HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-5-2, Page 5Big- Anniversary
Sale Specials
Saturday, May 4th
Special from now on
}f i 4, \BS 12 h.:i .s'e•IIMk and
\a t•, • o'clock
For rvations phone 162
Aear of Rooting and Hoek
Face Shingles ju-t arrive.!
5s: and '3li B. C. Shingles
l;rt our priers before y•n, buy
Robt. Standish
East st
ldterti.e it in The Siktlal
DON'T 1)0 IT.
l'ut Tonsil,. -'este theta. 31ra.
.shills Spahr's Tonsiluis tre•at-
oiceeras•fstlly. Alun nneptalled (or
.'ugh, Bronchitis, 1'atar►b, Head
('•std.. and Son. Throats,. .1 heolutely
g e la ranter!.
11.1. (1411'1:RI('l1
I Running Shoes and Sport Shoes
Olir new seloek of Running Shoes and Sport Shoes
is in jt' have a large variety to choose from.
Frith ill rima lite• and price.. Let us supply you.
All Our Running Shoes Are Guaranteed
1'1,,.1. 4
The seta re
(i, s icric I
WEEK OF MAY 6th to Ilth
MI 1NI?.11" AND 'I'I F:ti11.11'-
GOLD RUSH - - here at last !
The pie'ture that swept Broadway off its fret is,,here at last !
See the gigantic sno%•slide ! The Chilkoot Pass! White
Horse Rapids ! The hurting of Dawson City ! S e•nes
W.W.I' to he forgotten.
Robert W. Service wrote it ! Clarence Brown produced it!
with Ralph Forbes, Dolores Del Rio, Karl
Dane and Harry Carey
MAME"; E"; TrEstf)AV AT 4.15 P. M.
Educational Comedy -"Making Whoopee"
('hildrrn 2.,$). tlATINEE and 15c•.
11"E1)NF•41)\1" AND Ti1t'RSI►.1\
Clive Brook, Mary Brian, William Powell
and Baclanova
(icpiet a groat melodrama of fear and forgotten faces. Men-
acing faces out of the past. Partes that bring retribution.
A great picture is
FRfi)AV Ai) BAT(-RI►.11"
.\ from .peeial attraction at regular priers with
Belle Bennett and Anita Stewart
Millions hnvr rend this enthralling story and everybody '-
praising its pieturizntion. ,1 home and family tale which
Might happen nnywhere.
Fut and Funny Comedy -- "Just Dandy"
MATINEES: Tuesday at 4.15 p.m. and Saturday at :1 p nt
CARisOW, May' 1. -The ladies who
attended the Preabyterial W.M.S.
meeting In Exeter tot Tuesday from
Smith's 11111 (United( church were Mrs,
John Treble, Mrs. Iltoll, Mrs. Marsh,
Mrs. (;len, Miss Jean Glen; Mies festa
Fisher, Mrs. John A. Walter, Mrs.
Henderson, Mrs, Johnstone and Mrs.
e. A. Robertson.
We are suny to report that Mr. John
Yarem. 1, In poor health and under the
doctor's care.
Mr. Walter smith, of Toronto, hi
visiting frienrbt here at present.
Miss Jean Morris. of I:o4erl0h.
ti•olted with leer parents on Sunday.
Mims Reid stent the week,erel at her
hone near Parkhill.
Mr. Melt in Tyndall has added a tine
neew tractor to his wellwp,ippxd
farm. Mr. Percy Moltrhte also has a
new tractor.
Mfrs: Thos. Wiknn wear called to her
home near Parkhill On Tuesday on ac -
••.+urn of her mother's serious Illness.
Rl NMIhhI}R. It is 1.-lirineffcld
-yelling people will prn.eat their play,
'The Path Aeruss the 11111," t,t Den -
miller United church on Friday even-
ing. May 3rd. Admission 3:e and
."e. Music between arta,
.t very enjotable racial et•euiug watt
held by the young penile last Friday
A lantern lecture on "The Slave
Trail 111 Africa" was given 8t the
church on Sunday evening. Next
Numbly evening-'1'letoria street -nilly
people from Clslerich will hare charge
the young people's meeting.
Several from here' attended the
W.M.S. Presbyterial meeting at Exe-
ter on Tuesday.
The annual tela meeting nnder• true
:uicph•e• of the Indheel' Alt ot nen-
miller 1/filed church will he held en
Friday. May 24tH. Tea will to .served
roar a t... p.m. The program will 1e
tnrnl.lwI by the Paramount Male
'Jt)artette, assisted by Mrs. (Itev.)
l'a'ne, reader, of Set forth.
4'+a,IU)ILNE TO'.VN$IiIP, May 1.-
1R.aw•,.- Ruehals ieng and Olive 11111
-)sent the 134114 41,1 at I'utliam ylsita:.
Sir. aid Mrs. With Clayton.
\irs 4'ha.a Allen was hr (;,sIerir•h
far n few ,lays 111.4 week. r
(nide a unmber of ladies from'len-
gthier and Carlow United churches
nitea,devt tie missionary 4renventinn
.+•1.i on Tne-.la'. lu Jansese street 1'tiited
.'torch. Faeter.
Miss /;lalfys Treble and her` broth( r
Will motored. to Putnam on Hilt mrday
to attend the .11ifoldCuueh wedding.
were eighty greats.
I intended for last week t
„tiw(Y)Idt(►RNF: 1t11YN:41111'. April 21.
.-Mr. and Mrs. a'. A. Robertson are in
*Londe', for a emits'e of days this
week. s,
Nrs. .1114rew Johnston Is rlaltingett
the holm, of. Mr, 4'. A. Robertson at
Mics t;ladv, 'Treble has renirnwt
'sono, sifter ep ens i)g several months
. n Nosieris*. •
Mrs. )am11441 V1ieurdow.n ant!
11.1..14 vlsiled ::t the home of 11r-.
.1•.hn Treble one play List week.
tjlilt.• ;1 ninnls•r frena here at;ertde,t
4114• +bow: '1'n1•t.• Tout's Cabin" at the
S%.slot 'theatre in Goderich last week.
Mr. „tirl ,Mr-. Archie Noekolds ated
ono children have moved from .lode -n
111fu's hmLse on the earner to Robert
Mr4"IIs . hon-+•. fnrinerlt known :sits
Young's L" 1)UNGANNON
101'NI:ANN(IN. May 1. -:Messrs. Tat
1'11.11•• Ind 214114nn Pentland. of I)e-
tr.. t. spent. the week -end at the home
o1 114414 parent.. Mr. and Mrs. A. II.
I'eutlnnd. '
' Mr and Mr.. 4:. M. McKenzie and
\i,.ter Malcolm spent $atgrday at
Mr. Frank Rogerson, of Itlyth,
called on friends here last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 4'nilen Pentland, of
11;rilneAiy, visited the former's mother,
Mrs. 10u 14 (;'nein, Last week.
Mr.. Rohn. Davidson returned home;
last Friday from ilamilton, where she
attended 11e Provincial W.M.S. con- I
r(•ntinn of the Presbyterian church.
Mr. and Mr.. Jns. (;Irvin visited
their daughter. Mrs. 51.1'11 heist. nt
1.neknow bait Sunday.
' Mr. Jas. MrE.tch.rn, of lemdnn.
spent the week -enol at the home of Mr.
and Mr.. 11. A. McKenzie. Mrs. )1c-
I',a.9ter„ :mol children, who 'had leen
1:o11110 here the last seek, 414 rnrd
hone with him.
Mr. A. Macre, teller of the Bank of
romnter.e. is on ditty again after
-1541)1110 his holidays in (;.nterleh.
Mrs. 'Leber Eedy and .Master /toss
swifts' her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
1 twat, at lt'wt+ek on Tuesday.
There will Ie nn sert•I,4' in the .Pre.-
'.yterian church next Sunday, owing to
nullr4r.nry se'rvhrs !wing held in the
l're.rbt lerin44 01111101 at imeknnw...
Rev. Mr. Williams, of Michigan.
former rector of the Anglican church,
called on friends here ln.t week.
Mr. Frank Glenn, our hoed cpn-
1ri.)or, ha. started lib, summer's work
in the masonry line. 114 Is at present
building chilntey4 in and xrony+d .
Mr. W. if. M.el,ire has moral his
across the rend to the 'standing
:adjoining his residence.
Mr. 10onald ih4mnn, cif Lothian.
and Mr. John Wilson. or Auburn, were
In the 4-114004 on Tifeolay making nn
audit or the Itentran4e t'umiu,riy's
book. before they tire Nikon over by
the I14W peetetnty.
Mr. T. (b. .11)414 ha. pindle.self n
bans. in (:o,hericti and be and Mra.
4,411P11 ,,nut 1)nrot11 will more 111)n'towii
Dr. Yokes, i)ttngannnn'p rtes- .hxehrr.
expected thin w•eeek.
! (h1A meeting aron of .the .,TIWonte'n elar Inst'.
' tette was held At the home of Miss
Elliott Inst Thnr.,lnr_ A ftelr attettd-
nMr wear present. The roll call tai:
r "Sing. !env er 1'nr." The election of
nflk.'rs took place, with the following
result; President. Miss F. Elliott; 1st
she-torsi/lent. Mrs. (•. Brown: 2nd
s Nee -;resident. Mrs. J. 11yen; secretary,
ream); Mr*. R. Roarh; district
d►r..'tor, Mrs. R. A. MoKensle; direct•
ars, Mrs/. 0'. Alt.m, Mn, H. Rudy and
Mrs. R. M.fMnsld; orgafI4t, Mrs. r.
J Rosa.
N1,1.E, May i. -The (;iris' Guild held
a very dueeeswful homemade 1,oklug
sale in Goderteh 011 Saturday last,
MbY Alma Free, L1.N., of llungau-
uou, vlslted . with her frleud, Mrs.
Telford Nixon, o1 friday last
The changeable weather of ole past
few days has lieu ('lilts a drawback
to the farers aluug the seeding Ilse.
Mf. N. i111'.•ir 041 0.t1 esu Cordoa tared to 1.++u+lon 011 '19mresiay of list
quite a number from Nile attended
1he felted 1'hnrceh r„usl•uthw l+eld iu
Exeter oa 1Wday
Mr. and lira. John well i d ehild-
ron and Mr. Ed. iron, 4r (;odt'rlolr,
(•luted at the 1414104 of Mr. unci Mrs.
Telford Nixoa on
ST. Il:Isidi7NS, .\1•r.! - large
representation of the t\-hit(.•lturch
''tritest Church Ie•'nttue were visitors
with Si.. Helena ming people uu Fri-
day evening and sutq.l.ed a spk'r;di+l
program of reading -..histo, quartette..
and instrumental cambers. 'feet-. •U.
(. d arr, of Godertr 4. gate a talk on
Summer 9c'h.•ola. 1. 4 11 wad wryest
and a social rime spent.
Wry. 1M. G. Whit:h.:l, Mrs. Whitfield,
Mrs. Jas. Ramage. grew) Mr,. Gen.
Webb, Mrs. W. E Gordon and 'jrs.
Wallace Miller are :utei.diug the 7ln-
rnn Presbytery and Presbyterial meet-
ing at Exeter today.
The.'larris Mission 1:.,.1 will meet
in the United char G on Salurday.
May 4th. at 2.30 •'The bred -1
dent would like t.. aft -the little
girls out.
Mr. 1). 11. Murra. anendin. the
Presbyterian Synn•:. loll at Paris
this week.
Mr. .41f. Webb his.. .roiled . tele-
phone in his reside' • ea.:: • _ ..n 45.
Thursday. May 2, I920. -e
tested their sympathy by seeding
dowers. Interment wee made in Clin-
ton cemetery.
Death of John Marquis. -.on April
14, at Woodrow, $ask., there occurred
the death of John Marquis, a former
re..Ident of Godeticb township, but lat-
terly of the West 11e had reached
the adtaneed are of ninety-one years,
and euJoyed good health until about
three months ago,,, when he gradually
succumbed to old age. During hl
stay in Dederick township he wad an
active memio•r of the flolmesrllle
Keth,slist chur.•h, being on the find
official hoard of the ehiireh. 11e was
web known. in the various agrlcul-
turn' .+..•let4oe, often acting in the ca-
pacity of Judge tit the fall fairs. In the
early tiny* he contested In the plowing
matches. winning matt p 'res, and
was much Interested In th recent re-
vival of piquing •matehes 114 is stir
(lived by xis children: l eslea, of the
! Rase pm.. Mrs. J. (1. Pickard of Win-
nipeg, Mrs. A. Jarvis) and Mien Janet
'of Indiana, and Mrs. W. Faultier and
George of the West.
The Late Mra. ('olrlough,-.4t the
louuir nl her daughter. Mrs. \.
141on. Nth (vtne(tistion, on April 4th, the
death took 'dace of Sarah Jane Con-
nell, widow or William l'1l.lnugh, G.
her seventy-fifth year. Her husband
died eighteen years ago, and she 14 Sur-
vived by four slaughters std one yon,
Mra. Alfred (;rainger, itrandon, Stan.:
Mrs. Itiaekael1 and Nr.. •l'inue>. Wood.
stuck: Mrs. A. J. 4'antelou. with whom
i'he had made her Inoue. and itulert
E. Colclongh, on the old ho newteead.
Two daughters sited several years ago,
A sister. Mrs. i.. Yeager, lir.v. in St.
Paul. Minn. There are seven grant..
S children and seven great -grandchild -
ren. Mrs. t'olelough %lie a member ..f
11.lmesvill, Methndia. I1.gt I'ni1e1.
church for uwny year.. of late twine,
colmev'ted with Sharon. The ftntera1
took place from the home of Mr. asp!
Mrs. runtelan to t'lint.wt cemetery,
,end wa4 largely attended. The eser
vire+ at' horrors and grar.wide were
conducted - by• the Rev. J. W. Herbert
of llulnse••villo. The pallbearers were:
11'10. Ci•nnell. N'. F'exr, S. Morrill, .1.
I ,: 1'ergnlllr and •;.. I'u.,t.•Inm.
ASifFIMID. Ap: "'t The .er
rives In AabfIeld 114.- '.4-1:41 •-hrrc, 1
an Sunday were 'e 1 I. it. c
Mr. Pitcher ..f T.
0.14 ••.erne Ho. -
Ir. Charles .Ila ,, :.n. of It
owner: visited his b -•n•,. ,,n sibs• •• ,
ri;r,l orer the week -4l
An. 1tar rail ora r • ,,. rte,•:.. •
further de•hated tar:a..., iu Ili - 1•.
calihc'111 ...sling, hr.' •',•,
to 1.i' on the land 8g'
Mr. Iteaghie' Maul:- ': :. ,.r i.,.•k •
naw, 1• helping to '1. ' !. the ,•n.p :,t
Mr. Itobert i)rennau
I .1 number from .1,!.tiel.i ar4e ,
rlw• .hnrrh parade .nl.lf,•!L.•,
to 1.11eknow Preshr-,•-
Mr. .iohn )In"iC., :,•bIrne.1 la-•:
week from the Soul 5'n•r.• he w•a,
ea4lpdol.4 h h. the . ..'n• .tires. of
• hi., brother, .Mr. 1)14,. .;,'•If.l.•Kxy.
Sir. Andrew Tito+. . c. .lent no,
)vu.k-end ,it his hum, n Imeknow.
We are 'glad to • .rt that 51r,.
(Rev.' Ritchie of -r isb.-k, who
moterwrnl nn a'xerr+ is'41)1). r.
oorerhl in health.- 'I'!. , will he gaol
, news to her many jr 1 '1.. iu .4.htield-
4.1?11)'ItN, May I 1 : ' ty entitled
"A filmy 11oaeym.'on" 0:11 1a• pre-
vented under the 1410.1 es of St.
Mark's church 'in 41.4' -Port•.ters' (tall,
Auburn, on, i'ri.lac .•yeah,.• may 104)4.
by tbo A.1".l'..t. or Trinity rhureh.
H ui.eult. Ti..• itap•n41. ercheatrn will
be in attendance.
The ornanwitt:ai work on the tower
of the Presbyterial, eltur+'h. whirl, was
d4.1n,4-ed by the 1.0411 lig of winter ween
Ibex tart f:111, ssis rntupleted
Mr. Elwin'Klllon.h la making prep-
aration for installing Hydro on his
Mr. Gordon Ta+lor IM eitorting a
new ('hr:s'er esmr),.
The sawmill will .compete this Acott.
.e'I'. cut in a fps days.
Mr. Janes ,l..hu•:on Is l,: ta11itic 1
de'p well direct ,tire electric pump at
I the rectory in ).'nth. This pump,
%hieb was int 'sn 114 market only Last
! JO'. ember. is a t en eenq)lf to 111411 rind'. ants lfydr . tar in this di'ng'o who
!s coatempinting 1''rring 114 an eleetrlc
pump should .es) this nuttlt iu oper-
J. Taylor & Hon are putting In w nets
erns station..
AURYitN. May 2 _Mr. John Wilson,
is auditing the West Wewannsh
'''ire hlsurnnce ro. hooka, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson, of God-
erich. enlied on friends here the early
part of the week
Sirs. .T. Johnston rettirne,l from Tor-
onto Inst Saturd:rr.
11 r. 4'. M. Beadle halt installed ih.
1134Ir,e scrviee, Mr..1'hnston doing the
31r.. Thaw. Stratt.han arrived the
1 smd newer of the death of her (laugh-
'fer, \1 rs. .1. itenne•tt. In ('nlifurtia un
Monday. The funeral will to 1,4.1.1
!from the home of her brother. Mr. 1\'.
W. Strewthnn.
Tlw' tote Mrs Kruger•,-l'4op14 in
this mei th)wrrhon.1 were );.realty
shocked to 'earn of 1114' cteatle of Sirs.
Daniel Henget of the IRth cnnr4..ton•
which oreurrttil on .114111 1W6. Mrs.
henget- had not )nen In gond health
ter some tlrn4, hat •'fter a period of
hospital 1rentruent l::ot tall returned
sntn.e%hnt ttairroved and had !wen go -
Ing nlslit her hn-,•hold donee until
4he S1171,11 1,\ .hi (flet, when sh,•
took to her led. her condition gr:,1n-
ally lsern,rting wnrea• until the end
,'$ fl'. She• lit I nee el' been really well
since the death or :i slaughter about
lire yenr. ago. Mrs. Reimer was n
41(11e of 4411.r .11 township. tor
maiden name twilit., Eliza M. e;ritlin,
rind she repent her tsllole 111,' to the•
tnwmship. She Ls serviced by her
husband, one son. Will, at home, nn.l
one daughter, .Hair, Mrs. Arthur
Flrlford of Clinton 'ler mother. Mrs.
liriAln, and to,, •I.rers, %goes Griffin
And Mr.. Muir/beds McDnn.ld, nit of
this fns•tkehip, nl+...'rebs. The fun -
prat tank pine frnrn ler borne en Sat-
tirdny afternoon. ,lptil 20114, the leer-
vl.r. at the bane aid Eras-041de
teeing enndurte'd by Ver. J. 1\'.
Herbert: or the llnl4bellle 1'nIterl
ehur•h. The ps,lltenrete were five'
('(41174)114. 1t.. (1., and Y. Melts -Ain, R.
McA)II4tur and S. Mcfwsln, and a ns)• i
thew, Herbert Johnstoa. The funeral
was bargely attended and matt mini-•'
The best Stoves at
the best prices
New and Used Furniture
Don't bay until you see %hat
w4 have (0 offer you.
44'4 positively .ave you motley
Furniture Exchange
-bile lowest est of Goderes"
at M. Robins'
Saturday, May .4
Come and see how far your
dollars will stretch
.9w► n,pn'a Fine Shirts, Forsythe, Arrow, Lang -mid Loren
'hakes Broadcloth included 111 this lot.- Soule hay, ,'1411;1 r-
tlttxclted and others collorw to match. ,A11 sites in lot.
R.•g'ihtr values upto$•?.51►. DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL, �1a�
Silk Hose in fancy checks ,and strips, in Hol.•proof, Inn r-
wovete and ('irele liar. Regular values 54I' and -5e
• Q• l .O0l,
1)4)LLAR DAY SP'EC'IAL, :''weirs fur . .... "... $
Men's Fine ('ape.- A11 size.: and pltt.rns. DOL-
President utas+. DOLLAR f►,11- &I'ECI.114
2 pairs for . .. .
Balbriggan Shirts ale! Drawer-. .111 rites. DOL-
LAR i).1Y SPECIAL, suit
Topkis Atbluti' 1'rnierweta .111sizes. Regular
51.31►. 1)OLI..1i; 1 r.1V SPECIAL
t'anvas tii.i,., 11111.1,.18 DAY SPECIAL; 5
pair$for. .
Men's all-uts•l Sox Regular" .10e value•., f)(l.-
.1.AR DAY HPECI.11., :1 p:fir=• for ....
\fen'« •ftv.•e•d I':Int-. -.U1 -'tine in 10). 1 n 41.1 ‘11
1►,11' SPE(I A (. • ....... "........
Men's heavy Union Sweater • (oats. All
It' gulag value 21.91, DOLLAR DAY SI'Et'1.11.
Men's Overall- in Week, blue or stripe. .111 siz. -
lu►Li,AI{ DAN- -11ECIAi.
Exclusive Agent for Tip Top Tailors
Made -to -Measure Clothes $24.90
'1'1.• 1 .,nspb t, \I, II.- store in li"derici► Hems.:1.;1
c EX(
��✓' Iirar tf.. r.zr. program• Neat
t11,a„1-1ia/.v (:4j,r1 i•.,, m"
rutty friday ettroilrj
It Challenges Your Interest in These Important Ways
Easy TO B u Y
FOR INSTANCE, in this city your
first payment, with your present
car included, null, be as low as
$32S and your monthly
payments $76
Your present car will probably cover
the entire first payment. The 11. M. C.
Purchase Plan offers the lowest terms
available on the balance.
On ourownstreetl Essex the Challenger,
under competent observation, averaged
20 miles per gallon- The average owner
in this city can expect 18 to 20 miles and
upward. Hundreds of records all over
the country during "Challenger Week"
prove Essex economy. Commercial users
operating large fleets of Essex cars say'
that service and maintenance costs
covering millions of miles of operation,
are lowest of any4tr4tver tested.
The buying public has picked Essex the Challenger as the
greatest value of 1929. They are giving it the biggest business
even Essex has ever known. By thousands they arc trading
in other makes for the great Essex value. Never before has
public approval been so near universal.
A Wide Choice of Odors at No Extra Cost
Thr variety tot oro great you have almost indiriduatdixrinnt(on
is.a i11G adult size "Sir"-
1ine h, look at -toren}, and rom-
fnrtahte-built as strongly as 14)'
gar at any' faire. t'phnl+trry and
appointments IVO rich and hand-
.nmr. 'There is ash a wide variety
of colors, that un matter what your
chivies. sone have almost individual
A •l1rtR-SIX m,t,r-rha)Irng-
ing up to 70 miles on hour -Minnie,.
an hour, how after hour -in Reta-
war it . hall.n pr• am gar at any prier
-it. hallengelall in climbing tills.
ilydrauti, .hock absorbers are
Standard -they .h, net root ane
rent extra, 'rhe same with radiatnt
.butters, air cleaner, seind.hield
wiper, safety 10,'t, rhrnmium-
plated (owl lamps. Add up fon
yatu.elf the esti.): F:sags offers to
added govt and you nil) are Shout
SI110 in extra value in those items
% • nJ u.r
Tas-v, 1 ,gra
,rrars/ard P4..ipmen1 Includes 4 hrdrarair
tans* .15,,, w.r .dr stir gauge far ear
arnd oil radiator shaman saddle lamps
- dindshb/d wine, glare proof rear e'r'r
104,,., eller( rola le "minds on steering
Nowt -on Might parts chromium-plaPM.
Coach • - • 11,10
Le... remise. rue
Mole . -
( 0110.••.1'tn
r,m,4lO gran WN
c.an.l.r.l Seden ant
lawn . .tan - 1023
aoadaeer • - N2'
<. neve - 1101
The Canadian Government has recently reduced the Sales Tax on Auto-
mobiles. Iludson-Essex cars are now priced accordingly.
Baker c% Durnin
Goderich Inn Garage Telephone 106