HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-13, Page 8e—Thursday, June 13, Ile.. 1.
Cotton's Model Shows
will be at --
Victoria Park, ,Goderich, until Saturday
night of this week, Jdne 15th.
Shows, Rides, Concessions
Penny Arcade, Frolic and
All for Fun Fun for All
1," .(Continued from page 1) { 1 t coast Ing others. Her door was always
entingly of his visit to Yancuurgr,
1 open to strangers; truly "vhe dwelt to
'where he (spent the winter months, le reel for
a house by the sick of the rued rod
Ls referred to the chaugtw in the per- wa[etwurket bulli 1 was a friend to man." 5114 has teemed
remitted to him • .ertIo it as pulite
patrol sine 1.... after lite -string
eQllipment and WWII property at
the harbor front 'hat a p an e
room and sanitan convenience" in the
its• be trocu u
haul :tic Provinelal hoard
of Health and that the chairman of
thin a'2•undl or nun n
and Euelneeter Johnson be a comm -
tee knits; that the tender
of George Westhro•.ke at $155 for a
new roof on the town freight abed.
. lw acre pled.
The committee reported that an -
adieu Canner. 1.'•! hail Alerted 9899
r woman* of strong character, a filth- TO ILIN? CARD OF THANKS
fol wife, a kind, loving, loyal mother,
one who was always bappy wben belie R e:XT.—STORE SUITABLE FOR
grocery or °like. Immediate pos-
session given. Apply to C'H tt. K.
SAUNDF)ItS, Goderich.
i sonnet of the eunuch since lie wait ap w salon to on from sight, but not from memory,
poiutrd.twwty clerk iu the -. ner 1KU1. 1 p4 1 p and her friends will long remember.
.\t that tiuw tb•rr weer tifty•iue nem committee, ft -der klndnws to them 1n many little
tsars. A few years later thio was h h de ways She was a lifelong and staunch
4,,1,4-141,41L11!.tdl rixtawu looser the eiwtrlctauld Kirk. and in the pioneer days
to work out dr Presbyterian. always faithful to the
uu,t uuw it is tweuty•uine.
\ mutiou t.y Me. rs. lI1 t14rsou and alis walked Sunday after Ctuuday a. t.
,t.11ker phut the ('ruiric rued atputh °"Ing 5e Ib. sewn+. p l t 'C Helena and back for church yserviee.
„f \\t., the .m % road co •tel was For Many years she wad L teacher in
,rut b, the county rase Itted d sin
'I11.' Hind spring d . badly 41awut;ed during f t shed and the Dominion Sugar A worker Sabbath
generally in church affairs.
alrs.irs- Middleton and ltudkrwUvCel Cu. was ahlpplce :hill bags of augur �rine yrburch�t I)ungannmet¢tlwj of
Ohm t:nderlch township be laid a 1 through the shit pt as
i .reatemialdt' uuno)ut per yard for gravel � TheseRr port set etallll dodted and long faithful hair health andr mitre rwayi Sh1
taken from the gravel hill on the Ben
I. Neat to road tomruission. (rattle diva id the town should be loved her church. 'Besides her three,
painted and r• •'torsed, and that 'a children, Mrs Archie Messer of Blue;
vale. Delhi and Josephine at home.
and one grateldaughter, Margaret Jane
Messer, she leaves four brothers: John
of Auburn, Joseph of London. Wil -
Petitions kr treating streets with road 011 or tar
must he presented to the Town Council on or befoCe
Petition forms may be had at the Town Clerk's Office
nurser .•..•-
Another mottos' itlntructed'tttat a by'
-law 1.• prepared limiting to ten tour
the gr.•.et loud, to he carried over the
-t,s•I bridge,. of the county.
o h, FridA) morning County Engineer infs.
re- utter same l son if the r41a• i
linin f 7th concession. West Wawa-
t'heckerboard s Ips placed at the
north end of •*nitwit' road on the
river bank sea 1•rntectlon to motor -
Pater -wt addressed the council,.
_trdintt the ee.tiwatet. for the county thins between. u.,• 'own anti the cion- nosh: and Rev. Dr. James Witten of
.,.ltw:1y.. Flo amid they had beton ty• with partkn!.,r reference to road Brampton. one sheer. Isabelle afrI.
patrol eery .IoitC. •
expenditures, It w .N decided that the! Robert M4'.Ulieter. predeceased her
'l'hr county treasurer advised that finance committer,..hould interview tlx some twenty-otie yeah+. The funeral.
11w• rate tin- groerul It'rpo,sr:; should 1 t'ountt highway. ..aunis.dou awl the ; which was held on Tueelay. Jute 11th.
r•wal,, at 4 milk.1'rovtnefal Hirt, Department re- 1 to Dungannon cvmetere, was ever)'
gentling maintet, and eon'itruethtl , largely attended. Scrvites were eon•
County Kate Is Seovew Mills
A noti.•:. was then adopted that the of county high d, within the 11.wu. ducted by her pastor. Iter. C. 11. Re-
ran. he .even wills, as follows: For and bring In a . report' se • to the Denald.•ef Lueknow. a2.slstell by Rev.
. ypa,rra1 purl»•<t•e, 4 wills;• for high- town's standing • the county. Mr. Gregg of Bluevale, and the lal)1-'
%%aye. a milli,. aupl a special levy of one In the course 'he dlscusslon the tearer,' were her four brothers. her
will the proceeds of which are to he eingtittlon was r Wit out that the son David and won -In-law•. A. limier
applietl to paying oft the iudelterines. town should ser,.--tor/it-Ion from the I Among those who attended the funeral
u Provincial highway atrouut, county.
from n dietante were Mr. and Mr+. M.
Tia incorporation of the - village of fleece Turner •: nlwl the commit, end +Rennie. Mr. eMrs. 11ubt. Rennie. of
Wroxeter having been cau.elled. the that the county '.I not took after New !lambing; - 'Mrs. David • Kelly.
' land ealilu the former village Iiwits Cambria road a: ' U.; agreed that Mr* D. 111...114•11. Mr. and Mrs.
revert.: to tin• toe iship- uud the as- the public work- • •:notitter 4honld at- Harry 11410141. \Mr and Mrs. Mn t 1
.m-..dwrt %vat adjuetel as follows: tend to ahy won. -„mired to keep the. Thompson, of �`.,shakespearw: Mr
Turitls'rr). ii...v.3(, lluwick, it4,f,5^c•'r-- road In proper o '.on. and Mrs. .lrhk $elgnnr. of Moen.-
total. $14c J75. The matter -N ctrlle•tllit110 'sus ; field; Mr. and Mart G. H. May.
btu motto.. of Hewers. Mute an.l Hub- again dtect wti I a (notion was. Mrs. Ferguson and two ehildr4n. of
your feather bed made into a
saultary roll mattress or down com-
forter. Highest price paid for fea-
there. Drop a card to DOMINION'
Goderich, and our agent will call.
I TEI08, Mrs. A. Meaner and 141.0
Joaeplrite McAllister, whit. to thank
their friends and neighbors for tun
many kindtlewies extended during the
illness of their behaved mother awl lit
the time of bereavement.
THOMAS elAVLEY take :hes
means of expressing their heartfelt
thanks to Mends and nelghlxtre for
kindnesses ahown durlug the inures of
Lr. Gauley and iu their time of be-
rtwvement. They also acknowledge
with appreciation the many btwur,inl
floral tributes and wish to tumid:
those alio 1 sued their mars for the
We are Instructed by
th sell by public auction at her home. lETTES, CUmuteta, Turblta, Nuns.
BayIeld road. Goderkh, on Apply PIRRIE FERGUSON, Bayfield.
Ont. 3t
, TIit'RSDAY, JUNE 27th, ..4,—
eniimencing at 1.30 o'clock. all the con-
tents. of the house, ineluding:
Mahogany parlor suite. 3 pieces:
roekh►g chain.; 1 mutate elock ; 1 new I
alarm clock; jardinere stand; 1 peel
arch curtain.; 1 rug. 12x15; tiievoral
fancy hooked rugs; 1 large oak aide-;
board: 1 large oak eitensiou table: 5.
(lining chaise; 1 piw•” linoleum,
13115; '3 complete bedroom 'mitts.
mattresses and springs: 1 'sodeom
rug; 2 .•ongoleuw rugs; 1 Royal Que-
bec range,: 1 Quebec heater and pilaw:
1 coal oil afore; 6 chair; 1 fall leaf
table; 4 glass lamp's; 1 ladder: 1 step•
ladder; dishes. pictures. cutlery. elate -
ware: garden tools. and other article..
Everything will be sold, as Mrs.
(Drew Is leaving Goderich.
TERMS,—Cash. ,
T. 01'NDRY & ren.N.
Aura lutleero.
—722agna Zharta Day -
When -iv. the:granting t V...:.. r ..irta at Rutut • , the
15th day of ,lune. .\ D l.; ., .., t t • t +n•Iation of the ;tical
and religious freed..n. enjoyed ,"')when• in the I:' , and
and gave to every inti lel int the iva'.tcnable right to . rte
the pursuit 0f hat i t �`
And whereas. the annual' c. mnirniorati•.n of Magna Cl..trt.. ioxy
serves to promote unity, peace and nndl•ntanding among n.a r:the
people if the Empire but all English-speaking nations:
1 therefore urge the people of theTown ,•f t:oterich, including all
the public reboot., to observe the lith day of June as the anniversary
of this notable event, and 1 especially call upon the chun•hes and Sun-
day schools of all denominatione and :all service club to. take a leading
Pert in its observance. I request that the reboot teachers allude to
Magna Charts Day in U'eir ctaPees ph Friday, June 1411.. and that the
ministers of the town do likewise during the services on Sunday. June let.
H. J. A. MacEWAN,
•lletor to en-, f. lou: \Ir. II. Tloltb)•: of lala111111
hard. the clerk and treasurer were flamed inatrneti, _ :,r
co r o
L.( /It NAi.E.--B'It1t'.K H411'8E. ALf.
[ mildew' ccn venience«. tent rally
located Owner leaving town. AI.ply
1t. (;RAF, Brute ,street, Gtderlrh.
lime; also high-grade fertiliz.•nr,
always In stock. Prompt 'delliery -
service when regplred. 1i. R. BAER.
It.R. Na 5. Goderich, Ont. Telephone
l'arlow 2821. If
each granted two wrck'1 hwilla .1 10 fore collection
•- arrears of taxes. Mrs. D. May. of Fade Park : Miss aide
toe, so arranged 111111 oto, will be on forthwith. Itlehsirvl-on, of Wyoming: al r. and ,AC(Tlt►N SALE OF RESIDENCE
dot% whip• :11, other is Away. A letter frau ter- Pearl I'riddle-Mrs, Wm. and Mie.. Margaret ran, \N11 H411'NF:IN►L1) FI1tN1•;
•vel of the burned l•rou. ate M. Wels1} nnd, atria i. s:. TIRE. • !
et tea read and Welsh. of Ili dee: Mr. and Mr.. t.�
Mr. Frank Johnson. former Reeve
.,f .►-htiel.l, addr'.s-cd the
I.rietly. 11,• 'poke ot, tuewlo•rship in.
the• cotlsuc ciuuc11 a.i 'an wlucationai
rxp.rriesice•. broadening a wand view's
and neveloping h.- ...alai qualities.
li wa- ,I,ti'tdeti U, aMAlmlun the pru-
pr•,I trip t•, thrt;lxlph Agricultural
C•,Ilc o. Thr couueil'm annual picnic
w 11 la• hold at 11,tdield ou June _1st.
Tht'' ttl.diott of Messrs. McKtldon
nod Henderson with reference to
chau,giug the dates and the number of
ww•tit.g- of the couueil Was die:need.
but w•.- laid .Wer to the December
-IMS not.
whdl il meats
NOW Chevrolet affords you the op.
i N portunity to indulge your prefer.
Ince for .ix -cylinder performance . .
without going outside the price•range
of the four.
And the Outstanding Chevrolet does
more. It provides the distinctive au.
thentic styling of big, roomy Bodies by
Fisher, finished in the season's smartest
colorings. It offers a completeness and
quality of appointments in keeping with
its external beauty. And it gives you,
in addition, the safety of sure, smooth
four-wheel brakes, the easy -riding corn -
/4 fort of resilient, specialty . designed
shock -absorber springs and the depend.
ability and economy for which Chevro-
let is so justly nowtted.
Let your Che*olet dealer arrange a
demonstration . . and learn what
ci)x it means to own and drive a six.
e Is -..vas
MacEwan & Tebbutt
Goderich - Ontario
, 1T'3 CAN ADLA14
hrutt h ad fol-
Montrea to Elgin : north true r.
1t% 1.11% were put t g
Ni. 11.- fir_ys; equalizing the assess- xcetlue. South to.Waterloo: 00th 01de
meat if theseveral. municipalities for F:lgin avenne. south _to' Watealon;
1'14.1 tat the same figures as for Wier.' north side Raglan street. Baytkid to
No. 12. levying 4 mills on the dollar Hincks : east skit. Paltmerniton street.
t0 • ratse the sum ..f $177.0e4.70 for Britannia to Raglan; south side Bei-
seperal county purposes; . ;tannin road. Raytield to Huron; south-
, No. • 13, levying 2 mills on the dol- met side Bridge strut. Toronto to
lar to raise the sum of $88,542.35 for I Park : north side Elgin avenue. Cato -
highway purposes; 4 11.115 to Victoria : west side Maitland
Da 11' lass aide
asking for the
,1 se
house on Wiley:
it was dec1dedl 1.
for Bale.
The eonnell
night. when It..
And expendltur.�
taken up and Ow
at 49 mills, a 1.
year. Thi+ M 1
legiate Institute
schools. 9 mills
The separate s•h
b ieher.
' Fourteen bylaw
oidrw,ilka were
walks covered by
follow.: Fast
P I .
...nese the building i Higgins. Mes..rs. i'. two 4:. Muffnt,
A. Mowbray and Jaek.. it Iflue
.nrtlwl 1.. Tuewla? I isle; Mr ,*nd Mrs. i►. and Mise. Thor
:mates if re•-•elpts olds Itclhondld. Mrs. 1►. tttraehlu. lir.
••,r the year were' J, .L an,l Miss Jr+ale Strat•han amt
'..x rate was teruek' Mr'. Nelsen Cardif}...4 Breussl.: lir.
mill less than last met Mrs. Geo. Mcln.tsl.1. of 11,alrrich:
1 na follnww: Col-' Mts. H. i.. mien. of Buffalo.
�••d rate 1e one mill
for eonstrnctlon of
• Hewed. The side -
thee. bylaws are as
side Market street.
nie mills': putt
resters'. Mae mil .1 Gumars sAug fuGurrER
'Tuesday, June 1S.—Auction sale of
1100 -acre farm. farm stock, Implements
land household furniture, property of
!Robert Winter. lot 32. cunceatlon 7
I East Wawanosh.
No. 14, levying one mill on the 1-, road. East to St. ).v 1 a:
lar -to rake the sum of $44,271.18 as a „Barfield mad. Britannia to Raglan:
1 special rate to provide for Proviu:ial Past e1.1,• Hincks street. Britantda to
highway expenditures; Mary ; west "!de Palmerston street.
Y. 11, 10 confirm the payment of 1 Britannia to itemise • west aide Albert
the several amounts voted at this street. East :o St. Davld'b; north side
,meeting of council; 1 Pieton "M1e.4 • Waterloo to • Wellfng-
No. 16. limiting to. ten tons the load' ton. year,
MRS. AT/RF.FtT J. PAi,TRiM:E nervous diseases. 'Ley In attendance.
to 6e tarried over certain bridges to In Order r.. ptrthe mere pwthilP ac- c•rEWA-RT—In Coltarne township• on to e'1i by putdl auction at her hntpe, i e boors 2 to 5. and T to 9 p.m..
the county; commodati.nt at the bathing beach. It Friday, June 7th. Charles Stewart, tacit avenme. Gtaitrlch, on excepting Monday and Thursday afters
No. 17, appropriating expenditures, waw dot -tiled to oak the C. P. R. to' in his es+th year. P'RFDLAY. J("NE 28th• nu,tts end evenings and by ap'psolat-
for highway purposes; Imove Neck its tracks and bumpers sit R'" .1."DI}1: