HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-5-9, Page 2d'
2-rfhunday, May 9. 1929.
Oh Stpuiii
RSTAI4L1S1l}3D 1948
Member of Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association
Published every '1'hurwlay lyurning.
Subscription price 82 tat 1■'r year
strictly in advance
THE SIGNAI. i'ItI.TI .(0.. 1.► G
T.Iephene 35 :
W. H. Itotterreon, Dilator and Malinger
4ay h.
1`hnr`d,iy .
1:.M'.1 ll' %.. 1••1 Ilse' .••Illy`:• .
,•wil. .I I. o, :, -. s,.
.•artni. r.muug
urday, Iter.
• •. -
A gre.it 1 ...: .. .,;:t• t; I
11a•+ i,a'A•,1 .0 ,c ,.r• , 0: 1, . . r
1\':11.:u11 1• Iter, crit'
• • •
-'1'11,• v„:1• •,n '111 ...'.,:,,r I., ,” 11.:1
leetify 1„ r:.., . r.,•,
1,.r IIIdn-:ri.M• •' 4l l rr,1-111.41•.4' •
„•urxcrtu. air.
• • '•
There are aboutseventy NotIN•Il .:u.
thine." ill tilt Idrilirh h't•urral cit.'
wr, and If • one-third of then[ :in
.•I.'ted, as i• .•+timalel, • Ow *Next
noise w111 hair pine a-Iraveuiu. of ---
• • • - as examples. the fencer with about
high water has eitolpM''I wood on the too mill., and the inter with :a.7:. for
re.onstruetion of the piers al G,'•. public ea•hot'I supporter- tool :.' -4 for'
rrich harbor. Wher.• Mow/ all the-eparate school snplorter-. Itarrie
w letrr YonN• from. and whee .vat t ..iib 4'1 Itenfn•N '••`'h 4'. au,f n*illia
When the P,kc I..% 44 -
pert• so ,
A Reasonable Question
(Cheeley Entrprime)
With the probability of co,L*4 Udated
achoola to tuwnshipn being ulA.ablisbed
When the school law is revlredl tel 4
fall a *l gr.l11I4 apportioned oat a dif-
ferent basis, it may Nonce about before
long that town high schools will°carry
on only menhir work. With the proba-
nal af-
t,wouldil'itlit •Ix' ane in ir,iill-adviw•t1
Indict for towns and villageo to bur-
den the Iuunicipatlity;\with adtUliuns
to the present buildings or ending
new sehuola for ,av'uwtary education?
Plant Trees
1 Milverton 511j11
Mr. -\h-sander Holmes, ofM''sr44
lou. apart from (wing :f progressive
4 I farmer, io a firm lielieler in refum.trl-
W..u A
and '•Very oe t (butt lu• 111+
tr'i'. at frau thew t" fuse pit lar.' ave o
jar++ and in this way keel(, up a lar::,
acreage of bush which in another gel
emotion or. two wilt he of inealrulaolc
'ated. - emcee a should iN• taus- uble�
sed by re are
and others every •Skin Tro
when'. There an• uu Neon farm n,okr
:ld comer. and nuuly rough and 1111
I,r,.rllctLcl• ,orrious where trees could pAY heed to early symptoms
Iwo courenicutly (dallied Nithlynt lloiug of skin disease I At the forst
Harm by shading crops. 'frees aid ill
Int Willa Moisture Ill dry .carotis• pr, sten of any unpleasant rash,
----- ,'.le 'a refuge for bird,'. the greet irritation or eruption, anoint it
.•-tnoyer• of ins'eto which are such a with Zam-Bok. This quickly
Iuen:We to the growing crepe, and. soothes and heads off disease.
THREE GREAT IY/LITII'.A1. itis..1*11 .1,. I.. NECK .1\l) \ '1io RA('IS 1st Major a4one ;144. add beauty and value to the Where akin i• •Ire ady atlwith
\t'i, •• It1111.N"nNui•L: ,.f the• ,i:ll1•. of 411%4.lulinu4 *oatluatfo11 and r.epluu day. \l; thew farm and the IatiiI alN• in general. .\ ecrema or b poiwnea sore or clue
pini-•+ u. ,•"••,' Britain arc orl,..a rnnufng -tart with 4:overflown, leadership a4 the ' man who hits planted and tlurtured u' rated, Zam-Bukuthe one goatleheial-
leadcr.+ Jr,,.•,, also.,. hscr kllooN-n: t11c.ri,le.•t. of "thee a sad s1'rvedl WI (ries Minister, which regarded as beautiful nese lute. not lictvl lar vain. I Ing balm that `eta right at the root N
f 1 I .. ell The three portnatto above have just ewe:, '••",•ivwl from the trouble. Zam-Bukexpels Coma•,.
London an , toe .•plv11dl,I character 'nada,- ,.1 t .•leader,:
lit. bleu.
'ii.- or t I.• : 'r mnerotlri 1a.e'f nli. 111 V ,.•
I Ii Ito bleu Ir Lluc,l t:wirge lief! I.:!w•ral chief-
h r d �• people buy o!d hlruivart•. i and grown new clear akin.
R I kw I Brim \I I ier and betide•r , f the 1 t. r Illi/ r+ achieve )t l t 1
rr eueortonal healing, soothing
taiu: Int. 11 .
St:w ry c t mt4irlrllNs wr + e he Al Ole ten, 'F Zam-Buk'.ever-nedycharacter and_ -
Ram.ay Ma Donal•,. held of the Soci:1li-t {,arty fright,. I raising a chieve.-Wuudltol•k Sentinel
_ - -
Examination of t', 1•,ok. n Get • boa of ells great herbal baba •
fact. He WHO g:: Ity, but he served
' Edo L'Plu\ OF t'.tlil'. to -der, and keep It always handy!
10 time in the penitentiary for the
ofTculr. Chinaman Developed Dainty Goldfish
. Mra W. Oala"bN4 of Bonny River
The Incident s: niy meul..ry un- , Sta:,00. N.B . says:-" Watery 'rap
ell yt•urM often' - I net ' my old From Little t/11ve-l:Iwy Carp. coo. •n .r daughter'. rete aria . se erre
. /fl'n•Ild and int n:, r -e of the 4•on- It wit our Chiueae who dc4c404 d wssd• turned ie ae en ►dos. .• WWII e.n. eero.,
lot. two wird 4!► are ill lis.• with t'nll,i _ serration I sail "•\\ I: hr*'gN•nr,l to sad cultfvalyd the dainty goldfish
• Z. B+k 'nee wm cl..r.d e s ►e1.d e„
:cid three years ago?• which lust year !VIA Ott mill`. read Io:w1.:I. 11 • 1 •l'hc ,optics „f t4. tones?" Ilrt u. , .,1 ,,111,'
.la 1"114. 1"" from lh
• • rrich'.. rate tont yr.'. NA, 4:►Ii n1a4,. article ought 1'e changed. To eeak that was not hi- nani•I. TM...1• •tow Inhabits their own ponds -perhaps ill
• aw nrtilrly 1 eagle ti. two. vuuth•4 sooty 1 gat[ : Jour:: 4' Int - ,! to rchlru imltrtioa sat the Kuldeu ash Utr: IU
'fhe grain blockade. caused Ly the The rate for this atone I mo cut yet boort' 1 the moor,. Hr ,1. rr ;Il. ,y Ile went oae of the eight symbols of tl:Y liud-
fuflnre oil Ili }:urlilkau Iuarkr;4 to +trunk. and the o1M.le there's .an .'Three'We•ks:- 'Poriianteht has Newt to the States. \ •:fling leas heard , dha. The Japalleae then Ipuk h p the'
alw.r1 1114 huge ytuintitie, i•f l.he:*1� •lgot-w4 not its e‘ i'h:44 to be. imi Nitre., Week-, more or h•s=.`in' itis•.tw. from him for seta or eche mouths1 industry of reingethetu..ail. it •
offering. pn.mpts i. yneaiol aa•L11Iuvl 4 rat.d, l.ul to ee'* if •`,: r:uuua i.1 wel''r sing what might IM N•rmrd �ui11ur Then my friend h.•::w to receive n•- 1 They- produced
tar•u1. mltUu.rs from hila. Ile ,rrpldel the its tuLr is boa of trilling gossamer
long 1111• We -tern country ,at g on trut.eaetltnnc in Pest 44(14 •t affairs. The entire amount- :. rnrue,l to Canada.' neat and !Any other kinds.
increasing its wheat acn•,ge and pro-' • • • Il(ItJot tong :Igo de.•L.l.•,1 to 11 411g'' became prorperon.e.:., now -married and . They are working now' on a ".dra-
I i ti n from :war t•..e.r :cel r:..11 find it lul: conte to I _ that 'limns; the for a IMlitic:Il I.,ra•4. Mr. Vrlt•r mrcnpsflig ei pr..n .:.,•nl . i,Ia't• in the you -ash," in tulitatton 4t another
i 1 `t life f d our Western1 ash in-Ghidese myth.
Reties-. septic value have won for It a perms-'
the I -- sent plan h over a mllllec homes.
I3u •R J. 'beachrnan
(irocery Specials
Get Your Supplies
at Sparr's Grocery
and enjoy the best in
Choice Groceries, Olive., Orangs•,
Bacon, Eggs, Mutter, Candy. etc
Carrots, Beet•. Tomatoes. Leaf or
Head Lettuce, Turnips, Radish,
Onions, etc , etc.
Ionil m and I,'..k aroulnt. A trial
,Inl,•r Ni44 t' 1141nre y.,n.
}'or Your pr.tectio It
Sparr's Grocery
' 11,e -. re of 1atishtcti,•o"
Hamilton Street
Goderich Phone 146
1\1' II}!.I\ FR IN 1'I'WN
e little olive -grey carp that an:. tam 1a • sur•...Loa tear "
w:tr il,ahii ?:;11(8471.4.1..1...1. n.+',.uK sal
:1 market 1114 - .\1111 :1111 blat lY.4!. auot6rr : \elllot. 4'121 111
rYr-I:t•111•r:11. N'a. �••" -
• nrstima; \1'111 -;••111 motley bringing Ihrga`t.nlarar hli.+c,ulueratliuna t Yer haled a• the mark foe the looting. It criiminal." saidutio Ifr`end, -if eI h d.. to contendnWith. not the have leas, heir
y enemies
imitiient 1i trVtll Eur * to settle 1•.11,11..4 Al 11.1000. 1 ,a.. hate b.,`.4'all w:ls -.wino; in the lir."' ,•a -e• that the 'sent him to jail :sol ruined hie life''' own cannibal pa seta. i
I'N'r.lern 11uI11ar':,nd know• more. wlieat'' placer.• and til r •::res greed._ carr.- pallia• - the votili4l 111bI1c, "nen a11d "lit Men whom sotto. call bad, Their Is a nighty contagious end
IMNi n year and d.Ir �nist filo n•„ire 14,111011 from one cud 4.1 the country to 1 tt11,1 .” rntuL ..f„ o.1, deadly runs; u+ also which M ••*4•'cial-.
. r • • stemma's,' rt Year. ,r sal' 'ill lthr. ,ol-
-• wN*IItY the :nh•i��1• trod- laorr for tnkin, rty pli11n•. • to the other fere trtalN•nd,Nt-1y lutrre•at-', lar ni•n whom `onc• burr devu:a ly IlaDlr, iubr.rds. the delicate arts o
I. in 4*.' t rd ill Ole a11e1iuuleut of n {o:uuaster ltfvtne. the fancy
I "hf ' .1:4'•k lhaul1' ohm, i'1M,h. who es a phl..• tsii11Y4 lent ) t '1'o ttdi the 1 fled 911 hof sic :sal,1 blot Th.' cooumun kind, hose,. r, grill
er••,1 by iFN• Toronto new -pa torr ori tr i
Nit. ,thiliz,ir the ta•r1,-:urd'hel:0,..:.'.N••1''••-•moth, the Webb..- diie'rt give• a- tinker's i hesitate drew the Iillf hardy cugutre They cola.- overlent!:
1:mw 4' •4 ..• .i one, u.u1d .i...1 tion • ,. 1 III.. .,f , ten thousand op. mor',
I L qicicilizlrhnr, I "titn:1le,ii tio11 who .eatre,l r!1at lslni,n- Ie•rwt•en ( to... lYherra:...t 1111+ pack I lt.
(neer Pr"Io.iti.,n. is 1,idrntl}• not hi+IifY.--e►1taNa.I•':rn•L. packed in a tic container uuly .we
lar pu+pnflle. 31 rifle tells happened'
greatly appreciated The ilydro slogan ae,,,,t. what ,,f- .. v.„ 4 ,_, , ,.. , ,
and the mxll tear :el soli I Tr '1 .' [lir lark „r a 1'•••+tu.rl-:,•rl:rn• feet in d1a*,• ter and one n d• ptl,.
tutrnvRr.i but fly -hould er:,, i+ tut alapa.seqn-IILbe; Yet drhtna ell route are I'l Il :a .u.
ix i• }:Ind l' •k Peace Other Things • lmia Watch Turns 1'p.
it l at aas-I, has iudllhtl•.I A I in'rosier tch 1,i i lar.• Na
rrpafrinK eatabllahmenl, and dontg
to Pour.,• of other bumming was ot-
M--private ,omiainy offer, 24 contract at mats than he won „haat- got one •,f .1mac. la ;r
? l......e. air-\g.,--Lz, for
boss tips hydro'. test. the biros' Iw•:I1ing luck . D.•/-7.: Sit hr could who Haired n political a
county editor tells the Tomato Papers hate done It, at'' y pride. and 111, resat? The 1leroou mishits.
` with
Hydro Electric
The People's Power
C••k by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
-- ton
that "nno•y know *oohing of the loyal r, --'.r.4 will endure t centuries after plates did n•,t ferry --t,• , It et, ., •• still goes un. .
:1 q.arrut'y rhlntglu that be did. [••red a sel:oud -hood. sliver wa
•'o11dit'.o11 311111 their atrnmpt tri ill- ;,,, •tl.unpiuu p.: t is tenon,11 I Com. t to the States less then which, l•• was told. had been left fur.
the rul.iet was diw.rsad • few A long The ioimigratinn from
nne11-e the 4M J4 • is me:.••!4 .,' 1ouch Motet' ea not err 1 -iii pa, 4, If` repair oc•r own clan prcvluuolr, •rad
tion• without very great and fruitful •hp Increalaing. 'The total, had n, I4 •r )r, n told.
h ed. en l'.,ug d
w:l.ned effort". - yo1, look hack •r the 'ont.'tau,I .11 rr"ulr.+ •n:gratfon ha.increase.1 material: -y. Int and his ..urpriae wa:; u,�bl:unded
• • • Ilan„ = d Pier. I1 you silt Mid n small • loather ('asP :; the .Int year. l witty, n rh.se lisp, Ftlnn (u say nnth•
The '1F 1110 )4.1 or tele4 ho make nn 1 rololr ,N1 „f riN•m :Ill 11 heel t.. per; '1'hcrl a lo•tuw+ter loin ill \.•w I 1 111441wment woos *ever leas. 1'In ine of In iracrlplion Inside the char)
Itru11+w 4* 1. flu had Iwwu living on Ili. -ploy sleet 4. at :a higher Iecf•1 than ever peon, -d it t- be one which h•• had hoi.t
a rgtiulail for the detger paters ay peso ..'us ,�! we•alr?' tulrl. diol a. few Ii 11*. generous -1 slid of ,144 per 'a u*um. Isefbre.
Miter. hi Reece in 19i7f
ilie grain hlock:t.le at (Await •tiJIlI in, t„ -,m. w4,.. v,'re dr,•Idwlly lour.,:,' it Il^Ist I4':-oiving that for the .e•r- Molly I'err are reporting re'lni l --- - ----
. of fort 4 ..44M,rli'-an.I Montreal. Dill There gree pndwrbtg s'•.'re. ref neon un rice- he tendered in Ile handling of ,11.+6.111 re"„ipts. 1t •
1: •':g.. u .d I)Irinlegi•nang.
under tr•>e111 .'rllldlliote: more Nheat Ill. ,.„11 ! 4a1! who cu111,1' whip the 'lbs %laJ.'vtt's Mail. tte111 '.herr in hi• 11 is shared thou In,"ID. tax thisrrumblinc ,• rayiti,Y
u 1 Ir, ouul The inspector for 1Ile db.- year fins t+rt: aid more promptly. one I H"; t ,' ,
e. reaching Montreal than �:in lw Rot d:iy f chi« tete ,f I:eiw '1'11111 ,.r Jack 1 i stay . neem cheerfully:.
that $9mr.n. . is being ape lit to pr
„t fent.e iter him :uW is -.••m- rhai neigh; alrh•` vent- i! f...1.`.. -:nen the sea. Th•• Mnit!
no ay from that 1M.rt. why spend toil (hill ' 5 4 they fern aillillg to gr, ill :n arrangement w•a+'wail• by eht, li Than r.Mlla 1, :hough there i+ !Myer, a I,l,ari1 is 111•• remalos et •a tract , t
li,'1,. .'4 usury 111 s$.M41 np MIIIIr11N'l1I` for 'hit «Irl ..e thing: • it i` 1pe.•n1144• 'he gentleman was h. pay ba,•k :he gny,4 .ion! of hilarity about j,,irf"e ill• -land 14414x*. '1 uutoed r:aratrLou war ::,t imolai .only increase the co•14W14 Ulen• are com;nr:,tiyrty few f1 «wane """4"."4._.4 1m the Ikeptllrrmeat. 'lobo• ill- coie las Ip,t•sise of Um, bale of W4:h••
u,.p et Jloutn•al?. In .,reality the _cora ,e4 111e n•tun, ..t :he \Te art I.•_ enter h, talk d 1 e , "e -o".1
ho 'w• 1 rtya•b:!Iter,. that `u i1 large 11, 1 .y. 'Thal awn • :i1. a fairly gen- :Nolo ere.. , : the M•st and one tinny ` —
• blockade prove., Met went facilities• pence :.re par n( to bring uQ a fight. , I„air 11,1 ort the• art of the instw.•I,•i•. phi,. t t. ,. any dun in the lathers'
' are. more titan suitilcierat,to get tile. 1,:11 let 11- w'e what followed. the repot • fr rin the North West 4 raft -
The I'DM:ma-her returned •..,.me or,1!enler-' .t--",!itllm of the expectation
Nail Carriers and Their Pay 'he money direct to the Ii•tw1rtinent of a very lar a eMp.
1Sta!„r:11 };xp•+ihrr4.
anal then I.e' ill 'lied -nine of it .•rer to \' s' aloe r'i'•,Illy leicrea-eitlg our nal
I;r.• inslw•-h'r. :unl the ill -'w. -tor. it ,l ucth.11 iiPer. The nit prolmetion
Statistics i•.ue,} at Ottawa 14 - .\ rete %%c.•6- r,4i0 the .411041.011 of re -arms. kelt the motley t,.,, long. he did ,.f the Turner \'alley ie• growing.
muneratiun r. rural In -01 r..nraer. „d.; t'.•niif it to Ili.. 1',..I 41(41,1' Depart- .\ernpla11.• in- lrrverfng ' the North.
O.t . boa W Intone. Item pone
.t+d•7, Ow• MM ?wig. f 1M
Z.wr era Y a.s*, re. oohs
grain to Montreal as fast •a+ it roan ix•
from 111;11 pert.
• • •
rhat'th,1arh, ..till leads all the other ,.n me u; for ,!i-, n"+ion In the non -.. .of uu•nt ;1r pirongttc :1` he onzht to Irby• -coating for minerals. There is talk
I'rorincer in agricultural (ruin. -i fon 4'nmmon. „t, .a -motion, .lo put this remitted it. and .• the !apartment :•n , f INlilti'n_ pilo lit.• front 4.81/4,0 17
The fhPlre' fur 4ts '. in niill.0.11, of •Ind- 1,r:un'ti ••f the .0.'11 te•rt1.i' nn n IMO -:I her the.Lt.pwr•f.r. ♦•o\\'Lulu.•_ •„,erre gn4 for the,h.'it•
lora are: Ontario. :euros: -,1",,hh,.. -:'':try las. .1 1..1 With lel,' more in 'That look. like Leine pretty'. -I -e td, •u, .4 rl,. 1'rnirl•• nletropmdir. Thr
keeping with I1 work they haws. r r the rod of 111.• •tori. bet mfse•,1 11•• 11,11 1,'•• I:. Itnllw'ny will .aeon he
wan. ..rJ.G; ttlh•IM•'. S77-:.\IM•rti. :ha; 41,,411d rhe 4,.•nl• and_weitlN•r r.a,,:i . 11,-1? there• Nora n acetoin an.'nnt of Ihilhe,i: will the Welland I':Innl.
Manitoba. lis s: itri'I-' t'nlnlllhia. ti,ol• u,.1.•, a^ di they hole to work. lofty jealousy. tvher,• one Golvnu111'nf 111.111 we may deepen the 'St. 1.,Iw•-
rat 7; Nora S,,aia. In i s \en' Indo,.- 'Pini+ 11.'?L'1: N ,- 404444 down by the •„tlfclnl didn't think he wt4 ;felting a." relic... 1.1141,1 1)1Y rhlgtit•,•ro Canal wh11)1
„i, Is. ::1.::. 1'11114. I:,Ili.lyd' I`iand'I I:.n,•rocu.'l,: r„i 111' eery ,:,:o.,d h'a4mn fair, 1$ deal :w the othrr4 in re•:ar,1 4,1 Senator Logan. wants air 44 It. lieedh?
Mir. to .aril .aeon I
cueh a (tat would I.ru414 11 t. Thee• riling., ci•ro•ral4, . e4i (114.4. Then the only thing re -
.I .7. The ;.til 'tali,- of 1'au:t,la's, en;nil .,n :,.; .,!tonal r•y1M•11,lit'nre. „f ..leaking. tire the core+• of I:ol,•r11nt.•nt nlmftlrlit wt'. be the building of the
agff.'nlenral production I,r }ear, wt544 seversl in; lit .. of dollar, in the die- ser'Icr. Je:ihnlry i. the Witch - broth.' l'rirnr• i I,. .rd island tunnel. Om”'
al. hnIMw1,INml, :4. 4.„9141,1 1.,id ii Ai, :511:1,• trihntiol .or 1 1 11 Mild. where The ex- There are three (bars 1r, 1411X11 the', i-• s trodi ,etltage'� —
•f:17,ImN1 at the beginning
•�f 11:e ei•n•i lx'ti,litlr•• iM .,Lead, heavy euouglr. grim -i••• -Ire ethihits froefr. lite first , - - - `
The I:%;,' -steer 11•lieves. • .u„I has i. in doriN•`tL• rnfatimnr, where the mntl, V17uir Finding Fault?
tory, Ontario r. gr 45111:. ', 4.revionsl. ,-••:Itt•.I. flint the rural b....om•- .nt•pi'•ioI.k of Iii+ wife. or the! - IN rkt•111 Gazette -
• • • l nail ,""rl•', 4,•, eh, work he does and o fe Is., . ,nisoleie 14 of the hl," e'en •you inwglnr a wnnwn Fn a hoop
the em11.lirirk• ,hider whirs l.• has to land. The aa•r•nnd"i• fu 1011i/H14 1•r,, rkirt Ia•hiud the wheel et a ear? ('an
\ dew -bailer ,hr+patcll from '1'ur.nu", do this work. i, the poorest paid min I r„Peirce. whern ,inch men fm4.+ that
I gun Iuulgine a woman with IeMt.o-
-late,. that the 1h p1rtmett of Iligh• in the f:,,,erwnetit-eo,ploynent. 1r the other fellow i- 11.4141,: The better uwt,.n sle..",t,
•w .queening Into the Ir:H'k
ways hal. it. ries i, 1'ror1ncial highway the -one • al.• the remedy f••r tl, s of Trim. Tie thir,f i` in rhe II
,nw• ..f +,ext with .rhhe's P load you
.4tn1e , 'off' '.lea largely in the soil Common.. irherc sunny nine.. n nrnl i-
running from Windsor along Nie .hen i ------ a woman'with n storepilw•
onr:er - ha Rural mail mutes afraid to do what h.• nnght to do or , „Ieipt w, t':It tMt a natural walk
of lake St. Clair t.' the month of the are 14,4 4,y ',re'. -r nod :14 rang nM teen ' .lees thingo w hi, -h hp ..hmlhtn't .111.
war Linin•-ihle, playing tenni+ or
'1'hiuile, ,rotting the ricer thorn nod coulinnr I , 'render at teal rid 11.4111.11., forret, b.,-.1li v• 111• 4. ,i. :I lens ..f the• «titballot c•,0 you Imagine a seems
•ontihming along the easterly 'Imre 1,f' Ile"re.:1a,,.nr'ilnte Ille•s:11:.ries tinder n-.,rk or •n11a• other man :unl he want” wearing :, a+tlr end a denied skirt
1;12,', is II1ty err nnu workfuR.'Ito 1•r,•ak ecru will dim .n, the ere it :u cede ...replant?
Ile laky and nlnhg the Sh 4'Inir Ricer ;%4411.,i6.141.,4 :will Imo wy reltmin wii're t1011I of co11lhat when, x111 the n':l rein it
to Sarnia. Thi woald 1e the M.rattr it Ls. 11 i` rhe[,"crier+ them.e;ce+.'err in .ighr If not. r!,,, Nene to fln,1 faith with
the clone, tarn by the modern, act
eery end of the Blue Water highway.' %On, helve :',-, . Iv' .:andllyd '•f NO 111..111. i It'+ :ill eery Intern-th1K. chi+ ,ave f woman
:old If thine-e-tJon from 1\-iid•..t n, 1''r the l;'''''',a,.•br, anti 16c-t:uofnnl rin' x111 1...+tmaotervhin. it .meson-
."1". .w alai '"'' 41 re "1"1„ t„i." a ' :,n•nsing p'•.•Mft'illltl.. 'KmL11+tl11c'•
liutni:I 'Iwron,er a 1'rnyiu, ind rood !t lot of rd11,•arl.4, and a 1114 of fta,klotie our bank manager. tet their nn1111
so not likely that the taking pier Ot to bre•.k 11 i. ,, front ft. mooting' trhigIt disco^ the fact i►�. A
II, rube• lilt,,' \Triter Iiiglns:14 I,y the' 4:rnerttnn',, • are net the wild +IM'n,l- • some tonne rhnp in erne of the Ira?
thrifts many ;eoptr i,,.Iier,' 111.•114 4 al ,/res oho drfl*'ted and got :114111 will, • Province wnnhl be 11ntK delayed. `�
Iwo. nor are he, In any n•,tirnhh• eV 'a certain .arm of mons}. The :nnlal'lll OIM�, 'T
• • •
tent girel, 4., •.•n'!er-heartedt.w•s. When meeting of 'the 4'. P. It might be trade
.% hook that sho11lie • of not, -11 it, a r,1:r,n
1 t.•,Ie•e
r ,.:..ocer ., �rtalll rent,. interesting by tie •lisetis.I,rtt of :AMP 11 Aline Michaell.
n re end Y:Ilnt• to farmers hits Iwrn at n "413fi pr,,',•, rhe t;otermirent may ''otulul•tor silo didn't troll rat all thel
mr mat not k,c.w that the figure 4. , f:nr+ M e011e4•1P,I. While n v11111'11
i.aalu'd under 1 Ile title "FLeld an•l entirely •fnad...pl te. bur in either e, -I' confer.me or nese•mldy might 'Feat,,'
.l'arm%ard" and Marr the name of li experts the lyurk will iso done al the interests of .om,•lndc wit,' rook
Hen. 44)41.1171 l:.n 1oyll as editor. flat figure. and. moreover. It win ear fhe rnnprr. from the cnlle.•tlon pl:ile
that it i. 4'm• 1 41hnt I. :worming that enrq'r'rs are
Shire air ,bolters on such smbJt,'ts 11- 1':srry man who Ls covering a rural lent! tort MI the eolle•tI.m Ware in the
0'11 etiltienti,al, era111 ..rotre. mnrhl cry mail route today knows now, If • hr older 4'.04.1,1004 of ('omnis P.
•and other farm topic., lout the part Len• didn't when h.• fenderwl, whetter oil ,t14afire arid Nrrty
ler fnt,re•+t of the hook -is in the• sr- '-f"-h"..' h.• h Io Lng paid a lli•tng wage for Ilse inn hardly envy the po+irion of
work hr is 1linc. if hr hsrnrt, heI
cries mI lire -ts k. with many 1111tH -
know., what iii+ next tender should be. 'a 1' n•tmn.ter4/e•ner,.t In thew• P; rrnlm
fratiou• of (rIze animal+, find the, and he .elen,ld pmt It in at that noire. 'Ian a••. S"1nr 4Mrr't '
. rrre•iving
ser, "4)114 reseed for hl+ .teryfcr..
,Atrtr{nine of heading breeder., of abitk I If nnll,fhr lanhnl Iood �a eon lir, r ,tan, as •Illet ^f w,lii�hl cetM none with sonde Inmney whJch
in cantos. \1 r. Nor+h Rlt la rniw eon does
not lietong f.. him lu.l ice of
lr w'1+e 10 tnk0 enrlagh Inter t end to ,,,'ries' suggests that the man ought t..
fleeted with the advertising tow ofI tienungh inthetiee to Mee that hiM 1, spot to the paviilrntlan'. The
4'orktfe;i. ill-,wn It Co, Toronto, from tender i. not ,md4Kbld. feteh co -opera
minimum .entrnrr In a rape of tM.
whom r41(11.4 of the 4..nk may he lord• thin would tend to the nd4an ,,lo. of kind is three Prole., and the Idltc er
• • • . est 11' parties, The hltholder, at prflr vein who .nRerr thio temporary relapse,
Nit. may not ,act• why he .11"1111 '•nn• u•fm
r ern himself i1, Ihr matter, het the day rerharva ender elrenmaaner. of great
The e'.dlinRwood Itnllefln, whiletempMffon, mme. nut a marked, a
waiting to err what itr lax hill N so., will home 1he 11 110t1 r Is �hI1), '111 , the
broken and a ruined man.
ing to to this gran remarks that POW f-rl.tand in all probability he is 1 recall the r•4ar of n young man 1n
the ether towns have rate+ that aril going to M n -ked to trlrnl l* a sided/in- teenier of a friend of mitre many
yearn aro. ihiring the observe of hie
higher than any ever levied in Polling• I tial ('rare of that POMC for the free Wt.
he took a total tem of CM.
wood. Cobalt and Pembroke are gives' 4hr Ile is now receiving.
('Itiatate Joy
\o acre r,., - old ask for 1(1.11,1• If' he
elm• hit m• beauty in filet 0lger 11004,
1f he inn plot the .Ir•:tn for which
they grotto
1n line or word Ids fell.rw+ under-
rrt n rnl ;
If he can 1,^ing our !Went li of frc-her
Tn' stags:int souls from realms
M'n•ne and bright.
loan charm away the ,+tip.r relaning
And fling wide whitlows open to the
That goal i• flet too high for common
Anil he who trndgen toast -as it,.
Rl,w w111 Md
Before hl. Joy all leatier Rladne.. inlet,
i.1ke esndl•-easae• before a rushing
Wbo verb's troth of halide heath love -
Mrs all of joy • mortal esti pesless.
11',- g'iarannr our Hydro letups
fir 1'0111
West aide of Square Coder -wit
The Advantage of "Purity”
Since Purity is a strong. 'rich flour with great expanding
1 tables/sum less per cu if your cake recipe is foe
or soft shoat flour. IfFrttilk is alled for, use half
milk and half water Iluke-warm) when using Purity
Flour as milk alone tends to make the cake dry.
98 -Lbs.
iA et, *ale
best �
I',e Pi cues eu'i,e Flour. •' teasprwut salt, 1
cup •h,xtening. 'Nrue rnld water lg.. Ito.,
an.l salt, rutting in the •h••rtemna until the
minium it bkt fine meal Mil ekor•.ushl• .1.11
the water R„11 out thin. keepingit dry This
palstry •ke crust
u.e half butter and hall rd aero r141
Western Canada row min. Co. Welted
Toronto. Oat. 97
A demonstration will prove
Chrysler performance leadership
Drive a Chrysler -"75" or "(15" -
and you cannot help but understand
why Chrysler successfully main-
tains its performance leadership.
To try out a Chrysler in traffic is to
gain a thrilling new conception of
how eager, fleet and smooth fine -
car acceleration can be -what infi-
nite safety has been attained in
Chrysler's weatherproof internal -
e spending 4 -wheel hydraulic brakes.
To open the throttle wide nn the
broad highway is to feel the exhilara-
tion of steady, effortless high-speed.
To negotiate a steep grade ora
winding hill is to relish the satis-
faction of boundless energy and
power, ever at your command.
\'et it is only logical that Chrysler
should give such performance. If
you were to have a motor car en-
gineered -to -your -order, you would
unquestionably insist on every one
of the advancements in design
and construction which, together,
endow Chrysler with its masterful
•-.yha/ir Mei-wmpes,i•• epic of Chrysler
"Silver. Mass' "ri.si"ls . . i-hewrb[eewwter-
weighted creaWaft . . Cr..kiluft impulse wee -
inshore . he -there, /saw .Strut pistol,, metre
naj from, reefs . Raelrr eerier me.aH•f,.
C:111tYt1.F.R "65" -Mai 4.dy style, hrieed from
11115 N 111.0. . CHaYx1.HR "75" Nle
bsdy shlss priced from 11915 to 11050 Wirt
wheels eeere. A 11 ".ices f. •. b. Wi•/mr, Ori•,
t•eleji•r .M.jarit fa••*ty pwillee.t
(jreirhi awl Yah mem). 2 1 •
TORS 44 11 4) 4) 11 C T
til . W.