HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-6-13, Page 2WNW
• y... ,..✓yam .
2 -Thursday, June 13, 1929.
Eistablished 1$4.M
Member of Canadiesi Weekly News'.
papers Asroriation
Published every Thursday uwsning.
Ilnheeriptlou prise $:.W'''per year
strictly In advance.
Telephone 33 : Got/retch. Out.
W. H. 1t,derlsin, Editor and Mauage[
Thursday. ,lune 13, 19211.
otrlc.Junr %tauter.
. • • • •
The turnover in Karkatelwwau will
encourage hr. Sinclair to rte what hr'
.tan do. 14 tlutarlu.
• • •
11 18 our o'f tlw iroiIitti of 11fe tilt
exawivati.us ...me just when ..11111101
•Utt.e: tlw I.n • 31111 girls aw:,y [Foto
their hooka.
- • • • •
-With a I.ilwr4l picnic at ouesud .f
the county. and the leader of the lige
poeition rdolre••mg a tueetiug at the
other end, Huron county will receive
a got} deal of political :atrium!' next
• • •
It m , rep.nei froom sItrawa that.
pressure is being applied to the Ilor-'
III'rumour to tle•rel.e the N Il ill-;
demnity of member* from ear too
$41.111r.,• Til• Government, wisely. de-
clines to tall !n- with the proposal, The Windsor, formerly knoWn ad Ford
(bure•aw would he deo-Mealy uulr.pldar City. whose advent to itworpor*ted
•m..ng the electors. eltybood was observed with an en- low the water lime however. the
The 114rcei.la 141i1bitiou'oleus on the 111th of this mouth. and title picture. just re•riteoi •••.• how -
the activity bas I.'rru intensified to get the building* 'ready for the exhibition; The picture alio,, lar tua.0
eutra we and the flare. •
w I.n..iur.s 111.1 only ,1 • +•a !reel. IOU 1.0
.u. even keel. 11 h •empt t0 sink
:les ship at the start.: -y leading it be -
jy J. 'Drachmae:
• ,t' • • • lhtu•iawlir celebration ..few day', ago 'e..ily deet is done al:i all's we'll that
Anybody who wants evidence as to The baby eity has a, population of rod+ well. in Chnerh::' 'he speculator
the resins -tee merit. of newspapers nearly 17.000. The .wren 1.r eight the his rakerR.
MO: huudhili+ for a,lvertts:1U1
4 needs I11.ipalitles which ,•114titutr the The 31entrral flrmiaals
only to cake a look 1.t the tva•teI.4Is'r R..rder Cities have had a ireiderfully 411t: .. hienta. June s. --This leen a Thi• fru- like a I. week Cyr the
basket at the .o.totnee after 11 general. bat.. week at. r►ttaw.; [jolt.' a bit of: a ll'Is'silu.n. 1'e 841A' 1, .. 0f tint
{ 1.a{1111 growth and if welded together i1., 1.1. Z4tlo11140v'e,l i+. •;'Is•.itr dire -
of hAn,llrlll+. The. w•ww.a K1.• our 1..r rirallou would make our of the grist went _ NlroueIi the uaill. Bis' -Gone.nand that is alw'n.- ttsrre...r lees
leatl:ng 1 1 ' 1 ►4mrs 31ar1'h411 drlicrretl liar auuual
I.s taken home and preserved until It largest driers In Canada. Soo fear. how•,3ddres.o entitle.! •'1 Would Not Haire ,IM•one•ttln4. 31 r. Bennett. is .ata•-
has 3.1 b7 the various nrrwlwrs ,seer, it haw kern found impossible to; 1.y Hos to R1.• as""oddier-if I Had ere ling elections. hasprmrestei against
tau.•.+• 3I11a4'hal .bjr. tK to r11dtot , the capital expenditure. of the Caw
of. 'he family. li.rorer terms of union on which all ' Viers Natl.nal RaUw.y-. In fart. to
! traiuiu4: SIM feels that It lives •the I
• • • • I would agree. and 11'iwtmr, %talker- lw,y,. re'.riyiui, such irt'.trttetiun 4.milf- the 4b•.•ttuu of 1923. 1..- -4a18.1 elupha•
The C'heaey Enterprise of last Week, rills. Hiveroide, Etandwi.•h "afid• the' tarp orientation of thought. The lady' deafly that if he wenn har4r there
had an editorial artirlr .0 the mai is w rely au11.411lltar 111,1 hetiee we would le no more rap,' ••xism'iture..'
rest of them are going 'alw•a,l each vn ij S
nacre of I;ku.rw. Just why the all- •its own lice!'." s creel. are favor.1 tottery rear with 'this un the r'. X. H. in;lawn extremely erith5ce day he ha+,
c on the*. Mat -
for dug up this logo( history at this ' • • - • ' 1ow afworld wilhout war would le far.' Now. railways :.er•I engirt! ex-
{articuhfr time hs a waste-- unites'>;pwaking to The }:rise I:1.t week, S. highly darrlrrblr. A world without sin •lwntfit.ures. Rlspltal expenditures. if
Editor 31aosiona!11 was taking a sly It. atuthrrs. agricultural' repregenta- ttould Ito more .1., • Poikeinetl d. nut wt.Ytc •, refine .•Js•r.attlag eat+ars. ,
rite for Essex count ,lr,l11rrd that cause %iodati.IM of the law-. ts,ldiers Thrws..tom uespenditOle. deln•iulsun
way of pointing out that the Unction- live y' wlwth.•r er not the% a •,•.nildi.h the
n0 county ext gel away as fast as •10 not ueces+arily ,Cause wars. Wat
ail -purpose. The hlyplata esu+T hater dillf-
rb's. w'itlI .Itamsty of slut Ilk at t11e Essex when it cow.M to growth of we need G a change in the spirit. Irl ,.t It i1. determining these mutters.
head of 4ffatr• i1. Great Britain. were (role.. 11,• ena absent for a few drys the Ieople. Fntil that .lac eomest we Thr7Aual t. +t re i1. t_ !illi two -
having their rerenge. .o'er the work -end of the :4th of May, shall fight. in fart. Miss 31a.-Phail' whod item in the railway tluaucfalo-
• • • . and on corning bark \4:as astonished herself i+ quite militant. She liar'
slateIneIil . The flew is wglrratlu4
t.. find the rye had head's' out. In never develole,l the trudea•y to haul IRa":tn If the cepi':II ex{114*.T nrt+s
The Ottawa 1'tarli+luwIt ler wurkitigl,triciu4 to Amherrlburg he saw one out the soft :thrower which turueth
on a new plan for the making h p of, held of hay that had been rut and away wrath. Would she have stutne•d , 0f the a'. ' . It. lodrr 1.•••n wise In ale
raters lists for •Federa eleeetiuns,' 101aw•d and the farurr was plowing' the wur if she had 0to.S4 where Sir :11,1st. Ihen uperntlpg r.ri.. 1 {Ienentage
rhe arid for Lomat or or sweet cora,,1 Edward Grey stood In Augtst, 914, In rlrlK•nditnre 1.o 11ffLdullar ewrlteri 1
Provision should Ire rude 1.r the polls'The ...nuts is nue 44141 110thed. and the the fa1n1 twelve day': irleti urop•wil1 be down. There is the test. Out-
ing of the votes of salllor} wli.a are sway growth slurp [Ile( warm weather is. fell t. {dtwee? This world may • not , X11 e. N. 'it sta'enarnto during the
trent lino.' wlwi, ale-i.n• take pias.1aIne,.t inerwdilole.-..3ulha•r+tlgvg k:,•hu. N. ale IKwt of nal lntssilde world. n+ it I��fr 7�''�°1l. il t ten
result.. obtained areFor 9rorlmria1 ialrpor•- 11 plan of 11'1. siva11 hate• !!u - k:aai• `it w„sour is --it may 'he 19r"t1.11ro1 if it would
lys11ny letter If w1. stopped cafe,tow capital exp•udltures.
voting by proxy limo' been adopted. Ilnroto farmers to uphold the repute• training. 31r. Cohan of 31.ntreaal did not fill -
Why should not ,n.uw,hitag along the till of our friend • Steve's native ' - The H. B. -Line i I.w 111$ leader's suggestion,' In regard,
,candy Su agrirt11ura1 tua1ter., in roll o 1.a the rrIfIeis:ms of the t►ralpn.ard
value llui• In• furorls'r11te1 i1. 11e red- Th. MIHIr..u'+ Kay Railway' came' C. N. -R. terminals. Of court*. Ur.
era! Aet'r I.sriw'ti with his adopted ...nutty; but' under fire. Mr. Bennett was very , 4'ahan lives In Montreal and looks •t
• • ,•• , In the meantime we elMuld like to a itienl. Be stare! that the Govern.; matters In a o..uwwhat different light:
The Toronto Tel..r:uu .1.1'. not .111 rewark that Ilur.n county produces nasus had ,sent two drelle+ tip there. . Partiwraehip .
• things try hlal4era. it l'tMim. that ••1.i-. Flu• ten i.e., in pnhlieity „lento. ' t.. nark iit 4'hnrchin harbor while nn ; ; 31r. caftan w liked into the limplleht
idle dredge lay ler'hed .ti .top bf a !Terrain with a resolution 111444.4(1i n
ewer, t'oulrol is Hos aveatvst teal}tor.. • • • • •' - • ,.f..•k in fort Nelsen wlwre it hatCheen t that before any (ICH ',mot be 111+-
au'•e• n►rx.1re eyeT 1411 oat the statute The Provincial cetwnd et..vli ine in, lhr.wu in a violent -t.rw.I 41i14+•d for partisanship there sl 1.1
I...1.- and that "if it were p.:•dble t.. 1;.-k.1t.hew'au last week . resulted in %r. 'Miming replied that the, le 1111 investigarf.11 I.y a airnrtei»sinu
It doer not involve trading within the
Empire. It a system of Empire trade
could he a4angeed in such a way that
each portion of the Empire did all the
aliening and no Archon was asked 1.. do
any buying the thing would ire quite
suti.faieturv. 'heaven to the Indian 1,
a happy huhtiug-grumNt..'1'.. the over
ardent protet•tionisl, It le a laud in
which evirytblug goes 0111 and norm!!!.;
(vows 11..
Morn of the oneeeIwri Involve some
referents to the fret that we Kell the
I'nited Stores only :IA eta. worth 1.f
go..!s for every dollar we'buy from
thew. They quite ignore the feet that
w1. .+1.11 .tmssralla it (1ollarM worth ..f
gouts for every :11 et.t worth we buys
trent tlw Australia) people. If we
adapt a Iw.iry of retaliation attain,*
the .tanu•rh•aus dwrrlse they buy unty-
lin Sts. %omit' of good.% for every dol-
lar's worth They ern to t1.. then what
will be the attitude of .Ulslra11* when
it wakes up and duds out tlw powition '
we are taking?
Not Excited
Ilturk's Falls Arnow4
Some of the dallies are getting "all
let Ii.' over the tariff changes Being
plat into effect hl the 1'. S. .l. *anima
1':uua:a. T1wrr'a 110 reason for any
excitement. Cambia to a large ale -
agree hulde the whip band. .\ study
of the articles 1.n which the Yankees!
have rafted their tariff shows that
sIuO11,I the entire trade he elimilnhal
It would mut 11ffe" t 1 111 411114!1') 10 the
ex14(11t of a hundred million dollar., if •
grew io.,34rcepte.l. That A.ure is pili-'
try ...impanel with the entire trade of
Can la and It 41911 only 141.411 the mit•
ter a :1 few month. before th.+ lb-
milil1.l will have a.IJlwled it.elf to
nudism market.' elsewhere. We have.
1111) +ym thy with the idea that Caw;
oda shat d herself raise a tariff wall
ag.liu.t rtldw that Iter people re-'
poise. w•h 11 would only enhance the
price to tl • consumer and put moire
Money in It pMkel, of our American
neighbors t to the Yanks enough;
rope :1.0I IL. ' wi11 hang thewselte'..
In•dges hn,I 1141.11 +rut np tOe•a1Y1• the The qln'+Hou nesse ower a ,Usthi+sal
get .111Iwutic Ileum', f1 ,•uul.l ..1.111' be the nett of the 1.11etal l:.ntrntuent „Ile „11 the'l..ek. at Xe4nn 41x+ al bale- made hl 3ir. a'ann.w'$ aon+titueney.
' pored flint the people of tluha rt.. are headed by hon. .1:1tn••1 Gard iner. There tion dredge which .-surd work only in 'The gent letnan Wile. .4111 Inrtlw'tur 1.t
today drinking love. 1 , il,.r than ever ,,'enrol 1.. Ito too itut..rtant Josue at -...t and 'the material which hod fn I weights aid rut,•ss'ire. and on Kr. r' In-
• Mf.rr 111 their hfsb.ry." trf r.urlw..it "stake and at this distance t11e n•a.•ar 1.'. renamed from Churchill barber was n.n's re.•upinen,Iatien be was• Are.1 Ly
clip and r.ek. and the ,..illy thing! 31r. 31n1,•11m. head .f the hrfalrtment
181+'1 -here-+:Icy. .r peppy,: earn .114• for the tnruot•er.ere obscure. The Ku which emit he done with the dredge!of Trade and 1',.mmrrle.
tumary'. to mark The Telear tIl 11111 per KInx flan tea• wail to he aetis-e in the at Nelw n wonbt he 1. remove 1t from This civil .errant. It weutd •apl•rar.
' rent. fur std.:4111a t.. foo -tee campaign,. but what' 41:1. probably of it. pereto. 1'.it it (hack t.. rivilizntiaon 4 took an extrenielr mile part In•'Ia11-
• • • n11w•h _renter effect was the fart that and +e11 11 for ahalever It w.n1d tics. 31r. r 'h ant n,ftnra lly- r*ne
• bring. Me then added that the afore= back In defence of hi• own action. The
Thr new Conservative wercry is: the Idler*l.. I,aal 'welt In lamer .'ter Alla dredge which had taken this i defemr ,was rather vigornnw, heeal
"Key" from 114,1.1. (.antsier. that Idly sine the Pnreince Kos established i1. 1.1t1y pinnacle for its resting place; 31r. Citation 911.kw a wkkaal mitt adA
from' n+" llefei:encl. t.r the trade Inter 111,1 the ilI.i1.1lde,•'r1ene for 11 3141, ('1.41 a ulilllom '1n11n"K had hero' h iapnhle• of def-,i.H41g himself w-Ith
.snot np then• Ly 1he Tory G„vernsneatt rigor. 1ur•ideuh111y. he aeked 311..
ahttiwtir+ +h"trs that w4. I••II to Great rluan44'' hod roar. The 1,Iheru1.. lane TJla1 1.t root+r w*+' not ere n•nNrn ('*h*n If he hod mn,►r 4ny prntarts In
Britain one dollar's "hurtle of gists 1.111• 111.4'4• -eat 111111 :he 1'ouw•na1ke.. why 11 lost cr•.•npfed ,•41(11,:1 h:g 1 1"st- 11111 tvh,'t. III.. 0011 friend+ came Into
for every 45 vent.1 north we buy fr.lu lot i1 unuder.l Pr.r_r..r.ivenom! Inde- il.,, lamer and whets in that ,arustltnrnlr
kyr, and that our purchases from Pendent* erre elected in .op{wroiti1.h t. Then 11 ma11 niaped Ile: h had gone they dt.mfsrrd two. ty.vetl 4K..ltlla"f-
1: ,.•rrnnw•nt ra.dldn:e.. lapel tlu•y toil: 1,. l',.rt C'hnreilitt and taken in, 3 guar- yr. for wh•tt wen•• termed p'l.tl1111 pees
Au+trxlia ,are only .nnr•Ilfrh 1.f our ter oectinn elf land. The G,o,•runleut ; ti.an•hlp. Mr. r'.nnurn also had 111 his
S.W. to that .nnntrr. 11 31 r. Ben. hate the 1atnlr' (if purer, 'Premkr ..,sided there 4-h....141 he oo +p .1111Inn tdel...Me a.la !einem made by 31r. Deo -
in town Ito
nett and hi+ renewers are siucrr,, C lydlner will 1xolMYdy resign and al sin clntrehill: In the pilst tete. e41rliei,n tl.e +!suint. rtfb,•n Fur
they will have t. stoop kn.n•kfng the lo.. elle t'.n+ert,ltitc..too ...Amy *mit 1.t wilt de rie•alle,l that when a 1..44 gentlr1118111r:...Ilisnlissld of the request
was a{curl nl' til' ,;.••ntat.rs ensiled .f hr. in.Imrllt. one of the fta.kah•he-
Austr,altan treaty and adopt a• more in i111y rase will he x11 un,oulroa1al'I''I in 10,.1 grabbed the baud: tor they 411.11 wan m.mtere. and Mr. -Bennett then
M11111. the stnte•ment that If the m•
ler of Parliament ..n his own reiViiist.
btllty mated that 11 man wan 4111117 of
t.nittjral pertlsersold . then he .Itghl
t,. he .II+nlls.e.!
111 enures. the whole hr•atnews of 1....
1411311 Wirt nnaliip depend'. 11.14
w:1. ..r with their r pr.• els rinse .w I >!. •.f. 11 aril .n•Ih:ult
li 1IN bet to that extent.
ryland+ `p n1',iir 411111111 np{..w•+ t�ljJe
Mr. Bennett argued that what w'+t 11.7 .f IV f r•,•vernnient for oil h
across the Atlantic. They landed In -"' -- Inns lad.re sho,11,I he ,Ione xgal „• he 1s work ng. It Is not eetirmunbk 411
'The habit of ,'arntrutMent la formed • beeillns .f llrtercnl."i+ phalli !pint.• expect that the gentleman will git•i
1relaud 11110 ural 14 n 1114. having ,I.'t from 'v1114.94. but from within."- ably make the +ante strait t: but Lyth and devoted suet(, to the Got-
the di.tottee .41 11+2► 1*111lra id a • Mum Barton. r.ndlti,.i• change Mich tf and rnament wizen he p. In dlrwf nnfa4h•
Ifftlr Ire's than *lateen ho,,r+. tqu the many' IK.'Id4. will .wlgg,"'r shat it I• Jnst ntsm t. the pdir•y whkh It I+ earrylnt
tenth anniccrva 1.y of the event. It h
ie tonndat• ..1 all reas,mlag is n. 0'4.11 111:11 the .iN-nl:lt.r w'as Ai- tont. /1f curer. Isdh dries will eon -
the right to' ezprn++ app ntilnlMl."- Iaimatp,l from the alt of 1'h1Krhllt and titre f1. gena •t align tlur'Ir yawn friends
tlttiu4 that••attrxti,, should 1* e*Il•d Arthur Garfield Ileys. ' 111111 the L"'i' • were allowed .h0 slats are Yfn•d, trent .it4-e Ano wttI Mao e.n-
fn their xehkr,•u14.nt, which bale teen flnn4. t. di.n•t+s ,mala muse or liven
strnwwhat • m4..'+h3d'ntesl by 1Mer larlhireeent {mbl!•• servants when they
414ht+ whish have been better atm.:-
lutpten t. neenpy spats of power.
The Grab Ad
time,. The committee en a4rirultnre,_ lifter
the most e.tren41.ns winter slttfngs
that any committee has had In Parlia-
ment f.r snow 11me, has at last arrived
at i1. esu, lnsl,.nw In regard t!. the
fir:lin .1,•1.. Thr m11In Item he th:lt
[then grub: 411..111 4141 the 11481 crop
the grade. 1. : gild A will n.1 be
nllzed. Tlu1+ tondrlh a 1o11R 1arlttru•
.','nay. tar is It the end? Pater innhl
It h• to 4411.+s that the question .f
• nulrk4.tiun Rr*in i• ore of ale billies
whleh never end and that It w111 4..n
and centime .n 31111 4141 14110 the ad-
t*u•9n4 ),euro.
The IAdel• Debate
Xm :raA,n of Parliament toter sit in
whish the f)ppl+ltl.n- more xw.idnn l.dy
milks,i the row- It Ito * ,hell dnp in-
in which cher,• Is nod .11110.111+
en++l.n .f the .11•trxll*n treaty. Mr.
Senn or II*I•Ifmxn,l xnd air. Tumm.n
of Ilateibg. brought up 111e gne•.tinn
The bbl of Ontario ride• bee been this week Mr. Genre !sterling .d Vele
of ronrnp bine,! in the frac. FMplre
inceo•sed by the addition of P.aat trade Is all right in it. way. protidlna
ryMini the! iv • a1tiln,!e towards trade la'sfttou--t'n,rlii114 2311011 a•definite ,the grabbing t• gore": information a*
with Great Itritniu. majority.
1. Where 1111• t.w11' 4111• to he located
• • • 111 then those who finally look rip
------ ---- • •rttlem4•Ilr 111 the 'I..•:slily ,{aid •,Int n
Ten years ago -dune 14th. 1t►L'►-- '.\o ta.. banes were eter exact dup. Yea milti.n r1.111iy. more .r lee,. t,.
I1'1111s."--.irtbur , Ilelderw'n. 1 these. , .t yrs+fol ' s e •nlnt.r• Hifi]
Iwo British arltlt.n., r'n{rtniti John p 1
--- +baste} fife wtth.th.at button man
£Leek mid bit -Mewed A. 'W. Brown., ••11'e know there le nes short ea to' It Smuttier/4.I f i k
kff; 1.11. Julius'. N4w•f.uu.11au'I• f.! the millrunintn."-1:etrge W. R'fcker•
what_ proved t. be ale first ialrtlight• sham.
• • -
hf the 3licher of i:,lii.' 1 olt 1%a111 -
a snggeal00 for e11*1.0? anal imprmtp-
web?. her. i• unr. 11Mte:a,l or making
any ••hantes in the curednluni. nr
0 044 chariot.... aha' world be extew+iw,!',
and doubtful f1 result. let him make
1.11,11 pro%i'1.11 ns won1,1 1.1101lre greater
thoroughness in the pelege r -Indies.
Then our w•h...l- might torn oil? }ming
men end y.'1111: tube! who (.411'1
writs a 1slrwgrap1' ;n decent 1a,gllsh
and a legible hand. wile comb' .geek
e.rr•di7, *ltd .1. (rt her eirmenlsry
things well An ateragr .f sissy ler
eent. right will not do in the bn.inpia.
tat Pita
i'HI' \I.RI
Mussolini xnd P.iiu nrC Al.."Mr. Gifr.on. w1. are dp.,14tp at the
1ntio4rri-omen? of Mxd*141'. As u,I.IIer. w1. yi4.1d n. gr.nnd, lime toehold'
We/1111111/' her! -Evening Standard, London.
What . 11 11te ketntt*?
IKiuo•ar.liue Review -Reporter!
Kiuuardiur bar signed off getting
any rhiug out of the e.wIty coutn•i1 fur
a time, ,arse h. tatfug that tors dour
here, but a eou ,,Ut.r of C;o lert••14
Made alt attack oil c0n11ty .nlltteil.
that bnlugbt out a point 111:11 might
well hr Ianw•.I 1.u. Each year the
runnty .r't.a aside a certain amount f.1.
road told bridge work. At the elei ..f
taw year a statement Is .went to the
Provincial Gureruuient and half Thor
ntnitrnmt i. refunded. Each year tile'
county taxes for the summit of 111.14)
hey spend and -It 19 not supposed t..
wad more than it gets. 11.w. Theo,
is the amount refunded each year ac
ted ti.r? 1f the county mowers,
Kayfour mane' for road pnrp.se, to
rater $,(:.sere and open!a this am,.uut,
then Tater receives $12.INN1 refund from
the Legislature, what to Ilene with that
a41Wunt? IHow• is It accounted furl
llrgardieees of anything else filo money
should he\split up and refunded to the
otitic!{s1l�les ac onling to the amount
they pay t0 the county. The 'mashy
will have to show as what tight they
have to place M In theft own treadmill.
Lucky Children Indeed, If Their
Mothers Know and Serve
�i h�;P
With all the bran
of the whole wheat
Children don't have to be coaxed to eat it -they like the
crisp, crunchy shreds of baked xs hole wheat. They have to
chew it -and that means sound teeth and good digestion.
Paper inserts in each package offer a surprise for the children.
A tire built to stand the strains of 1929 motor-
ing - sudden braking, quick pick-up, higher
Its super -strong carcass combines new engi-
neerink princtples. new construction.
Side-walls are strongly butte d to resist rat
and curb wear.
Tread is thicker, with deep -cut blocks to giro
greater non-skid mileage.
The New Royal Cord is the tire you must have
to get the best from your car.
Rad Seal Continental Motor
Bendix Toner -Wheel Braker
Morse Silent Timing Chane
Frill Forst Feed Lubrication
Paueager Carr
Fours and Slyer
from $6'S to $NMS
f.o.b., f.tacide, Ont.
Standard Factory Egaifinesd
Tax., Frlra
cyKANY factors contribu to the, popularity of the
Durant "40" ... more pivvcr and speed ... more
MC of control from its improved steering facilities .. .
... mote comfortable riding ... kss effort in driving.
Drive it yourself; make your own comparisons; judge it
by your highest conception of automobile performance and
modern appearance. Your dealer is waiting, now, to place
a car at your disposal. ' +'
arcus •Y
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PETER GRAF, Goderich, Ontario