HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-5-9, Page 8• • • • e• ' --Thursday, May 9, 1921. Special --- GENUINE LEATHER HAND BAGS Regular L$t IMI :uI'I INT 4:1l at $1.98 AIeO a f.11 S:, or. aria • at $2.98 A11 New Clnr, :ural I l.•?ip;n- On Sale Saturday Morning COLE'S BOOK STORE See our windows+ Sat today ; e wall p3pn•r. Town of Goderich PUBLIC NOTICE Petition. for tet c n•tractton 'd cement aid. walks in 1.•:9 mutat t4'• tiled in this .ghee or 1r•b.re MAY IStb, 1129 No petitions after the an.vedate will be comalere.l in the c, ! Irak - tion progrnnl of this year. By order' f the Town Council. L. L. KNOX, Tows Clerk Announcement To the People of Goderich: On ace t of burin:. inter' -t. In Northern Ontario, it wiills• necessary h.r me to be away from too n for so - ent mouths. I refuel n, make this temporary break. 1 wild. to thank ulv friends nod customers ler lust favors a11.1 ! hope to meet thew again Wren. 11n1. Pinner and Jean seism to 4'r• main in Toronto f.r a thou My looks are with Mew.rs. Ilays A Itats. AO' ace. wants payable by nte.boutd tie liked, w ith Mears. Hays,& !lays. and any ac• (.01111114 -due to we may be part to tloot. I expert to be in Goderich in a few wt•4'ki• to arrange all outstanding 'met- iers relating to accounts. . W. R. PINI►ER NOTICE.' I:y arrangement of tit• law Society of Goderich th• hill offices will bo. clo-ell 1V. -.Ines - day afternoons !luring May. June, July, Augt)et awl Step= teulle•r (excepting wi, Ls villi u holiday), and (lura.': July and August at 4 11.111 •I:1il�. >Zf.i i.. E. I)AN('E1'.• F. R. DAI;LUW HAYS dr I1.\1•s D. E. H(tl NIE- THE SIGNAL, jE,IfOINZER'$ REPORT (Cloattoued from tam 1) front South to Ws1.rho Britannia road; south side, from ltaydeld road to Iiuron road; L'almer.ton street, cath• side. from Britannia to Raglan: Mar- ket wine!, east side, from Mout real to Elgin; Elgin 'avenue, north side, front Cambria, to, Victoria. The eoniulltlt'e nr,.0,nu•u.led That one or two cars of tatria it lull nue car of roar be or .Iere•I.. for delivery when. required. The special committee rr•omaut•ndld :he matter of arrangements with the band la• left with the .bairauan of the .'olllltli lire. These reports were ail adopted. The council passed a resolution one Isdurnig „s its ngires4•111a144r' on the fall fair board tot. tlenib 4's of council llr_e:ady pda•rd by i11e io.ard uu 4,1 ILK o1 •-.duwillet. t141•11. h,•usaou redin1144' townAfter dnwaptng.�ground agar• resothltiou U11• paw.d iu.tnu•ting the chief, of I4dbe ty ille/1•2 t 11111 teamsters place cnrbage where instructed by the care - 1,•4' of Ilse grounds. •" •mull we4,t into 'e►mm.tt.e of the and eceipted tie' tender '"f • !Gell MUSKRATS tee Sea ane Muskrats for Peeking Primus we halm 1.4'r *era• 11c. -n4' hi' aar.r• meal too!,. r ). . w.• Its 1. tile 4ara•et em : o.•+1 gild t,•4 de 4.-;..1•••1 am.trat ran. h In 1'amyl* %%4...11 en • a.► 1. r. • 11 h.t. d••are I )'uu are 18:.1..1 !.• r • t :r rant 1. at 1'. 11 + I'..4' 11,'1 par•,�!ar• IRCIEEN MUSKRAT FIRMS, LIMITED 114.11.11litterMen MWdlls,Itf. WANTED YOUNG MEN OR GIRLS T.• learn making Tennis Slides PAY WHILE LEARNING STEADY WORK Write or phone, staling age, weight an'I lo•ight. to The Elmira Rubber Factory ELMIRA. ONTARIO Female Help Wanted IMIND W4 have positions for twenty young women in our Spinning Mill and Sweater Finishing Department. Thoroughly modern, bright cheer- ful Mills, pleasant working condi- tions. Steady work aeoured. Plenty of opportunity for advancement for wilting workers. We are ready to accept beginners. Apply promptly by letter to • THE P -K MILLS LIMITED Listowel, otlltarie Second Standard Royalties limited One of the most attractive Investments of the ,,rrear are the Units of Second Standard Royal- ties Limited which are swing offered by the Mid-CAntinent Bond Corporation Limited of Toronto. The Preferred Share', give a yield of 12 per cent. and are being sold at 1E1.011 per share and the Common at 2.5e. - The Charter granted to this company is unique, as it contains many remarkable provisions of safety and protection for the Investor. For instance, it provides that the Royalty Income re= reived by the company MUST iRE DISTRIBUTED four ways, as follows 1st -The Preferred Dividends of 1 per tent. monthly. 2nd -A definite amount is deposited each. month in a Sinking Fund to ht held by The Imperial Trust- Company of Canada to redeem the ('referred Shares In fifteen years with a protii- Unl of 111 per cent. 3rd -Two-thirds of the balance to be reinvested in New Producing Royalties. 4th -Thr. remaining one-third is applicable for I1:vidends on the Comthon Stock, and cannot b. used for any tither purpose. The company's investment• are confined to Producing Oil RoyaltieS in proven Oil Fields, and no funds are invested in Non -Producing Royalties or Drilling Operations. or any other kind ►,usincss whatsoever. Second Standard Royalties is organized on w.un•I prineiples,'and its shares are considered as . a safe and profitable investment. The company receives its income entirely free of cost, which makes it possible to pay much larger Dividends to its shareholders than is united with companies having heavy overhead and operating expellees ' - ✓ This issue has been well r.eeived, and a large black of Unite has been taken up by Investoren. The Company has already acquired some thirty-five Diversified Producing Oil Royalties in the :lid -Continent field, the returns from which are ample to take care of all requirements as pro- vided for in the Company's Charter, • The Dividend cheques are issuo.l monthly Try' The imperial Trusts Cotnpany. of Canada, and are payable at Irhr at'any chartered bank in Canada. The shares of Second Standard Royalties are being offered in Goderich by W. J. f'owell, who will be pleased to furnish descriptive circular upon r•(piest. Mid -Continent Bond Corporation Limited 331 Bay Street, Toronto W. J. POW ELL, Local Representative Phone 292 Goderich • GODERICH, ONT. Bros. for cement sldew.l:ks at la,• leer square foot. The only other tender was half a cent higher. This was confirmed In council with the proviso that Bell Tiros. should 4,4 114) extra. ell last year's work. The chairman of the harbor and tluaute•' cum.nittees were V111141'. red fu act in the matter of a new roof for the town freight shed al the harbor.' A proposal for dra.t. u.• un the 4'.X.14. truck near th.• '4 11nnd 11111 bridge Was referred to , minute,' or the whole council. It 1, -fated that the test of the dralnag,- '-'il'l be as- •eessg In various peopor. •o• against (the railway company. 11.1111.411.111.1111.411.1 Gulf Club, the town 4!: •'ic county. CHURCH N (TES Rev. F. r. Elliott. of I:..,•raoll, will 'heathy the pulpit al 1:a' 1Raptlst t:11 11•11 next Sunday, :,,.ruing end evening. Services, in Knox church next Sab- bath will be eondUMetl I.y the` min• inter. Subjects of germ-::,': 11 a.m., "Julia Wife;" 7 p,,, -Joseph's i; reatlews," Mother's 1,,, .'ry dee in 1111 Sabbath school at 3 o'clock. At Use meeting of the Presbyterian '4)11oti of !bouillon and I.;•:. ton, held Paris last week, Rio .4 A. Brown. i t114ers..11, was elect,. mderator. I;. , H. C. M(!►ermid of ,, •r:.•b was .lpls.iuted to the Bynoe',. ommittte 'at a teller:ll int Weir to the committe,• a, Sunday 14 ..,!. and young peep., - societies, The Synod metered an ..• !mho to nn•et in' Knox church, Sr. Thomas, in 11011. The servit•,ys at North .'•nasi 1'1111441' lolrc11 114:11,7 ,e),1 jd-uly 4% •' •• It •4 fol. - • 10 a.m.. ]len'$ 1 . ltisstuu 1::1:.1 :Ind fellowsbll i -w. '•Do I1Ndreu appreciate the . - of their' ;s.rent.:c' 1s the topb• be intro- 'mt•& in the yea's Oal. by Mr. J. l::>:'u Tom. At the morl_tl, service at 11 e'clo -L the pastor w:': lake es his •er1114.8 •111jeet 'The M -•-hers of 11*' Rabid•." -\ ladles' shorn• „ill lead the; -eryi,w of praise at tie -.es...if .n ,r :t p.na. which ‘.1. le• a sloe - •dal service In honor u: snifters At i p.m. there will tea •4. ..i' ", .•:ter'... 'lay song service. 1'!,.• services sit street United .•hurch next Suwi.,y will. be of •spec -dal Interest. 1u tb.- m'rni.I;t the Sidi.• will have full chart' of the rrer- vice. Tt11r•• will he a nl..thera' .choir • and the service will be"a joint meet-' . ing of the cungr'latlut and us'ul.•rs of the Sunday school, as there ai11 be no Sunday sAloo -io rbc .4ftlntoon. The Victoria Helper." class will present each might.; !resent in the 'rnlgreg8- tion with a flower. The Eureka class will 1e• teSpnsible for ':.'orating the' chnr'h. At the evening seryl.' there' 144111 be a men's choir and a message - , of peculiar interest for the men. Fel- I„wship class at 10 a.m. •4 • OBITITAR1 deceased was formerly Emma Reed, daughter of the late foul herd and or Mrs. Reed of Luckuuw, and was born In Ashfield township. Besides her husband and her a1091 Mullet'''. 4)44 leaves a. daughter, Mrs. laugh Mason of Edmonton, two s0118, ('alvIn of Munson, Alta , and Byron of Calgary. and seven grandchildren; also two rioters, Mr.. W. Sweltzer of Calgary and Mr... Thos. .tuderson of Ashfield. and four brothers, Bert Reed of Whitechurch, Jacob Reed ut Aslttleld, Will Reed of Sault Ste. Marie anti Thorn !teed of ('adlllut. Gawk. R. G. WA WIENER The death occurred at the hospital at Ann Arbor, Mic11., on Sunday. Ma$ lith. of R. (1. Warrener, a former well- known resident of this district and brother of Mr. Thomas Warrener, of Goderich. The dw•enw,l 11841 been LII about ala weeks. He was in his fifty second year. The late Mr. Warrerer wene burn in Hmllett township. Ile re, sided ill ('Iiritoil nod Heiman, where tie d two conducted very honlts. lni1reeear* ago moved Gerah. where he was connected with the mana;;etnent of the Redford hotel. 1.4.1 0111Boer 114•" 441111 1u Pou1lec, )11Th. The elwr•aw.,l I. Aurvtrcd by two Hurter" .1111 live brothers: Mrs. Allan and Mr's. t,•t1amy-. of Toronto; John: of Ramis: 4;er,rce. of t''alletehu re: Richard, of Toledo: Nathan, of Pontine. Mit-h.. and Thomas. of Goderi,tl. The fun- eral took 1411114' at Clinton on Weill**. day, intervent being In Clinton eenletery. . MRS. WILLI:1M SIT.\ItMAX The .heath occurred at Ilenti ftnn un Saturday. May 4111. of a former well- known resident of ,;oderlcll, in the person of Eliza ki••kley. wife of Mr. 1''illi,uu Sh:arnutl.. It was 44ith 811r- 'r:-.' and deep regret dolt the 14•0;.1,• of Goderich teamed o1 Mr.. Sharma.'• • death: deceased hawing been IIi for only right &aye. The late Mrs. Shar- man wag in her eight!..th year. She was l.'rn near Georgetown and cattle to Goderich when quite young. She ...intimated In !Eve herr milia lase Sep - loather. when .he moved w!tta her erns bend to ilant!Iton. Resides ince hn•- hn)Id'. e.Ie :. ave,, one krill. W. Reg. Sharman. and one .laughter. Mak. Fred. Ki,•11ew. of Hamilton. 41ne bFo- tl.er. \Ir. Ttt.m,t. I 'ckley. . 1 Winnl- trg. also survives. The remains were brnnght 1., (:nderlrh aid the funeral took place from the residence of NI!.t .,. 1. E.• and Uale•1 Sharman. 1St. 1)11y111'' -'t r,-. i on Tuesday afternoofi to Malt - Lind t'iinrtery. 'Chile it resident o1 1;o.lpri•d, the' Tate Mrs. sieorman w -as a nsnnher of North • ,'treat l'od'e l' chureli and the •r•re•iceo were .•'n. ducted by the pastor of that church, Rev. C., F. Clarke, atsiste,l by Rev. J. 'Ing. An invitation 1s extended to the 'Vumeu's institute of 41t. Augustine to be present; also all the ladles ud the community. Wuaten's institute.--rl'he annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, W. 1. Miller on Thurselay. T1te following officers were elected: 1'rerldent. Mow John '.1111e•r, yr. ; find vice-president, Mims A. McKenzie; aer•ond vice-president, Mn. Ed. 'Thom; secretary-Iretiourer. Mrs. It. K. Miller; pianist, Mr,,, Durnln I'hlllipu; auditoria Mrs. W. 1. Miller and Mrs. 1). Todd; district representa- tives. Mrs. 614.. Webb, Mra. A. Ander- son, Urs. Ramage; cunttnittee, Mrs. W, \. Miller, Ml*. Neale, Miss Lila Ha>¢' perky. Mrs. W. 1. Miller. Mrs. •Jno. McQuIlIlt, MIA,. M. Murray, Mrs. Geo. Smart, Mrs. 1►. I'11illlps.. Mrs. K. Webb. 1t wag decided to give to prize for writlux at the school fair. A w,• clad Maur was•espent and luneh was served. - GUNDRi"S RAE REGISTER Thursday. Muy 111th. Auction side of stork of new furniture and furnieh- iugr belonging t., the business of the Isle Wiilitun Sproul, Dungannon. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTI0E.-1 WILL NUT BB PIE • iI til'l►NNl'IiLL for any accounts or other debts contracted by say Perron In ppy name, 1111{8. J'O LN ItLAODONALD. Goderich, May O. Iola yt NOTICE ICE AUCOUNTS.--1 d11pu,w•J of my business 1 au, leaving my accounts with Miss Mar dalL, of Mr. F. It. 1/arrow's law office, to whom all amounts will be payable. It is requested that all atruuut.4 t4' settled nut later than June 1st. 1t 0. 0. NIdWIN TENI}ERS FOR COAL SvF:A1.0D T1 DE1tS AUDRhieSI'D to the Ihtrcllashlg Agent, Depart- toeetlt of L'(Iblle Works, eschews, w111 be naeived at Ids olfee until 12 *Weds neon (daylight , get sat•Isg) W May 21, 111"-1, for the supply of coal for the 1h,luhduu Rodding, through• ItORN out the l'rnv►aee of ()Mario, including Ont.\11.\M. 111 Goderich, on Wean!! 1114' ('ity of (►ttawa, day. May 1st. to 1Ir. and Mrs. J. .\.' Forms of tender with gs.,lttt•atlotu Graham, a *laughter. and conditions attached .,Mn Il Ob- i/IED, Itu11F:RTSUN. .\t Niagara Falls. N.Y., on Saturday. May 4111, !,enter J. Robertson, V,\11(4PE. lig Colborne township. on. Saturday. May 4th. Vol. John A. S. ''arc,e, In his 7gtrd year. SILUtMAN.- .\t Hamilton. on Satur- day, Illy 4t,, Eliza Ki.-k:ey, l8•lu%ed wife of'M r. N'.Ilia ni :Boonton. ' (.ARI/ IIP THANKS' : MRS.''Agfa►E .AND FAM-' 11.1' wish to tender their grateful thank.. 11/nelgl1ta,rs avid friends fur' -the, man) kthducs.e.. exteudp,l t.. thou Iu their tithe of bereavement. tamed from 0. W. Dawson, Purchasing Agent. Department of *Polak. Works, Ottawa : and It. N'i,ter: District Resi- dent Architect, 594:1 Victoria street, (1'8..1 lered ( unless nrlib� will Inot , the forms supplied 1.y the 1Mpar)lue111 and 111 uccorduwr 4'1111 dei.arlmental s1w•iti- tuttouv load cntolilons. The right to demand from the eue- ww.fu1 tenderer ,t dep'slf, not exeee4)- ,Ing 141 per cent of the amount of (Jo• tender. to ',•,cure "71,, proper fultiluort of the tostrucr. Is reserve;, order, 6. K. (►7t1t11:N. !Deportment a Ntr•retary. f Public �1'urka, Ottawa, May 1. HMI. at •ITTIONRERINO , gAN- TRII 1111011A14J' GN•HItY. GODRRIOH• Li'.IC t+TI ►4'K AND (1I' N114A► S .V.F:KHAN W.%NTF:1►. -- sP1.}:\1.111► \t'('TI(►NFCR otgsortuui4y for young maul with Telephone No. 119. •a1,•• ability_, )look up with I'll iada's Mak.. atI.-I'w l to anywhere sad ever , largest must.• loiter welling linger,' effort • made to glue ssrlmfaaNea battery -less radii,, twittery radio anti Farmerai sale notes dIscotanfed, ponographs in your own district. Apply to branch store, it. S. W11.- WESLEY W. FISHER, ' 1,1A118 CO.. LTD., Lutknow, Ont. n Auctioneer. will c.naduct seines anywhere. My E. Forel. At 411.• sines at the hots'. r TO RiC1T terms are reasonable and 1 will en- Jlr.. VV. F. 8xundrrs Stang "N/area, Mayor to gide satl.sfaetiuu. Phone 'tt3'f.Hl,'10 QIN)M 4'o RENT 1N PRIVATE Carlow 1314, or addles R. It. 4. r:o/- Thte." 'The t Prl'dham. it were W. f`. 1'11 &lams Ernest i% Il. T. (tome. lt..ar 1 if .14 Are.I. .31! 14 h• Wm. d.Ki, any, Charles itlue•r. Il. T. 1 Edward., 841.1 (:err. Mae%',, t' - i at S11;NAi. OFFICE. 2t • MRS. JAM. D. BAILIE The deign, 01 Mrs, James D. Bailie, ' n .slater-in•Iaw of Councillor Wm Ballie (.f Gcslerlch, occurred recently int her home ut Calgary, Alberta, The i Over 65 Years' Experience is Y''Ile euar:,nh•' heat Plant, . b- tato,d from ''1- are in el ery way d• 1' minble. Our Bedding Geraniums 111 pinks, ('ar:et- and crim- sons are veru fine. We have have in our large coilee- tiun of ANNUALS there THAT DO WELL IN THE SHADE. a• well as throw that thrive in a sunny location. STEWART BROS. a 111111ller y •raer es - Phone CArlow 235 R. R. 4, Godsnch THE GODER- 1 otr�a • &I, )131../TELL MEi WHY MY KITCHEN RANGE 6 ILL? PERHAPS iTS'CLINKERITI5, • MADAM) IF IT NAS k CHILL_ T.ESTER J. ROBERTSON Relatives and friends were shocked 411 Irarn of the %Widen death ..f I,.'4'ter .1. Robertson. of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. whh h oeeurred on Saturday afternoon Iasi, the r.'of U rcof 1a•art trouble. Mr...tilt Rnhertsnnant'waxak born. in ('ol arne towtlihlp forty-nine years ago. attended (fo.lerieh Collegiate In- stitute. and then took the course at the Sehool of Pharmacy. Toronto. For the last twenty year., he wa,' d'.tr,Aut1Int !agent In the t'nied States for the Ul.4r & Henbury firm of London, Eng - Jan.!. haying his Inane at Niagara ,Falls. lie is suryired by his wife :and by nue brother. Chas. A. Robertson. 11.1'.I'., of C4.4s'rue township. and two sisters. Mrs. Fd. Fisher and Miss Mary RoberGrtn. nlon of Colborne. The body was brought tt the home of his brother, whence the funeral took place to the Colborne (Mietery nt4 Theolay afl.nr,owl. The rimeral serviceo were conducted by Rev. It. 11. ('umming, al the pa llben rers were Gurdon R . wet. .1a MOS It 1~1. Warner 'Val Ed. Fisher. William• Long and n Long 11 rs. It• deerhbn 'nee/ullf,:l - ed her hns- latnd's remains \from Niagara Falls, and Mr. and Mrs, nmerville and Mr. i and Mrs. ,Keit 1 ala of ('heoley, rela- tives of Mrnhertson, were present tat the fu ' ral. Madam, if we wanted to know how to make delicious bread, we would go to you. We don't pretend to know cooking. But we •10 know coal. We have made a study of furnaces, ranges and grates and the different kinds of coal each should burn. We can show you how to avoid Waste- ful burning and how to buy econ- omically. May we help you CAM. THE ttA'ttltXf For Good ('lean Coal COAL J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY nese 98 - Goelericb AUBURN AI'Bi'RN May S. -Mrs. .\. John- ston. of Carlow. Is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. R. C. Weir, at present. Mrs. W. Mayhew. of Thamesvllle, is visiting relatives In Auburn. Mr.. R. McCllnehey, of Stanley.4 township, and Mr. Frank M"linchcy, of Rea Orth, called on trends here the fore pert of the week. Mr. A. K(ng. of Goderich, Is spending a few days with hos con. Mr. It. 'King. The fnneral of the late Mrs. A. Ben- nett takes place from the home of Mr. W. W. Straw/ban on Thnrsrl.y of fhb/ week to 11811'1 cemetery. A special Mother's Day service will he held In the R - apflet church on Sun- day. Mi 12, at 3 n'elork. An appro- priate addrrwu for the 'ley will be dpls elivered hy the tor, Rev. R. B. Oracle. The service of song will 1* led by a men's choir. The Women's institute will meet In the nonvoters' 11811 on Thursday, May 16th, at 2 o'clock sharp. Annnat hush nes4 Meeting and prying of fees. At 2.30 Miss M. E. M.T►iarmld, of Sand- ringham. will speak on the subject, "A Woman's Seven Alerxel' Horefestwee- Virs, Weir, Mrs. J. .1. Robertson, Mrs. E. Robert/inn. Mrd. Alp. ST. HELENS ST IiEIJ-)XS. May 6. - Next Sun - tiny. Alai I. Mother's Day will he observed in the Prised ehnr,h Snminy ...limit An imitation is extended to all Interested In the Sunday school, whish will eon'ene at to n'rinrk. Np•- ' dal mush- is helm: tireporeil. Master Mitchell flyable, of the manse. Bel rave. is n visitor with Rev. 11 O. and firs. Whitfield. Mia,, Dorothy Webster, of Tilbury, 44,14 a week -end visitor with her par rots, Mr. and Mrs. John Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour. Dor- othy and Hobby and Mr. Robert Bar - Noir and dnughter. Miss Viola 1tsr boor. of Fergus, vIslted recently' with 11r.. It .1. Woods snit Mr. and Mrs .Ing harbour. The rammer meeting of the Women's Instltnte. Rt. ,Helena, will he held In the rnmmnnity hall nn IF'rfdey, May 17th, when MINA M. F. MoT)Iarmid, of Sandringham, will addr/ws the meet - DRUGLESS PRACTII170NtR '1114) RENT.- 8TORL SUITABLE FOR grocery or odhe. Immediate. pea• 'wagon giveh. Apply to • CHAS. K. SAI'NDBf;4, Goderlcb. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE FIST.\T}: 411' SANDF`IIlt1• 1 McVITTi'F 1.1.4►YI►. DFY'F:.%SF:l•. All persons having claims amino , the estate of Sandford McVittie Lloyd, late of the town of G..deri.-h, who d nn n4' about the 31st day of 1921. are hereby notified to s ' the undersigned ex.a•ntor, the 15th day of J11414.. dealers of their el. lmmwlAa'tely a of Jeune, 19' ceased wit poa rt ies oral rab. in to or before .4, full par s. r the said rill day DR. A. N. ATKINSON CUIIII /PRAETOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST OODSR;I 'H lboutppeu 441W electnsmagnetle baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic aa►d nervous diseases. Lady In attendanp Once hour 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p Tts excepting Monday and Thursday at ternoeons and evenings, and by ap- poli tweet. Residence and om(•e--4.4 rner of South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOl1NTAN'l the arms of the de- Q1.ANK P. '0114119, dlstrihnted amongst the Ateuuntaot. 102 Ontario street titled thereto. hating reg.ar'I etrattord. Phone 1580. Rea• 13301. o claims of which the executor 11 then have notice. Dated at Toronro tots 3rd day of May. 1929 Til£ ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, ,'J. Vongr Street. Tororr'. _, rant., Ex.r•ut..r Bs C. Seeger, F 4':, their Solicitor herein. .' .34 P'OR SALE GIRL'S BIOYCLF: FOR B.U.E.-IN good condittor. Apply at T)IE SIGNAL. FOR BALE.-W11ITE 1i1J4SSOM MEDICAL nit. 2'. J. R. PORSTER. EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT Late (louse Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic au, Aural Moapital, a -Islam ■t Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Loa - don, Fang. 53 Waterloo St. 8., Stratford. Tel ephone 267. At Hotel Redford, Goderich, or the evening of third Monday of each month 1111 the following day. Teasley, at 1 p.m. SWEET CLOVER. (:overnment tented. W. L. YOUNG, RR. 5, ; Goderich. 2t ,COR SALE. -ONE CHlRtS1.ER 4- door sedan, model 62, year 1928, 6 -cylinder car. Just like new. Ran just a short time. At a low price for quick saki. Apply to CECiL MULLIN, Lucknow, phone 115, box 165. 4t DC[rL1JY E. lIOLMIfti, RIl OUSE FOR RALE. -RBD BRICK Barrister, Etc. Rouse on Waterloo street, lately Ommce-amlltoo street, oodprick occupied by the undersigned. WM. , Phone 27. RFTARMA-N, 624 Main street Fast. Hampton. tf F It. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. LEGAL ER•.'r"FST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor Stun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 560L C ,on 'BALE.-1!1'O1tY A D -A -HALT as frame house In good repair; sit- uated on Anglesea street, second hone* west of Victoria street; nice location; electric lights, MiLS. JA'NII T.TN'N, Goderich. MAY HATCHED CHICKS -BAR. Ill END RO(`R18. 180; •Ingle comb white 'Leghorn*. 17e each. Hatching eltgw from April to July, 5e each. Above prices are for customers coming to the farm for their purchnse. Chipks are sold in regulation hoses, but cus- tomer must furnish container for eggs. 1f yon are, in freed of a new brooder stove, founts, feed hoppers, ('tr.,.1et me quote prices on Royal equipment. -C. G. CAMPBELL, Auburn, Ont., phone Blyth 10.24. eon SALE. -EGG 8, CRACKS ANI) ten -week-old millets from our flock of high -producing R. C. while Lror. horns under Canadian Government ap- proval. These birds have also been hkeod- test ed and reactors rpmnverl from flock. (:hleks hatched In our Government -approved hatehety, Faits fic each. lots of 200 or more :e• each. Chick.. May. 14'' each, June, 13c each. i'nlleta, $1.00 Ntch. Thea/ prices are at the harm anti to be called fol hy purehaner. E1.MER J. rARRTI411, Lnt'know, R. R. 7 Phone Dungannon 52 21. tf ' 8utrerror to J. L. KIlloran Phone 97. Office -The Monate. Goderld, Naps R Flaps iIAH Pernik., ETC'. R.l' HAYS--RC.HATS ,a., B.A Hamilton St.. Godericn - INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. McKILLOP MIITUAL FIRE iN• 8URANCP1 CO. -Farm and las toted town property Inmateei OIIk'en-Jam. e:onnntly, Pres.. (pod erlch P. 0.; Jae. Evans, Vlre-Pres_ Re rhwood I'. 0.; D. F. McGregor. Sac. -Tress., Seaforth P. 0. Directors- -A. Rrnadfoot. R. R. No 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve. No. 4. Walton: William Rlnn, R. R. No 2. Seaforth ; John Bennewles. Rrod- hagen : Gen. Mc(lartney, it. R. No. 2 Seaforth ; Robert Ferris, Harloek ; Mnrray (1H/win RrnepflplA; lamer Ronna. Reechwoo* ; Jenlpa Connell", Goderich. Agents -J. W. Yeo, Gedt'rjck; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; John Morray. Reafnrth; 16. 7Tlneht4►n, Seaforth. Polley -holders ran make, all payments and-ge, their parch metope - pit at R. J. Mnrtlah's Clothing Steer. C)Iktea ; R. H. (bet's Grocery. King• sena street, God.rteh, or .1 H. lbw. na.n.ral sine/. Rayta.ld ' AUCTION SALE OF A COMPLETE Stock of •New Furniture and Furnishings %%'c have received instructions from • • MRS. WM. SPROUL to,sell by public auction, in detail, the Large stock of Furnitur.. Furnishings and bquipm••nt belonging to the business of the late %Valliant Sproul at the Village of Dungannon, on THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1929, COMMENCING AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP, and enntiuuing until all isdisposal of. The smock includes Living IL•u, Dining R.s'tn. Ibdrount and- Kitchen Fi,rnitnn• and comprise,' a seed complete list ill every line, including a nobler of Dining Tables and (air., Fancy Tables and Chairs, l'Ie'at, rtield Suites, Ila yen p..rts, WVicker and Rattan Settees and t'liairs, Chiffonieres, Dressing Table,', Saes t.. Pictures, in fact everything nnlaily found in a first -Class Furniture Slick.' Also 2 Set of 1►onbl. Haras'se's 2 Seto( Single Harness, 2 Stet of Sleighs. 1 Furniture %Vatr.n. I ratter, 'Rebel., Ruga and other article.. This will be a genuine Ckarin` Sale. Thal will be nothing reserved • TERMS: CASH T. GUNDRY & SON, a AUCTIONEERS / THE SIGNAL, jE,IfOINZER'$ REPORT (Cloattoued from tam 1) front South to Ws1.rho Britannia road; south side, from ltaydeld road to Iiuron road; L'almer.ton street, cath• side. from Britannia to Raglan: Mar- ket wine!, east side, from Mout real to Elgin; Elgin 'avenue, north side, front Cambria, to, Victoria. The eoniulltlt'e nr,.0,nu•u.led That one or two cars of tatria it lull nue car of roar be or .Iere•I.. for delivery when. required. The special committee rr•omaut•ndld :he matter of arrangements with the band la• left with the .bairauan of the .'olllltli lire. These reports were ail adopted. The council passed a resolution one Isdurnig „s its ngires4•111a144r' on the fall fair board tot. tlenib 4's of council llr_e:ady pda•rd by i11e io.ard uu 4,1 ILK o1 •-.duwillet. t141•11. h,•usaou redin1144' townAfter dnwaptng.�ground agar• resothltiou U11• paw.d iu.tnu•ting the chief, of I4dbe ty ille/1•2 t 11111 teamsters place cnrbage where instructed by the care - 1,•4' of Ilse grounds. •" •mull we4,t into 'e►mm.tt.e of the and eceipted tie' tender '"f • !Gell MUSKRATS tee Sea ane Muskrats for Peeking Primus we halm 1.4'r *era• 11c. -n4' hi' aar.r• meal too!,. r ). . w.• Its 1. tile 4ara•et em : o.•+1 gild t,•4 de 4.-;..1•••1 am.trat ran. h In 1'amyl* %%4...11 en • a.► 1. r. • 11 h.t. d••are I )'uu are 18:.1..1 !.• r • t :r rant 1. at 1'. 11 + I'..4' 11,'1 par•,�!ar• IRCIEEN MUSKRAT FIRMS, LIMITED 114.11.11litterMen MWdlls,Itf. WANTED YOUNG MEN OR GIRLS T.• learn making Tennis Slides PAY WHILE LEARNING STEADY WORK Write or phone, staling age, weight an'I lo•ight. to The Elmira Rubber Factory ELMIRA. ONTARIO Female Help Wanted IMIND W4 have positions for twenty young women in our Spinning Mill and Sweater Finishing Department. Thoroughly modern, bright cheer- ful Mills, pleasant working condi- tions. Steady work aeoured. Plenty of opportunity for advancement for wilting workers. We are ready to accept beginners. Apply promptly by letter to • THE P -K MILLS LIMITED Listowel, otlltarie Second Standard Royalties limited One of the most attractive Investments of the ,,rrear are the Units of Second Standard Royal- ties Limited which are swing offered by the Mid-CAntinent Bond Corporation Limited of Toronto. The Preferred Share', give a yield of 12 per cent. and are being sold at 1E1.011 per share and the Common at 2.5e. - The Charter granted to this company is unique, as it contains many remarkable provisions of safety and protection for the Investor. For instance, it provides that the Royalty Income re= reived by the company MUST iRE DISTRIBUTED four ways, as follows 1st -The Preferred Dividends of 1 per tent. monthly. 2nd -A definite amount is deposited each. month in a Sinking Fund to ht held by The Imperial Trust- Company of Canada to redeem the ('referred Shares In fifteen years with a protii- Unl of 111 per cent. 3rd -Two-thirds of the balance to be reinvested in New Producing Royalties. 4th -Thr. remaining one-third is applicable for I1:vidends on the Comthon Stock, and cannot b. used for any tither purpose. The company's investment• are confined to Producing Oil RoyaltieS in proven Oil Fields, and no funds are invested in Non -Producing Royalties or Drilling Operations. or any other kind ►,usincss whatsoever. Second Standard Royalties is organized on w.un•I prineiples,'and its shares are considered as . a safe and profitable investment. The company receives its income entirely free of cost, which makes it possible to pay much larger Dividends to its shareholders than is united with companies having heavy overhead and operating expellees ' - ✓ This issue has been well r.eeived, and a large black of Unite has been taken up by Investoren. The Company has already acquired some thirty-five Diversified Producing Oil Royalties in the :lid -Continent field, the returns from which are ample to take care of all requirements as pro- vided for in the Company's Charter, • The Dividend cheques are issuo.l monthly Try' The imperial Trusts Cotnpany. of Canada, and are payable at Irhr at'any chartered bank in Canada. The shares of Second Standard Royalties are being offered in Goderich by W. J. f'owell, who will be pleased to furnish descriptive circular upon r•(piest. Mid -Continent Bond Corporation Limited 331 Bay Street, Toronto W. J. POW ELL, Local Representative Phone 292 Goderich • GODERICH, ONT. Bros. for cement sldew.l:ks at la,• leer square foot. The only other tender was half a cent higher. This was confirmed In council with the proviso that Bell Tiros. should 4,4 114) extra. ell last year's work. The chairman of the harbor and tluaute•' cum.nittees were V111141'. red fu act in the matter of a new roof for the town freight shed al the harbor.' A proposal for dra.t. u.• un the 4'.X.14. truck near th.• '4 11nnd 11111 bridge Was referred to , minute,' or the whole council. It 1, -fated that the test of the dralnag,- '-'il'l be as- •eessg In various peopor. •o• against (the railway company. 11.1111.411.111.1111.411.1 Gulf Club, the town 4!: •'ic county. CHURCH N (TES Rev. F. r. Elliott. of I:..,•raoll, will 'heathy the pulpit al 1:a' 1Raptlst t:11 11•11 next Sunday, :,,.ruing end evening. Services, in Knox church next Sab- bath will be eondUMetl I.y the` min• inter. Subjects of germ-::,': 11 a.m., "Julia Wife;" 7 p,,, -Joseph's i; reatlews," Mother's 1,,, .'ry dee in 1111 Sabbath school at 3 o'clock. At Use meeting of the Presbyterian '4)11oti of !bouillon and I.;•:. ton, held Paris last week, Rio .4 A. Brown. i t114ers..11, was elect,. mderator. I;. , H. C. M(!►ermid of ,, •r:.•b was .lpls.iuted to the Bynoe',. ommittte 'at a teller:ll int Weir to the committe,• a, Sunday 14 ..,!. and young peep., - societies, The Synod metered an ..• !mho to nn•et in' Knox church, Sr. Thomas, in 11011. The servit•,ys at North .'•nasi 1'1111441' lolrc11 114:11,7 ,e),1 jd-uly 4% •' •• It •4 fol. - • 10 a.m.. ]len'$ 1 . ltisstuu 1::1:.1 :Ind fellowsbll i -w. '•Do I1Ndreu appreciate the . - of their' ;s.rent.:c' 1s the topb• be intro- 'mt•& in the yea's Oal. by Mr. J. l::>:'u Tom. At the morl_tl, service at 11 e'clo -L the pastor w:': lake es his •er1114.8 •111jeet 'The M -•-hers of 11*' Rabid•." -\ ladles' shorn• „ill lead the; -eryi,w of praise at tie -.es...if .n ,r :t p.na. which ‘.1. le• a sloe - •dal service In honor u: snifters At i p.m. there will tea •4. ..i' ", .•:ter'... 'lay song service. 1'!,.• services sit street United .•hurch next Suwi.,y will. be of •spec -dal Interest. 1u tb.- m'rni.I;t the Sidi.• will have full chart' of the rrer- vice. Tt11r•• will he a nl..thera' .choir • and the service will be"a joint meet-' . ing of the cungr'latlut and us'ul.•rs of the Sunday school, as there ai11 be no Sunday sAloo -io rbc .4ftlntoon. The Victoria Helper." class will present each might.; !resent in the 'rnlgreg8- tion with a flower. The Eureka class will 1e• teSpnsible for ':.'orating the' chnr'h. At the evening seryl.' there' 144111 be a men's choir and a message - , of peculiar interest for the men. Fel- I„wship class at 10 a.m. •4 • OBITITAR1 deceased was formerly Emma Reed, daughter of the late foul herd and or Mrs. Reed of Luckuuw, and was born In Ashfield township. Besides her husband and her a1091 Mullet'''. 4)44 leaves a. daughter, Mrs. laugh Mason of Edmonton, two s0118, ('alvIn of Munson, Alta , and Byron of Calgary. and seven grandchildren; also two rioters, Mr.. W. Sweltzer of Calgary and Mr... Thos. .tuderson of Ashfield. and four brothers, Bert Reed of Whitechurch, Jacob Reed ut Aslttleld, Will Reed of Sault Ste. Marie anti Thorn !teed of ('adlllut. Gawk. R. G. WA WIENER The death occurred at the hospital at Ann Arbor, Mic11., on Sunday. Ma$ lith. of R. (1. Warrener, a former well- known resident of this district and brother of Mr. Thomas Warrener, of Goderich. The dw•enw,l 11841 been LII about ala weeks. He was in his fifty second year. The late Mr. Warrerer wene burn in Hmllett township. Ile re, sided ill ('Iiritoil nod Heiman, where tie d two conducted very honlts. lni1reeear* ago moved Gerah. where he was connected with the mana;;etnent of the Redford hotel. 1.4.1 0111Boer 114•" 441111 1u Pou1lec, )11Th. The elwr•aw.,l I. Aurvtrcd by two Hurter" .1111 live brothers: Mrs. Allan and Mr's. t,•t1amy-. of Toronto; John: of Ramis: 4;er,rce. of t''alletehu re: Richard, of Toledo: Nathan, of Pontine. Mit-h.. and Thomas. of Goderi,tl. The fun- eral took 1411114' at Clinton on Weill**. day, intervent being In Clinton eenletery. . MRS. WILLI:1M SIT.\ItMAX The .heath occurred at Ilenti ftnn un Saturday. May 4111. of a former well- known resident of ,;oderlcll, in the person of Eliza ki••kley. wife of Mr. 1''illi,uu Sh:arnutl.. It was 44ith 811r- 'r:-.' and deep regret dolt the 14•0;.1,• of Goderich teamed o1 Mr.. Sharma.'• • death: deceased hawing been IIi for only right &aye. The late Mrs. Shar- man wag in her eight!..th year. She was l.'rn near Georgetown and cattle to Goderich when quite young. She ...intimated In !Eve herr milia lase Sep - loather. when .he moved w!tta her erns bend to ilant!Iton. Resides ince hn•- hn)Id'. e.Ie :. ave,, one krill. W. Reg. Sharman. and one .laughter. Mak. Fred. Ki,•11ew. of Hamilton. 41ne bFo- tl.er. \Ir. Ttt.m,t. I 'ckley. . 1 Winnl- trg. also survives. The remains were brnnght 1., (:nderlrh aid the funeral took place from the residence of NI!.t .,. 1. E.• and Uale•1 Sharman. 1St. 1)11y111'' -'t r,-. i on Tuesday afternoofi to Malt - Lind t'iinrtery. 'Chile it resident o1 1;o.lpri•d, the' Tate Mrs. sieorman w -as a nsnnher of North • ,'treat l'od'e l' chureli and the •r•re•iceo were .•'n. ducted by the pastor of that church, Rev. C., F. Clarke, atsiste,l by Rev. J. 'Ing. An invitation 1s extended to the 'Vumeu's institute of 41t. Augustine to be present; also all the ladles ud the community. Wuaten's institute.--rl'he annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, W. 1. Miller on Thurselay. T1te following officers were elected: 1'rerldent. Mow John '.1111e•r, yr. ; find vice-president, Mims A. McKenzie; aer•ond vice-president, Mn. Ed. 'Thom; secretary-Iretiourer. Mrs. It. K. Miller; pianist, Mr,,, Durnln I'hlllipu; auditoria Mrs. W. 1. Miller and Mrs. 1). Todd; district representa- tives. Mrs. 614.. Webb, Mra. A. Ander- son, Urs. Ramage; cunttnittee, Mrs. W, \. Miller, Ml*. Neale, Miss Lila Ha>¢' perky. Mrs. W. 1. Miller. Mrs. •Jno. McQuIlIlt, MIA,. M. Murray, Mrs. Geo. Smart, Mrs. 1►. I'11illlps.. Mrs. K. Webb. 1t wag decided to give to prize for writlux at the school fair. A w,• clad Maur was•espent and luneh was served. - GUNDRi"S RAE REGISTER Thursday. Muy 111th. Auction side of stork of new furniture and furnieh- iugr belonging t., the business of the Isle Wiilitun Sproul, Dungannon. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTI0E.-1 WILL NUT BB PIE • iI til'l►NNl'IiLL for any accounts or other debts contracted by say Perron In ppy name, 1111{8. J'O LN ItLAODONALD. Goderich, May O. Iola yt NOTICE ICE AUCOUNTS.--1 d11pu,w•J of my business 1 au, leaving my accounts with Miss Mar dalL, of Mr. F. It. 1/arrow's law office, to whom all amounts will be payable. It is requested that all atruuut.4 t4' settled nut later than June 1st. 1t 0. 0. NIdWIN TENI}ERS FOR COAL SvF:A1.0D T1 DE1tS AUDRhieSI'D to the Ihtrcllashlg Agent, Depart- toeetlt of L'(Iblle Works, eschews, w111 be naeived at Ids olfee until 12 *Weds neon (daylight , get sat•Isg) W May 21, 111"-1, for the supply of coal for the 1h,luhduu Rodding, through• ItORN out the l'rnv►aee of ()Mario, including Ont.\11.\M. 111 Goderich, on Wean!! 1114' ('ity of (►ttawa, day. May 1st. to 1Ir. and Mrs. J. .\.' Forms of tender with gs.,lttt•atlotu Graham, a *laughter. and conditions attached .,Mn Il Ob- i/IED, Itu11F:RTSUN. .\t Niagara Falls. N.Y., on Saturday. May 4111, !,enter J. Robertson, V,\11(4PE. lig Colborne township. on. Saturday. May 4th. Vol. John A. S. ''arc,e, In his 7gtrd year. SILUtMAN.- .\t Hamilton. on Satur- day, Illy 4t,, Eliza Ki.-k:ey, l8•lu%ed wife of'M r. N'.Ilia ni :Boonton. ' (.ARI/ IIP THANKS' : MRS.''Agfa►E .AND FAM-' 11.1' wish to tender their grateful thank.. 11/nelgl1ta,rs avid friends fur' -the, man) kthducs.e.. exteudp,l t.. thou Iu their tithe of bereavement. tamed from 0. W. Dawson, Purchasing Agent. Department of *Polak. Works, Ottawa : and It. N'i,ter: District Resi- dent Architect, 594:1 Victoria street, (1'8..1 lered ( unless nrlib� will Inot , the forms supplied 1.y the 1Mpar)lue111 and 111 uccorduwr 4'1111 dei.arlmental s1w•iti- tuttouv load cntolilons. The right to demand from the eue- ww.fu1 tenderer ,t dep'slf, not exeee4)- ,Ing 141 per cent of the amount of (Jo• tender. to ',•,cure "71,, proper fultiluort of the tostrucr. Is reserve;, order, 6. K. (►7t1t11:N. !Deportment a Ntr•retary. f Public �1'urka, Ottawa, May 1. HMI. at •ITTIONRERINO , gAN- TRII 1111011A14J' GN•HItY. GODRRIOH• Li'.IC t+TI ►4'K AND (1I' N114A► S .V.F:KHAN W.%NTF:1►. -- sP1.}:\1.111► \t'('TI(►NFCR otgsortuui4y for young maul with Telephone No. 119. •a1,•• ability_, )look up with I'll iada's Mak.. atI.-I'w l to anywhere sad ever , largest must.• loiter welling linger,' effort • made to glue ssrlmfaaNea battery -less radii,, twittery radio anti Farmerai sale notes dIscotanfed, ponographs in your own district. Apply to branch store, it. S. W11.- WESLEY W. FISHER, ' 1,1A118 CO.. LTD., Lutknow, Ont. n Auctioneer. will c.naduct seines anywhere. My E. Forel. At 411.• sines at the hots'. r TO RiC1T terms are reasonable and 1 will en- Jlr.. VV. F. 8xundrrs Stang "N/area, Mayor to gide satl.sfaetiuu. Phone 'tt3'f.Hl,'10 QIN)M 4'o RENT 1N PRIVATE Carlow 1314, or addles R. It. 4. r:o/- Thte." 'The t Prl'dham. it were W. f`. 1'11 &lams Ernest i% Il. T. (tome. lt..ar 1 if .14 Are.I. .31! 14 h• Wm. d.Ki, any, Charles itlue•r. Il. T. 1 Edward., 841.1 (:err. Mae%',, t' - i at S11;NAi. OFFICE. 2t • MRS. JAM. D. BAILIE The deign, 01 Mrs, James D. Bailie, ' n .slater-in•Iaw of Councillor Wm Ballie (.f Gcslerlch, occurred recently int her home ut Calgary, Alberta, The i Over 65 Years' Experience is Y''Ile euar:,nh•' heat Plant, . b- tato,d from ''1- are in el ery way d• 1' minble. Our Bedding Geraniums 111 pinks, ('ar:et- and crim- sons are veru fine. We have have in our large coilee- tiun of ANNUALS there THAT DO WELL IN THE SHADE. a• well as throw that thrive in a sunny location. STEWART BROS. a 111111ller y •raer es - Phone CArlow 235 R. R. 4, Godsnch THE GODER- 1 otr�a • &I, )131../TELL MEi WHY MY KITCHEN RANGE 6 ILL? PERHAPS iTS'CLINKERITI5, • MADAM) IF IT NAS k CHILL_ T.ESTER J. ROBERTSON Relatives and friends were shocked 411 Irarn of the %Widen death ..f I,.'4'ter .1. Robertson. of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. whh h oeeurred on Saturday afternoon Iasi, the r.'of U rcof 1a•art trouble. Mr...tilt Rnhertsnnant'waxak born. in ('ol arne towtlihlp forty-nine years ago. attended (fo.lerieh Collegiate In- stitute. and then took the course at the Sehool of Pharmacy. Toronto. For the last twenty year., he wa,' d'.tr,Aut1Int !agent In the t'nied States for the Ul.4r & Henbury firm of London, Eng - Jan.!. haying his Inane at Niagara ,Falls. lie is suryired by his wife :and by nue brother. Chas. A. Robertson. 11.1'.I'., of C4.4s'rue township. and two sisters. Mrs. Fd. Fisher and Miss Mary RoberGrtn. nlon of Colborne. The body was brought tt the home of his brother, whence the funeral took place to the Colborne (Mietery nt4 Theolay afl.nr,owl. The rimeral serviceo were conducted by Rev. It. 11. ('umming, al the pa llben rers were Gurdon R . wet. .1a MOS It 1~1. Warner 'Val Ed. Fisher. William• Long and n Long 11 rs. It• deerhbn 'nee/ullf,:l - ed her hns- latnd's remains \from Niagara Falls, and Mr. and Mrs, nmerville and Mr. i and Mrs. ,Keit 1 ala of ('heoley, rela- tives of Mrnhertson, were present tat the fu ' ral. Madam, if we wanted to know how to make delicious bread, we would go to you. We don't pretend to know cooking. But we •10 know coal. We have made a study of furnaces, ranges and grates and the different kinds of coal each should burn. We can show you how to avoid Waste- ful burning and how to buy econ- omically. May we help you CAM. THE ttA'ttltXf For Good ('lean Coal COAL J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY nese 98 - Goelericb AUBURN AI'Bi'RN May S. -Mrs. .\. John- ston. of Carlow. Is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. R. C. Weir, at present. Mrs. W. Mayhew. of Thamesvllle, is visiting relatives In Auburn. Mr.. R. McCllnehey, of Stanley.4 township, and Mr. Frank M"linchcy, of Rea Orth, called on trends here the fore pert of the week. Mr. A. K(ng. of Goderich, Is spending a few days with hos con. Mr. It. 'King. The fnneral of the late Mrs. A. Ben- nett takes place from the home of Mr. W. W. Straw/ban on Thnrsrl.y of fhb/ week to 11811'1 cemetery. A special Mother's Day service will he held In the R - apflet church on Sun- day. Mi 12, at 3 n'elork. An appro- priate addrrwu for the 'ley will be dpls elivered hy the tor, Rev. R. B. Oracle. The service of song will 1* led by a men's choir. The Women's institute will meet In the nonvoters' 11811 on Thursday, May 16th, at 2 o'clock sharp. Annnat hush nes4 Meeting and prying of fees. At 2.30 Miss M. E. M.T►iarmld, of Sand- ringham. will speak on the subject, "A Woman's Seven Alerxel' Horefestwee- Virs, Weir, Mrs. J. .1. Robertson, Mrs. E. Robert/inn. Mrd. Alp. ST. HELENS ST IiEIJ-)XS. May 6. - Next Sun - tiny. Alai I. Mother's Day will he observed in the Prised ehnr,h Snminy ...limit An imitation is extended to all Interested In the Sunday school, whish will eon'ene at to n'rinrk. Np•- ' dal mush- is helm: tireporeil. Master Mitchell flyable, of the manse. Bel rave. is n visitor with Rev. 11 O. and firs. Whitfield. Mia,, Dorothy Webster, of Tilbury, 44,14 a week -end visitor with her par rots, Mr. and Mrs. John Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour. Dor- othy and Hobby and Mr. Robert Bar - Noir and dnughter. Miss Viola 1tsr boor. of Fergus, vIslted recently' with 11r.. It .1. Woods snit Mr. and Mrs .Ing harbour. The rammer meeting of the Women's Instltnte. Rt. ,Helena, will he held In the rnmmnnity hall nn IF'rfdey, May 17th, when MINA M. F. MoT)Iarmid, of Sandringham, will addr/ws the meet - DRUGLESS PRACTII170NtR '1114) RENT.- 8TORL SUITABLE FOR grocery or odhe. Immediate. pea• 'wagon giveh. Apply to • CHAS. K. SAI'NDBf;4, Goderlcb. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE FIST.\T}: 411' SANDF`IIlt1• 1 McVITTi'F 1.1.4►YI►. DFY'F:.%SF:l•. All persons having claims amino , the estate of Sandford McVittie Lloyd, late of the town of G..deri.-h, who d nn n4' about the 31st day of 1921. are hereby notified to s ' the undersigned ex.a•ntor, the 15th day of J11414.. dealers of their el. lmmwlAa'tely a of Jeune, 19' ceased wit poa rt ies oral rab. in to or before .4, full par s. r the said rill day DR. A. N. ATKINSON CUIIII /PRAETOR AND DRUG- LESS THERAPIST OODSR;I 'H lboutppeu 441W electnsmagnetle baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic organic aa►d nervous diseases. Lady In attendanp Once hour 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p Tts excepting Monday and Thursday at ternoeons and evenings, and by ap- poli tweet. Residence and om(•e--4.4 rner of South street and Britannia road. CHARTERED ACCOl1NTAN'l the arms of the de- Q1.ANK P. '0114119, dlstrihnted amongst the Ateuuntaot. 102 Ontario street titled thereto. hating reg.ar'I etrattord. Phone 1580. Rea• 13301. o claims of which the executor 11 then have notice. Dated at Toronro tots 3rd day of May. 1929 Til£ ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, ,'J. Vongr Street. Tororr'. _, rant., Ex.r•ut..r Bs C. Seeger, F 4':, their Solicitor herein. .' .34 P'OR SALE GIRL'S BIOYCLF: FOR B.U.E.-IN good condittor. Apply at T)IE SIGNAL. FOR BALE.-W11ITE 1i1J4SSOM MEDICAL nit. 2'. J. R. PORSTER. EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT Late (louse Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic au, Aural Moapital, a -Islam ■t Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Loa - don, Fang. 53 Waterloo St. 8., Stratford. Tel ephone 267. At Hotel Redford, Goderich, or the evening of third Monday of each month 1111 the following day. Teasley, at 1 p.m. SWEET CLOVER. (:overnment tented. W. L. YOUNG, RR. 5, ; Goderich. 2t ,COR SALE. -ONE CHlRtS1.ER 4- door sedan, model 62, year 1928, 6 -cylinder car. Just like new. Ran just a short time. At a low price for quick saki. Apply to CECiL MULLIN, Lucknow, phone 115, box 165. 4t DC[rL1JY E. lIOLMIfti, RIl OUSE FOR RALE. -RBD BRICK Barrister, Etc. Rouse on Waterloo street, lately Ommce-amlltoo street, oodprick occupied by the undersigned. WM. , Phone 27. RFTARMA-N, 624 Main street Fast. Hampton. tf F It. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. LEGAL ER•.'r"FST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor Stun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 560L C ,on 'BALE.-1!1'O1tY A D -A -HALT as frame house In good repair; sit- uated on Anglesea street, second hone* west of Victoria street; nice location; electric lights, MiLS. JA'NII T.TN'N, Goderich. MAY HATCHED CHICKS -BAR. Ill END RO(`R18. 180; •Ingle comb white 'Leghorn*. 17e each. Hatching eltgw from April to July, 5e each. Above prices are for customers coming to the farm for their purchnse. Chipks are sold in regulation hoses, but cus- tomer must furnish container for eggs. 1f yon are, in freed of a new brooder stove, founts, feed hoppers, ('tr.,.1et me quote prices on Royal equipment. -C. G. CAMPBELL, Auburn, Ont., phone Blyth 10.24. eon SALE. -EGG 8, CRACKS ANI) ten -week-old millets from our flock of high -producing R. C. while Lror. horns under Canadian Government ap- proval. These birds have also been hkeod- test ed and reactors rpmnverl from flock. (:hleks hatched In our Government -approved hatehety, Faits fic each. lots of 200 or more :e• each. Chick.. May. 14'' each, June, 13c each. i'nlleta, $1.00 Ntch. Thea/ prices are at the harm anti to be called fol hy purehaner. E1.MER J. rARRTI411, Lnt'know, R. R. 7 Phone Dungannon 52 21. tf ' 8utrerror to J. L. KIlloran Phone 97. Office -The Monate. Goderld, Naps R Flaps iIAH Pernik., ETC'. R.l' HAYS--RC.HATS ,a., B.A Hamilton St.. Godericn - INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. McKILLOP MIITUAL FIRE iN• 8URANCP1 CO. -Farm and las toted town property Inmateei OIIk'en-Jam. e:onnntly, Pres.. (pod erlch P. 0.; Jae. Evans, Vlre-Pres_ Re rhwood I'. 0.; D. F. McGregor. Sac. -Tress., Seaforth P. 0. Directors- -A. Rrnadfoot. R. R. No 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve. No. 4. Walton: William Rlnn, R. R. No 2. Seaforth ; John Bennewles. Rrod- hagen : Gen. Mc(lartney, it. R. No. 2 Seaforth ; Robert Ferris, Harloek ; Mnrray (1H/win RrnepflplA; lamer Ronna. Reechwoo* ; Jenlpa Connell", Goderich. Agents -J. W. Yeo, Gedt'rjck; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; John Morray. Reafnrth; 16. 7Tlneht4►n, Seaforth. Polley -holders ran make, all payments and-ge, their parch metope - pit at R. J. Mnrtlah's Clothing Steer. C)Iktea ; R. H. (bet's Grocery. King• sena street, God.rteh, or .1 H. lbw. na.n.ral sine/. Rayta.ld