The Signal, 1929-5-2, Page 1Classified Advertising If you have anything to sell, or want to buy cometh ing, t he classified advertising columna of The Signal will heirYou to tind a purchaser or the article you wi8h 10 buy. TELEPHONE 33 • • 1.:I4;117'litST rl:.tlt NO. 18. HURON PRESBYTERY OF UNITED CHURCH MEETS AT EXETER Presbyterial Woman's Mission- ary Society Holds Its Annual Convention at the Same Time Exeter, Apr1i SO. --The Meting of the lluruu 1•reibyfery of the Culled Church was held ht the Male street hutted church today .lith a large at- teudame ut delegate,.. The folluwiug °inters were In charge:•ltcv. H. 11. tarulty, of Blyth, chairman; ltev. W. A. ire' 1 u+ r , rN , iltrucetiel' t ui a of ht. and F:. feud; Bloat `Bars 1\'. R. Alar, of Auburn, .a•.•retury. If An interesting iteW of ,the meriting e prugrun was the mutilates report by the secretary, which showedl a splendid .1ud.'Skvu/Aging gruatla iu the church work for the county. After the wort- ing .session the dekgaleu adJuurue,l lis the bnneuteet of the church, where a t tytetielid knelt was served by t[rd ladies of the churn. It! At the atterneett rtmtstuu• Rev, air. hi Gilchrist of St. t'uthartnc.,, on Lchalt n of F:wwauik•1 ('tllegr, reported the' f tdmat'.yttd t• Iittuu u(' \'icheria l'«I t0 lege, dud' set forth 'the lmperatlte1r' need et a new theelogleal Inetitltk,n. i Au :IJys•al wan tuaae to the 1'resbS'tery !al fur hearty compa•ration, And a cum- NEARLY A MILLION BUSHELS THIS WEEK Fear Grain Cargoes for the Elevator Company During the past week 1 four grain twat arrival.? tit all the cargoes being for tb elevator. On $Aturday th arrived from Furt William bushels of screening,., 40.000 oats and 'S3,(IL0 bushels of Saturn from Milwaukee w•a Sunday with 320,000 buwbe and the . iiaa C. alhir•h from (Late discharged 212oa$) b oats and 5.1,000 bushels of Monday. Today (Thurs,ln barge Holley In unloading bu•hele of %r epat. The ate son, en route from Duluth to Toledo, nought it rat the Hulley into port. The 4'ualhaven, from Toledo, un - tailed 2,000. ton. of `coal at the West- rn Canada Flour Mills plant thin w n.k. i • The .termer Laketon. ice en route fruw the head "f the bake?? with 270, - onto bawhel.s of wheat for the Gatirech olsaor,ir, and la Px tee 1 ta< t t to arrive h„re ; • 0 ng t aar 1 al learns? that the 11 Meir (y The RLg- ew• works has o fur the lust lae•n from twelve to fte,•n Im hes'ttigher than Orr the cotn .ponding period _ 1 last_ e r ea 'Today Th s, ur 1 t r i, ) the water is'still higher.; than :I T I.oderich • here were;Ik•(ore the Magistrate this port, Magistrate Ried held court at the e Goderleb Village of Ethel on Tuesday aid heard e ((}!wire 1 charges against a n11niber of young wlttl74,(►Otm men of making a disturbance iu the busbtls t/ ay of a charivari at the home of a wheat. The newly-married couple. A conviction it here uu was registered and a tine of $.1 and I Ls of oats. cotes wart imposed on each of etc of Fort Wit- tlk• aeeuaed. . m elei, of — — wheat on .another G. C. I. Boy Making Good y') ter The many friend* and fellow-stu- :06000 dents of Oliver H. Kirk, ftfrmerly of mer Erie- Dungannon and a student for some leu rN at Guderich Collegiate institute, X t ttr CODERICH, ONTARIO, THIRS1)AY MAY a1929 The News odor linen comment la heard regard} le high heel of the water at the i ,r this spring. (1 Western County c joint meet tenors an acral1; this n Brawn • K1 F:\TS JUDI t }lout, t awn •'cud Muni !. O. O. F. District Meeting district meeting of Oddfeiluwa was -Ad at liru.•elield on Wcdneelay fternuon. Meagre C. A. Reid. A. 1. t'$tnrdy and Frank Duzan re/Wescoted 'ft the local lodge wt the meeting. air. Ontario, was elected ,'.r,.. •;,,,r „ the E. Mole, of Seafortti, was eiteled din- Ontario,t liselected r. f frier deputy grand'utneter for the en• Roche, th had succeed. . tar. W'. J. ;ulna year, succeeding Mr. W. J. Position ; Sturdy, of town, who held that office the punt thirteen }•earn. Tile r, n,"reit degree of LL.D. was ,,o, Ger .e Venerable Archdeaoan ;el,, of Lou. i -- ional d t ,t upon the past year; dun and Edward 01 pais viae cele-! (' pretty Uaar ! re in. ; quirt aril pretty wrddin$ took braced tenor aJ 'of ,;art .i, .dallatt,n of the new c:cir„,•.! ,r andtne place on alntolay, \t,vil 29th at will be glad_ to hear that he was our format conferriug of :!.,, of the s*tetessful candidate: who took ataaresald will take p1. the bur examination at lensing. N,ut"eutitu. May 3111. 11i,•higtrw to .April ' '23 and. `24. For serene year'. }wet lir. Kirk has To Putlehaa! Dickie rrupert leeraa living ha Detroit, doling legal At the meeting of the p,•, „f work for the First National Rank and-. Synod 'rf Hamilton alai Lend, "fs,. at tot. lig law. He graduated from this week at !Sarin.* apy,ret ►etrott ,'allege of Law- a year ago and given "1 at projer•t for '!1' :,e•, shag to illness was unable to attend of the I6ek.le proper-. on rt tie exa,ainatlion for tate bar lk•;,l ut shore above Menesetui 4 I'ark: .:te.ing last September.' site for a summer *feel at, The aigiial }tiros with • his many The purehaice price tn,r_.:4.9'am Heeds :11 hehrty.eungratiaintions and a uthurlred the navel est wiettes for future atxrear, - half the price, ur $1,•_:',.e • I In addition to the nit Girl !likens Get 'Boat Ride of the site. which W -.,, i ,e, ., MIatses Hilda Beaton and Barbara Synod ht Mr. F. G. V. r ..f G, hewing,' the twit Toronto glrls who It we"' ps'ibtrd out that 'he,•a011 re ,1.'1.ing across the continent to .is' a tuoni"rial to the late 1)r. ter. Icft Sault Ste. Marie at 5 1 one of the great non 41 the tame Friary afternoon for Port _Ar- ! Sapis.rr of the .frhl,.;- iur ah.v+a'd act Algoma steel Corpora- there will be little diHettlty in on freizhter. '1'be girlie, who reache,i the Initial amount I Iiltite t, an re- Sault 1n the asset of health and possible that the tlret camp Arita, %te e endeavoring to .arrange place w-111 1* held der.n'g the a try to the United States ke that tbey 'shooter. Old shorten thetr Journey tor hiking' 'ugh to ',ninth. when the opine North t lree! ].'1': S. tuaity came for a lift on the freighter, The meeting of aha 1,mng 1 ierf to the''•(kebead, :Ind they neeeptowl St. I $,s•lety of North They expect to A•ieh \'ancotner some on Monday}};Ilea} tl.ited time in the said. jerenln ~ m-.- 11 the .e July,raeen,. and embark in g, sunder t4,iradi••: They deacrSbe• b buslneos there. Evelyn Heed. Mr 8111.1, 11.•11 both the *rrriery and acted ao eball-mea. The progr:a hospitality- of Algoma as wonderful. divided in four parts: r. ;er:;tn These two JoungI la,liet, Jt will Ire trodneed by Mtge Agar. .• ileal rem"mitered, were fn Gnderich two dr ton; Art, tntrodu'c1d .1 Mrs.• s three weeks ago after nein¢ reptant! I{aa"r ; Donna. Introdo,rd by M n, will,ndmIttani•e to the ll1lte.l States at Battle, and Muakk,'tletr,sheed 1 ,e Bap- i Sarnia. Dangles I . l Campbell. Others contri- 1 bolting to t pregran were a11..s Catholic Women's Thelma Cheer, who ccs i :t pit WTheenann l meeting of the Catholic fit d ac ; Sit. (col. Rite Won,?neaday ¢ p"ace on wed-iet,,,ns ...,-_,_ .^'A lope l PeOar's evening. April Sint, ! .yj- eon , moll r school. )l/r,M J. '... t linetM i'pe s,;ad '11411r* who haw held'Tlte Tiowittlnil of president luso n • I,nn,Re,,i . w•Ith cite f•'r the pawl two year.. with marked tar . •who Heel and, Mr. t3 . m., thesolefess. Presided, and is grter'eeded for rlarke, •who gave A rier..{on-tf th p.m., eoming year by Mrs. Jame,. Foley. cony scene from "Romeo and J w*hf I4Plendlr} reports were given fir the a re Music wife exemplified in ehm Pm. p rnord)n¢ secretary, Mrs. It..l. Phelan.singing. The program aaa tl,he.1 i and the teasur/er, yrs. fere•+ting one. Charitable work and Intertest to darn- - Water 'lob ' t flog feaflared the activities of -lip and Light (bmmission "beCan''" I Patttte' At the regular m,rtiug of the water Iia After a hPtirty tttp of thank' h, the ' aid tight enminisstu4. raid Leer Thtrs- asi It, retiring preeidpnt and otipl'r (Alters+dnc bight. the ((slleetnr prn.w•nt,d a llet eel.. }ht. ehd Umi of officers took place and I of .,m.,'aimers rnaalted 11 IIe the oit Im.er of the following,} Jn arrears for water nk'D' slate rates, :nut a• mutton was ienr,e•d - Tt rrnjng f"r 15129 19}10: Past president, all water sen•hes with .arras Mr'' J•• R. R'hltety : prP+hb•nl. etith airs.: rates npi to and at Januar Jamul Foley: /at vita• r he rut off 'forthwith." r 1st. 1'• J. Raechler; p aMdpnte Mrs., employee.., on the outitdel'*aft SIr 2nd rilr•faresident, 1 ..talc F Inteelder: aryl einspres4-resented, asking that the he all dent. Mrs, Wilfred Gravel*: 'Ito work ane hour longer y M'(retary Mrw.r,; teen„ng halve Saturday, afternoon day 11. J. Php1An; Ott In urer, Mrs. J. e. Chisholm; emu, ii. (thereof. After consideration the lots. Miss MoCnire. Mrs. ltnbh, 1 mission de•tded to take no 1). 3f. O'Brien. Sire. Merit I the prnporal. A motion! a.s,tin Wm. !)nyle' asking the town couu,•ll p llee protection to employees grant An Infereatlnit Program I commission In the fulfillment of t Notwithstanding other a tiractinrf ('th h . 1Foru'ttu0. h`,-sotatlonhe ,her". was n gond nudlenee at the ing of the Central Hone and $rhrw,l. that Itgbts be -Installed at the east Club on Tnesdar evening• in the al Ief Victoria Pnrk. uh sans of thee ----•.,-- Aire. - - "Maple Crest Farm," the o arta 1 home n +ie f r. and , Mrs Itrett M L• Fergus, i 4.I ,rt•tt• , In•Yl , r of the groom, when Mr.. Eva Hart of!'!'rru- ldn was united in marriage to Mr. 'Ilarry•Clemacritx of Goderich. Rev. It. et., E. Large. baa tar of Melville United ,cferlan' chaste}. Fergus, performed the v • •. lir .held vete,. otteml nateiy tut feet higher ar ago. The, Sarnia Bridge Cr r soled antromMlny of t he t. f for the erertlon the •, r acture of ,teal for the new went. ( 11 e'er in the third t.rtlon of fhe (and- ti Iota elevator. TMs' work is tinder i 11 ny at present. The ,,...tractors for''1 P yew eleratOr AARP; expect to co e Me the foundation- w•erk within ttpc , e"( at week or two. ninny. 1'romi,tic at 4 O'-tAck the i. cal row- bridal party entred the parlor, taking ptiri11o11 their place under a large white hell e lake .•nspe•a,)P,l from the ceiling b peach i v: as the `. o And white streamers nod carn:rtitne. Imp. Tare bride 1tekea (+arming in in Ir.we 1'ii)1*'d:of peach georgette trimmedd-w(h . „sou as v„• leads with sh'u?t and she•kiuc.• r• cud. match. Site worn A-yandean of rh ' l•..nlnnship with G,sl pr.ne„t to le e}}}ase wow apgw,iuled tv present the; tl whisk• eptrp.ilon t,, e1•e • run Presbytery. sf Arraugetuentts were welt. for the! to .._calling ,.f 1'resby'tery at a ,eieoial sees- 1 er shim to e,taeider the new ry11111 bow,: i h .and orders for .the char h. 11 Was unauIWuusly agreed' t., neeept the In- l ld -eltatiun of Auburn I nitt.l,t•hurch fur' nee every targe in flu -r ' ob'Printin First-class work at reasonable prices. Call The Signa} when yeu want a job of printing well done. TELEPHONE- 55 1'1)E It:\.tl. PRINTING co. 11311'1TEIt, 1'ubfiarer, REV. M. C. PARR SPEAKS TO ODDFELLOWS! Huron Ledge .attend. \ ieturyl Street ('nit(+tl ('hureli rout Sunday morning Huron lenige No. 62, 1.1►.O.F".. held its annual church parade. Atwut sixty naenth,crs or the ttrdcr Net at the (hidfellowd 11x11 and (paraded in s trolly to Victoria street Pulled church. The paster. Rev. Sl. e'. Parr, woe itt the pulpit. and preached an insplriug sermon, 1.king•as his subject ••Fellow- ship in Action." Ills text a•:w lamed on a phrase in Genesis 16:13 -Thou: God, sees} me." "Oeh , (fell res h! 1 n pia full f .rymlwdt.nll, fill of which is rleh Mel splritaaliy suggestive, and In thiukiag over this fact 1 have coxae to the cunclWh that the 'A11.reeing Eye' it a (tui mental fact of Odclfelluwshlp," the speaker W opening' his diw•nu DEPARTING BANK MANAGER HONORED AT FAREWELL EVENT Mr. E. Y. Leaslie Dined and "Caned" at Hotel Bedford on Monday Evening .\ skit net t iu heuur of Mr. E. 3. Lc.r lie, for the past n,ue year, manager of the luteal branch of the batik of Mau tree!. •u, wh u is being promoted . d r( muted to the W:uuiger,hip of the bratcit at Brock- %illc•. w:t, giscu, a: Motel Redford on auda) eta -tang and was attPaded by to i ubuut ,sixty of the Mistime. tusk pro da.; ft-neonaI nem of the Iowa. bar. 1...,w said Inc as the "treat! bunker' Ithr hank "!f a roan analyxettr 1114 eona•f 1..._. *earaches the Scripture - std aecep modern ...dentine m11ehrsl.ns• ler ee to bel; eve that (;cal ie eterl%the IAtit hoard for a number of ye•urs he roto Ise. of. Montreal sorrylug the curlstrutiou as, accuuul a has had nitituate relatitns ttIatilt the t"wn cuuu.'JI aid tit it. '113 two eels),; as tnt•tuter.e'ef the Aleifttntra rr, ilwsllltlt.:isuu,1 and treasurer of the ?pec alit and dynatnicall, It a u mem- the avenues of his being. to t Ono.:plreoenee A? I I tr.w• th In go hapten: F1re,t itng llrudu, 1e Iahmw'If the ldgbest' type of ch , err, Tills is /oceans(' 1iing iu eO We Kited. %dine,( service to :nn important ud iu.1iralti51). and Ou tither resgis4s he -ruwit hintretf an excellelit vitt- 14.0. and his friends awl aasm•iatet ur 1''„11'd uta allow' 1'111, t.• de•pkirt from the 11 It/Wit without giciu;; sono cxprevsuap nd e f Uo•1r u'_ard for him. or 111 exrelk'nt rhickett dirtier puts .,' sewed by she matiagt•tueui tf Ihr Be+, tad tit its equclusion Mayer r SIaeF:wan. win presided, gave a relieved ,ng iu which 'lw spoke with a1N'rriat,on be .'f al r. Low -lie's ma'fa,lces in the coin - timidly i timidly 'during- hit residenk(- in thug ig ; town. air. It• slie, he sold, wits leaiiuk at la lot of good friend: In Gudcrieh, :and cw though the% regretted his delwrture ut then wished his all eatrtees in ,.,e In new' les•atinn. • Ail Brier addresses were (teen also by .1''•' c'h'illy$ and carried a bouquet. ,d' wtsl 1'':,1 to teeters and hyacinth and maidenhair i deri,b• fern. Thi, arcate ww aou1t1 bother, by his f Mr. John L. ("lemons of Ar flmr. white 31rs. Joint 1.. Clemente. hurch, gowned in mid .ilk crepe, -noted as t.•iieer tumid of honor. 'After the .-ignln, u1 raising the register n dnints- srrildicg appear (1 if 'i.. sus sen'ed: later the ha;.mr (ample at this heft by motor for their home at (;ode Pom+3ng 'erleh. the bride ti•_1reliif g 111 a drew. "f cameo blue and sand tailored coat and hleek.mohalr hat. the next meeting of Presbytery. There. were lee representatives frwn the ! nn thirty-nine charges present. .1 rteer.J attendaute• showed ever t'epteet•uted by both minister and w11 nom pail yial MeetingT- Liasioa- aryhsociety Presbyterial uwetetingle the Jams Street United church, with au attendance of about 4W Mrs. J. E. hat Bugg, of Clinton, provided. ;test After as opening m rvif a by the • Thames !toad auxiliary, the welcoming sir addrea6 *as given by Mrs. (Rev.) U.'flets bier n vish, of >Zxeter. ' Then followed • the run call, wawa! ,ehowed irl auxtl- groups, 32 Mie - - Mon hands. seve'u Baty Bands total- ling 124 erganiuttions. Then folJuw•td *O0.• very cu,satraging repine:. from 'The different secretaries, showing prugresee I "1'a along carry line, after which the 1,•Inws treasurer rep,rteel receipts totalling; $r I cbnr Ile,. 1.r. 1larnhy. of i:iyth. brought low's greetings from 11ie i're.hytery. }"pis The Afternoon 14'Waitu wag npetled i to tae 1', the 1)ensall auxiliary, full.w'ed leygs"n: e question drawer eousia -ted by Mr(. rlaeer I.aae. of $eaf.trth• it al r. Gi;clirlat, IuPlw of St. Catharines, 1111,1 M)sa Jeanie Weir, of India, were the .speakers of the afternoon. }►}time were eketed RA fullness: Post pnwld(•nt, Mrs. J. E. Hogg. Clin- ton; pre,ldetat Sirs Mollard. Exeter; cls' first vier—president. Mrs. Thoma,. GI1. I favor *un I Some gond 'strings or herring have N'P n t the rth side of 'y the•"harbt r lthis ine aweek . The water in becoming clearer and it 1 not be long now before the perch 1 be tilting. • CHURCH NOTES J. )1. Smith. of Hamilto e charge of the sert•b•es :it tt church next Sunday. ►n Snndny, May 19th, Victoria ev't ratted ehureh will '•?let rate Its Ala* aniItla- .ary. ¶1... ,sl,eake- at Iw'th ,e•rvle.es will 11e Rev. J. W. Halley, of pry Ont., a former les, }or of $k /terriers• pest atmdac- 1, II, hull street rutted 'church :,r the ants! hours. Sermon subjecto• 11 Preaenc•e of ('hrist ;" 7 11ing and remitter." Fello In '1.44. $iii4(ay school 3 rt-i,,,s 'at Ntrtl, street '•h next Siuut:y will }k• a 111 a.m.. Men's Sweets 1 ".\rc you a 'Salty' chits intr"dueed by Sir: A. N. R also Miselsn hand and folio . 11 a.m., sacrament of the 1 r and retept)'n of new atlwArk agtl11wt stn. 111 the wlwo e'4ee.' it pr'slIo - , , ial3 . .inn r any mail more, r.1m1K /mama thee Jesus', II • - „'ii,i • the blind. the leper, the ;s,ralytie, .•er rle.rtlt easter it fami'y w1Y;.rttt inn" help. Tht r.)ty, It gives as uatn t ¢rent...,3 pw'salhle lwoafart. The her iw+f thing to orereione 111 doing o h thin_ tr a hin Is right I. fear •'f w•h entitle will way. -The tn:rn who'1h• and 1:*(aori; ander 11.• ;nepr'•s.Lot* 111 Gad'• ;t ll.ee•kn¢-eye ;t t"ser npw.h hi ,As' the• 't•oplc'.t Address by Res'. J. N, H. Wilt t chureh .it the meeting of the 1\:e+tmluster terary (lulhl of Knox church n.. TitPwJny ii f Miss evening. Rev. J. N. D. Gilts, rector of 11 derenn St. elearge•'0 church.. gave his lactone 11 m was on -The Eighth Mormon Temple of the s re, tar World." The lecture was iliustrnted tering- with a nntnber of lantern elides lchieIi I.. L. aided materially !u presenting' the fern- a tel Id. tures of the wonderful temple w•hie1, n' adv. ha+ bee erech•d in the Ii t c„rut••rr. and w•h of Ile(. J. N. if. Mills. who „p'ke of 1(r. to' 1•t^sik•'.e connection with St. Gwrrge'e c ehurt•11, Mr. G. L. Parsons, president ,) of the hospital hoard Messrs*. A. J xrq.h• %lit easy or mai dee•s 11 urt lllil( 'rte sneaker mew on sty that ••w herr aka, See vm p.rewfucin Oe i•lu(rn••t.'re. doing great drrdw an Tint; **newly. they el! en. felIoa hip in action.•' 70 ennrlpeinn Mr. Parr .a;'1 that tl o.'d feattrmeof secret-'s-ietie, shout l,e .•heerfully and Mourn ;gingly ardent ed. The principles of 'met ordr re honorable and virtuous and the area mighty power In the larr(1 fi good nhen members lire a,+ under t .Ill -.•ring Eye atahtai aid and weir en}rtmehr are offered In the lodge and )•('*idea hrotherly lore and mute bail).talnet,r setter-vt•-talwf are tenet stn.+ fl industry• fnithfniteee hat este. temperance and natality Thr ebotr''nf the chire•It'under th es eon of air, !leery Marker rent red art anthers Mr-. 111e•v. a 1':r lig n wad", "My Task." mei M ' MacKay and 11. if. Reid of the )tank -taf t'r'nimen•e and Mr. F. R. narrow. tP'+adicitur for the Intik of Montreal. (I. el behalf Uf the gathering Mr. A. J. rKay ptescnted Mr: Lesslie with it s;band.me cane, suitably engraved. Nr. Jwwslie replied in tilling terms, ,r '}waking of the pIPAean1 asa.m•lattoni h,• be had enjoyed iu GodpHrh and ec- il Pressing his warm appreciation of the gift and of fbe goodwill which had been extended to him- ile *aid he had u. iio intention- et forgetting •iGud.tfr and he hoped to he tack herr; from time to time to renew his ttt•,luahtt• with the town. At the canal tsi"1 of tris address the. gathering ruse and snug w'1111 hearts rr' nags ,.For lie's a Jeily (hand Fellow Mr ('arrlsten, •: Iherta. !1}1,1. }the Need of "wen year. trntt,le was in nallding and coat n y mi; on dollars for material alone, the banal., work twine given gratin by the Mor. tae Mer- mot, permit.. Mr. -Mills was fortnnete ado ell In i•IAttgail.. to go throrrah the temp{}' ae.3,III s act 14 Was dedicated: it ;w nowt d b all taceept members of the tanley %form. faith In the eonroe e hal- addr.se• Mr. Mitis let in sante light fillet." Boon the prineeden and praetiv'., a,r dl munity +'Mnrrnenism, which 1 • r n- es , ne :w 1 1P dcw•rliwe 1 J essentially- materialise,. religion. one "• not ren leole,.. ._ - eorge lam finnan sang -Pm a Chit. the Kiang" .ere. ,i p.m., Bible cities. Ev worship at 7 p.m. The rengregatio' of North 1'n1ted church bad the please Aunday evening of hearing Mrs. ' r Kelly. of Ii.tro• Wroxeter; second vice-president, °fang Mrs. Yea forth; third wkej,roi. dent, Mre. Wightrnan, Blyth; fourth rice•-prrtiden1. Mrs. Anthony. Thames Road; red,rding Se•retary. Miss ('on- eitt, 'fennel; rorrespt'nding tteeretary. I e'k Mrs. (;ardiner, Clinton; trea,n(ttr, ?Mr a Mrs, Greer, W'ingham; C.(;.J.T. (erre-1 tart'. Mrs, Davidson, W'ingiwm - y"tug j sir people's secretary. Mrs. - 1433* street re on Ilarel Ice f;oderMh sin'er,' formerly a the talo, "Go,l k alts. Kelly A11 Tears,' Shall Mips. away (tart in the and Also took the solo cluarmin Anthem. Ilpr cairn Is am R as ever. She And Mr. Kelly and thele ,voting Son. Teddy, spent the we er! on a refit to her parents. nd Mrs(. E. C. Keleher. TY YEARS A BASEBALL PLAYER; St. Q. H. Williams Ilonored Petoskey ('lob by Old friends *111 he interested in hearing of Mr. $t. Quentin ("Qin") Williams. member of s former we►1- knowe family of Dunlap and a student of (;tslerieh High School 1n the '.Wee, who far ninny yearn' has been on the p,stoffiee stuff at Pte. -eery. Mich. The Petrrskey New* in its sports eoltttnns a few' days ago had the following re- ference to Mr. Williams: "St. Q. W1RIams, member of the Petoskey Jw,stnffkr etnff, and (arae rf the enrhuslantie members of the Pete.. y Wide indoor haartaln'Krone. pored $aturtMy night by his hall players. in celebration of eth Newhall moisten. Mr. Wil- w'AS presented with n beautiful vela trophy cap s',thrhly let - The presentation WAR matte fore the opening of the I'etos- nd Reptile indoor game at the 100) gymnasium. W'11llanta began his hinee,all days When Inst twelve -_ _ 1, Cen- tralia; ehildretes teeretary, Mrs. Seco - hie, fielgreve; associated helper,: see- etary. Connor, Kneen; oftipply secretary. Mrs. Venner. (linen]; at.- siatant supra). secretary. Mrs. Azotrew. weeretory; Mrs, tenon. f 'Tinton ; arran- gers' secretary. Sirs Ilremner. Brute - field ; literature steeretary. Mrs. South eott. Exeter; prefix 'secretary, Iftio, A. !Aare:tee. Sea fort h ; temper/ince Rec. wary, Mrs. Colborne, Goderieh; with - key Cit These from Gerierleh who attendesi Wax ete e. Clorke. Rev. M. Parr, Rev. J. hitt fife es Ford and Nfovers. W. M. Knight, W. Hams while the follea•ing ladiro attended the tens!. garet Rettertnon. Mem Emilie fin- playing Norte!, Mims farrier- ltrottertetn. Mies indoor Mary !towel!, Mre W. Rivers, Mrs. the last MM. Mrs. 1f1111t. .1.111110.4011. NIri. I.. active In (lineman. Mrs. .1rthur Curry, here. If mare tea quire th Ing of Henry Ton nt the home of him The Late Henry Tell. --In the tonna- pitching neePRAAry brother, Fred Toll. sr.. RilSt WAWA- the ,P1n, DOA. Aprll 10th, there is, removed tven"i Pln another of the older residents of this ;:erliterlt,Phlee section. 7/0(1410141 wnts horn on May 12, the oldest of a family of fire. l2ilt !him of whom only two remain. Fred. Toll, ara tue and a Mister. Mut Kellerman. of Intsh- t.,J18783e411,1a8 wood. • The late deceased WAR married • in Ntravember, 1.011, lin Nes. Marin The 'el Illaelchrongh. who died on April 17„VI'llliallke 1912. The late Mr. Toll WAR employed ,e4"htliti a during his whole 111, in farming. M. finP" end obliging neighben and friend. The funeral took plate on April icith; the Theme?, service beng romineted hy Hoe. W. ft. 1114' mime Alp, of Auburn, amisitsad by Ker. Dr .1m•IYI narphi. of Myth, followed hy inter- in 14"t agent In the 17nlort cemetery. The pallhearefw were MA IllaPhAIAR Fred. Marlon. Roy. horn. and Ernie Toll SUM Tred Jackson. a slip nf the reporter', pen, of the oniperintendent of the • tool as Mrs.. Robert Johnston. 11 Is Mr.. George Jebnaton whn Is In charge of the work and who dift so mneh to make the recent medal (mete.* on greet a success'. /0111/re ill any high sense. of . th Thomson presided for thp nue part of th.. meeeng. the choir be- ing taken by Mr St. 1. Croft for 51,, remainder of the prodrun. Instro- „, 0r114,tuhtli this week. delighted ,the etth ;'8,. owed 1 lien ' 1•11111- / BOWLING ALLEYS -1,; Man Itrowned Svo,W of the eanartian •edxiog Creep/toy.. which woe Witt,: .1114, Grate. mysterioney he Erie twe east .d' Port lip. oil from *wend Intim: 'tear at,,p p.m. on Friday. the life rio_ , at the Royal bowling alleys tin Nee, In„ Irelri• r. P. Menet with a tally of 1290 1.111 ena I f2SPIN,071wfli: prize.. The results at ere a. an, 4.41 , A mixt.,1 .1 onnle., ,,,nres/ u,i. III•1 ,,iiill ' Miss Martino flusvory, L. I, Knee 115t two to ;MIRA If. Tobin, r, Gent Peet ar 'Mete M. Farrow. F. Santelern1074 Parsene through Mimeo, the ehair were a few Rene. of fondness to be Me - poised of decided to en 1 It was decided to se I two of the • n very pleasing boitelw at the powerhotme for $50 reetion of Mr. n Major. 41.41.1100r _f give one to the town emme/1 for Inle ” cemetery am a standpipe. mire an exhibition ors the manner in which At the previous meet/ Mrs • A..perate p-oarch with three :logs ch may be pinned underneath the roam:items nen, being made this Mug to take tire- with all genii: equipment 'to the spot (hi - nine and. if neplesory, to remain. ed edit reek externem) fr ..... tite And ship canal. aong by learned: first, the Attaining pf the rheteee.therr-the mune. by note. and firefly the worfik. After the method hod thus been eleorly ehown. the (-laser sang 11 ;omit, of 141"' lighted the audienee. 11 any dente had been entertained liy Anyone prrvo- ent of the advantage nr the prnetrea- that doubt net* hove been effeetually quieted hy the manner in whieh the pupils acquitted themselves Quartette exiled forth a determined eneore. after which Printer*, Sharman spoke vrith appterfatInn of the work of the quartette. two of whose noon - hers were formerly perolla of Ciente,/ wheel. Nflet Eiffel Horner. the apreker of the erenine. fere n graphic. /toeing of her experfenees In the Dardsh see- tlement at NPR Lake, in Northern On - Men. Her deseriptions ef the settle went In the forest. the rob) eeperei femme the wild er.en. the in *fr(Ilrele fa make tt Rummel of their the community (entre. and the pupils. with their eiteern.• eorrespondence from Provineial Board of Health with gard to improper 'eperation of chlorinating equlptnent awe Wesel nod was referred to the superintend with forget instructions to tory t the men at the plant ingpect t chlorinating equipment regularly ev hour and keep It in first -else. tenni r•ondition at all thnes. regarding hls request fog rebnte his eleetrie hill, and objeetf bPell I1SP ft test was rot the I MIS* At Nairn. F. Martin Wit re; Mis.n D. Marshall. .1. NfeConnell,1030 ted, MIse J. Drennan, J. Johnston.— 799 hat i One game took plate In the belief,' he' league the past week. On Wednesday - err evening of last week Nighthawks won nii two grimes from 'RupersilkA roe Nighthawks Mrs.. W. F. Smolder?. had r.. the high SPOrf. for three gamre 44:1. on !And Nfrs. K. Norte/ with 207 hod the og f, best single swore. Mega Ginn %%eh 'scores of .57s1 and 223 wax hest for Ladles. League Standing Won leaf 1,avenfier (girls 19 11 a_ Nighthowee Bine Streaks . 15 12 In I n before the transformer was replaced by a new one. wee laid over for further enn- The proposal nf the Goderich Planing sills to rover the roof of the anhetation building ter the . WAS Seeepted. 0011311311 Winn to he elven fl tifteen-year guar* tee on the roof. BRIEFS t'apt. M. ROI n0.1 Lieut. Menowen, Salvation Army oeleern ntationed fit Aylmer. have been oppeinted to enni- rannitione were heard with deep In, The ,permnnent green., at flie MnIt• retest hy hor orolience. Tier dierferfp.. hind Golf Chth course wEl hi. ready ?Ion of rbrettmos in the eettlement for playing on Satorday in the* week. trim prartienlarty tonehIng. At the Mr. J. Flange, who has been re-engaged erose of her arbirenn a vote of teanea an "peel- for the 19211 "enson. Arrived wee Mowed br mr. e. K. tanoodoty. In town title week. seconded hy Mr. W. n. ItarErran, and At a meeting of the anderleh Cen• heartily approved hy the andienee. tenni/if committee. held' on T Mrs /fanner and Miss Vera Elliott then give n Mann duet In their usu.)! delightful style. .4t the elrae of the prormsm the so- cial envnthIttee of the firth nerved rot- frentomente while the member" had an opportnnity to heroine aermainted with one another. it woe remerked that It testi i real Central nehnol evening. *nee with two nr three exceptions thew- who took part In the prnerom 'erre either mink nr ex./an/dip/ of the old Atehool. the memorial pillare mf 1/10 rond And to ()Main the plaques, with aultable Intoeriptions. for theme pillars e ralrn In 'Mese Park. The anh-exeentive of tho women', InatItnte for the district or west 71n - eon met st the home of the president. Mrs+. R. T. Phillips of Nosier/ch. on Saturday afternoon. Preliminary ar- anneal conventIon which ia to be held At Londeobnro' In June. • 1'nning the evening eontrfbnUone were made to the program by Mr. t. c:. )teynuhte. who re•ited 'The Scotch- mrut's Troyer." and lay Mr. ('has Monk ins eta) Sir. G. 1.. I'ar.wms to C.,..•A1 solos, Sir. Menkins,- wt,., 1111, re- • ''senfty hevollie a rew)dpu1 of coast -Iola, °tag •.tan the -toad, Iq SLua'LNa,r” turd - - r.4mmy Ln.l" in fine vols 5!r. 1'. ;\, it. %Vilkh:w.n played the a''ampnni. meals for bar. Metekiiui Amt aL-u. pre- sidiol nt the piano tor' the eomtnuu.ty ringing fe-d by Mr. .1. • F'. Sturdy. • Hegret was expres.4',) at 11,.' : houticr 11,rtngh iNnr•ws tf Mr. ('. %Variets. to w11tm credit it ,lac d.r a large port of the murk, of alrrnhging the event. The menn'vr s t-urtpintai m itnuls't' of meat ••hits" nt chi. bank rem fraternity. And .Irving the evening the guest of the P11•ni'u:-Atld the other banker, torment eerelle suit es's rf *ant. pdlatsnnfriw. gi ren And taken In we'd humor. wbleY helped to make the event one that will long be remembered: Sl r. and Mrs. Iwtswllr and ehildrnn left today for Hu^r IOW hump at Brockville. Mr. 11 .'. Wtuateley, who snivel -11s Mr. lewdie. arr)eetl this week to ussmm hw duller. :,s naonag,.r of the Rank hire. THE ELEVATOR BYLAW The vote on the bylaw to grant a fixed assessment to the floderieh Elevator and Transit Co., -Limited; on the new'ans- nes will be taken on Friday, :Way 10th, and it is hoped the ratepayer'? will give the ph;posal their hearty endorsation. It is hardly necessary to strerrir the importanee of the (Aerator - interests to the town of (loilerieh: if there ix thing more than everything else to whieh our people look for the future growth 11,1•1 prosperity or oar town it is the (level/opulent of business at the waterfront, and in this develOpment the im- mense grain transhipment business of the tloilerieh Elevator and Transit Co. is the prime faetor. Everything. then. that eotivertis the Elevator Company's interests is of isoneerti the town as a whole. Three goatee- in the Metr's league Sonic of the Poeta to he given consideration by the votere gloats took two mat of three climes . from Whizz Wangs. ror Originals ft L. 1.11iyd with 732 for three amen ( . hnpman with 200 for single game vrere beet, The /roiling scorer for Whixx Mango was ff. Met:111re Met 2ros. Lion* rho, defetsted fain. In two oast of three games Ili 1 i rerg: Llona, F, Martha fret and 1 257; King Pine AfneViear 740 and 1 300 'Ile Greens proved eat good Pit Whiles flange winning two mit of three gami.w. Iligh scorers; Go flet- , Whims firings. if. Mrsinire 744 and 1274 Men's famine Standlon Originnle Won forret 12 fie Getter,' 13 Whim Bono 10 King Pin* 5 I The Compony ham opernted miciens through the ptlint is said to be well hilly fimierich for the last thirt •- 'titer $100,000. yedts, and during (tint time has Merril:into,- machine shops And other eXpetided ST:10,111Ill I ill pfant construe- notitetrie• or fowl) benefit very inert Thie year an additional amoutt mnterially (rent the grain train, of $350,000 wit/ Ire expended in the through the port. emostructlett .tr the new unit and the Thl• C.11111)10115 '14 ferment tax payment equipment In the present plant. 1,4,000 anional/y. amt aith the arta, The operation of the flentionny'S Monet sehool ins to he pan/ on the 'AMC vritot4 gives employment to thirty 11101W tinder ,aai.tructIon. and for which men en the permanent nrnrt,. as Well; the bylaw In itr)* submitted to the as to twenty grain trimmerst , ettepotyern. the Company'. normal lee loading •of vessels. in addition the !payment wilt ho ineretwed to atawatI- Manalling of Oda grain from the elf.- mately $10,000. • voter.' germ employment to many ' The bylaw require% for passing ralla ay' men The annual pafr•oll ?R., thirds vote ro• iroole W1111 go Lc) the all concerned in handbag grill,' Poll., The passing of the bylaw by a strong vote will demon- strate to all observers that the people of OnsieriCh are deter- mined to stand by the industries that are building up the Remember the date- Friday, May 1C/th—and do your part. 14 14 En? a quick. cigar, flatfeet tinting or dysaing Job, jest try MaTtene SNIP Your druggist bait it. araorktir