the
wad whetter there is still a need for decood-year examinations of Osgood,
their'. In view of the better ler-• �R•
mending of other religions and fife in .twtrlt Came
re•erptftluu of tbe norm In ttan lig Magistrate Held held court at Bests -
ale ask gwetting
nn pretty
Lot tela 00 Y ds and beard the charge
1.r, not getting on I.rettJ well with]'
'he belies they Stare. That, the against lam Allan, a podia, of
t,'ttert John
p ler Bald, he would answer by My- Londga, of having severeiy
Christ ; and because of the universal
25th. Several -,c
need which only JAM! ran eat.Isfy,
tlwre is still mom. still a call for the
tnesrbengers of the gospel of peat* Ile
concluded by the admonition to these
of Mr. and Mrs. J. r 'r"nn•• •*pen to children 015 to thirteen )'Pani
Mr. J. E. True isle oil Mo..,Iwy oajof age at the Provincial music fr, ivisl-
c 'welled
s� a\tu and
q t !Ta
:hPlt a
the tour of the Matit the Poo' iwres ; cls -e. deice t iug thirty -fen r other coos-
by The N• rnnl",k The 11.4111ors. Ile received high praise from
fonr covers three •M�tks. the ,adjudicator for his achievement.
Mrs. Jinni Randall
"Mr,•: to Col-,
The services at W 1Wtrtist Nllnvh
next Sunday will b• 1.w tethose u+
a.m.. Sunday schooll'11 a.at., Rev. W.
I . Hasid, of 'Pororto. w'iU ,p.•ak io
the Interests of the Out8{pa Prohibi-
tion 1'nlon • 7 p.m, till Poeta, Rev. W.
"luyiag Our Neighbor" h Het. K. C.
• McIM'rmid'a Subject
The members of Court liuderich,
T. Brut, will preach, tai tug ge hie ser- No. 32, Canadian Ordof Foreaterr,
muu aubjee t Ohrlat ltticdlsa." Pam in a body lasert Sunday morn-
8errltee in Rnoi a rr h neat eau- I tttg from their lodge, rooms at Mac -
bath will he in charge of the i pini+ Kay Hall to Knox church for heir
ter.• Subjects of elwrlcew: 71t I a.m.. ! annual church service. A number of
-Tile General IAa/atnbly ;'• •7 p.m..'. visiting brethren were also present.
"According to Ablltt) " ssbbath 1 Her. R. C. McUernild occupied the
s•hotd and Bible clagel at je o'clock.' Pulpit and preached an inspiring ser -
Re\•, W. F• Haesar4, e( 1'ttroutu, fur- man. taking as his subject, "Lo\ utg
ruerly general .eer'ersry of tlw Bibi.- Our leighbur.' His text wua irotu
Society, but now repr'ttesattug the On- ! Luke 10:2" -"And he answering
tatto Prohibition 'lodeqp� will address' Thou ahult love the Lord thy God
the congregation a♦ Victoria street I with all thy heart, and with all thy
t'ntted church next''Stemief ekening. soul, and with all thy strength, and
Other services of the day 1.w Imetal, with all thy mind, and thy neighbor
The paistor, Rev. M. a. Pa, w-ill1 to thyse" Thcaker ferred -to
pt•aeb the,
�, t.sevlYrr1 this beautlf.iful• verse
eapof Scripturereto
Serrtcq at '.North street nettedlone which tells us how to live proper-
chnn•h ae*t..gmdats :-s fvllom: tit 'Y. usefully and helpfully. A young
a ni.. Yeda �� tli o1. hand, sad man, who happened to be a lawyer,
%itvl'tt bili ten" a found himself in an uncomfortable
fellowehl 4
and h
e asked J
athe ue.
i n as
I+. be, to
position u
itf !"
, lu
/'t at-11� r•
� �,.�y Nr /•, tion, "Who Is my neighbor?" Jesus
r .4.hto at 11 a. took hint strioutly and answered by
scltwd s:1 lilt
Lodge. No.
t'Plitl the even -
-------- -- t roduced
1u the
CwW Wallis M. Robertson. Pa
llak'witsl the past w k 1," krtn.her 4 petty \vetbllug w1.+ solemnize(' m. and 7 p.m. 8i
ha.h:uul. Mr. John Rt�h':ti! fi r n tp\\ et high utsat. Mouilac. at the home of m. Members of
days. t \, Mr cud Mrs '1'. R. Wallis. when Ste ill. A.F. &-A.M..
• • r•
taint v -,,,;s • ..f m....e., t,. tw,mme 15* iug ser\'IPP 1n Rey
of the Lucknow t
tante," by Lowde
the anthem.
eral days' at Detroit st wee), eon nwseerved Aultatne•liate relateresti..Atlee,- by Millen
Mlw Ctrel e""Per' Ihe I'''" EiglOtrimid friend's. The brktal 'couple left hY sang "Rock Of
home here. ar' b" 1 r..N.R. for a niontills trip to the .by Bowies, who.
Mr. Wesley Rands
crew of the ttteataa
watchman. This 'tel
on Wednesday.
tor. emptoyees, was diveend1iig the lad-
der from the steamer to the wharf
when the mishap (recurred. Thr steam-
er was swaying a little and the 114)1- i
tont of the ladder calve off the wharf.)
told Nile Bradshaw in failing struck
the Wharf and fell into the harbor.He was rw uerl to a number of fuer
w'hn were nearby
A pretty June wedding took place
at Victoria street United church on
Saturday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock,
when Miriam Johnston of Detroit,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
street, Goderieh, became the bride ot
Mr Paul John Stieler, of Detroit, mon
of ltr. and Mrs William Stieler of
Baldwin avenue ,Detrolt. Rev. M.
her ng
gown of white satin and lace. em-
broidered with pearls. Iler Tell of
tulle was arranged in cap effect pret-
tily tanthroidered with pearls and .11-
ver. She wore white satin pumps and
carried a bouquet of (Tenni Niers end
valley lilies and fern. The bride was
t tended by three bridesmaido. Mites
etieler of Detroit. and Mies;
Dorothy Marshall of Goderich. Their!
costumes were alike of yellow chiffon
with large picture hats of yellow ,
hair. They carried bouquets of mauve
sweet pearl end fern. Mr. Lewis Stigler
of Detroit. Waft hest man. Little
Dwight Williams of Detroit. dreo..ed
in white. carried thg bride's veil. The
where. were Mr. Filtlerick Stieler and
Mr Arthur Johneton of Detroit. Mrs.
Johnston. mother of the bride. wore
a gown of navy georgette with hat of
black. and Mrs. Steller. mother of the
bridegroom. a roWn Of brown flowered
.11Iffoli with hat to match. The bride -
necklace. and to the 'bridesmaids gold
bar pins. After the ceremony a buffet
luncheon wa' served al the home of
malty, coetume wee a white ensemble.
After a honeymoon in Chicago and
other titles the young couple will re-
side in Detroit.
by Crown Attorney Hoene... but all
diodnimed any knoeleilge ..f the Iden -
himself. in the wilutwa 1..A. Paid 1.4.
Ne. The Orient io not far dietatit in He -nulled him statmi -111Phaticni-
three da3'.: it 1. et our door. The that It na. not Allan. The charge
1 oriental,. in our midst may way little, "g11i11.1 Allan was therefore disahiseed•
•Itt t ley see
steno (if the 'meth of Christianity are
being gathered from the crindnet of
cbrietiano about Them.
Addield Girl Vas Scholarship
For the third ono...motive year n
lOr of St. .kasiew High S4.110411. 1.44 Salle
.•rden, South. Detroit. hag won the
Immaculate Heart Alumnae Fedora -
on scholarehip. founded it Monroe
ortober 21. 1916. for the ben -
fit of graduates of nimolo taught try
eterte.ervants of Inemerenlate Heart
it Michigan. Ohio .and Illinoin and
The] year it ern. /Marled Norine
E O'Loughlin of 19112 Delaware eve -
111110. Detroit. formerly of Astifieill,
who is just sixteen yeare of age. Nor-
io.. will be remembered by her fellow
Student, as haring taken high 'stand-
ing in entrance examinatIon reamer. in
north Huron. having written at 101)-
4211 in ittne. 1920. ,She WM. li.111/11 of
Sister NI. 1,40.0 of Kineebrelge tosp-
• 'e 11.01 T11114, ....N•110111rships
plied to Monroe College until 1027.
*hen transfer of the ladies' college
Way made to the mAgniticent mite of
glarygnove College in north-west De -
Mee is up from TOT1,1111114 and 1. the
11111agt of her parent,.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stranglian. of
litho, are visiting hlv mother and
le making an extended resit 14. lwr
brother. ale R. Miebse.
Ilrftb relative- here. having eon* to
See laq• mother Mrs. T. Stranghan.
who is not enjoying tr0041 health at
r, and Nits. 1"'irl ,Raithliy mot eon
Their triti took them to t'alifornia.
none Iva nl.
ak. and Mrs. le. Italthby, Mr. and
in• pron. the fore part of the week.
Ire tiny Durham. of St. Ileorge, Iv
Itiliting her parents.. Mr awl Mr.. .1.
1111111xusou. and ether friends
Mrs A. Rollinson nnd children are
fee veers. of her visters it. Windsor.
We regret to report that Miss K. M.
VW. has resigned her pos111011 in
tbe Aetturn .4•1104.1. She hav done
41111,1end.1.1 work here fnr the Med t WO
/1 hair yietre end the rommunity
fisel the hes in more than one
. IP she hart Ably helpe41 in chnrch
other social evenM. .
Friday with /1 picnic on the river
the interests of the ontario Pro-
ton Milton.
Stratford Takes the First
lit the recently tirganired lInnin and
Perth League took place at Agriettl-
between the Stratford C \It. team
and the tinderich Blaelo...•‘. the for
mer winning by the score of 10-5.
There were a fair number of 'meets -
tor. on hand. Fritzley pit.lied the full
The line-up:
Stratford - Osborne se. Dorcy 1114
!teeny S.,:hatitz 11:
114. 3b, Meldrum rf. Grebe cf.
3h, C. ftheaidown lb, M. Fritzley p.
Score by Innings:
Gotlerich 120 100 010-- 5
211 202 002-10
Summary: Three -hare hits. Walton
2. Robineon; two-biese hits. Grebe.
ny. *tents.. Shaw. Grebe. NleCluskey.
Sheardown; bit by pitcher. Archer.
Public School Teachers Enitaged
A special meeting of the public
school beard was held on Afonklay even-
ing to ronsider the filling of vacancies
on tiw Serf. Iv additlem tn the three
eaeanelese already noted, due to the
noirmitioes of Mimes Nalrn and
Hamilton and the granting of 11 year's
leave of absence to Mit* Elliott. the
board finind one mere oh Ito hereto..
the fourth being caused by the reelg-
tion was adopted accepting Mlisti Wat-
ing her every future ageeella.
before the titian!. Mime Hartwell. who
has been tenching at Port Stnnley. and
Mils Nebel M Johnaton of Cedar-
ville. were engaged to take the plate..
(if Miee Weteen and AIM. Nein) at
Vietoria Reboot. each at a salary of
tif 'Parry sound. wee chosen 115
/111 alternate In CM* either Mies Ilart•
well or Metes Johnston &bout! incline.
For the Fonrth Book room it. Vit-
toria school. succeeding Mies 113 m I ton .
Pr' at A 01111,117 g4 100 per annum
In ease of her non-acceptance. the
board will Advertiee for applications
Mites Leona Hem was entered for one
year in the neon of Mies. nt
Centrni school. at 11 eatery of ilk1810
from September let next. '
Mies bottle 1101iineon write re -01101111-
$30 In each CAPP And the remelning
reedier". on the ktaff were re-entilged
nt their pre.ent salaries.
.1. A. Harrison. elleretAker of Victoria
whom, wow given an it-tense/se of MO.
to 21000. and A c. Jerks -in. esretaker
et Central, will reeive &VA an in-
crease of $70.
1 'nerl the 'Vieille of Mr. George P. e:ouwi. of tuwa.
lir• ' "lost 1..1 ,Tile Mune was prettily dee.oratcd with
n, In port * alsrttg flowers and the ceremony took
• • - ' plate before a bank of ferns Rev. C.
F. (liirke offleiatel. The bride wore
\!r. Keith Cumhaltf7[n :or fonr' a hemming gown of royal blue 'crepe
years was the efficient lip.nls• "per-;,te chine and tnrriel a bouquet of
ator for The Signal, bin taken a plat- i4pwewtheart roses. valley lilies and
tion will 'rhe Stratford p...1, -]pee- fent. The brute and groom acre un-
ald. att,vuled.. The wedding march 'Wee
• • t pilaywl by ]Less H. L. Salkeld. After
the eer'eronuy a Mint". ballet lunch -
telling him a story that will fore'.er
live. Thin story w1.+ of the good
Samaritan who went to the assistance
of a man Khu fell among Joh'eves' on
Ltd U1.• choir 1 Ma way from Jerusalem Jericho.
cutrme led the 1Kr. McDe•mkt then dealt with the
bt•.R•MIeW 1'u- venous ways and means lit showing
oto t ttie` organk
love to ou. era, who, he said,
:�t file• organ need not bt• ort' next -dour neighbors;
the a•c,aganl-�but often tilos who were in sorrow
and distress The speaker referred
to the great work the fraternal socie-
ties. such as the Canadian Order of
Foresters. wt re doing in this present
following num-
atwsu." Hot 1 -
light lion."
'M a itril-
•hetr *were,' Inge• and in closing he urged the
ars of ('brier, members to to loyal to the principles
l gtniriette of their Order.
setting During the service the choir under
t3ie direction of Mr. Douglas Major
at the organ rendered two anthems,
Will Sing of Thy Power," and
"I,e:+d Me, Lord," and a vocal solo,
"IV Ain Couaitrie " was sung by Mr.
:as. F. Thomson.
,high School staff, iaJtdi'tttyis&R
Maritime Province* and on their re- ]Ire, I. Weide,'
hart will reside in °the floe home' •t'•aintthilly "'Pb
The engsgemen't le '""114°"11.4 of 'which tbe groom has beeti perporinc
tier Fillmore. At
Vesta. youngest daughier of the late 1 on
vice many exp
Mr. and Mrs. AlexernIcr Wanks% of 'Britannia road. The bride s trakel-
i ling coutione eas of navy crepe de
ete heard, a want -sof the
late Mr. and Mrs. (3heriee J. Nordista (*bine with matching aceveseorist.
f ,f l4 Ai mine
• • •
;dM Pra
of tie ser- -
itt pleasant
tive of the, fine
and particularly
1044 Ytw We-
MN a
Soy ear* 14'
of South Beissinedole, ling -
land. The marriage sin take plate
quietly the lane: 1:art.'of June.
Farewell to Mrs. Parr
The Pollyanna clnse of Victoria
*reef Sunday echo& met at the home
of Mr. anti Mrs. C. Sanderson, New -
give their teacher. Mr. Parr. fere-
well. The ?fret part of the evening
was !spent in intereeting games. In ,
which the seri. joined nest hero -illy.
Mi•e1 Dorothy Steepe. president of the
chow, then read the farewell addrees,
While, MIA, 111111/1 Stewart. Viee-nre-
•ident of the ctn... preeented the gift.
which WM. A lately pink silk bed-
spread. The 11MTIV/011 1V8. a! follow!, 7
Dear Mr, l'arr. We. the members
of the Pollyanna chi!. have met to-
gether to bid you farewell and eepreos
our eppreelation for the get:A-Ice tool
blessing y.at have rendered us.
During the time you have been 7n I
our midst your onnny' eountenanee
end words ef prowl elwer athl com-
fort made the 'silver lining to every
entilime truth" whieh you hare Improve-
' veil men no will nerreadily fade. hill
will ineren.e rieber harken!. as time
goes be. A encnney. Iv being left In row
heelers 11,• S'011 no in 011r ulnae thAt
earned easily be filled.
these pavsing remelt+ 011r entre,
the name of Mr. Patr. who alwayw
eetended n helping hand whenever
needed. flur vIncere prayers go with
' protecting bane and the wnrmth
of Ili. great bore
Anti now. findine eon!, H11.111" (lin-
net expree. our deep feeling of aPPT1'
elation. ne ask yon ?II accept tilde
may it remind yon of the deep and
testing friendship of the members of
the Pollyonnas.
Signed or) behalf of the
Mrs. Pert responded in very fitting
worda which the Masa will long re-
member. A dainty ninth wee served,
after which s vote of thankp was Or-
en to Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson.
Mits Mary rumps, lelevator -iimex have been real
big her term at the Ti'rersity of To- It is expiated that the vourhyg ut (V-
received by Mr. Witi ttnike
a telegram from their nee*. M
Wallaee Sinclair, of Detre
Notes frees the %%alert
nine. had heen hot
here, left tido wee
Able WIM
the summer.
atilet how, iitent for tbe first Hoot Its/ Md.
get, tinier
Fair Crounde .ks an oiled& free ex-
hibit the ;street parade is worth tree-
flidisheil her etairter it then- pert.% en the ...Oath pier. Wm. For- (Ado
Dan at the Ilmaionald Institute. 1.111- rest's derrick eleoW Wa• 110141 remov-
cago. and is Vending a few days with Mg the building. Tie. town 41111111-11 i•
Johnoton and Mr. I). Mooney. Next . bathers at the lot %%here the fieli
week she leaves on a visit to iniebelkelianty formerly stood.
at the eonclistion which elle whir The imthille hollee and refreshment
take a meitiott„ as dietitian at e'al- booth heated thr r.eet veil of the
C.P.II. freight /•114411`. W111.1 "Wiled tide
Nary, Alta.
Mrs C. A. Nairt..e.1 Miss Adelaide „the premises. .% g.sal titimber of -bath-
Nairn. whe 'Tent -.,eral months in 'ergo have teken itinebtage ..f the
Toronto and then V7e, '‘.11 with Air. end I warm we -tither to take /1 111J4 111 the
Mrs. Jae. S. Hume :i• Montclair. N.J..,lake.
for n few weeks". liatve returned to TWO steamer- were in port this
their home on Kem. ortreet. 'Phey week with cara..e. from .the head of
vvere\ neeouniantel from Montclair by the lake for the Goilerich elevatorl.:
Mi. gall Mrs. Hume enitfamily.
Te Organise Ladles' Hewing League?
All the ladle,. lIf towel intereeeel in
forming a 1/1111e0. la W11 bowling club
are requeoted to nowt in the club -
how. PIcton street. on Tueetlay even-
ing. June 25th. at 7.45 o'clock.
tog anottettgent
thirty driuhite-
tramped the
features. Ito
Florence Mtieney has fr,,bot, raiet!„ ro a pie,. of vacant 51,.0. nop.,
' A wedding took place in North
street l'inited church on 1Vedneeday
1114inting. nt SI o'clock. when Rev. C,
street. town. end Mr. Arthur Baxter
of l'olleinte township.
Hes& Presbyterial. College
Friends in this county are greatly
pleased with 11* api..intment of 'Rev.
Profeeuor c. Scott \Mckenzie. M.A..
Ian College at Montreel, toweeeding
signed after long oerviee. The two
principal is a tomer Ashfielil boy..
son of Mr. mul Mre John N. Mac-
kenzie. formerly a . h.. Loehr -1144i diet -
Oct and 110W of 101.'1% The ePPoilit-
tnent wits made so the meeting of the
tawa 18.1 week. Fel,..wing chsely
the eleethin 10.4 Dr. Peelle, of
Wingham. as moderator of the Gen-
ertil Aesembly. it I, it tribute to Huron
uptirineing that 64,1.41)1s appreciated
by the Preebyteriato 4.f thle county.
The Mime Smith ilk-hart:0.i 213.111410
immhels wheet end the
Bricoldee 2747.00t4 bushel, tif *heat
find oate mi Wednesday.
Bert Meteinalli
ermine in his eell-kuovvit
"flags.' Bert informs The
the old engine wao
thirteen years.
a sten
ignal that
ft boat fo.
Spring flowers 111111 fern deeorated
Central Presbyterian church, Toronto,
wpm) Helen bottle. elitist &tighter of
Mr. ' and Mre. David Thempsou. 17
Linden Wrest, Toronto, fortnerly ef
Goderieli, became the bride of Mr
Herbert Wilkineon, Brantford, the
The wediling music all,. played by
Mrs. Chas. 11451 y. /11111 during the
signing of the register Mr. Willem)
The bride. who wao given In mae-
Ivory chiffon with long tight teethe.
and silk net ekirt In circular frills
She wore an embroidered tufle Veil
wheel was emitilit in cap Antis." eith
times fitting bandeau of orange
blossoms. 111111 Carried a bereinet
M 1toz ''114,1.11y" Phillips acted Re. bride'.
maid. wearing a frock of powder blue
taftetn. alth brit and shoot to Match.
01111 .11 rriell bouquet of botterfly
roses. The lest man Wa. Mr. r..1W4w1,11
Thompeon, brother of the bride. and
the uglier. were Mr. Fred Weed ef
,Itrantford. end Mr. Itritiolt
operetor 81141 In Itr.val of his en--
cews.r. we nrs• hite getting The Sig -
forced to omit, regretfully. rimorts of
several important melds. pinch no Hie
Rank of Commer.a. re -opening. the
Wok Wan:Amish imoranee Co. picnic.'
We have felt foresaw. time the inatie-'
query of our typesetting facilities, for
the handling of the new. of the torte'
and tlietrlet, And have placed an order
for an additional lit...type, When it 1.1
lnietalled, 'we shall be *Me to toddled.
a better paper and to get it reit more
Prollant17. in the meantime. We ask
rhe 114)41 indnIgente of our readera.
go n un
match. ami tarried a or-
chids. Mret Wilkineon, mother or the
11Milia roalP14.• Later the bride 11101
groom left 011 g trip tot CW1'0111111
b▪ lue and gray ensemble. with lint and
shoes to match thi their return they
!will reside lit crime] viarden Alert-
Inents. Toronto. Among the out -of.
town Rinses %ere Mr.. Wept.' M. It
McLean. cleveland Niro .101W. 1). J.
Hyslop Anil daughter. Jean. Genesis.
and Fiesta Fowler..Gotelph: Wow
M▪ r,. Ma ry Thomas, Ooderteb:
Mr and Mrs W. M. MacDonald.
erich. sod Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood.
With the Lawn Bowlers ,
lie Ow /local iii•ti howling tonna:el
Old Gates Cm ti Clevelarwt
On Tuesday Mr. Owe 11. lateen. pro-
prietor a Ye Olde Curloeity Stemple
Hamilton street, shipped to Mr.
wire W. Kidney. Jr., of kleevelturni.
ohlii the set of obi wooden Eaten
Which for many pea* "Pen in tract
elf Maitland e0110eXery.1011•-•set included
htelvf(t1 PnilitweekiL (41.1‘"111:111,e:1:4',1Ys."7 4.411.11::
In Cleveland
'rot placed at lite ie.:le-tory.
1r tl-wy nem
I la
ter r4.4•141
set se
WOil 113 1.1171/4. 1:r
Itieset no
# on M011441 y et et.
ere. were: 1st.
,,t rhe prizeo 444.n.
th and Dr II It
Preparatione are -well advent -el ear
liernidpe. and eerie... of epeeialte
111..11s4 Ihder-. it n-11 be Arm that the l'cl•It 111"1 111"trulm'ohli• oltit the
tither detais tio• 1.rogratti .4 the the
toighttwo• of the
1.111 .11 Ihe "thertimen"'" some Me41.01re 110
'." pertly 10 1111. 1111111114T 41( 01110r 1111,114.4
Women's is.littilt SON411111 Oen.. 41f 1114. flay. there wan not ne
large al. niniletwe 11,1 the merits of the
‘vost mum, 1.4- held In the Com howiwer. that tit/. 1.1.41EPtla,. will rt.-
sittlIa.rin.2a:4.11:1..,TittIlicIII"irn1111.ngreportm for 'the .
1841,1 11:1;o4., iTihne .1fgt1::::11111,111rogragagiamOghilesheitemvilyri
The marriage ef Mims Miltlre.t T.,
121 11. ot 1110 114/1111. of the br1.1e's
441 lti \ietrirei et! ra Honor Wed -
of the Vi.aoria Elute tti#1 Th.. Iwo-
etratti was n twig otie. It the last
the letterer Belie.- .4 Borah, Mi l'ciftir 1" "r
bi the groom's father herons a floret
iniFIrillai.o..lio..• .21-'. , ommencing at 9 0
TM! attend:in a! at the two previom '1:Wylt11. of Ilit lo. n•ap hest matt Vs'
bride -nun- a. gown of white satin. mid
Nib". Grace I., "an Dervort. anti .lamon
tol.,1:1,,,T111irliit:.•,i'l:i..k,":„.:.(11:41:;:i.,:.:::14:irtimisnsd:r:44,d.iorr:in :sit::: ,:: ::::::f .,:g:,::::n..,..;,:iti.,8011:n'ii.,11,1"nk.r:,.‘7.::::,:lirk:g4::£111e1:.:17::::1
girl, teams ii, Toronto was equally
'other forme ionioeting. Tile succeep. ,,
tition. and it hie lamed that toleryolie 1:.11..111a14 11 111 rondo, at Gbany. 8 Y ,
T. the flitileir of The Siena 1. .
nth forums. In prepare a pure inee,
materiel roll of # very Mat. 8 M. (kyr
appre.late it If all ex -Members of the lie held oti Idsturilay. .10110 21t211. 0110
old :Ifith ltattnSon wohld forward of them good, rile time. for mother,
their permanent toldrees to ITS. at 172 ded and the family It'. only otnr a
rear; leave everything elele and join
W wIf'elit road Toronto