HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-5-2, Page 7• County and District The death occurred suddenly on tfrtday evemtng of Meat Tho tuga Arvid - bald, McMinn, , lownmhlp, at the age of Silty -four years. Maiden her bus, baud, three daughters iurvlve. Rey. 1). M. bluest, of Ethel, ham ac- cepted an Iurltntlun front the Arkona and Weal t%'iIflaIu4 United .hunches to become their Instar after July 1st. Mr. Guest is .•omtdetillg his fourth year at Ethel. Elea Merracken, widow of the bite .lames Kearney. Weil at the home o! 'her son. Frank, 4Th Ilse of Morris t.rwnphip, oIs .Steell 21U1. Jler bus band died In:toy years ago and tear .t,tio and two dautrhtrrs mun'Ivr The death ,` ,Irssle E. Martin, of " Tueker.atrtt5,. 555-5—shred April 1755* at i the tonne of her .Isler, Mn. William ; LuR. ilamlhuu. The body ware brought to the home of her t+rather., John and William, -in Tu••lersntillt, when.... the funeral took ;dace. Paving on London Road . The Ontario 11ighway'• Depart Ham award.•.1 the contract for silt [Wiles tf paving oto the I,uBdnn toad .oath of 4'linlun h' 1414, & (troffer. of London • .lppoinlyd to Columbia Professorship Mr -s. -1 M 'I'rele,s1,u. of Ripley, has I receive,( word frons her .ton, Clifford 1.. T'n•Lrtveu, S1.,t-, of New York, that hr ha. received th.. appnlut0w•nt of 4 I.adessur of pliy..i., i11 ('uluwbla le ni- rermity• Aa Columbia l,5 one of the l largest nulv.•rsltl w in the world, the a 1.(adtit rla•rt5 is a great liou,•r for so t young a man no Mr. Treleaven. Hoye' Work Board At It noet,mg of the South lluron 14,y::' ..Work Hoarl, held at Jlen.salt tae w,vk; Wawa,, decide.) to Is,4d the Ings' cattail at tiruld Bend tills t*.,. elwll Wednesday of last week, removed a man who was iutitwsluly connected with .4eaforth bustutw, interests. For .Mtte years he way manager of the oat meal will la'. $enturth and since the death of tits brotjter Gordon, two mouths ago, be hal. taken over the in 11 here, running it in connection with his Mitchell Irusineeae and making dally tr(I%t to Senturt,s. Ile is tisr rite! by his wife Itut two ,o•u . and Lc -.serol sisters ,and brothers,. Mervin' Key's. student sit the `ea kforth Collegiate Inrttltute• !s confined 14/ /11.4 bunts111StStank.).totltship a by badly fraehtred right arty, the !Nur) batting les* siedaltiel While lie wane. Trunking, a car. ► EXETER The .:all l' (ended hr Caren Presby terinu church to Sir. J. Bernard Similes. M..4., of Tor.s,to. bus been'n,•- , rested ,u,I 11114 been i•,•lorred by the I'nwhytery of Huron. Thursday, Stay 75511, has hewn t1we.11 *en the slate for the ord(Iialietu of Mr. Ith,nles `into the ''Ii„s-Ir, unit M. induction Into the eiiiirge of .'oven ,hur,h. As this, will Is• the first_ ordiliation. erre 15.5,1 In Cavell church, the congregation Is stn,sning (u nuke it a uwuturabie • rent. %li.es [;lady.. 1lusiki„ has re.ignr,l her pratlon with Il moil:'+ drug q.v.. au.l , i. lext•(ng for Loudon to eke• a I...itinti. Mrs. J. I\'. 5', Beavers io 1141,5 up with a sprained ankle. the nvnllt of a fall on the wet pavement. •Mies. M. A. Tom 15a4 returned to }anter after .pending the winter with relnllr.w In the 5 nit*151 Malmo • June :Nth to July .ah. The catnp will be In ehsrg.• of Rev, Charles Daniels an.l R(•% J 111 t',.I(,' - Tit.* I4nvd is taking steps to swathe a ia•r lament earl.,. -ate u,. OW lake shore. preterattly ill the• 'neighborhood of Bayfield. T'tie• .'Itl.•rrs for this year are: Chairman. .\M%. Addl.atn, Bruce - field ; flew-ehmirmsu. Karl Phtkney. Sell fort h: -'e.retary treasurer, .t. Y. Slcl.•,n. Sestf••rrh; directors.. iter. 55. It Vintner. Kippers: Arthur Royce. .•li tot: Clnudr bilines. llen•a 1:: • amp emu/Ill/tee. Bre 1. .1t. Si•nrerth: %ii., ML•K.•nrie•, 1111.! M.ve.r• Uoyn•. ("tomer, 1'il,kie. t, itlotcrs nu•! A,kliyua. r ii .11EDRTII I. I 1{111(. has been •Ilyali,ted Man- ager of a Irirg. •h.r .,tore at 1,i0tuwer! Mr.. Jo..14i M.daily` a ho had bete I:rIna at t'b'eterba. It4•, the past three' years, 11•e. returned tt $.. ?,,nth t.. mar leer hes.. her • Tl,.' '!.cath of .1. iL,+sii• Thaola,a.r . which .....lined at hi• 11.4,,.' In Mit Clow -up of R.b Roll showing ty•hilfettils aide -lap - With Rob Roll. fin- est t.,k,ng. longe.t leat.na metal roof for aeras !finlike*, e*, 14h. -d., (jure .., Warehouses. Easy and qu,ci to lay on SOW roots or nssht over old oars. ILb Roll fa made to Council Standard' quality Send ndg. •nd rafter meas. urementa for bre asomata G., d.sds.ho.soa SPEC:IALSPRL•W OMFER. edrindurts PRESTON, ONT. Montreal Toronto CLINTON It ter exla••ted that 1,w -opening of the rebuilt WesleyN'ilns .church W.111 b• hell .early in June. The death of Mr+. Itehert Jones pc- •'urrr.l suddenly April 1st1,. ill her seventy-third year. Ier•e•as,vl was a ,niter of w•otta1,,1, coming to Canada ,sb•n ,s . mild. .\iter her murriat:!' she rhd her 'htlirte:und lived it Blyth and s4•:.f•.rt1, heron• ui.n•hng to glint/tn. I4 •i..e• her hu•bu,l. too etatlahteret and three son,• .*ire tie Mr. ' hardt. S.•aforlhi Mr.., 1V. Johnston. Bay field : 1:1giu' Joins, '4 .Attie : earl •lones. il'"rt 4'ollerrrs. and tiny June., Clinton. The, Nero, M.•,Ii1:1? .%—a. -h 5Joli met i, the 4lint•eri.h...q.it,.1 N'rduewlay of hie %trek,. Woet.tr. being present frim i;.aierirb. q'i agha m. $e,f..i-th. Zurich. Rnytirll. Ilr•n.111 nn.l 4'llnNm. Papers were read lo i►r. M.•l.a••h:an of 1...u - .'on anti lir Sl•tir ..f lien•all. Mims Louise Turner left Inlet week for Port Iloro,, where -t,, has take, a Israition as nurse, THE SIGNAL. GOI KitICH, ONT. PLAYS A PRETTY KNIFE AND FORK Since "Fruit-a-tives" Brought Relief From Indigestion MRS. WHITE It boobs almost like magic—the way a wealth of health floods the body under the healing influence of "Frust -a - twee." 1ndi e*tion, Gas and Pain atter Eating, Headaches and Constipa- tion simply disappear. Aa Mrs. E. White of West Toronto, Out., statee:t 1I mitered from lndigeation for months and could not eat a square meal. Since taking 'Fruit-a-tives' every trace of Stomach Trouble has disappeared. 1 now eat +anything and feel Eke a new person." "Fruit-a-tivee" will quickly relieve Indigestion and Dyspepsia. 25e. and 50e. a box—st dealers everywhere. • onto. The rector. Rec. W. $eliaffter. .rtnriatcel. Mrs. Tolwr ltro.teur, of Montreal. was the bride's only attend- ant. Douglas Torrance, of Toronto. was bent man to his cousin, and the ushers were Robert Nurthey and Her- bert Rive of Toronto, Int John M(•- F:aciwr,1 ,tf Winnipeg and ,I(arold Baker of Kapuskawing. Mr. alit; Mr.. heviii* left on a honeymoon trip to 4514 Point Comfort, Virginia. amt on their return will reside at Kapugka*lag. The funeral p5. young Jack Mag- mata. alio- lost his life by drowning m the Maitland River herr ,n .Sprit c•• Is end whose body wart not rMv,vered Until Ttlesd,ty of list week. Wart lwtd nb Thnr,nt:,y from the t • of his Iw ret.t.„ JJr wd M,w. 11'. F. 150 rgmnn, • to the I nite.t church, where a se'rr(ee L••ld, and thence to the 3.V iugtathi sari et.•ry. The 8Mlw4 were all .geed for at, lour and time funeral was aft tended by a cern large number of ,wail iIKI'SSELK I•.at-id iuj;li,. a well -know;* r,raident hof the SI5) cones,:ion of Grey town- ship, and Mra tindd.,. alio recently arrived from 1•:ngau,d. were united in uc*rriui:e to• St. 'John's \ng)5.an, hurele Wednesday of -hue week, itev, i Lewin oflh-iating. Mr. and Mire. • hist;. will snake their home nh the IYinghaui s 4idy lawn bon -lora 115.1! tresis'o farm in Grey to%nship. their anneal meeting hi -t week and , The annual meering of the Brussel.. e'e•ted officers: I're+tde,t, Mre. ;1('11anita•r of ('.41,11 '4're•e n:anag,'holdd lust wise-pnwiaent., Mrs. Wllsun an.l Mix rfiek. In 51 years otnrrr, were re- 55:rris.r,: s*.•r•fot:lry, Aire. 1*!.4..p:'r s•u-.I The anemias of a community treasurer. Mrs. sham. ,+pieuie some, time in the' aunt,1er wag A siren !s !Wing t(rtevl no •I fire i,144.1 In the h:,11.1.1 of the rwe•ntis.. I rat for Wlntham. 111,r. (:, F. Fowler. pastor of Mr11911e4 s .-. r., sig t.. The Tina., A. , ,, I're.5y tvrian etntrch, is leavinpr Ili+ v. acham eatiren+ are.•udraro:;u;; to ,%144, .•n a :iv ae•e•k-' Irl*. to his frgm •r WIM,UlM I! 4alr* a , died over Ott, 7 to, and since hid death abs Lad carded uu a fant'y un April 1Stb front the gaited church, gouda atop. The funeral took place Auburq, to ltall'a cewetery, the ser= vleea tieing conducted by j(vv, W. Q. Alp soil Itev, h°41). Weir. lily'(b will have ., Iawu !mode club tido year, au organization having been etfe•tid tart wet�k. iter. \, short iy uuuorur 1 reasdesl : N, t;urrt•rt, lire` ;dent; Mrs. Wilford. .vv n•t1r1 A lot on (inert. fit rex•* .oath aid, be rented lar courts/. SOME POINTERS ON GROWING LETTUCE Stt•ady' Supply Cast 11, 11,1,1 Thruugh- out the \e,,.el. Practically all of we L.l1.v ..owiuY flowers and gamic of the oegetithlem us vied reyuir.• suplrtr . lu tLe rase, oaf. iuhlius cosmtteo and' t;l .,ll,h,., hNL- toea ?aids. staking Is the method of pruvid n;; this, using wood" ell stales about 5111 inch ,wivare and Jong enough to drir• from sift lhcbes to u (001 tutu the gnnin,l. It there are staled they will ,.'; .silty fuel•.' a Mater appearance tout 55.1, lust cuu*ld• erttbly lunger. Gttsi „r brown will prion hly he the me. .-. .;a.,•tury cul- uuse, ey ,s.I•whe garsrdeton foliage.usthY•: .d: trIig pluithutL, ellen as sweet pellet. hc..tr•• n:(sturttutam soil the ordinary 1.5.1'q;,r•.tel. Wane 1,,,a4'rem,'wr.i.,-•roil...r wire netting should he t. ,,.,:,•L tout of the three, the wire t,.; the 14.51x1 wttlsfuetosy, Probably to britt up soil IuJur,. " itn'litted ••n a wind .tress and all ,•a y day It rosy cut thew. !n maw 5154.*.• sup .,n.-t,onld Im• pru- ride,1 us x000 as iml.e,ihh• ;after llu• rand ix.suwII or the alas.-- :ire vet can. tau us not to dioxin', 111. ,.,,,: rya4.m. For the Man Who Keels lh*e thew nut has•• :,. be art uwu.•r to Iudulgt• ill garle•'.,t,:. ;,,r then• are plenty of pkurt,5 1'115 ,,•.ft make 111.•, feet showing in a -.1,:i: •e;la,u. In fust the man who. z,,,,,ee; regularly every spring can aha,^t Late IIs 54. ,5- tifu1 a garden as the ;. 111n:uuga loris,.. hohh•r, although it sill b• tn•,e:.,:Ir- to do a little intro 1,511575545. Ent there is a big lis' aulul:als frotu hltlich (u make a A. riot. Auunal les rw-.r'f Inas, morning glories, clinching nasturtium,. fir .:mel runner bends will mike a lime >.-nett fur the verandah u feww.v„N after being 1 Alii i,vl .\. a sub -,Toni• for la•rnla_i tient -t. rnithery t'lum iaH irl+ta'.m, 1 dahlin. .S fri•-• •. eau Is use•,1 with gr.... •-- -• "r zinnias. gron'ilir annuals In 1i,, 'ate he acv •r ratalugi,e• one w'l11 " 1u l!o• aced height. o ";t y•i Il a the f the plat5t„ ;sen n• cell :,.. the ieriod of btouwit._. and with'thi. inforn,at(o, It is a.' rn1•.1, tua(ter Idris :i garden Ir,•II715' ,Ota n. •ee.. .. . Letlw•r - h,\• genera t. and ret.', 'i, .,*1,1.;4 of 41 - (1111! now evgasi.ier. . ❑, e.se•stial in every , garden. Feat, short row a .5. '. cer4 f fhb. ve�,'.,'1,.. au, 1.111 111 in .•arty .'taring *tad tt;,•m flat 1555. a!I anti.• or turned blue ! hin• '' %% n/. nu- t store: Hut t.•.L,y,- w5tli. nutgy warirti.•s and more kt''.t ledge of r wr eau 11 011. a miii•hiy of this null* pt•nsahh• w, hail mate•r..el {row "early spring right through • seaer„u- The rabid -growing leaf „ dr.t, to le twili_ be mutt fullowh•r •. • hr fire! of Irl• bead It•ttlle•e, Ithirl: indoor. ::Oaf trall•I... • ,.•times }Ion,/ fr dangerMaid.• after .4 sc•r.ou- .: i.- over. Tab it three r.•t.'„ tsar rout 115• 1i1 10'11 I , head let - thee (her turns t ort a d • ra. "' •t'• the /HIV - to* It one J. ee- w Ie�yr•nr••GL i'" held+ it is Ilree. snry. to tie li;. L,.,-,; sift. 4 little sof) stria_ or an , L, u,d ::f:nw the lu- ,er leaves to t•, -,i. tot a •ter;, ••r ,•1 1:,r. Irf're cut 11: _ •nice th.• , + tel i q, r• bribe is done. t l 1'0• t y 1s• will be ready. Thi,•( i. different let lin •• frutn th.' head or l --if sorts, proth'riug long. rather 11:11-.5'- ere(•* leer.•: that' tem] h' j„,• , -tett oth••r turd ell-. .!•li.b an airport here and ., suit- 1 ' itt 5,,glalwl, where he kilt , field for Otte purpose i• -Irina; pr. -o -h the ttnit iersary sermon ...dog for. iii the .'hureh iwhle•h Ile attended nus n l:'1•e•r.,l eontrll.0:inns arc being 5.'15. 111 lir 55.ruee Iter. Mr. .10 -k- tea,.e toward. b*r.G.,ng and de.-.rrting,''(I; of Et1Nd, will -111554. eharie •.j i4, ',.•" "'l.batlh <•I ...l rdw.nt for Wing -work here, i :NI bur. h. 1t 5. 1•r"i.•w•.i :o 'A1 the thin,-,•. *Whits om•st.,ry s( rut-ture. with a 111.rch :14,11. U':. Edna hien Met;innir tNte.I ul, for n char -5,' kit of tn•ot4''. w'a1 uaitel ill m:rr(ag.• to •e,. • me detour1 friend of, the Cell! 1.- hall or ltnis.'-,'io, who is tr:n .Ju5rc1, 151(,5 offered to provide a live. 1st tot 79e'hb,rne. lint, '?_:ui at u ,stet or stow. 1►r Marg:r•t 4'abler ha. returned' 'rant n world ends,. on the FX. Ian- . II 11. An (*sent of much itIt.•rrst took place n rig. Peal's -tngliean etner,•h on Sat- ord:ty- afternoon. April 17th. at :l.:;tt "'eh). k, alien Margaret; daughter of SIr, and Mrs Richard Teniae,' of %Wing/rant. ails milted in nnrri:,ge to %Vfllinm Ewart Levan, son of 1. NI. 1.1.1 11 21,1,1 the 1/1 le Mra, !wean ,d T •r Better t � an an e�+enbet rriIE odd, are better than an e4en bet that to 5)2155 a disrar.tsd tire nr two whish ha. rome off errand heel against glee. or had ■ atone bruise. Rave that lire repaired. Not the ordinary, old-time repair, but a real job made with Good.ear Repair Material and put tor/Tiber by the Goodyear Factory Method. You'll he pleated at the way we save you money. F. R. MILLER Vulcanizing, Batteries, Brake Service and Greasing Goderich - Phone 259w Cnodr.•r Tc.s Rpeir tits rake ran. of .e.ras•.rr merits ow eh* read. OM sur 4.0 Mu re. pries of • ewes owl . 1.f .f rias and tro..hlr. !offs* is thrae row — at for pries, -.r..sF.re..r HLiTH Myth pax trill owners are now se- , :riug fnui for ffax'gn'wing'11,i` ,.en- s'•,. l.dh nilly will .oto also,* the. -dine acreage 51s Inst year. • J. 11. Leith i., 010551155 with his fam. 11% to luck.nnw, %herr he haw •.4urd A (mullion with it ti,smithinq find plumbing firm. - tt•. 51. Mel:fray- has received wont f Nle death of his aunt. Mr,+. 7lrnja• anis }:ratty, at Britton, Smith linkers, ylrs: Ewan.. fornw•rly Sarah ileFl- ror, lived in Myth nicht abort twenty rears ag'», going to the Weet.ufler her inn'ban,t'a dna(h. She wa. about n5ne•- ty-tive year,. of :Igr. Mrs. Mary Graham p:n,we( ,Iw:rt .lpril 34555,. at'the hump of her brother- ' John Symlrrgttn, Antolini. at the age • of eighty-three years. The ikvmume,t was one of the "West • re,iWent:4 of Myth, having lived lier,' for over 1ihv year, Ili', huxla,d. John T. graham. Thursday, May 1, 19111.—T 1 104 ,Dress ,4// Your (:urs & SORES to/TH A#T/SEPT/C �am-Buk clime and blanch the heart. 7Yrtng l.si.ely her*• will hiasteu the blartrhing prtMi's•s. ('o. Iettu'e why- lie kept is Perfect c titins in a cool: mutat tal- lar for a day or two after picking, 'articularly if it Is mprh*kled with water. This crop will earry on right Through the summer until the weather Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMILTON, tioderich, ttt(t. No: untie. not gifts” 71:,' climes, In tlnugs u(r„$relt ••r anwll; 5t, Thou my guide, lay strength, Aly' wl*duw• and My all. , 5I*,eatiti. L 4tar. nit i ER 5. Prato Ther, 11,11 l;od. do we derive •cur 10.41... oar ea 11111g and our power 1.. 5rrG.rnI• Delp n. to .o'k,etwedge Thee in all our way.. and 1e4u not up- on our own uti'erst: 11'5':,; $...+hull we give Thee all the pr:r•,•• .linen. • S. S. 1•Ey;.ti0N IhftI SL\i' 12(11, 1!!6 Lesson Taste—The Early !Ministry of Jeremiah. Lesson 1laaamg•s-sleretahth 1:51.1+; 1e.:6.45. ' liofden Text—.eels 5:29. • When the Lord *poke t.. Jer,-wiah and told hire He had ordained hits to is vied ruuugh for the fall sown leaf he a prophet auto the withal. he dia. Ietta.•t• to ,•owe oto. t.ettuee is elle of chained, JI1.r Mama, hie dine.s for thus.* many we llet *Iles w111.1* LIMA In. mach .i*, Ial work. SH'w•t said he wan. grown e511lrkly it it ler to be tender, and sli,w of sdsrch : Jeremiah said he could! ort 'thi,5 atr01,ut regular fippliea- not 'peak f..r he was a '-(1515. In the Hon. of .nitrate of soda are advisable. ,•ase, of Mosi* 4i.ff1 ..,id: "1 win 1tte' ti The best way to apply this fertilizer with the mouth, and t'':1.•5, then what ie. t..'5iso.dveIt at the rate of abort th.na shalt say." T. Jeremiah 11.1 an ounce 50 the satins and .Itri,kle ,145,5: •'3.V5* tswever 1 eolrsnand thee the water along the row's. A gallon of ,tion -t+alt *Teak. He not afraid of water is sufficient for shout two yards their faces: for I :511, with thee to de. of row. When the hexad •Iettuee is 1s•- .iter thee, smith the Lord." i,g trlut•phtnt('eh it 54 sten. an .•x.el ul ' When Isaiah w;.s raltet In hi* work plan to put a pinch of nitrate, t1125 iw, , a. „ prophet he .aw in avi.sion his :,Il that :von mold likp on one tot the 1:;t. being douched by a lite' ,al takes 4,r*II ttw'e vent • (.54'4'.•:: ,round each ••A' tlse altar by aM• or tt1,..4-r:,phlm phuIt. T'hls shenlld Ise dug tightly in -.:u55 then he Wag ready 7.. go wherever t.. the ..oil without actually 'outing in the Lord Aims -led. (5.•r.. w.• read to nonmed with the nails. that the Lural not forth iii• band and - The Leading Men's Store Everything that:s 'new in Men's Wear Band Tailoring and Special Order to Your Measure Chas, Black Plurtu 25a (;,,,It It'll We ea rry' .t good stock of Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc, Electric Wiring of All Kinds Eettu.ate•s gi%en on application Frank McArthur I:1.WER1t'I.3N Telephone 82 West Street touched Joretttiah' month and raid • N'4/NU}:l;s (/1' It't:1..\\tt. "'Behold, 1 Imve put My- a..nle in tri month-" lir. Parker says we learn The *'ave of ,wMzh*•grr Bun,. 111li*o front this that -the minister of t:o.f in to' .peak the word. of l;ud •\ Biblical llgdrruruuud. mlui+try. must of n4...s..ily tie the b•.r AFs,vr one tot t ;end's ,rat inter-• ml21lstry. iirlusrs tsar• I.e pneferrel irtr pl1lins cis. -a odd, rtdeal-*halt ►.•fore him, yet them h, sands. tlr ed hill. Thit, hill rs called 1- rlk', Juk- interpreter of a oil! that const prei:.:l. till, and in it is the ('ave of riwltz- the e hof,tf a voice Ohm( must till DM li••11.•r, which runs Lo-' elle,' under- u,iwen+v wit1* m men•n5 of its authority �round and rax n• v• r licca batty rx- Jeremiah stew' hi. owe weaker.•, bu, jil.>red. The vac -e. ent.}ed through a"" {t 11211 7.. or.'!r'.r- 1 ave u.d Iluu ,• tors a 111, strerivh. le was to do 1, nork- "1 have t1... day v1 thee o,•., the tuitions• -:Uel pier the kingdoms. 5., root 111. 1115.1 5,i 1 111 d.wrn, and I.. do "(roy.:and td. throw .Iow,i t.. build and to plant." 11"w faithfully Jeremiah f, ;til;e.1 .t fi1r, and the tiro' of the cavern is ..f trau*sit:1,4B ie.-. ;n the char dep;he of which appear 1:tnlaelir shapes that -aft be ' 0spy imarini G as figur.;s of gnomes, dwarfs and crouching lea -t,, ot: that arc black 'have. rocks. The next eclat -titter is tfie Frost l':tl- tiued wi Ir • •-iutut,,- of tee "awl the work of the otn.H•-to %rich 4loil ha. :mood, .curtained and 1r. Bed with culled biro Ar ear in O51":.:51754"..54 o w.rnul inion ic.•-enystala. At th.•• far end of th. of't..111y'r lesson --;t4:•. i ¢hasher is a hollow' ruck 511 which The first twenty I:: .1. tear. „{ hi, eh:la .and renis aro left t.y tnutiich iv (I 1 tie caner wrist to herr )m,.,avl ,cithemt unr i,.i4hle la•r.onlyd fncid.•,t. Fcerylmety 1'c..y-R.sirin.t, •"-t now b' is brought to )ud5nl,nt f..r Aa aU'ect lrallir• suis• 15 !.•coin,. a ''•rtnou Ile preach...I. silld told him worso and w'0r-', ie (Ite tart;.• titles• 1i --rand ill fife ..sort of the 1,ord'5 the p d.r•trlan h•., ,tneq *1111 qu ties.! ilo,:-.•. and et'eak 1,,to'ali ;lie .,;firs of 'in his 21otome•n t,y the 51154' 01 rub -1'1*,.',! . which . t to worship in t.• iter' roles and h. • 1. Lur,1'• J*ouw•. al, *hi.• _aor1:21tat 1 Even in Lanr, :!1,'•e g,tl•'tly pad• c'mman.l p„r a •o .r, unto Jeremiah dila, � Iw. • and t•'.••1 .,, 'filly r,- diminish mot , ,n.'. Jeremiah t55.11 1151111c f11.1,1 141 Min Ask for Salada Orang Pekoe --it is the fines IP 'Fresh front the gardens' Some (hp l'oileto who are vimitilat t'spada and the Staten are heri• shown on the , the Parliament Ituillkings at 1Ottawit and inset is picture ,,f Makir J. J. tilMone, party. ThP Antipodenna landed in San rranelseo .lantaary Isits. and Went 10 New York %hi Witahlrigton, lislelniore *lid Moreton, They reochr49.,41analliiin sod) on 134ani Friday. ?time then thea have vialted Montryal, Quebec', ()traits, (tahswa nod Toronto. •F'ruln Toronto' tnov so to 11,'Ir°11. 4.1161.8.1. $1. Winn4Prg, Banff, hake lannae land V8111'"n%"' ti*Y will Rail fur hunic 'N'18" 29th. sel in their Minds, hill at the ' rime reneaisl hi, appeal to punpli• 50 amend their ti di. :1(1.1 °het hitt. it would may A.1.1 thoir guilt and ettniftlete their dolls,. know for eertitItt. that , if ye not ine to 5:e.itit. ye shall bring iiimaent Moos! MOM yonfrelVe4. and 1/5IOn 1/11.4 (13. II 1111 iipen the irththltards there n • for of a truth the 1,orst bath sent Frits fi •isler_ the fain., hie title to- it emelt 1.111-1,5.1 ..irdstilp: "I ais born with tan,. Illy rlYttlent. It Wit,. :I Oft of Ai11.1111' oe Altered to 111,1,1 VIP tle 11O., (milt oar -sq. -es. t ween if and 1 11 the Itoitac...0 of the 1- Alar41;1. Feeling Run Down? owiroto.turg women and vit la who were'weak, 'blue," nertnus, run- down, and unable to do their vs firk properly, have improved their health hy, taking Lydia F:. Pink - ham', Vegetable Compound. Ity accurate record, 98 out of every 100 report benefit. You can hr. almost certain that it ,,will help you too. ^ 1'egetable Compound 1 OWE lel Rao. 217 Brophey Bros. El NF:K.II, DIRECTORS Ambulance service at all hours, day' or night. J. R. Wheeler Embalmer All calls promptly attended to dav or night PHONES ar ill * a *410.1 if prr Cleveland's Bread 5.. ;. letoptmLeoloplein. Id to all/ meal iltdirems in it..4.11 and len. - mg' zert 151 the rent of tile ta..(111. Your •uilt demand toiler 101 11111141 Ili 11111 itread 111.1 ally other, neourage them do 555o, as it t- ile.. most healthful and ti"lirisliine 'nod they van take. U. CLEVELAND THE SIGNAL'S 1 Clubbing List The Signal and The Globe Toronto 16.50 The Signal and The Toronto Daily Star 6.50 The Signal sind The Advertiser London 6 50 The Signal and The London Free Press 6.50 The Signal and The Toronto Mail and Empire 6.50 The Signal and The Farmers' Sun 3 25 Th.- Signal and The Family 'Jerald and Weekly Star. 3,00 he Signal and Saturday 'ght 5.50 Th Signal and The New. The . nal and Canadian Homes and Gardens 4 65 The Sittnal old The.,..Catholic Record 3.75 real Wit - towel 3.85 rote al 4.25 3.15 okorMileazine The Signal and Mo Deal The signal and Yeastlete Companion 3. The Signal and 1 he Toroidal Star Weekly .75 The Signal and Rod and Gun 3.115 The Signal and The Canadtan Countryman 2 95 Clubbing States Woh Other Peri- odicals May Be Had on Application •