HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-13, Page 7ell health*
haw y
midaw Q
WHAT does "after
forty" mean to you?
Are you less capable than
you used to be? Nervous?
Easily tired? Run down?
Try the effect of two or
three boxes of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, the tonic
that has made hundreds
of middle - aged women
feel ten years younger!
It will nourish and invig-
orate the blood, so often
thinned and devitalized
by advancing years, tone
it up to better service,
make you feel strong
again, eager for life !
Buy Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills now at your drug-
gist's or any dealer in s
medicine, or by mail, 50
cents. postpaid. from The
Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
County and District
Thr sum of $11,000 ha•r been appro. 1 yersity of Toronto, at which their
priated at Ottawa fur repairer to the daughter, Miss Ethel. dwell her degree.
Piers al Grand Rend.
John Dimond. a former resident of
Illiterate. died May .Tlh at Toronto,
where he had lined the last twenty
After many years of suffering. death Grainger is president, and Mrs. Y1.. •
relieved Irene 11..ward Coati. wife ..f Stevenson secretary -treasurer.
.1 1;u Thum. /'.1'.R. section -foreman at - W. 11. Beesley. a former resident of
Cordwich. 'Thr funeral to••k place to Clinton, ,lied recently at Mou•ejaw,
Niuglutu eeartery. Sask.
George l'ruicksha;ks, rut old resident
Turnlw•rry, died June 4111 in his BLTTH
1.•1. -third 'year. Ile is snrt•ivel bt -
Mr and Mrs. C. J. Wallis left 'gat
week on a trip to the Neat. They will
go as far as the Coast.
Clinton's lady Linen bowlers hove
organized for the s•ara.u. Miss J.
.i. sile. h.. suis..1:i rge uudltobert. Mr. and Mrs. Thema; Melldllan arc
dt 'Purlilerri'. and one daughter. 011ie. ricr,1 her.' Tuesday of last week with
Y Cuelpli ry• t' s the remains of their 'twep'e-year-old
I At the ucusl�. L•.Wre:borli, uu Sat- eon, Donald, who flied at hand n :Un
Imlay. June I4,0„,Mi•s Alice Alberta ' the 'Sunday previotle. The 11.Millan seutat1ves to district qunual meeting.,used with 't1ler+r ch:ulK's b1. the n+
\on. daughter of lir. and Mrs. John family moved to Loudon (ram 1tlylln Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Fr• r•r•'se.smrut-cull for the ilt'4present yeas
\ott. LniiileAg,ro', Weis milted ill war- about a yeat ago. 'humid'. •loath was Mrs. Sanderson. Mrs, Sten:art. SDK t' iuw tl resumed and ordinary bust,
nage t.. Ernest 1. Sttv••11• ..1' liar( n -k, due to spinal meningitis. The funeral 1'asewi,re, Miss Wilson.
Miss Ander- 1 ur-1s 0441 resu with. Minuets Of use,
If••• .las. ..Uw•n oath ianiug. ll r. and took pluop tti the Union lwmeterc, the earl. The branch hal a membership • i iuustme•ting arry read and approved
pre -
\t' Srrywis will n•sble.at Seaforih. • I pallbearers being. six 4.f Donald's righty -six. Communications from F: A. Edgar.
Myth.‘ sudden deatit'occurred in Itelgrave slow! friends in Thr death of Mita Mary Florone I
:un ofllr. and Fleury. daughter of the lair J:nmra Sud', Corrie. ofstl Joules & \loulrlth, ('rte.•
Ann 'Fleury, occurred suddenly un' Iia. •ngiI;eers, In reference to drain
'l'uesdaly of last week. af'er a11 opera -I ale I�atttteecrs. and t•.N .Ile \4itlttu�1.•l
resident, passed away ill us
fifth. y1. r. Ih•,was•d had i''aifend'd 11Ls Iwru takln� ►rust -graduate work tion ill the 1Ctna 1.C-4Ih•1M of 1Cing-I.rt4elI end read. hosed b4' Cuuticil-
lurch si a+nal mod g morning :Ind ill elw•.1.. las we neaarvh pl l'rin.e- ,vasrd had peen a re I•,1. \tt an sad. dad b1. 1'•. Icil-
war+ lu bis a•'c u;tmu41 g•,••d hr Ith. Ile lou, \.J., ha» Iwwu sincrv+ful ill ►uses I hew, all her Ilfe•. �3he 1118kr1IhNi1an11 llor
'clip K.'rr. that the clerk Iw• instructed
is survived by It growiu-Mp fa�ily. Iing Ills final exawihatiu11s there and is brother, w11Mam. f to Inst•�a bylaw' prelby for n,•y•
'rhe .14;1111 0' -*irr -1 on May 30th. at 1 s nirw eutitled to the degree of Inwtlr two
el t lh.d,Mrs.w t6 v1dof 1I miltonnsliant and 1 wring 1af byte* pre arednf the 8
a:rand I end. of Mary 'I'rtreau, aid. -r of I•hilimiphy'. «longmeets of y court res o. orithe an1•the
of the late Francs Tetreite..ln her' -- . aw► Ir►yalil1 lu 1144' would aR11101 t'
ninrtirtll year. Ihvwa+l••1 meas our 14 � , nun s
where she ha. nw r The t•AIowi11g `it"•'",' Wert Imid
Ater hirti:ve. pnv►rcea..•,I her a frik 1' tt. F. hn11 ret . 1(441; the Sa'yt•r-
mouth+.:old Inco .aai+ uud six dough• Hassey Co blade: or grader, $I'!IL
' errs sort ic4. � f 1 S• nmawlur.
At the holm• of lir. and Mrs. Robert
ay. 111
•t FT'rlyn. a•a+, babc h+ will -it is the Irugtling.
The United Farmers of North lin- AW
run will hold their auuual meeting in EAtiT
the N'lugham town hill out Friday Council stet un May 31st us a .uurI
afSir. ani of ails week. of rttyisiou on the asnemment roll,,
s1r. and Mrw. k atter nding,Cosen4 acre ht
Tornow last w'erk stteudiug.lhr grad- with all the tuewlwrs pn•w•nt. Thr
notion exercises of the Iliitersity of tullowinn appeals were disposed Pf as
Toronto, at which their daughter, follows: The. 1C. F. 4.'atletoue estate.
Mary, graduated is lot 343 t-o'K•eaalup 11-ar••e'ssuwut re'-
w1 )loin'.. r In tluerd $301►. E. l'itttuan. it.11.N.i1. lot
Coatens will spend the next year to i1, cuutesduu !1 nvlulyd #Uu►. ltubt..
Victoria hospital, London:• :---
Rey. David K. FeRle, 11..1..arn of llcl:tr, S. Y, tut 41'. cow•e.slon 1.r-
Ite'v. 1►r. I'errie of Wingham. hi. beer. 'hlc.'d $34J0. l►. IT. .111drrstut, 4.V. W.
11,Wt+•1 as minister of St. Andrea,+ lot {4►, trute'e;.,tuu l►-asseesulrlll ruu-
t'resbyteriaa church, N••rih itattlr-,tlrwwl. !Atntli. Johnston. S.'11. lot 1'1►.
con. e+sion 4 -a$+et anent coullented.
turd, Sa Bk. Gordo1n Augustiur,, to ae ass:eas•d Its
Thr 1Ciughaw a .u1e .d ala• 11'ti•! owLeF-1.(.1he 1%'. I1. tqt 3!►. ctil.e•sion 1.
(oII l institute has elrl•t••yi efli-ers a;! .1111 ('art 11cnu1R uwndr ..f they \. E
fulltiw'4. fur the rpp1t; czar 1'rrsi
111.111, Mrs Win. Adair; 1•t •li,w:presi-. Pt. lot 41. cohesion S. There la•iug
dent. 11rs. T. t'orhes; _l 1 ri,w•prv•+i-1110 other changes or addition•1 asked
111.111, Sirs. Sanderson : ,.•.•reu•ry. l(s.s, ;f,•1.. it ,was wood Ly Copnrillor
1Cillianu+till: treasurer. )Ir.. Fraser;' lhumpsuln, seconded 1.c _I'unncillor
dWtrict diret•tor, Mrs. T: Stuith: repro-'t'ampla•Il. that thr,court of revision• be
.1.44(•4 ti 1 that the roll are now te.
•.o tkunduy' afternoon. witeu Cw.rge 4' evil Gardiner. M..'...
Armstrong. an 01.1 and well-known, Mrs. 1'. liardluer, who Ante his gradu-
1' seventy -alio!' from Queen's University in 1927
1 he
the pioneer* of Stephen town+ill+.
I lived f tlft-a yeas*
t and bhurlog interest at ms's I'•''
cent for payolent of road nlarhinrry.
Ashton. Currie. out Tae t dime e 4th I The happy ill
their daughter, Margam
111111'.1 Ill Weril.w•k 1,. '4V 1!1flin Strxllg• goruling baby whf llaays brings joy
1 way of Sarnia. The .wremony was1 Itt.•tu 11llnr In% n I+II1 y is -nut oery-
i It
, performed by Ret•. Mr. 1'raik. lir.
:a1,1 Mrs. Straggw'py will reside at thr...ugh worry over the 11111e one but
' S•.rnin. Thr bride was assistant past- ttrOugh loss of sleet► -nn one rats rind
master at Seaforth fur. shout -five rest with a sick baby In the halite.
ThoIIm,IIs 14f ntothero are happy
1 An 1 lie use they halve found the,way
i years.
nesting rout took
rtht•r is the our a•h14sr' By Aline Michaelis t
place 141 • t tiers a -..r If
tlr home of Mr. t" .keep their little• .,net well
Juu1 I t. at
and Mrs. 11111th 111111 1..11. Con+tepee, slckius. does come out suddenly. a I
I when their daughter. Cert. was united usually does with little one, they hate
' in. Marriage t.. Leslie 4Sliver, of (Iron. to found ibe 44'11) to to speedily egxtutts the
toa'uship. The 1 4.''. .1 . was { Cwrr 1• Keel', Lindberg. Alla.. is our f
i formed by Ret. J. N. Johnson in the
pr,•+'nice of about yfifty' guests. The' three mothers and +hr arites as fol -
1 happy 1.•111414' left 1.14 a motor trip to I lows:- -1 ant the happy mother of a
Toronto. Niagara and other point,. be- seventeen -mo nth..1d lathy girl. lwaby 14
ell at
healthy and strong and tIsr1
night. 1 give _her 1114 other medicine
bat Italy's Ilan Tablet., and she just
ever without
fore settling down in their Wimp on
rlc =room's farnt'in Grey township.
I.ohlt Residener Burned
- .1 unset unfortll n:t to tont a7% the
N - destruction by tire of the residence of
i 1x1. ( n i
Coderi,•1, township. wh1.h oeorred
141 Saturday evening. June 1st. The
Fred 14.1,1,, .1.f the Ila t
o ve.S on
• (fire originated Ina pantry and quickly
neighbors arrived and ..ave their
"the month of Weddingi' sl+tan.« In the removal of furniture
from the house. The walls of the
We can furnish the finestWedding
arrangement 'from
were of stone and they remained
ih all styles of Wedding Flower, sanding• hilt every bit of wood meas
for the bride `burned. The boli.'.' was 'Milt by the
E O . S T E W A R.T `founder of the I.aithwaite family in Thr funeral of Tate Lena Kipper.
(this eonuty, grandfather of George,1.f 'Biggar. fun Rusk.. theste 14f %Drier.
f7.•.I:ls7 i.althwslte of G/alerfch Low'nihip. itskrok place June 1st from the home Df!
to Si. Telephone 105 Goderiti 1 ..:S oil¢, hP Lei ha •'
atone 'that 'i
- ?trade the boos had a finish that tPp I fits manta -law and t;oshen li Mr. and
- 'Mrs. Herb. Rruder, Goshen IInP.'tn Rt.
gonifae church. Zurich. premised wile
seventy-three years of age and is our -
vire,' by two sons and four daugh-
ters. also a number of grandchildren
and gnat -grandchildren.
1.4111 Fred 144 4 had imp,'I .t it c«he Zurich public and continuation
hunch and it was ronwid.'n.,1 our of the Zurich
held its annual picnic at Grand
u,.r.t comfortable and complete
nest• ,te11d al 1CelnPsday of this week.
deuces in the community. Mr. and The r:xt 'tine nth convention of the 1
Mrs. Cobb have %offered a eerere Lew.'
tart they intend rebuilding: using the, Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Can -
..I.1 walls if they are considered safe., illi was held in ,St. Peter's Lnthtran
Ind will wimpy a pllnlll Lldldlig witch ''horeb. 7.ilrich, and brought a large
Mood ulnar the bowie a+aresidence In
windier of clergymen and lay chureh-
nu•s, to the village. The Synod con -
I he meantime.
,,.,•ren 'nngregatiwns. Four new min -
EXETER Inters were received and ordained at
the Sunday morning servile in ,the
Three medical students from Exeter pres•nee of a large congregation.
zraduate this year: Dr. .1. ll. Varve 1 Hue 'leer was u14tice,1 •few dace
at Toronto, 11r. Harry ►(Pilon at I • . A on the [.
- spread. The alarm arae given and
NOS Moen
rile cr"•'1.111. ,a%latah}
yuui.r '4't "t.
Like •••me mail. salt.'
Adrift ..gaiu.t Mtn itv's
Your calms I r.atitl• ,u•
on Ole hour.
Now In itins fade a1.• r:'
1CIe•rt• in 111e sky Ft -
a way.
, Aloof. remote, we vit.
ghosts [w . • •
Your .irauytiil prism
hurts. of day.
Arid atter all the fewer
T1ie• lust of Ii -lug OW
'tl tit the i
Tablets las the house.“ ! ' 1 gain.
lose 1114111. 1 nm 11
Itaby's Mut Tablets are a mild bit
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels; sweeten the stomach and thus
drive out constipation and indigestion
and make 1111• cashing of teeth easy.
They are tall 1.t medicine dealers or
by wail at 2". •rents a two% trona The Dr. i Rech
end erns. $171.(10; .1.
laeitch. drawing culee A. a4: J. John -
41011. moving stone errs er. $10: Alter.
Mowbray. (lacing stn a 'rusher,
S-tkt : :\Cw. Robinson. equalizing
•h•• nu• school sections and i tticr.. vi age. S:t-.
I1. Clu110nty', grading 1!►..25, J Gil
:e- 41 of a I1wpi1•. road slllwrluttudrut. g.-11;.'2: y1"
M'CIII..gwl1rolmau. 524).:4l: S. alta
.mai t.r.•,.4. ' has, d... $15; 1'. Carter. dr.., Sly 11.
S Mrltiract- .tut.. 83'1. Next inert' tz
of council sill 1w• 11.1.1..11 ,1111• :1111.
•(..11►1tT1:It CIP'1.1'. t'Ict'
Thursday, June 13, 1029.-1 •
Kft ' �l 009 / J/ y )N Out T Wi 17/
4004 Jam -Bud
That skle 'aim with oar aatl•spnc
Zama Bak. Thiele' bsrhal Wo prevents {eta
Ialecttea. allays Inflammation, removes all Inc.e
o: *eonand swarm quick, clout baaHag
.;•.• ,Ifter-
`.,r,,•. ASTHMA HEAD and
rh.•:r gr COLDS
• Ills Me Smoke -Ss Sprays -Ma Sutliff
Jost Swallow a Unlit! Cass
I. r fret: ' Roetores normal breathing. Quickly
1 ti,. 1r(•.sl of Stops 911 choking, gaeping and mucus
athering• in bronchial tubes. Gives
long (tights of restful deep. Contains
s ,enough to b:ud A all regret: i aro injurious or habit-forming drugs-
_Irnhi1 of ytiur %lids n -r.. io
I„w. 1 $1.00 per boa at drug stores. Send bc. r
swung again. . i generous trial Templeton-. Toronto.
Tbi• is enough to know that there eau'
beauty blooming through eter- I GUARANTEED RELIEF Sts
William.' Medittlte Ib., Brookville,
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iroa by Electricity
We gtarr..tr,• ..Ir 11y,lrn Leos
for rat, hours aloe.
West aide of Square G.deehi
Leitch intim'+ had. it was oecupieil by
' ttie family for years and for nearltt
iliirty years by W. 11. Lobb and fame
iv 1h•fore the farm was purchased by
I ltd 1.4111 father. lir. and
Clubbing List
The Signal Brad The Toronto
Globe t6.b0
TM Signal and TIN Toronto
Daily Star 6.50
The Signet and TIN London
Advertiser 6.50
The Signal and The London
Free Press _. 5.50
The Signal and The Toronto
Moil and Empire 6.50
The Signal and The Farmer:
Sun 325
The Signal and The Family
Herald and Weekly Star 3.00
The Signal and Saturday
Night 5.50
The Signal end The New
Outlook 3.90
The Signal and Ca edian
Home. and Gardena _ 4 65
The Signal and The Catholic a 75
This Signal ami McLeaa's 3.75
The Signal and Montreal Wit-
ness ....... rwewwl 3.85
now 3 50
The Signal a n d World
Wide renewal 4.25
new 3 65
The Signal end Youth's 3 RO
The Signal and The (Toronto 6 75
Star Weekly
Th. Signal and Rod and 3.55
The Signal and The Ca•ediaa2 95
Clubbing Rates With Other Peri-
odical• May 8e Had ea
wide of fifty --%ix parishes and Pirhty
ago boundary road between
epiewn'*, and f)1.. Margaret Strang at ! Ilan and Stanley, north of anrlch.
Western University . Ger,rge Colin is
i Hind haw graduated from the Toronto l t,('('K\011e
Dental College. and severalstudents
1 lir+ Harold .Min and children have
from this town and vicinity bare
j.m%fully completed their arts courseI returns 111 m« Ill 1 an
in one or other of the Universities.
Miss Nellie 51014. daughter of 51t•and Mrs. John Medd, 4114* quietly Mar-
ried on Thursday last to I;P1'rgr 1.114•
ton. formerly of Tn1•bersmlth, the
ceremony being. performed !1.r lbw. C.
1. Moorhoise at tire parsonage.
after a vett to Detromt.
Mrs. U .rdon nine back Willi then] d
will remain here for some time.
Mrs. 11. Mitchell wits at Toronto last
week +11111 Was pr.'spat at the grade -
ration of her daughter. hire. Mona, at
Ow University of Toronto.
5(iss Gertrude Treleaven brio re-
--, 1 turned inane after spending several
('l.I iT11/N weeks at Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Gibson have
C. 1'. Corbin. 14f the Clinton 1'1'1- moved to Godeetth. where lir. Gibson
IPgiate Institute staff. has accepted a ! has n Used llou fu con11r,•11„n with the
position as %'lens teacher on the stuff,
tf the Eliot York High School.
' Rev, J. E. and lir.. Ilogg last week
attended the 1.1111r .W7111011 of the l'nl-
The "Nugget" tin
opens with a
twist 1
Men and women
who realize that
appearance counts
always have well -
polished shoes.
Did YOU "Nugget" your
shoes this morning?
SIMw Nish
ltnssey-Harris itnplena•nt agency.
42p.orarion Day was ohsel't'ed here
o Sunday by thea1.11.u.F. and Re-
is • h in.d•1t'.a. The members ammo -
hied 'at the halite
lite rooms at 2 o'clock
1101. 1041 by the 1 Lucktion brass hand.
marsgted\ . Kiulnss cemetey. where
Ow 11011 11 enol hour,-s+ice eyetnony
..f I'*)..ruting the armies of .departed
mrtd.i•rs took place. The ...Wee wag
roin11.1141 by Ivry. R. 1C. 4'ra4 and 1).
C. Taylor. ' -.
'rbv deft' •.r John stt�lp'art ...aimed
in tragic mintier at the 1(ut • Of
station t titeetiStew-
artmorning 14f 114.1 week.
art nits apparently In eNeelletil alth
when he retired.' 1t i. 4i(ltxrs4.
W11114' le+ceo•king the stairs Parlv'1
following morning 111 war. .trick
With a Benet attack and fell part way
down. fracturing his skMll. 'When lirr
Plant got 11p to 111440 the early- morn -
Ing train. he found him lying at the
foci of tip stairs• life lottng extinct.
hat he had apparently been dead only
Whorl time. Mr. Stewart a'•I' horn
in Oxford cutin` sixty-sereu )Pats
ago. being a +i. of the late henry
Stewart. And his earl life was spent
In that county. iater he spent some
years In Clinton. before'oming to Sen -
forth. In 1910 he enlisted with the
161st BRttallon. tieing transferred to
the 7111 Canadian Railroad Troops.
and served overseas with this Hat -
talion until 1919. Rine' the clone of
the war he had resided in Kirkland
Lake and In Seaforth. .1 military
funeral took place on 'Friday- after-
noon. Interment being In Mniflnnl
"Work In the linty means to mall
hood. and the measnre of civilization.'
Calvin Coolidge.
We carry a good stia k .d
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of All Kinds
1: -Un a.1•. �n
it on :•I,;.
Frank McArthur'1'1!1,'1.1\
Telephone 82 West Street
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard gtove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
Pocohontas ( 2 by 4 egg)
1.c•an -applyyouur 14 sit• ill
any of the above furl. Prompt
"...nice and reuSunable price -
'l ic phone 1 ; Sj a ioderic!1
-,-,-r- •- •-r rt- xT I
SHINGLES for the Roof
Handsome. 5rrpmof,1..t
the life of the building.
Useao other. (let prices.
For Schools, Halls, Stores,
Hotels, Kitchens, etc.
Put up in • day. Many handsome
patterns. Easy to handle. Nailed
in placd over old plaster. Nodusstt
or dirt. No mime and litter. Easy
to clean and paint.
Get the facts and save your money
5..3tOer tgeal tansnsith or carpenter.
S1WNOu� Wall.
lce of Brick, Rock-ta a or
Tziboard partum. Good
, nowise proof. rear
is paint. Ea.y to pat on.
P/ymout6 has the tamp of
Chrysler Quality
not the look of
THE l4TRA R00,41 FULL4f7.R l -DOOR ODAN. $.'J )
oU can be proud to own
1 a Plymouth, thelChrysler
Motors car in the lowest -
priced field: -
-prnud,because PI y moo t h
is a full -tile Car, not a miniature --a
.comfortable car in which you and
your family and friends can relax to
the fullest, instead of feeling crowded
. and cramped;
-proud, because Plymouth has a
distinctively Chrysler -like style and
manner, a richness and dignity not
to be found in other low-priced cars;
/, Winker
Hamilton Street
-proud, because Plymouth
is so typically Chrysler •in
performance ---so swift in
traffic, so eager on hills, so
competent in maintaining'titp
speeds, hour upon hour, smoothly,
quietly and without effort.
Plymouth is/all-size and full -qual-
ity in every single particular.
in addition to its full -tin hotly, Its
full-size chassis, its full-size modern
engine, its full-size axles -Plymouth
gives you the easy control of Chrysler
full. the weatherproof -internal-
Low Price
THE l'Itmouth - doyt
"(Chrysler en,Inrering awl .
rrattMnarehip-has been ao
named be, acre et endurance
j amt arenbth,e,x,rdneleintl
(rerd.,m fern Iim.t.e ,•,n• .• a..uratrtr
typify that hand .d Elwell people wh,.
Mares the Atlantic Moe hunJred years
agn in pursuit e( non -/orb ideal,
expanding four-wheel hydraulic -
brakes -thy -safest ever dekised.
Yet for all its size, Plymouth is so
perfectly balanced and so skillfully
engineered that unsurpassed economy
'of tiperatiun• and upkeep is assured.
For reason; of both pride and
purse, the Plymouth is today's finest
investment in the lowest -priced field -
the one car of that field that rcnect9
fine quality wittlout even the sug-
gestion of kw price.
b • 4
Geer, iit?ei R..Jrtrr (alai rinkh vrrl, 114401
•-pxr Said., 11.4t', T.en.g, 51704 He L,ev (imp
h r. S.J.t. iRyn. All
?urn f a. A. pi.J$.01.7:%0,14:417.1.1, 444i.Jrnl ,,,.1a'J
fa, eon •rnipwrnr (/•neer a.J tarn rrr•4).2 0
F11LL-•SI/.E ('AA
,..e., _. mereaaaaa