HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-5-2, Page 8t+ 'fhair•41it)• May 2, 1929. MOTHERS' DAY, NIAY 12th Get your eerds.:•arl,v Gal( Supplies Golf Balis 7Se, SOc. 351 \!I ow p•,Irnhtr n,ak Golf Clubs, steel abaft, $5 and $6 Wood Shaft $2.00and up Golf Bags $1.75 and up Tees 25c box SPECIAL Set of Four Clubs, includes K ood Driver, Mid. iron, Mashie, Putter and Bag, for $10.00 COLE'S BOOK STORE Benmiller Nurseries BEDDING PLANTS r ,),,• t• a Annuals and Vegetable Plants for this Spring Now i• the time to set out Golden Arre Cabbage and tarty Cauli- flower Piaui* to have them ready for use in July tarn •,'t• (,. .r t it,n •rr.,k. STEWART 'BROS. Phone Carlow 2l1 R. R 4, Goder,.6 Female Help Wanted, 1C(. have )•.,.1)1•,11.. ter twenty young %mown no our :spinning (till a115-raeater Finishing Ili -partition'. Thnn,u¢hly ,n,..lrrn. bright cheer- ful Mills. !e N tont we•rkn,g condi- tense SteadrSeek asstared. flinty of •' q.e►tfinity for advancement for stilling worker.. We are really to accept beginners. .11•Idy I,rotuprl) by (chert.. THE P -K MILLS LIMITED Listowel, Ontario Notice to Coro Growers "Re Corn Borer Act" 411 corn siutli,le and -talk: must either t,l• f)lough.oi1 tlu,ler at picked up and burn,.l,on •,t - b fore the 20th (lay of May.. OSWALD GINN, Goderieh, Inspector NOTICE By arrangement of II law Society of Goderie• the law offices will bI el ed 11-ednes- day-• sperms() during May, June, Jul. , Auuu-t and Sell- tembet excepting weeks with a Inlay;, and during .iuly Ithd August at 4 tr.tn. daily. L. E. DANCEY F., R. HARROW HAYS & HAYS D.. E. HOLMES DUNLOP •THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. - I PERSONAL MENTION Celebrating an Anniverepry.-'A• .11 Meet nig of the \fo.ttm111• J(t.sd.1 Mr. ('her. V. Ilututer ie lwwe fro society of 'sebum , bur• h was held ; tete' University of Toronto. \prig 24th at, clue hone of Mils Belle • • • ,' -httw, marking the thirty-third 'anti Jir. and rte. i Macdonald. •'r.otry' of the found: ,; or the Iurtfl Tuesday. , t .,,eiety. Thur tow.. n p;ood attendant..., Mirllaun, trete in rater on Tutwiay. :1)d among those prew'ut wets three' • " ' ,•hatter members Mrs. James Ham.' Mr. Jack llebcruaid• of iltun of Guderirh, 'tin Helen 1'I:trk +la'udMtg'tte wM•t at his Rutile brre•. and Mr... A. II. ('•htlton. Urs Terence • • • Ih)11Ie presided :ut,1 '1r-. tete•+., u. Mr. Keith Revell, of N'vudstock, Luwjy spoke, welcowing the visit- •Itettt the neck -cool out the Jgirental and t•xpreseilti the pleasure of the home. tubers in having' 14'ttli than the three surviving charter members. Mrs. Ih,tn'Itua re*p,nded with some lnter- t4+t.r:: remarks. Mimeo!) tea• ueade or tit.• etre Mrs. Arthur A'iall:im•. also n clutrter member, who teased salol atTay last ere i.er',,, and wile always took an ' , • ,,•rest in , the Society :shill' re.ident o1' tale neeighlN.r- t he contention i.f the pro :taut a .tut ict'•Ial huff -hour was • • • • • Mee Alma t'ux •was to 1'lettnille on Saturday' alteudiug tete tuuerul tit a relative. e. • •.. )Ir. and .Mrs: Ilio, Farr Lure re ()anvil Moue lifter *pending rite wvu- I a•r ,u Strafford: • • • • Mr-. M, t'. tw'ausou` boar- returned bootee front 4t .1kercitle, el ,r • • •.•:1,.• tient. .p•. of the winter months. • • • M i'.1R.1AI( rNT 1l:.,e Iola 11.RIi; eq, of or.;u, is the teirer ; her cousins. 1tbe• a!:•-,•. I. t;; 1 \I. o �'I 11,rtl :t0.- it and tl .. '•f t:att. ,.IN:,r the • . • V l' 'tehahaw. Miss' Iter•. Tti',<'. Ford, of Dresden, and t' 1. ', • arae l with then: tt,":.. 'fhu-, . lluosty, i f Kiiikora, here t; -.rots i► town this' net•1. It.he•rteem, %)merits el reel. 11 • •h hett. ;,4c'eu1- 11 r. :,fid Mrs. J..t': Moss, of 11'uu,l- - .t•^ s•'>J4l,t 111.4 4itrks•oei will, 14 :. \I yr 11 frefierd., o! eio t .t: 1.n+n azul at l►wugaul , o tt• 411,1 lits • • • 11;-. -4ui*'lie 1lethetington. 4.,f the 41' .:In•( 11..-.. 1: \I.. • Iilliu, of ,tract o; 1Vl:ratley coutititwtiuit ...It- . lllttt. RIC1 "f •o ern• 1,;;,•:•; air, and Ltlt :.I: col x t; ; 1feretelin -pro: a ,,e,•;.,.et,„; ;,t l,er lanae. lt: 1 well-known re- Colts,rte I I r.:, I. rise. tee etshi e, t,nulop, • • • Ir in the Iwo •d Mary Pot- fa ;tut. ter.' wife of air. erre 4:Boldon, t • e ,• Jen, .l. (cowl++1)d h:1) •,.wd aw-ay at ,( ..r., hospital, b low•, l.er home zit act. Carmel •.. : ., • .,..er;rh. t u . a'... •",'1 +4•l' let [lea at .t Peter.' Oa 1Nmaday even), _ .t youth -tuition servlta wits heed el 1'c)er's church. grow, f lit. Rev. AL.. ... a 41 t lees/ed t '!bronco, uttkiated aro awfatod 0 Iter. F'atbera Dautrw r, • r St. CuliW ban of Ktko(lardle, of .1•hti•�d, 1'ayurffr gU*thle, ala n1, of $t• Jo aneldr. $ulllvrn, 1)t 1'..::' u. UirIcklru � of 1)ubltu. and Cami. .. of Guderleh. lth.hop HeeDotutl ..-.-treerted the gathertug cud oot,f ihe rite ,.0 untirwuttua up t, tl :lowing fifty- fonr children: Jutut \l . •'au. 'i'htrwue l'..it, JotrW) Daltue t, , -a liatchler, Marie J. , Hot 4.e, (:. • .1 t.1) lt/..luc. 1litrenee (;)troch+ ;••!•art Spueiu, J"'st'llt O'Brien, Al. rad ('tratetlu, Marieleltae Uer,tmett, r:uta'!s Mero, t';alre Ituechler, yt ,.,• ('lurwuut, 1largun•t Vero, Vet 1'haten, Doris'., 1'hwh•, Jtargare1 M, ; . I:erre )lar- �'is• Elleeu O'Brien, .'a t;rat, lulu 11'etbb, Luci . :nit.. .Vtua tl'Jlrien, Clara 11'ubl, l ,ward JtRrey, Raymond lean, Jit!. t, oink), Mary itatrlta'r. Mary See . •. t'y-ril (tut. 11,4)11, .Llltlt, K, ..:'. 111H11Giw Iturke, ltobert i'bah• r thy Burls, Mariuii Lttul•brw, I1u filer. 1'•o'nel1I) Staidetoe. . .:.:1 R'hltely', It„t,a•t't 1)•l.ae r'.I.t•. • P. ere Patrick Mary Items IttibL, Jeae,p,l 141:41,11171,11Y:„1./.:. Phylll- erai la•'h '1 ..Liu, (trlwl 1' - 4:1•err 4441,1,, Jrn11 ,ell.•, I4•att. Eau in 7 OBITI: R 1 Town of Goderieh QYLAW NO, 11 OF 1020, OF THE ar (x)�RATIO4 OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH. I • I A BYLAW GRANTING A FIXED ASSES8MONT ON AI 1 1T10.N T() THE ,l;it(1 ERTYSOf' 'filE 0ODFRtloit EL13VA'POR AND TRANSIT COMPANY LIMITED, WHEREAS the Goderlch Elevato and 'emelt £onlpwny, Limited, ha fur'many years aucettusfully carried on businer.r et the Tows& or Goderieh and has during that time more than doubled its capacity for storage by additions; and at the ficial sumac( vut4pe by the Clerk on ug up of the persona irate behalf of the teen) d to and promoting or oplrersing the pawing of the sped pro - !sestet i law L ) respectively. The Clerk of the Crunch of the said Town of God otflce in the Tow - will attend at ids ho!u theixel, u Hall, at ten o'clock the of on Saturday, the llth May, 1029, to sum up the num- ber of vote's for and stalest the said protsyn4 Bylaw. • L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. AUCTION SALES A rtfrl»N s;,;Lh t►F plemCRE r faro, farm stock• and implement's, Melee/roe 1ractor 01111)1, property' of $ Bruce 11. Mistletoe. !et 1, c„ttrrsuion T. Ashtietd, ,on Tuesday, May 14th, at 1 seehock. 1'. ` GUNDRY 4 SON, Aue- t fuueeer,. .4ND WI1E11tEAS the mit) Cutppany now proposes to err. en addition to It, preeent plant, which mild addition, wiles& erected, will tnerease the cape - city of its present facilities try our milieu bushels, and will cost approxi- mately $3,4m.000.0p; AND WHEu}-18 the gild Ccrlupriiry has requtwted the Council of the Cor - pore lien of the,Townof Gtolerlch to aid it In its protb6ed project of the err; tion of said addition by granting to the edlid,tbnipany a tixed.assessntetit en its sold aolsetion fur a period of t'tI•- 44411.., eetatneneltig with 'tete rts. se•s.mtvat to. lit- made in the year lir_",►, 1)h fixed it..t ,li»4 rat no1 to 1IlI ludo •14411 taxer, or 'ot•at Itnpr.µ'enlente: AND Wilt-Itf;,t!S by reason of the. +•t til:I1 sash pruptt.t•.J addition will 4•netit the 'rowti'or (r'nderlcll greatly' ort 1.y exlamdttInw'.t large xmuuuts f money in wages In the salil 'rosin rad the thcrea.ed catstelty which will` Hurd tetter fa. -ii 11,.. fur l+u:ats to ell the .olid Elevator, it is deemed 4.v- ••tient to grant tite said request ne- e the terms and ••onditiome herein- ftcr set forth• leen a N4W TIIF,1tleri tl.. the Municipal • „She is Council of the t9.rpurari,pt of the rat . one Tout) of t:,derirI moue:a as follows • $, A. 4 1 i Citrin the Goderieh Elerntur and of l;oil- .Tran•tit romg,tny, 1,1miteet, Putti 1 • James, and •+dultle:Mg during •tic leer N 11 u It :Wile JiicLar : vvae 'tette rt ,'1•, 'nitre 11 • 1.ur with we r :a. tically 111 :i a ow:re:. Vol (311 t4, ,1, • ' e v,•:l ;shit Her 1, .• t : - 4..l had been 1'eeeellu. In 441 for the a 1 ,, , t(ir)e years. - • aa.. in her a ( • •• ••� 1111) <•i¢htlt ...r•, ,s JI;. M. N. M-..14,'.., .,.t- 1.... e• ..kites wee twirn ' Iettlat' .orf at Jou lIl 4414.1 114)1.•,.•••t,%,,,,tt kenwitl .' . ,;rt,., • t._ .: ineu.e tee re. 11 of gbh a lett Mr. .� i 42r the t'obf(•,terwt:,.:, l..tu 1, ,r:utr•e an'd JI n. Tlumas , lea.: 4...•iat' 1'ur rale a Yuntia. ; .'"tb. .lk- :,: I•'fter un.! 100. I set thfrteeire "t' • • • yen• •i re okra of Cottorny 'kir ;1),d airs: )cp;.i,. of Jk•rvit• Loai•,' U. '!'rafner. .,f •`h- -,.- •urrlve•,1 by her and Mr. nod Mrs. Jo.. • 1`.. ,;trice,! is& to4+n Iia Uon•ivy uud •::righter unit Tone 111 a, i.r. near Luanda'. + ., be the guest of Jit I:.r•ta' liay• tlew'itt of aiitcLell .. . 'w.. mottoes. .•r.el11 t:e,.ree, of 4 • In Heaesrliam (4•; ro;Y. 1144L1:1: 11'hv .d.. yeti near it •' 11 1,td . " `ire:.'• n i 1,1 Itt Il,e Wort of my .first .�• e! til Nt 1 (acrd to the Pttm• ft rttwr s easter, Mil. t.. J as t) .It4iut twentJ ago. F'ict. card 1)f, Its present prupertips 1)t the- • - ,.r ngf.•':. Kra), art»•• fl' r, oras three a s „1)r harbor r, the pts! T The tomer fir) • • • and h• • • dour) [•reek, en tx'r cent t 1 1 ..,1. of lop 1 r r nu rx)eusutu an,l ad,1114re 10 .its 111 ha lance q1) ••t) t J. •;,,.,,tlner•.. u; .! \. 1. 'borne totvh„hi .. ,rp.ent slant. el.i%J}e) 1 n_hrer. ) ( wbleh ,Paid t•xtlt)..h:U Iltrt,lare price may remain o yrut tie etre-t•r..i 1)t tt,.• Jpra. .1 r, it t,n ..•st•d ::rad ttdditiun ,will br age with n Mort., '' interest at 6 per event. per menet TF:IcaIS 40N -- - '1'ltF..-('nth CLF.A1tLW -AL'(,TION SALE (]F• o DWELLING AND ALJ. Tilt; ('»\TENT$. We hare received 1tt truolous from MISS NIRA TAIT to sell by public uucti nt In the pre- tuises, (Reeler street, (:uderlch, ea SATURDAY, MAY Atli, tv,titiarueing at 1.30 o'clock, Wattle The property• conei.tiug of 11.1 L017 1 011 (Jueliee• street, on whlt•h there is a, 44'41 -built 1is-ktory frame ho 1 1)•e is& :1 g'.11t male .,f rester. I:t.,el .talent 14 tram, double wluduws, .eltr:1)r 11)114.1 ' rt HMI Neb. extr1dtnnally geed ele.tri,• F thanes wool side lights. A double • Karate and other buildings. .it the stupe time all the bou.t•Luld furni.hluge including. In part: ft 1 arks chairs- pitr;ur tattle., w'nt- Il let; Wallin' SUfn; 41114Plle• *e; ea.) st 1halt.. fitt rt•s, carpet+, curtain.; ex ,+4 tension table; dining cbair.; st.lc '11 tinUNd; •.•sing wuclletap: liuoleur..;• )' IotIttges; kitt'ht•i& ranee; II heaters:. tt ljllcute fol leaf table.' large cute h: hoard: ..hair..; rocking chuits • cool w' all to, eI,4'l; 1, 111,:t.e• bells mattresses and hooks; end springs; ,freVerr•rs • ' rags; dishcy+; glare:ware; cutlery; kit• hen uten+til.: enrolee meet, and nnm- •romt•t other articles. • TERMS »N Tit t: Ceti o w pc,hJ at fink• "of day'A oY'lralf the , NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE afAT•rF;R OF THE ES- I .THE 1A M 1tY ANN Met' AB t 1. T•' A t, (JIIo T1 IE TOWNSHIP P OP I AI3tGF'fE)tyrIN TilE (NY( TNTY HURON, SP,t:NS'1t1OR, Dit1OEASED. TAKE; NeSTII:E Mat 411 credltara, and other[+ having claims or demands► ugalust the testate of the said Mary Alto M,etel •, Who Jird on or about the tett fitly" of Xovetubt& 192)1, are re- quired on or before the 3rd day 'of May. 1(r'!), to deliver to the under - I slgued solicitor full Inrticulare of their claims, AXD TAKE NOTICE: that atter such last weetioned dale the exee•utur Will prl4•evrt h. dlstrlhtue' the 1saets of the salol deceased atnutig the parties. entitle+., u..._ rte, Laving regard only G, the t•ktlut of which tie shall tben • /tare notice, and that tht•04111 eute'utor wt❑ nut be Halite ter the said gala[.• G, :tray IWt'.itl or p ers sea of whose claim uotle•e shall not then hare heron re,eire'•t by ills •elicilur. F. R. D.IIiROW, :It Sulitftor Gutlerlch, (tuturte, for the said Executor. IN 'flit; NI.1T'I'F:It »F', Tin.: fee - 1 4)1' ELIZ,.11th`T11 1'ISIiHR, '1' )11'NeHIP 441' (Y►1,04)It\'E. IN Tl1E ('t)1'\'f tIr iI'Rt1\. 11'1lwip• 1►Et)EASF;I►. 'l'.1KF: NIYrice: 'that ell credlturs, Itd others having cclulius 4.r de•tntudt gates( the eatltr of the stale F:3is$lirttt 'i..1e•r. Nilo die,) on .'r ;INN/ the 31st a) of Utln•h, .1.'14. 1929, are rstquireti u 11r toter.. lite and day of May', 1929, o deliver to the undersigned " ll'i(or ill yctrtieltlur• of their claims., AND TAKE \lYfi('F: that after 1111 1.1.41 tuentionea date the rses•uture ill pr.4•eve,) i . glstribute 1111.11%01104 of 1)' 4t414 d•.•een.e'1 miaow the parties. Wiled thereto, 1144iag regard only to It. r:atuls u( whirl) they shall the•u n4' notice, and that tlo%,•ofd )%)tutors Ill not be II 11 T e ser 1, .0.11 pt,et,,.t. Jus rig that 1e didn't t tt" t'i res lot • J tit.: Mrs. a "nu of (iode•rir ilk, etre • •fth. IGdue•t►- which ,sod ex tetwiou ,is b. Isiwt or the .01.1 assdts to any person o r l'ereona of w'h.Ne ,d:illu- slott.0 .hag not 1heirvhai;e hero rerefte•d l,t their solicitor. - F. R. 1).1 RltO%1', Ood,rich, ((trtale°, :if :4ol:cirur fur the said Exe,•uior. 1 •art the w'uc .1 „''' • ^ ua•r.nl. l'1 l4•tr•• as. Co ,,. 1 olborne town" 'tl'►'r"NitlI tel; $:t(N),(WU.4*) a1. 1 -1"• 1),y rote, it ;, a re Ir•t hr ni.!:e• 11r-. r;<sr. 1.)ttl.'• 'off. 5‘ 111,14' t I 11 r., 1a4,. Fi;; ., 4 liniuu; Mt, hove n cap:r,'it of a• T. G['NDIt1- &'84)N.. ,e hadn't- Montreal •alt .. 444.4'* -!l. with their jaw/lit.. �,. Ketnp. Jlitt•M•.:•len. (:4..t. 11a ml:liotr S hprrx,xtltiate•Iy one 4urtfoneera Star. \).' c, r. ,.stn. John Johns:on. I'• kla°, rillsonbtr huildatt ,, sllele• the quid ;etditiun, rg: Thomas totter ntachlnery, ----moi --" ---- It 1 plant. nod weieh Fa '----- _ d the seta lands 1)l ,n whi h upen • • • e nt.r+cilte: Oliver .[utter, I'lJnton, uu•nt an L'eus.a. and John tl'otter Novel tl WAt____, • WANTED( YOUNG MEN OR GIRLS To learn snaking 'I • • r,;- �I ,i,•. PAY WHILE LEARNING STEADY WOE 14 rite err phone, slating :ag• weight All le•igbt, to The Elmira Rubber Factory ELMIRA ONTARIO Is.IMI Les Vetere' Uesssag tnpset N'. h.t*'s'.n a' 4 r,c.ran• AMC Wer. -• 4..e- ro..•t_r).n, w•- parr 1!. •rtes ••m nv,l .sol .. t+•t. q• • tn,okrse rpt h tri a nr,w'n Ws ''•••r t,•r...'1h'•n• ;,.ttr•••I 1'v sr.: 0') n. c - -,r rsn- ti at 1'•.1, t-orhtc; ,, II6 CREEK MUSNRAT FARMS, LIMITED 614-t6-te 011117Ittct times, Ow Town of Goderlch PUBLIC NOTICE Petitions be the construction ,n cement sidewalks in 1!+211 must 1, tiled in this office ofi or before MAY 15th, 1929 • No petitions aft)•r theabmrdate will be consi•lered in the con -true - tion progratr, of this year, By order of the Town L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk AUCTION SALE OF A COMPLETE Stock of New Furniture and Furnishings We have received instructions from • MRS. WM. SPROUL to sell by piti,li/• auction, in detail, tine large stork of Furniture, Furnishing- anti Equipment belonging to the btl.inesm of the late William Sproul at the Village Of -llung:'emote Ott THURSDAY, MAY 16th* 1929, COMMENCING AT 1 O'CLOCK SHARP, and cont inning mitt! all i, obsessed .•f The stock incl td`s LivingDinin complete�lintnin every l ne , i Keine to numberoof tiDieingl Table`s and Chairs, Fancy Tattles and Cl,Air- t'h,•sterfle•Id Suites, Davenports, Wicker' and Rattan Settee, and ('[lairs r'luffuntene, Detesting Tnhles, 5wee ger., Virtues, i trsl, mf act everything nsna,ly (nand in a ern -clam Fern��iiu•1n• mock. Also 2 Set 411 Double Herne,.., -.'t of Single Mermen, 2 se•t .,I $ktighs, I Fnrnit,rre Wavon, 1 ('atter, Kola'., Rag* and other artitka. This will bee geeeine Clearing Bek, Then nig M ).thing reserved TERMS: CASH T. GUNDRY & SON, AUCTIONEERS and I.a Verne rue 1 rut oral took 1 t il n.:. a I4• 4.e tt.e tr•• P t ani from tl nit" •n r a are the n tutu(! be • •9a t 4 ho veli rk tt me 4 4.c• \ ' d t IF'f sect tl ' � [ t, F ) Dunlop. ht•. . ! • 1 , l .l t , 11 h••1) oa tl et• (1' k ., t .1X T'ur.da l t T • r Ii f r• •., •f la. pw 4.u•.. Mr. wool renewer y .t afternoon h, 0 a tlxed aet•w•sstuen n � .1 , � 1)r a pedes( of ten year+, tie- --- e . The tun- the etre to he ,ree•ted shell be, enol 1 at t f One 11,14 MitS. J. lt. Mr- .1. l: Piet ere, Lunge ''S'�y. The late Fheltur f ,t w metnt4•r of t, J t g mm�g with i u, Glidden was 31tt, i a • r ono the awaeI.ntent to be over United rat to d c• Lunde h rr e u I• In the Ise:, 1'oa e .l'4 i c4. '. 1" Pr l' a[ �' 1. Ih oota SlrLert , . wr , but u., , 1 1)t Mir i t M, h f rad r � t lite. F', (:. Y+ arra( serrlce, were conifer -fed tPd asRrwmeat shall not affr, t as, P,. \.ir acre at. !'stir :his week attend- ) her pact, Rey. for school t turn he the annual tntrti,.: of the Pre. • Pallbearers U• C. Parr. The Dt r)0 4 or :oral Improve were the four tons: 1V)1- merits, and the said ('ons air st u : ,you of Itamil:•,n i d„n, Liam, (:care.), Jame: pad Fred and he r'• Sumoel A w1 during til 'tr t et J and 1.1 • • . ' Met. R. T. I'll%llpr, of •;e tri.•[, president et %%'e. meu'r lee then, visit branch ut its re Beek. a Tr. and 1'0l. anti hone Flo • hare a fixed business. asses eco, ns•ln-law. Mess " One Della- a same peri+ )rich. 41L. ':,gel .1n hie Horton. lltnr tenter; frac such fixe. business es.ex5ment tax (l**ru h' ' Horst tribute+ testide,t 10 the esteem sl,ttl not i41' to sa*( x,rn -e tar school tlae l:eagrace '.n wh;'•tl the delsased wee held. The M fit( ) Daring 114. 4*14n'entnt s. fir tweeting !r.. the 1•M'+• ivs011Ud.a w'as a member o[ tears covered by this Bylaw paid Ale and W.M.S. of Vic- The Goderieh Elevator and Transit • tori:, ,•street ['(:.ted church. 11 M' I Company, Limited, shall if requested -- FURNISHED I WM. . With' four or more been s fu tt month of July. State 1.. pnc.. I:irX 11, THE SIGN ty an Al YTIONEEKINA 10MA8 G1'NDRY, '.l t)I RICIf, [,IVB )TIx'K AND (MINIMA/ A I1•TIONEF,R Telephone No. 119. ire att.-mud to anywhere and !rpm effort made to give aatlateetlos raters' sale notes discounted. ESLEY W. FIS11Elt, Auctioneer, ('i,nduc•t tyles anywhere, aJl[ terms are reasonable and I will ea - dearer to give satisfaction. Moos r'Carlow 1314, or ads rebs !t. R. 4. God- ] each. ��Sr 1 'Ili of DRUMM PRACTITIONER ,d, Ger rs. 7'. utile., and r-. H. C. Duties/. 4,-11 'returnee gi4p ..Itx consent in writing to the es Saturday from ' Sarasota, p( X1.fl.M1•:1T TO WIT ('!Ll1e!•', granting br the waid the CorPnratlnn )•f the Town oany f Golerlrt C pro , . 011caadera, Town of t;.eierleh • • • sir, and M ' ' rs. li+ . llutrilitiemi and eh. d. of 1Vt.olsh••-i., vi.ired friends in r...'ii :1t 11e week end reel sere the e. '•r Mr. .7 P. Hutu[ :rid )1,...a. where they sp4•nt 11 p(rosai)c They icy made the trip y 1 nnttr. Statute of 14111 led- Neter. os or aid to enc like industry rang is the weld A Frenc:t , .,ikman who was revert. tai •1, a eonrlitinti of the snt•miR- ly` caught )ung adulterated milk lei of thio Gooi (e the ratepayer. oat amrpris•=. to bear from the pre-Transsit�lComp+any.IPMnj Elevator and siding max tr:,•e, the ( 4.e in d.`Itttall p:l- mr•n•d Such ., , punishment 1 all the eras* incurred in the peeper . Renee in the orfglnal r o .'e_ t . bylaw' to 1- • plume. statute Hon and submission t thi • 4 • Mr. T, G, Aram, w1,0 with his fam- ily 1- uterine to town from I►ungan• non, ha., pi retlasrd . 'rut» air. 41. 1:. Newton the• comfortable f sic Tracer-rn North -trees at present arupled by Mr. 1r. D. Major. • • • Mi- . ( tt,• e. r'ennon haw gone to Detroit to attend the graduating ex- er, ...•t at pie Font hospital. Mi.. )' ' uou's rouwjn. Mis. Gene Grant of l . torte. B.C., is or••• of the gratint- a:e:.(;rant t well known in .oderfcb. • • • • lir.' W. A. McLaren. of Montrt•nl. '-ditor of The Mie Belt. the tntereat- �ng monthly publI'ation i•.su4,1 by tie )tell Telephone Company, Is in town today on a visit to the !oral nflltr of the Company. Ile ml.o gate Pbe Sig- nal a pleasant cal. • • • Mftrhell Advocate: On Wednesday evening some tlfty relative. lend friends gather., at cite home of Mr. and Urs. Jrihn 1,111. of Northeast Ful- ttirton, to do honor to Mr. and Mr.. Wesley Lite who were recently mar- ried. and naw elf the Hotel Redford Goderieh. i)rtrldg the anti Mr". Litt erre erening, T. Mee rocking cllsics�nnd n4. numbert4of P other IentNful pres,•nts. The evening; was spent in n wee way and an elat.,rato sapper was 'erred by the groont'a parents. Mr. and Mrs, Jelin Litt • ens '.1 under- Louis X1. the rntepayers. !1461 ). 1t drd that Rayon• who (41 This 11a(litw• Will Oke often on sold water.of le, k should have a -fun - ,the Jac of the aria: peeing thereof. aei put tree he throat and nes own RE.1D'a first and evened time Flt milk Should h., toured down it until open Connell enol predikiotlalty paned -.-a doctor co; 7f;d that he could not this 13th day of .1pril. AD. 1929. without der..:..; to his lift.• swallow . any toot.. . :401• n of stale egcs w' •ret (Sid. t 11. •1, A,_ Jta,.p; WAX, to be put Into he pillory, and their 1S d., • Mayor. g L. L. KXON, ' .1 eggs giv.-n to e'a1dren. who would be encouraged tc pelt the wrongdoers• Clerk lei.h their awn unsavory wares. • Those who -..Id adulterated butter TAKE Nf 1)r That ,the above Is a were to stand 1:, the pillory with the Arne copy of a proposed Bylaw which von SALE/ F»R a-1LE.--IIIEN l'ANAItIre. dollar each. M1;f4. J. (' STEW .1FtT, Trafalgar street. , 1 CITfA(,H Fvrlt 8.4 LF:. -is 4;1,4,1 c•nnditl0u. Water and light; lnrgi Me all tented. On Victoria, tere•et. 'corner Park street: Apply to A. etfo tE, Vittoria otreet, It (;Ott SALE,__)', 4S, CHiCff AND ►en-week.gd outlets from our ih.•k of high-pr/sku•ing 8. 1•. wbite 1.eg horns under Canadian Government np- prorr}1. These birds •have also been blt'wl-tented and reactors - removes! from Beek. (:taroks hatched in our (:overnme'n1-aPproced hatchery. • F;g7s tie each, hots •of 2$N) .,r more eu(h. • Cheeks: May, 15*' each, June. 1:4• each, DR' A. N. ATKINSON F; CHIROPRACTOR AND LRUO- LICSS THaRAl'IOT GODERICH ► 'quipped ron ctaelecttlecttroseatgaelle treatmaste • t and chiropractic. Chronic organic --1 Pnlbt•ts, 51.00 each. ' These prle•y, tare at the farm rtrel to he called for by purchaser. ELMEIt J. FAltRt$Jf Lucknow, R. R. 7. 1'hone Dungannon A2-21. tf furter on thrix' heads until the sutr I t�a Aeen taken into cousIdetttton, tied , had mei•.•d. It 411: If [herr waa no wlic•h will 1: flashy passed b- the; sun, they were to br fastened u in event o of the a[unlethelity (!n the t front 1)t the fir.•pltce In the gaol to prem of the assent of the ells•tnrt t4..' frontrGo the same Indlglnit). Spec• Ing obtained thereto) after one month! tutors might she*.. them as much as 'from the first publiratfnn of a copy they pl••ag•d, ' -t long aa :hey did not thereof in The Golerb•I4 Star area-' offend against the Almighty or tie was the the a of which pntblituNun : -y � R SALE.-W111T1 BLOSSOM $WEFyp' CLOVER. Government erred. W. L YOUNG, R. R. ;nderich. 21 GIRL'$ RICYCLE; 1011 SALE. -IN 1 good condition. Apply at THE? IONAI.. - 01t S LLJR.- WHJTt^ BIAMISOM sweet clover. FRANK I.. YOUNG, R. No. 5, 0oderlc•h. Telephone 208i Carlow. king."h da rat April 1 oAND FURTITElt TAKE N4Yr1('F 1 that all leawholdert qualified under the itm'Lein GhlD1)OX.--At Alexandra hospital,'• i nCharptere21:1,nnicitstl Art, R.S.U. ]921, It Goderieh, 011 Sunday, April 28th; Seo fon 274 f31. anti amendments thereto Mary Putter, helovett wife of Rich- ard Gliddon, le her 78th year. gutted en a o, are voting to file with meat) the date titration of a statutory qualificatlona, (Abend their' name,, will not appear on t voters' plat for eneh volt CART) OF THANES re- I8 nervous diseases. Lady In ottaadeaea Office bouts 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.aa- exceptleg Meaday and Thursday at- , ternoon* and eyeninge, and by a polo tmen t. P Resldearn and omce-{learner of South street and Brttantla road CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FILANK 1' 61111:8, CHARTERS 13. Accountant. 1442 Ontario attest) altratford. Noone 1500. tit 1.330J. MEDICAL nit. F. J.Jt. FORSTE J( EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Opti. thalmlc and Aural Hospital, asrtt►taa9 at Moorefield Ere Hospital Sat( Golden Square Throat Hospital. Lose don. Eng. 53 Waterloo sit. 8., Stratford. Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderieh• oa lbs evening of third Monday of eacb month 1111 the following clay. Tuesday. at 1 p.m. LEGAL Ci R' EST M. LEE, Bartlett), and &elicitor un Life Bullring, Adelaide and • Victoria streets), Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. DUDLEY E. HOLMES, -- DUDLEY Ete. OMeee--Hatnlrtno streets Oodertei. Phone 27. o.;FOR SII7.E.-ONE CIiR1SLER 4-1 dee.; Ice ! doer sedan, model 62, year 1928,J ho I iscylln(1er car. Just like new. Run fju.vt a effort time. At a low price for qulek wale. Apply to CECiL MULLIN AND FURTHER TAKE Nance MR. Rit7H.litt) OLIDDON AND that the votes of the elector• of the FAMILY ' .e this opportunity of ;mid Municipality of the Town of xpressing t' . - grateful thanks Yo; �erich wilt take place in the severs! neigblx,rm :tr frlenda and to the Polling su'1-divlrlons of the Munid• nurse, o1 A1, ndra hospital far the Mllty between the hours of nine, many kinder- !Mown during the 111- i ddnrk In the tureens) nn LANES LINES, April 30. -..There silo at tenried the meteting of the 'turn Preshyterbal Women's Missionary eiety at Exeter were .tiro. Daniel Al ton, air.. ,inn. Mullin and 1trs. Ge tithe. Mr. ,Zinn attended the meet big 't the 1'rtwb) te•rv. arses of the 1. Jiro. Gliddon and in fn the afternno d floe ()dock n on E'rider, the 10th their time of I, reavement. der of xay, A D 1929 and at the fol. TENDERS WANTED 'TF,Ni)F:Its F'lill THE Dreeill.ITIN(; lowing places by the follnwing De tyreturrting Officers and Poll Clercs: Pelting reeedlvielon No. 1, at Mil- ler'm garage. at pa - area and F,1 of Vfctor)a to of the interior and painting of the; Ing ollland gin Are: -Deputy -return - Sy , exterior of Holmeevllle Patted Church Jamps Tho*' R. Wallis; poll )tete, wt11 Ice ra•elye p h the undersigned agacVlc-'h Ile Illy let y gnev) rap Polling sail-divtsfon No. 2, at W. n• H. 4. TRE7WARTHA. Mtnpleton's tailor shop, Feet street- _ I chlorine?, of '' .mmfttee, flit. No. 2. Deputy -returning Clinton. 1t Mooney ; g n.rer. D. D. 1x111 clerk, F. G. Weir. .___ Polling sub -division No. 8, at the T Iv E. r. 1;( (cher ; Istel rl I Met, Jon. (ampte!I silent - couple : I of ur,•k.r With los daughter, Mrs. Geo 'Phillips of St. Helens. • Mt. •anti Mr... Wm. Lore, of Mar- noch, vi.lteo1 their sister, Mn. Wm. liable -in, en So today las. lir. Wil.nn Irwin we. to London Otis stele to see hie brother, who la In the hospital for an ola•rntion. Mr. Isenlel Alton and leek.. risers! friend,. in Exeter nn TaPsday, Mr. /llpnwood ('*mphelt has tar- ringed a farm from Mi Geo. Titterer Mew Mart Phillip, spent a few days last week with her teeter, Mrs. Then, Fergnann, Mr. and Mrs. Zinn are, family reletnt last Sunday with Mrs. Zinn's hrnl1Pr In Rtyth • Carlow 1810. at �PI'1t1.iC NOTICE - awn Hall iHpN t rPfurning nmeer, N»Ttt E. f Polling sub-olio)*Ione No.rk, C4 atle'Stoth- iLI, THF; PF:I18OX who tank 1'ara'llbi)n nintkatnrrl ilrpri13-nere gtnrnile�n4kcr Tintmfltonris; at n tA, art arta tut the night plenty' r,•rarn mut• to the SIG -1 TnPnlllne entedivitlonll clerk. �iNo. 5,9attl1'. 1 NAL t'1'Ftt'F:-- No gnestimie askal.' L, ( "'II" rain start 'Walt atra•t it to 1'A MINN!Il r Harold Hlt4.kgtone; I tf M S herning ntlirer, __ ___�� p^ lark, GPrald Newton. !!Dtx►M Polling sah-rMrisinn NO 6, et Mar- - To Raw, 1JI PRietATP •lrthnr's electrical store, West terror- 9 ..r,l )f rewired. ( t• fie t re 41 $t((%AL Ota.10M. ` pr fat 7- tnrning offlrer, Rt. L. Wnt- _` M' 4107); Holl clerk, David Marwfek. Polling mnh-dlv4*i0n No. 7, at GenIRe PART1JR17 1Y) 1( NT J'ORi 814ASON Ifarglrt's reoidente, enrnpr of Wllllam barley 111211. .11tn a quantity of mr'pd : lend ('sacra tact)eta_-1)epatyretnrning y gad )roar poles and posts. (L • ornery, F nr+ le Goderieh, Phone Nfl. R. 11 No tnnre trnnhle about d Pin I'n RST'-frrome R1'iTARt.E PORtahrirs. /nowash theta with case( pttornet or nTre immediate pewK. pot/. Snap• Buy it of any 7 *►s*inn then seer, to OMR. R. r drug •tore. i SAUNDERS, Godoriek . fi. Ringham; poll clerk. Rnht. JfecKey. On Thurelay, the 9th day of 1929, the Maf r 4 of the attend at the ('mtneil Chambers of the geld Town at ton n'claek In the fore- noon, to appnIn4 pereons to attend at the various potting piecels aforesaid, I Lucknow, phone 115, box 165. 4t f jrrUSE FOR SALE. -RED BItIC Aott.e on occupied by het undersigned. iWIN 8TiAItMAN, 621 Main street East, Hamilton. ti POR,SAI41.-Sts-)RY AND-A•pALF • frame hottest in good repair; mit- lasted on Anglnsea street, second hottae west of Victoria *treet; nice location; electric tights• M1ir8, JANE LYNN, (;nderich. MAY MATCHED OIIiCKS-RAR- RED ROCKS, tic; ,Ingle comb white Leghorn), 17e each. Hatching pegs from April to July, 5e each. Above privet are for matnmere coming to the farm for their purchnee. Chicks are mold in regulation boxes, hilt eua- tomer must fnrnlah container for etre. if you are in need of a new brooder stove, f0nnts, feed hoppers, etc., let me quote prices on Royal equipment. ----C. (i. OAMPRFLI., Auburn, Ont., phone Myth 10-24. DE4IRAIII.E RESIDENCE PRop?elt. TY FOR SALE. -At corner of Bri- tannia road and William street.. Ten rooms hea(d)s bathroom, closes. etc Gond furnace. All convrnfcarrea Pot term* and tnrther partienlars apply to i))NAt.D MaeKAy, P O Box 41sT. fnderieb. tt UPRi riff• PIANO (81)1,1,) FOR RALS.--in flretctass condition. Apple to DONALD M*+KAT, P. 0 Res 487. 004►rteb. FR. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. • Mese Successor to J. L. Hlllonn. OMeee-The &mare, 0oderltt• Nape Nape I4ARRIsltRis, ETV. R.C. HAYli- R(7.HAYS ra.. S.A Hamilton St., Godericn INSURANCE, LOANS. IT. McKILLOP MUTUAL r 17e- SURANC>!; CO. -Farm and iso• laced town property foamed. Olficera--Jac. Connelly, Pres.. 0od prlch P. 0.; Jas. Evans, VictPraa., Reechwood P. 0.; D. P. McGregor, Seer. -Tress.. Seaforth P. 0. Dirtrtors-A. Rroadtoot, R. B. No. 3, lleatorth ; John 0. Grieve. No. 4, Watton; William Minn, R. R. Na 2, Seatortb ; John Rennewles, tirod- hagen; Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. S. Re* forth; Robert Fettle, Oarlock; Murray Gibson Rrucenetd; Jae Evans, Reed:wood: James Conaollf, Go4PHch. A gen te--J. W. YM, (;nrtpr1M; Alec. ieitch. R. R. No. 1, Clinton; John Murray, Reeforth; E. HInchlsy, Reeforth. Polley -holden can make all payments and gs'i their card* r•e'reoipt. M at R. J. i1nrrtab's Clothing Stare (,'Muton ; R. H. Cwt's Arrop.ry. Rlstg tea Kreet, Ooderleb; o4. J 1! Rsyr, f .* .) .taea. waflllsw