HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1929-5-2, Page 3ti
Stop Advertising
and you let your business run
on momentum, and momentum
is a gradual move toward a dead
CHa 81ONAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publishers.
SHINGLES for the Roof
Raudwme. arepre,f. lest
the life of the building.
Use no other. Got prices.
CNi uiuu,uo,m„ . n ,
For Schools, Halls, Stores,
Hotels, Kitchens, etc.
Put up in a day. Many handsome
patterns. Easy to handle. Nailed
in place over old plaster. No duet
or dirt. No masa and litter. Easy
to clean and paint.
Get the facts and sane your money
Sea your tocol unarms* or carpeatsr.
Outside Walls
Choice of Brick. Rock -tap or
bad patients. Good
proof EisitS
to paunt.wEwer to eut on.
+ , ,4c
P .• N sa4
G Q0 • - 13
Si --_
/-, , GR"ts
. eeA t V-• s
mateeRt /ALI! (S
A ~��
• Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Erie
on your Trip East or West, or to and from Canada
WHETHER c arriong by train of auto. min, an all Might's tideon beautiful
Lake Enc. (aa Ln. Steamers are moan,h.entaosonghotels. trot hlose COM.
foreabk uatet.eens, eaceaenr donna room service and courteous attendants.
Mune and Dancingoo che&rearshop •'SEEANQBEE"
Antoists, eve a der LAB Lane way. Avoid Holes sod arks of congested roadway.
Basis mid Cleveland Dahlia R Stak7. Gaoled Oe elaul Div.
Each way. even night, leaving at 9.00 Daily service. laving Port Stan icy, 4 00
p. m arnnng 7 t0 a. m , (E S.T.) p. w. amWm�nsg Cleveland 9 p. m..
May tat to November 15th. June 3o,h to September 8th.
CeeeeeltewsatO.eda,d f>Csev Point. NA-Ift-Bar. PetaMk, palate wt road eeetewert
i Neu) Lew(114,50 one way - BUFFALO to CLEVELAND - 16.50 rd. trip
It Auta Carried 16.30 and uv _
( Fares$3.Ooone way -PT. STANLEY toC7,EVELAND-13.00rd.trio
Autos ('ivied 14.30 and up
prise for Asada es C613 T,sasgk Tier
Poet Stader, Curds Buaado, New Yoe*
IJlntnemm1n111111NIHftiJ,1111NN+nrnpi• ( •B�riyllllMttltlll111t11111111110hmm i
en it
NOWthat you've seen ttheOutstand-
ing Chevrolet with its beautiful
Body by Fisher . . its smart, stylish
colorings .. its racy, graceful lines . .
we want you to DRIVE it. For, not
till you sit at the wheel and drive, can
you appreciate the marvelous six
cylinder smoothness, the flashing
acceleration, the abundant reserve of
power, the amazing ease of control and
the delightful riding comfort chat have
been built into this sensational new
automobile. Come in today. We have
a car waiting'for you to drive. Cay.4.414
MacEwan & Tebbutt
Goderich - Ontario
Travels with Stolen ('ar Under the
Owner's Name
Jack Parks, who hue (leen widely
w,ught rein(* he broke jail early In
Murett at I'eterboreugh, has been
emught at Moe i* Jaw, and will be
ehargel with stealing an automobile
belonging to O. E. Fleming,K.('., of
Windsor, and well-known summer
resident of Guderleh. Not only is be
alleged to have taken Mr. Fleming'',
car on his AVeetern trip in company
with a young girl. but he paieeed
es'1f e.tr as Mr. Fleming.
The story 144 10141 as fnllowe in Tlae
In,rder ('sties Star:
Detective James Campbell, of the
Windom. pollee funs, will leave flitss
afternoon for Moos Jaw to bring
bark Jack Parks, to face a charge here
of ,stealing a motor ear belonging to
O. E. Fleming, K.C. Parks was ar-
rested in company with a girl who
gave her name .3s Pearl ik,werman.
('aeI Owner's Name
With 140) impudence Parks travel.
led under tie tame of 4)scar f'h'n,ing,
;tiring this name when lee Was. arrest- " is -Seafortb.
ell. This may be an explanation of _-___
how he managed- to get so iirr fr..n' COMMITTEES SELECTED
1VIIIdsor with the stol01, ear, baring
.01,111;i„ Iirrtwt• number. Thr car. FOR 1929 EXHIBITION
'>1 •nurse, w -as roglstered in the name - _
or the local lawyer. Progress Made in 1'r,•p.ir:,li,,re. ter
Anointing to Mr20rs(' ,low• ISA Ice.
Pnrks has admitted that he isa Nei- This bear's Fall Fair
rive from the Peterborough jail, where Ar a well -attended 44.•i .•242iiusi1I,lti.
tri• wHs on *emend. 4 111rced with 119' meeting held at the lose, hail all Fri-
thef['of another car. illy evening, commits,.•. Mere ia(e
TIN' e.eapa' from jail was made on painted as follows for t!.e i;oder(rh
%Melt .i, and after that ante. he industrial Exhibition of 1U:■J:
visite! .Aylmer, Ont.. where he was Finance --alt. C. M.wninLs, (;t.•0.
joined by the girl. The latter t.(ld no- r;u111, E. 11. Vigie, S. U. 4'ruf1
lice that most Of the journey west was Printing and Advertising -L. I..
mode through the t'nit,') •State+, re- KIlia, Thew. foundry, J. It. Ihlii.14 •,
entry into t'anada toeing made at attraction+ and Program -h•. 1).
Manitoba tNirndary,.at the town of Rob•rteun. Duh Hill. Mayor Mae -
Emerson. The ear Ware stolen here Ewan. W. F. Clark, L. 1.. Knox.
while it was parked on rinnllette Speed Tests -J. H. Edward. iVn,.
venue. Green. W. F. Clark. C. A. 1(olaert.e»,,
Resisted Arras{ 11.P.I'.. T. Gundry, H. lull,
M,m..9' Jnw report. stated that the Ilorses-Wm. Green, a 1'. Edward.
pair reached the site on Saturday Gar'. Andrews. C. A. Roberra,n. M.P.P..
morning. The arrant was made lute '1• R. Reynolds.
in the afternoon. when Parks was tattle -=F.. Grove'., Gen Andrews,
trying to dispose of the car to o u rd Wal. Bailie. Thoi<. Wilson. H. L. Salk -
ear dealer. Ile strenuously resisted eld.
Ierred and had to be dragged from the Piga-0. F. Edward. Thos. Wilson.
:n,temnbi)e at the tint of pollee guns, Herb. Norrie.
ler he hent made sou unsueeeasfnl at- Sheep -Geo. Sturdy, ilerb. Morris,
tempt to "tart the motor and flee. II. L. Salkeld, E. Grata*?
Many Cham Ladies' Work and Fine Arts --Mrs.
inspector Arthur Knw, of the local Connolly, Mrs. C. A. )tole•rtson, Mrs.
that his force had nothing
Provincial pollee district. stated todayHowrle, Mrs. J. C. Stewart, Mrs. Max -
Parke. but that ioth Prorinelal pollee tt'klwers-Geo. P. Ao111de \art*. flew -
and M.C.R. pollee .in other districts ria, Mrs.' Trembley. Miss Noble, Mrs.
want hlm, after the Windsor pollee are Harwell, Sint. J. C. Stewart, Mrs.
through with him. The (quotesSwenran.
against him extend ars far east as Frnit-J, W. italkeld, Geo. Sturd)-.
44d'awa, where he la wanted for ear E. Grovel/. H. L. Salkeld.
theft. sad he is , 1,a. wanted on several
charges of theft from the M. C. R. of
St. Thomas.
There Li 1141 charge against the girl,
who gave her nge Am e0renteen years.
she elriPed With i'•irko from Aylmer
011 Starch 21. On his visit there Parks
Was seen 1n compute with the girl
.evornl {Imes• looldiy dtap(ay ing biro-
Grounds and (sates Prealdent and
self ab'nt the town despite the fart V ree . Geo.ent,1 old ).-t'onnolly, H'm,
that it was known he had just broken Green. P. Gould).
jail. Merchants'. DispL•iy • e;e .S,•haefpr.
Memlaerel of the girl'* family were R. ff. Robertson, W. F. Clark, L. I..
notified of her detention at Moose Jaw, kin.x, J. B. Reynolds.
am) they are Arranging to have bee
brought home. -
Messrs. Ged'ztte Sym'n+dx, Fred Duet,
J. It. Swatfle and 0. 4; Ion represent'd
the GoderIeh 1towllag u'1ub tut:,
of the $-traltord ted Iislri,'t Lawn
BOWllug Aeltelelath+n held at Mitchell
recently, when the foUoaii, s ltedule
nf, tournaments was dream up for tilt
aPa W,n
June 5--Mittbell.
" 12---Goderich (rinks 1.
" 14-Tavlstock.
ltl--SI. Manx
alt'-iNew Hamhur¢ .
Judy 1 Atwell.
3 -Mitchell.
17-'$ i ra t ford.
19 -New- Hatmb"::
E4 --St. Marl's.
\ gust 2 -Stratford.
5- Mitchell.
9- Tuvlstex•k.
14- - Seafurth.
16 --St. Marys
" 2I--•1tratford.
:'.t4---IhNleriedl ,•,• •.2 ,•.1,
Sept. 4 -Atwood.
" • d-Seafurth.
11 --•New Ilamt'.r,
The Clubbing Rate
for The Signal and The Toronto
Mail and Empire is $6.50.
You save 5o cents
A -uuilar satimK on other (lady paper.
Municipality 1Iust Nut .thou ('itlz.ens
to Be Endangered
The following 421st•, which* hue e'tUseel
considerable interest throughout the
suutbern part of the 13141111), came lee*
tore the court at kxeter on Mat rch
22toil, and the following judguweII has
trier handed down by 11ls Ilo11or .ludgt•
Lewis. 111 favor „r t2* plaintiff, E. I1.
4'lose, of Seufortl,. fur the nuwuut of
his quint with ceets. 11 is the first
time a decision ori this particular
matter hos lawn given by the courts:
lu the Fifth IIhis(on Court of the
County of Duren 1(etween Elgin II.
1'l„I.t', plaiulifr, and jhe 1'(2rprrat(nu I
of the Tuwuship ed 1'sbortte, defe•n.l
auto. 11. K. Hugs. Esq., counsel 1.,:
plalut)t; Messret ;lad Moo runt Sf1n.
tours, ,,,2111.9'1 for defendants.
Jgdxtueut - The evident* addu,'t.i
before m,' establ(.sh+d the following
rill July _s1 h. 1trM, abut 2.242 p.m.,
the plaintiff was driving Me owta ear,
a 1!udee,n breitglutnl, weight 2rs `tuns,
nn the 2nd cou,9'ssiun ..r I'etorme, tin
his way to IA1nd01). His wife (arupdel
the front sent with him. Nolle
driving along the' said tad coneess(on
of 1'Aborne, they encountered 11 'treys'
of twelve cattle, .1114' of which was on
the left side of the read, gr..zigg, the
others toeing on the right side of the
road. There was no one in elu.rge of
mine The g,iuiutin' proe3rdrd slow•)\
at' the title of eight or ten miles ..
hour. drvntlug the greater part of i.;_
attention to time eon nn the left. thunk•
Ing she would, If NM riled, try to join
-the others. Just es be •came abreast
of the cow on (lie' lett. his wife 4.111*'.)
2 tri filial, and he 93 w- "w. sow frau. the
herd at the right start out ii, fr.v,t nt
his ear. Ile jammed on the four
wheel hral.4' and enN'rgeue' Mull the
ear stopped as it («milled the lets of
the ('ow•. The ems fell 0m his ear a tit,
enured the till as OW sues) for. Tile
animal was lint injured 111141 (vlutlimed
grazing. The plaintiff asked the de-
fendant corporation to pay for dam-
age. They refused, siting bylaw No.
4. 17)20, of the township of l'sbrrme.
Their eontentJ•,n is that this bylaw
i. under S. S. 414 of rsw•t(', :st7. Elmo.
233, 41.8.0. 1927. -for prohibiting or
regulating the running ami Large or
trespassing of animate, other than
dogs, etc.," and that in,ler Uels so',
Oen they may parts :1 bylaw sllnwJng
cattle to pasture on the highway with-
out anyone in charge, provided the
COnditio,t, of their by-law• are ohspried.
as they were in this, cow.
In interpreting the statute. en whieh
the defendant esorlorafien relies in this
case, this Court must take into cuns(el-
eration all this cir»hmst:n,•'e••. enstems
and preettees, aff14•ting the ...current...
Inestion. The very language of the
Field erorw and Vegetables --4). F', ms-7i(2u. r. rii1 1iug the rnun(ng Rt
E(Iward, Wm. Rattle. Herb. Morris, i large or tres(r,sslhg of su,irnnls." im-
E. Groves. plies q rule or "Ontrol of mel, 1ut-
Ponitr-tiVm. 1Noak, Thos. Maier. mai". stilets warty notnrioish utsrnt in
Tins, lrll.9on. this rage. it is (rs:9nteivabIl' that 1121•
Grand Stand --Jt. C. Munntngs, MAY- Legislature wind(! empower any mord
i•r Ma,eEwan, Geo, .lndrew„, Wm. ('lP:ility to iyl9s n bylaw Living the
Green. 1,. I.. Knox, Wm. Bailie. right to anyone to place or allow a
C menace to the lhoss Of the eiti*ciis to
wander unrestrained day- or night on
the King's highway. 1 11141 .thea or,
n mush travelled highs/i)- .• III+ en *tu-
tees the habit of pasturing rattle ”
the highway is a direct and aetu
menace (o the Live. of people travellic.
on strep highwa,,s, and "the richt 4.
the public to free passage oboe: th,
Kings highway is param•mnt." •'11
is true that the legal V.4314 in t.he•
Mgi,w'»y 4o 14.0',) in the 1121n(c)'911
authority, but only qt. n trn01,0 fur the
and the person. interested are
all hie Majesty's subjects, wbw,• right.
of free pae4enge (e Ly this men los in-
terfered witbi." ('ode v+ ,1%,new &
Town of Perth, 34 (2 Lit. 42.1, and
Hydra -Eley. Com. of (intarte til(,
'Comity of (:rnc. :',3 :144-5.
Taking into rnnsider,Non all 'the
farts in 'connection with the encs', 11.1,!
the above mentioned antheritie•s, 1 g)„
judgns'nt for the plaintiff tor the
amount of his claim, with costs,
Given at Gnd,'ri,h, this 22ni1 ,Jrn'of
April, A.D. 1929.
E. N._ .LEWIS.
Judge. llnrn.
Martins in Frame •
8n9t1111 Post 1
it he rather surprising to rind that
1(14 most popular family came in
Fra nee. mere psopnlnr than Smith in
America. Is a name Americans wont.)
hardly »ssoebtte with France. .Te:
the '1•11, rt lend in every Hassle
eat ion --the Paris director-, teleq.hnr0
Ioa,k, the French Whop Who, the S,.
.int Regleter, the Army Lief. in all
walks of life the "Martins" are th,
most numerous,
' is4nrrman, and the president, Jae,
Spurts -.t'. .„A. Robertson, M.P.P..
Ties )tower. Mayer YIa4Floran, 'Win.
Beak, (len. Schaefer.
The first n e
named nu each ,mmitf
Human nature !e a wonderful study. I+nniolly. is ;, member of all corn/air
gays the editor• of n weekly newspaper. teen,
At Itmea it eiarlflers itself and is just Tl>p doe, niregdy ".'MCteA far this
year's f
sheer net mud. Last Week 90 art air were confirmed, namely,
one ..f the most cogent gentlemen In Jfonday. Tuesday land W.,1,,
the world. He was/ among the hun-
dreds w -h' received a "(limner" for his
s u t'ie'r i p ( Ion.
• "It was an -honor to receive a bill
tom The Courier," he said. After we
1.14•)%4'() 111111 1,100141 711l' 11.911111 2(3 4'})d
(or $2.:A1, he iv-ent on: 'Instead of
vetting all riled up at reeving n
statement of account 1 am genuinely
pleased Vor a hill ly an indication
that someone has faith )n my hon -
Jurat let that stink in for n moment.
It places A new angle on the credit
system. If you never reeelye n 1,111,
it would indicate that your credit is
worthless, and that. no one Was Will-
ing totake your word that you will
Credit to the most valuable thirrg
a person can have. Money may be
had by various means. but credit
cern,',, only tram years of honesty and
promptness in meeting bills when dap.
When you pay a hill, you are merely
being honest.
when 7(211 revolve a hill, then. meet
it if sop possibly can. if you cannot,
frankly tell your creditor why. You
will find him ready to meet you more
than half -way. Cherish your credit
as yon do health, happiness and other
pricf'lea, teems equally rare and 01u/r-
ive. -Exchange.
an the heart o/'the
IIo*n-rolsn,dictiac t n('arad
pull' boikhnedeparonevt1
stores and theatres. yet.
away front the noire or
the (-Irv,—
AND 11PaitRs
NAB/l04• AYa NLAR CAAN* cram, mart
sememfs'r 3e4 111.11 41•24ler1 d _ t. 2
There was sone ll)srie a.
'plc./lion of holding „ three-day onorl -
4wo-dar fnir, and argument, in favor
of a tw edify fair (W111.11 reall,v men OP
one day( were strongly teetered. but on
a vote being taken the .pet'+sinn w.ns In
favor of mntihning as In the pact.
Mid President ('nonoil)- declared that
all would join fnreeo in making the
exhibition this year a steep9s.
The ladies' committee submitted n
revision of the holies' work and fine
arts ('121994'4 of the prize list, fl 1141 this
wits adopted. The d)rectnr9 will meet
again next Saturday night to revise
the remainder of the list.
News Conveyed fn interesting Letter
from His Nephew
Mr. P. .1. McGinnis. of Cleveland.
Obio. a former resident•sof O0der10h,
passel nwny on Marl, 11th last, after
a brief Illness, at the age of seventy.
one years. This information comes
from Mr. John Me(;inni., r., or Cleve-
land, A nephew of the ea sed, in a
letter in w'hleh ho i'nelese9 Me cheque
for the copy ,,f 'Tile Signal whieh wens
going to his /melt.. Mr. McGinnis.
"4Iy envie always looked for -
Ward with a great teal of Diemen re In
receiving The Signal c..•11 week, for
being torn and raise.) in Goderich he
had a warm spot in Ili: heart for the
place and always e'nsiderpq hlmm'lf
one of the Goe)erleh 411,) Boys, even
though he hail not msi'I•M there for
many 301224, 110 221.1 my father, wI,)
WRR 4(90 horn and 20:,74.4 le Goderieh.
hoth unlit the oil town n visit 'some
IWo y0nter ago and hail 11 very enjny-
Able time ,Inring their `^•jnur, there,
whieh 1 Imagine 4;ridnr), h ho-pi1Rlit►
always 914,9 in In *lie matter of visit-
ors Red PelleeinIty old-1im015,
"in feet, 1 have hear.) them speak
tin often and with sn,1. praise of their
boyhood town that 1 rather have the
deetre to *left your thriving little
city myiElf In the near future, end ff
i de, an Wnuf4 cony going through
ynnr newspaper plant, which, ji/tgier
from your paper, moat he a very One
and Up-to-date little whop. Being
ennneeted with the n4Wspeper game
myself for'snme time. i know it would
prove very Interesting to me."
No jumpy feeling
NOW when I drive
Nothing relieves tension so
effectively as Wrigley's. The act of
chewing, as motorist* have d(scov
Bred, hu a gentle soothing effect.
The healthful cleansing action of
Wr lay's refreshes the mouth and
et the nerves.
_.,.. .....1.—ate
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
Geo. Williams
Dealer In
MI'11Cll'.•%L AND CORPO-
Fora Aee}dent, Automobile, and
General Insurance Arent
t, i4e1110. ,.t 1 ..,i,.. u•n'4
1'1 ,•e 53
11, tit \*1 is.
Huron Investments limited
Stock Brokers
Bond Dealers
Royal Bank pudding, 6oderich, OIt
Phones 430 and 445
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
3otee real bargains offering just now to
Ju.l:ul,gsxmbyg the Ideaswily .1kI they 4404, I:eaat most • 1 quick buyers of houses and farms,
rulddh••sred broils must foil younger Just a few of the many listed for ale:
that, they look.
Telephone 230
Nlaw1711r• Ten,p!e M11i,11117
Confederation Life
of Canada
• I coke Yui sAl'J I'atoTE('71UN ANN
SIN imbue.: br'NBw I,t"s1\Is-
1 ri anvil .4ut..io.,bile Insuru.e.
Goderich Phone 382 or 142
Two-story house, ch.s U
. , ('.st office,
1ederirh. cellar, water ,e n d folks( in
1 Ileum', electric lighted. 1'rice $750.
Good prick house, fill modern e3(nip-
ted1. Witl, lot iuol garage•, East street.'rice $1592,
' Fine red hriek house, ties ly decorated,
.NM condition,
� K ! lights, bathroom. $21,011.
lied brick house, full utealeril tr(uip(r.t
Price $,31,X).
Rett -brick home., gime) condition, 0101
hathnu,n,, electric lighted, tine smell
I4ert), iirlu4ling garage, eight Intl, $2NOU.
Brick horse, f11)I ,en ch•ro ts(ilpttael and
...team healed, panty .118149esrd floors,
garage. ('rice 3400X1.
Good IL?' story {name, 1 w 11 Iola,
cellar. full %nit* },comes, inclining four
heir til well arranged (or convenience
and cotu(urt, nicely decorate), Zine full- •
equipped bath and toilet roma, electric
lighted. ,Inst tini'Ilel. Convenient w('4.)-
le3tiate• InadttE a n d Victoria echo,.l.
Price Sista).
Ninny mune goo.I houses with more or
k•ss modern conveMences. Prices SIf10l,,
31500, 31:4,0, 31200, 31(10, 3)91),' 3*40,
'Sat, 3rep), etc. Ask about then*.
Large number listed to sell, almost any
size, .prier, terms and location desired,.
ready now, immediate tes(sewion.
1 For all partfeulars see or write
Real Estate :-gent
itox 89 Square /;,Nleriris
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Assurance in Force -
$ 1,896,915,000
Dividends to Polit•yho]ders Mereus ed for the ninth suets+sit•'
year in additil,n to a special maturity dividend bonus
()thee 115
neriden(Y' 549•
District Agent
FFE - -
Second Standard Royalties
which will mean for you good
dividends with safety
Ark for hnolt1e't on Royalties whieh will convince you that
h'maltiea are the gold bonds 'r (hc,.il irulti,try
Initial Royalty of $4o,00o Has Been
and Much More Is to Come
Appertain, Okla.' i Fortune has
reticles! into thin little ( Nage comity
town end favored two 1,r)d.ane.l
girls not yet 111th enough to realize
fully their gn.41 luck, •
The girls are florin a 11 'I 1'mn
Ilembnee..S and 7 years obi, alio
have just been notified that they
are to Share in a first royalty pay-
ment of 3203,500 from the farm
their patents' kit Their oilier..
' ill s1 to $4o,(X(4t and is only
I hr ls'ginning of-weellh which even-
tually will come fast, the eight pro -
11111°111g 1.11 Wella on their farm tear
NI:0u1. 4(k1a., in the (Denier 74e1141-
mde41)4 field area. •'
The girls live.With their n11111,
Mrs. A. l'. Lemon, at Ap(s'rson.
Their !mother 'n her deaN,trsd in
11420 tamest the girls in (he care .d
her .141e1, Mrs. lemon. The girl.'
father, Owen Hembree, died in
1921 from injuries Implanted wheel
b' fell from the roof of a NMI he
WAS building. •
When the tn(21her'1441 a' debt of
severed hundred dollars snore) the
children in the face. Alter 11.4
father's death the mother barely
managed t' e'ke' 0111 an existence
and could not reduce the debt.
Mrs. lemon and her husband, hon -
ever, alter the rr+Other's death,
managed to keep the faun, then
(Manila tO be worthlews
Gut now the girls and their '
guardian. (ten Harris, Maud bank- '
et, lune 183.1) 'nlensl to appear ar in
court 9mil t1 ('114)41' their share ..f
the estate whieh is now with a
nulhon or so. it )s a sate tort they
will he ih4ere.
tors. lemon bars ('hit Ian of her
(1911, and the hour' in w(dell the
whole family lives, together with
the Krandfathe'e 2' N Brothel,, is
n' larger than he ordinary Ahem
residence -1121.e 'r hAir r .inns, heli vi)
Ih,-r' »laeys has leen peal' for 1214'
,r4-1.-1/1 sisters. ' I
nn, the elder, has starter- to
w•i.,•,•4, and t4t,44*, means a'piano
s...i. '
may take music k'sw.ns, ntld
m •y f'.r art l.5soits for which Slur
ahem. 11p0)t1)4r.
Nether girl (' n n comprehend
34(4,4014 w.111 11.'11• to come, MA
Ih,r)., wt' .l.e'sn't dn'atio Ihrre is
3-)14.(100 in I!u• a Arid, me'a'ly grins
a -Iter she tocol her •tstei am inter.
viewed. Ti,, -,' prefer to leave tin-
anei4l worries to their stmt.
Ina i.leula41,- jh' girls have a
brother, Alva, oho is '.girt yearn
Old and liver will, Mts. rile llama
et WVashington,.Iikla. Aka, ton,
will share in the royalty proceeds -
lint then this 11 a story of ikon)
end 1'11a.
Phone 292 P. O. Box 438
1 . a.a.arii► �. �.